- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
- * The NEXTSTEP Software License Agreement specifies the terms
- * and conditions for redistribution.
- *
* @(#)vfs_bio.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 1/11/94
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
-#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/buf_internal.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/mount_internal.h>
#include <sys/trace.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <miscfs/specfs/specdev.h>
#include <sys/ubc.h>
-#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <sys/fslog.h> /* fslog_io_error() */
+#include <sys/disk.h> /* dk_error_description_t */
+#include <mach/mach_types.h>
+#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h> /* thread_block() */
+#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
-#include <machine/spl.h>
-static __inline__ void bufqinc(int q);
-static __inline__ void bufqdec(int q);
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
+#include <sys/ubc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/sdt.h>
+int bcleanbuf(buf_t bp, boolean_t discard);
+static int brecover_data(buf_t bp);
+static boolean_t incore(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno);
+/* timeout is in msecs */
+static buf_t getnewbuf(int slpflag, int slptimeo, int *queue);
+static void bremfree_locked(buf_t bp);
+static void buf_reassign(buf_t bp, vnode_t newvp);
+static errno_t buf_acquire_locked(buf_t bp, int flags, int slpflag, int slptimeo);
+static int buf_iterprepare(vnode_t vp, struct buflists *, int flags);
+static void buf_itercomplete(vnode_t vp, struct buflists *, int flags);
+static boolean_t buffer_cache_gc(int);
+static buf_t buf_brelse_shadow(buf_t bp);
+static void buf_free_meta_store(buf_t bp);
+static buf_t buf_create_shadow_internal(buf_t bp, boolean_t force_copy,
+ uintptr_t external_storage, void (*iodone)(buf_t, void *), void *arg, int priv);
-static int do_breadn_for_type(struct vnode *vp, daddr_t blkno, int size, daddr_t *rablks,
- int *rasizes, int nrablks, struct ucred *cred, struct buf **bpp, int queuetype);
-static struct buf *getnewbuf(int slpflag, int slptimeo, int *queue);
-static int bcleanbuf(struct buf *bp);
-static int brecover_data(struct buf *bp);
-extern void vwakeup();
-extern int niobuf; /* The number of IO buffer headers for cluster IO */
-int blaundrycnt;
+int bdwrite_internal(buf_t, int);
+extern void disk_conditioner_delay(buf_t, int, int, uint64_t);
/* zone allocated buffer headers */
-static zone_t buf_hdr_zone;
-static int buf_hdr_count;
+static void bufzoneinit(void);
+static void bcleanbuf_thread_init(void);
+static void bcleanbuf_thread(void);
+static zone_t buf_hdr_zone;
+static int buf_hdr_count;
-#if TRACE
-struct proc *traceproc;
-int tracewhich, tracebuf[TRCSIZ];
-u_int tracex;
-char traceflags[TR_NFLAGS];
-#endif /* TRACE */
* Definitions for the buffer hash lists.
LIST_HEAD(bufhashhdr, buf) *bufhashtbl, invalhash;
u_long bufhash;
+static buf_t incore_locked(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, struct bufhashhdr *dp);
/* Definitions for the buffer stats. */
struct bufstats bufstats;
/* Number of delayed write buffers */
-int nbdwrite = 0;
- * Insq/Remq for the buffer hash lists.
- */
-#if 0
-#define binshash(bp, dp) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(dp, bp, b_hash)
-#define bremhash(bp) LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_hash)
-#endif /* 0 */
+long nbdwrite = 0;
+int blaundrycnt = 0;
+static int boot_nbuf_headers = 0;
+static TAILQ_HEAD(delayqueue, buf) delaybufqueue;
-TAILQ_HEAD(ioqueue, buf) iobufqueue;
-TAILQ_HEAD(bqueues, buf) bufqueues[BQUEUES];
+static TAILQ_HEAD(ioqueue, buf) iobufqueue;
+static TAILQ_HEAD(bqueues, buf) bufqueues[BQUEUES];
static int needbuffer;
static int need_iobuffer;
+static lck_grp_t *buf_mtx_grp;
+static lck_attr_t *buf_mtx_attr;
+static lck_grp_attr_t *buf_mtx_grp_attr;
+static lck_mtx_t *iobuffer_mtxp;
+static lck_mtx_t *buf_mtxp;
+static lck_mtx_t *buf_gc_callout;
+static int buf_busycount;
+typedef struct {
+ void (* callout)(int, void *);
+ void *context;
+} fs_buffer_cache_gc_callout_t;
+fs_buffer_cache_gc_callout_t fs_callouts[FS_BUFFER_CACHE_GC_CALLOUTS_MAX_SIZE] = { {NULL, NULL} };
+static __inline__ int
+ struct timeval t;
+ microuptime(&t);
+ return (t.tv_sec);
* Insq/Remq for the buffer free lists.
#define binsheadfree(bp, dp, whichq) do { \
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(dp, bp, b_freelist); \
- bufqinc((whichq)); \
- (bp)->b_whichq = whichq; \
- (bp)->b_timestamp = time.tv_sec; \
} while (0)
#define binstailfree(bp, dp, whichq) do { \
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(dp, bp, b_freelist); \
- bufqinc((whichq)); \
- (bp)->b_whichq = whichq; \
- (bp)->b_timestamp = time.tv_sec; \
} while (0)
#define BHASHENTCHECK(bp) \
if ((bp)->b_hash.le_prev != (struct buf **)0xdeadbeef) \
- panic("%x: b_hash.le_prev is not deadbeef", (bp));
+ panic("%p: b_hash.le_prev is not deadbeef", (bp));
#define BLISTNONE(bp) \
(bp)->b_hash.le_next = (struct buf *)0; \
(bp)->b_vnbufs.le_next = NOLIST; \
-simple_lock_data_t bufhashlist_slock; /* lock on buffer hash list */
-/* number of per vnode, "in flight" buffer writes */
* Time in seconds before a buffer on a list is
* considered as a stale buffer
int age_is_stale = AGE_IS_STALE;
int meta_is_stale = META_IS_STALE;
+#define MAXLAUNDRY 10
/* LIST_INSERT_HEAD() with assertions */
static __inline__ void
-blistenterhead(struct bufhashhdr * head, struct buf * bp)
+blistenterhead(struct bufhashhdr * head, buf_t bp)
if ((bp->b_hash.le_next = (head)->lh_first) != NULL)
(head)->lh_first->b_hash.le_prev = &(bp)->b_hash.le_next;
static __inline__ void
-binshash(struct buf *bp, struct bufhashhdr *dp)
+binshash(buf_t bp, struct bufhashhdr *dp)
- struct buf *nbp;
- simple_lock(&bufhashlist_slock);
-#if 0
- if((bad = incore(bp->b_vp, bp->b_lblkno)))
- panic("binshash: already incore bp 0x%x, bad 0x%x\n", bp, bad);
-#endif /* 0 */
+ buf_t nbp;
+#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
nbp = dp->lh_first;
for(; nbp != NULL; nbp = nbp->b_hash.le_next) {
if(nbp == bp)
panic("buf already in hashlist");
+#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
blistenterhead(dp, bp);
- simple_unlock(&bufhashlist_slock);
static __inline__ void
-bremhash(struct buf *bp)
+bremhash(buf_t bp)
- simple_lock(&bufhashlist_slock);
if (bp->b_hash.le_prev == (struct buf **)0xdeadbeef)
panic("bremhash le_prev is deadbeef");
if (bp->b_hash.le_next == bp)
if (bp->b_hash.le_next != NULL)
bp->b_hash.le_next->b_hash.le_prev = bp->b_hash.le_prev;
*bp->b_hash.le_prev = (bp)->b_hash.le_next;
- simple_unlock(&bufhashlist_slock);
- * Remove a buffer from the free list it's on
+ * buf_mtxp held.
- struct buf *bp;
+static __inline__ void
+bmovelaundry(buf_t bp)
- struct bqueues *dp = NULL;
- int whichq = -1;
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_LAUNDRY;
+ bp->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
+ binstailfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], BQ_LAUNDRY);
+ blaundrycnt++;
- /*
- * We only calculate the head of the freelist when removing
- * the last element of the list as that is the only time that
- * it is needed (e.g. to reset the tail pointer).
- *
- * NB: This makes an assumption about how tailq's are implemented.
- */
- if (bp->b_freelist.tqe_next == NULL) {
- for (dp = bufqueues; dp < &bufqueues[BQUEUES]; dp++)
- if (dp->tqh_last == &bp->b_freelist.tqe_next)
- break;
- if (dp == &bufqueues[BQUEUES])
- panic("bremfree: lost tail");
+static __inline__ void
+buf_release_credentials(buf_t bp)
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(bp->b_rcred)) {
+ kauth_cred_unref(&bp->b_rcred);
+ }
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(bp->b_wcred)) {
+ kauth_cred_unref(&bp->b_wcred);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(dp, bp, b_freelist);
- whichq = bp->b_whichq;
- bufqdec(whichq);
- bp->b_whichq = -1;
- bp->b_timestamp = 0;
- * Associate a buffer with a vnode.
- */
-static void
-bgetvp(vp, bp)
- register struct vnode *vp;
- register struct buf *bp;
- if (bp->b_vp != vp)
- panic("bgetvp: not free");
- VHOLD(vp);
- bp->b_vp = vp;
- if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR)
- bp->b_dev = vp->v_rdev;
- else
- bp->b_dev = NODEV;
- /*
- * Insert onto list for new vnode.
- */
- bufinsvn(bp, &vp->v_cleanblkhd);
+buf_valid(buf_t bp) {
+ if ( (bp->b_flags & (B_DONE | B_DELWRI)) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- * Disassociate a buffer from a vnode.
- */
-static void
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct vnode *vp;
+buf_fromcache(buf_t bp) {
- if (bp->b_vp == (struct vnode *) 0)
- panic("brelvp: NULL vp");
- /*
- * Delete from old vnode list, if on one.
- */
- if (bp->b_vnbufs.le_next != NOLIST)
- bufremvn(bp);
- vp = bp->b_vp;
- bp->b_vp = (struct vnode *) 0;
+ if ( (bp->b_flags & B_CACHE) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- * Reassign a buffer from one vnode to another.
- * Used to assign file specific control information
- * (indirect blocks) to the vnode to which they belong.
- */
-reassignbuf(bp, newvp)
- register struct buf *bp;
- register struct vnode *newvp;
- register struct buflists *listheadp;
- if (newvp == NULL) {
- printf("reassignbuf: NULL");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Delete from old vnode list, if on one.
- */
- if (bp->b_vnbufs.le_next != NOLIST)
- bufremvn(bp);
- /*
- * If dirty, put on list of dirty buffers;
- * otherwise insert onto list of clean buffers.
- */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI))
- listheadp = &newvp->v_dirtyblkhd;
- else
- listheadp = &newvp->v_cleanblkhd;
- bufinsvn(bp, listheadp);
+buf_markinvalid(buf_t bp) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
-static __inline__ void
-bufhdrinit(struct buf *bp)
- bzero((char *)bp, sizeof *bp);
- bp->b_dev = NODEV;
- bp->b_rcred = NOCRED;
- bp->b_wcred = NOCRED;
- bp->b_vnbufs.le_next = NOLIST;
- bp->b_flags = B_INVAL;
+buf_markdelayed(buf_t bp) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
- return;
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &nbdwrite);
+ buf_reassign(bp, bp->b_vp);
+ }
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE);
- * Initialize buffers and hash links for buffers.
- */
-__private_extern__ void
- register struct buf *bp;
- register struct bqueues *dp;
- register int i;
- int metabuf;
- long whichq;
- static void bufzoneinit();
- static void bcleanbuf_thread_init();
- /* Initialize the buffer queues ('freelists') and the hash table */
- for (dp = bufqueues; dp < &bufqueues[BQUEUES]; dp++)
- bufhashtbl = hashinit(nbuf, M_CACHE, &bufhash);
+buf_markclean(buf_t bp) {
- simple_lock_init(&bufhashlist_slock );
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
- metabuf = nbuf/8; /* reserved for meta buf */
+ OSAddAtomicLong(-1, &nbdwrite);
+ buf_reassign(bp, bp->b_vp);
+ }
- /* Initialize the buffer headers */
- for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) {
- bp = &buf[i];
- bufhdrinit(bp);
+buf_markeintr(buf_t bp) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_EINTR);
- /*
- * metabuf buffer headers on the meta-data list and
- * rest of the buffer headers on the empty list
- */
- if (--metabuf)
- whichq = BQ_META;
- else
- whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
- dp = &bufqueues[whichq];
- binsheadfree(bp, dp, whichq);
- binshash(bp, &invalhash);
- }
+buf_markaged(buf_t bp) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_AGE);
- for (; i < nbuf + niobuf; i++) {
- bp = &buf[i];
- bufhdrinit(bp);
- binsheadfree(bp, &iobufqueue, -1);
- }
+buf_fua(buf_t bp) {
- printf("using %d buffer headers and %d cluster IO buffer headers\n",
- nbuf, niobuf);
+ if ((bp->b_flags & B_FUA) == B_FUA)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- /* Set up zones used by the buffer cache */
- bufzoneinit();
+buf_markfua(buf_t bp) {
- /* start the bcleanbuf() thread */
- bcleanbuf_thread_init();
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_FUA);
-#if 0 /* notyet */
- {
- static void bufq_balance_thread_init();
- /* create a thread to do dynamic buffer queue balancing */
- bufq_balance_thread_init();
- }
-#endif /* notyet */
+cpx_t bufattr_cpx(bufattr_t bap)
+ return bap->ba_cpx;
-static struct buf *
-bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, async, queuetype)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno;
- int size;
- struct ucred *cred;
- int async;
- int queuetype;
+void bufattr_setcpx(bufattr_t bap, cpx_t cpx)
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ bap->ba_cpx = cpx;
- bp = getblk(vp, blkno, size, 0, 0, queuetype);
+buf_setcpoff (buf_t bp, uint64_t foffset) {
+ bp->b_attr.ba_cp_file_off = foffset;
- /*
- * If buffer does not have data valid, start a read.
- * Note that if buffer is B_INVAL, getblk() won't return it.
- * Therefore, it's valid if it's I/O has completed or been delayed.
- */
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, (B_DONE | B_DELWRI))) {
- /* Start I/O for the buffer (keeping credentials). */
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ | async);
- if (cred != NOCRED && bp->b_rcred == NOCRED) {
- /*
- * NFS has embedded ucred.
- * Can not crhold() here as that causes zone corruption
- */
- bp->b_rcred = crdup(cred);
- }
+bufattr_cpoff(bufattr_t bap) {
+ return bap->ba_cp_file_off;
+bufattr_setcpoff(bufattr_t bap, uint64_t foffset) {
+ bap->ba_cp_file_off = foffset;
- trace(TR_BREADMISS, pack(vp, size), blkno);
- /* Pay for the read. */
- if (p && p->p_stats)
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_inblock++; /* XXX */
- } else if (async) {
- brelse(bp);
- }
+bufattr_cpoff(bufattr_t bap __unused) {
+ return 0;
- trace(TR_BREADHIT, pack(vp, size), blkno);
+bufattr_setcpoff(__unused bufattr_t bap, __unused uint64_t foffset) {
+ return;
- return (bp);
+struct cpx *bufattr_cpx(__unused bufattr_t bap)
+ return NULL;
- * Read a disk block.
- * This algorithm described in Bach (p.54).
- */
-bread(vp, blkno, size, cred, bpp)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno;
- int size;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct buf **bpp;
+void bufattr_setcpx(__unused bufattr_t bap, __unused struct cpx *cpx)
- register struct buf *bp;
- /* Get buffer for block. */
- bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, BLK_READ);
+#endif /* !CONFIG_PROTECT */
- /* Wait for the read to complete, and return result. */
- return (biowait(bp));
+bufattr_alloc() {
+ bufattr_t bap;
+ MALLOC(bap, bufattr_t, sizeof(struct bufattr), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if (bap == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ bzero(bap, sizeof(struct bufattr));
+ return bap;
- * Read a disk block. [bread() for meta-data]
- * This algorithm described in Bach (p.54).
- */
-meta_bread(vp, blkno, size, cred, bpp)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno;
- int size;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct buf **bpp;
- register struct buf *bp;
+bufattr_free(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if (bap)
+ FREE(bap, M_TEMP);
- /* Get buffer for block. */
- bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, BLK_META);
+bufattr_dup(bufattr_t bap) {
+ bufattr_t new_bufattr;
+ MALLOC(new_bufattr, bufattr_t, sizeof(struct bufattr), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if (new_bufattr == NULL)
+ return NULL;
- /* Wait for the read to complete, and return result. */
- return (biowait(bp));
+ /* Copy the provided one into the new copy */
+ memcpy (new_bufattr, bap, sizeof(struct bufattr));
+ return new_bufattr;
- * Read-ahead multiple disk blocks. The first is sync, the rest async.
- */
-breadn(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno; int size;
- daddr_t rablks[]; int rasizes[];
- int nrablks;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct buf **bpp;
- return (do_breadn_for_type(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp, BLK_READ));
+bufattr_rawencrypted(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_RAW_ENCRYPTED_IO) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- * Read-ahead multiple disk blocks. The first is sync, the rest async.
- * [breadn() for meta-data]
- */
-meta_breadn(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno; int size;
- daddr_t rablks[]; int rasizes[];
- int nrablks;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct buf **bpp;
- return (do_breadn_for_type(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp, BLK_META));
+bufattr_throttled(bufattr_t bap) {
+ return (GET_BUFATTR_IO_TIER(bap));
- * Perform the reads for breadn() and meta_breadn().
- * Trivial modification to the breada algorithm presented in Bach (p.55).
- */
-static int
-do_breadn_for_type(struct vnode *vp, daddr_t blkno, int size, daddr_t *rablks, int *rasizes,
- int nrablks, struct ucred *cred, struct buf **bpp, int queuetype)
- register struct buf *bp;
- int i;
- bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, queuetype);
+bufattr_passive(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_PASSIVE) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- /*
- * For each of the read-ahead blocks, start a read, if necessary.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nrablks; i++) {
- /* If it's in the cache, just go on to next one. */
- if (incore(vp, rablks[i]))
- continue;
+bufattr_nocache(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_NOCACHE) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- /* Get a buffer for the read-ahead block */
- (void) bio_doread(vp, rablks[i], rasizes[i], cred, B_ASYNC, queuetype);
- }
+bufattr_meta(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_META) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
- /* Otherwise, we had to start a read for it; wait until it's valid. */
- return (biowait(bp));
+bufattr_markmeta(bufattr_t bap) {
+ SET(bap->ba_flags, BA_META);
- * Read with single-block read-ahead. Defined in Bach (p.55), but
- * implemented as a call to breadn().
- * XXX for compatibility with old file systems.
- */
-breada(vp, blkno, size, rablkno, rabsize, cred, bpp)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno; int size;
- daddr_t rablkno; int rabsize;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct buf **bpp;
+bufattr_delayidlesleep(bufattr_t bap)
+#else /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+bufattr_delayidlesleep(__unused bufattr_t bap)
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_DELAYIDLESLEEP) )
+ return 1;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ return 0;
- return (breadn(vp, blkno, size, &rablkno, &rabsize, 1, cred, bpp));
+buf_attr(buf_t bp) {
+ return &bp->b_attr;
+buf_markstatic(buf_t bp __unused) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_STATICCONTENT);
- * Block write. Described in Bach (p.56)
- */
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_static(buf_t bp) {
+ if ( (bp->b_flags & B_STATICCONTENT) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+bufattr_markgreedymode(bufattr_t bap) {
+ SET(bap->ba_flags, BA_GREEDY_MODE);
+bufattr_greedymode(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_GREEDY_MODE) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+bufattr_markisochronous(bufattr_t bap) {
+ SET(bap->ba_flags, BA_ISOCHRONOUS);
+bufattr_isochronous(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_ISOCHRONOUS) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+bufattr_markquickcomplete(bufattr_t bap) {
+ SET(bap->ba_flags, BA_QUICK_COMPLETE);
+bufattr_quickcomplete(bufattr_t bap) {
+ if ( (bap->ba_flags & BA_QUICK_COMPLETE) )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+buf_error(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_error);
+buf_seterror(buf_t bp, errno_t error) {
+ if ((bp->b_error = error))
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
+ else
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
+buf_setflags(buf_t bp, int32_t flags) {
+ SET(bp->b_flags, (flags & BUF_X_WRFLAGS));
+buf_clearflags(buf_t bp, int32_t flags) {
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (flags & BUF_X_WRFLAGS));
+buf_flags(buf_t bp) {
+ return ((bp->b_flags & BUF_X_RDFLAGS));
+buf_reset(buf_t bp, int32_t io_flags) {
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_READ | B_WRITE | B_ERROR | B_DONE | B_INVAL | B_ASYNC | B_NOCACHE | B_FUA));
+ SET(bp->b_flags, (io_flags & (B_ASYNC | B_READ | B_WRITE | B_NOCACHE)));
+ bp->b_error = 0;
+buf_count(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_bcount);
+buf_setcount(buf_t bp, uint32_t bcount) {
+ bp->b_bcount = bcount;
+buf_size(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_bufsize);
+buf_setsize(buf_t bp, uint32_t bufsize) {
+ bp->b_bufsize = bufsize;
+buf_resid(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_resid);
+buf_setresid(buf_t bp, uint32_t resid) {
+ bp->b_resid = resid;
+buf_dirtyoff(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_dirtyoff);
+buf_dirtyend(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_dirtyend);
+buf_setdirtyoff(buf_t bp, uint32_t dirtyoff) {
+ bp->b_dirtyoff = dirtyoff;
+buf_setdirtyend(buf_t bp, uint32_t dirtyend) {
+ bp->b_dirtyend = dirtyend;
+buf_dataptr(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_datap);
+buf_setdataptr(buf_t bp, uintptr_t data) {
+ bp->b_datap = data;
+buf_vnode(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_vp);
+buf_setvnode(buf_t bp, vnode_t vp) {
+ bp->b_vp = vp;
+void *
+buf_callback(buf_t bp)
+ if ( !(bp->b_flags & B_CALL) )
+ return ((void *) NULL);
+ return ((void *)bp->b_iodone);
+buf_setcallback(buf_t bp, void (*callback)(buf_t, void *), void *transaction)
+ assert(!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_FILTER) && ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY));
+ if (callback)
+ bp->b_flags |= (B_CALL | B_ASYNC);
+ else
+ bp->b_flags &= ~B_CALL;
+ bp->b_transaction = transaction;
+ bp->b_iodone = callback;
+ return (0);
+buf_setupl(buf_t bp, upl_t upl, uint32_t offset)
+ if ( !(bp->b_lflags & BL_IOBUF) )
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if (upl)
+ bp->b_flags |= B_CLUSTER;
+ else
+ bp->b_flags &= ~B_CLUSTER;
+ bp->b_upl = upl;
+ bp->b_uploffset = offset;
+ return (0);
+buf_clone(buf_t bp, int io_offset, int io_size, void (*iodone)(buf_t, void *), void *arg)
+ buf_t io_bp;
+ if (io_offset < 0 || io_size < 0)
+ return (NULL);
+ if ((unsigned)(io_offset + io_size) > (unsigned)bp->b_bcount)
+ return (NULL);
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_CLUSTER) {
+ if (io_offset && ((bp->b_uploffset + io_offset) & PAGE_MASK))
+ return (NULL);
+ if (((bp->b_uploffset + io_offset + io_size) & PAGE_MASK) && ((io_offset + io_size) < bp->b_bcount))
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ io_bp = alloc_io_buf(bp->b_vp, 0);
+ io_bp->b_flags = bp->b_flags & (B_COMMIT_UPL | B_META | B_PAGEIO | B_CLUSTER | B_PHYS | B_RAW | B_ASYNC | B_READ | B_FUA);
+ if (iodone) {
+ io_bp->b_transaction = arg;
+ io_bp->b_iodone = iodone;
+ io_bp->b_flags |= B_CALL;
+ }
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_CLUSTER) {
+ io_bp->b_upl = bp->b_upl;
+ io_bp->b_uploffset = bp->b_uploffset + io_offset;
+ } else {
+ io_bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)(((char *)bp->b_datap) + io_offset);
+ }
+ io_bp->b_bcount = io_size;
+ return (io_bp);
+buf_shadow(buf_t bp)
+ if (bp->b_lflags & BL_SHADOW)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+buf_create_shadow_priv(buf_t bp, boolean_t force_copy, uintptr_t external_storage, void (*iodone)(buf_t, void *), void *arg)
+ return (buf_create_shadow_internal(bp, force_copy, external_storage, iodone, arg, 1));
+buf_create_shadow(buf_t bp, boolean_t force_copy, uintptr_t external_storage, void (*iodone)(buf_t, void *), void *arg)
+ return (buf_create_shadow_internal(bp, force_copy, external_storage, iodone, arg, 0));
+static buf_t
+buf_create_shadow_internal(buf_t bp, boolean_t force_copy, uintptr_t external_storage, void (*iodone)(buf_t, void *), void *arg, int priv)
+ buf_t io_bp;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc000 | DBG_FUNC_START, bp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if ( !(bp->b_flags & B_META) || (bp->b_lflags & BL_IOBUF)) {
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc000 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref && bp->b_data_ref == 0 && external_storage == 0)
+ panic("buf_create_shadow: %p is in the private state (%d, %d)", bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, bp->b_data_ref);
+ io_bp = alloc_io_buf(bp->b_vp, priv);
+ io_bp->b_flags = bp->b_flags & (B_META | B_ZALLOC | B_ASYNC | B_READ | B_FUA);
+ io_bp->b_blkno = bp->b_blkno;
+ io_bp->b_lblkno = bp->b_lblkno;
+ if (iodone) {
+ io_bp->b_transaction = arg;
+ io_bp->b_iodone = iodone;
+ io_bp->b_flags |= B_CALL;
+ }
+ if (force_copy == FALSE) {
+ io_bp->b_bcount = bp->b_bcount;
+ io_bp->b_bufsize = bp->b_bufsize;
+ if (external_storage) {
+ io_bp->b_datap = external_storage;
+ io_bp->b_data_store = NULL;
+ } else {
+ io_bp->b_datap = bp->b_datap;
+ io_bp->b_data_store = bp;
+ }
+ *(buf_t *)(&io_bp->b_orig) = bp;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ io_bp->b_lflags |= BL_SHADOW;
+ io_bp->b_shadow = bp->b_shadow;
+ bp->b_shadow = io_bp;
+ bp->b_shadow_ref++;
+ if (external_storage)
+ io_bp->b_lflags |= BL_EXTERNAL;
+ else
+ bp->b_data_ref++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ } else {
+ if (external_storage) {
+ io_bp->b_lflags |= BL_EXTERNAL;
+ io_bp->b_bcount = bp->b_bcount;
+ io_bp->b_bufsize = bp->b_bufsize;
+ io_bp->b_datap = external_storage;
+ } else {
+ allocbuf(io_bp, bp->b_bcount);
+ io_bp->b_lflags |= BL_IOBUF_ALLOC;
+ }
+ bcopy((caddr_t)bp->b_datap, (caddr_t)io_bp->b_datap, bp->b_bcount);
+ io_bp->b_data_store = NULL;
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc000 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, 0, io_bp, 0);
+ return (io_bp);
+buf_make_private(buf_t bp)
+ buf_t ds_bp;
+ buf_t t_bp;
+ struct buf my_buf;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc004 | DBG_FUNC_START, bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref == 0 || bp->b_data_ref == 0 || ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_SHADOW)) {
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc004 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, 0, EINVAL, 0);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ my_buf.b_flags = B_META;
+ my_buf.b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
+ allocbuf(&my_buf, bp->b_bcount);
+ bcopy((caddr_t)bp->b_datap, (caddr_t)my_buf.b_datap, bp->b_bcount);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ for (t_bp = bp->b_shadow; t_bp; t_bp = t_bp->b_shadow) {
+ if ( !ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_EXTERNAL))
+ break;
+ }
+ ds_bp = t_bp;
+ if (ds_bp == NULL && bp->b_data_ref)
+ panic("buf_make_private: b_data_ref != 0 && ds_bp == NULL");
+ if (ds_bp && (bp->b_data_ref == 0 || bp->b_shadow_ref == 0))
+ panic("buf_make_private: ref_count == 0 && ds_bp != NULL");
+ if (ds_bp == NULL) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ buf_free_meta_store(&my_buf);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc004 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, 0, EINVAL, 0);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ for (t_bp = bp->b_shadow; t_bp; t_bp = t_bp->b_shadow) {
+ if ( !ISSET(t_bp->b_lflags, BL_EXTERNAL))
+ t_bp->b_data_store = ds_bp;
+ }
+ ds_bp->b_data_ref = bp->b_data_ref;
+ bp->b_data_ref = 0;
+ bp->b_datap = my_buf.b_datap;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc004 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, bp->b_shadow_ref, 0, 0, 0);
+ return (0);
+buf_setfilter(buf_t bp, void (*filter)(buf_t, void *), void *transaction,
+ void (**old_iodone)(buf_t, void *), void **old_transaction)
+ assert(ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY));
+ if (old_iodone)
+ *old_iodone = bp->b_iodone;
+ if (old_transaction)
+ *old_transaction = bp->b_transaction;
+ bp->b_transaction = transaction;
+ bp->b_iodone = filter;
+ if (filter)
+ bp->b_flags |= B_FILTER;
+ else
+ bp->b_flags &= ~B_FILTER;
+buf_blkno(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_blkno);
+buf_lblkno(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_lblkno);
+buf_setblkno(buf_t bp, daddr64_t blkno) {
+ bp->b_blkno = blkno;
+buf_setlblkno(buf_t bp, daddr64_t lblkno) {
+ bp->b_lblkno = lblkno;
+buf_device(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_dev);
+buf_setdevice(buf_t bp, vnode_t vp) {
+ if ((vp->v_type != VBLK) && (vp->v_type != VCHR))
+ return EINVAL;
+ bp->b_dev = vp->v_rdev;
+ return 0;
+void *
+buf_drvdata(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_drvdata);
+buf_setdrvdata(buf_t bp, void *drvdata) {
+ bp->b_drvdata = drvdata;
+void *
+buf_fsprivate(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_fsprivate);
+buf_setfsprivate(buf_t bp, void *fsprivate) {
+ bp->b_fsprivate = fsprivate;
+buf_rcred(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_rcred);
+buf_wcred(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_wcred);
+void *
+buf_upl(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_upl);
+buf_uploffset(buf_t bp) {
+ return ((uint32_t)(bp->b_uploffset));
+buf_proc(buf_t bp) {
+ return (bp->b_proc);
+buf_map(buf_t bp, caddr_t *io_addr)
+ buf_t real_bp;
+ vm_offset_t vaddr;
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ if ( !(bp->b_flags & B_CLUSTER)) {
+ *io_addr = (caddr_t)bp->b_datap;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ real_bp = (buf_t)(bp->b_real_bp);
+ if (real_bp && real_bp->b_datap) {
+ /*
+ * b_real_bp is only valid if B_CLUSTER is SET
+ * if it's non-zero, than someone did a cluster_bp call
+ * if the backing physical pages were already mapped
+ * in before the call to cluster_bp (non-zero b_datap),
+ * than we just use that mapping
+ */
+ *io_addr = (caddr_t)real_bp->b_datap;
+ return (0);
+ }
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(bp->b_upl, &vaddr); /* Map it in */
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *io_addr = NULL;
+ return(ENOMEM);
+ }
+ vaddr += bp->b_uploffset;
+ *io_addr = (caddr_t)vaddr;
+ return (0);
+buf_unmap(buf_t bp)
+ buf_t real_bp;
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ if ( !(bp->b_flags & B_CLUSTER))
+ return (0);
+ /*
+ * see buf_map for the explanation
+ */
+ real_bp = (buf_t)(bp->b_real_bp);
+ if (real_bp && real_bp->b_datap)
+ return (0);
+ if ((bp->b_lflags & BL_IOBUF) &&
+ ((bp->b_flags & (B_PAGEIO | B_READ)) != (B_PAGEIO | B_READ))) {
+ /*
+ * ignore pageins... the 'right' thing will
+ * happen due to the way we handle speculative
+ * clusters...
+ *
+ * when we commit these pages, we'll hit
+ * it with UPL_COMMIT_INACTIVE which
+ * will clear the reference bit that got
+ * turned on when we touched the mapping
+ */
+ bp->b_flags |= B_AGE;
+ }
+ kret = ubc_upl_unmap(bp->b_upl);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ return (0);
+buf_clear(buf_t bp) {
+ caddr_t baddr;
+ if (buf_map(bp, &baddr) == 0) {
+ bzero(baddr, bp->b_bcount);
+ buf_unmap(bp);
+ }
+ bp->b_resid = 0;
+ * Read or write a buffer that is not contiguous on disk.
+ * buffer is marked done/error at the conclusion
+ */
+static int
+buf_strategy_fragmented(vnode_t devvp, buf_t bp, off_t f_offset, size_t contig_bytes)
+ vnode_t vp = buf_vnode(bp);
+ buf_t io_bp; /* For reading or writing a single block */
+ int io_direction;
+ int io_resid;
+ size_t io_contig_bytes;
+ daddr64_t io_blkno;
+ int error = 0;
+ int bmap_flags;
+ /*
+ * save our starting point... the bp was already mapped
+ * in buf_strategy before we got called
+ * no sense doing it again.
+ */
+ io_blkno = bp->b_blkno;
+ /*
+ * Make sure we redo this mapping for the next I/O
+ * i.e. this can never be a 'permanent' mapping
+ */
+ bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno;
+ /*
+ * Get an io buffer to do the deblocking
+ */
+ io_bp = alloc_io_buf(devvp, 0);
+ io_bp->b_lblkno = bp->b_lblkno;
+ io_bp->b_datap = bp->b_datap;
+ io_resid = bp->b_bcount;
+ io_direction = bp->b_flags & B_READ;
+ io_contig_bytes = contig_bytes;
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_READ)
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_READ;
+ else
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_WRITE;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (io_blkno == -1)
+ /*
+ * this is unexepected, but we'll allow for it
+ */
+ bzero((caddr_t)io_bp->b_datap, (int)io_contig_bytes);
+ else {
+ io_bp->b_bcount = io_contig_bytes;
+ io_bp->b_bufsize = io_contig_bytes;
+ io_bp->b_resid = io_contig_bytes;
+ io_bp->b_blkno = io_blkno;
+ buf_reset(io_bp, io_direction);
+ /*
+ * Call the device to do the I/O and wait for it. Make sure the appropriate party is charged for write
+ */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_READ))
+ OSAddAtomic(1, &devvp->v_numoutput);
+ if ((error = VNOP_STRATEGY(io_bp)))
+ break;
+ if ((error = (int)buf_biowait(io_bp)))
+ break;
+ if (io_bp->b_resid) {
+ io_resid -= (io_contig_bytes - io_bp->b_resid);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((io_resid -= io_contig_bytes) == 0)
+ break;
+ f_offset += io_contig_bytes;
+ io_bp->b_datap += io_contig_bytes;
+ /*
+ * Map the current position to a physical block number
+ */
+ if ((error = VNOP_BLOCKMAP(vp, f_offset, io_resid, &io_blkno, &io_contig_bytes, NULL, bmap_flags, NULL)))
+ break;
+ }
+ buf_free(io_bp);
+ if (error)
+ buf_seterror(bp, error);
+ bp->b_resid = io_resid;
+ /*
+ * This I/O is now complete
+ */
+ buf_biodone(bp);
+ return error;
+ * struct vnop_strategy_args {
+ * struct buf *a_bp;
+ * } *ap;
+ */
+buf_strategy(vnode_t devvp, void *ap)
+ buf_t bp = ((struct vnop_strategy_args *)ap)->a_bp;
+ vnode_t vp = bp->b_vp;
+ int bmap_flags;
+ errno_t error;
+ int dtrace_io_start_flag = 0; /* We only want to trip the io:::start
+ * probe once, with the true physical
+ * block in place (b_blkno)
+ */
+ if (vp == NULL || vp->v_type == VCHR || vp->v_type == VBLK)
+ panic("buf_strategy: b_vp == NULL || vtype == VCHR | VBLK\n");
+ /*
+ * associate the physical device with
+ * with this buf_t even if we don't
+ * end up issuing the I/O...
+ */
+ bp->b_dev = devvp->v_rdev;
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_READ)
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_READ;
+ else
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_WRITE;
+ if ( !(bp->b_flags & B_CLUSTER)) {
+ if ( (bp->b_upl) ) {
+ /*
+ * we have a UPL associated with this bp
+ * go through cluster_bp which knows how
+ * to deal with filesystem block sizes
+ * that aren't equal to the page size
+ */
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+ return (cluster_bp(bp));
+ }
+ if (bp->b_blkno == bp->b_lblkno) {
+ off_t f_offset;
+ size_t contig_bytes;
+ if ((error = VNOP_BLKTOOFF(vp, bp->b_lblkno, &f_offset))) {
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+ buf_seterror(bp, error);
+ buf_biodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if ((error = VNOP_BLOCKMAP(vp, f_offset, bp->b_bcount, &bp->b_blkno, &contig_bytes, NULL, bmap_flags, NULL))) {
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+ buf_seterror(bp, error);
+ buf_biodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+ dtrace_io_start_flag = 1;
+#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
+ if ((bp->b_blkno == -1) || (contig_bytes == 0)) {
+ /* Set block number to force biodone later */
+ bp->b_blkno = -1;
+ buf_clear(bp);
+ }
+ else if ((long)contig_bytes < bp->b_bcount) {
+ return (buf_strategy_fragmented(devvp, bp, f_offset, contig_bytes));
+ }
+ }
+ if (dtrace_io_start_flag == 0) {
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+ dtrace_io_start_flag = 1;
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
+ if (bp->b_blkno == -1) {
+ buf_biodone(bp);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dtrace_io_start_flag == 0)
+ DTRACE_IO1(start, buf_t, bp);
+#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
+ /* Capture f_offset in the bufattr*/
+ cpx_t cpx = bufattr_cpx(buf_attr(bp));
+ if (cpx) {
+ /* No need to go here for older EAs */
+ if(cpx_use_offset_for_iv(cpx) && !cpx_synthetic_offset_for_iv(cpx)) {
+ off_t f_offset;
+ if ((error = VNOP_BLKTOOFF(bp->b_vp, bp->b_lblkno, &f_offset)))
+ return error;
+ /*
+ * Attach the file offset to this buffer. The
+ * bufattr attributes will be passed down the stack
+ * until they reach the storage driver (whether
+ * IOFlashStorage, ASP, or IONVMe). The driver
+ * will retain the offset in a local variable when it
+ * issues its I/Os to the NAND controller.
+ *
+ * Note that LwVM may end up splitting this I/O
+ * into sub-I/Os if it crosses a chunk boundary. In this
+ * case, LwVM will update this field when it dispatches
+ * each I/O to IOFlashStorage. But from our perspective
+ * we have only issued a single I/O.
+ *
+ * In the case of APFS we do not bounce through another
+ * intermediate layer (such as CoreStorage). APFS will
+ * issue the I/Os directly to the block device / IOMedia
+ * via buf_strategy on the specfs node.
+ */
+ buf_setcpoff(bp, f_offset);
+ CP_DEBUG((CPDBG_OFFSET_IO | DBG_FUNC_NONE), (uint32_t) f_offset, (uint32_t) bp->b_lblkno, (uint32_t) bp->b_blkno, (uint32_t) bp->b_bcount, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * we can issue the I/O because...
+ * either B_CLUSTER is set which
+ * means that the I/O is properly set
+ * up to be a multiple of the page size, or
+ * we were able to successfully set up the
+ * physical block mapping
+ */
+ error = VOCALL(devvp->v_op, VOFFSET(vnop_strategy), ap);
+ DTRACE_FSINFO(strategy, vnode_t, vp);
+ return (error);
+buf_alloc(vnode_t vp)
+ return(alloc_io_buf(vp, is_vm_privileged()));
+buf_free(buf_t bp) {
+ free_io_buf(bp);
+ * iterate buffers for the specified vp.
+ * if BUF_SCAN_DIRTY is set, do the dirty list
+ * if BUF_SCAN_CLEAN is set, do the clean list
+ * if neither flag is set, default to BUF_SCAN_DIRTY
+ * if BUF_NOTIFY_BUSY is set, call the callout function using a NULL bp for busy pages
+ */
+struct buf_iterate_info_t {
+ int flag;
+ struct buflists *listhead;
+buf_iterate(vnode_t vp, int (*callout)(buf_t, void *), int flags, void *arg)
+ buf_t bp;
+ int retval;
+ struct buflists local_iterblkhd;
+ int lock_flags = BAC_NOWAIT | BAC_REMOVE;
+ int notify_busy = flags & BUF_NOTIFY_BUSY;
+ struct buf_iterate_info_t list[2];
+ int num_lists, i;
+ if (flags & BUF_SKIP_LOCKED)
+ lock_flags |= BAC_SKIP_LOCKED;
+ if (flags & BUF_SKIP_NONLOCKED)
+ lock_flags |= BAC_SKIP_NONLOCKED;
+ if ( !(flags & (BUF_SCAN_DIRTY | BUF_SCAN_CLEAN)))
+ flags |= BUF_SCAN_DIRTY;
+ num_lists = 0;
+ if (flags & BUF_SCAN_DIRTY) {
+ list[num_lists].flag = VBI_DIRTY;
+ list[num_lists].listhead = &vp->v_dirtyblkhd;
+ num_lists++;
+ }
+ if (flags & BUF_SCAN_CLEAN) {
+ list[num_lists].flag = VBI_CLEAN;
+ list[num_lists].listhead = &vp->v_cleanblkhd;
+ num_lists++;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_lists; i++) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (buf_iterprepare(vp, &local_iterblkhd, list[i].flag)) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&local_iterblkhd)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(&local_iterblkhd);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(list[i].listhead, bp, b_vnbufs);
+ if (buf_acquire_locked(bp, lock_flags, 0, 0)) {
+ if (notify_busy) {
+ bp = NULL;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ retval = callout(bp, arg);
+ switch (retval) {
+ if (bp)
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ break;
+ break;
+ if (bp)
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ goto out;
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ } /* while list has more nodes */
+ out:
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, list[i].flag);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ } /* for each list */
+} /* buf_iterate */
+ * Flush out and invalidate all buffers associated with a vnode.
+ */
+buf_invalidateblks(vnode_t vp, int flags, int slpflag, int slptimeo)
+ buf_t bp;
+ int aflags;
+ int error = 0;
+ int must_rescan = 1;
+ struct buflists local_iterblkhd;
+ if (LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_cleanblkhd) && LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_dirtyblkhd))
+ return (0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (must_rescan == 0)
+ /*
+ * the lists may not be empty, but all that's left at this
+ * point are metadata or B_LOCKED buffers which are being
+ * skipped... we know this because we made it through both
+ * the clean and dirty lists without dropping buf_mtxp...
+ * each time we drop buf_mtxp we bump "must_rescan"
+ */
+ break;
+ if (LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_cleanblkhd) && LIST_EMPTY(&vp->v_dirtyblkhd))
+ break;
+ must_rescan = 0;
+ /*
+ * iterate the clean list
+ */
+ if (buf_iterprepare(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_CLEAN)) {
+ goto try_dirty_list;
+ }
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&local_iterblkhd)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(&local_iterblkhd);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&vp->v_cleanblkhd, bp, b_vnbufs);
+ /*
+ * some filesystems distinguish meta data blocks with a negative logical block #
+ */
+ if ((flags & BUF_SKIP_META) && (bp->b_lblkno < 0 || ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)))
+ continue;
+ aflags = BAC_REMOVE;
+ if ( !(flags & BUF_INVALIDATE_LOCKED) )
+ aflags |= BAC_SKIP_LOCKED;
+ if ( (error = (int)buf_acquire_locked(bp, aflags, slpflag, slptimeo)) ) {
+ if (error == EDEADLK)
+ /*
+ * this buffer was marked B_LOCKED...
+ * we didn't drop buf_mtxp, so we
+ * we don't need to rescan
+ */
+ continue;
+ if (error == EAGAIN) {
+ /*
+ * found a busy buffer... we blocked and
+ * dropped buf_mtxp, so we're going to
+ * need to rescan after this pass is completed
+ */
+ must_rescan++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * got some kind of 'real' error out of the msleep
+ * in buf_acquire_locked, terminate the scan and return the error
+ */
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_CLEAN);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_LOCKED)
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc038, bp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED);
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * by dropping buf_mtxp, we allow new
+ * buffers to be added to the vnode list(s)
+ * we'll have to rescan at least once more
+ * if the queues aren't empty
+ */
+ must_rescan++;
+ }
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_CLEAN);
+ /*
+ * Now iterate on dirty blks
+ */
+ if (buf_iterprepare(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_DIRTY)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&local_iterblkhd)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(&local_iterblkhd);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&vp->v_dirtyblkhd, bp, b_vnbufs);
+ /*
+ * some filesystems distinguish meta data blocks with a negative logical block #
+ */
+ if ((flags & BUF_SKIP_META) && (bp->b_lblkno < 0 || ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)))
+ continue;
+ aflags = BAC_REMOVE;
+ if ( !(flags & BUF_INVALIDATE_LOCKED) )
+ aflags |= BAC_SKIP_LOCKED;
+ if ( (error = (int)buf_acquire_locked(bp, aflags, slpflag, slptimeo)) ) {
+ if (error == EDEADLK)
+ /*
+ * this buffer was marked B_LOCKED...
+ * we didn't drop buf_mtxp, so we
+ * we don't need to rescan
+ */
+ continue;
+ if (error == EAGAIN) {
+ /*
+ * found a busy buffer... we blocked and
+ * dropped buf_mtxp, so we're going to
+ * need to rescan after this pass is completed
+ */
+ must_rescan++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * got some kind of 'real' error out of the msleep
+ * in buf_acquire_locked, terminate the scan and return the error
+ */
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_DIRTY);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_LOCKED)
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc038, bp, 0, 0, 1, 0);
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED);
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI) && (flags & BUF_WRITE_DATA))
+ (void) VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ else
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * by dropping buf_mtxp, we allow new
+ * buffers to be added to the vnode list(s)
+ * we'll have to rescan at least once more
+ * if the queues aren't empty
+ */
+ must_rescan++;
+ }
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_DIRTY);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (0);
+buf_flushdirtyblks(vnode_t vp, int wait, int flags, const char *msg) {
+ (void) buf_flushdirtyblks_skipinfo(vp, wait, flags, msg);
+ return;
+buf_flushdirtyblks_skipinfo(vnode_t vp, int wait, int flags, const char *msg) {
+ buf_t bp;
+ int writes_issued = 0;
+ errno_t error;
+ int busy = 0;
+ struct buflists local_iterblkhd;
+ int lock_flags = BAC_NOWAIT | BAC_REMOVE;
+ int any_locked = 0;
+ if (flags & BUF_SKIP_LOCKED)
+ lock_flags |= BAC_SKIP_LOCKED;
+ if (flags & BUF_SKIP_NONLOCKED)
+ lock_flags |= BAC_SKIP_NONLOCKED;
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (buf_iterprepare(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_DIRTY) == 0) {
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(&local_iterblkhd)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(&local_iterblkhd);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&vp->v_dirtyblkhd, bp, b_vnbufs);
+ if ((error = buf_acquire_locked(bp, lock_flags, 0, 0)) == EBUSY) {
+ busy++;
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ /*
+ * we may want to do somethign differently if a locked or unlocked
+ * buffer was encountered (depending on the arg specified).
+ * In this case, we know that one of those two was set, and the
+ * buf acquisition failed above.
+ *
+ * If it failed with EDEADLK, then save state which can be emitted
+ * later on to the caller. Most callers should not care.
+ */
+ if (error == EDEADLK) {
+ any_locked++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ bp->b_flags &= ~B_LOCKED;
+ /*
+ * Wait for I/O associated with indirect blocks to complete,
+ * since there is no way to quickly wait for them below.
+ */
+ if ((bp->b_vp == vp) || (wait == 0))
+ (void) buf_bawrite(bp);
+ else
+ (void) VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ writes_issued++;
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
+ }
+ buf_itercomplete(vp, &local_iterblkhd, VBI_DIRTY);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (wait) {
+ (void)vnode_waitforwrites(vp, 0, 0, 0, msg);
+ if (vp->v_dirtyblkhd.lh_first && busy) {
+ /*
+ * we had one or more BUSY buffers on
+ * the dirtyblock list... most likely
+ * these are due to delayed writes that
+ * were moved to the bclean queue but
+ * have not yet been 'written'.
+ * if we issued some writes on the
+ * previous pass, we try again immediately
+ * if we didn't, we'll sleep for some time
+ * to allow the state to change...
+ */
+ if (writes_issued == 0) {
+ (void)tsleep((caddr_t)&vp->v_numoutput,
+ PRIBIO + 1, "vnode_flushdirtyblks", hz/20);
+ }
+ writes_issued = 0;
+ busy = 0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ return any_locked;
+ * called with buf_mtxp held...
+ * this lock protects the queue manipulation
+ */
+static int
+buf_iterprepare(vnode_t vp, struct buflists *iterheadp, int flags)
+ struct buflists * listheadp;
+ if (flags & VBI_DIRTY)
+ listheadp = &vp->v_dirtyblkhd;
+ else
+ listheadp = &vp->v_cleanblkhd;
+ while (vp->v_iterblkflags & VBI_ITER) {
+ vp->v_iterblkflags |= VBI_ITERWANT;
+ msleep(&vp->v_iterblkflags, buf_mtxp, 0, "buf_iterprepare", NULL);
+ }
+ if (LIST_EMPTY(listheadp)) {
+ LIST_INIT(iterheadp);
+ return(EINVAL);
+ }
+ vp->v_iterblkflags |= VBI_ITER;
+ iterheadp->lh_first = listheadp->lh_first;
+ listheadp->lh_first->b_vnbufs.le_prev = &iterheadp->lh_first;
+ LIST_INIT(listheadp);
+ return(0);
+ * called with buf_mtxp held...
+ * this lock protects the queue manipulation
+ */
+static void
+buf_itercomplete(vnode_t vp, struct buflists *iterheadp, int flags)
+ struct buflists * listheadp;
+ buf_t bp;
+ if (flags & VBI_DIRTY)
+ listheadp = &vp->v_dirtyblkhd;
+ else
+ listheadp = &vp->v_cleanblkhd;
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(iterheadp)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(iterheadp);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, b_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(listheadp, bp, b_vnbufs);
+ }
+ vp->v_iterblkflags &= ~VBI_ITER;
+ if (vp->v_iterblkflags & VBI_ITERWANT) {
+ vp->v_iterblkflags &= ~VBI_ITERWANT;
+ wakeup(&vp->v_iterblkflags);
+ }
+static void
+bremfree_locked(buf_t bp)
+ struct bqueues *dp = NULL;
+ int whichq;
+ whichq = bp->b_whichq;
+ if (whichq == -1) {
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref == 0)
+ panic("bremfree_locked: %p not on freelist", bp);
+ /*
+ * there are clones pointing to 'bp'...
+ * therefore, it was not put on a freelist
+ * when buf_brelse was last called on 'bp'
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We only calculate the head of the freelist when removing
+ * the last element of the list as that is the only time that
+ * it is needed (e.g. to reset the tail pointer).
+ *
+ * NB: This makes an assumption about how tailq's are implemented.
+ */
+ if (bp->b_freelist.tqe_next == NULL) {
+ dp = &bufqueues[whichq];
+ if (dp->tqh_last != &bp->b_freelist.tqe_next)
+ panic("bremfree: lost tail");
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(dp, bp, b_freelist);
+ if (whichq == BQ_LAUNDRY)
+ blaundrycnt--;
+ bp->b_whichq = -1;
+ bp->b_timestamp = 0;
+ bp->b_shadow = 0;
+ * Associate a buffer with a vnode.
+ * buf_mtxp must be locked on entry
+ */
+static void
+bgetvp_locked(vnode_t vp, buf_t bp)
+ if (bp->b_vp != vp)
+ panic("bgetvp_locked: not free");
+ if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR)
+ bp->b_dev = vp->v_rdev;
+ else
+ bp->b_dev = NODEV;
+ /*
+ * Insert onto list for new vnode.
+ */
+ bufinsvn(bp, &vp->v_cleanblkhd);
+ * Disassociate a buffer from a vnode.
+ * buf_mtxp must be locked on entry
+ */
+static void
+brelvp_locked(buf_t bp)
+ /*
+ * Delete from old vnode list, if on one.
+ */
+ if (bp->b_vnbufs.le_next != NOLIST)
+ bufremvn(bp);
+ bp->b_vp = (vnode_t)NULL;
+ * Reassign a buffer from one vnode to another.
+ * Used to assign file specific control information
+ * (indirect blocks) to the vnode to which they belong.
+ */
+static void
+buf_reassign(buf_t bp, vnode_t newvp)
+ struct buflists *listheadp;
+ if (newvp == NULL) {
+ printf("buf_reassign: NULL");
+ return;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * Delete from old vnode list, if on one.
+ */
+ if (bp->b_vnbufs.le_next != NOLIST)
+ bufremvn(bp);
+ /*
+ * If dirty, put on list of dirty buffers;
+ * otherwise insert onto list of clean buffers.
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI))
+ listheadp = &newvp->v_dirtyblkhd;
+ else
+ listheadp = &newvp->v_cleanblkhd;
+ bufinsvn(bp, listheadp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+static __inline__ void
+bufhdrinit(buf_t bp)
+ bzero((char *)bp, sizeof *bp);
+ bp->b_dev = NODEV;
+ bp->b_rcred = NOCRED;
+ bp->b_wcred = NOCRED;
+ bp->b_vnbufs.le_next = NOLIST;
+ bp->b_flags = B_INVAL;
+ return;
+ * Initialize buffers and hash links for buffers.
+ */
+__private_extern__ void
+ buf_t bp;
+ struct bqueues *dp;
+ int i;
+ nbuf_headers = 0;
+ /* Initialize the buffer queues ('freelists') and the hash table */
+ for (dp = bufqueues; dp < &bufqueues[BQUEUES]; dp++)
+ bufhashtbl = hashinit(nbuf_hashelements, M_CACHE, &bufhash);
+ buf_busycount = 0;
+ /* Initialize the buffer headers */
+ for (i = 0; i < max_nbuf_headers; i++) {
+ nbuf_headers++;
+ bp = &buf_headers[i];
+ bufhdrinit(bp);
+ dp = &bufqueues[BQ_EMPTY];
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
+ bp->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
+ binsheadfree(bp, dp, BQ_EMPTY);
+ binshash(bp, &invalhash);
+ }
+ boot_nbuf_headers = nbuf_headers;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&iobufqueue);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&delaybufqueue);
+ for (; i < nbuf_headers + niobuf_headers; i++) {
+ bp = &buf_headers[i];
+ bufhdrinit(bp);
+ bp->b_whichq = -1;
+ binsheadfree(bp, &iobufqueue, -1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * allocate lock group attribute and group
+ */
+ buf_mtx_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ buf_mtx_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("buffer cache", buf_mtx_grp_attr);
+ /*
+ * allocate the lock attribute
+ */
+ buf_mtx_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /*
+ * allocate and initialize mutex's for the buffer and iobuffer pools
+ */
+ buf_mtxp = lck_mtx_alloc_init(buf_mtx_grp, buf_mtx_attr);
+ iobuffer_mtxp = lck_mtx_alloc_init(buf_mtx_grp, buf_mtx_attr);
+ buf_gc_callout = lck_mtx_alloc_init(buf_mtx_grp, buf_mtx_attr);
+ if (iobuffer_mtxp == NULL)
+ panic("couldn't create iobuffer mutex");
+ if (buf_mtxp == NULL)
+ panic("couldn't create buf mutex");
+ if (buf_gc_callout == NULL)
+ panic("couldn't create buf_gc_callout mutex");
+ /*
+ * allocate and initialize cluster specific global locks...
+ */
+ cluster_init();
+ printf("using %d buffer headers and %d cluster IO buffer headers\n",
+ nbuf_headers, niobuf_headers);
+ /* Set up zones used by the buffer cache */
+ bufzoneinit();
+ /* start the bcleanbuf() thread */
+ bcleanbuf_thread_init();
+ /* Register a callout for relieving vm pressure */
+ if (vm_set_buffer_cleanup_callout(buffer_cache_gc) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("Couldn't register buffer cache callout for vm pressure!\n");
+ }
+ * Zones for the meta data buffers
+ */
+#define MINMETA 512
+#define MAXMETA 16384
+struct meta_zone_entry {
+ zone_t mz_zone;
+ vm_size_t mz_size;
+ vm_size_t mz_max;
+ const char *mz_name;
+struct meta_zone_entry meta_zones[] = {
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 1), 128 * (MINMETA * 1), "buf.512" },
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 2), 64 * (MINMETA * 2), "buf.1024" },
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 4), 16 * (MINMETA * 4), "buf.2048" },
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 8), 512 * (MINMETA * 8), "buf.4096" },
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 16), 512 * (MINMETA * 16), "buf.8192" },
+ {NULL, (MINMETA * 32), 512 * (MINMETA * 32), "buf.16384" },
+ {NULL, 0, 0, "" } /* End */
+ * Initialize the meta data zones
+ */
+static void
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; meta_zones[i].mz_size != 0; i++) {
+ meta_zones[i].mz_zone =
+ zinit(meta_zones[i].mz_size,
+ meta_zones[i].mz_max,
+ meta_zones[i].mz_name);
+ zone_change(meta_zones[i].mz_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE);
+ }
+ buf_hdr_zone = zinit(sizeof(struct buf), 32, PAGE_SIZE, "buf headers");
+ zone_change(buf_hdr_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE);
+static __inline__ zone_t
+getbufzone(size_t size)
+ int i;
+ if ((size % 512) || (size < MINMETA) || (size > MAXMETA))
+ panic("getbufzone: incorect size = %lu", size);
+ for (i = 0; meta_zones[i].mz_size != 0; i++) {
+ if (meta_zones[i].mz_size >= size)
+ break;
+ }
+ return (meta_zones[i].mz_zone);
+static struct buf *
+bio_doread(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, kauth_cred_t cred, int async, int queuetype)
+ buf_t bp;
+ bp = buf_getblk(vp, blkno, size, 0, 0, queuetype);
+ /*
+ * If buffer does not have data valid, start a read.
+ * Note that if buffer is B_INVAL, buf_getblk() won't return it.
+ * Therefore, it's valid if it's I/O has completed or been delayed.
+ */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, (B_DONE | B_DELWRI))) {
+ struct proc *p;
+ p = current_proc();
+ /* Start I/O for the buffer (keeping credentials). */
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ | async);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred) && !IS_VALID_CRED(bp->b_rcred)) {
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ bp->b_rcred = cred;
+ }
+ trace(TR_BREADMISS, pack(vp, size), blkno);
+ /* Pay for the read. */
+ if (p && p->p_stats) {
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_inblock); /* XXX */
+ }
+ if (async) {
+ /*
+ * since we asked for an ASYNC I/O
+ * the biodone will do the brelse
+ * we don't want to pass back a bp
+ * that we don't 'own'
+ */
+ bp = NULL;
+ }
+ } else if (async) {
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ bp = NULL;
+ }
+ trace(TR_BREADHIT, pack(vp, size), blkno);
+ return (bp);
+ * Perform the reads for buf_breadn() and buf_meta_breadn().
+ * Trivial modification to the breada algorithm presented in Bach (p.55).
+ */
+static errno_t
+do_breadn_for_type(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, daddr64_t *rablks, int *rasizes,
+ int nrablks, kauth_cred_t cred, buf_t *bpp, int queuetype)
+ buf_t bp;
+ int i;
+ bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, queuetype);
+ /*
+ * For each of the read-ahead blocks, start a read, if necessary.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < nrablks; i++) {
+ /* If it's in the cache, just go on to next one. */
+ if (incore(vp, rablks[i]))
+ continue;
+ /* Get a buffer for the read-ahead block */
+ (void) bio_doread(vp, rablks[i], rasizes[i], cred, B_ASYNC, queuetype);
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, we had to start a read for it; wait until it's valid. */
+ return (buf_biowait(bp));
+ * Read a disk block.
+ * This algorithm described in Bach (p.54).
+ */
+buf_bread(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, kauth_cred_t cred, buf_t *bpp)
+ buf_t bp;
+ /* Get buffer for block. */
+ bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, BLK_READ);
+ /* Wait for the read to complete, and return result. */
+ return (buf_biowait(bp));
+ * Read a disk block. [bread() for meta-data]
+ * This algorithm described in Bach (p.54).
+ */
+buf_meta_bread(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, kauth_cred_t cred, buf_t *bpp)
+ buf_t bp;
+ /* Get buffer for block. */
+ bp = *bpp = bio_doread(vp, blkno, size, cred, 0, BLK_META);
+ /* Wait for the read to complete, and return result. */
+ return (buf_biowait(bp));
+ * Read-ahead multiple disk blocks. The first is sync, the rest async.
+ */
+buf_breadn(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, daddr64_t *rablks, int *rasizes, int nrablks, kauth_cred_t cred, buf_t *bpp)
+ return (do_breadn_for_type(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp, BLK_READ));
+ * Read-ahead multiple disk blocks. The first is sync, the rest async.
+ * [buf_breadn() for meta-data]
+ */
+buf_meta_breadn(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, daddr64_t *rablks, int *rasizes, int nrablks, kauth_cred_t cred, buf_t *bpp)
- int rv, sync, wasdelayed;
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- struct vnode *vp = bp->b_vp;
+ return (do_breadn_for_type(vp, blkno, size, rablks, rasizes, nrablks, cred, bpp, BLK_META));
+ * Block write. Described in Bach (p.56)
+ */
+buf_bwrite(buf_t bp)
+ int sync, wasdelayed;
+ errno_t rv;
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ vnode_t vp = bp->b_vp;
- if (bp->b_data == 0) {
+ if (bp->b_datap == 0) {
if (brecover_data(bp) == 0)
return (0);
sync = !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC);
wasdelayed = ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_READ | B_DONE | B_ERROR | B_DELWRI));
- if (wasdelayed) {
- nbdwrite--;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&nbdwrite);
- }
+ if (wasdelayed)
+ OSAddAtomicLong(-1, &nbdwrite);
if (!sync) {
* be properly notified that its I/O has completed.
if (wasdelayed)
- reassignbuf(bp, vp);
- else
- if (p && p->p_stats)
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock++; /* XXX */
+ buf_reassign(bp, vp);
+ else
+ if (p && p->p_stats) {
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock); /* XXX */
+ }
trace(TR_BUFWRITE, pack(vp, bp->b_bcount), bp->b_lblkno);
/* Initiate disk write. Make sure the appropriate party is charged. */
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WRITEINPROG);
- vp->v_numoutput++;
+ OSAddAtomic(1, &vp->v_numoutput);
if (sync) {
* If I/O was synchronous, wait for it to complete.
- rv = biowait(bp);
+ rv = buf_biowait(bp);
* Pay for the I/O operation, if it's not been paid for, and
* were payed for above.)
if (wasdelayed)
- reassignbuf(bp, vp);
+ buf_reassign(bp, vp);
- if (p && p->p_stats)
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock++; /* XXX */
+ if (p && p->p_stats) {
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock); /* XXX */
+ }
/* Release the buffer. */
- // XXXdbg - only if the unused bit is set
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_NORELSE)) {
- brelse(bp);
- } else {
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_NORELSE);
- }
+ buf_brelse(bp);
return (rv);
} else {
- struct vop_bwrite_args *ap;
+vn_bwrite(struct vnop_bwrite_args *ap)
- return (bwrite(ap->a_bp));
+ return (buf_bwrite(ap->a_bp));
* Described in Leffler, et al. (pp. 208-213).
- * Note: With the abilitty to allocate additional buffer
+ * Note: With the ability to allocate additional buffer
* headers, we can get in to the situation where "too" many
- * bdwrite()s can create situation where the kernel can create
- * buffers faster than the disks can service. Doing a bawrite() in
- * cases were we have "too many" outstanding bdwrite()s avoids that.
+ * buf_bdwrite()s can create situation where the kernel can create
+ * buffers faster than the disks can service. Doing a buf_bawrite() in
+ * cases where we have "too many" outstanding buf_bdwrite()s avoids that.
-__private_extern__ int
-bdwrite_internal(bp, return_error)
- struct buf *bp;
- int return_error;
+bdwrite_internal(buf_t bp, int return_error)
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- struct vnode *vp = bp->b_vp;
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ vnode_t vp = bp->b_vp;
* If the block hasn't been seen before:
if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
SET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
- if (p && p->p_stats)
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock++; /* XXX */
- nbdwrite ++;
- reassignbuf(bp, vp);
- }
- /* If this is a tape block, write it the block now. */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_TAPE)) {
- /* bwrite(bp); */
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * If the vnode has "too many" write operations in progress
- * wait for them to finish the IO
- */
- while (vp->v_numoutput >= BUFWRITE_THROTTLE) {
- vp->v_flag |= VTHROTTLED;
- (void)tsleep((caddr_t)&vp->v_numoutput, PRIBIO + 1, "bdwrite", 0);
+ if (p && p->p_stats) {
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock); /* XXX */
+ }
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &nbdwrite);
+ buf_reassign(bp, vp);
- * If we have too many delayed write buffers,
- * more than we can "safely" handle, just fall back to
- * doing the async write
+ * if we're not LOCKED, but the total number of delayed writes
+ * has climbed above 75% of the total buffers in the system
+ * return an error if the caller has indicated that it can
+ * handle one in this case, otherwise schedule the I/O now
+ * this is done to prevent us from allocating tons of extra
+ * buffers when dealing with virtual disks (i.e. DiskImages),
+ * because additional buffers are dynamically allocated to prevent
+ * deadlocks from occurring
+ *
+ * however, can't do a buf_bawrite() if the LOCKED bit is set because the
+ * buffer is part of a transaction and can't go to disk until
+ * the LOCKED bit is cleared.
- if (nbdwrite < 0)
- panic("bdwrite: Negative nbdwrite");
- // can't do a bawrite() if the LOCKED bit is set because the
- // buffer is part of a transaction and can't go to disk until
- // the LOCKED bit is cleared.
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED) && nbdwrite > ((nbuf/4)*3)) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED) && nbdwrite > ((nbuf_headers/4)*3)) {
if (return_error)
return (EAGAIN);
- else
- bawrite(bp);
- return (0);
+ /*
+ * If the vnode has "too many" write operations in progress
+ * wait for them to finish the IO
+ */
+ (void)vnode_waitforwrites(vp, VNODE_ASYNC_THROTTLE, 0, 0, "buf_bdwrite");
+ return (buf_bawrite(bp));
/* Otherwise, the "write" is done, so mark and release the buffer. */
SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE);
- brelse(bp);
+ buf_brelse(bp);
return (0);
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_bdwrite(buf_t bp)
- (void) bdwrite_internal(bp, 0);
+ return (bdwrite_internal(bp, 0));
- * Asynchronous block write; just an asynchronous bwrite().
+ * Asynchronous block write; just an asynchronous buf_bwrite().
* Note: With the abilitty to allocate additional buffer
* headers, we can get in to the situation where "too" many
- * bawrite()s can create situation where the kernel can create
+ * buf_bawrite()s can create situation where the kernel can create
* buffers faster than the disks can service.
* We limit the number of "in flight" writes a vnode can have to
* avoid this.
static int
-bawrite_internal(bp, throttle)
- struct buf *bp;
- int throttle;
+bawrite_internal(buf_t bp, int throttle)
- struct vnode *vp = bp->b_vp;
+ vnode_t vp = bp->b_vp;
if (vp) {
- /*
- * If the vnode has "too many" write operations in progress
- * wait for them to finish the IO
- */
- while (vp->v_numoutput >= BUFWRITE_THROTTLE) {
- if (throttle) {
- vp->v_flag |= VTHROTTLED;
- (void)tsleep((caddr_t)&vp->v_numoutput,
- PRIBIO + 1, "bawrite", 0);
- } else
- return (EWOULDBLOCK);
- }
+ if (throttle)
+ /*
+ * If the vnode has "too many" write operations in progress
+ * wait for them to finish the IO
+ */
+ (void)vnode_waitforwrites(vp, VNODE_ASYNC_THROTTLE, 0, 0, (const char *)"buf_bawrite");
+ else if (vp->v_numoutput >= VNODE_ASYNC_THROTTLE)
+ /*
+ * return to the caller and
+ * let him decide what to do
+ */
+ return (EWOULDBLOCK);
SET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC);
- return (0);
+ return (VNOP_BWRITE(bp));
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_bawrite(buf_t bp)
- (void) bawrite_internal(bp, 1);
+ return (bawrite_internal(bp, 1));
- * bwillwrite:
- *
- * Called prior to the locking of any vnodes when we are expecting to
- * write. We do not want to starve the buffer cache with too many
- * dirty buffers so we block here. By blocking prior to the locking
- * of any vnodes we attempt to avoid the situation where a locked vnode
- * prevents the various system daemons from flushing related buffers.
- */
+static void
+buf_free_meta_store(buf_t bp)
+ if (bp->b_bufsize) {
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC)) {
+ zone_t z;
+ z = getbufzone(bp->b_bufsize);
+ zfree(z, (void *)bp->b_datap);
+ } else
+ kmem_free(kernel_map, bp->b_datap, bp->b_bufsize);
+ bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
+ bp->b_bufsize = 0;
+ }
+static buf_t
+buf_brelse_shadow(buf_t bp)
- /* XXX To be implemented later */
+ buf_t bp_head;
+ buf_t bp_temp;
+ buf_t bp_return = NULL;
+ buf_t bp_data;
+ int data_ref = 0;
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(bp_head = (buf_t)bp->b_orig);
+ if (bp_head->b_whichq != -1)
+ panic("buf_brelse_shadow: bp_head on freelist %d\n", bp_head->b_whichq);
+ if (bp_data = bp->b_data_store) {
+ bp_data->b_data_ref--;
+ /*
+ * snapshot the ref count so that we can check it
+ * outside of the lock... we only want the guy going
+ * from 1 -> 0 to try and release the storage
+ */
+ data_ref = bp_data->b_data_ref;
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc008 | DBG_FUNC_START, bp, bp_head, bp_head->b_shadow_ref, 0, 0);
+ bp_head->b_shadow_ref--;
+ for (bp_temp = bp_head; bp_temp && bp != bp_temp->b_shadow; bp_temp = bp_temp->b_shadow);
+ if (bp_temp == NULL)
+ panic("buf_brelse_shadow: bp not on list %p", bp_head);
+ bp_temp->b_shadow = bp_temp->b_shadow->b_shadow;
+ /*
+ * we're about to free the current 'owner' of the data buffer and
+ * there is at least one other shadow buf_t still pointing at it
+ * so transfer it to the first shadow buf left in the chain
+ */
+ if (bp == bp_data && data_ref) {
+ if ((bp_data = bp_head->b_shadow) == NULL)
+ panic("buf_brelse_shadow: data_ref mismatch bp(%p)", bp);
+ for (bp_temp = bp_data; bp_temp; bp_temp = bp_temp->b_shadow)
+ bp_temp->b_data_store = bp_data;
+ bp_data->b_data_ref = data_ref;
+ }
+ if (bp_head->b_shadow_ref == 0 && bp_head->b_shadow)
+ panic("buf_relse_shadow: b_shadow != NULL && b_shadow_ref == 0 bp(%p)", bp);
+ if (bp_head->b_shadow_ref && bp_head->b_shadow == 0)
+ panic("buf_relse_shadow: b_shadow == NULL && b_shadow_ref != 0 bp(%p)", bp);
+ if (bp_head->b_shadow_ref == 0) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp_head->b_lflags, BL_BUSY)) {
+ CLR(bp_head->b_flags, B_AGE);
+ bp_head->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
+ if (ISSET(bp_head->b_flags, B_LOCKED)) {
+ bp_head->b_whichq = BQ_LOCKED;
+ binstailfree(bp_head, &bufqueues[BQ_LOCKED], BQ_LOCKED);
+ } else {
+ bp_head->b_whichq = BQ_META;
+ binstailfree(bp_head, &bufqueues[BQ_META], BQ_META);
+ }
+ } else if (ISSET(bp_head->b_lflags, BL_WAITSHADOW)) {
+ CLR(bp_head->b_lflags, BL_WAITSHADOW);
+ bp_return = bp_head;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp_head->b_lflags, BL_WANTED_REF)) {
+ CLR(bp_head->b_lflags, BL_WANTED_REF);
+ need_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (need_wakeup)
+ wakeup(bp_head);
+ if (bp == bp_data && data_ref == 0)
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
+ bp->b_data_store = NULL;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xbbbbc008 | DBG_FUNC_END, bp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return (bp_return);
* Release a buffer on to the free lists.
* Described in Bach (p. 46).
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_brelse(buf_t bp)
struct bqueues *bufq;
- int s;
- long whichq;
+ long whichq;
+ upl_t upl;
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ int need_bp_wakeup = 0;
+ if (bp->b_whichq != -1 || !(bp->b_lflags & BL_BUSY))
+ panic("buf_brelse: bad buffer = %p\n", bp);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ (void) OSBacktrace(&bp->b_stackbrelse[0], 6);
+ bp->b_lastbrelse = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 0;
+ if (bp->b_lflags & BL_IOBUF) {
+ buf_t shadow_master_bp = NULL;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_SHADOW))
+ shadow_master_bp = buf_brelse_shadow(bp);
+ else if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_IOBUF_ALLOC))
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
+ free_io_buf(bp);
+ if (shadow_master_bp) {
+ bp = shadow_master_bp;
+ goto finish_shadow_master;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
- bp->b_lblkno * PAGE_SIZE, (int)bp, (int)bp->b_data,
+ bp->b_lblkno * PAGE_SIZE, bp, bp->b_datap,
bp->b_flags, 0);
trace(TR_BRELSE, pack(bp->b_vp, bp->b_bufsize), bp->b_lblkno);
- // if we're invalidating a buffer that has the B_CALL bit
- // set then call the b_iodone function so it gets cleaned
- // up properly.
- //
+ /*
+ * if we're invalidating a buffer that has the B_FILTER bit
+ * set then call the b_iodone function so it gets cleaned
+ * up properly.
+ *
+ * the HFS journal code depends on this
+ */
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META) && ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL)) {
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CALL) && !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
- panic("brelse: CALL flag set but not DELWRI! bp 0x%x\n", bp);
- }
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CALL)) { /* if necessary, call out */
- void (*iodone_func)(struct buf *) = bp->b_iodone;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_FILTER)) { /* if necessary, call out */
+ void (*iodone_func)(struct buf *, void *) = bp->b_iodone;
+ void *arg = bp->b_transaction;
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_CALL); /* but note callout done */
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_FILTER); /* but note callout done */
bp->b_iodone = NULL;
+ bp->b_transaction = NULL;
if (iodone_func == NULL) {
- panic("brelse: bp @ 0x%x has NULL b_iodone!\n", bp);
+ panic("brelse: bp @ %p has NULL b_iodone!\n", bp);
- (*iodone_func)(bp);
+ (*iodone_func)(bp, arg);
- /* IO is done. Cleanup the UPL state */
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)
- && UBCINFOEXISTS(bp->b_vp) && bp->b_bufsize) {
+ /*
+ * I/O is done. Cleanup the UPL state
+ */
+ upl = bp->b_upl;
+ if ( !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META) && UBCINFOEXISTS(bp->b_vp) && bp->b_bufsize) {
kern_return_t kret;
- upl_t upl;
int upl_flags;
- if ( !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST)) {
+ if (upl == NULL) {
if ( !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL)) {
- kret = ubc_create_upl(bp->b_vp,
- ubc_blktooff(bp->b_vp, bp->b_lblkno),
- bp->b_bufsize,
- &upl,
+ kret = ubc_create_upl_kernel(bp->b_vp,
+ ubc_blktooff(bp->b_vp, bp->b_lblkno),
+ bp->b_bufsize,
+ &upl,
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("brelse: Failed to get pagelists");
-#ifdef UBC_DEBUG
- upl_ubc_alias_set(upl, bp, 5);
-#endif /* UBC_DEBUG */
- } else
- upl = (upl_t) 0;
+ panic("brelse: Failed to create UPL");
+ upl_ubc_alias_set(upl, (uintptr_t) bp, (uintptr_t) 5);
+#endif /* UPL_DEBUG */
+ }
} else {
- upl = bp->b_pagelist;
- if (bp->b_data) {
+ if (bp->b_datap) {
kret = ubc_upl_unmap(upl);
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("kernel_upl_unmap failed");
- bp->b_data = 0;
+ panic("ubc_upl_unmap failed");
+ bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
if (upl) {
if (bp->b_flags & (B_ERROR | B_INVAL)) {
- if (bp->b_flags & (B_READ | B_INVAL))
+ if (bp->b_flags & (B_READ | B_INVAL))
upl_flags = 0;
ubc_upl_abort(upl, upl_flags);
} else {
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_NEEDCOMMIT))
- upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_CLEAR_DIRTY ;
- else if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI | B_WASDIRTY))
- upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_SET_DIRTY ;
- else
- upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_CLEAR_DIRTY ;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI | B_WASDIRTY))
+ upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_SET_DIRTY ;
+ else
+ upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_CLEAR_DIRTY ;
ubc_upl_commit_range(upl, 0, bp->b_bufsize, upl_flags |
- s = splbio();
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST);
- bp->b_pagelist = 0;
- splx(s);
+ bp->b_upl = NULL;
} else {
- if(ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST))
- panic("brelse: pagelist set for non VREG; vp=%x", bp->b_vp);
+ if ( (upl) )
+ panic("brelse: UPL set for non VREG; vp=%p", bp->b_vp);
- /* Wake up any processes waiting for any buffer to become free. */
- if (needbuffer) {
- needbuffer = 0;
- wakeup(&needbuffer);
- }
- /* Wake up any proceeses waiting for _this_ buffer to become free. */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_WANTED)) {
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WANTED);
- wakeup(bp);
- }
- /* Block disk interrupts. */
- s = splbio();
- * Determine which queue the buffer should be on, then put it there.
+ * If it's locked, don't report an error; try again later.
- /* If it's locked, don't report an error; try again later. */
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, (B_LOCKED|B_ERROR)) == (B_LOCKED|B_ERROR))
CLR(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- /* If it's not cacheable, or an error, mark it invalid. */
+ /*
+ * If it's not cacheable, or an error, mark it invalid.
+ */
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, (B_NOCACHE|B_ERROR)))
SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ if ((bp->b_bufsize <= 0) ||
+ ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL) ||
+ (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTDEALLOC) && !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI))) {
+ boolean_t delayed_buf_free_meta_store = FALSE;
- if ((bp->b_bufsize <= 0) || ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL)) {
- * If it's invalid or empty, dissociate it from its vnode
- * and put on the head of the appropriate queue.
+ * If it's invalid or empty, dissociate it from its vnode,
+ * release its storage if B_META, and
+ * clean it up a bit and put it on the EMPTY queue
- if (bp->b_vp)
- brelvp(bp);
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
- nbdwrite--;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&nbdwrite);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI))
+ OSAddAtomicLong(-1, &nbdwrite);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)) {
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref)
+ delayed_buf_free_meta_store = TRUE;
+ else
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
- if (bp->b_bufsize <= 0)
- whichq = BQ_EMPTY; /* no data */
- else if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META))
- whichq = BQ_META; /* meta-data */
- else
- whichq = BQ_AGE; /* invalid data */
+ /*
+ * nuke any credentials we were holding
+ */
+ buf_release_credentials(bp);
- bufq = &bufqueues[whichq];
- binsheadfree(bp, bufq, whichq);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref) {
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WAITSHADOW);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (delayed_buf_free_meta_store == TRUE) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ }
+ if (bp->b_vp)
+ brelvp_locked(bp);
+ bremhash(bp);
+ binshash(bp, &invalhash);
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
+ binsheadfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_EMPTY], BQ_EMPTY);
} else {
* It has valid data. Put it on the end of the appropriate
* queue, so that it'll stick around for as long as possible.
whichq = BQ_AGE; /* stale but valid data */
whichq = BQ_LRU; /* valid data */
bufq = &bufqueues[whichq];
- binstailfree(bp, bufq, whichq);
- }
- /* Unlock the buffer. */
- CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_AGE | B_ASYNC | B_BUSY | B_NOCACHE));
+ bp->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * the buf_brelse_shadow routine doesn't take 'ownership'
+ * of the parent buf_t... it updates state that is protected by
+ * the buf_mtxp, and checks for BL_BUSY to determine whether to
+ * put the buf_t back on a free list. b_shadow_ref is protected
+ * by the lock, and since we have not yet cleared B_BUSY, we need
+ * to check it while holding the lock to insure that one of us
+ * puts this buf_t back on a free list when it is safe to do so
+ */
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref == 0) {
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_AGE | B_ASYNC | B_NOCACHE));
+ bp->b_whichq = whichq;
+ binstailfree(bp, bufq, whichq);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * there are still cloned buf_t's pointing
+ * at this guy... need to keep it off the
+ * freelists until a buf_brelse is done on
+ * the last clone
+ */
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_ASYNC | B_NOCACHE));
+ }
+ }
+ if (needbuffer) {
+ /*
+ * needbuffer is a global
+ * we're currently using buf_mtxp to protect it
+ * delay doing the actual wakeup until after
+ * we drop buf_mtxp
+ */
+ needbuffer = 0;
+ need_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED)) {
+ /*
+ * delay the actual wakeup until after we
+ * clear BL_BUSY and we've dropped buf_mtxp
+ */
+ need_bp_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unlock the buffer.
+ */
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, (BL_BUSY | BL_WANTED));
+ buf_busycount--;
- /* Allow disk interrupts. */
- splx(s);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (need_wakeup) {
+ /*
+ * Wake up any processes waiting for any buffer to become free.
+ */
+ wakeup(&needbuffer);
+ }
+ if (need_bp_wakeup) {
+ /*
+ * Wake up any proceeses waiting for _this_ buffer to become free.
+ */
+ wakeup(bp);
+ }
- (int)bp, (int)bp->b_data, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
+ bp, bp->b_datap, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
* we normally don't return the buffer, unless the caller explicitly
* wants us to.
-struct buf *
-incore(vp, blkno)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno;
+static boolean_t
+incore(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno)
- struct buf *bp;
+ boolean_t retval;
+ struct bufhashhdr *dp;
+ dp = BUFHASH(vp, blkno);
- bp = BUFHASH(vp, blkno)->lh_first;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if (incore_locked(vp, blkno, dp))
+ retval = TRUE;
+ else
+ retval = FALSE;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (retval);
+static buf_t
+incore_locked(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, struct bufhashhdr *dp)
+ struct buf *bp;
/* Search hash chain */
- for (; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_hash.le_next) {
+ for (bp = dp->lh_first; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_hash.le_next) {
if (bp->b_lblkno == blkno && bp->b_vp == vp &&
- !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL))
+ !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL)) {
return (bp);
+ }
- return (0);
+ return (NULL);
+buf_wait_for_shadow_io(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno)
+ buf_t bp;
+ struct bufhashhdr *dp;
+ dp = BUFHASH(vp, blkno);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((bp = incore_locked(vp, blkno, dp)) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (bp->b_shadow_ref == 0)
+ break;
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED_REF);
+ (void) msleep(bp, buf_mtxp, PSPIN | (PRIBIO+1), "buf_wait_for_shadow", NULL);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
/* XXX FIXME -- Update the comment to reflect the UBC changes (please) -- */
* Get a block of requested size that is associated with
* correct size. It is up to the caller to insure that the
* cached blocks be of the correct size.
-struct buf *
-getblk(vp, blkno, size, slpflag, slptimeo, operation)
- register struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t blkno;
- int size, slpflag, slptimeo, operation;
+buf_getblk(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t blkno, int size, int slpflag, int slptimeo, int operation)
- struct buf *bp;
- int s, err;
+ buf_t bp;
+ int err;
upl_t upl;
upl_page_info_t *pl;
kern_return_t kret;
- int error=0;
- int pagedirty = 0;
+ int ret_only_valid;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ int upl_flags;
+ struct bufhashhdr *dp;
- blkno * PAGE_SIZE, size, operation, 0, 0);
+ (uintptr_t)(blkno * PAGE_SIZE), size, operation, 0, 0);
+ ret_only_valid = operation & BLK_ONLYVALID;
+ operation &= ~BLK_ONLYVALID;
+ dp = BUFHASH(vp, blkno);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
- s = splbio();
- if ((bp = incore(vp, blkno))) {
- /* Found in the Buffer Cache */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_BUSY)) {
- /* but is busy */
+ if ((bp = incore_locked(vp, blkno, dp))) {
+ /*
+ * Found in the Buffer Cache
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY)) {
+ /*
+ * but is busy
+ */
switch (operation) {
case BLK_READ:
case BLK_META:
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WANTED);
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED);
- err = tsleep(bp, slpflag | (PRIBIO + 1), "getblk",
- slptimeo);
- splx(s);
+ /*
+ * don't retake the mutex after being awakened...
+ * the time out is in msecs
+ */
+ ts.tv_sec = (slptimeo/1000);
+ ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeo % 1000) * 10 * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000;
+ (uintptr_t)blkno, size, operation, 0, 0);
+ err = msleep(bp, buf_mtxp, slpflag | PDROP | (PRIBIO + 1), "buf_getblk", &ts);
* Callers who call with PCATCH or timeout are
* willing to deal with the NULL pointer
- if (err && ((slpflag & PCATCH) ||
- ((err == EWOULDBLOCK) && slptimeo)))
+ if (err && ((slpflag & PCATCH) || ((err == EWOULDBLOCK) && slptimeo)))
return (NULL);
goto start;
- break;
- case BLK_PAGEIN:
- /* pagein operation must not use getblk */
- panic("getblk: pagein for incore busy buffer");
- splx(s);
- break;
- /* pageout operation must not use getblk */
- panic("getblk: pageout for incore busy buffer");
- splx(s);
- break;
- panic("getblk: %d unknown operation 1", operation);
+ /*
+ * unknown operation requested
+ */
+ panic("getblk: paging or unknown operation for incore busy buffer - %x\n", operation);
} else {
- /* not busy */
- SET(bp->b_flags, (B_BUSY | B_CACHE));
- bremfree(bp);
+ int clear_bdone;
+ /*
+ * buffer in core and not busy
+ */
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE);
+ buf_busycount++;
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
- splx(s);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 1;
+ if ( (bp->b_upl) )
+ panic("buffer has UPL, but not marked BUSY: %p", bp);
+ clear_bdone = FALSE;
+ if (!ret_only_valid) {
+ /*
+ * If the number bytes that are valid is going
+ * to increase (even if we end up not doing a
+ * reallocation through allocbuf) we have to read
+ * the new size first.
+ *
+ * This is required in cases where we doing a read
+ * modify write of a already valid data on disk but
+ * in cases where the data on disk beyond (blkno + b_bcount)
+ * is invalid, we may end up doing extra I/O.
+ */
+ if (operation == BLK_META && bp->b_bcount < size) {
+ /*
+ * Since we are going to read in the whole size first
+ * we first have to ensure that any pending delayed write
+ * is flushed to disk first.
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE);
+ buf_bwrite(bp);
+ goto start;
+ }
+ /*
+ * clear B_DONE before returning from
+ * this function so that the caller can
+ * can issue a read for the new size.
+ */
+ clear_bdone = TRUE;
+ }
- allocbuf(bp, size);
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST))
- panic("pagelist buffer is not busy");
+ if (bp->b_bufsize != size)
+ allocbuf(bp, size);
+ }
+ upl_flags = 0;
switch (operation) {
- case BLK_READ:
- if (UBCISVALID(bp->b_vp) && bp->b_bufsize) {
- kret = ubc_create_upl(vp,
- ubc_blktooff(vp, bp->b_lblkno),
- bp->b_bufsize,
- &upl,
- &pl,
+ /*
+ * "write" operation: let the UPL subsystem
+ * know that we intend to modify the buffer
+ * cache pages we're gathering.
+ */
+ upl_flags |= UPL_WILL_MODIFY;
+ case BLK_READ:
+ upl_flags |= UPL_PRECIOUS;
+ if (UBCINFOEXISTS(bp->b_vp) && bp->b_bufsize) {
+ kret = ubc_create_upl_kernel(vp,
+ ubc_blktooff(vp, bp->b_lblkno),
+ bp->b_bufsize,
+ &upl,
+ &pl,
+ upl_flags,
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("Failed to get pagelists");
+ panic("Failed to create UPL");
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST);
- bp->b_pagelist = upl;
+ bp->b_upl = upl;
- if (!upl_valid_page(pl, 0)) {
- if (vp->v_tag != VT_NFS)
- panic("getblk: incore buffer without valid page");
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE);
- }
+ if (upl_valid_page(pl, 0)) {
+ if (upl_dirty_page(pl, 0))
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
+ else
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
+ } else
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_DONE | B_CACHE | B_WASDIRTY | B_DELWRI));
- if (upl_dirty_page(pl, 0))
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
- else
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_offset_t*)&(bp->b_datap));
- kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_address_t *)&(bp->b_data));
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)",
- kret);
- if (bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("ubc_upl_map mapped 0");
+ panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
* VM is not involved in IO for the meta data
* buffer already has valid data
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("bp->b_data null incore buf=%x", bp);
- break;
- case BLK_PAGEIN:
- panic("getblk: paging operation 1");
- panic("getblk: %d unknown operation 2", operation);
+ panic("getblk: paging or unknown operation for incore buffer- %d\n", operation);
+ if (clear_bdone)
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_DONE);
} else { /* not incore() */
int queue = BQ_EMPTY; /* Start with no preference */
- splx(s);
- if ((operation == BLK_META) || (UBCINVALID(vp)) ||
- operation = BLK_META;
+ if (ret_only_valid) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (NULL);
+ if ((vnode_isreg(vp) == 0) || (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp) == 0) /*|| (vnode_issystem(vp) == 1)*/)
+ operation = BLK_META;
if ((bp = getnewbuf(slpflag, slptimeo, &queue)) == NULL)
goto start;
- if (incore(vp, blkno)) {
+ /*
+ * getnewbuf may block for a number of different reasons...
+ * if it does, it's then possible for someone else to
+ * create a buffer for the same block and insert it into
+ * the hash... if we see it incore at this point we dump
+ * the buffer we were working on and start over
+ */
+ if (incore_locked(vp, blkno, dp)) {
SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
binshash(bp, &invalhash);
- brelse(bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ buf_brelse(bp);
goto start;
- * if it is meta, the queue may be set to other
- * type so reset as well as mark it to be B_META
+ * mark the buffer as B_META if indicated
* so that when buffer is released it will goto META queue
- * Also, if the vnode is not VREG, then it is META
- if (operation == BLK_META) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_META);
- queue = BQ_META;
- }
+ if (operation == BLK_META)
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_META);
bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno = blkno;
bp->b_vp = vp;
binshash(bp, BUFHASH(vp, blkno));
- s = splbio();
- bgetvp(vp, bp);
- splx(s);
+ bgetvp_locked(vp, bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
allocbuf(bp, size);
+ upl_flags = 0;
switch (operation) {
case BLK_META:
- /* buffer data is invalid */
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("bp->b_data is null %x",bp);
- bufstats.bufs_miss++;
- /* wakeup the buffer */
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WANTED);
- wakeup(bp);
+ /*
+ * buffer data is invalid...
+ *
+ * I don't want to have to retake buf_mtxp,
+ * so the miss and vmhits counters are done
+ * with Atomic updates... all other counters
+ * in bufstats are protected with either
+ * buf_mtxp or iobuffer_mtxp
+ */
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &bufstats.bufs_miss);
- case BLK_READ:
+ /*
+ * "write" operation: let the UPL subsystem know
+ * that we intend to modify the buffer cache pages
+ * we're gathering.
+ */
+ upl_flags |= UPL_WILL_MODIFY;
+ case BLK_READ:
+ { off_t f_offset;
+ size_t contig_bytes;
+ int bmap_flags;
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST))
- panic("B_PAGELIST in bp=%x",bp);
- kret = ubc_create_upl(vp,
- ubc_blktooff(vp, blkno),
- bp->b_bufsize,
- &upl,
- &pl,
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("Failed to get pagelists");
+ /*
+ * Apple implemented file systems use UBC excludively; they should
+ * not call in here."
+ */
+ const char* excldfs[] = {"hfs", "afpfs", "smbfs", "acfs",
+ "exfat", "msdos", "webdav", NULL};
+ for (int i = 0; excldfs[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ if (vp->v_mount &&
+ !strcmp(vp->v_mount->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename,
+ excldfs[i])) {
+ panic("%s %s calls buf_getblk",
+ excldfs[i],
+ operation == BLK_READ ? "BLK_READ" : "BLK_WRITE");
+ }
+ }
-#ifdef UBC_DEBUG
- upl_ubc_alias_set(upl, bp, 4);
-#endif /* UBC_DEBUG */
- bp->b_pagelist = upl;
+ if ( (bp->b_upl) )
+ panic("bp already has UPL: %p",bp);
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST);
+ f_offset = ubc_blktooff(vp, blkno);
- if (upl_valid_page(pl, 0)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE | B_DONE);
- bufstats.bufs_vmhits++;
+ upl_flags |= UPL_PRECIOUS;
+ kret = ubc_create_upl_kernel(vp,
+ f_offset,
+ bp->b_bufsize,
+ &upl,
+ &pl,
+ upl_flags,
- pagedirty = upl_dirty_page(pl, 0);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("Failed to create UPL");
+ upl_ubc_alias_set(upl, (uintptr_t) bp, (uintptr_t) 4);
+#endif /* UPL_DEBUG */
+ bp->b_upl = upl;
- if (pagedirty)
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
+ if (upl_valid_page(pl, 0)) {
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS) {
- off_t f_offset;
- int valid_size;
+ if (operation == BLK_READ)
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_READ;
+ else
+ bmap_flags = VNODE_WRITE;
- bp->b_validoff = 0;
- bp->b_dirtyoff = 0;
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE | B_DONE);
- f_offset = ubc_blktooff(vp, blkno);
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &bufstats.bufs_vmhits);
- if (f_offset > vp->v_ubcinfo->ui_size) {
- CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_CACHE|B_DONE|B_WASDIRTY));
- bp->b_validend = 0;
- bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
- } else {
- valid_size = min(((unsigned int)(vp->v_ubcinfo->ui_size - f_offset)), PAGE_SIZE);
- bp->b_validend = valid_size;
+ bp->b_validoff = 0;
+ bp->b_dirtyoff = 0;
- if (pagedirty)
- bp->b_dirtyend = valid_size;
- else
- bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
+ if (upl_dirty_page(pl, 0)) {
+ /* page is dirty */
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
- bp->b_validend, bp->b_dirtyend,
- (int)vp->v_ubcinfo->ui_size, 0, 0);
- }
+ bp->b_validend = bp->b_bcount;
+ bp->b_dirtyend = bp->b_bcount;
} else {
- bp->b_validoff = 0;
- bp->b_dirtyoff = 0;
- if (pagedirty) {
- /* page is dirty */
- bp->b_validend = bp->b_bcount;
- bp->b_dirtyend = bp->b_bcount;
- } else {
- /* page is clean */
- bp->b_validend = bp->b_bcount;
- bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
- }
- }
- error = VOP_BMAP(vp, bp->b_lblkno, NULL, &bp->b_blkno, NULL);
- if(error) {
- panic("getblk: VOP_BMAP failed");
- /*
- * XXX: We probably should invalidate the VM Page
- */
- bp->b_error = error;
- SET(bp->b_flags, (B_ERROR | B_INVAL));
- /* undo B_DONE that was set before upl_commit() */
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_DONE);
- brelse(bp);
- return (0);
+ /* page is clean */
+ bp->b_validend = bp->b_bcount;
+ bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
+ /*
+ * try to recreate the physical block number associated with
+ * this buffer...
+ */
+ if (VNOP_BLOCKMAP(vp, f_offset, bp->b_bcount, &bp->b_blkno, &contig_bytes, NULL, bmap_flags, NULL))
+ panic("getblk: VNOP_BLOCKMAP failed");
+ /*
+ * if the extent represented by this buffer
+ * is not completely physically contiguous on
+ * disk, than we can't cache the physical mapping
+ * in the buffer header
+ */
+ if ((long)contig_bytes < bp->b_bcount)
+ bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno;
} else {
- bufstats.bufs_miss++;
+ OSAddAtomicLong(1, &bufstats.bufs_miss);
- kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_address_t *)&(bp->b_data));
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() "
- "failed with (%d)", kret);
- }
- if (bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("kernel_upl_map mapped 0");
- break;
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_offset_t *)&(bp->b_datap));
- case BLK_PAGEIN:
- panic("getblk: paging operation 2");
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
+ }
- panic("getblk: %d unknown operation 3", operation);
+ panic("getblk: paging or unknown operation - %x", operation);
- if (bp->b_data == NULL)
- panic("getblk: bp->b_addr is null");
- if (bp->b_bufsize & 0xfff) {
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META) && (bp->b_bufsize & 0x1ff))
- panic("getblk: bp->b_bufsize = %d", bp->b_bufsize);
- }
- (int)bp, (int)bp->b_data, bp->b_flags, 3, 0);
+ bp, bp->b_datap, bp->b_flags, 3, 0);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ (void) OSBacktrace(&bp->b_stackgetblk[0], 6);
return (bp);
* Get an empty, disassociated buffer of given size.
-struct buf *
- int size;
+buf_geteblk(int size)
- struct buf *bp;
- int queue = BQ_EMPTY;
+ buf_t bp = NULL;
+ int queue = BQ_EMPTY;
+ do {
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ bp = getnewbuf(0, 0, &queue);
+ } while (bp == NULL);
- while ((bp = getnewbuf(0, 0, &queue)) == 0)
- ;
SET(bp->b_flags, (B_META|B_INVAL));
/* XXX need to implement logic to deal with other queues */
binshash(bp, &invalhash);
- allocbuf(bp, size);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ allocbuf(bp, size);
return (bp);
- * Zones for the meta data buffers
- */
+buf_redundancy_flags(buf_t bp)
+ return bp->b_redundancy_flags;
-#define MINMETA 512
-#define MAXMETA 4096
+buf_set_redundancy_flags(buf_t bp, uint32_t flags)
+ SET(bp->b_redundancy_flags, flags);
-struct meta_zone_entry {
- zone_t mz_zone;
- vm_size_t mz_size;
- vm_size_t mz_max;
- char *mz_name;
+buf_clear_redundancy_flags(buf_t bp, uint32_t flags)
+ CLR(bp->b_redundancy_flags, flags);
-struct meta_zone_entry meta_zones[] = {
- {NULL, (MINMETA * 1), 128 * (MINMETA * 1), "buf.512" },
- {NULL, (MINMETA * 2), 64 * (MINMETA * 2), "buf.1024" },
- {NULL, (MINMETA * 4), 16 * (MINMETA * 4), "buf.2048" },
- {NULL, (MINMETA * 8), 512 * (MINMETA * 8), "buf.4096" },
- {NULL, 0, 0, "" } /* End */
- * Initialize the meta data zones
- */
-static void
+static void *
+recycle_buf_from_pool(int nsize)
- int i;
+ buf_t bp;
+ void *ptr = NULL;
- for (i = 0; meta_zones[i].mz_size != 0; i++) {
- meta_zones[i].mz_zone =
- zinit(meta_zones[i].mz_size,
- meta_zones[i].mz_max,
- meta_zones[i].mz_name);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_META], b_freelist) {
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI) || bp->b_bufsize != nsize)
+ continue;
+ ptr = (void *)bp->b_datap;
+ bp->b_bufsize = 0;
+ bcleanbuf(bp, TRUE);
+ break;
- buf_hdr_zone = zinit(sizeof(struct buf), 32, PAGE_SIZE, "buf headers");
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (ptr);
-static __inline__ zone_t
-getbufzone(size_t size)
+int zalloc_nopagewait_failed = 0;
+int recycle_buf_failed = 0;
+static void *
+grab_memory_for_meta_buf(int nsize)
- int i;
+ zone_t z;
+ void *ptr;
+ boolean_t was_vmpriv;
- if ((size % 512) || (size < MINMETA) || (size > MAXMETA))
- panic("getbufzone: incorect size = %d", size);
+ z = getbufzone(nsize);
- for (i = 0; meta_zones[i].mz_size != 0; i++) {
- if (meta_zones[i].mz_size >= size)
- break;
- }
+ /*
+ * make sure we're NOT priviliged so that
+ * if a vm_page_grab is needed, it won't
+ * block if we're out of free pages... if
+ * it blocks, then we can't honor the
+ * nopagewait request
+ */
+ was_vmpriv = set_vm_privilege(FALSE);
- return (meta_zones[i].mz_zone);
+ ptr = zalloc_nopagewait(z);
+ if (was_vmpriv == TRUE)
+ set_vm_privilege(TRUE);
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ zalloc_nopagewait_failed++;
+ ptr = recycle_buf_from_pool(nsize);
+ if (ptr == NULL) {
+ recycle_buf_failed++;
+ if (was_vmpriv == FALSE)
+ set_vm_privilege(TRUE);
+ ptr = zalloc(z);
+ if (was_vmpriv == FALSE)
+ set_vm_privilege(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ return (ptr);
-allocbuf(bp, size)
- struct buf *bp;
- int size;
+allocbuf(buf_t bp, int size)
vm_size_t desired_size;
desired_size = roundup(size, CLBYTES);
- if(desired_size < PAGE_SIZE)
+ if (desired_size < PAGE_SIZE)
desired_size = PAGE_SIZE;
if (desired_size > MAXBSIZE)
panic("allocbuf: buffer larger than MAXBSIZE requested");
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)) {
- kern_return_t kret;
- zone_t zprev, z;
- size_t nsize = roundup(size, MINMETA);
- if (bp->b_data) {
- vm_offset_t elem = (vm_offset_t)bp->b_data;
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC))
- if (bp->b_bufsize <= MAXMETA) {
- if (bp->b_bufsize < nsize) {
- /* reallocate to a bigger size */
- zprev = getbufzone(bp->b_bufsize);
- if (nsize <= MAXMETA) {
- desired_size = nsize;
- z = getbufzone(nsize);
- bp->b_data = (caddr_t)zalloc(z);
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("allocbuf: zalloc() returned NULL");
- } else {
- kret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &bp->b_data, desired_size);
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("allocbuf: kmem_alloc() 0 returned %d", kret);
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("allocbuf: null b_data 0");
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC);
- }
- bcopy((const void *)elem, bp->b_data, bp->b_bufsize);
- zfree(zprev, elem);
+ int nsize = roundup(size, MINMETA);
+ if (bp->b_datap) {
+ vm_offset_t elem = (vm_offset_t)bp->b_datap;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC)) {
+ if (bp->b_bufsize < nsize) {
+ zone_t zprev;
+ /* reallocate to a bigger size */
+ zprev = getbufzone(bp->b_bufsize);
+ if (nsize <= MAXMETA) {
+ desired_size = nsize;
+ /* b_datap not really a ptr */
+ *(void **)(&bp->b_datap) = grab_memory_for_meta_buf(nsize);
} else {
- desired_size = bp->b_bufsize;
+ bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
+ kmem_alloc_kobject(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *)&bp->b_datap, desired_size, VM_KERN_MEMORY_FILE);
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC);
- } else
- panic("allocbuf: B_ZALLOC set incorrectly");
- else
- if (bp->b_bufsize < desired_size) {
+ bcopy((void *)elem, (caddr_t)bp->b_datap, bp->b_bufsize);
+ zfree(zprev, (void *)elem);
+ } else {
+ desired_size = bp->b_bufsize;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((vm_size_t)bp->b_bufsize < desired_size) {
/* reallocate to a bigger size */
- kret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &bp->b_data, desired_size);
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("allocbuf: kmem_alloc() returned %d", kret);
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("allocbuf: null b_data");
- bcopy((const void *)elem, bp->b_data, bp->b_bufsize);
+ bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
+ kmem_alloc_kobject(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *)&bp->b_datap, desired_size, VM_KERN_MEMORY_FILE);
+ bcopy((const void *)elem, (caddr_t)bp->b_datap, bp->b_bufsize);
kmem_free(kernel_map, elem, bp->b_bufsize);
} else {
desired_size = bp->b_bufsize;
+ }
} else {
/* new allocation */
if (nsize <= MAXMETA) {
desired_size = nsize;
- z = getbufzone(nsize);
- bp->b_data = (caddr_t)zalloc(z);
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("allocbuf: zalloc() returned NULL 2");
+ /* b_datap not really a ptr */
+ *(void **)(&bp->b_datap) = grab_memory_for_meta_buf(nsize);
SET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC);
- } else {
- kret = kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &bp->b_data, desired_size);
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("allocbuf: kmem_alloc() 2 returned %d", kret);
- if(bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("allocbuf: null b_data 2");
- }
+ } else
+ kmem_alloc_kobject(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *)&bp->b_datap, desired_size, VM_KERN_MEMORY_FILE);
- }
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META) && (bp->b_data == 0))
- panic("allocbuf: bp->b_data is NULL, buf @ 0x%x", bp);
+ if (bp->b_datap == 0)
+ panic("allocbuf: NULL b_datap");
+ }
bp->b_bufsize = desired_size;
bp->b_bcount = size;
return (0);
* Initialize the fields and disassociate the buffer from the vnode.
* Remove the buffer from the hash. Return the buffer and the queue
* on which it was found.
+ *
+ * buf_mtxp is held upon entry
+ * returns with buf_mtxp locked if new buf available
+ * returns with buf_mtxp UNlocked if new buf NOT available
-static struct buf *
-getnewbuf(slpflag, slptimeo, queue)
- int slpflag, slptimeo;
- int *queue;
- register struct buf *bp;
- register struct buf *lru_bp;
- register struct buf *age_bp;
- register struct buf *meta_bp;
- register int age_time, lru_time, bp_time, meta_time;
- int s;
- int req = *queue; /* save it for restarts */
+static buf_t
+getnewbuf(int slpflag, int slptimeo, int * queue)
+ buf_t bp;
+ buf_t lru_bp;
+ buf_t age_bp;
+ buf_t meta_bp;
+ int age_time, lru_time, bp_time, meta_time;
+ int req = *queue; /* save it for restarts */
+ struct timespec ts;
- s = splbio();
- /* invalid request gets empty queue */
- if ((*queue > BQUEUES) || (*queue < 0)
+ /*
+ * invalid request gets empty queue
+ */
+ if ((*queue >= BQUEUES) || (*queue < 0)
|| (*queue == BQ_LAUNDRY) || (*queue == BQ_LOCKED))
*queue = BQ_EMPTY;
- /* (*queue == BQUEUES) means no preference */
- if (*queue != BQUEUES) {
- /* Try for the requested queue first */
- bp = bufqueues[*queue].tqh_first;
- if (bp)
- goto found;
+ if (*queue == BQ_EMPTY && (bp = bufqueues[*queue].tqh_first))
+ goto found;
+ /*
+ * need to grow number of bufs, add another one rather than recycling
+ */
+ if (nbuf_headers < max_nbuf_headers) {
+ /*
+ * Increment count now as lock
+ * is dropped for allocation.
+ * That avoids over commits
+ */
+ nbuf_headers++;
+ goto add_newbufs;
+ /* Try for the requested queue first */
+ bp = bufqueues[*queue].tqh_first;
+ if (bp)
+ goto found;
/* Unable to use requested queue */
age_bp = bufqueues[BQ_AGE].tqh_first;
*queue = BQ_EMPTY;
goto found;
+ /*
+ * We have seen is this is hard to trigger.
+ * This is an overcommit of nbufs but needed
+ * in some scenarios with diskiamges
+ */
- /* Create a new temparory buffer header */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ /* Create a new temporary buffer header */
bp = (struct buf *)zalloc(buf_hdr_zone);
if (bp) {
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
+ bp->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
- binshash(bp, &invalhash);
SET(bp->b_flags, B_HDRALLOC);
*queue = BQ_EMPTY;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if (bp) {
+ binshash(bp, &invalhash);
binsheadfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_EMPTY], BQ_EMPTY);
goto found;
+ /* subtract already accounted bufcount */
+ nbuf_headers--;
- /* Log this error condition */
- printf("getnewbuf: No useful buffers");
+ bufstats.bufs_sleeps++;
/* wait for a free buffer of any kind */
needbuffer = 1;
- bufstats.bufs_sleeps++;
- tsleep(&needbuffer, slpflag|(PRIBIO+1), "getnewbuf", slptimeo);
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ /* hz value is 100 */
+ ts.tv_sec = (slptimeo/1000);
+ /* the hz value is 100; which leads to 10ms */
+ ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeo % 1000) * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000 * 10;
+ msleep(&needbuffer, buf_mtxp, slpflag | PDROP | (PRIBIO+1), "getnewbuf", &ts);
+ return (NULL);
/* Buffer available either on AGE or LRU or META */
bp = age_bp;
*queue = BQ_AGE;
} else { /* buffer available on both AGE and LRU */
- age_time = time.tv_sec - age_bp->b_timestamp;
- lru_time = time.tv_sec - lru_bp->b_timestamp;
+ int t = buf_timestamp();
+ age_time = t - age_bp->b_timestamp;
+ lru_time = t - lru_bp->b_timestamp;
if ((age_time < 0) || (lru_time < 0)) { /* time set backwards */
bp = age_bp;
*queue = BQ_AGE;
bp = meta_bp;
*queue = BQ_META;
} else if (meta_bp) {
- bp_time = time.tv_sec - bp->b_timestamp;
- meta_time = time.tv_sec - meta_bp->b_timestamp;
+ int t = buf_timestamp();
+ bp_time = t - bp->b_timestamp;
+ meta_time = t - meta_bp->b_timestamp;
if (!(bp_time < 0) && !(meta_time < 0)) {
/* time not set backwards */
- if (bp == NULL)
- panic("getnewbuf: null bp");
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED)) {
- panic("getnewbuf: bp @ 0x%x is LOCKED! (flags 0x%x)\n", bp, bp->b_flags);
- }
- if (bp->b_hash.le_prev == (struct buf **)0xdeadbeef)
- panic("getnewbuf: le_prev is deadbeef, buf @ 0x%x", bp);
- if(ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_BUSY))
- panic("getnewbuf reusing BUSY buf @ 0x%x", bp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED) || ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY))
+ panic("getnewbuf: bp @ %p is LOCKED or BUSY! (flags 0x%x)\n", bp, bp->b_flags);
/* Clean it */
- if (bcleanbuf(bp)) {
- /* bawrite() issued, buffer not ready */
- splx(s);
+ if (bcleanbuf(bp, FALSE)) {
+ /*
+ * moved to the laundry thread, buffer not ready
+ */
*queue = req;
goto start;
- splx(s);
return (bp);
-#include <mach/mach_types.h>
-#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>
-#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
* Clean a buffer.
- * Returns 0 is buffer is ready to use,
- * Returns 1 if issued a bawrite() to indicate
+ * Returns 0 if buffer is ready to use,
+ * Returns 1 if issued a buf_bawrite() to indicate
* that the buffer is not ready.
+ *
+ * buf_mtxp is held upon entry
+ * returns with buf_mtxp locked
-static int
-bcleanbuf(struct buf *bp)
+bcleanbuf(buf_t bp, boolean_t discard)
- int s;
- struct ucred *cred;
- int hdralloc = 0;
- s = splbio();
/* Remove from the queue */
- bremfree(bp);
- /* Buffer is no longer on free lists. */
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_BUSY);
- /* Check whether the buffer header was "allocated" */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_HDRALLOC))
- hdralloc = 1;
- if (bp->b_hash.le_prev == (struct buf **)0xdeadbeef)
- panic("bcleanbuf: le_prev is deadbeef");
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 2;
* If buffer was a delayed write, start the IO by queuing
* it on the LAUNDRY queue, and return 1
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
- splx(s);
- binstailfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], BQ_LAUNDRY);
- blaundrycnt++;
- wakeup(&blaundrycnt);
- /* and give it a chance to run */
+ if (discard) {
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTDEALLOC);
+ }
+ bmovelaundry(bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ wakeup(&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY]);
+ /*
+ * and give it a chance to run
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
return (1);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 8;
+ /*
+ * Buffer is no longer on any free list... we own it
+ */
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount++;
+ bremhash(bp);
+ /*
+ * disassociate us from our vnode, if we had one...
+ */
if (bp->b_vp)
- brelvp(bp);
- bremhash(bp);
+ brelvp_locked(bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
- splx(s);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META))
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_META)) {
- vm_offset_t elem = (vm_offset_t)bp->b_data;
- if (elem == 0)
- panic("bcleanbuf: NULL bp->b_data B_META buffer");
+ trace(TR_BRELSE, pack(bp->b_vp, bp->b_bufsize), bp->b_lblkno);
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC)) {
- if (bp->b_bufsize <= MAXMETA) {
- zone_t z;
+ buf_release_credentials(bp);
+ /* If discarding, just move to the empty queue */
+ if (discard) {
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
+ binshash(bp, &invalhash);
+ binsheadfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_EMPTY], BQ_EMPTY);
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount--;
+ } else {
+ /* Not discarding: clean up and prepare for reuse */
+ bp->b_bufsize = 0;
+ bp->b_datap = (uintptr_t)NULL;
+ bp->b_upl = (void *)NULL;
+ bp->b_fsprivate = (void *)NULL;
+ /*
+ * preserve the state of whether this buffer
+ * was allocated on the fly or not...
+ * the only other flag that should be set at
+ * this point is BL_BUSY...
+ */
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 3;
+ bp->b_lflags = BL_BUSY;
+ bp->b_flags = (bp->b_flags & B_HDRALLOC);
+ bp->b_redundancy_flags = 0;
+ bp->b_dev = NODEV;
+ bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno = 0;
+ bp->b_iodone = NULL;
+ bp->b_error = 0;
+ bp->b_resid = 0;
+ bp->b_bcount = 0;
+ bp->b_dirtyoff = bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
+ bp->b_validoff = bp->b_validend = 0;
+ bzero(&bp->b_attr, sizeof(struct bufattr));
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ }
+ return (0);
- z = getbufzone(bp->b_bufsize);
- bp->b_data = (caddr_t)0xdeadbeef;
- zfree(z, elem);
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC);
- } else
- panic("bcleanbuf: B_ZALLOC set incorrectly");
- } else {
- bp->b_data = (caddr_t)0xdeadbeef;
- kmem_free(kernel_map, elem, bp->b_bufsize);
+buf_invalblkno(vnode_t vp, daddr64_t lblkno, int flags)
+ buf_t bp;
+ errno_t error;
+ struct bufhashhdr *dp;
+ dp = BUFHASH(vp, lblkno);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if ((bp = incore_locked(vp, lblkno, dp)) == (struct buf *)0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY)) {
+ if ( !ISSET(flags, BUF_WAIT)) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (EBUSY);
+ }
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED);
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)bp, buf_mtxp, PDROP | (PRIBIO + 1), "buf_invalblkno", NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ return (error);
+ goto relook;
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ buf_busycount++;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 4;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ buf_brelse(bp);
- trace(TR_BRELSE, pack(bp->b_vp, bp->b_bufsize), bp->b_lblkno);
+ return (0);
- /* disassociate us from our vnode, if we had one... */
- s = splbio();
- /* clear out various other fields */
- bp->b_bufsize = 0;
- bp->b_data = 0;
- bp->b_flags = B_BUSY;
- if (hdralloc)
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_HDRALLOC);
- bp->b_dev = NODEV;
- bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno = 0;
- bp->b_iodone = 0;
- bp->b_error = 0;
- bp->b_resid = 0;
- bp->b_bcount = 0;
- bp->b_dirtyoff = bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
- bp->b_validoff = bp->b_validend = 0;
+buf_drop(buf_t bp)
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED)) {
+ /*
+ * delay the actual wakeup until after we
+ * clear BL_BUSY and we've dropped buf_mtxp
+ */
+ need_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 9;
+ /*
+ * Unlock the buffer.
+ */
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, (BL_BUSY | BL_WANTED));
+ buf_busycount--;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (need_wakeup) {
+ /*
+ * Wake up any proceeses waiting for _this_ buffer to become free.
+ */
+ wakeup(bp);
+ }
+buf_acquire(buf_t bp, int flags, int slpflag, int slptimeo) {
+ errno_t error;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ error = buf_acquire_locked(bp, flags, slpflag, slptimeo);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ return (error);
- /* nuke any credentials we were holding */
- cred = bp->b_rcred;
- if (cred != NOCRED) {
- bp->b_rcred = NOCRED;
- crfree(cred);
+static errno_t
+buf_acquire_locked(buf_t bp, int flags, int slpflag, int slptimeo)
+ errno_t error;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_LOCKED)) {
+ if ((flags & BAC_SKIP_LOCKED))
+ return (EDEADLK);
+ } else {
+ if ((flags & BAC_SKIP_NONLOCKED))
+ return (EDEADLK);
- cred = bp->b_wcred;
- if (cred != NOCRED) {
- bp->b_wcred = NOCRED;
- crfree(cred);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY)) {
+ /*
+ * since the lck_mtx_lock may block, the buffer
+ * may become BUSY, so we need to
+ * recheck for a NOWAIT request
+ */
+ if (flags & BAC_NOWAIT)
+ return (EBUSY);
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED);
+ /* the hz value is 100; which leads to 10ms */
+ ts.tv_sec = (slptimeo/100);
+ ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeo % 100) * 10 * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000;
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)bp, buf_mtxp, slpflag | (PRIBIO + 1), "buf_acquire", &ts);
+ if (error)
+ return (error);
+ return (EAGAIN);
- splx(s);
+ if (flags & BAC_REMOVE)
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount++;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 5;
return (0);
* Wait for operations on the buffer to complete.
* When they do, extract and return the I/O's error value.
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_biowait(buf_t bp)
- int s;
+ while (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE)) {
- s = splbio();
- while (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE))
- tsleep(bp, PRIBIO + 1, "biowait", 0);
- splx(s);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE)) {
+ DTRACE_IO1(wait__start, buf_t, bp);
+ (void) msleep(bp, buf_mtxp, PDROP | (PRIBIO+1), "buf_biowait", NULL);
+ DTRACE_IO1(wait__done, buf_t, bp);
+ } else
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ }
/* check for interruption of I/O (e.g. via NFS), then errors. */
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_EINTR)) {
CLR(bp->b_flags, B_EINTR);
return (0);
* Mark I/O complete on a buffer.
* process, invokes a procedure specified in the buffer structure" ]
* In real life, the pagedaemon (or other system processes) wants
- * to do async stuff to, and doesn't want the buffer brelse()'d.
+ * to do async stuff to, and doesn't want the buffer buf_brelse()'d.
* (for swap pager, that puts swap buffers on the free lists (!!!),
* for the vn device, that puts malloc'd buffers on the free lists!)
- struct buf *bp;
+buf_biodone(buf_t bp)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- struct vnode *vp;
- extern struct timeval priority_IO_timestamp_for_root;
- extern int hard_throttle_on_root;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ mount_t mp;
+ struct bufattr *bap;
+ struct timeval real_elapsed;
+ uint64_t real_elapsed_usec = 0;
- (int)bp, (int)bp->b_data, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
+ bp, bp->b_datap, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE))
panic("biodone already");
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ bap = &bp->b_attr;
+ if (bp->b_vp && bp->b_vp->v_mount) {
+ mp = bp->b_vp->v_mount;
+ } else {
+ mp = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR)) {
+ if (mp && (MNT_ROOTFS & mp->mnt_flag)) {
+ dk_error_description_t desc;
+ bzero(&desc, sizeof(desc));
+ desc.description = panic_disk_error_description;
+ desc.description_size = panic_disk_error_description_size;
+ VNOP_IOCTL(mp->mnt_devvp, DKIOCGETERRORDESCRIPTION, (caddr_t)&desc, 0, vfs_context_kernel());
+ }
+ }
+ if (mp && (bp->b_flags & B_READ) == 0) {
+ update_last_io_time(mp);
+ INCR_PENDING_IO(-(pending_io_t)buf_count(bp), mp->mnt_pending_write_size);
+ } else if (mp) {
+ INCR_PENDING_IO(-(pending_io_t)buf_count(bp), mp->mnt_pending_read_size);
+ }
+ throttle_info_end_io(bp);
+ if (kdebug_enable) {
+ int code = DKIO_DONE;
+ int io_tier = GET_BUFATTR_IO_TIER(bap);
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_READ)
+ code |= DKIO_READ;
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_ASYNC)
+ code |= DKIO_ASYNC;
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_META)
+ code |= DKIO_META;
+ else if (bp->b_flags & B_PAGEIO)
+ code |= DKIO_PAGING;
+ if (io_tier != 0)
+ code |= DKIO_THROTTLE;
+ code |= ((io_tier << DKIO_TIER_SHIFT) & DKIO_TIER_MASK);
+ if (bp->b_flags & B_PASSIVE)
+ code |= DKIO_PASSIVE;
+ if (bap->ba_flags & BA_NOCACHE)
+ code |= DKIO_NOCACHE;
+ if (bap->ba_flags & BA_IO_TIER_UPGRADE) {
+ }
+ buf_kernel_addrperm_addr(bp), (uintptr_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(bp->b_vp), bp->b_resid, bp->b_error, 0);
+ }
+ microuptime(&real_elapsed);
+ timevalsub(&real_elapsed, &bp->b_timestamp_tv);
+ real_elapsed_usec = real_elapsed.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + real_elapsed.tv_usec;
+ disk_conditioner_delay(bp, 1, bp->b_bcount, real_elapsed_usec);
* I/O was done, so don't believe
- * the DIRTY state from VM anymore
+ * the DIRTY state from VM anymore...
+ * and we need to reset the THROTTLED/PASSIVE
+ * indicators
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WASDIRTY);
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_WASDIRTY | B_PASSIVE));
+ DTRACE_IO1(done, buf_t, bp);
if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_READ) && !ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_RAW))
- vwakeup(bp); /* wake up reader */
- if (kdebug_enable) {
- int code = DKIO_DONE;
- if (bp->b_flags & B_READ)
- code |= DKIO_READ;
- if (bp->b_flags & B_ASYNC)
- code |= DKIO_ASYNC;
- if (bp->b_flags & B_META)
- code |= DKIO_META;
- else if (bp->b_flags & (B_PGIN | B_PAGEOUT))
- code |= DKIO_PAGING;
- (unsigned int)bp, (unsigned int)bp->b_vp,
- bp->b_resid, bp->b_error, 0);
- }
- /* Wakeup the throttled write operations as needed */
- vp = bp->b_vp;
- if (vp
- && (vp->v_flag & VTHROTTLED)
- && (vp->v_numoutput <= (BUFWRITE_THROTTLE / 3))) {
- vp->v_flag &= ~VTHROTTLED;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&vp->v_numoutput);
- }
- if ((bp->b_flags & B_PGIN) && (vp->v_mount->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_ROOTDEV)) {
- priority_IO_timestamp_for_root = time;
- hard_throttle_on_root = 0;
- }
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CALL)) { /* if necessary, call out */
- void (*iodone_func)(struct buf *) = bp->b_iodone;
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_CALL); /* but note callout done */
+ /*
+ * wake up any writer's blocked
+ * on throttle or waiting for I/O
+ * to drain
+ */
+ vnode_writedone(bp->b_vp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, (B_CALL | B_FILTER))) { /* if necessary, call out */
+ void (*iodone_func)(struct buf *, void *) = bp->b_iodone;
+ void *arg = bp->b_transaction;
+ int callout = ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CALL);
+ if (iodone_func == NULL)
+ panic("biodone: bp @ %p has NULL b_iodone!\n", bp);
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_CALL | B_FILTER)); /* filters and callouts are one-shot */
bp->b_iodone = NULL;
+ bp->b_transaction = NULL;
+ if (callout)
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ (*iodone_func)(bp, arg);
- if (iodone_func == NULL) {
- panic("biodone: bp @ 0x%x has NULL b_iodone!\n", bp);
- } else {
- (*iodone_func)(bp);
+ if (callout) {
+ /*
+ * assumes that the callback function takes
+ * ownership of the bp and deals with releasing it if necessary
+ */
+ goto biodone_done;
- } else if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC)) /* if async, release it */
- brelse(bp);
- else { /* or just wakeup the buffer */
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WANTED);
- wakeup(bp);
+ /*
+ * in this case the call back function is acting
+ * strictly as a filter... it does not take
+ * ownership of the bp and is expecting us
+ * to finish cleaning up... this is currently used
+ * by the HFS journaling code
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC)) { /* if async, release it */
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ } else { /* or just wakeup the buffer */
+ /*
+ * by taking the mutex, we serialize
+ * the buf owner calling buf_biowait so that we'll
+ * only see him in one of 2 states...
+ * state 1: B_DONE wasn't set and he's
+ * blocked in msleep
+ * state 2: he's blocked trying to take the
+ * mutex before looking at B_DONE
+ * BL_WANTED is cleared in case anyone else
+ * is blocked waiting for the buffer... note
+ * that we haven't cleared B_BUSY yet, so if
+ * they do get to run, their going to re-set
+ * BL_WANTED and go back to sleep
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTED);
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ wakeup(bp);
+ }
- (int)bp, (int)bp->b_data, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
+ (uintptr_t)bp, (uintptr_t)bp->b_datap, bp->b_flags, 0, 0);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
+ * Obfuscate buf pointers.
+ */
+buf_kernel_addrperm_addr(void * addr)
+ if ((vm_offset_t)addr == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return ((vm_offset_t)addr + buf_kernel_addrperm);
* Return a count of buffers on the "locked" queue.
- register struct buf *bp;
- register int n = 0;
+ buf_t bp;
+ int n = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
for (bp = bufqueues[BQ_LOCKED].tqh_first; bp;
bp = bp->b_freelist.tqe_next)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
return (n);
* Return a count of 'busy' buffers. Used at the time of shutdown.
+ * note: This is also called from the mach side in debug context in kdp.c
- register struct buf *bp;
- register int nbusy = 0;
- for (bp = &buf[nbuf]; --bp >= buf; )
- if ((bp->b_flags & (B_BUSY|B_INVAL)) == B_BUSY)
- nbusy++;
- return (nbusy);
+ return buf_busycount + bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse;
- int s, i, j, count;
- register struct buf *bp;
- register struct bqueues *dp;
+ int i, j, count;
+ struct buf *bp;
+ struct bqueues *dp;
int counts[MAXBSIZE/CLBYTES+1];
static char *bname[BQUEUES] =
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j <= MAXBSIZE/CLBYTES; j++)
counts[j] = 0;
- s = splbio();
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
for (bp = dp->tqh_first; bp; bp = bp->b_freelist.tqe_next) {
- splx(s);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
printf("%s: total-%d", bname[i], count);
for (j = 0; j <= MAXBSIZE/CLBYTES; j++)
if (counts[j] != 0)
#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
-__private_extern__ struct buf *
-alloc_io_buf(vp, priv)
- struct vnode *vp;
- int priv;
+#define VIRTUALDEV_MAX_IOBUFS ((40*niobuf_headers)/100)
+alloc_io_buf(vnode_t vp, int priv)
- register struct buf *bp;
- int s;
+ buf_t bp;
+ mount_t mp = NULL;
+ int alloc_for_virtualdev = FALSE;
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(iobuffer_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * We subject iobuf requests for diskimages to additional restrictions.
+ *
+ * a) A single diskimage mount cannot use up more than
+ * MNT_VIRTUALDEV_MAX_IOBUFS. However,vm privileged (pageout) requests
+ * are not subject to this restriction.
+ * b) iobuf headers used by all diskimage headers by all mount
+ * points cannot exceed VIRTUALDEV_MAX_IOBUFS.
+ */
+ if (vp && ((mp = vp->v_mount)) && mp != dead_mountp &&
+ mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_VIRTUALDEV) {
+ alloc_for_virtualdev = TRUE;
+ while ((!priv && mp->mnt_iobufinuse > MNT_VIRTUALDEV_MAX_IOBUFS) ||
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse_vdev > VIRTUALDEV_MAX_IOBUFS) {
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufsleeps++;
+ need_iobuffer = 1;
+ (void)msleep(&need_iobuffer, iobuffer_mtxp,
+ PSPIN | (PRIBIO+1), (const char *)"alloc_io_buf (1)",
+ NULL);
+ }
+ }
- s = splbio();
+ while (((niobuf_headers - NRESERVEDIOBUFS < bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse) && !priv) ||
+ (bp = iobufqueue.tqh_first) == NULL) {
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufsleeps++;
- while (niobuf - NRESERVEDIOBUFS < bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse && !priv) {
need_iobuffer = 1;
- bufstats.bufs_iobufsleeps++;
- (void) tsleep(&need_iobuffer, (PRIBIO+1), "alloc_io_buf", 0);
+ (void)msleep(&need_iobuffer, iobuffer_mtxp, PSPIN | (PRIBIO+1),
+ (const char *)"alloc_io_buf (2)", NULL);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&iobufqueue, bp, b_freelist);
- while ((bp = iobufqueue.tqh_first) == NULL) {
- need_iobuffer = 1;
- bufstats.bufs_iobufsleeps++;
- (void) tsleep(&need_iobuffer, (PRIBIO+1), "alloc_io_buf1", 0);
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse++;
+ if (bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse > bufstats.bufs_iobufmax)
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufmax = bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse;
+ if (alloc_for_virtualdev) {
+ mp->mnt_iobufinuse++;
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse_vdev++;
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&iobufqueue, bp, b_freelist);
- bp->b_timestamp = 0;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(iobuffer_mtxp);
- /* clear out various fields */
- bp->b_flags = B_BUSY;
+ /*
+ * initialize various fields
+ * we don't need to hold the mutex since the buffer
+ * is now private... the vp should have a reference
+ * on it and is not protected by this mutex in any event
+ */
+ bp->b_timestamp = 0;
+ bp->b_proc = NULL;
+ bp->b_datap = 0;
+ bp->b_flags = 0;
+ bp->b_lflags = BL_BUSY | BL_IOBUF;
+ if (alloc_for_virtualdev)
+ bp->b_lflags |= BL_IOBUF_VDEV;
+ bp->b_redundancy_flags = 0;
bp->b_blkno = bp->b_lblkno = 0;
- bp->b_iodone = 0;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 6;
+ bp->b_iodone = NULL;
bp->b_error = 0;
bp->b_resid = 0;
bp->b_bcount = 0;
bp->b_bufsize = 0;
+ bp->b_upl = NULL;
+ bp->b_fsprivate = (void *)NULL;
bp->b_vp = vp;
+ bzero(&bp->b_attr, sizeof(struct bufattr));
- if (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR)
+ if (vp && (vp->v_type == VBLK || vp->v_type == VCHR))
bp->b_dev = vp->v_rdev;
bp->b_dev = NODEV;
- bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse++;
- if (bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse > bufstats.bufs_iobufmax)
- bufstats.bufs_iobufmax = bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse;
- splx(s);
return (bp);
-__private_extern__ void
- struct buf *bp;
+free_io_buf(buf_t bp)
- int s;
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ int free_for_virtualdev = FALSE;
+ mount_t mp = NULL;
- s = splbio();
- /* put buffer back on the head of the iobufqueue */
+ /* Was this iobuf for a diskimage ? */
+ if (bp->b_lflags & BL_IOBUF_VDEV) {
+ free_for_virtualdev = TRUE;
+ if (bp->b_vp)
+ mp = bp->b_vp->v_mount;
+ }
+ /*
+ * put buffer back on the head of the iobufqueue
+ */
bp->b_vp = NULL;
bp->b_flags = B_INVAL;
+ /* Zero out the bufattr and its flags before relinquishing this iobuf */
+ bzero (&bp->b_attr, sizeof(struct bufattr));
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(iobuffer_mtxp);
binsheadfree(bp, &iobufqueue, -1);
- /* Wake up any processes waiting for any buffer to become free. */
if (need_iobuffer) {
+ /*
+ * Wake up any processes waiting because they need an io buffer
+ *
+ * do the wakeup after we drop the mutex... it's possible that the
+ * wakeup will be superfluous if need_iobuffer gets set again and
+ * another thread runs this path, but it's highly unlikely, doesn't
+ * hurt, and it means we don't hold up I/O progress if the wakeup blocks
+ * trying to grab a task related lock...
+ */
need_iobuffer = 0;
- wakeup(&need_iobuffer);
+ need_wakeup = 1;
- bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse--;
- splx(s);
+ if (bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse <= 0)
+ panic("free_io_buf: bp(%p) - bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse < 0", bp);
-/* disabled for now */
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse--;
-/* XXX move this to a separate file */
- * Dynamic Scaling of the Buffer Queues
- */
+ if (free_for_virtualdev) {
+ bufstats.bufs_iobufinuse_vdev--;
+ if (mp && mp != dead_mountp)
+ mp->mnt_iobufinuse--;
+ }
-typedef long long blsize_t;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(iobuffer_mtxp);
-blsize_t MAXNBUF; /* initialize to (sane_size / PAGE_SIZE) */
-/* Global tunable limits */
-blsize_t nbufh; /* number of buffer headers */
-blsize_t nbuflow; /* minimum number of buffer headers required */
-blsize_t nbufhigh; /* maximum number of buffer headers allowed */
-blsize_t nbuftarget; /* preferred number of buffer headers */
+ if (need_wakeup)
+ wakeup(&need_iobuffer);
- * assertions:
- *
- * 1. 0 < nbuflow <= nbufh <= nbufhigh
- * 2. nbufhigh <= MAXNBUF
- * 3. 0 < nbuflow <= nbuftarget <= nbufhigh
- * 4. nbufh can not be set by sysctl().
- */
-/* Per queue tunable limits */
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
-struct bufqlim {
- blsize_t bl_nlow; /* minimum number of buffer headers required */
- blsize_t bl_num; /* number of buffer headers on the queue */
- blsize_t bl_nlhigh; /* maximum number of buffer headers allowed */
- blsize_t bl_target; /* preferred number of buffer headers */
- long bl_stale; /* Seconds after which a buffer is considered stale */
-} bufqlim[BQUEUES];
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
- * assertions:
- *
- * 1. 0 <= bl_nlow <= bl_num <= bl_nlhigh
- * 2. bl_nlhigh <= MAXNBUF
- * 3. bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_nlow != 0
- * 4. bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_nlow > (number of possible concurrent
- * file system IO operations)
- * 5. bl_num can not be set by sysctl().
- * 6. bl_nhigh <= nbufhigh
+ * If getnewbuf() calls bcleanbuf() on the same thread
+ * there is a potential for stack overrun and deadlocks.
+ * So we always handoff the work to a worker thread for completion
- * Rationale:
- * ----------
- * Defining it blsize_t as long permits 2^31 buffer headers per queue.
- * Which can describe (2^31 * PAGE_SIZE) memory per queue.
- *
- * These limits are exported to by means of sysctl().
- * It was decided to define blsize_t as a 64 bit quantity.
- * This will make sure that we will not be required to change it
- * as long as we do not exceed 64 bit address space for the kernel.
- *
- * low and high numbers parameters initialized at compile time
- * and boot arguments can be used to override them. sysctl()
- * would not change the value. sysctl() can get all the values
- * but can set only target. num is the current level.
- *
- * Advantages of having a "bufqscan" thread doing the balancing are,
- * Keep enough bufs on BQ_EMPTY.
- * getnewbuf() by default will always select a buffer from the BQ_EMPTY.
- * getnewbuf() perfoms best if a buffer was found there.
- * Also this minimizes the possibility of starting IO
- * from getnewbuf(). That's a performance win, too.
- *
- * Localize complex logic [balancing as well as time aging]
- * to balancebufq().
- *
- * Simplify getnewbuf() logic by elimination of time aging code.
- */
- * Algorithm:
- * -----------
- * The goal of the dynamic scaling of the buffer queues to to keep
- * the size of the LRU close to bl_target. Buffers on a queue would
- * be time aged.
- *
- * There would be a thread which will be responsible for "balancing"
- * the buffer cache queues.
- *
- * The scan order would be: AGE, LRU, META, EMPTY.
- */
+static void
+ thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
-long bufqscanwait = 0;
+ /* create worker thread */
+ kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)bcleanbuf_thread, NULL, &thread);
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
-static void bufqscan_thread();
-static int balancebufq(int q);
-static int btrimempty(int n);
-static __inline__ int initbufqscan(void);
-static __inline__ int nextbufq(int q);
-static void buqlimprt(int all);
+typedef int (*bcleanbufcontinuation)(int);
static void
+ struct buf *bp;
+ int error = 0;
+ int loopcnt = 0;
- if (bufqscanwait++ == 0) {
+ for (;;) {
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
- /* Initalize globals */
- MAXNBUF = (sane_size / PAGE_SIZE);
- nbufh = nbuf;
- nbuflow = min(nbufh, 100);
- nbufhigh = min(MAXNBUF, max(nbufh, 2048));
- nbuftarget = (sane_size >> 5) / PAGE_SIZE;
- nbuftarget = max(nbuflow, nbuftarget);
- nbuftarget = min(nbufhigh, nbuftarget);
+ while ( (bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY])) == NULL) {
+ (void)msleep0(&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], buf_mtxp, PRIBIO|PDROP, "blaundry", 0, (bcleanbufcontinuation)bcleanbuf_thread);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Remove from the queue
+ */
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
- * Initialize the bufqlim
- */
- /* LOCKED queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_nlhigh = 32;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_target = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_stale = 30;
- /* LRU queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_LRU].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_LRU].bl_nlhigh = nbufhigh/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_LRU].bl_target = nbuftarget/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_LRU].bl_stale = LRU_IS_STALE;
- /* AGE queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_AGE].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_AGE].bl_nlhigh = nbufhigh/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_AGE].bl_target = nbuftarget/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_AGE].bl_stale = AGE_IS_STALE;
- /* EMPTY queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_EMPTY].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_EMPTY].bl_nlhigh = nbufhigh/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_EMPTY].bl_target = nbuftarget/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_EMPTY].bl_stale = 600000;
- /* META queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_nlhigh = nbufhigh/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_target = nbuftarget/4;
- bufqlim[BQ_META].bl_stale = META_IS_STALE;
- /* LAUNDRY queue */
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_nlow = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_nlhigh = 32;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_target = 0;
- bufqlim[BQ_LOCKED].bl_stale = 30;
- buqlimprt(1);
- }
+ * Buffer is no longer on any free list
+ */
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount++;
- /* create worker thread */
- kernel_thread(kernel_task, bufqscan_thread);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 10;
-/* The workloop for the buffer balancing thread */
-static void
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- int moretodo = 0;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ /*
+ * do the IO
+ */
+ error = bawrite_internal(bp, 0);
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ if (error) {
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_LAUNDRY;
+ bp->b_timestamp = buf_timestamp();
- for(;;) {
- do {
- int q; /* buffer queue to process */
- q = initbufqscan();
- for (; q; ) {
- moretodo |= balancebufq(q);
- q = nextbufq(q);
- }
- } while (moretodo);
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(buf_mtxp);
- vfs_bufstats();
- buqlimprt(0);
- (void)tsleep((void *)&bufqscanwait, PRIBIO, "bufqscanwait", 60 * hz);
- moretodo = 0;
- }
+ binstailfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], BQ_LAUNDRY);
+ blaundrycnt++;
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE);
+ /* we never leave a busy page on the laundry queue */
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount--;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 11;
-/* Seed for the buffer queue balancing */
-static __inline__ int
- /* Start with AGE queue */
- return (BQ_AGE);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ if (loopcnt > MAXLAUNDRY) {
+ /*
+ * bawrite_internal() can return errors if we're throttled. If we've
+ * done several I/Os and failed, give the system some time to unthrottle
+ * the vnode
+ */
+ (void)tsleep((void *)&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], PRIBIO, "blaundry", 1);
+ loopcnt = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* give other threads a chance to run */
+ (void)thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ loopcnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-/* Pick next buffer queue to balance */
-static __inline__ int
-nextbufq(int q)
- int order[] = { BQ_AGE, BQ_LRU, BQ_META, BQ_EMPTY, 0 };
- q++;
- q %= sizeof(order);
- return (order[q]);
-/* function to balance the buffer queues */
static int
-balancebufq(int q)
+brecover_data(buf_t bp)
- int moretodo = 0;
- int s = splbio();
- int n;
- /* reject invalid q */
- if ((q < 0) || (q >= BQUEUES))
- goto out;
- /* LOCKED or LAUNDRY queue MUST not be balanced */
- if ((q == BQ_LOCKED) || (q == BQ_LAUNDRY))
- goto out;
- n = (bufqlim[q].bl_num - bufqlim[q].bl_target);
+ int upl_offset;
+ upl_t upl;
+ upl_page_info_t *pl;
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ vnode_t vp = bp->b_vp;
+ int upl_flags;
- /* If queue has less than target nothing more to do */
- if (n < 0)
- goto out;
- if ( n > 8 ) {
- /* Balance only a small amount (12.5%) at a time */
- n >>= 3;
- }
+ if ( !UBCINFOEXISTS(vp) || bp->b_bufsize == 0)
+ goto dump_buffer;
- /* EMPTY queue needs special handling */
- if (q == BQ_EMPTY) {
- moretodo |= btrimempty(n);
- goto out;
+ upl_flags = UPL_PRECIOUS;
+ if (! (buf_flags(bp) & B_READ)) {
+ /*
+ * "write" operation: let the UPL subsystem know
+ * that we intend to modify the buffer cache pages we're
+ * gathering.
+ */
+ upl_flags |= UPL_WILL_MODIFY;
- for (; n > 0; n--) {
- struct buf *bp = bufqueues[q].tqh_first;
- if (!bp)
- break;
- /* check if it's stale */
- if ((time.tv_sec - bp->b_timestamp) > bufqlim[q].bl_stale) {
- if (bcleanbuf(bp)) {
- /* bawrite() issued, bp not ready */
- moretodo = 1;
- } else {
- /* release the cleaned buffer to BQ_EMPTY */
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
- brelse(bp);
- }
- } else
- break;
+ kret = ubc_create_upl_kernel(vp,
+ ubc_blktooff(vp, bp->b_lblkno),
+ bp->b_bufsize,
+ &upl,
+ &pl,
+ upl_flags,
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("Failed to create UPL");
+ for (upl_offset = 0; upl_offset < bp->b_bufsize; upl_offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if (!upl_valid_page(pl, upl_offset / PAGE_SIZE) || !upl_dirty_page(pl, upl_offset / PAGE_SIZE)) {
+ ubc_upl_abort(upl, 0);
+ goto dump_buffer;
+ }
+ bp->b_upl = upl;
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_offset_t *)&(bp->b_datap));
- splx(s);
- return (moretodo);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
+ return (1);
-static int
-btrimempty(int n)
- /*
- * When struct buf are allocated dynamically, this would
- * reclaim upto 'n' struct buf from the empty queue.
- */
- return (0);
+ bp->b_bufsize = 0;
+ SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ buf_brelse(bp);
+ return(0);
-static __inline__ void
-bufqinc(int q)
+fs_buffer_cache_gc_register(void (* callout)(int, void *), void *context)
- if ((q < 0) || (q >= BQUEUES))
- return;
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_gc_callout);
+ for (int i = 0; i < FS_BUFFER_CACHE_GC_CALLOUTS_MAX_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (fs_callouts[i].callout == NULL) {
+ fs_callouts[i].callout = callout;
+ fs_callouts[i].context = context;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_gc_callout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
- bufqlim[q].bl_num++;
- return;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_gc_callout);
+ return ENOMEM;
-static __inline__ void
-bufqdec(int q)
+fs_buffer_cache_gc_unregister(void (* callout)(int, void *), void *context)
- if ((q < 0) || (q >= BQUEUES))
- return;
- bufqlim[q].bl_num--;
- return;
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_gc_callout);
+ for (int i = 0; i < FS_BUFFER_CACHE_GC_CALLOUTS_MAX_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (fs_callouts[i].callout == callout &&
+ fs_callouts[i].context == context) {
+ fs_callouts[i].callout = NULL;
+ fs_callouts[i].context = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_gc_callout);
+ return 0;
static void
-buqlimprt(int all)
+fs_buffer_cache_gc_dispatch_callouts(int all)
- int i;
- static char *bname[BQUEUES] =
- { "LOCKED", "LRU", "AGE", "EMPTY", "META", "LAUNDRY" };
- if (all)
- for (i = 0; i < BQUEUES; i++) {
- printf("%s : ", bname[i]);
- printf("min = %ld, ", (long)bufqlim[i].bl_nlow);
- printf("cur = %ld, ", (long)bufqlim[i].bl_num);
- printf("max = %ld, ", (long)bufqlim[i].bl_nlhigh);
- printf("target = %ld, ", (long)bufqlim[i].bl_target);
- printf("stale after %ld seconds\n", bufqlim[i].bl_stale);
- }
- else
- for (i = 0; i < BQUEUES; i++) {
- printf("%s : ", bname[i]);
- printf("cur = %ld, ", (long)bufqlim[i].bl_num);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_gc_callout);
+ for(int i = 0; i < FS_BUFFER_CACHE_GC_CALLOUTS_MAX_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (fs_callouts[i].callout != NULL) {
+ fs_callouts[i].callout(all, fs_callouts[i].context);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_gc_callout);
- * If the getnewbuf() calls bcleanbuf() on the same thread
- * there is a potential for stack overrun and deadlocks.
- * So we always handoff the work to worker thread for completion
- */
-static void
+buffer_cache_gc(int all)
- static void bcleanbuf_thread();
+ buf_t bp;
+ boolean_t did_large_zfree = FALSE;
+ boolean_t need_wakeup = FALSE;
+ int now = buf_timestamp();
+ uint32_t found = 0;
+ struct bqueues privq;
+ int thresh_hold = BUF_STALE_THRESHHOLD;
- /* create worker thread */
- kernel_thread(kernel_task, bcleanbuf_thread);
+ if (all)
+ thresh_hold = 0;
+ /*
+ * We only care about metadata (incore storage comes from zalloc()).
+ * Unless "all" is set (used to evict meta data buffers in preparation
+ * for deep sleep), we only evict up to BUF_MAX_GC_BATCH_SIZE buffers
+ * that have not been accessed in the last BUF_STALE_THRESHOLD seconds.
+ * BUF_MAX_GC_BATCH_SIZE controls both the hold time of the global lock
+ * "buf_mtxp" and the length of time we spend compute bound in the GC
+ * thread which calls this function
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
-static void
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- struct buf *bp;
- int error = 0;
- int loopcnt = 0;
+ do {
+ found = 0;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&privq);
+ need_wakeup = FALSE;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ while (((bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&bufqueues[BQ_META]))) &&
+ (now > bp->b_timestamp) &&
+ (now - bp->b_timestamp > thresh_hold) &&
+ (found < BUF_MAX_GC_BATCH_SIZE)) {
- while (blaundrycnt == 0)
- (void)tsleep((void *)&blaundrycnt, PRIBIO, "blaundry", 60 * hz);
- bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY]);
- /* Remove from the queue */
- bremfree(bp);
- blaundrycnt--;
- /* do the IO */
- error = bawrite_internal(bp, 0);
- if (error) {
- binstailfree(bp, &bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY], BQ_LAUNDRY);
- blaundrycnt++;
- if (loopcnt > 10) {
- (void)tsleep((void *)&blaundrycnt, PRIBIO, "blaundry", 1);
- loopcnt = 0;
- } else {
- (void)thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
- loopcnt++;
+ /* Remove from free list */
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
+ found++;
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 12;
+ /* If dirty, move to laundry queue and remember to do wakeup */
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_WANTDEALLOC);
+ bmovelaundry(bp);
+ need_wakeup = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Mark busy and put on private list. We could technically get
+ * away without setting BL_BUSY here.
+ */
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount++;
+ /*
+ * Remove from hash and dissociate from vp.
+ */
+ bremhash(bp);
+ if (bp->b_vp) {
+ brelvp_locked(bp);
+ }
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&privq, bp, b_freelist);
- }
- /* start again */
- goto doit;
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
+ if (found == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Drop lock for batch processing */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
-static int
-brecover_data(struct buf *bp)
- upl_t upl;
- upl_page_info_t *pl;
- int upl_offset;
- kern_return_t kret;
- struct vnode *vp = bp->b_vp;
+ /* Wakeup and yield for laundry if need be */
+ if (need_wakeup) {
+ wakeup(&bufqueues[BQ_LAUNDRY]);
+ (void)thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ }
- if (vp->v_tag == VT_NFS)
- /*
- * NFS currently deals with this case
- * in a slightly different manner...
- * continue to let it do so
- */
- return(1);
+ /* Clean up every buffer on private list */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(bp, &privq, b_freelist) {
+ /* Take note if we've definitely freed at least a page to a zone */
+ if ((ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ZALLOC)) && (buf_size(bp) >= PAGE_SIZE)) {
+ did_large_zfree = TRUE;
+ }
- if (!UBCISVALID(vp) || bp->b_bufsize == 0)
- goto dump_buffer;
+ trace(TR_BRELSE, pack(bp->b_vp, bp->b_bufsize), bp->b_lblkno);
- kret = ubc_create_upl(vp,
- ubc_blktooff(vp, bp->b_lblkno),
- bp->b_bufsize,
- &upl,
- &pl,
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("Failed to get pagelists");
+ /* Free Storage */
+ buf_free_meta_store(bp);
- for (upl_offset = 0; upl_offset < bp->b_bufsize; upl_offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
+ /* Release credentials */
+ buf_release_credentials(bp);
- if (!upl_valid_page(pl, upl_offset / PAGE_SIZE) || !upl_dirty_page(pl, upl_offset / PAGE_SIZE)) {
- ubc_upl_abort(upl, 0);
- goto dump_buffer;
+ /* Prepare for moving to empty queue */
+ CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_META | B_ZALLOC | B_DELWRI | B_LOCKED
+ bp->b_whichq = BQ_EMPTY;
- }
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_PAGELIST);
- bp->b_pagelist = upl;
- kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, (vm_address_t *)&(bp->b_data));
- if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("getblk: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
- if (bp->b_data == 0)
- panic("ubc_upl_map mapped 0");
- return (1);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
- bp->b_bufsize = 0;
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
- brelse(bp);
+ /* Back under lock, move them all to invalid hash and clear busy */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(bp, &privq, b_freelist) {
+ binshash(bp, &invalhash);
+ CLR(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount--;
- return(0);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ if (bp->b_owner != current_thread()) {
+ panic("Buffer stolen from buffer_cache_gc()");
+ }
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 13;
+ }
+ /* And do a big bulk move to the empty queue */
+ TAILQ_CONCAT(&bufqueues[BQ_EMPTY], &privq, b_freelist);
+ } while (all && (found == BUF_MAX_GC_BATCH_SIZE));
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
+ fs_buffer_cache_gc_dispatch_callouts(all);
+ return did_large_zfree;
+ * disabled for now
+ */
+#define NFLUSH 32
static int
bp_cmp(void *a, void *b)
- struct buf *bp_a = *(struct buf **)a,
- *bp_b = *(struct buf **)b;
- daddr_t res;
+ buf_t *bp_a = *(buf_t **)a,
+ *bp_b = *(buf_t **)b;
+ daddr64_t res;
// don't have to worry about negative block
// numbers so this is ok to do.
return (int)res;
-#define NFLUSH 32
-bflushq(int whichq, struct mount *mp)
+bflushq(int whichq, mount_t mp)
- struct buf *bp, *next;
- int i, buf_count, s;
- int counter=0, total_writes=0;
- static struct buf *flush_table[NFLUSH];
+ buf_t bp, next;
+ int i, buf_count;
+ int total_writes = 0;
+ static buf_t flush_table[NFLUSH];
if (whichq < 0 || whichq >= BQUEUES) {
- return;
+ return (0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(buf_mtxp);
bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&bufqueues[whichq]);
- for(buf_count=0; bp; bp=next) {
+ for (buf_count = 0; bp; bp = next) {
next = bp->b_freelist.tqe_next;
if (bp->b_vp == NULL || bp->b_vp->v_mount != mp) {
- if ((bp->b_flags & B_DELWRI) && (bp->b_flags & B_BUSY) == 0) {
- if (whichq != BQ_LOCKED && (bp->b_flags & B_LOCKED)) {
- panic("bflushq: bp @ 0x%x is locked!\n", bp);
- }
- bremfree(bp);
- bp->b_flags |= B_BUSY;
+ if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI) && !ISSET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY)) {
+ bremfree_locked(bp);
+#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
+ bp->b_owner = current_thread();
+ bp->b_tag = 7;
+ SET(bp->b_lflags, BL_BUSY);
+ buf_busycount++;
flush_table[buf_count] = bp;
if (buf_count >= NFLUSH) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
qsort(flush_table, buf_count, sizeof(struct buf *), bp_cmp);
- for(i=0; i < buf_count; i++) {
- bawrite(flush_table[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i < buf_count; i++) {
+ buf_bawrite(flush_table[i]);
goto restart;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(buf_mtxp);
if (buf_count > 0) {
qsort(flush_table, buf_count, sizeof(struct buf *), bp_cmp);
- for(i=0; i < buf_count; i++) {
- bawrite(flush_table[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i < buf_count; i++) {
+ buf_bawrite(flush_table[i]);
- return total_writes;
+ return (total_writes);