- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
-/* This list is used in IOStartIOKit.cpp to declare fake kmod_info
- * structs for kext dependencies that are built into the kernel.
- * See the SystemKEXT project for fuller information on these
- * fake or pseudo-kexts, including their compatible versions.
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
-const char * gIOKernelKmods =
- 'com.apple.kernel' = '1.3.2';
- 'com.apple.kernel.bsd' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.kernel.iokit' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.kernel.libkern' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.kernel.mach' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOADBFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOHIDSystem' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily' = '1.0.2';
- 'com.apple.iokit.IOSystemManagementFamily' = '1.0.2';
const char * gIOKernelConfigTables =
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOPanicPlatform;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'IOProbeScore' = '-1';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOHIDSystem;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOResources;
- 'IOResourceMatch' = IOKit;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOHID;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOBSDConsole;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOResources;
- 'IOResourceMatch' = IOBSD;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOBSDConsole;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IODisplayWrangler;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOResources;
- 'IOResourceMatch' = IOKit;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOGraphics;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOApplePartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 2000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Whole' = .true.;
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'Apple_partition_scheme';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOApplePartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 2000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Content Hint' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_1';
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'Apple_partition_scheme';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOApplePartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 2000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Content Hint' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_2_Form_1';
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'Apple_partition_scheme';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONeXTPartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Whole' = .true.;
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'NeXT_partition_scheme';
- 'Content Table' =
- {
- '4.4BSD' = 'Apple_UFS';
- '4.1BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.2BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.4LFS' = 'Unknown';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONeXTPartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Content Hint' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_1';
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'NeXT_partition_scheme';
- 'Content Table' =
- {
- '4.4BSD' = 'Apple_UFS';
- '4.1BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.2BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.4LFS' = 'Unknown';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONeXTPartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Content Hint' = 'Apple_Rhapsody_UFS';
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'NeXT_partition_scheme';
- 'Content Table' =
- {
- '4.4BSD' = 'Apple_UFS';
- '4.1BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.2BSD' = 'Unknown';
- '4.4LFS' = 'Unknown';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOFDiskPartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOMedia;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 3000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'Whole' = .true.;
- };
- 'Content Mask' = 'FDisk_partition_scheme';
- 'Content Table' =
- {
- '0x01' = 'DOS_FAT_12';
- '0x04' = 'DOS_FAT_16_S';
- '0x05' = 'DOS_Extended';
- '0x06' = 'DOS_FAT_16';
- '0x07' = 'Windows_NTFS';
- '0x0A' = 'Boot_Manager';
- '0x0B' = 'DOS_FAT_32';
- '0x0C' = 'Windows_FAT_32';
- '0x0E' = 'Windows_FAT_16';
- '0x0F' = 'Windows_Extended';
- '0x11' = 'DOS_FAT_12_Hidden';
- '0x14' = 'DOS_FAT_16_S_Hidden';
- '0x16' = 'DOS_FAT_16_Hidden';
- '0x17' = 'Windows_NTFS_Hidden';
- '0x1B' = 'DOS_FAT_32_Hidden';
- '0x1C' = 'Windows_FAT_32_Hidden';
- '0x1E' = 'Windows_FAT_16_Hidden';
- '0x63' = 'UNIX';
- '0x82' = 'Linux_Swap';
- '0x83' = 'Linux_Ext2FS';
- '0x84' = 'Hibernation';
- '0x85' = 'Linux_Extended';
- '0x86' = 'Windows_FAT_16_FT';
- '0x87' = 'Windows_NTFS_FT';
- '0xA5' = 'FreeBSD';
- '0xA6' = 'OpenBSD';
- '0xA7' = 'NeXTSTEP';
- '0xA8' = 'Apple_UFS';
- '0xA9' = 'NetBSD';
- '0xAB' = 'Apple_Boot';
- '0xAF' = 'Apple_HFS';
- '0xB7' = 'BSDI';
- '0xB8' = 'BSDI_Swap';
- '0xC6' = 'Windows_FAT_16_FT_Corrupt';
- '0xC7' = 'Windows_NTFS_FT_Corrupt';
- '0xEB' = 'BeOS';
- '0xF2' = 'DOS_Secondary';
- '0xFD' = 'Linux_RAID';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOCDPartitionScheme;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOCDMedia;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOStorage;
- 'Content Mask' = 'CD_partition_scheme';
- 'Content Table' =
- {
- '0x01' = 'CD_DA';
- '0x02' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_1';
- '0x03' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_2';
- '0x04' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_2_Form_1';
- '0x05' = 'CD_ROM_Mode_2_Form_2';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOMediaBSDClient;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOResources;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOMediaBSDClient;
- 'IOResourceMatch' = IOBSD;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleDDCDisplay;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IODisplayConnect;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 2000:32;
- appleDDC = <00000082 00ff2140 0000008c 00043147 "
- "00000096 00053140 00000098 0003314c "
- "0000009a 0002314f 0000009c 00ff3159 "
- "000000aa 000d494f 000000b4 0001fffc "
- "000000b6 00004540 000000b8 000f454c "
- "000000ba 000e454f 000000bc 00ff4559 "
- "000000be 000b6140 000000c8 000a614a "
- "000000cc 0009614f 000000d0 00ff6159 "
- "000000d2 00ff614f 000000dc 0017ffc4 "
- "000000fa 00ff814f 00000104 00ff8180 "
- "00000106 0008818f 0000010c 00ff8199 "
- "00000118 00ffa940 0000011a 00ffa945 "
- "0000011c 00ffa94a 0000011e 00ffa94f "
- "00000120 00ffa954 00000121 00ffa959 "
- "00000128 00ffc140 0000012a 00ffc14f "
- "0000012c 00ffc940 0000012e 00ffc94f "
- "00000130 00ffd140 00000132 00ffd14f "
- "000001fe 00ffd1c0 00000208 00ffd1cc>;
- overrides = ( { ID = 0x06105203:32;
- additions = <0000010c>; },
- { ID = 0x0610049c:32;
- deletions = <000000b6>; },
- { ID = 0x0610059c:32;
- deletions = <000000b6>; },
- { ID = 0x0610069c:32;
- deletions = <000000b6>; },
- { ID = 0x0610079c:32;
- deletions = <000000b6>; },
- { ID = 0x0610089c:32;
- deletions = <000000b6>; },
- { ID = 0x06101092:32;
- additions = <00000121>; },
- { ID = 0x0610029d:32;
- additions = <0000009e>; } );
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleG3SeriesDisplay;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IODisplayConnect;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1500:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleSenseDisplay;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IODisplayConnect;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleNoSenseDisplay;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IODisplayConnect;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 500:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOBlockStorageDriver;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOBlockStorageDevice;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'device-type' = 'Generic';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOSCSIHDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOSCSIDevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOCDBlockStorageDriver;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOCDBlockStorageDevice;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'device-type' = 'CDROM';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOSCSICDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOSCSIDevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IODVDBlockStorageDriver;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IODVDBlockStorageDevice;
- 'IOPropertyMatch' =
- {
- 'device-type' = 'DVD';
- };
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOSCSIDVDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOSCSIDevice;
- },
-#if defined(__i386__)
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOATAHDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOATADevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOATAPIHDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOATADevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOATAPICDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOATADevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOATAPIDVDDrive;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOATADevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONetworkStack;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOResources;
- 'IOResourceMatch' = IOBSD;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IONetworkStack;
- }
-#ifdef PPC
-" ,
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleCPU;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'cpu';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 100:32;
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = PowerSurgePE;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('AAPL,7300', 'AAPL,7500', 'AAPL,8500', 'AAPL,9500');
- 'IOProbeScore' = 10000:32;
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = PowerStarPE;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('AAPL,3400/2400', 'AAPL,3500');
- 'IOProbeScore' = 10000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = GossamerPE;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('AAPL,Gossamer', 'AAPL,PowerMac G3', 'AAPL,PowerBook1998', 'iMac,1', 'PowerMac1,1', 'PowerMac1,2', 'PowerBook1,1');
- 'IOProbeScore' = 10000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = GossamerCPU;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'cpu';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = PowerExpressPE;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'AAPL,9700';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 10000:32;
- 'senses' = <00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 "
- "00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001 "
- "00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 "
- "00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 "
- "00000001 00000001>;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleGracklePCI;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('grackle', 'MOT,PPC106');
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleMacRiscPCI;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('bandit', 'uni-north');
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleMacRiscAGP;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'uni-north';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- 'IOAGPFlags' = 1:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleMacRiscVCI;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = chaos;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOPCI2PCIBridge;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'pci-bridge';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOPCI2PCIBridge;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIMatch' = '0x00261011';
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = GrandCentral;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = gc;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 2000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = OHare;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('ohare', 'pci106b,7');
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleNMI;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleMacIODevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = 'programmer-switch';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleCuda;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleVIADevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = cuda;
- },"
-#if 0
-" {
- 'IOClass' = ApplePMU;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleVIADevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = pmu;
- },"
- "{
- 'IOClass' = IOPMUADBController;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleMacIODevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = adb;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleNVRAM;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleMacIODevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = nvram;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOADBBus;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBController;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBKeyboard;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '2';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBButtons;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '7';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBMouseType1;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '3';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 5000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBMouseType2;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '3';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 10000:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBMouseType4;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '3-01';
- 'IOProbeScore' = 20000:32;
- 'accltpad' = <"
- "0000b000"
- "74706164000700000000000100010000"
- "00010000000020000005000123c60001"
- "00000002fe3c0003800000055719000b"
- "000000082ebf001a0000000a3ff1002e"
- "0000000050000005000123c600010000"
- "0002de8a000410000005682c000fe000"
- "00081ebf00226000000a1f680037e000"
- "000080000007000123c6000100000001"
- "c378000280000002ac150004a0000004"
- "5402000dc00000061285001bb0000007"
- "e68b002d1000000a44eb004a90000000"
- "b000000900012429000100000001b37c"
- "0002800000025e5f000580000003bf2c"
- "000f00000004bc350017a00000061e38"
- "0027b00000075d4500385000000899a2"
- "004bb000000a91050066b0000000e000"
- "000a00011855000130000001b2280002"
- "f000000253690006a00000036f4a0010"
- "d00000046aab001f100000054aab002d"
- "500000062555003f400000071aab0051"
- "c00000089aab00663000000a8aab007d"
- "700000010000000b0001185500013000"
- "0001b228000310000002536900071000"
- "00032f4a001180000003acfb001c8800"
- "00043aab0028e0000004caab00384000"
- "000555550048f00000063aab005c9000"
- "0007aaab00731000000a3aab008b7000"
- ">;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONDRVFramebuffer;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = display;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 20000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOFramebuffer;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IONDRVFramebuffer;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = display;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 20000:32;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOFramebuffer;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOBootFramebuffer;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = display;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOFramebuffer;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleADBDisplay;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 1000:32;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOADBDevice;
- 'ADB Match' = '*-c0';
- modes850 = <000000dc 0000008c 0000009a 0000009e "
- "000000aa 000000d2 000000d0 000000fa "
- "00000106 0000010c 00000118 0000011a "
- "0000011c 0000011e>;
- modes750 = <000000dc 0000008c 000000aa 000000d2 "
- "000000fa 00000106 00000118>;
- modesStudio = <000000d2 0000008c 000000aa>;
- adb2Modes = modes750;
- adb3Modes = modes850;
- adb4Modes = modes850;
- adb5Modes = modes750;
- adb6Modes = modesStudio;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = BMacEnet;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleMacIODevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('bmac', 'bmac+');
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = Sym8xxSCSIController;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ('apple53C8xx', 'Apple53C875Card', 'ATTO,ExpressPCIProLVD', 'ATTO,ExpressPCIProUL2D', 'ATTO,ExpressPCIProUL3D');
- },
-#if 0
- {
- 'IOClass' = MaceEnet;
- 'IOProviderClass' = AppleMacIODevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = mace;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = Intel82557;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIMatch' = '0x12298086';
- 'IODefaultMedium' = '00000020';
- 'Flow Control' = .true.;
- 'Verbose' = .false.;
- },
-#endif /* 0 */
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOKDP;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOKernelDebugger;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOKDP;
- 'IOEnableKDP' = .true.;
- 'IODriverMatch' =
- {
- 'IOClass' = ('BMacEnet', 'UniNEnet', 'MaceEnet');
- };
- 'IODriverNubMatch' =
- {
- 'built-in' = <>;
- };
- }
-#endif /* PPC */
-#ifdef i386
-" ,
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleI386PlatformExpert;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;
- 'top-level' = "
- /* set of dicts to make into nubs */
- "[
- { IOName = cpu; },
- { IOName = intel-pic; },
- { IOName = intel-clock; },
- { IOName = ps2controller; },
- { IOName = pci; },
- { IOName = display; 'AAPL,boot-display' = Yes; }
- ];
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleI386CPU;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = cpu;
- 'IOProbeScore' = 100:32;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleIntelClassicPIC;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = intel-pic;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleIntelClock;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = intel-clock;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleI386PCI;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = pci;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = ApplePS2Controller;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = ps2controller;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = ApplePS2Keyboard;
- 'IOProviderClass' = ApplePS2KeyboardDevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = ApplePS2Mouse;
- 'IOProviderClass' = ApplePS2MouseDevice;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOBootFramebuffer;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformDevice;
- 'IONameMatch' = display;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleATAPIIX;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIMatch' = '0x12308086 0x70108086 0x71118086 0x24118086 0x24218086 0x244a8086 0x244b8086';
- 'IOMatchCategory' = AppleATAPIIXChannel0;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = AppleATAPIIX;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIMatch' = '0x12308086 0x70108086 0x71118086 0x24118086 0x24218086 0x244a8086 0x244b8086';
- 'IOMatchCategory' = AppleATAPIIXChannel1;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOPCI2PCIBridge;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIClassMatch' = '0x06040000&0xffff0000';
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = Intel82557;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOPCIDevice;
- 'IOPCIMatch' = '0x12298086';
- 'IODefaultMedium' = '00000020';
- 'Flow Control' = .true.;
- 'Verbose' = .false.;
- },
- {
- 'IOClass' = IOKDP;
- 'IOProviderClass' = IOKernelDebugger;
- 'IOMatchCategory' = IOKDP;
- 'IOEnableKDP' = .true.;
- 'IODriverMatch' =
- {
- 'IOClass' = ('Intel82557', 'DEC21x4');
- };
- 'IODriverNubMatch' =
- {
- };
- }
-#endif /* i386 */
+ "("
+ " {"
+ " 'IOClass' = IOPanicPlatform;"
+ " 'IOProviderClass' = IOPlatformExpertDevice;"
+ " 'IOProbeScore' = 0:32;"
+ " }"
+ ")";