- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* @(#)vfs_init.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 5/11/95
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/mount_internal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
#include <sys/ucred.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
+#include <sys/decmpfs.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
+#if QUOTA
+#include <sys/quota.h>
* Sigh, such primitive tools are these...
#define DODEBUG(A)
-extern uid_t console_user;
+__private_extern__ void vntblinit(void);
extern struct vnodeopv_desc *vfs_opv_descs[];
/* a list of lists of vnodeops defns */
extern struct vnodeop_desc *vfs_op_descs[];
int vfs_opv_numops;
-typedef (*PFI)(); /* the standard Pointer to a Function returning an Int */
+typedef int (*PFIvp)(void *);
* A miscellaneous routine.
* A generic "default" routine that just returns an error.
- return (EOPNOTSUPP);
+ return (ENOTSUP);
* that is a(whole)nother story.) This is a feature.
int i, j, k;
int (***opv_desc_vector_p)(void *);
* Also handle backwards compatibility.
if (*opv_desc_vector_p == NULL) {
- MALLOC(*opv_desc_vector_p, PFI*,
- vfs_opv_numops*sizeof(PFI), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- bzero (*opv_desc_vector_p, vfs_opv_numops*sizeof(PFI));
+ MALLOC(*opv_desc_vector_p, PFIvp*,
+ vfs_opv_numops*sizeof(PFIvp), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ bzero (*opv_desc_vector_p, vfs_opv_numops*sizeof(PFIvp));
DODEBUG(printf("vector at %x allocated\n",
if (opve_descp->opve_op->vdesc_offset == 0 &&
opve_descp->opve_op->vdesc_offset !=
- VOFFSET(vop_default)) {
+ VOFFSET(vnop_default)) {
printf("operation %s not listed in %s.\n",
* Force every operations vector to have a default routine.
- if (opv_desc_vector[VOFFSET(vop_default)]==NULL) {
+ if (opv_desc_vector[VOFFSET(vnop_default)]==NULL) {
panic("vfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.");
for (k = 0; k<vfs_opv_numops; k++)
if (opv_desc_vector[k] == NULL)
opv_desc_vector[k] =
- opv_desc_vector[VOFFSET(vop_default)];
+ opv_desc_vector[VOFFSET(vnop_default)];
* Initialize known vnode operations vectors.
int i;
extern struct vnodeops dead_vnodeops;
extern struct vnodeops spec_vnodeops;
-struct vattr va_null;
+/* vars for vnode lock */
+lck_grp_t * vnode_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * vnode_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * vnode_lck_attr;
+/* vars for vnode trigger resolver */
+lck_grp_t * trigger_vnode_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * trigger_vnode_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * trigger_vnode_lck_attr;
+lck_grp_t * fd_vn_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * fd_vn_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * fd_vn_lck_attr;
+/* vars for vnode list lock */
+lck_grp_t * vnode_list_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * vnode_list_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * vnode_list_lck_attr;
+lck_spin_t * vnode_list_spin_lock;
+lck_mtx_t * spechash_mtx_lock;
+/* vars for vfsconf lock */
+lck_grp_t * fsconf_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * fsconf_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * fsconf_lck_attr;
+/* vars for mount lock */
+lck_grp_t * mnt_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * mnt_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * mnt_lck_attr;
+/* vars for mount list lock */
+lck_grp_t * mnt_list_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * mnt_list_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * mnt_list_lck_attr;
+lck_mtx_t * mnt_list_mtx_lock;
+/* vars for sync mutex */
+lck_grp_t * sync_mtx_lck_grp;
+lck_grp_attr_t * sync_mtx_lck_grp_attr;
+lck_attr_t * sync_mtx_lck_attr;
+lck_mtx_t * sync_mtx_lck;
+lck_mtx_t *pkg_extensions_lck;
+struct mount * dead_mountp;
+extern void nspace_handler_init(void);
* Initialize the vnode structures and initialize each file system type.
- struct vfsconf *vfsp;
+ struct vfstable *vfsp;
int i, maxtypenum;
+ struct mount * mp;
+ /* Allocate vnode list lock group attribute and group */
+ vnode_list_lck_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
- /*
- * Initialize the "console user" for access purposes:
- */
- console_user = (uid_t)0;
+ vnode_list_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("vnode list", vnode_list_lck_grp_attr);
+ /* Allocate vnode list lock attribute */
+ vnode_list_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate vnode list lock */
+ vnode_list_spin_lock = lck_spin_alloc_init(vnode_list_lck_grp, vnode_list_lck_attr);
+ /* Allocate spec hash list lock */
+ spechash_mtx_lock = lck_mtx_alloc_init(vnode_list_lck_grp, vnode_list_lck_attr);
+ /* Allocate the package extensions table lock */
+ pkg_extensions_lck = lck_mtx_alloc_init(vnode_list_lck_grp, vnode_list_lck_attr);
+ /* allocate vnode lock group attribute and group */
+ vnode_lck_grp_attr= lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ vnode_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("vnode", vnode_lck_grp_attr);
+ /* Allocate vnode lock attribute */
+ vnode_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ trigger_vnode_lck_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ trigger_vnode_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("trigger_vnode", trigger_vnode_lck_grp_attr);
+ trigger_vnode_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate per fd vnode data lock attribute and group */
+ fd_vn_lck_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ fd_vn_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("fd_vnode_data", fd_vn_lck_grp_attr);
+ fd_vn_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate fs config lock group attribute and group */
+ fsconf_lck_grp_attr= lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ fsconf_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("fs conf", fsconf_lck_grp_attr);
+ /* Allocate fs config lock attribute */
+ fsconf_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate mount point related lock structures */
+ /* Allocate mount list lock group attribute and group */
+ mnt_list_lck_grp_attr= lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ mnt_list_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("mount list", mnt_list_lck_grp_attr);
+ /* Allocate mount list lock attribute */
+ mnt_list_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate mount list lock */
+ mnt_list_mtx_lock = lck_mtx_alloc_init(mnt_list_lck_grp, mnt_list_lck_attr);
+ /* allocate mount lock group attribute and group */
+ mnt_lck_grp_attr= lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ mnt_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("mount", mnt_lck_grp_attr);
+ /* Allocate mount lock attribute */
+ mnt_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ /* Allocate sync lock */
+ sync_mtx_lck_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ sync_mtx_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("sync thread", sync_mtx_lck_grp_attr);
+ sync_mtx_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ sync_mtx_lck = lck_mtx_alloc_init(sync_mtx_lck_grp, sync_mtx_lck_attr);
* Initialize the vnode table
* Initialize the vnode name cache
+ nspace_handler_init();
* Build vnode operation vectors.
* Initialize each file system type in the static list,
* until the first NULL ->vfs_vfsops is encountered.
- vattr_null(&va_null);
- numused_vfsslots = maxtypenum = 0;
- for (vfsp = vfsconf, i = 0; i < maxvfsconf; i++, vfsp++) {
+ maxtypenum = VT_NON;
+ for (vfsp = vfsconf, i = 0; i < maxvfsslots; i++, vfsp++) {
+ struct vfsconf vfsc;
if (vfsp->vfc_vfsops == (struct vfsops *)0)
if (i) vfsconf[i-1].vfc_next = vfsp;
if (maxtypenum <= vfsp->vfc_typenum)
maxtypenum = vfsp->vfc_typenum + 1;
- (*vfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_init)(vfsp);
+ bzero(&vfsc, sizeof(struct vfsconf));
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved1 = 0;
+ bcopy(vfsp->vfc_name, vfsc.vfc_name, sizeof(vfsc.vfc_name));
+ vfsc.vfc_typenum = vfsp->vfc_typenum;
+ vfsc.vfc_refcount = vfsp->vfc_refcount;
+ vfsc.vfc_flags = vfsp->vfc_flags;
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved2 = 0;
+ vfsc.vfc_reserved3 = 0;
+ if (vfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_sysctl) {
+ struct sysctl_oid *oidp = NULL;
+ struct sysctl_oid oid = SYSCTL_STRUCT_INIT(_vfs, vfsp->vfc_typenum, , CTLTYPE_NODE | CTLFLAG_KERN | CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, NULL, 0, vfs_sysctl_node, "-", "");
+ MALLOC(oidp, struct sysctl_oid *, sizeof(struct sysctl_oid), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ *oidp = oid;
+ /* Memory for VFS oid held by vfsentry forever */
+ vfsp->vfc_sysctl = oidp;
+ oidp->oid_name = vfsp->vfc_name;
+ sysctl_register_oid(vfsp->vfc_sysctl);
+ }
+ (*vfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_init)(&vfsc);
+ numregistered_fses++;
/* next vfc_typenum to be used */
- maxvfsconf = maxtypenum;
+ maxvfstypenum = maxtypenum;
+ /*
+ * Initialize the vnop authorization scope.
+ */
+ vnode_authorize_init();
+ /*
+ * Initialiize the quota system.
+ */
+#if QUOTA
+ dqinit();
+ /*
+ * create a mount point for dead vnodes
+ */
+ MALLOC_ZONE(mp, struct mount *, sizeof(struct mount),
+ bzero((char *)mp, sizeof(struct mount));
+ /* Initialize the default IO constraints */
+ mp->mnt_maxreadcnt = mp->mnt_maxwritecnt = MAXPHYS;
+ mp->mnt_segreadcnt = mp->mnt_segwritecnt = 32;
+ mp->mnt_maxsegreadsize = mp->mnt_maxreadcnt;
+ mp->mnt_maxsegwritesize = mp->mnt_maxwritecnt;
+ mp->mnt_devblocksize = DEV_BSIZE;
+ mp->mnt_alignmentmask = PAGE_MASK;
+ mp->mnt_ioqueue_depth = MNT_DEFAULT_IOQUEUE_DEPTH;
+ mp->mnt_ioscale = 1;
+ mp->mnt_ioflags = 0;
+ mp->mnt_realrootvp = NULLVP;
+ mp->mnt_authcache_ttl = CACHED_LOOKUP_RIGHT_TTL;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&mp->mnt_vnodelist);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&mp->mnt_workerqueue);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&mp->mnt_newvnodes);
+ mp->mnt_flag = MNT_LOCAL;
+ mp->mnt_lflag = MNT_LDEAD;
+ mount_lock_init(mp);
+ mac_mount_label_init(mp);
+ mac_mount_label_associate(vfs_context_kernel(), mp);
+ dead_mountp = mp;
+ decmpfs_init();
+ lck_spin_lock(vnode_list_spin_lock);
+ lck_spin_unlock(vnode_list_spin_lock);
+ lck_mtx_lock(mnt_list_mtx_lock);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(mnt_list_mtx_lock);
+mount_lock_init(mount_t mp)
+ lck_mtx_init(&mp->mnt_mlock, mnt_lck_grp, mnt_lck_attr);
+ lck_mtx_init(&mp->mnt_renamelock, mnt_lck_grp, mnt_lck_attr);
+ lck_rw_init(&mp->mnt_rwlock, mnt_lck_grp, mnt_lck_attr);
+mount_lock_destroy(mount_t mp)
+ lck_mtx_destroy(&mp->mnt_mlock, mnt_lck_grp);
+ lck_mtx_destroy(&mp->mnt_renamelock, mnt_lck_grp);
+ lck_rw_destroy(&mp->mnt_rwlock, mnt_lck_grp);
- * Name: vfsconf_add
+ * Name: vfstable_add
* Description: Add a filesystem to the vfsconf list at the first
* unused slot. If no slots are available, return an
* Warning: This code assumes that vfsconf[0] is non-empty.
-vfsconf_add(struct vfsconf *nvfsp)
+struct vfstable *
+vfstable_add(struct vfstable *nvfsp)
int slot;
- struct vfsconf *slotp;
+ struct vfstable *slotp, *allocated = NULL;
+ struct sysctl_oid *oidp = NULL;
- if (nvfsp == NULL) /* overkill */
- return (-1);
+ if (nvfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_sysctl) {
+ struct sysctl_oid oid = SYSCTL_STRUCT_INIT(_vfs, nvfsp->vfc_typenum, , CTLTYPE_NODE | CTLFLAG_KERN | CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, NULL, 0, vfs_sysctl_node, "-", "");
+ MALLOC(oidp, struct sysctl_oid *, sizeof(struct sysctl_oid), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ *oidp = oid;
+ }
* Find the next empty slot; we recognize an empty slot by a
* NULL-valued ->vfc_vfsops, so if we delete a VFS, we must
* ensure we set the entry back to NULL.
+ mount_list_lock();
for (slot = 0; slot < maxvfsslots; slot++) {
if (vfsconf[slot].vfc_vfsops == NULL)
if (slot == maxvfsslots) {
- /* out of static slots; allocate one instead */
- MALLOC(slotp, struct vfsconf *, sizeof(struct vfsconf),
+ if (allocated == NULL) {
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ /* out of static slots; allocate one instead */
+ MALLOC(allocated, struct vfstable *, sizeof(struct vfstable),
+ goto findslot;
+ } else {
+ slotp = allocated;
+ }
} else {
slotp = &vfsconf[slot];
* Note; Takes advantage of the fact that 'slot' was left
* with the value of 'maxvfslots' in the allocation case.
- bcopy(nvfsp, slotp, sizeof(struct vfsconf));
+ bcopy(nvfsp, slotp, sizeof(struct vfstable));
if (slot != 0) {
slotp->vfc_next = vfsconf[slot - 1].vfc_next;
vfsconf[slot - 1].vfc_next = slotp;
} else {
slotp->vfc_next = NULL;
- numused_vfsslots++;
- /*
- * Call through the ->vfs_init(); use slotp instead of nvfsp,
- * so that if the FS cares where it's instance record is, it
- * can find it later.
- *
- * XXX All code that calls ->vfs_init treats it as if it
- * XXX returns a "void', and can never fail.
- */
- if (nvfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_init)
- (*nvfsp->vfc_vfsops->vfs_init)(slotp);
+ if (slotp != allocated) {
+ /* used a statically allocated slot */
+ numused_vfsslots++;
+ }
+ numregistered_fses++;
- return(0);
+ if (oidp) {
+ /* Memory freed in vfstable_del after unregistration */
+ slotp->vfc_sysctl = oidp;
+ oidp->oid_name = slotp->vfc_name;
+ sysctl_register_oid(slotp->vfc_sysctl);
+ }
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ if (allocated && allocated != slotp) {
+ /* did allocation, but ended up using static slot */
+ FREE(allocated, M_TEMP);
+ }
+ return(slotp);
- * Name: vfsconf_del
+ * Name: vfstable_del
* Description: Remove a filesystem from the vfsconf list by name.
* If no such filesystem exists, return an error.
* Notes: Hopefully all filesystems have unique names.
-vfsconf_del(char * fs_name)
+vfstable_del(struct vfstable * vtbl)
- struct vfsconf **vcpp;
- struct vfsconf *vcdelp;
+ struct vfstable **vcpp;
+ struct vfstable *vcdelp;
+#if DEBUG
+ lck_mtx_assert(mnt_list_mtx_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
- * Traverse the list looking for fs_name; if found, *vcpp
+ * Traverse the list looking for vtbl; if found, *vcpp
* will contain the address of the pointer to the entry to
* be removed.
for( vcpp = &vfsconf; *vcpp; vcpp = &(*vcpp)->vfc_next) {
- if (strcmp( (*vcpp)->vfc_name, fs_name) == 0)
- break;
- }
+ if (*vcpp == vtbl)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*vcpp == NULL)
+ return(ESRCH); /* vtbl not on vfsconf list */
- if (*vcpp == NULL) {
- /* XXX need real error code for entry not found */
- return(-1);
+ if ((*vcpp)->vfc_sysctl) {
+ sysctl_unregister_oid((*vcpp)->vfc_sysctl);
+ (*vcpp)->vfc_sysctl->oid_name = NULL;
+ FREE((*vcpp)->vfc_sysctl, M_TEMP);
+ (*vcpp)->vfc_sysctl = NULL;
/* Unlink entry */
if (vcdelp >= vfsconf && vcdelp < (vfsconf + maxvfsslots)) { /* Y */
/* Mark as empty for vfscon_add() */
- bzero(vcdelp, sizeof(struct vfsconf));
+ bzero(vcdelp, sizeof(struct vfstable));
+ numregistered_fses--;
} else { /* N */
* vfsconf onto our list, but it may not be persistent
* because of the previous (copying) implementation.
- FREE(vcdelp, M_TEMP);
+ numregistered_fses--;
+ mount_list_unlock();
+ FREE(vcdelp, M_TEMP);
+ mount_list_lock();
+#if DEBUG
+ lck_mtx_assert(mnt_list_mtx_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ lck_mtx_lock(spechash_mtx_lock);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(spechash_mtx_lock);