- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
-extern "C" {
-#include <kern/thread_call.h>
-#include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOLocks.h>
-class IOPMinformee;
-class IOPMinformeeList;
-class IOPMchangeNoteList;
-class IOPMpmChild;
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
+class IOService;
+class IOServicePM;
+class IOPowerConnection;
class IOWorkLoop;
-class IOCommandQueue;
class IOCommandGate;
class IOTimerEventSource;
class IOPlatformExpert;
-#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
-@discussion When an IOService is waiting for acknowledgement to a power state change
-notification from an interested driver or the controlling driver its ack timer is ticking every tenth of a second.
-(100000000 nanoseconds are one tenth of a second).
- #define ACK_TIMER_PERIOD 100000000
-@class IOPMpriv : public OSObject
-@abstract Private power management private instance variables for IOService objects.
-class IOPMpriv : public OSObject
- friend class IOService;
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMpriv)
- public:
-/*! @field we_are_root TRUE if this device is the root power domain */
- bool we_are_root;
- /*! @field interestedDrivers list of interested drivers */
- IOPMinformeeList * interestedDrivers;
- /*! @field children list of power domain children */
- IOPMinformeeList * children;
- /*! @field changeList list of pending power state changes */
- IOPMchangeNoteList * changeList;
- /*! @field driver_timer timeout on waiting for controlling driver to acknowledgeSetPowerState */
- IOReturn driver_timer;
- /*! @field ackTimer */
- thread_call_t ackTimer;
- /*! @field settleTimer */
- thread_call_t settleTimer;
- /*! @field machine_state state number of state machine processing current change note */
- unsigned long machine_state;
- /*! @field settle_time settle timer after changing power state */
- unsigned long settle_time;
- /*! @field head_note ordinal of change note currently being processed */
- long head_note;
- /*! @field head_note_flags copy of flags field in change note currently being processed*/
- unsigned long head_note_flags;
- /*! @field head_note_state copy of newStateNumberfield in change note currently being processed */
- unsigned long head_note_state;
- /*! @field head_note_outputFlags outputPowerCharacter field from change note currently being processed */
- unsigned long head_note_outputFlags;
- /*! @field head_note_domainState power domain flags from parent... (only on parent change) */
- unsigned long head_note_domainState;
- /*! @field head_note_parent pointer to initiating parent... (only on parent change) */
- IOPowerConnection * head_note_parent;
- /*! @field head_note_capabilityFlags copy of capabilityFlags field in change note currently being processed */
- unsigned long head_note_capabilityFlags;
- /*! @field head_note_pendingAcks number of acks we are waiting for during notification */
- unsigned long head_note_pendingAcks;
- /*! @field our_lock used to control access to head_note_pendingAcks and driver_timer */
- IOLock * our_lock;
- /*! @field flags_lock used to control access to response flags array */
- IOLock * flags_lock;
- /*! @field queue_lock used to control access to change note queue */
- IOLock * queue_lock;
- /*! @field initial_change true forces first state to be broadcast even if it isn't a change */
- bool initial_change;
- /*! @field need_to_become_usable someone called makeUsable before we had a controlling driver */
- bool need_to_become_usable;
- /*! @field device_overrides state changes are made based only on subclass's desire */
- bool device_overrides;
- /*! @field clampOn domain is clamped on till first child registers */
- bool clampOn;
- /*! @field owner points to object which made this struct. Used for debug output only */
- IOService * owner;
- /*! @field activityLock used to protect activity flag */
- IOLock * activityLock;
- /*! @field timerEventSrc an idle timer */
- IOTimerEventSource * timerEventSrc;
- /*! @field idle_timer_period its period in seconds */
- unsigned long idle_timer_period;
- /*! @field clampTimerEventSrc timer for clamping power on */
- IOTimerEventSource * clampTimerEventSrc;
- /*! @field device_active true: there has been device activity since last idle timer expiration */
- bool device_active;
- /*! @field device_active_timestamp time in ticks of last activity */
- AbsoluteTime device_active_timestamp;
- /*! @field driverDesire
-This is the power state desired by our controlling driver. It is initialized to myCurrentState and is changed
-when the controlling driver calls changePowerStateTo. A change in driverDesire may cause a change in ourDesiredPowerState.
- unsigned long driverDesire;
- /*! @field deviceDesire
-This is the power state desired by a subclassed device object. It is initialized to myCurrentState and is changed
-when the subclassed object calls changePowerStateToPriv. A change in deviceDesire may cause a change in ourDesiredPowerState.
- unsigned long deviceDesire;
- /*! @field ourDesiredPowerState
-This is the power state we desire currently. If equal to myCurrentState, we're happy.
-Otherwise, we're waiting for the parent to raise the power domain to at least this level.
-If this is a power domain, this is the maximum of all our children's desires, driverDesire, and deviceDesire.
-It increases when:
-a child asks for more power via requestDomainState,
-the controlling driver asks for more power via changePowerStateTo
-It decreases when:
-we lose a child and the child had the highest power need of all our children,
-the child with the highest power need suggests a lower power domain state,
-the controlling driver asks for lower power for some reason via changePowerStateTo
-If this is not a power domain, ourDesiredPowerState represents the greater of driverDesire and deviceDesire.
-It increases when:
-the controlling driver asks for more power via changePowerStateTo
-some driver calls makeUsable
-a subclassed object asks for more power via changePowerStateToPriv
-It decreases when:
-the controlling driver asks for lower power for some reason via changePowerStateTo
-a subclassed object asks for lower power for some reason via changePowerStateToPriv
- unsigned long ourDesiredPowerState;
+class IOPMinformee;
+class IOPMinformeeList;
+class IOPMWorkQueue;
+class IOPMRequest;
+class IOPMRequestQueue;
+class IOPMCompletionQueue;
- /*! @field previousRequest
-This is a reminder of what our parent thinks our need is. Whenever it changes,
-we call requestDomainState in the parent to keep it current. It is usually equal to ourDesiredPowerState
-except while a power change is in progress.
- unsigned long previousRequest;
+typedef void (*IOPMCompletionAction)(void * target, void * param);
+// PM channels for IOReporting
+#ifndef kPMPowerStatesChID
+#define kPMPowerStatesChID IOREPORT_MAKEID('P','M','S','t','H','i','s','t')
- /*! @field askingFor
-Not used.
- unsigned long askingFor;
+#ifndef kPMCurrStateChID
+#define kPMCurrStateChID IOREPORT_MAKEID( 'P','M','C','u','r','S','t','\0' )
+// state_id details in PM channels
+#define kPMReportPowerOn 0x01
+#define kPMReportDeviceUsable 0x02
+#define kPMReportLowPower 0x04
- /*! @field imminentState
-Usually the same as myCurrentState, except right after calling powerStateWillChangeTo.
- unsigned long imminentState;
- /*! @function serialize
-Serialize private instance variables for debug output (IORegistryDumper).
- virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const;
+typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerStateIndex;
+typedef uint32_t IOPMPowerChangeFlags;
+typedef uint32_t IOPMRequestTag;
+struct IOPMDriverCallEntry {
+ queue_chain_t link;
+ thread_t thread;
+ IOService * target;
+ const void *callMethod;
-@class IOPMprot : public OSObject
-@abstract Protected power management instance variables for IOService objects.
-class IOPMprot : public OSObject //management
+// Power clients (desires)
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPMPowerClientDevice;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPMPowerClientDriver;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPMPowerClientChildren;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPMPowerClientRootDomain;
+/* Binary compatibility with drivers that access pm_vars */
+#ifdef __LP64__
+#define PM_VARS_SUPPORT 0
+#define PM_VARS_SUPPORT 1
+/* Deprecated in version 10.5 */
+class IOPMprot : public OSObject
- friend class IOService;
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMprot)
- public:
- /*! @field ourName from getName(), used in logging */
- const char * ourName;
- /*! @field thePlatform from getPlatform, used in logging and registering */
- IOPlatformExpert * thePlatform;
- /*! @field theNumberOfPowerStates the number of states in the array */
- unsigned long theNumberOfPowerStates; // the number of states in the array
- /*! @field thePowerStates the array */
- IOPMPowerState thePowerStates[IOPMMaxPowerStates];
- /*! @field theControllingDriver points to the controlling driver */
- IOService * theControllingDriver;
- /*! @field aggressiveness current value of power management aggressiveness */
- unsigned long aggressiveness;
- /*! @field current_aggressiveness_values array of aggressiveness values */
- unsigned long current_aggressiveness_values [kMaxType+1];
- /*! @field current_aggressiveness_validity true for values that are currently valid */
- bool current_aggressiveness_valid [kMaxType+1];
- /*! @field myCurrentState the ordinal of our current power state */
- unsigned long myCurrentState;
- /*! @field parentsKnowState true if all our parents know the state of their power domain */
- bool parentsKnowState;
- /*! @field parentsCurrentPowerFlags logical OR of power flags for the current state of each power domainparent */
- IOPMPowerFlags parentsCurrentPowerFlags;
- /*! @field maxCapability ordinal of highest state we can achieve in current power domain state */
- unsigned long maxCapability;
- /*! @field PMworkloop points to the single power management workloop */
- IOWorkLoop * PMworkloop;
- /*! @field commandQueue used to serialize idle-power-down and busy-power-up */
- IOCommandQueue * commandQueue;
- /*! @field PMcommandGate used to serialize timer expirations and incoming acknowledgements */
- IOCommandGate * PMcommandGate;
- /*! @field myCharacterFlags logical OR of all output power character flags in the array */
- IOPMPowerFlags myCharacterFlags;
- /*! @field serialNumber used to uniquely identify power management notification to apps and clients */
- UInt16 serialNumber;
- /*! @field responseFlags points to an OSArray which manages responses from notified apps and clients */
- OSArray* responseFlags;
- /*! @field doNotPowerDown keeps track of any negative responses from notified apps and clients */
- bool doNotPowerDown;
- /*! @field childLock used to serialize scanning the children */
- IOLock * childLock;
- /*! @field parentLock used to serialize scanning the parents */
- IOLock * parentLock;
- /*! @field outofbandparameter used to communicate desired function to tellClientsWithResponse().
- This is used because it avoids changing the signatures of the affected
- virtual methods. */
- int outofbandparameter;
- /*! @function serialize
-Serialize protected instance variables for debug output (IORegistryDumper).
- virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const;
+ friend class IOService;
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMprot);
+ const char * ourName;
+ IOPlatformExpert * thePlatform;
+ unsigned long theNumberOfPowerStates;
+ IOPMPowerState thePowerStates[IOPMMaxPowerStates];
+ IOService * theControllingDriver;
+ unsigned long aggressiveness;
+ unsigned long current_aggressiveness_values[kMaxType + 1];
+ bool current_aggressiveness_valid[kMaxType + 1];
+ unsigned long myCurrentState;
+#endif /* PM_VARS_SUPPORT */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* !_IOKIT_IOSERVICEPM_H */