- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
-#include <cpus.h>
-#if NCPUS > 1
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>
+#include <kern/kalloc.h>
#include <kern/cpu_data.h>
+#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
+#include <mach/vm_map.h>
+#include <mach/machine/vm_param.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <i386/bit_routines.h>
#include <i386/mp_desc.h>
-#include <i386/lock.h>
#include <i386/misc_protos.h>
#include <i386/mp.h>
+#include <i386/pmap.h>
+#include <i386/postcode.h>
+#include <i386/pmap_internal.h>
+#include <i386/machine_check.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
- * The i386 needs an interrupt stack to keep the PCB stack from being
- * overrun by interrupts. All interrupt stacks MUST lie at lower addresses
- * than any thread`s kernel stack.
- */
+#include <kern/monotonic.h>
+#endif /* MONOTONIC */
+#include <san/kasan.h>
+// Declare macros that will declare the externs
+#define TRAP(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define TRAP_ERR(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define TRAP_SPC(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define TRAP_IST1(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define TRAP_IST2(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define INTERRUPT(n) extern void *_intr_ ## n ;
+#define USER_TRAP(n, name) extern void *name ;
+#define USER_TRAP_SPC(n, name) extern void *name ;
+// Include the table to declare the externs
+#include "../x86_64/idt_table.h"
+// Undef the macros, then redefine them so we can declare the table
+#undef TRAP
+#undef TRAP_ERR
+#undef TRAP_SPC
+#undef TRAP_IST1
+#undef TRAP_IST2
+#undef USER_TRAP
+#define TRAP(n, name) \
+ [n] = { \
+ (uintptr_t)&name, \
+ KERNEL64_CS, \
+ 0, \
+ 0 \
+ },
+#define TRAP_ERR TRAP
+#define TRAP_SPC TRAP
+#define TRAP_IST1(n, name) \
+ [n] = { \
+ (uintptr_t)&name, \
+ KERNEL64_CS, \
+ 1, \
+ 0 \
+ },
+#define TRAP_IST2(n, name) \
+ [n] = { \
+ (uintptr_t)&name, \
+ KERNEL64_CS, \
+ 2, \
+ 0 \
+ },
+#define INTERRUPT(n) \
+ [n] = { \
+ (uintptr_t)&_intr_ ## n,\
+ KERNEL64_CS, \
+ 0, \
+ 0 \
+ },
+#define USER_TRAP(n, name) \
+ [n] = { \
+ (uintptr_t)&name, \
+ KERNEL64_CS, \
+ 0, \
+ 0 \
+ },
+// Declare the table using the macros we just set up
+struct fake_descriptor64 master_idt64[IDTSZ]
+ __attribute__ ((section("__HIB,__desc")))
+ __attribute__ ((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))) = {
+#include "../x86_64/idt_table.h"
- * Addresses of bottom and top of interrupt stacks.
+ * First cpu`s interrupt stack.
-vm_offset_t interrupt_stack[NCPUS];
-vm_offset_t int_stack_top[NCPUS];
+extern uint32_t low_intstack[]; /* bottom */
+extern uint32_t low_eintstack[]; /* top */
- * Barrier address.
+ * Per-cpu data area pointers.
+ * The master cpu (cpu 0) has its data area statically allocated;
+ * others are allocated dynamically and this array is updated at runtime.
-vm_offset_t int_stack_high;
+static cpu_data_t cpu_data_master = {
+ .cpu_this = &cpu_data_master,
+ .cpu_nanotime = &pal_rtc_nanotime_info,
+ .cpu_int_stack_top = (vm_offset_t) low_eintstack,
+cpu_data_t *cpu_data_ptr[MAX_CPUS] = { [0] = &cpu_data_master };
- * First cpu`s interrupt stack.
- */
-extern char intstack[]; /* bottom */
-extern char eintstack[]; /* top */
+decl_simple_lock_data(,ncpus_lock); /* protects real_ncpus */
+unsigned int real_ncpus = 1;
+unsigned int max_ncpus = MAX_CPUS;
- * We allocate interrupt stacks from physical memory.
- */
-vm_offset_t avail_start;
+extern void hi64_sysenter(void);
+extern void hi64_syscall(void);
* Multiprocessor i386/i486 systems use a separate copy of the
- * Allocated descriptor tables.
+ * Allocate and initialize the per-processor descriptor tables.
-struct mp_desc_table *mp_desc_table[NCPUS] = { 0 };
- * Pointer to TSS for access in load_context.
+ * This is the expanded, 64-bit variant of the kernel LDT descriptor.
+ * When switching to 64-bit mode this replaces KERNEL_LDT entry
+ * and the following empty slot. This enables the LDT to be referenced
+ * in the uber-space remapping window on the kernel.
-struct i386_tss *mp_ktss[NCPUS] = { 0 };
+struct fake_descriptor64 kernel_ldt_desc64 = {
+ 0,
+ LDTSZ_MIN*sizeof(struct fake_descriptor)-1,
+ 0,
+ 0
- * Pointer to TSS for debugger use.
+ * This is the expanded, 64-bit variant of the kernel TSS descriptor.
+ * It is follows pattern of the KERNEL_LDT.
-struct i386_tss *mp_dbtss[NCPUS] = { 0 };
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+struct fake_descriptor64 kernel_tss_desc64 = {
+ 0,
+ sizeof(struct x86_64_tss)-1,
+ 0,
+ 0
- * Pointer to GDT to reset the KTSS busy bit.
+ * Convert a descriptor from fake to real format.
+ *
+ * Fake descriptor format:
+ * bytes 0..3 base 31..0
+ * bytes 4..5 limit 15..0
+ * byte 6 access byte 2 | limit 19..16
+ * byte 7 access byte 1
+ *
+ * Real descriptor format:
+ * bytes 0..1 limit 15..0
+ * bytes 2..3 base 15..0
+ * byte 4 base 23..16
+ * byte 5 access byte 1
+ * byte 6 access byte 2 | limit 19..16
+ * byte 7 base 31..24
+ *
+ * Fake gate format:
+ * bytes 0..3 offset
+ * bytes 4..5 selector
+ * byte 6 word count << 4 (to match fake descriptor)
+ * byte 7 access byte 1
+ *
+ * Real gate format:
+ * bytes 0..1 offset 15..0
+ * bytes 2..3 selector
+ * byte 4 word count
+ * byte 5 access byte 1
+ * bytes 6..7 offset 31..16
-struct fake_descriptor *mp_gdt[NCPUS] = { 0 };
-struct fake_descriptor *mp_idt[NCPUS] = { 0 };
-struct fake_descriptor *mp_ldt[NCPUS] = { 0 };
+fix_desc(void *d, int num_desc) {
+ //early_kprintf("fix_desc(%x, %x)\n", d, num_desc);
+ uint8_t *desc = (uint8_t*) d;
+ do {
+ if ((desc[7] & 0x14) == 0x04) { /* gate */
+ uint32_t offset;
+ uint16_t selector;
+ uint8_t wordcount;
+ uint8_t acc;
+ offset = *((uint32_t*)(desc));
+ selector = *((uint32_t*)(desc+4));
+ wordcount = desc[6] >> 4;
+ acc = desc[7];
+ *((uint16_t*)desc) = offset & 0xFFFF;
+ *((uint16_t*)(desc+2)) = selector;
+ desc[4] = wordcount;
+ desc[5] = acc;
+ *((uint16_t*)(desc+6)) = offset >> 16;
+ } else { /* descriptor */
+ uint32_t base;
+ uint16_t limit;
+ uint8_t acc1, acc2;
+ base = *((uint32_t*)(desc));
+ limit = *((uint16_t*)(desc+4));
+ acc2 = desc[6];
+ acc1 = desc[7];
+ *((uint16_t*)(desc)) = limit;
+ *((uint16_t*)(desc+2)) = base & 0xFFFF;
+ desc[4] = (base >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ desc[5] = acc1;
+ desc[6] = acc2;
+ desc[7] = base >> 24;
+ }
+ desc += 8;
+ } while (--num_desc);
- * Allocate and initialize the per-processor descriptor tables.
- */
+fix_desc64(void *descp, int count)
+ struct fake_descriptor64 *fakep;
+ union {
+ struct real_gate64 gate;
+ struct real_descriptor64 desc;
+ } real;
+ int i;
+ fakep = (struct fake_descriptor64 *) descp;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++, fakep++) {
+ /*
+ * Construct the real decriptor locally.
+ */
+ bzero((void *) &real, sizeof(real));
+ switch (fakep->access & ACC_TYPE) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ real.gate.offset_low16 = (uint16_t)(fakep->offset64 & 0xFFFF);
+ real.gate.selector16 = fakep->lim_or_seg & 0xFFFF;
+ real.gate.IST = fakep->size_or_IST & 0x7;
+ real.gate.access8 = fakep->access;
+ real.gate.offset_high16 = (uint16_t)((fakep->offset64>>16) & 0xFFFF);
+ real.gate.offset_top32 = (uint32_t)(fakep->offset64>>32);
+ break;
+ default: /* Otherwise */
+ real.desc.limit_low16 = fakep->lim_or_seg & 0xFFFF;
+ real.desc.base_low16 = (uint16_t)(fakep->offset64 & 0xFFFF);
+ real.desc.base_med8 = (uint8_t)((fakep->offset64 >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ real.desc.access8 = fakep->access;
+ real.desc.limit_high4 = (fakep->lim_or_seg >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ real.desc.granularity4 = fakep->size_or_IST;
+ real.desc.base_high8 = (uint8_t)((fakep->offset64 >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ real.desc.base_top32 = (uint32_t)(fakep->offset64>>32);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now copy back over the fake structure.
+ */
+ bcopy((void *) &real, (void *) fakep, sizeof(real));
+ }
-struct fake_descriptor ldt_desc_pattern = {
- (unsigned int) 0,
- LDTSZ * sizeof(struct fake_descriptor) - 1,
- 0,
-struct fake_descriptor tss_desc_pattern = {
- (unsigned int) 0,
- sizeof(struct i386_tss),
- 0,
+static void
+cpu_gdt_alias(vm_map_offset_t gdt, vm_map_offset_t alias)
+ pt_entry_t *pte = NULL;
+ /* Require page alignment */
+ assert(page_aligned(gdt));
+ assert(page_aligned(alias));
+ pte = pmap_pte(kernel_pmap, alias);
+ pmap_store_pte(pte, kvtophys(gdt) | INTEL_PTE_REF
+#if KASAN
+ kasan_notify_address(alias, PAGE_SIZE);
-struct fake_descriptor cpudata_desc_pattern = {
- (unsigned int) 0,
- sizeof(cpu_data_t)-1,
- SZ_32,
-struct mp_desc_table *
- int mycpu)
+cpu_desc_init(cpu_data_t *cdp)
- register struct mp_desc_table *mpt;
- if (mycpu == master_cpu) {
- /*
- * Master CPU uses the tables built at boot time.
- * Just set the TSS and GDT pointers.
- */
- mp_ktss[mycpu] = &ktss;
- mp_dbtss[mycpu] = &dbtss;
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
- mp_gdt[mycpu] = gdt;
- mp_idt[mycpu] = idt;
- mp_ldt[mycpu] = ldt;
- return 0;
+ cpu_desc_index_t *cdi = &cdp->cpu_desc_index;
+ if (cdp == &cpu_data_master) {
+ /*
+ * Master CPU uses the tables built at boot time.
+ * Just set the index pointers to the low memory space.
+ */
+ cdi->cdi_ktss = (void *)&master_ktss64;
+ cdi->cdi_sstk = (vm_offset_t) &master_sstk.top;
+ cdi->cdi_gdt.ptr = (void *)MASTER_GDT_ALIAS;
+ cdi->cdi_idt.ptr = (void *)MASTER_IDT_ALIAS;
+ cdi->cdi_ldt = (struct fake_descriptor *) master_ldt;
+ /* Replace the expanded LDTs and TSS slots in the GDT */
+ kernel_ldt_desc64.offset64 = (uintptr_t) &master_ldt;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)] =
+ kernel_ldt_desc64;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(USER_LDT)] =
+ kernel_ldt_desc64;
+ kernel_tss_desc64.offset64 = (uintptr_t) &master_ktss64;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)] =
+ kernel_tss_desc64;
+ /* Fix up the expanded descriptors for 64-bit. */
+ fix_desc64((void *) &master_idt64, IDTSZ);
+ fix_desc64((void *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)], 1);
+ fix_desc64((void *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(USER_LDT)], 1);
+ fix_desc64((void *) &master_gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)], 1);
+ /*
+ * Set the NMI/fault stacks as IST2/IST1 in the 64-bit TSS
+ * Note: this will be dynamically re-allocated in VM later.
+ */
+ master_ktss64.ist2 = (uintptr_t) low_eintstack;
+ master_ktss64.ist1 = (uintptr_t) low_eintstack
+ - sizeof(x86_64_intr_stack_frame_t);
+ } else if (cdi->cdi_ktss == NULL) { /* Skipping re-init on wake */
+ cpu_desc_table64_t *cdt = (cpu_desc_table64_t *) cdp->cpu_desc_tablep;
+ /*
+ * Per-cpu GDT, IDT, KTSS descriptors are allocated in kernel
+ * heap (cpu_desc_table).
+ * LDT descriptors are mapped into a separate area.
+ * GDT descriptors are addressed by alias to avoid sgdt leaks to user-space.
+ */
+ cdi->cdi_idt.ptr = (void *)MASTER_IDT_ALIAS;
+ cdi->cdi_gdt.ptr = (void *)CPU_GDT_ALIAS(cdp->cpu_number);
+ cdi->cdi_ktss = (void *)&cdt->ktss;
+ cdi->cdi_sstk = (vm_offset_t)&cdt->sstk.top;
+ cdi->cdi_ldt = cdp->cpu_ldtp;
+ /* Make the virtual alias address for the GDT */
+ cpu_gdt_alias((vm_map_offset_t) &cdt->gdt,
+ (vm_map_offset_t) cdi->cdi_gdt.ptr);
+ /*
+ * Copy the tables
+ */
+ bcopy((char *)master_gdt, (char *)cdt->gdt, sizeof(master_gdt));
+ bcopy((char *)master_ldt, (char *)cdp->cpu_ldtp, sizeof(master_ldt));
+ bcopy((char *)&master_ktss64, (char *)&cdt->ktss, sizeof(struct x86_64_tss));
+ /*
+ * Fix up the entries in the GDT to point to
+ * this LDT and this TSS.
+ */
+ kernel_ldt_desc64.offset64 = (uintptr_t) cdi->cdi_ldt;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &cdt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)] =
+ kernel_ldt_desc64;
+ fix_desc64(&cdt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)], 1);
+ kernel_ldt_desc64.offset64 = (uintptr_t) cdi->cdi_ldt;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &cdt->gdt[sel_idx(USER_LDT)] =
+ kernel_ldt_desc64;
+ fix_desc64(&cdt->gdt[sel_idx(USER_LDT)], 1);
+ kernel_tss_desc64.offset64 = (uintptr_t) cdi->cdi_ktss;
+ *(struct fake_descriptor64 *) &cdt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)] =
+ kernel_tss_desc64;
+ fix_desc64(&cdt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)], 1);
+ /* Set (zeroed) fault stack as IST1, NMI intr stack IST2 */
+ bzero((void *) cdt->fstk, sizeof(cdt->fstk));
+ cdt->ktss.ist2 = (unsigned long)cdt->fstk + sizeof(cdt->fstk);
+ cdt->ktss.ist1 = cdt->ktss.ist2
+ - sizeof(x86_64_intr_stack_frame_t);
- else {
- mpt = mp_desc_table[mycpu];
- mp_ktss[mycpu] = &mpt->ktss;
- mp_gdt[mycpu] = mpt->gdt;
- mp_idt[mycpu] = mpt->idt;
- mp_ldt[mycpu] = mpt->ldt;
- /*
- * Copy the tables
- */
- bcopy((char *)idt,
- (char *)mpt->idt,
- sizeof(idt));
- bcopy((char *)gdt,
- (char *)mpt->gdt,
- sizeof(gdt));
- bcopy((char *)ldt,
- (char *)mpt->ldt,
- sizeof(ldt));
- bzero((char *)&mpt->ktss,
- sizeof(struct i386_tss));
-#if 0
- bzero((char *)&cpu_data[mycpu],
- sizeof(cpu_data_t));
+ /* Require that the top of the sysenter stack is 16-byte aligned */
+ if ((cdi->cdi_sstk % 16) != 0)
+ panic("cpu_desc_init() sysenter stack not 16-byte aligned");
+cpu_desc_load(cpu_data_t *cdp)
+ cpu_desc_index_t *cdi = &cdp->cpu_desc_index;
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_ENTRY);
+ /* Stuff the kernel per-cpu data area address into the MSRs */
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_GS_BASE);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_GS_BASE, (uintptr_t) cdp);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE, (uintptr_t) cdp);
+ /*
+ * Ensure the TSS segment's busy bit is clear. This is required
+ * for the case of reloading descriptors at wake to avoid
+ * their complete re-initialization.
+ */
+ gdt_desc_p(KERNEL_TSS)->access &= ~ACC_TSS_BUSY;
+ /* Load the GDT, LDT, IDT and TSS */
+ cdi->cdi_gdt.size = sizeof(struct real_descriptor)*GDTSZ - 1;
+ cdi->cdi_idt.size = 0x1000 + cdp->cpu_number;
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_GDT);
+ lgdt((uintptr_t *) &cdi->cdi_gdt);
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_IDT);
+ lidt((uintptr_t *) &cdi->cdi_idt);
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_LDT);
+ lldt(KERNEL_LDT);
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_TSS);
+ set_tr(KERNEL_TSS);
+#if GPROF // Hack to enable mcount to work on K64
+ __asm__ volatile("mov %0, %%gs" : : "rm" ((unsigned short)(KERNEL_DS)));
- /* I am myself */
- cpu_data[mycpu].cpu_number = mycpu;
- mp_dbtss[mycpu] = &mpt->dbtss;
- bcopy((char *)&dbtss,
- (char *)&mpt->dbtss,
- sizeof(struct i386_tss));
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
- /*
- * Fix up the entries in the GDT to point to
- * this LDT and this TSS.
- */
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)] = ldt_desc_pattern;
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)].offset =
- LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS + (unsigned int) mpt->ldt;
- fix_desc(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)], 1);
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)] = tss_desc_pattern;
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)].offset =
- LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS + (unsigned int) &mpt->ktss;
- fix_desc(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)], 1);
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(CPU_DATA)] = cpudata_desc_pattern;
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(CPU_DATA)].offset =
- LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS + (unsigned int) &cpu_data[mycpu];
- fix_desc(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(CPU_DATA)], 1);
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(DEBUG_TSS)] = tss_desc_pattern;
- mpt->gdt[sel_idx(DEBUG_TSS)].offset =
- LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS + (unsigned int) &mpt->dbtss;
- fix_desc(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(DEBUG_TSS)], 1);
- mpt->dbtss.esp0 = (int)(db_task_stack_store +
- (INTSTACK_SIZE * (mycpu + 1)) - sizeof (natural_t));
- mpt->dbtss.esp = mpt->dbtss.esp0;
- mpt->dbtss.eip = (int)&db_task_start;
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
- mpt->ktss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
- mpt->ktss.io_bit_map_offset = 0x0FFF; /* no IO bitmap */
- return mpt;
- }
+ postcode(CPU_DESC_LOAD_EXIT);
- * Called after all CPUs have been found, but before the VM system
- * is running. The machine array must show which CPUs exist.
+ * Set MSRs for sysenter/sysexit and syscall/sysret for 64-bit.
+cpu_syscall_init(cpu_data_t *cdp)
+ mt_cpu_up(cdp);
+#else /* MONOTONIC */
+#pragma unused(cdp)
+#endif /* !MONOTONIC */
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, (uintptr_t) hi64_sysenter);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, current_sstk());
+ /* Enable syscall/sysret */
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_EFER, rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_EFER) | MSR_IA32_EFER_SCE);
+ /*
+ * MSRs for 64-bit syscall/sysret
+ * Note USER_CS because sysret uses this + 16 when returning to
+ * 64-bit code.
+ */
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_LSTAR, (uintptr_t) hi64_syscall);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_STAR, (((uint64_t)USER_CS) << 48) |
+ (((uint64_t)KERNEL64_CS) << 32));
+ /*
+ * Emulate eflags cleared by sysenter but note that
+ * we also clear the trace trap to avoid the complications
+ * of single-stepping into a syscall. The nested task bit
+ * is also cleared to avoid a spurious "task switch"
+ * should we choose to return via an IRET.
+ */
+cpu_data_t *
+cpu_data_alloc(boolean_t is_boot_cpu)
- register int i;
- int cpu_count;
- vm_offset_t stack_start;
- struct mp_desc_table *mpt;
+ int ret;
+ cpu_data_t *cdp;
+ if (is_boot_cpu) {
+ assert(real_ncpus == 1);
+ cdp = cpu_datap(0);
+ if (cdp->cpu_processor == NULL) {
+ simple_lock_init(&ncpus_lock, 0);
+ cdp->cpu_processor = cpu_processor_alloc(TRUE);
+ cdp->cpu_pmap = pmap_cpu_alloc(TRUE);
+ }
+ return cdp;
+ }
- * Number of CPUs possible.
+ * Allocate per-cpu data:
- cpu_count = wncpu;
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *) &cdp, sizeof(cpu_data_t), VM_KERN_MEMORY_CPU);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("cpu_data_alloc() failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ bzero((void*) cdp, sizeof(cpu_data_t));
+ cdp->cpu_this = cdp;
- * Allocate an interrupt stack for each CPU except for
- * the master CPU (which uses the bootstrap stack)
+ * Allocate interrupt stack:
- stack_start = phystokv(avail_start);
- avail_start = round_page(avail_start + INTSTACK_SIZE*(cpu_count-1));
- bzero((char *)stack_start, INTSTACK_SIZE*(cpu_count-1));
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map,
+ (vm_offset_t *) &cdp->cpu_int_stack_top,
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("cpu_data_alloc() int stack failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ goto abort;
+ }
+ bzero((void*) cdp->cpu_int_stack_top, INTSTACK_SIZE);
+ cdp->cpu_int_stack_top += INTSTACK_SIZE;
- * Set up pointers to the top of the interrupt stack.
+ * Allocate descriptor table:
- for (i = 0; i < cpu_count; i++) {
- if (i == master_cpu) {
- interrupt_stack[i] = (vm_offset_t) intstack;
- int_stack_top[i] = (vm_offset_t) eintstack;
- }
- else {
- interrupt_stack[i] = stack_start;
- int_stack_top[i] = stack_start + INTSTACK_SIZE;
- stack_start += INTSTACK_SIZE;
- }
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map,
+ (vm_offset_t *) &cdp->cpu_desc_tablep,
+ sizeof(cpu_desc_table64_t),
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("cpu_data_alloc() desc_table failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ goto abort;
- * Allocate descriptor tables for each CPU except for
- * the master CPU (which already has them initialized)
+ * Allocate LDT
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map,
+ (vm_offset_t *) &cdp->cpu_ldtp,
+ sizeof(struct real_descriptor) * LDTSZ,
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("cpu_data_alloc() ldt failed, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ goto abort;
+ }
- mpt = (struct mp_desc_table *) phystokv(avail_start);
- avail_start = round_page((vm_offset_t)avail_start +
- sizeof(struct mp_desc_table)*(cpu_count-1));
- for (i = 0; i < cpu_count; i++)
- if (i != master_cpu)
- mp_desc_table[i] = mpt++;
+ /* Machine-check shadow register allocation. */
+ mca_cpu_alloc(cdp);
+ simple_lock(&ncpus_lock);
+ cpu_data_ptr[real_ncpus] = cdp;
+ cdp->cpu_number = real_ncpus;
+ real_ncpus++;
+ simple_unlock(&ncpus_lock);
- * Set up the barrier address. All thread stacks MUST
- * be above this address.
+ * Before this cpu has been assigned a real thread context,
+ * we give it a fake, unique, non-zero thread id which the locking
+ * primitives use as their lock value.
+ * Note that this does not apply to the boot processor, cpu 0, which
+ * transitions to a thread context well before other processors are
+ * started.
+ */
+ cdp->cpu_active_thread = (thread_t) (uintptr_t) cdp->cpu_number;
+ cdp->cpu_nanotime = &pal_rtc_nanotime_info;
+ kprintf("cpu_data_alloc(%d) %p desc_table: %p "
+ "ldt: %p "
+ "int_stack: 0x%lx-0x%lx\n",
+ cdp->cpu_number, cdp, cdp->cpu_desc_tablep, cdp->cpu_ldtp,
+ (long)(cdp->cpu_int_stack_top - INTSTACK_SIZE), (long)(cdp->cpu_int_stack_top));
+ return cdp;
+ if (cdp) {
+ if (cdp->cpu_desc_tablep)
+ kfree((void *) cdp->cpu_desc_tablep,
+ sizeof(cpu_desc_table64_t));
+ if (cdp->cpu_int_stack_top)
+ kfree((void *) (cdp->cpu_int_stack_top - INTSTACK_SIZE),
+ kfree((void *) cdp, sizeof(*cdp));
+ }
+ return NULL;
+valid_user_data_selector(uint16_t selector)
+ sel_t sel = selector_to_sel(selector);
+ if (selector == 0)
+ return (TRUE);
+ if (sel.ti == SEL_LDT)
+ return (TRUE);
+ else if (sel.index < GDTSZ) {
+ if ((gdt_desc_p(selector)->access & ACC_PL_U) == ACC_PL_U)
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+valid_user_code_selector(uint16_t selector)
+ sel_t sel = selector_to_sel(selector);
+ if (selector == 0)
+ return (FALSE);
+ if (sel.ti == SEL_LDT) {
+ if (sel.rpl == USER_PRIV)
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ else if (sel.index < GDTSZ && sel.rpl == USER_PRIV) {
+ if ((gdt_desc_p(selector)->access & ACC_PL_U) == ACC_PL_U)
+ return (TRUE);
+ /* Explicitly validate the system code selectors
+ * even if not instantaneously privileged,
+ * since they are dynamically re-privileged
+ * at context switch
+ if ((selector == USER_CS) || (selector == USER64_CS))
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+valid_user_stack_selector(uint16_t selector)
+ sel_t sel = selector_to_sel(selector);
+ if (selector == 0)
+ return (FALSE);
+ if (sel.ti == SEL_LDT) {
+ if (sel.rpl == USER_PRIV)
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ else if (sel.index < GDTSZ && sel.rpl == USER_PRIV) {
+ if ((gdt_desc_p(selector)->access & ACC_PL_U) == ACC_PL_U)
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+valid_user_segment_selectors(uint16_t cs,
+ uint16_t ss,
+ uint16_t ds,
+ uint16_t es,
+ uint16_t fs,
+ uint16_t gs)
+ return valid_user_code_selector(cs) &&
+ valid_user_stack_selector(ss) &&
+ valid_user_data_selector(ds) &&
+ valid_user_data_selector(es) &&
+ valid_user_data_selector(fs) &&
+ valid_user_data_selector(gs);
+static vm_offset_t user_window_base = 0;
+cpu_userwindow_init(int cpu)
+ cpu_data_t *cdp = cpu_data_ptr[cpu];
+ vm_offset_t user_window;
+ vm_offset_t vaddr;
+ int num_cpus;
+ num_cpus = ml_get_max_cpus();
+ if (cpu >= num_cpus)
+ panic("cpu_userwindow_init: cpu > num_cpus");
+ if (user_window_base == 0) {
+ if (vm_allocate(kernel_map, &vaddr,
+ (NBPDE * NCOPY_WINDOWS * num_cpus) + NBPDE,
+ panic("cpu_userwindow_init: "
+ "couldn't allocate user map window");
+ /*
+ * window must start on a page table boundary
+ * in the virtual address space
+ */
+ user_window_base = (vaddr + (NBPDE - 1)) & ~(NBPDE - 1);
+ /*
+ * get rid of any allocation leading up to our
+ * starting boundary
+ */
+ vm_deallocate(kernel_map, vaddr, user_window_base - vaddr);
+ /*
+ * get rid of tail that we don't need
+ */
+ user_window = user_window_base +
+ (NBPDE * NCOPY_WINDOWS * num_cpus);
+ vm_deallocate(kernel_map, user_window,
+ (vaddr +
+ ((NBPDE * NCOPY_WINDOWS * num_cpus) + NBPDE)) -
+ user_window);
+ }
+ user_window = user_window_base + (cpu * NCOPY_WINDOWS * NBPDE);
+ cdp->cpu_copywindow_base = user_window;
- * intstack is at higher addess than stack_start for AT mps
- * so int_stack_high must point at eintstack.
- * XXX
- * But what happens if a kernel stack gets allocated below
- * 1 Meg ? Probably never happens, there is only 640 K available
- * There.
+ * Abuse this pdp entry, the pdp now actually points to
+ * an array of copy windows addresses.
- int_stack_high = (vm_offset_t) eintstack;
+ cdp->cpu_copywindow_pdp = pmap_pde(kernel_pmap, user_window);
-#endif /* NCPUS > 1 */
+cpu_physwindow_init(int cpu)
+ cpu_data_t *cdp = cpu_data_ptr[cpu];
+ vm_offset_t phys_window = cdp->cpu_physwindow_base;
+ if (phys_window == 0) {
+ if (vm_allocate(kernel_map, &phys_window,
+ panic("cpu_physwindow_init: "
+ "couldn't allocate phys map window");
+ /*
+ * make sure the page that encompasses the
+ * pte pointer we're interested in actually
+ * exists in the page table
+ */
+ pmap_expand(kernel_pmap, phys_window, PMAP_EXPAND_OPTIONS_NONE);
+ cdp->cpu_physwindow_base = phys_window;
+ cdp->cpu_physwindow_ptep = vtopte(phys_window);
+ }
+#endif /* NCOPY_WINDOWS > 0 */
+ * Allocate a new interrupt stack for the boot processor from the
+ * heap rather than continue to use the statically allocated space.
+ * Also switch to a dynamically allocated cpu data area.
+ */
+ int ret;
+ vm_offset_t istk;
+ vm_offset_t fstk;
+ cpu_data_t *cdp;
+ boolean_t istate;
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &istk, INTSTACK_SIZE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_CPU);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("cpu_data_realloc() stack alloc, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ }
+ bzero((void*) istk, INTSTACK_SIZE);
+ istk += INTSTACK_SIZE;
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *) &cdp, sizeof(cpu_data_t), VM_KERN_MEMORY_CPU);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("cpu_data_realloc() cpu data alloc, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ }
+ /* Copy old contents into new area and make fix-ups */
+ assert(cpu_number() == 0);
+ bcopy((void *) cpu_data_ptr[0], (void*) cdp, sizeof(cpu_data_t));
+ cdp->cpu_this = cdp;
+ cdp->cpu_int_stack_top = istk;
+ timer_call_queue_init(&cdp->rtclock_timer.queue);
+ /* Allocate the separate fault stack */
+ ret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &fstk, PAGE_SIZE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_CPU);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("cpu_data_realloc() fault stack alloc, ret=%d\n", ret);
+ }
+ bzero((void*) fstk, PAGE_SIZE);
+ fstk += PAGE_SIZE;
+ /*
+ * With interrupts disabled commmit the new areas.
+ */
+ istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
+ cpu_data_ptr[0] = cdp;
+ master_ktss64.ist2 = (uintptr_t) fstk;
+ master_ktss64.ist1 = (uintptr_t) fstk
+ - sizeof(x86_64_intr_stack_frame_t);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_GS_BASE, (uintptr_t) cdp);
+ wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE, (uintptr_t) cdp);
+ (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);
+ kprintf("Reallocated master cpu data: %p,"
+ " interrupt stack: %p, fault stack: %p\n",
+ (void *) cdp, (void *) istk, (void *) fstk);