+ * Authorizer for directory cloning. This does not use vnodes but instead
+ * uses prefilled vnode attributes from the filesystem.
+ *
+ * The same function is called to set up the attributes required, perform the
+ * authorization and cleanup (if required)
+ */
+vnode_attr_authorize_dir_clone(struct vnode_attr *vap, kauth_action_t action,
+ struct vnode_attr *dvap, __unused vnode_t sdvp, mount_t mp,
+ dir_clone_authorizer_op_t vattr_op, uint32_t flags, vfs_context_t ctx,
+ __unused void *reserved)
+ int error;
+ int is_suser = vfs_context_issuser(ctx);
+ if (vattr_op == OP_VATTR_SETUP) {
+ VATTR_INIT(vap);
+ /*
+ * When ACL inheritence is implemented, both vap->va_acl and
+ * dvap->va_acl will be required (even as superuser).
+ */
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_type);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_mode);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_flags);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_gid);
+ if (dvap) {
+ VATTR_INIT(dvap);
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_flags);
+ }
+ if (!is_suser) {
+ /*
+ * If not superuser, we have to evaluate ACLs and
+ * need the target directory gid to set the initial
+ * gid of the new object.
+ */
+ VATTR_WANTED(vap, va_acl);
+ if (dvap) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_gid);
+ }
+ } else if (dvap && (flags & VNODE_CLONEFILE_NOOWNERCOPY)) {
+ VATTR_WANTED(dvap, va_gid);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else if (vattr_op == OP_VATTR_CLEANUP) {
+ return 0; /* Nothing to do for now */
+ }
+ /* dvap isn't used for authorization */
+ error = vnode_attr_authorize(vap, NULL, mp, action, ctx);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * vn_attribute_prepare should be able to accept attributes as well as
+ * vnodes but for now we do this inline.
+ */
+ if (!is_suser || (flags & VNODE_CLONEFILE_NOOWNERCOPY)) {
+ /*
+ * If the filesystem is mounted IGNORE_OWNERSHIP and an explicit
+ * owner is set, that owner takes ownership of all new files.
+ */
+ if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP) &&
+ (mp->mnt_fsowner != KAUTH_UID_NONE)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_uid, mp->mnt_fsowner);
+ } else {
+ /* default owner is current user */
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_uid,
+ kauth_cred_getuid(vfs_context_ucred(ctx)));
+ }
+ if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP) &&
+ (mp->mnt_fsgroup != KAUTH_GID_NONE)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid, mp->mnt_fsgroup);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * default group comes from parent object,
+ * fallback to current user
+ */
+ if (VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(dvap, va_gid)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid, dvap->va_gid);
+ } else {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_gid,
+ kauth_cred_getgid(vfs_context_ucred(ctx)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Inherit SF_RESTRICTED bit from destination directory only */
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags,
+ ((vap->va_flags & ~(UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)))); /* Turn off from source */
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(dvap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags,
+ vap->va_flags | (dvap->va_flags & (UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)));
+ }
+ } else if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(dvap, va_flags)) {
+ VATTR_SET(vap, va_flags, (dvap->va_flags & (UF_DATAVAULT | SF_RESTRICTED)));
+ }
+ return 0;