* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
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+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
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* @class IOCommandPool
- * @abstract
- * The IOCommandPool class is used to manipulate a pool of commands which
- * inherit from IOCommand.
+ * @abstract Manipulates a pool of commands which inherit from IOCommand.
* @discussion
* The IOCommandPool class is used to manipulate a pool of commands which
* inherit from IOCommand. It includes a factory method to create a pool
ExpansionData *reserved;
- * @defined kIOCommandPoolDefaultSize
- * @abstract
- * kIOCommandPoolDefaultSize is the default size of any command pool.
+ * @const kIOCommandPoolDefaultSize
+ * @abstract The default size of any command pool.
* @discussion
* kIOCommandPoolDefaultSize is the default size of any command pool.
* The default size was determined to be the smallest size for which
* @function initWithWorkLoop
- * @abstract Primary initialiser for an IOCommandPool Object
- * @discussion Primary initialiser for an IOCommandPool.
+ * @abstract Primary initializer for an IOCommandPool object.
+ * @discussion Primary initializer for an IOCommandPool.
* Should probably use IOCommandPool::withWorkLoop() as it is easier to use.
* @param inWorkLoop
- * The workloop that this command pool should synchronise with.
- * @result true if command pool was sucessfully initialised.
+ * The workloop that this command pool should synchronize with.
+ * @result Returns true if command pool was successfully initialized.
virtual bool initWithWorkLoop(IOWorkLoop *workLoop);
* The withWorkLoop method is what is known as a factory method. It creates
* a new instance of an IOCommandPool and returns a pointer to that object.
* @param inWorkLoop
- * The workloop that this command pool should synchronise with.
+ * The workloop that this command pool should synchronize with.
* @result
* Returns a pointer to an instance of IOCommandPool if successful,
* otherwise NULL.
* @function init
- * @abstract Should never be used, obsolete See initWithWorkLoop
+ * @abstract Should never be used, obsolete. See initWithWorkLoop.
virtual bool init(IOService *inOwner,
IOWorkLoop *inWorkLoop,
* @function withWorkLoop
- * @abstract Should never be used, obsolete See IOCommandPool::withWorkLoop
+ * @abstract Should never be used, obsolete. See IOCommandPool::withWorkLoop.
static IOCommandPool *commandPool(IOService *inOwner,
IOWorkLoop *inWorkLoop,
* @function getCommand
- * @discussion
- * The getCommand method is used to get a pointer to an object of type IOCommand
- * from the pool.
+ * @discussion The getCommand method is used to get a pointer to an object of type IOCommand from the pool.
* @param blockForCommand
* If the caller would like to have its thread slept until a command is
- * available, it should pass true, else false
+ * available, it should pass true, else false.
* @result
* If the caller passes true in blockForCommand, getCommand guarantees that
* the result will be a pointer to an IOCommand object from the pool. If
* @function gatedGetCommand
* @discussion
* The gatedGetCommand method is used to serialize the extraction of a
- * command of from the pool behind a command gate.
- * runAction-ed by getCommand.
+ * command from the pool behind a command gate, runAction-ed by getCommand.
* @param vCommand
* A pointer to a pointer to an IOCommand object where the returned
- * command will be stored
+ * command will be stored.
* @param vBlock
* A bool that indicates whether to block the request until a command
* becomes available.
* @result
* Returns kIOReturnNoResources if no command is available and the client
- * doesn't with to block until one does become available.
+ * doesn't wish to block until one does become available.
* kIOReturnSuccess if the vCommand argument is valid.
virtual IOReturn gatedGetCommand(IOCommand **command, bool blockForCommand);
* @function gatedReturnCommand
* @discussion
* The gatedReturnCommand method is used to serialize the return of a
- * command of to the pool behind a command gate.
- * runAction-ed by returnCommand.
+ * command to the pool behind a command gate, runAction-ed by returnCommand.
* @param vCommand
* A pointer to the IOCommand object to be returned to the pool.
* @result