+#define CS_TRUST_CACHE_AMFID 0x1 // valid cdhash for amfid
+/* Trust Cache lookup functions return their result as a 32bit value
+ * comprised of subfields, for straightforward passing through layers.
+ *
+ * Format:
+ *
+ *
+ * AA: 0-7: lookup result
+ * bit 0: TC_LOOKUP_FOUND: set if any entry found
+ * bit 1: (obsolete) TC_LOOKUP_FALLBACK: set if found in legacy static trust cache
+ * bit 2-7: reserved
+ * BB: 8-15: entry flags pass-through, see "Trust Cache Entry Flags" above
+ * CC: 16-23: code directory hash type of entry, see CS_HASHTYPE_* in cs_blobs.h
+ * XX: 24-31: reserved
+ */