- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
+#include <ppc/mappings.h>
#define maxPPage32 0x000FFFFF /* Maximum page number in 32-bit machines */
typedef struct sgc sgc;
+#pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
+struct pmap_vmm_stats {
+ unsigned int vxsGpf; /* Guest faults */
+ unsigned int vxsGpfMiss; /* Faults that miss in hash table */
+ unsigned int vxsGrm; /* Guest mapping remove requests */
+ unsigned int vxsGrmMiss; /* Remove misses in hash table */
+ unsigned int vxsGrmActive; /* Remove hits that are active */
+ unsigned int vxsGra; /* Guest remove all mappings requests */
+ unsigned int vxsGraHits; /* Remove hits in hash table */
+ unsigned int vxsGraActive; /* Remove hits that are active */
+ unsigned int vxsGrl; /* Guest remove local mappings requests */
+ unsigned int vxsGrlActive; /* Active mappings removed */
+ unsigned int vxsGrs; /* Guest mapping resumes */
+ unsigned int vxsGrsHitAct; /* Resume hits active entry */
+ unsigned int vxsGrsHitSusp; /* Resume hits suspended entry */
+ unsigned int vxsGrsMissGV; /* Resume misses on guest virtual */
+ unsigned int vxsGrsHitPE; /* Resume hits on host virtual */
+ unsigned int vxsGrsMissPE; /* Resume misses on host virtual */
+ unsigned int vxsGad; /* Guest mapping adds */
+ unsigned int vxsGadHit; /* Add hits entry (active or dormant) */
+ unsigned int vxsGadFree; /* Add takes free entry in group */
+ unsigned int vxsGadDormant; /* Add steals dormant entry in group */
+ unsigned int vxsGadSteal; /* Add steals active entry in group */
+ unsigned int vxsGsu; /* Guest mapping suspends */
+ unsigned int vxsGsuHit; /* Suspend hits entry (active only) */
+ unsigned int vxsGsuMiss; /* Suspend misses entry */
+ unsigned int vxsGtd; /* Guest test ref&chg */
+ unsigned int vxsGtdHit; /* Test r&c hits entry (active only) */
+ unsigned int vxsGtdMiss; /* Test r&c misses entry */
+#pragma pack()
+typedef struct pmap_vmm_stats pmap_vmm_stats;
+/* Not wanting to tax all of our customers for the sins of those that use virtual operating
+ systems, we've built the hash table from its own primitive virtual memory. We first
+ allocate a pmap_vmm_ext with sufficient space following to accomodate the hash table
+ index (one 64-bit physical address per 4k-byte page of hash table). The allocation
+ must not cross a 4k-byte page boundary (we'll be accessing the block with relocation
+ off), so we'll try a couple of times, then just burn a whole page. We stuff the effective
+ address of the cache-aligned index into hIdxBase; the physical-mode code locates the index
+ by adding the size of a pmap_vmm_extension to its translated physical address, then rounding
+ up to the next 32-byte boundary. Now we grab enough virtual pages to contain the hash table,
+ and fill in the index with the page's physical addresses. For the final touch that's sure
+ to please, we initialize the hash table. Mmmmm, golden brown perfection.
+ */
+#pragma pack(4)
+struct pmap_vmm_ext {
+ addr64_t vmxSalt; /* This block's virt<->real conversion salt */
+ addr64_t vmxHostPmapPhys; /* Host pmap physical address */
+ struct pmap *vmxHostPmap; /* Host pmap effective address */
+ addr64_t *vmxHashPgIdx; /* Hash table physical index base address */
+ vm_offset_t *vmxHashPgList; /* List of virtual pages comprising the hash table */
+ unsigned int *vmxActiveBitmap; /* Bitmap of active mappings in hash table */
+ pmap_vmm_stats vmxStats; /* Stats for VMM assists */
+#define VMX_HPIDX_OFFSET ((sizeof(pmap_vmm_ext) + 127) & ~127)
+ /* The hash table physical index begins at the first
+ 128-byte boundary after the pmap_vmm_ext struct */
+#define VMX_HPLIST_OFFSET (VMX_HPIDX_OFFSET + (GV_HPAGES * sizeof(addr64_t)))
+#define VMX_ACTMAP_OFFSET (VMX_HPLIST_OFFSET + (GV_HPAGES * sizeof(vm_offset_t)))
+#pragma pack()
+typedef struct pmap_vmm_ext pmap_vmm_ext;
#pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
struct pmap {
queue_head_t pmap_link; /* MUST BE FIRST */
shexlock pmapSXlk; /* Shared/Exclusive lock for mapping changes */
unsigned int space; /* space for this pmap */
#define invalSpace 0x00000001 /* Predefined always invalid space */
- int ref_count; /* reference count */
+ uint32_t ref_count; /* reference count */
unsigned int pmapFlags; /* Flags */
#define pmapKeys 0x00000007 /* Keys and no execute bit to use with this pmap */
#define pmapKeyDef 0x00000006 /* Default keys - Sup = 1, user = 1, no ex = 0 */
#define pmapVMhost 0x00000010 /* pmap with Virtual Machines attached to it */
+#define pmapVMgsaa 0x00000020 /* Guest shadow assist active */
+#define pmapNXdisabled 0x00000040 /* no-execute disabled for this pmap */
unsigned int spaceNum; /* Space number */
unsigned int pmapCCtl; /* Cache control */
#define pmapCCtlVal 0xFFFF0000 /* Valid entries */
#define pmapSegCacheUse 16 /* Number of cache entries to use */
struct pmap *freepmap; /* Free pmaps */
- unsigned int pmapRsv1[3];
+ pmap_vmm_ext *pmapVmmExt; /* VMM extension block, for VMM host and guest pmaps */
+ addr64_t pmapVmmExtPhys; /* VMM extension block physical address */
/* 0x038 */
uint64_t pmapSCSubTag; /* Segment cache sub-tags. This is a 16 entry 4 bit array */
/* 0x040 */
/* 0x1C0 */
struct pmap_statistics stats; /* statistics */
- decl_simple_lock_data(,lock) /* lock on map */
/* Need to pad out to a power of 2 - right now it is 512 bytes */
#define pmapSize 512
typedef struct pmapTransTab pmapTransTab;
+ * Address Chunk IDentified Table
+ */
+struct acidTabEnt {
+ unsigned int acidVAddr; /* Virtual address of pmap or pointer to next free entry */
+ unsigned int acidGas; /* reserved */
+ addr64_t acidPAddr; /* Physcial address of pmap */
+typedef struct acidTabEnt acidTabEnt;
+extern acidTabEnt *acidTab; /* Pointer to acid table */
+extern acidTabEnt *acidFree; /* List of free acid entries */
#define PMAP_NULL ((pmap_t) 0)
-extern pmap_t kernel_pmap; /* The kernel's map */
extern pmap_t cursor_pmap; /* The pmap to start allocations with */
extern pmap_t sharedPmap;
extern unsigned int sharedPage;
extern pmapTransTab *pmapTrans; /* Space to pmap translate table */
#define PMAP_SWITCH_USER(th, map, my_cpu) th->map = map;
-#define PMAP_ACTIVATE(pmap, th, cpu)
-#define PMAP_DEACTIVATE(pmap, th, cpu)
#define PMAP_CONTEXT(pmap,th)
#define pmap_kernel_va(VA) \
#define maxAdrSp 16384
#define maxAdrSpb 14
-#define copyIOaddr 0x00000000E0000000ULL
+#define USER_MEM_WINDOW_VADDR 0x00000000E0000000ULL
+#define PHYS_MEM_WINDOW_VADDR 0x0000000100000000ULL
+#define IO_MEM_WINDOW_VADDR 0x0000000080000000ULL
+#define IO_MEM_WINDOW_SIZE 0x0000000080000000ULL
+#define pmapSmallBlock 65536
#define pmap_kernel() (kernel_pmap)
#define pmap_resident_count(pmap) ((pmap)->stats.resident_count)
+#define pmap_resident_max(pmap) ((pmap)->stats.resident_max)
#define pmap_remove_attributes(pmap,start,end)
#define pmap_copy(dpmap,spmap,da,len,sa)
#define pmap_update()
* prototypes.
-extern vm_offset_t phystokv(vm_offset_t pa); /* Get kernel virtual address from physical */
-extern vm_offset_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va); /* Get physical address from kernel virtual */
+extern addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va); /* Get physical address from kernel virtual */
+extern vm_map_offset_t kvtophys64(vm_map_offset_t va); /* Get 64-bit physical address from kernel virtual */
extern vm_offset_t pmap_map(vm_offset_t va,
vm_offset_t spa,
vm_offset_t epa,
- vm_prot_t prot);
+ vm_prot_t prot,
+ unsigned int flags);
extern kern_return_t pmap_add_physical_memory(vm_offset_t spa,
vm_offset_t epa,
boolean_t available,
extern void pmap_bootstrap(uint64_t msize,
vm_offset_t *first_avail,
unsigned int kmapsize);
-extern void pmap_switch(pmap_t);
-extern vm_offset_t pmap_extract(pmap_t pmap,
- vm_offset_t va);
-extern void pmap_remove_all(vm_offset_t pa);
+extern vm_offset_t pmap_boot_map(vm_size_t size);
-extern boolean_t pmap_verify_free(ppnum_t pa);
-extern void sync_cache(vm_offset_t pa, unsigned length);
extern void sync_cache64(addr64_t pa, unsigned length);
extern void sync_ppage(ppnum_t pa);
extern void sync_cache_virtual(vm_offset_t va, unsigned length);
extern void invalidate_dcache64(addr64_t va, unsigned length, boolean_t phys);
extern void invalidate_icache(vm_offset_t va, unsigned length, boolean_t phys);
extern void invalidate_icache64(addr64_t va, unsigned length, boolean_t phys);
-extern void pmap_sync_caches_phys(ppnum_t pa);
-extern void pmap_map_block(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, ppnum_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_prot_t prot, int attr, unsigned int flags);
-extern int pmap_map_block_rc(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, ppnum_t pa, vm_size_t size, vm_prot_t prot, int attr, unsigned int flags);
+extern void pmap_map_block(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, ppnum_t pa, uint32_t size, vm_prot_t prot, int attr, unsigned int flags);
+extern int pmap_map_block_rc(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, ppnum_t pa, uint32_t size, vm_prot_t prot, int attr, unsigned int flags);
-extern kern_return_t pmap_nest(pmap_t grand, pmap_t subord, addr64_t vstart, addr64_t nstart, uint64_t size);
extern ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
-extern addr64_t MapUserAddressSpace(vm_map_t map, addr64_t va, unsigned int size);
-extern void ReleaseUserAddressSpace(addr64_t kva);
-extern kern_return_t pmap_attribute_cache_sync(ppnum_t pp, vm_size_t size,
- vm_machine_attribute_t attribute,
- vm_machine_attribute_val_t* value);
-extern int pmap_canExecute(ppnum_t pa);
+extern void MapUserMemoryWindowInit(void);
+extern addr64_t MapUserMemoryWindow(vm_map_t map, addr64_t va);
+extern boolean_t pmap_eligible_for_execute(ppnum_t pa);
+extern int pmap_list_resident_pages(
+ struct pmap *pmap,
+ vm_offset_t *listp,
+ int space);
+extern void pmap_init_sharedpage(vm_offset_t cpg);
+extern void pmap_disable_NX(pmap_t pmap);
+/* Not required for ppc: */
+static inline void pmap_set_4GB_pagezero(__unused pmap_t pmap) {}
+static inline void pmap_clear_4GB_pagezero(__unused pmap_t pmap) {}
#endif /* _PPC_PMAP_H_ */