- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993
#ifndef _NET_IF_VAR_H_
#define _NET_IF_VAR_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/queue.h> /* get TAILQ macros */
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#include <net/route.h>
+#ifdef KERNEL
+#include <net/kpi_interface.h>
+#endif /* KERNEL */
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_STF 12
+#define APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND 14
+#endif /* __APPLE__ */
+ * 72 was chosen below because it is the size of a TCP/IP
+ * header (40) + the minimum mss (32).
+ */
+#define IF_MINMTU 72
+#define IF_MAXMTU 65535
* Structures defining a network interface, providing a packet
* interfaces. These routines live in the files if.c and route.c
-#ifdef __STDC__
- * Forward structure declarations for function prototypes [sic].
- */
-struct mbuf;
-struct proc;
-struct rtentry;
-struct socket;
-struct ether_header;
-struct sockaddr_dl;
#define IFNAMSIZ 16
-#include <sys/queue.h> /* get TAILQ macros */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-struct tqdummy;
-TAILQ_HEAD(tailq_head, tqdummy);
/* This belongs up in socket.h or socketvar.h, depending on how far the
* event bubbles up.
struct net_event_data {
- u_long if_family;
- u_long if_unit;
- char if_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ u_int32_t if_family;
+ u_int32_t if_unit;
+ char if_name[IFNAMSIZ];
-TAILQ_HEAD(ifnethead, ifnet); /* we use TAILQs so that the order of */
-TAILQ_HEAD(ifaddrhead, ifaddr); /* instantiation is preserved in the list */
-TAILQ_HEAD(ifprefixhead, ifprefix);
-LIST_HEAD(ifmultihead, ifmultiaddr);
+#if defined(__LP64__)
+#define __need_struct_timeval32
+#include <sys/_structs.h>
+#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval32
+#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-/* bottom 16 bits reserved for hardware checksum */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP 0x0001 /* will csum IP */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP 0x0002 /* will csum TCP */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_UDP 0x0004 /* will csum UDP */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP_FRAGS 0x0008 /* will csum IP fragments */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FRAGMENT 0x0010 /* will do IP fragmentation */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP_SUM16 0x1000 /* simple TCP Sum16 computation */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK 0xffff
-#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FLAGS(hwassist) ((hwassist) & IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK)
+#pragma pack(4)
-/* VLAN support */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_TAGGING 0x10000 /* supports VLAN tagging */
-#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_MTU 0x20000 /* supports VLAN MTU-sized packet (for software VLAN) */
* Structure describing information about an interface
* which may be of interest to management entities.
struct if_data {
/* generic interface information */
- u_char ifi_type; /* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- u_char ifi_typelen; /* Length of frame type id */
- u_char ifi_physical; /* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
- u_char ifi_addrlen; /* media address length */
- u_char ifi_hdrlen; /* media header length */
- u_char ifi_recvquota; /* polling quota for receive intrs */
- u_char ifi_xmitquota; /* polling quota for xmit intrs */
- u_long ifi_mtu; /* maximum transmission unit */
- u_long ifi_metric; /* routing metric (external only) */
- u_long ifi_baudrate; /* linespeed */
+ u_char ifi_type; /* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
+ u_char ifi_typelen; /* Length of frame type id */
+ u_char ifi_physical; /* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
+ u_char ifi_addrlen; /* media address length */
+ u_char ifi_hdrlen; /* media header length */
+ u_char ifi_recvquota; /* polling quota for receive intrs */
+ u_char ifi_xmitquota; /* polling quota for xmit intrs */
+ u_char ifi_unused1; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t ifi_mtu; /* maximum transmission unit */
+ u_int32_t ifi_metric; /* routing metric (external only) */
+ u_int32_t ifi_baudrate; /* linespeed */
/* volatile statistics */
- u_long ifi_ipackets; /* packets received on interface */
- u_long ifi_ierrors; /* input errors on interface */
- u_long ifi_opackets; /* packets sent on interface */
- u_long ifi_oerrors; /* output errors on interface */
- u_long ifi_collisions; /* collisions on csma interfaces */
- u_long ifi_ibytes; /* total number of octets received */
- u_long ifi_obytes; /* total number of octets sent */
- u_long ifi_imcasts; /* packets received via multicast */
- u_long ifi_omcasts; /* packets sent via multicast */
- u_long ifi_iqdrops; /* dropped on input, this interface */
- u_long ifi_noproto; /* destined for unsupported protocol */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- u_long ifi_recvtiming; /* usec spent receiving when timing */
- u_long ifi_xmittiming; /* usec spent xmitting when timing */
+ u_int32_t ifi_ipackets; /* packets received on interface */
+ u_int32_t ifi_ierrors; /* input errors on interface */
+ u_int32_t ifi_opackets; /* packets sent on interface */
+ u_int32_t ifi_oerrors; /* output errors on interface */
+ u_int32_t ifi_collisions; /* collisions on csma interfaces */
+ u_int32_t ifi_ibytes; /* total number of octets received */
+ u_int32_t ifi_obytes; /* total number of octets sent */
+ u_int32_t ifi_imcasts; /* packets received via multicast */
+ u_int32_t ifi_omcasts; /* packets sent via multicast */
+ u_int32_t ifi_iqdrops; /* dropped on input, this interface */
+ u_int32_t ifi_noproto; /* destined for unsupported protocol */
+ u_int32_t ifi_recvtiming; /* usec spent receiving when timing */
+ u_int32_t ifi_xmittiming; /* usec spent xmitting when timing */
+ struct IF_DATA_TIMEVAL ifi_lastchange; /* time of last administrative change */
+ u_int32_t ifi_unused2; /* used to be the default_proto */
+ u_int32_t ifi_hwassist; /* HW offload capabilities */
+ u_int32_t ifi_reserved1; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t ifi_reserved2; /* for future use */
+ * Structure describing information about an interface
+ * which may be of interest to management entities.
+ */
+struct if_data64 {
+ /* generic interface information */
+ u_char ifi_type; /* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
+ u_char ifi_typelen; /* Length of frame type id */
+ u_char ifi_physical; /* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
+ u_char ifi_addrlen; /* media address length */
+ u_char ifi_hdrlen; /* media header length */
+ u_char ifi_recvquota; /* polling quota for receive intrs */
+ u_char ifi_xmitquota; /* polling quota for xmit intrs */
+ u_char ifi_unused1; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t ifi_mtu; /* maximum transmission unit */
+ u_int32_t ifi_metric; /* routing metric (external only) */
+ u_int64_t ifi_baudrate; /* linespeed */
+ /* volatile statistics */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ipackets; /* packets received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ierrors; /* input errors on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_opackets; /* packets sent on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_oerrors; /* output errors on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_collisions; /* collisions on csma interfaces */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ibytes; /* total number of octets received */
+ u_int64_t ifi_obytes; /* total number of octets sent */
+ u_int64_t ifi_imcasts; /* packets received via multicast */
+ u_int64_t ifi_omcasts; /* packets sent via multicast */
+ u_int64_t ifi_iqdrops; /* dropped on input, this interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_noproto; /* destined for unsupported protocol */
+ u_int32_t ifi_recvtiming; /* usec spent receiving when timing */
+ u_int32_t ifi_xmittiming; /* usec spent xmitting when timing */
+ struct IF_DATA_TIMEVAL ifi_lastchange; /* time of last administrative change */
+#pragma pack()
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Internal storage of if_data. This is bound to change. Various places in the
+ * stack will translate this data structure in to the externally visible
+ * if_data structure above.
+ */
+struct if_data_internal {
+ /* generic interface information */
+ u_char ifi_type; /* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
+ u_char ifi_typelen; /* Length of frame type id */
+ u_char ifi_physical; /* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
+ u_char ifi_addrlen; /* media address length */
+ u_char ifi_hdrlen; /* media header length */
+ u_char ifi_recvquota; /* polling quota for receive intrs */
+ u_char ifi_xmitquota; /* polling quota for xmit intrs */
+ u_char ifi_unused1; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t ifi_mtu; /* maximum transmission unit */
+ u_int32_t ifi_metric; /* routing metric (external only) */
+ u_int32_t ifi_baudrate; /* linespeed */
+ /* volatile statistics */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ipackets; /* packets received on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ierrors; /* input errors on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_opackets; /* packets sent on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_oerrors; /* output errors on interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_collisions; /* collisions on csma interfaces */
+ u_int64_t ifi_ibytes; /* total number of octets received */
+ u_int64_t ifi_obytes; /* total number of octets sent */
+ u_int64_t ifi_imcasts; /* packets received via multicast */
+ u_int64_t ifi_omcasts; /* packets sent via multicast */
+ u_int64_t ifi_iqdrops; /* dropped on input, this interface */
+ u_int64_t ifi_noproto; /* destined for unsupported protocol */
+ u_int32_t ifi_recvtiming; /* usec spent receiving when timing */
+ u_int32_t ifi_xmittiming; /* usec spent xmitting when timing */
+#define IF_LASTCHANGEUPTIME 1 /* lastchange: 1-uptime 0-calendar time */
struct timeval ifi_lastchange; /* time of last administrative change */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- u_long default_proto; /* Default dl_tag when none is specified
- * on dlil_output */
- u_long ifi_hwassist; /* HW offload capabilities */
- u_short ifi_nvlans; /* number of attached vlans */
- u_short ifi_reserved_1; /* for future use */
- u_long ifi_reserved1; /* for future use */
- u_long ifi_reserved2; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t ifi_hwassist; /* HW offload capabilities */
+ u_int32_t ifi_tso_v4_mtu; /* TCP Segment Offload IPv4 maximum segment size */
+ u_int32_t ifi_tso_v6_mtu; /* TCP Segment Offload IPv6 maximum segment size */
+#define if_mtu if_data.ifi_mtu
+#define if_type if_data.ifi_type
+#define if_typelen if_data.ifi_typelen
+#define if_physical if_data.ifi_physical
+#define if_addrlen if_data.ifi_addrlen
+#define if_hdrlen if_data.ifi_hdrlen
+#define if_metric if_data.ifi_metric
+#define if_baudrate if_data.ifi_baudrate
+#define if_hwassist if_data.ifi_hwassist
+#define if_ipackets if_data.ifi_ipackets
+#define if_ierrors if_data.ifi_ierrors
+#define if_opackets if_data.ifi_opackets
+#define if_oerrors if_data.ifi_oerrors
+#define if_collisions if_data.ifi_collisions
+#define if_ibytes if_data.ifi_ibytes
+#define if_obytes if_data.ifi_obytes
+#define if_imcasts if_data.ifi_imcasts
+#define if_omcasts if_data.ifi_omcasts
+#define if_iqdrops if_data.ifi_iqdrops
+#define if_noproto if_data.ifi_noproto
+#define if_lastchange if_data.ifi_lastchange
+#define if_recvquota if_data.ifi_recvquota
+#define if_xmitquota if_data.ifi_xmitquota
+#define if_iflags if_data.ifi_iflags
+#define if_tso_v4_mtu if_data.ifi_tso_v4_mtu
+#define if_tso_v6_mtu if_data.ifi_tso_v6_mtu
+struct mbuf;
+struct ifaddr;
+TAILQ_HEAD(ifnethead, ifnet); /* we use TAILQs so that the order of */
+TAILQ_HEAD(ifaddrhead, ifaddr); /* instantiation is preserved in the list */
+TAILQ_HEAD(ifprefixhead, ifprefix);
+LIST_HEAD(ifmultihead, ifmultiaddr);
+struct tqdummy;
+TAILQ_HEAD(tailq_head, tqdummy);
+ * Forward structure declarations for function prototypes [sic].
+ */
+struct proc;
+struct rtentry;
+struct socket;
+struct ether_header;
+struct sockaddr_dl;
+struct ifnet_filter;
+TAILQ_HEAD(ifnet_filter_head, ifnet_filter);
+TAILQ_HEAD(ddesc_head_name, dlil_demux_desc);
+/* All of the following IF_HWASSIST_* flags are defined
+ * in kpi_inteface.h as IFNET_* flags. These are redefined
+ * here as constants to avoid failures to build user level
+ * programs that can not include kpi_interface.h. It is
+ * important to keep this in sync with the definitions in
+ * kpi_interface.h. The corresponding constant for each
+ * definition is mentioned in the comment.
+ *
+ * Bottom 16 bits reserved for hardware checksum
+ */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP 0x0001 /* will csum IP, IFNET_CSUM_IP */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP 0x0002 /* will csum TCP, IFNET_CSUM_TCP */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_UDP 0x0004 /* will csum UDP, IFNET_CSUM_UDP */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP_FRAGS 0x0008 /* will csum IP fragments, IFNET_CSUM_FRAGMENT */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FRAGMENT 0x0010 /* will do IP fragmentation, IFNET_IP_FRAGMENT */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP_SUM16 0x1000 /* simple TCP Sum16 computation, IFNET_CSUM_SUM16 */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK 0xffff
+#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FLAGS(hwassist) ((hwassist) & IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK)
+/* VLAN support */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_TAGGING 0x00010000 /* supports VLAN tagging, IFNET_VLAN_TAGGING */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_MTU 0x00020000 /* supports VLAN MTU-sized packet (for software VLAN), IFNET_VLAN_MTU */
+/* TCP Segment Offloading support */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_TSO_V4 0x00200000 /* will do TCP Segment offload for IPv4, IFNET_TSO_IPV4 */
+#define IF_HWASSIST_TSO_V6 0x00400000 /* will do TCP Segment offload for IPv6, IFNET_TSO_IPV6 */
+#define IFNET_RW_LOCK 1
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
* Structure defining a queue for a network interface.
struct ifqueue {
- struct mbuf *ifq_head;
- struct mbuf *ifq_tail;
+ void *ifq_head;
+ void *ifq_tail;
int ifq_len;
int ifq_maxlen;
int ifq_drops;
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+struct ddesc_head_str;
+struct proto_hash_entry;
+struct kev_msg;
+struct dlil_threading_info;
+#if PF
+struct pfi_kif;
+#endif /* PF */
* Structure defining a network interface.
struct ifnet {
void *if_softc; /* pointer to driver state */
- char *if_name; /* name, e.g. ``en'' or ``lo'' */
+ const char *if_name; /* name, e.g. ``en'' or ``lo'' */
TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_link; /* all struct ifnets are chained */
struct ifaddrhead if_addrhead; /* linked list of addresses per if */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- struct tailq_head proto_head; /* Head for if_proto structures */
- int if_pcount; /* number of promiscuous listeners */
+ u_int32_t if_refcnt;
+#ifdef __KPI_INTERFACE__
+ ifnet_check_multi if_check_multi;
+ void* if_check_multi;
+#endif /* __KPI_INTERFACE__ */
+ int if_pcount; /* number of promiscuous listeners */
struct bpf_if *if_bpf; /* packet filter structure */
u_short if_index; /* numeric abbreviation for this if */
short if_unit; /* sub-unit for lower level driver */
int if_ipending; /* interrupts pending */
void *if_linkmib; /* link-type-specific MIB data */
size_t if_linkmiblen; /* length of above data */
- struct if_data if_data;
+ struct if_data_internal if_data;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
/* New with DLIL */
+ int if_usecnt;
int refcnt;
- int offercnt;
- int (*if_output)(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, struct mbuf *m);
- int (*if_ioctl)(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, u_long ioctl_code, void *ioctl_arg);
- int (*if_set_bpf_tap)(struct ifnet *ifp, int mode,
- int (*bpf_callback)(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *));
- int (*if_free)(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr);
- int (*if_demux)(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, struct mbuf *mbuf_ptr,
- char *frame_ptr, void *if_proto_ptr);
- int (*if_event)(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, caddr_t event_ptr);
- int (*if_framer)(struct ifnet *ifp,
- struct mbuf **m,
- struct sockaddr *dest,
- char *dest_linkaddr,
- char *frame_type);
- u_long if_family; /* ulong assigned by Apple */
- struct tailq_head if_flt_head;
+#ifdef __KPI_INTERFACE__
+ ifnet_output_func if_output;
+ ifnet_ioctl_func if_ioctl;
+ ifnet_set_bpf_tap if_set_bpf_tap;
+ ifnet_detached_func if_free;
+ ifnet_demux_func if_demux;
+ ifnet_event_func if_event;
+ ifnet_framer_func if_framer;
+ ifnet_family_t if_family; /* value assigned by Apple */
+ void* if_output;
+ void* if_ioctl;
+ void* if_set_bpf_tap;
+ void* if_free;
+ void* if_demux;
+ void* if_event;
+ void* if_framer;
+ u_int32_t if_family; /* value assigned by Apple */
+ struct ifnet_filter_head if_flt_head;
/* End DLIL specific */
- void *reserved0; /* for future use */
+ u_int32_t if_delayed_detach; /* need to perform delayed detach */
void *if_private; /* private to interface */
long if_eflags; /* autoaddr, autoaddr done, etc. */
-#endif /* __APPLE__ */
struct ifmultihead if_multiaddrs; /* multicast addresses configured */
int if_amcount; /* number of all-multicast requests */
/* procedure handles */
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- int (*if_output) /* output routine (enqueue) */
- __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *, struct sockaddr *,
- struct rtentry *));
- void (*if_start) /* initiate output routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *));
- int (*if_done) /* output complete routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *)); /* (XXX not used; fake prototype) */
- int (*if_ioctl) /* ioctl routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *, u_long, caddr_t));
- void (*if_watchdog) /* timer routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *));
+#ifdef __KPI_INTERFACE__
+ ifnet_add_proto_func if_add_proto;
+ ifnet_del_proto_func if_del_proto;
+#else /* !__KPI_INTERFACE__ */
+ void* if_add_proto;
+ void* if_del_proto;
+#endif /* !__KPI_INTERFACE__ */
+ struct proto_hash_entry *if_proto_hash;
+ void *if_kpi_storage;
+#if 0
+ void *unused_was_init;
+ struct dlil_threading_info *if_input_thread;
- int (*if_poll_recv) /* polled receive routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *, int *));
- int (*if_poll_xmit) /* polled transmit routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *, int *));
- void (*if_poll_intren) /* polled interrupt reenable routine */
- __P((struct ifnet *));
- void (*if_poll_slowinput) /* input routine for slow devices */
- __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *));
- void (*if_init) /* Init routine */
- __P((void *));
- int (*if_resolvemulti) /* validate/resolve multicast */
- __P((struct ifnet *, struct sockaddr **, struct sockaddr *));
- struct ifqueue if_snd; /* output queue */
- struct ifqueue *if_poll_slowq; /* input queue for slow devices */
+ void *unused_was_resolvemulti;
+ struct ifqueue if_snd;
+ u_int32_t unused_2[1];
#ifdef __APPLE__
- u_long family_cookie;
+ uintptr_t family_cookie;
struct ifprefixhead if_prefixhead; /* list of prefixes per if */
- void *reserved1; /* for future use */
+#ifdef _KERN_LOCKS_H_
+ lck_rw_t *if_lock; /* Lock to protect this interface */
+ lck_mtx_t *if_lock; /* Lock to protect this interface */
+ void *if_lock;
struct ifprefixhead if_prefixhead; /* list of prefixes per if */
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
-typedef void if_init_f_t __P((void *));
+ struct {
+ u_int32_t length;
+ union {
+ u_char buffer[8];
+ u_char *ptr;
+ } u;
+ } if_broadcast;
+ struct label *if_label; /* interface MAC label */
-#define if_mtu if_data.ifi_mtu
-#define if_type if_data.ifi_type
-#define if_typelen if_data.ifi_typelen
-#define if_physical if_data.ifi_physical
-#define if_addrlen if_data.ifi_addrlen
-#define if_hdrlen if_data.ifi_hdrlen
-#define if_metric if_data.ifi_metric
-#define if_baudrate if_data.ifi_baudrate
-#define if_hwassist if_data.ifi_hwassist
-#define if_ipackets if_data.ifi_ipackets
-#define if_ierrors if_data.ifi_ierrors
-#define if_opackets if_data.ifi_opackets
-#define if_oerrors if_data.ifi_oerrors
-#define if_collisions if_data.ifi_collisions
-#define if_ibytes if_data.ifi_ibytes
-#define if_obytes if_data.ifi_obytes
-#define if_imcasts if_data.ifi_imcasts
-#define if_omcasts if_data.ifi_omcasts
-#define if_iqdrops if_data.ifi_iqdrops
-#define if_noproto if_data.ifi_noproto
-#define if_lastchange if_data.ifi_lastchange
-#define if_recvquota if_data.ifi_recvquota
-#define if_xmitquota if_data.ifi_xmitquota
-#define if_nvlans if_data.ifi_nvlans
-#define if_rawoutput(if, m, sa) if_output(if, m, sa, (struct rtentry *)0)
+ u_int32_t if_wake_properties;
+#if PF
+ struct thread *if_pf_curthread;
+ struct pfi_kif *if_pf_kif;
+#endif /* PF */
+#ifdef _KERN_LOCKS_H_
+ lck_mtx_t *if_fwd_route_lock;
+ void *if_fwd_route_lock;
+ struct route if_fwd_route; /* cached IPv4 forwarding route */
+ void *if_bridge; /* bridge glue */
#ifndef __APPLE__
/* for compatibility with other BSDs */
#define if_addrlist if_addrhead
#define if_list if_link
+#endif /* !__APPLE__ */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
* Structure describing a `cloning' interface.
struct if_clone {
LIST_ENTRY(if_clone) ifc_list; /* on list of cloners */
- const char *ifc_name; /* name of device, e.g. `vlan' */
+ const char *ifc_name; /* name of device, e.g. `vlan' */
size_t ifc_namelen; /* length of name */
int ifc_minifs; /* minimum number of interfaces */
int ifc_maxunit; /* maximum unit number */
#define IF_CLONE_INITIALIZER(name, create, destroy, minifs, maxunit) \
- { { 0 }, name, sizeof(name) - 1, minifs, maxunit, NULL, 0, create, destroy }
+ { { NULL, NULL }, name, sizeof(name) - 1, minifs, maxunit, NULL, 0, create, destroy }
* Bit values in if_ipending
if ((ifq)->ifq_tail == 0) \
(ifq)->ifq_head = m; \
else \
- (ifq)->ifq_tail->m_nextpkt = m; \
+ ((struct mbuf*)(ifq)->ifq_tail)->m_nextpkt = m; \
(ifq)->ifq_tail = m; \
(ifq)->ifq_len++; \
} \
-#ifdef KERNEL
#define IF_ENQ_DROP(ifq, m) if_enq_drop(ifq, m)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(MT_HEADER)
static __inline int
-if_queue_drop(struct ifqueue *ifq, struct mbuf *m)
+if_queue_drop(struct ifqueue *ifq, __unused struct mbuf *m)
return 0;
#ifdef MT_HEADER
-int if_enq_drop __P((struct ifqueue *, struct mbuf *));
+int if_enq_drop(struct ifqueue *, struct mbuf *);
+#endif /* MT_HEADER */
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
+#endif /* defined(__GNUC__) && defined(MT_HEADER) */
- * 72 was chosen below because it is the size of a TCP/IP
- * header (40) + the minimum mss (32).
- */
-#define IF_MINMTU 72
-#define IF_MAXMTU 65535
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
* The ifaddr structure contains information about one address
* of an interface. They are maintained by the different address families,
struct sockaddr *ifa_dstaddr; /* other end of p-to-p link */
#define ifa_broadaddr ifa_dstaddr /* broadcast address interface */
struct sockaddr *ifa_netmask; /* used to determine subnet */
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- /* Use of if_data doesn't justify change of API */
- struct if_data if_data; /* not all members are meaningful */
struct ifnet *ifa_ifp; /* back-pointer to interface */
TAILQ_ENTRY(ifaddr) ifa_link; /* queue macro glue */
- void (*ifa_rtrequest) /* check or clean routes (+ or -)'d */
- __P((int, struct rtentry *, struct sockaddr *));
- u_short ifa_flags; /* mostly rt_flags for cloning */
- short ifa_refcnt;/* 16bit ref count, use ifaref, ifafree */
- int ifa_metric; /* cost of going out this interface */
-#ifdef notdef
- struct rtentry *ifa_rt; /* XXXX for ROUTETOIF ????? */
- u_long ifa_dlt;
- int (*ifa_claim_addr) /* check if an addr goes to this if */
- __P((struct ifaddr *, struct sockaddr *));
+ void (*ifa_rtrequest) /* check or clean routes (+ or -)'d */
+ (int, struct rtentry *, struct sockaddr *);
+ uint32_t ifa_flags; /* mostly rt_flags for cloning */
+ int32_t ifa_refcnt; /* ref count, use ifaref, ifafree */
+ int32_t ifa_metric; /* cost of going out this interface */
+ void (*ifa_free)(struct ifaddr *); /* callback fn for freeing */
+ void (*ifa_trace) /* callback fn for tracing refs */
+ (struct ifaddr *, int);
+ uint32_t ifa_debug; /* debug flags */
-#define IFA_ROUTE RTF_UP /* route installed */
+ * Valid values for ifa_flags
+ */
+#define IFA_ROUTE RTF_UP /* route installed (0x1) */
+#define IFA_CLONING RTF_CLONING /* (0x100) */
+ * Valid values for ifa_debug
+ */
+#define IFD_ATTACHED 0x1 /* attached to an interface */
+#define IFD_ALLOC 0x2 /* dynamically allocated */
+#define IFD_DEBUG 0x4 /* has debugging info */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
* The prefix structure contains information about one prefix
* of an interface. They are maintained by the different address families,
u_char ifpr_plen; /* prefix length in bits */
u_char ifpr_type; /* protocol dependent prefix type */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+typedef void (*ifma_protospec_free_func)(void* ifma_protospec);
* Multicast address structure. This is analogous to the ifaddr
struct ifmultiaddr {
LIST_ENTRY(ifmultiaddr) ifma_link; /* queue macro glue */
struct sockaddr *ifma_addr; /* address this membership is for */
- struct sockaddr *ifma_lladdr; /* link-layer translation, if any */
- struct ifnet *ifma_ifp; /* back-pointer to interface */
- u_int ifma_refcount; /* reference count */
- void *ifma_protospec; /* protocol-specific state, if any */
+ struct ifmultiaddr *ifma_ll; /* link-layer translation, if any */
+ struct ifnet *ifma_ifp; /* back-pointer to interface */
+ u_int ifma_usecount; /* use count, protected by ifp's lock */
+ void *ifma_protospec; /* protocol-specific state, if any */
+ int32_t ifma_refcount; /* reference count, atomically protected */
+ ifma_protospec_free_func ifma_free; /* function called to free ifma_protospec */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
-#ifdef KERNEL
#define IFAREF(ifa) ifaref(ifa)
#define IFAFREE(ifa) ifafree(ifa)
-extern struct ifnethead ifnet;
+ * To preserve kmem compatibility, we define
+ * ifnet_head to ifnet. This should be temp.
+ */
+#define ifnet_head ifnet
+extern struct ifnethead ifnet_head;
extern struct ifnet **ifindex2ifnet;
extern int ifqmaxlen;
-extern struct ifnet loif[];
+extern ifnet_t lo_ifp;
extern int if_index;
extern struct ifaddr **ifnet_addrs;
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-void ether_ifattach __P((struct ifnet *, int));
-void ether_ifdetach __P((struct ifnet *, int));
-void ether_input __P((struct ifnet *, struct ether_header *, struct mbuf *));
-void ether_demux __P((struct ifnet *, struct ether_header *, struct mbuf *));
-int ether_output __P((struct ifnet *,
- struct mbuf *, struct sockaddr *, struct rtentry *));
-int ether_output_frame __P((struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *));
-int ether_ioctl __P((struct ifnet *, int, caddr_t));
-int if_addmulti __P((struct ifnet *, struct sockaddr *,
- struct ifmultiaddr **));
-int if_allmulti __P((struct ifnet *, int));
-void if_attach __P((struct ifnet *));
-int if_delmultiaddr __P((struct ifmultiaddr *ifma));
-int if_delmulti __P((struct ifnet *, struct sockaddr *));
-void if_down __P((struct ifnet *));
-void if_route __P((struct ifnet *, int flag, int fam));
-void if_unroute __P((struct ifnet *, int flag, int fam));
-void if_up __P((struct ifnet *));
-/*void ifinit __P((void));*/ /* declared in systm.h for main() */
-int ifioctl __P((struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *));
-int ifpromisc __P((struct ifnet *, int));
-struct ifnet *ifunit __P((const char *));
-struct ifnet *if_withname __P((struct sockaddr *));
-int if_poll_recv_slow __P((struct ifnet *ifp, int *quotap));
-void if_poll_xmit_slow __P((struct ifnet *ifp, int *quotap));
-void if_poll_throttle __P((void));
-void if_poll_unthrottle __P((void *));
-void if_poll_init __P((void));
-void if_poll __P((void));
-void if_clone_attach(struct if_clone *);
+int if_addmulti(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *, struct ifmultiaddr **);
+int if_allmulti(struct ifnet *, int);
+void if_attach(struct ifnet *);
+int if_delmultiaddr(struct ifmultiaddr *ifma, int locked);
+int if_delmulti(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *);
+void if_down(struct ifnet *);
+int if_down_all(void);
+void if_route(struct ifnet *, int flag, int fam);
+void if_unroute(struct ifnet *, int flag, int fam);
+void if_up(struct ifnet *);
+void if_updown(struct ifnet *ifp, int up);
+/*void ifinit(void));*/ /* declared in systm.h for main( */
+int ifioctl(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *);
+int ifioctllocked(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *);
+struct ifnet *ifunit(const char *);
+struct ifnet *if_withname(struct sockaddr *);
+int if_clone_attach(struct if_clone *);
void if_clone_detach(struct if_clone *);
-struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr __P((struct sockaddr *));
-struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithdstaddr __P((struct sockaddr *));
-struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet __P((struct sockaddr *));
-struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute __P((int, struct sockaddr *,
- struct sockaddr *));
-struct ifaddr *ifaof_ifpforaddr __P((struct sockaddr *, struct ifnet *));
-void ifafree __P((struct ifaddr *));
-void ifaref __P((struct ifaddr *));
-struct ifmultiaddr *ifmaof_ifpforaddr __P((struct sockaddr *,
- struct ifnet *));
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-int if_simloop __P((struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m,
- struct sockaddr *dst, int hlen));
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+void ifnet_lock_assert(struct ifnet *ifp, int what);
+void ifnet_lock_shared(struct ifnet *ifp);
+void ifnet_lock_exclusive(struct ifnet *ifp);
+void ifnet_lock_done(struct ifnet *ifp);
+void ifnet_head_lock_shared(void);
+void ifnet_head_lock_exclusive(void);
+void ifnet_head_done(void);
+void if_attach_ifa(struct ifnet * ifp, struct ifaddr *ifa);
+void if_detach_ifa(struct ifnet * ifp, struct ifaddr *ifa);
+void ifma_reference(struct ifmultiaddr *ifma);
+void ifma_release(struct ifmultiaddr *ifma);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr_scoped(const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithdstaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet(const struct sockaddr *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet_scoped(const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute(int, const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_scoped_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *,
+ const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
+struct ifaddr *ifaof_ifpforaddr(const struct sockaddr *, struct ifnet *);
+struct ifaddr *ifa_ifpgetprimary(struct ifnet *, int);
+void ifafree(struct ifaddr *);
+void ifaref(struct ifaddr *);
+struct ifmultiaddr *ifmaof_ifpforaddr(const struct sockaddr *, struct ifnet *);
+extern struct in_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr(unsigned int);
+extern struct in_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr_scoped(unsigned int, unsigned int);
+enum {
+ kIfNetUseCount_MayBeZero = 0,
+ kIfNetUseCount_MustNotBeZero = 1
+int ifp_use(struct ifnet *ifp, int handle_zero);
+int ifp_unuse(struct ifnet *ifp);
+void ifp_use_reached_zero(struct ifnet *ifp);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
+void if_data_internal_to_if_data(struct ifnet *ifp, const struct if_data_internal *if_data_int,
+ struct if_data *if_data);
+void if_data_internal_to_if_data64(struct ifnet *ifp, const struct if_data_internal *if_data_int,
+ struct if_data64 *if_data64);
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* !_NET_IF_VAR_H_ */