- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
+ *
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
+ *
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
* improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights.
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 SPARTA, Inc.
+ */
-#ifndef _KERN_TASK_H_
+#ifndef _KERN_TASK_H_
#define _KERN_TASK_H_
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
-#include <vm/pmap.h>
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <kern/kern_cdata.h>
+#include <mach/sfi_class.h>
+#include <kern/queue.h>
+#include <sys/kern_sysctl.h>
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/port.h>
#include <mach/mach_param.h>
#include <mach/task_info.h>
#include <mach/exception_types.h>
-#include <mach_prof.h>
+#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <machine/task.h>
+#include <machine/monotonic.h>
+#endif /* MONOTONIC */
+#include <kern/cpu_data.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/exception.h>
-#include <kern/lock.h>
-#include <kern/syscall_emulation.h>
-#include <norma_task.h>
-#include <mach_host.h>
-#include <fast_tas.h>
-#include <task_swapper.h>
-#include <kern/thread_act.h>
-typedef struct task {
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <security/_label.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_port.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <mach/coalition.h>
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <os/refcnt.h>
+struct _cpu_time_qos_stats {
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_default;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_maintenance;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_background;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_utility;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_legacy;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_user_initiated;
+ uint64_t cpu_time_qos_user_interactive;
+struct task_writes_counters {
+ uint64_t task_immediate_writes;
+ uint64_t task_deferred_writes;
+ uint64_t task_invalidated_writes;
+ uint64_t task_metadata_writes;
+struct task_watchports;
+#include <bank/bank_internal.h>
+struct task {
/* Synchronization/destruction information */
- decl_mutex_data(,lock) /* Task's lock */
- int ref_count; /* Number of references to me */
- boolean_t active; /* Task has not been terminated */
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, lock); /* Task's lock */
+ os_refcnt_t ref_count; /* Number of references to me */
+ boolean_t active; /* Task has not been terminated */
+ boolean_t halting; /* Task is being halted */
+ boolean_t message_app_suspended; /* Let iokit know when pidsuspended */
+ /* Virtual timers */
+ uint32_t vtimers;
/* Miscellaneous */
- vm_map_t map; /* Address space description */
- queue_chain_t pset_tasks; /* list of tasks assigned to pset */
- void *user_data; /* Arbitrary data settable via IPC */
- int suspend_count; /* Internal scheduling only */
- /* Task swapper data */
- unsigned short swap_state; /* swap state (e.g. IN/OUT) */
- unsigned short swap_flags; /* swap flags (e.g. MAKE_UNSWAPP) */
- unsigned int swap_stamp; /* when last swapped */
- unsigned long swap_rss; /* size (pages) when last swapped */
- int swap_ast_waiting; /* number of threads that have not */
- /* reached a clean point and halted */
- int swap_nswap; /* number of times this task swapped */
- queue_chain_t swapped_tasks; /* list of non-resident tasks */
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
+ vm_map_t XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.map") map; /* Address space description */
+ queue_chain_t tasks; /* global list of tasks */
+ struct task_watchports *watchports; /* watchports passed in spawn */
+ turnstile_inheritor_t returnwait_inheritor; /* inheritor for task_wait */
+ sched_group_t sched_group;
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_SCHED_MULTIQ) */
/* Threads in this task */
- queue_head_t threads;
- int thread_count;
- int res_thread_count;
- int active_thread_count;
+ queue_head_t threads;
+ struct restartable_ranges *restartable_ranges;
+ processor_set_t pset_hint;
+ struct affinity_space *affinity_space;
- processor_set_t processor_set; /* processor set for new threads */
- boolean_t may_assign; /* can assigned pset be changed? */
- boolean_t assign_active; /* waiting for may_assign */
-#endif /* MACH_HOST */
+ int thread_count;
+ uint32_t active_thread_count;
+ int suspend_count; /* Internal scheduling only */
/* User-visible scheduling information */
- integer_t user_stop_count; /* outstanding stops */
+ integer_t user_stop_count; /* outstanding stops */
+ integer_t legacy_stop_count; /* outstanding legacy stops */
- task_role_t role;
+ int16_t priority; /* base priority for threads */
+ int16_t max_priority; /* maximum priority for threads */
- integer_t priority; /* base priority for threads */
- integer_t max_priority; /* maximum priority for threads */
+ integer_t importance; /* priority offset (BSD 'nice' value) */
/* Task security and audit tokens */
security_token_t sec_token;
- audit_token_t audit_token;
- /* Statistics */
- time_value_t total_user_time; /* user time for dead threads */
- time_value_t total_system_time; /* system time for dead threads */
+ audit_token_t audit_token;
- boolean_t task_profiled; /* is task being profiled ? */
- struct prof_data *profil_buffer;/* profile struct if so */
-#endif /* MACH_PROF */
+ /* Statistics */
+ uint64_t total_user_time; /* terminated threads only */
+ uint64_t total_system_time;
+ uint64_t total_ptime;
+ uint64_t total_runnable_time;
/* IPC structures */
- decl_mutex_data(,itk_lock_data)
- struct ipc_port *itk_self; /* not a right, doesn't hold ref */
- struct ipc_port *itk_sself; /* a send right */
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, itk_lock_data);
+ /*
+ * Different flavors of task port.
+ * These flavors TASK_FLAVOR_* are defined in mach_types.h
+ */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_self") itk_self[TASK_SELF_PORT_COUNT]; /* does not hold right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_settable_self") itk_settable_self; /* a send right */
struct exception_action exc_actions[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];
- /* a send right each valid element */
- struct ipc_port *itk_host; /* a send right */
- struct ipc_port *itk_bootstrap; /* a send right */
- struct ipc_port *itk_registered[TASK_PORT_REGISTER_MAX];
- /* all send rights */
+ /* a send right each valid element */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_host") itk_host; /* a send right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_bootstrap") itk_bootstrap; /* a send right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_seatbelt") itk_seatbelt; /* a send right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_gssd") itk_gssd; /* yet another send right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_debug_control") itk_debug_control; /* send right for debugmode communications */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_task_access") itk_task_access; /* and another send right */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_resume") itk_resume; /* a receive right to resume this task */
+ struct ipc_port * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_registered") itk_registered[TASK_PORT_REGISTER_MAX];
+ /* all send rights */
- struct ipc_space *itk_space;
+ struct ipc_space * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.itk_space") itk_space;
+ ledger_t ledger;
/* Synchronizer ownership information */
- queue_head_t semaphore_list; /* list of owned semaphores */
- queue_head_t lock_set_list; /* list of owned lock sets */
- int semaphores_owned; /* number of semaphores owned */
- int lock_sets_owned; /* number of lock sets owned */
- /* User space system call emulation support */
- struct eml_dispatch *eml_dispatch;
- /* Ledgers */
- struct ipc_port *wired_ledger_port;
- struct ipc_port *paged_ledger_port;
- unsigned long priv_flags; /* privelege resource flags */
- long child_node; /* if != -1, node for new children */
-#endif /* NORMA_TASK */
- vm_offset_t fast_tas_base;
- vm_offset_t fast_tas_end;
-#endif /* FAST_TAS */
+ queue_head_t semaphore_list; /* list of owned semaphores */
+ int semaphores_owned; /* number of semaphores owned */
+ unsigned int priv_flags; /* privilege resource flags */
integer_t faults; /* faults counter */
- integer_t pageins; /* pageins counter */
- integer_t cow_faults; /* copy on write fault counter */
- integer_t messages_sent; /* messages sent counter */
- integer_t messages_received; /* messages received counter */
- integer_t syscalls_mach; /* mach system call counter */
- integer_t syscalls_unix; /* unix system call counter */
- integer_t csw; /* context switch counter */
-#ifdef MACH_BSD
- void *bsd_info;
- vm_offset_t system_shared_region;
- vm_offset_t dynamic_working_set;
- uint32_t taskFeatures[2]; /* Special feature for this task */
-#define tf64BitAddr 0x80000000 /* Task has 64-bit addressing */
-#define tf64BitData 0x40000000 /* Task has 64-bit data registers */
-} Task;
-#define task_lock(task) mutex_lock(&(task)->lock)
-#define task_lock_try(task) mutex_try(&(task)->lock)
-#define task_unlock(task) mutex_unlock(&(task)->lock)
-#define itk_lock_init(task) mutex_init(&(task)->itk_lock_data, \
-#define itk_lock(task) mutex_lock(&(task)->itk_lock_data)
-#define itk_unlock(task) mutex_unlock(&(task)->itk_lock_data)
-#define task_reference_locked(task) ((task)->ref_count++)
+ integer_t decompressions; /* decompression counter */
+ integer_t pageins; /* pageins counter */
+ integer_t cow_faults; /* copy on write fault counter */
+ integer_t messages_sent; /* messages sent counter */
+ integer_t messages_received; /* messages received counter */
+ integer_t syscalls_mach; /* mach system call counter */
+ integer_t syscalls_unix; /* unix system call counter */
+ uint32_t c_switch; /* total context switches */
+ uint32_t p_switch; /* total processor switches */
+ uint32_t ps_switch; /* total pset switches */
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ void * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.bsd_info") bsd_info;
+ kcdata_descriptor_t corpse_info;
+ uint64_t crashed_thread_id;
+ queue_chain_t corpse_tasks;
+ struct label * crash_label;
+ uint8_t * mach_trap_filter_mask; /* Mach trap filter bitmask (len: mach_trap_count bits) */
+ uint8_t * mach_kobj_filter_mask; /* Mach kobject filter bitmask (len: mach_kobj_count bits) */
+ struct vm_shared_region *shared_region;
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+ char *shared_region_id; /* determines which ptr auth key to use */
+ bool shared_region_auth_remapped; /* authenticated sections ready for use */
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
+ volatile uint32_t t_flags; /* general-purpose task flags protected by task_lock (TL) */
+#define TF_NONE 0
+#define TF_64B_ADDR 0x00000001 /* task has 64-bit addressing */
+#define TF_64B_DATA 0x00000002 /* task has 64-bit data registers */
+#define TF_CPUMON_WARNING 0x00000004 /* task has at least one thread in CPU usage warning zone */
+#define TF_WAKEMON_WARNING 0x00000008 /* task is in wakeups monitor warning zone */
+#define TF_TELEMETRY (TF_CPUMON_WARNING | TF_WAKEMON_WARNING) /* task is a telemetry participant */
+#define TF_GPU_DENIED 0x00000010 /* task is not allowed to access the GPU */
+#define TF_CORPSE 0x00000020 /* task is a corpse */
+#define TF_PENDING_CORPSE 0x00000040 /* task corpse has not been reported yet */
+#define TF_CORPSE_FORK 0x00000080 /* task is a forked corpse */
+#define TF_PLATFORM 0x00000400 /* task is a platform binary */
+#define TF_CA_CLIENT_WI 0x00000800 /* task has CA_CLIENT work interval */
+#define TF_DARKWAKE_MODE 0x00001000 /* task is in darkwake mode */
+#define TF_NO_SMT 0x00002000 /* task threads must not be paired with SMT threads */
+#define TF_FILTER_MSG 0x00004000 /* task calls into message filter callback before sending a message */
+#define TF_SYS_VERSION_COMPAT 0x00008000 /* shim task accesses to OS version data (macOS - app compatibility) */
+#define TF_PAC_EXC_FATAL 0x00010000 /* task is marked a corpse if a PAC exception occurs */
+#define TF_TECS 0x00020000 /* task threads must enable CPU security */
- * priv_flags definitions
+ * Task is running within a 64-bit address space.
+#define task_has_64Bit_addr(task) \
+ (((task)->t_flags & TF_64B_ADDR) != 0)
+#define task_set_64Bit_addr(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags |= TF_64B_ADDR)
+#define task_clear_64Bit_addr(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags &= ~TF_64B_ADDR)
- * Internal only routines
+ * Task is using 64-bit machine state.
+#define task_has_64Bit_data(task) \
+ (((task)->t_flags & TF_64B_DATA) != 0)
+#define task_set_64Bit_data(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags |= TF_64B_DATA)
+#define task_clear_64Bit_data(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags &= ~TF_64B_DATA)
+#define task_is_a_corpse(task) \
+ (((task)->t_flags & TF_CORPSE) != 0)
+#define task_set_corpse(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags |= TF_CORPSE)
+#define task_corpse_pending_report(task) \
+ (((task)->t_flags & TF_PENDING_CORPSE) != 0)
+#define task_set_corpse_pending_report(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags |= TF_PENDING_CORPSE)
+#define task_clear_corpse_pending_report(task) \
+ ((task)->t_flags &= ~TF_PENDING_CORPSE)
+#define task_is_a_corpse_fork(task) \
+ (((task)->t_flags & TF_CORPSE_FORK) != 0)
+ uint32_t t_procflags; /* general-purpose task flags protected by proc_lock (PL) */
+#define TPF_NONE 0
+#define TPF_DID_EXEC 0x00000001 /* task has been execed to a new task */
+#define TPF_EXEC_COPY 0x00000002 /* task is the new copy of an exec */
+#define TPF_LOG_32BIT_TELEMETRY 0x00000004 /* task should log identifying information */
+#define task_did_exec_internal(task) \
+ (((task)->t_procflags & TPF_DID_EXEC) != 0)
+#define task_is_exec_copy_internal(task) \
+ (((task)->t_procflags & TPF_EXEC_COPY) != 0)
+ uint8_t t_returnwaitflags;
+#define TWF_NONE 0
+#define TRW_LRETURNWAIT 0x01 /* task is waiting for fork/posix_spawn/exec to complete */
+#define TRW_LRETURNWAITER 0x02 /* task is waiting for TRW_LRETURNWAIT to get cleared */
+ mach_vm_address_t all_image_info_addr; /* dyld __all_image_info */
+ mach_vm_size_t all_image_info_size; /* section location and size */
+#if KPC
+#define TASK_KPC_FORCED_ALL_CTRS 0x2 /* Bit in "t_kpc" signifying this task forced all counters */
+ uint32_t t_kpc; /* kpc flags */
+#endif /* KPC */
+ boolean_t pidsuspended; /* pid_suspend called; no threads can execute */
+ boolean_t frozen; /* frozen; private resident pages committed to swap */
+ boolean_t changing_freeze_state; /* in the process of freezing or thawing */
+ uint16_t policy_ru_cpu :4,
+ policy_ru_cpu_ext :4,
+ applied_ru_cpu :4,
+ applied_ru_cpu_ext :4;
+ uint8_t rusage_cpu_flags;
+ uint8_t rusage_cpu_percentage; /* Task-wide CPU limit percentage */
+ uint8_t rusage_cpu_perthr_percentage; /* Per-thread CPU limit percentage */
+ int8_t suspends_outstanding; /* suspends this task performed in excess of resumes */
+ uint64_t rusage_cpu_interval; /* Task-wide CPU limit interval */
+ uint64_t rusage_cpu_perthr_interval; /* Per-thread CPU limit interval */
+ uint64_t rusage_cpu_deadline;
+ thread_call_t rusage_cpu_callt;
+ queue_head_t task_watchers; /* app state watcher threads */
+ int num_taskwatchers;
+ int watchapplying;
+#endif /* CONFIG_TASKWATCH */
+ struct bank_task *bank_context; /* pointer to per task bank structure */
+ struct ipc_importance_task *task_imp_base; /* Base of IPC importance chain */
-extern void task_backing_store_privileged(
- task_t task);
+ vm_extmod_statistics_data_t extmod_statistics;
+ struct task_requested_policy requested_policy;
+ struct task_effective_policy effective_policy;
+ /*
+ * Can be merged with imp_donor bits, once the IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE macro goes away.
+ */
+ uint32_t low_mem_notified_warn :1, /* warning low memory notification is sent to the task */
+ low_mem_notified_critical :1, /* critical low memory notification is sent to the task */
+ purged_memory_warn :1, /* purgeable memory of the task is purged for warning level pressure */
+ purged_memory_critical :1, /* purgeable memory of the task is purged for critical level pressure */
+ low_mem_privileged_listener :1, /* if set, task would like to know about pressure changes before other tasks on the system */
+ mem_notify_reserved :27; /* reserved for future use */
+ uint32_t memlimit_is_active :1, /* if set, use active attributes, otherwise use inactive attributes */
+ memlimit_is_fatal :1, /* if set, exceeding current memlimit will prove fatal to the task */
+ memlimit_active_exc_resource :1, /* if set, suppress exc_resource exception when task exceeds active memory limit */
+ memlimit_inactive_exc_resource :1, /* if set, suppress exc_resource exception when task exceeds inactive memory limit */
+ memlimit_attrs_reserved :28; /* reserved for future use */
+ io_stat_info_t task_io_stats;
+ struct task_writes_counters task_writes_counters_internal;
+ struct task_writes_counters task_writes_counters_external;
+ /*
+ * The cpu_time_qos_stats fields are protected by the task lock
+ */
+ struct _cpu_time_qos_stats cpu_time_eqos_stats;
+ struct _cpu_time_qos_stats cpu_time_rqos_stats;
+ /* Statistics accumulated for terminated threads from this task */
+ uint32_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ uint32_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+ uint64_t task_gpu_ns;
+ uint64_t task_energy;
+ /* Read and written under task_lock */
+ struct mt_task task_monotonic;
+#endif /* MONOTONIC */
+ uint8_t task_can_transfer_memory_ownership;
+ uint8_t task_objects_disowning;
+ uint8_t task_objects_disowned;
+ /* # of purgeable volatile VM objects owned by this task: */
+ int task_volatile_objects;
+ /* # of purgeable but not volatile VM objects owned by this task: */
+ int task_nonvolatile_objects;
+ int task_owned_objects;
+ queue_head_t task_objq;
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, task_objq_lock); /* protects "task_objq" */
+ unsigned int task_thread_limit:16;
+#if __arm64__
+ unsigned int task_legacy_footprint:1;
+ unsigned int task_extra_footprint_limit:1;
+ unsigned int task_ios13extended_footprint_limit:1;
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
+ unsigned int task_region_footprint:1;
+ unsigned int task_has_crossed_thread_limit:1;
+ uint32_t exec_token;
+ /*
+ * A task's coalition set is "adopted" in task_create_internal
+ * and unset in task_deallocate_internal, so each array member
+ * can be referenced without the task lock.
+ * Note: these fields are protected by coalition->lock,
+ * not the task lock.
+ */
+ coalition_t coalition[COALITION_NUM_TYPES];
+ queue_chain_t task_coalition[COALITION_NUM_TYPES];
+ uint64_t dispatchqueue_offset;
+ boolean_t task_unnested;
+ int task_disconnected_count;
+ void * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("task.hv_task_target") hv_task_target; /* hypervisor virtual machine object associated with this task */
+#endif /* HYPERVISOR */
+ uint8_t task_can_use_secluded_mem;
+ uint8_t task_could_use_secluded_mem;
+ uint8_t task_could_also_use_secluded_mem;
+ uint8_t task_suppressed_secluded;
+ task_exc_guard_behavior_t task_exc_guard;
+ queue_head_t io_user_clients;
+ mach_vm_address_t mach_header_vm_address;
+ uint32_t loadTag; /* dext ID used for logging identity */
+ queue_head_t task_frozen_cseg_q; /* queue of csegs frozen to NAND */
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ uint64_t task_fs_metadata_writes;
+ * EXC_GUARD default delivery behavior for optional Mach port and VM guards.
+ * Applied to new tasks at creation time.
+ */
+extern task_exc_guard_behavior_t task_exc_guard_default;
+extern kern_return_t
+ task_violated_guard(mach_exception_code_t, mach_exception_subcode_t, void *);
+static inline void
+task_require(struct task *task)
+ zone_id_require(ZONE_ID_TASK, sizeof(struct task), task);
+#define task_lock(task) lck_mtx_lock(&(task)->lock)
+#define task_lock_assert_owned(task) LCK_MTX_ASSERT(&(task)->lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
+#define task_lock_try(task) lck_mtx_try_lock(&(task)->lock)
+#define task_unlock(task) lck_mtx_unlock(&(task)->lock)
+#define task_objq_lock_init(task) lck_mtx_init(&(task)->task_objq_lock, &vm_object_lck_grp, &vm_object_lck_attr)
+#define task_objq_lock_destroy(task) lck_mtx_destroy(&(task)->task_objq_lock, &vm_object_lck_grp)
+#define task_objq_lock(task) lck_mtx_lock(&(task)->task_objq_lock)
+#define task_objq_lock_assert_owned(task) LCK_MTX_ASSERT(&(task)->task_objq_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
+#define task_objq_lock_try(task) lck_mtx_try_lock(&(task)->task_objq_lock)
+#define task_objq_unlock(task) lck_mtx_unlock(&(task)->task_objq_lock)
+#define itk_lock_init(task) lck_mtx_init(&(task)->itk_lock_data, &ipc_lck_grp, &ipc_lck_attr)
+#define itk_lock_destroy(task) lck_mtx_destroy(&(task)->itk_lock_data, &ipc_lck_grp)
+#define itk_lock(task) lck_mtx_lock(&(task)->itk_lock_data)
+#define itk_unlock(task) lck_mtx_unlock(&(task)->itk_lock_data)
+/* task clear return wait flags */
+extern void task_reference_internal(task_t task);
+extern os_ref_count_t task_deallocate_internal(task_t task);
+#define task_reference_internal(task) \
+ task_require(task); \
+ os_ref_retain(&(task)->ref_count); \
+#define task_deallocate_internal(task) os_ref_release(&(task)->ref_count)
+#define task_reference(task) \
+ if ((task) != TASK_NULL) \
+ task_reference_internal(task); \
+extern kern_return_t kernel_task_create(
+ task_t task,
+ vm_offset_t map_base,
+ vm_size_t map_size,
+ task_t *child);
/* Initialize task module */
-extern void task_init(void);
+extern void task_init(void);
+/* coalition_init() calls this to initialize ledgers before task_init() */
+extern void init_task_ledgers(void);
+#define current_task_fast() (current_thread()->task)
+#define current_task() current_task_fast()
+extern bool task_is_driver(task_t task);
+extern lck_attr_t task_lck_attr;
+extern lck_grp_t task_lck_grp;
+struct task_watchport_elem {
+ task_t twe_task;
+ ipc_port_t twe_port; /* (Space lock) */
+struct task_watchports {
+ os_refcnt_t tw_refcount; /* (Space lock) */
+ task_t tw_task; /* (Space lock) & tw_refcount == 0 */
+ thread_t tw_thread; /* (Space lock) & tw_refcount == 0 */
+ uint32_t tw_elem_array_count; /* (Space lock) */
+ struct task_watchport_elem tw_elem[]; /* (Space lock) & (Portlock) & (mq lock) */
+#define task_watchports_retain(x) (os_ref_retain(&(x)->tw_refcount))
+#define task_watchports_release(x) (os_ref_release(&(x)->tw_refcount))
+#define task_watchport_elem_init(elem, task, port) \
+do { \
+ (elem)->twe_task = (task); \
+ (elem)->twe_port = (port); \
+} while(0)
+#define task_watchport_elem_clear(elem) task_watchport_elem_init((elem), NULL, NULL)
+extern void
+ task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ ipc_port_t *portwatch_ports,
+ uint32_t portwatch_count);
+extern void
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem);
+extern boolean_t
+task_has_watchports(task_t task);
+extern task_t current_task(void);
-/* task create */
-extern kern_return_t task_create_internal(
- task_t parent_task,
- boolean_t inherit_memory,
- task_t *child_task); /* OUT */
+extern void task_reference(task_t task);
+extern bool task_is_driver(task_t task);
-extern void consider_task_collect(void);
+#define TF_NONE 0
-#define current_task_fast() (current_act_fast()->task)
-#define current_task() current_task_fast()
+#define TWF_NONE 0
+#define TRW_LRETURNWAIT 0x01 /* task is waiting for fork/posix_spawn/exec to complete */
+#define TRW_LRETURNWAITER 0x02 /* task is waiting for TRW_LRETURNWAIT to get cleared */
+/* task clear return wait flags */
-extern task_t kernel_task;
-/* Temporarily hold all threads in a task */
-extern kern_return_t task_hold(
- task_t task);
+#define TPF_NONE 0
+#define TPF_EXEC_COPY 0x00000002 /* task is the new copy of an exec */
-/* Release temporary hold on all threads in a task */
-extern kern_return_t task_release(
- task_t task);
-/* Get a task prepared for major changes */
-extern kern_return_t task_halt(
- task_t task);
-#if defined(MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE) || defined(BSD_BUILD)
-extern kern_return_t task_importance(
- task_t task,
- integer_t importance);
+extern boolean_t task_is_app_suspended(task_t task);
+extern bool task_is_exotic(task_t task);
+extern bool task_is_alien(task_t task);
+/* Hold all threads in a task */
+extern kern_return_t task_hold(
+ task_t task);
+/* Wait for task to stop running, either just to get off CPU or to cease being runnable */
+extern kern_return_t task_wait(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t until_not_runnable);
+/* Release hold on all threads in a task */
+extern kern_return_t task_release(
+ task_t task);
+/* Suspend/resume a task where the kernel owns the suspend count */
+extern kern_return_t task_suspend_internal( task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_resume_internal( task_t task);
+/* Suspends a task by placing a hold on its threads */
+extern kern_return_t task_pidsuspend(
+ task_t task);
+/* Resumes a previously paused task */
+extern kern_return_t task_pidresume(
+ task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_send_trace_memory(
+ task_t task,
+ uint32_t pid,
+ uint64_t uniqueid);
+extern void task_remove_turnstile_watchports(
+ task_t task);
+extern void task_transfer_turnstile_watchports(
+ task_t old_task,
+ task_t new_task,
+ thread_t new_thread);
+extern kern_return_t task_disconnect_page_mappings(
+ task_t task);
+extern void tasks_system_suspend(boolean_t suspend);
+/* Freeze a task's resident pages */
+extern kern_return_t task_freeze(
+ task_t task,
+ uint32_t *purgeable_count,
+ uint32_t *wired_count,
+ uint32_t *clean_count,
+ uint32_t *dirty_count,
+ uint32_t dirty_budget,
+ uint32_t *shared_count,
+ int *freezer_error_code,
+ boolean_t eval_only);
+/* Thaw a currently frozen task */
+extern kern_return_t task_thaw(
+ task_t task);
+typedef enum {
+} freezer_acct_op_t;
+extern void task_update_frozen_to_swap_acct(
+ task_t task,
+ int64_t amount,
+ freezer_acct_op_t op);
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+/* Halt all other threads in the current task */
+extern kern_return_t task_start_halt(
+ task_t task);
+/* Wait for other threads to halt and free halting task resources */
+extern void task_complete_halt(
+ task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_terminate_internal(
+ task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_create_internal(
+ task_t parent_task,
+ coalition_t *parent_coalitions,
+ boolean_t inherit_memory,
+ boolean_t is_64bit,
+ boolean_t is_64bit_data,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ uint32_t procflags,
+ uint8_t t_returnwaitflags,
+ task_t *child_task); /* OUT */
+extern kern_return_t task_set_special_port_internal(
+ task_t task,
+ int which,
+ ipc_port_t port);
+extern kern_return_t task_info(
+ task_t task,
+ task_flavor_t flavor,
+ task_info_t task_info_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count);
+extern void task_power_info_locked(
+ task_t task,
+ task_power_info_t info,
+ gpu_energy_data_t gpu_energy,
+ task_power_info_v2_t infov2,
+ uint64_t *runnable_time);
+extern uint64_t task_gpu_utilisation(
+ task_t task);
+extern uint64_t task_energy(
+ task_t task);
+extern uint64_t task_cpu_ptime(
+ task_t task);
+extern void task_update_cpu_time_qos_stats(
+ task_t task,
+ uint64_t *eqos_stats,
+ uint64_t *rqos_stats);
+extern void task_vtimer_set(
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which);
+extern void task_vtimer_clear(
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which);
+extern void task_vtimer_update(
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which,
+ uint32_t *microsecs);
+#define TASK_VTIMER_USER 0x01
+#define TASK_VTIMER_PROF 0x02
+#define TASK_VTIMER_RLIM 0x04
+extern void task_set_64bit(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_64bit,
+ boolean_t is_64bit_data);
+extern boolean_t task_get_64bit_data(
+ task_t task);
+extern void task_set_platform_binary(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_platform);
+extern bool task_set_ca_client_wi(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t ca_client_wi);
+extern void task_set_dyld_info(
+ task_t task,
+ mach_vm_address_t addr,
+ mach_vm_size_t size);
+extern void task_set_mach_header_address(
+ task_t task,
+ mach_vm_address_t addr);
+/* Get number of activations in a task */
+extern int get_task_numacts(
+ task_t task);
+struct label;
+extern kern_return_t task_collect_crash_info(
+ task_t task,
+ struct label *crash_label,
+ int is_corpse_fork);
+void task_port_notify(mach_msg_header_t *msg);
+void task_port_with_flavor_notify(mach_msg_header_t *msg);
+void task_wait_till_threads_terminate_locked(task_t task);
/* JMM - should just be temporary (implementation in bsd_kern still) */
-extern void *get_bsdtask_info(task_t);
-extern void set_bsdtask_info(task_t,void *);
+extern void set_bsdtask_info(task_t, void *);
+extern uint32_t set_task_loadTag(task_t task, uint32_t loadTag);
+extern vm_map_t get_task_map_reference(task_t);
+extern vm_map_t swap_task_map(task_t, thread_t, vm_map_t);
+extern pmap_t get_task_pmap(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_resident_size(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_compressed(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_resident_max(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_phys_footprint(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_phys_footprint_interval_max(task_t, int reset);
+extern uint64_t get_task_phys_footprint_lifetime_max(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_phys_footprint_limit(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_purgeable_size(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_cpu_time(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_dispatchqueue_offset(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_dispatchqueue_label_offset(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_uniqueid(task_t task);
+extern int get_task_version(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_internal(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_internal_compressed(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_purgeable_nonvolatile(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_iokit_mapped(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_alternate_accounting(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_alternate_accounting_compressed(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_memory_region_count(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_page_table(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_frozen_to_swap(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_network_nonvolatile(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_network_nonvolatile_compressed(task_t);
+extern uint64_t get_task_wired_mem(task_t);
+extern uint32_t get_task_loadTag(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_tagged_footprint(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_tagged_footprint_compressed(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_media_footprint(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_media_footprint_compressed(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_graphics_footprint(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_graphics_footprint_compressed(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_neural_footprint(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t get_task_neural_footprint_compressed(task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_convert_phys_footprint_limit(int, int *);
+extern kern_return_t task_set_phys_footprint_limit_internal(task_t, int, int *, boolean_t, boolean_t);
+extern kern_return_t task_get_phys_footprint_limit(task_t task, int *limit_mb);
+/* Jetsam memlimit attributes */
+extern boolean_t task_get_memlimit_is_active(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_get_memlimit_is_fatal(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_memlimit_is_active(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active);
+extern void task_set_memlimit_is_fatal(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal);
+extern boolean_t task_has_triggered_exc_resource(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active);
+extern void task_mark_has_triggered_exc_resource(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active);
+extern void task_set_thread_limit(task_t task, uint16_t thread_limit);
+extern boolean_t task_has_system_version_compat_enabled(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_system_version_compat_enabled(task_t task, boolean_t enable_system_version_compat);
+extern boolean_t is_kerneltask(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t is_corpsetask(task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t check_actforsig(task_t task, thread_t thread, int setast);
+extern kern_return_t machine_task_get_state(
+ task_t task,
+ int flavor,
+ thread_state_t state,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *state_count);
+extern kern_return_t machine_task_set_state(
+ task_t task,
+ int flavor,
+ thread_state_t state,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t state_count);
+extern void machine_task_terminate(task_t task);
+struct _task_ledger_indices {
+ int cpu_time;
+ int tkm_private;
+ int tkm_shared;
+ int phys_mem;
+ int wired_mem;
+ int internal;
+ int iokit_mapped;
+ int alternate_accounting;
+ int alternate_accounting_compressed;
+ int page_table;
+ int phys_footprint;
+ int internal_compressed;
+ int purgeable_volatile;
+ int purgeable_nonvolatile;
+ int purgeable_volatile_compressed;
+ int purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed;
+ int tagged_nofootprint;
+ int tagged_footprint;
+ int tagged_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int tagged_footprint_compressed;
+ int network_volatile;
+ int network_nonvolatile;
+ int network_volatile_compressed;
+ int network_nonvolatile_compressed;
+ int media_nofootprint;
+ int media_footprint;
+ int media_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int media_footprint_compressed;
+ int graphics_nofootprint;
+ int graphics_footprint;
+ int graphics_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int graphics_footprint_compressed;
+ int neural_nofootprint;
+ int neural_footprint;
+ int neural_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int neural_footprint_compressed;
+ int platform_idle_wakeups;
+ int interrupt_wakeups;
+ int sfi_wait_times[MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID];
+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_SFI */
+ int cpu_time_billed_to_me;
+ int cpu_time_billed_to_others;
+ int physical_writes;
+ int logical_writes;
+ int logical_writes_to_external;
+ int energy_billed_to_me;
+ int energy_billed_to_others;
+ int pages_grabbed;
+ int pages_grabbed_kern;
+ int pages_grabbed_iopl;
+ int pages_grabbed_upl;
+ int frozen_to_swap;
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ int fs_metadata_writes;
+extern struct _task_ledger_indices task_ledgers;
+/* requires task to be unlocked, returns a referenced thread */
+thread_t task_findtid(task_t task, uint64_t tid);
+int pid_from_task(task_t task);
+extern kern_return_t task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *rate_hz, int32_t *flags);
+extern kern_return_t task_cpu_usage_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags);
+extern void task_rollup_accounting_info(task_t new_task, task_t parent_task);
+extern kern_return_t task_io_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags);
+extern void task_set_did_exec_flag(task_t task);
+extern void task_clear_exec_copy_flag(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_is_exec_copy(task_t);
+extern boolean_t task_did_exec(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_consume_32bit_log_flag(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_32bit_log_flag(task_t task);
+#endif /* CONFIG_32BIT_TELEMETRY */
+extern boolean_t task_is_active(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_is_halting(task_t task);
+extern void task_clear_return_wait(task_t task, uint32_t flags);
+extern void task_wait_to_return(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
+extern event_t task_get_return_wait_event(task_t task);
+extern void task_bank_reset(task_t task);
+extern void task_bank_init(task_t task);
+extern void task_prep_arcade(task_t task, thread_t thread);
+#endif /* CONFIG_ARCADE */
+extern int task_pid(task_t task);
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+char *task_get_vm_shared_region_id_and_jop_pid(task_t task, uint64_t *);
+void task_set_shared_region_id(task_t task, char *id);
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
+extern boolean_t task_has_assertions(task_t task);
+/* End task_policy */
+extern void task_set_gpu_denied(task_t task, boolean_t denied);
+extern boolean_t task_is_gpu_denied(task_t task);
+extern queue_head_t * task_io_user_clients(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_message_app_suspended(task_t task, boolean_t enable);
+extern void task_copy_fields_for_exec(task_t dst_task, task_t src_task);
+extern void task_copy_vmobjects(task_t task, vm_object_query_t query, size_t len, size_t *num);
+extern void task_set_filter_msg_flag(task_t task, boolean_t flag);
+extern boolean_t task_get_filter_msg_flag(task_t task);
+extern void task_transfer_mach_filter_bits(task_t new_task, task_t old_mask);
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+extern bool task_is_pac_exception_fatal(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_pac_exception_fatal_flag(task_t task);
+#endif /*__has_feature(ptrauth_calls)*/
+extern void task_set_tecs(task_t task);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+extern void *get_bsdtask_info(task_t);
+extern void *get_bsdthreadtask_info(thread_t);
+extern void task_bsdtask_kill(task_t);
extern vm_map_t get_task_map(task_t);
-extern vm_map_t swap_task_map(task_t, vm_map_t);
-extern pmap_t get_task_pmap(task_t);
+extern ledger_t get_task_ledger(task_t);
+extern boolean_t get_task_pidsuspended(task_t);
+extern boolean_t get_task_suspended(task_t);
+extern boolean_t get_task_frozen(task_t);
+/* Convert from a task to a port */
+extern ipc_port_t convert_task_to_port(task_t);
+extern ipc_port_t convert_task_name_to_port(task_name_t);
+extern ipc_port_t convert_task_inspect_to_port(task_inspect_t);
+extern ipc_port_t convert_task_read_to_port(task_read_t);
+extern ipc_port_t convert_task_suspension_token_to_port(task_suspension_token_t task);
+/* Convert from a port (in this case, an SO right to a task's resume port) to a task. */
+extern task_suspension_token_t convert_port_to_task_suspension_token(ipc_port_t port);
+extern boolean_t task_suspension_notify(mach_msg_header_t *);
+extern void task_update_logical_writes(task_t task, uint32_t io_size, int flags, void *vp);
+__enum_decl(task_balance_flags_t, uint8_t, {
+__enum_decl(task_physical_write_flavor_t, uint8_t, {
+extern void task_update_physical_writes(task_t task, task_physical_write_flavor_t flavor,
+ uint64_t io_size, task_balance_flags_t flags);
+extern void task_set_can_use_secluded_mem(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t can_use_secluded_mem);
+extern void task_set_could_use_secluded_mem(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t could_use_secluded_mem);
+extern void task_set_could_also_use_secluded_mem(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t could_also_use_secluded_mem);
+extern boolean_t task_can_use_secluded_mem(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_allocate);
+extern boolean_t task_could_use_secluded_mem(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_could_also_use_secluded_mem(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_darkwake_mode(task_t, boolean_t);
+extern boolean_t task_get_darkwake_mode(task_t);
+#if __arm64__
+extern void task_set_legacy_footprint(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_extra_footprint_limit(task_t task);
+extern void task_set_ios13extended_footprint_limit(task_t task);
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
+extern struct label *get_task_crash_label(task_t task);
+#endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
+extern int get_task_cdhash(task_t task, char cdhash[]);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+extern task_t kernel_task;
+extern void task_deallocate(
+ task_t task);
+extern void task_name_deallocate(
+ task_name_t task_name);
+extern void task_policy_set_deallocate(
+ task_policy_set_t task_policy_set);
-extern boolean_t task_reference_try(task_t task);
+extern void task_policy_get_deallocate(
+ task_policy_get_t task_policy_get);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+extern void task_inspect_deallocate(
+ task_inspect_t task_inspect);
-#if !defined(MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE)
+extern void task_read_deallocate(
+ task_read_t task_read);
-extern task_t current_task(void);
+extern void task_suspension_token_deallocate(
+ task_suspension_token_t token);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL_TASK */
+extern boolean_t task_self_region_footprint(void);
+extern void task_self_region_footprint_set(boolean_t newval);
+extern void task_ledgers_footprint(ledger_t ledger,
+ ledger_amount_t *ledger_resident,
+ ledger_amount_t *ledger_compressed);
+extern void task_set_memory_ownership_transfer(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t value);
-/* Take reference on task (make sure it doesn't go away) */
-extern void task_reference(task_t task);
-/* Remove reference to task */
-extern void task_deallocate(task_t task);
-#endif /* _KERN_TASK_H_ */
+#endif /* _KERN_TASK_H_ */