- * cckprng.h
- * corecrypto
- *
- * Created on 12/7/2017
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+/* Copyright (c) (2018,2019) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
+ * is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
+ * people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
+ * Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
+ * devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
+ * security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
+ * not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
#include <corecrypto/cc.h>
-typedef struct PRNG *PrngRef;
-struct cckprng_ctx {
- PrngRef prng;
- uint64_t bytes_since_entropy;
- uint64_t bytes_generated;
-typedef struct cckprng_ctx *cckprng_ctx_t;
// This is a Fortuna-inspired PRNG. While it differs from Fortuna in
// many minor details, the biggest difference is its support for
// multiple independent output generators. This is to make it suitable
// Diagnostics corresponding to individual output generators
unsigned ngens;
- struct cckprng_gen_diag *gens;
+ CC_ALIGNED(8) struct cckprng_gen_diag *gens;
// Diagnostics corresponding to internal entropy pools
struct cckprng_pool_diag pools[CCKPRNG_NPOOLS];
cckprng_lock_mutex mutex;
+#include <pthread.h>
+typedef pthread_mutex_t cckprng_lock_mutex;
+struct cckprng_lock_ctx {
+ cckprng_lock_mutex mutex;
#include <os/lock.h>
// A counter governing the set of entropy pools to drain
uint64_t reseed_sched;
- // A timestamp from the last reseed
- uint64_t reseed_last;
// An index used to add entropy to pools in a round-robin style
unsigned pool_idx;
struct cckprng_ctx {
// The master secret of the PRNG
- uint8_t seed[CCKPRNG_SEED_NBYTES];
+ struct cckprng_key_ctx key;
+ // A counter used in CTR mode (with the master secret)
+ uint8_t ctr[16];
// State used to schedule entropy consumption and reseeds
struct cckprng_sched_ctx sched;
// The maximum number of generators that may be allocated
unsigned max_ngens;
+ // The actual number of generators that have been initialized
+ unsigned ngens;
// An array of output generators (allocated dynamically) of length max_ngens
struct cckprng_gen_ctx *gens;
void (*generate)(struct cckprng_ctx *ctx, unsigned gen_idx, size_t nbytes, void *out);
@function cckprng_init
@abstract Initialize a kernel PRNG context.