- * Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_remove_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_link_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_rename_desc;
+extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_renamex_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_mkdir_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_rmdir_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_symlink_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_pageout_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_searchfs_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_copyfile_desc;
+extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_clonefile_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_blktooff_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_offtoblk_desc;
extern struct vnodeop_desc vnop_blockmap_desc;
+ * This pair of functions register and unregister callout with
+ * buffer_cache_gc() code path. This callout enables underlying
+ * fs to kick off any memory reclamation that would be otherwise
+ * satisfied by buffer_cache_gc(). callout() will be called in the
+ * vm_pageout code path, so precautions should be taken to not
+ * allocate memory or take any locks which might have memory
+ * allocation behind them. callout() can be called with first parameter
+ * set to false, in which case memory reclamation should be
+ * limited in scope. In case of the first parameter set to true, fs
+ * MUST free some memory if possible. Second parameter to the
+ * register function will be passed as a second parameter to the
+ * callout() as is.
+ * fs_buffer_cache_gc_unregister() second parameter will be used
+ * to distinguish between same callout() and this parameter should
+ * match the one passed during registration. It will unregister all
+ * instances of the matching callout() and argument from the callout
+ * list.
+ */
+extern int fs_buffer_cache_gc_register(void (* callout)(int, void *), void *);
+extern int fs_buffer_cache_gc_unregister(void (* callout)(int, void *), void *);
struct vnop_lookup_args {
@return 0 for success or a filesystem-specific error. VNOP_READ() can return success even if less data was
read than originally requested; returning an error value should indicate that something actually went wrong.
-extern errno_t VNOP_READ(vnode_t, struct uio *, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_READ(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uio, int, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_write_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
@return 0 for success or a filesystem-specific error. VNOP_WRITE() can return success even if less data was
written than originally requested; returning an error value should indicate that something actually went wrong.
-extern errno_t VNOP_WRITE(vnode_t, struct uio *, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_WRITE(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uio, int ioflag, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_ioctl_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
@param ctx Context against which to authenticate ioctl request.
@return 0 for success or a filesystem-specific error.
-extern errno_t VNOP_IOCTL(vnode_t, u_long, caddr_t, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_IOCTL(vnode_t vp, u_long command, caddr_t data, int fflag, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_select_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
@param ctx Context to authenticate for fsync request.
@return 0 for success, else an error code.
-extern errno_t VNOP_FSYNC(vnode_t, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_FSYNC(vnode_t vp, int waitfor, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_remove_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
extern errno_t VNOP_RENAME(vnode_t, vnode_t, struct componentname *, vnode_t, vnode_t, struct componentname *, vfs_context_t);
+typedef unsigned int vfs_rename_flags_t;
+// Must match sys/stdio.h
+enum {
+ VFS_RENAME_SECLUDE = 0x00000001,
+ VFS_RENAME_SWAP = 0x00000002,
+ VFS_RENAME_EXCL = 0x00000004,
+struct vnop_renamex_args {
+ struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
+ vnode_t a_fdvp;
+ vnode_t a_fvp;
+ struct componentname *a_fcnp;
+ vnode_t a_tdvp;
+ vnode_t a_tvp;
+ struct componentname *a_tcnp;
+ struct vnode_attr *a_vap; // Reserved for future use
+ vfs_rename_flags_t a_flags;
+ vfs_context_t a_context;
+ @function VNOP_RENAMEX
+ @abstract Call down to a filesystem to rename a file.
+ @discussion VNOP_RENAMEX() will only be called with a source and target on the same volume.
+ @param fdvp Directory in which source file resides.
+ @param fvp File being renamed.
+ @param fcnp Name information for source file.
+ @param tdvp Directory file is being moved to.
+ @param tvp Existing file with same name as target, should one exist.
+ @param tcnp Name information for target path.
+ @param flags Control certain rename semantics.
+ @param ctx Context to authenticate for rename request.
+ @return 0 for success, else an error code.
+ */
+extern errno_t VNOP_RENAMEX(vnode_t, vnode_t, struct componentname *, vnode_t, vnode_t, struct componentname *, vfs_rename_flags_t, vfs_context_t);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
struct vnop_compound_rename_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
extern errno_t VNOP_COPYFILE(vnode_t, vnode_t, vnode_t, struct componentname *, int, int, vfs_context_t);
+typedef enum dir_clone_authorizer_op {
+ OP_AUTHORIZE = 0, /* request authorization of action */
+ OP_VATTR_SETUP = 1, /* query for attributes that are required for OP_AUTHORIZE */
+ OP_VATTR_CLEANUP = 2 /* request to cleanup any state or free any memory allocated in OP_AUTHORIZE */
+} dir_clone_authorizer_op_t;
+struct vnop_clonefile_args {
+ struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
+ vnode_t a_fvp;
+ vnode_t a_dvp;
+ vnode_t *a_vpp;
+ struct componentname *a_cnp;
+ struct vnode_attr *a_vap;
+ uint32_t a_flags;
+ vfs_context_t a_context;
+ int (*a_dir_clone_authorizer)( /* Authorization callback */
+ struct vnode_attr *vap, /* attribute to be authorized */
+ kauth_action_t action, /* action for which attribute is to be authorized */
+ struct vnode_attr *dvap, /* target directory attributes */
+ vnode_t sdvp, /* source directory vnode pointer (optional) */
+ mount_t mp, /* mount point of filesystem */
+ dir_clone_authorizer_op_t vattr_op, /* specific operation requested : setup, authorization or cleanup */
+ uint32_t flags, /* needs to have the value passed to a_flags */
+ vfs_context_t ctx, /* As passed to VNOP */
+ void *reserved); /* Always NULL */
+ void *a_reserved; /* Currently unused */
+ @function VNOP_CLONEFILE
+ @abstract Call down to a filesystem to clone a filesystem object (regular file, directory or symbolic link.)
+ @discussion If file creation succeeds, "vpp" should be returned with an iocount to be dropped by the caller.
+ @param dvp Directory in which to clone object.
+ @param vpp Destination for vnode for newly cloned object.
+ @param cnp Description of name of object to clone.
+ @param vap File creation properties, as seen in vnode_getattr(). Manipulated with VATTR_ISACTIVE, VATTR_RETURN,
+ VATTR_SET_SUPPORTED, and so forth. All attributes not set here should either be copied
+ from the source object
+ or set to values which are used for creating new filesystem objects
+ @param ctx Context against which to authenticate file creation.
+ @return 0 for success or a filesystem-specific error.
+ */
+extern errno_t VNOP_CLONEFILE(vnode_t, vnode_t, vnode_t *, struct componentname *, struct vnode_attr *, uint32_t, vfs_context_t);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
struct vnop_getxattr_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
vnode_t a_vp;
@param ctx Context to authenticate for getxattr request.
@return 0 for success, or an error code.
-extern errno_t VNOP_GETXATTR(vnode_t, const char *, uio_t, size_t *, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_GETXATTR(vnode_t vp, const char *name, uio_t uio, size_t *size, int options, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_setxattr_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
@param ctx Context to authenticate for setxattr request.
@return 0 for success, or an error code.
-extern errno_t VNOP_SETXATTR(vnode_t, const char *, uio_t, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_SETXATTR(vnode_t vp, const char *name, uio_t uio, int options, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct vnop_removexattr_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
@param bp The buffer to write.
@return 0 for success, else an error code.
-extern errno_t VNOP_BWRITE(buf_t);
+extern errno_t VNOP_BWRITE(buf_t bp);
struct vnop_kqfilt_add_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
Each BEGIN will be matched with an END with the same handle. Note that vnode_ismonitored() can
be used to see if there are currently watchers for a file.
-errno_t VNOP_MONITOR(vnode_t , uint32_t, uint32_t, void*, vfs_context_t);
+errno_t VNOP_MONITOR(vnode_t vp, uint32_t events, uint32_t flags, void *handle, vfs_context_t ctx);
struct label;
enum nsoperation { NS_OPEN, NS_CREATE, NS_DELETE };
+/* a_flags for vnop_getnamedstream_args: */
+#define NS_GETRAWENCRYPTED 0x00000001
struct vnop_getnamedstream_args {
struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
vnode_t a_vp;
@param operation Operation to perform. In HFS and AFP, this parameter is only considered as follows:
if the resource fork has not been opened and the operation is not NS_OPEN, fail with ENOATTR. Currently
only passed as NS_OPEN by VFS.
- @param flags Currently unused.
+ @param flags Flags used to control getnamedstream behavior. Currently only used for raw-encrypted-requests.
@param ctx Context to authenticate for getting named stream.
@return 0 for success, else an error code.
extern errno_t VNOP_REMOVENAMEDSTREAM(vnode_t, vnode_t, const char *, int flags, vfs_context_t);
+#endif // defined(__APPLE_API_UNSTABLE)