* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
+ * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
+ * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
+ * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
+ * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
+ * agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* @(#)uipc_socket2.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
+ * $FreeBSD: src/sys/kern/uipc_socket2.c,v 2001/07/26 18:53:02 peter Exp $
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/domain.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/mbuf.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/ev.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <net/route.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
+#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+static int sbcompress(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *);
* Primitive routines for operating on sockets and socket buffers
static u_long sb_efficiency = 8; /* parameter for sbreserve() */
-char netcon[] = "netcon";
* Procedures to manipulate state flags of socket
* and do appropriate wakeups. Normal sequence from the
* called during processing of connect() call,
* resulting in an eventual call to soisconnected() if/when the
* connection is established. When the connection is torn down
- * soisdisconnecting() is called during processing of disconnect() call,
+ * soisdisconnecting() is called during processing of disconnect() call,
* and soisdisconnected() is called when the connection to the peer
* is totally severed. The semantics of these routines are such that
* connectionless protocols can call soisconnected() and soisdisconnected()
* From the passive side, a socket is created with
* two queues of sockets: so_incomp for connections in progress
* and so_comp for connections already made and awaiting user acceptance.
- * As a protocol is preparing incoming connections, it creates a socket
+ * As a protocol is preparing incoming connections, it creates a socket
* structure queued on so_incomp by calling sonewconn(). When the connection
* is established, soisconnected() is called, and transfers the
* socket structure to so_comp, making it available to accept().
- * If a socket is closed with sockets on either
+ * If a socket is closed with sockets on either
* so_incomp or so_comp, these sockets are dropped.
- *
+ *
* If higher level protocols are implemented in
* the kernel, the wakeups done here will sometimes
* cause software-interrupt process scheduling.
register struct socket *so;
so->so_state |= SS_ISCONNECTING;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_connecting, NULL);
- register struct socket *so;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- register struct socket *head = so->so_head;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soisconnected)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_soisconnected)(so, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ struct socket *so;
+ struct socket *head = so->so_head;
so->so_state |= SS_ISCONNECTED;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_connected, NULL);
if (head && (so->so_state & SS_INCOMP)) {
- postevent(head,0,EV_RCONN);
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_INCOMP;
+ so->so_state |= SS_COMP;
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ socket_lock(head, 1);
+ }
+ postevent(head, 0, EV_RCONN);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&head->so_incomp, so, so_list);
- so->so_state &= ~SS_INCOMP;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&head->so_comp, so, so_list);
- so->so_state |= SS_COMP;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&head->so_timeo);
+ wakeup_one((caddr_t)&head->so_timeo);
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(head, 1);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ }
} else {
- postevent(so,0,EV_WCONN);
+ postevent(so, 0, EV_WCONN);
register struct socket *so;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soisdisconnecting)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_soisdisconnecting)(so, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
so->so_state &= ~SS_ISCONNECTING;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_disconnecting, NULL);
register struct socket *so;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soisdisconnected)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_soisdisconnected)(so, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_disconnected, NULL);
register struct socket *head;
- register struct socket *so;
+ struct socket *so, *sonext = NULL;
unsigned int i, j, qlen;
static int rnd;
static struct timeval old_runtime;
so = TAILQ_FIRST(&head->so_incomp);
if (!so)
- return (so);
+ return (NULL);
qlen = head->so_incqlen;
if (++cur_cnt > qlen || old_cnt > qlen) {
rnd = (314159 * rnd + 66329) & 0xffff;
j = ((qlen + 1) * rnd) >> 16;
- while (j-- && so)
- so = TAILQ_NEXT(so, so_list);
+//###LD To clean up
+ while (j-- && so) {
+// if (in_pcb_checkstate(so->so_pcb, WNT_ACQUIRE, 0) != WNT_STOPUSING) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ sonext = TAILQ_NEXT(so, so_list);
+// in_pcb_check_state(so->so_pcb, WNT_RELEASE, 0);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ so = sonext;
+ }
- return (so);
+// if (in_pcb_checkstate(so->so_pcb, WNT_ACQUIRE, 0) == WNT_STOPUSING)
+// return (NULL);
+// else
+ return (so);
* data structure of the original socket, and return this.
* Connstatus may be 0, or SO_ISCONFIRMING, or SO_ISCONNECTED.
-struct socket *
-sonewconn(head, connstatus)
+static struct socket *
+sonewconn_internal(head, connstatus)
register struct socket *head;
int connstatus;
-{ int error = 0;
+ int error = 0;
register struct socket *so;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL)
+ mutex_held = (*head->so_proto->pr_getlock)(head, 0);
+ else
+ mutex_held = head->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ lck_mtx_assert(mutex_held, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
if (head->so_qlen > 3 * head->so_qlimit / 2)
return ((struct socket *)0);
- so = soalloc(0, head->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family, head->so_type);
+ so = soalloc(1, head->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family, head->so_type);
if (so == NULL)
return ((struct socket *)0);
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sonewconn1)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_sonewconn1)(so, connstatus, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ /* check if head was closed during the soalloc */
+ if (head->so_proto == NULL) {
+ sodealloc(so);
+ return ((struct socket *)0);
so->so_head = head;
so->so_timeo = head->so_timeo;
so->so_pgid = head->so_pgid;
so->so_uid = head->so_uid;
+ so->so_usecount = 1;
+ so->next_lock_lr = 0;
+ so->next_unlock_lr = 0;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_RECV; /* XXX */
- (void) soreserve(so, head->so_snd.sb_hiwat, head->so_rcv.sb_hiwat);
+ so->so_rcv.sb_so = so->so_snd.sb_so = so;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&so->so_evlist);
- if (so->so_proto->pr_sfilter.tqh_first)
- error = sfilter_init(so);
- if (error == 0 && (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach)(so, 0, NULL)) {
- sfilter_term(so);
+ if (soreserve(so, head->so_snd.sb_hiwat, head->so_rcv.sb_hiwat)) {
+ sflt_termsock(so);
return ((struct socket *)0);
+ /*
+ * Must be done with head unlocked to avoid deadlock for protocol with per socket mutexes.
+ */
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_unlock)
+ socket_unlock(head, 0);
+ if (((*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach)(so, 0, NULL) != 0) || error) {
+ sflt_termsock(so);
+ sodealloc(so);
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_unlock)
+ socket_lock(head, 0);
+ return ((struct socket *)0);
+ }
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_unlock)
+ socket_lock(head, 0);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
if (connstatus) {
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&head->so_comp, so, so_list);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ /* Attach socket filters for this protocol */
+ sflt_initsock(so);
if (connstatus) {
+ so->so_state |= connstatus;
- so->so_state |= connstatus;
- so->so_rcv.sb_so = so->so_snd.sb_so = so;
- TAILQ_INIT(&so->so_evlist);
return (so);
+struct socket *
+ struct socket *head,
+ int connstatus,
+ const struct sockaddr *from)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct socket_filter_entry *filter;
+ int filtered = 0;
+ error = 0;
+ for (filter = head->so_filt; filter && (error == 0);
+ filter = filter->sfe_next_onsocket) {
+ if (filter->sfe_filter->sf_filter.sf_connect_in) {
+ if (filtered == 0) {
+ filtered = 1;
+ sflt_use(head);
+ socket_unlock(head, 0);
+ }
+ error = filter->sfe_filter->sf_filter.sf_connect_in(
+ filter->sfe_cookie, head, from);
+ }
+ }
+ if (filtered != 0) {
+ socket_lock(head, 0);
+ sflt_unuse(head);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return sonewconn_internal(head, connstatus);
* Socantsendmore indicates that no more data will be sent on the
* socket; it would normally be applied to a socket when the user
struct socket *so;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_socantsendmore)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_socantsendmore)(so, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
so->so_state |= SS_CANTSENDMORE;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_cantsendmore, NULL);
struct socket *so;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_socantrcvmore)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_socantrcvmore)(so, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
so->so_state |= SS_CANTRCVMORE;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_cantrecvmore, NULL);
struct sockbuf *sb;
+ int error = 0, lr_saved;
+ struct socket *so = sb->sb_so;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ lr_saved = (unsigned int) __builtin_return_address(0);
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL)
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ else
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
sb->sb_flags |= SB_WAIT;
- return (tsleep((caddr_t)&sb->sb_cc,
- (sb->sb_flags & SB_NOINTR) ? PSOCK : PSOCK | PCATCH, "sbwait",
- sb->sb_timeo));
+ if (so->so_usecount < 1)
+ panic("sbwait: so=%x refcount=%d\n", so, so->so_usecount);
+ ts.tv_sec = sb->sb_timeo.tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = sb->sb_timeo.tv_usec * 1000;
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)&sb->sb_cc, mutex_held,
+ (sb->sb_flags & SB_NOINTR) ? PSOCK : PSOCK | PCATCH, "sbwait",
+ &ts);
+ lck_mtx_assert(mutex_held, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ if (so->so_usecount < 1)
+ panic("sbwait: so=%x refcount=%d\n", so, so->so_usecount);
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_DRAINING)) {
+ error = EBADF;
+ }
+ return (error);
register struct sockbuf *sb;
- int error;
+ struct socket *so = sb->sb_so;
+ lck_mtx_t * mutex_held;
+ int error = 0;
+ if (so == NULL)
+ panic("sb_lock: null so back pointer sb=%x\n", sb);
while (sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) {
sb->sb_flags |= SB_WANT;
- error = tsleep((caddr_t)&sb->sb_flags,
- (sb->sb_flags & SB_NOINTR) ? PSOCK : PSOCK|PCATCH,
- "sblock", 0);
- if (error)
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL)
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ else
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ if (so->so_usecount < 1)
+ panic("sb_lock: so=%x refcount=%d\n", so, so->so_usecount);
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)&sb->sb_flags, mutex_held,
+ (sb->sb_flags & SB_NOINTR) ? PSOCK : PSOCK | PCATCH, "sblock", 0);
+ if (so->so_usecount < 1)
+ panic("sb_lock: 2 so=%x refcount=%d\n", so, so->so_usecount);
+ if (error)
return (error);
sb->sb_flags |= SB_LOCK;
register struct sockbuf *sb;
struct proc *p = current_proc();
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- sb->sb_sel.si_flags &= ~SI_SBSEL;
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL;
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
if (sb->sb_flags & SB_WAIT) {
sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_WAIT;
else if (so->so_pgid > 0 && (p = pfind(so->so_pgid)) != 0)
psignal(p, SIGIO);
- if (sb->sb_flags & SB_UPCALL)
+ if (sb->sb_flags & SB_KNOTE) {
+ KNOTE(&sb->sb_sel.si_note, SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED);
+ }
+ if (sb->sb_flags & SB_UPCALL) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
(*so->so_upcall)(so, so->so_upcallarg, M_DONTWAIT);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ }
register struct socket *so;
u_long sndcc, rcvcc;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soreserve)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_soreserve)(so, sndcc, rcvcc, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
if (sbreserve(&so->so_snd, sndcc) == 0)
goto bad;
so->so_snd.sb_lowat = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
return (0);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
return (ENOBUFS);
* Free mbufs held by a socket, and reserved mbuf space.
+ /* WARNING needs to do selthreadclear() before calling this */
struct sockbuf *sb;
- sb->sb_hiwat = sb->sb_mbmax = 0;
- {
- int oldpri = splimp();
- selthreadclear(&sb->sb_sel);
- splx(oldpri);
- }
+ sb->sb_hiwat = 0;
+ sb->sb_mbmax = 0;
* the mbuf chain is recorded in sb. Empty mbufs are
* discarded and mbufs are compacted where possible.
sbappend(sb, m)
struct sockbuf *sb;
struct mbuf *m;
-{ register struct kextcb *kp;
- register struct mbuf *n;
+ register struct mbuf *n, *sb_first;
+ int result = 0;
+ int error = 0;
+ int filtered = 0;
- if (m == 0)
- return;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbappend)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbappend)(sb, m, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
- if (n = sb->sb_mb) {
+ KERNEL_DEBUG((DBG_FNC_SBAPPEND | DBG_FUNC_START), sb, m->m_len, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (m == 0)
+ return 0;
+ sb_first = n = sb->sb_mb;
+ if (n) {
while (n->m_nextpkt)
n = n->m_nextpkt;
do {
if (n->m_flags & M_EOR) {
- sbappendrecord(sb, m); /* XXXXXX!!!! */
- return;
+ result = sbappendrecord(sb, m); /* XXXXXX!!!! */
+ KERNEL_DEBUG((DBG_FNC_SBAPPEND | DBG_FUNC_END), sb, sb->sb_cc, 0, 0, 0);
+ return result;
} while (n->m_next && (n = n->m_next));
- sbcompress(sb, m, n);
+ if (!filtered && (sb->sb_flags & SB_RECV) != 0) {
+ error = sflt_data_in(sb->sb_so, NULL, &m, NULL, 0, &filtered);
+ if (error) {
+ /* no data was appended, caller should not call sowakeup */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ If we any filters, the socket lock was dropped. n and sb_first
+ cached data from the socket buffer. This cache is not valid
+ since we dropped the lock. We must start over. Since filtered
+ is set we won't run through the filters a second time. We just
+ set n and sb_start again.
+ */
+ if (filtered)
+ goto again;
+ }
+ result = sbcompress(sb, m, n);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG((DBG_FNC_SBAPPEND | DBG_FUNC_END), sb, sb->sb_cc, 0, 0, 0);
+ return result;
register struct mbuf *m;
register struct mbuf *n = 0;
register u_long len = 0, mbcnt = 0;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (sb->sb_so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL)
+ mutex_held = (*sb->sb_so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(sb->sb_so, 0);
+ else
+ mutex_held = sb->sb_so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ lck_mtx_assert(mutex_held, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ if (sbchecking == 0)
+ return;
for (m = sb->sb_mb; m; m = n) {
n = m->m_nextpkt;
for (; m; m = m->m_next) {
- len += m->m_len;
- mbcnt += MSIZE;
- if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) /*XXX*/ /* pretty sure this is bogus */
- mbcnt += m->m_ext.ext_size;
- if (m->m_nextpkt)
- panic("sbcheck nextpkt");
- }
- if (len != sb->sb_cc || mbcnt != sb->sb_mbcnt) {
- printf("cc %ld != %ld || mbcnt %ld != %ld\n", len, sb->sb_cc,
- mbcnt, sb->sb_mbcnt);
- panic("sbcheck");
+ len += m->m_len;
+ mbcnt += MSIZE;
+ if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) /*XXX*/ /* pretty sure this is bogus */
+ mbcnt += m->m_ext.ext_size;
+ }
+ if (len != sb->sb_cc || mbcnt != sb->sb_mbcnt) {
+ panic("cc %ld != %ld || mbcnt %ld != %ld\n", len, sb->sb_cc,
+ mbcnt, sb->sb_mbcnt);
+ }
* As above, except the mbuf chain
* begins a new record.
sbappendrecord(sb, m0)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
- register struct mbuf *m0;
+ struct mbuf *m0;
register struct mbuf *m;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
+ int result = 0;
if (m0 == 0)
- return;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbappendrecord)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbappendrecord)(sb, m0, kp))
- return;
+ return 0;
+ if ((sb->sb_flags & SB_RECV) != 0) {
+ int error = sflt_data_in(sb->sb_so, NULL, &m0, NULL, sock_data_filt_flag_record, NULL);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ if (error != EJUSTRETURN)
+ m_freem(m0);
+ return 0;
- kp = kp->e_next;
m = sb->sb_mb;
m0->m_flags &= ~M_EOR;
m->m_flags |= M_EOR;
- sbcompress(sb, m, m0);
+ return sbcompress(sb, m, m0);
* is inserted at the beginning of the sockbuf,
* but after any other OOB data.
sbinsertoob(sb, m0)
- register struct sockbuf *sb;
- register struct mbuf *m0;
+ struct sockbuf *sb;
+ struct mbuf *m0;
- register struct mbuf *m;
- register struct mbuf **mp;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
+ struct mbuf *m;
+ struct mbuf **mp;
if (m0 == 0)
- return;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbinsertoob)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbinsertoob)(sb, m0, kp))
- return;
+ return 0;
+ if ((sb->sb_flags & SB_RECV) != 0) {
+ int error = sflt_data_in(sb->sb_so, NULL, &m0, NULL,
+ sock_data_filt_flag_oob, NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error != EJUSTRETURN) {
+ m_freem(m0);
+ }
+ return 0;
- kp = kp->e_next;
for (mp = &sb->sb_mb; *mp ; mp = &((*mp)->m_nextpkt)) {
m0->m_flags &= ~M_EOR;
m->m_flags |= M_EOR;
- sbcompress(sb, m, m0);
+ return sbcompress(sb, m, m0);
* m0 must include a packet header with total length.
* Returns 0 if no space in sockbuf or insufficient mbufs.
-sbappendaddr(sb, asa, m0, control)
+static int
+sbappendaddr_internal(sb, asa, m0, control)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
struct sockaddr *asa;
struct mbuf *m0, *control;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
int space = asa->sa_len;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
if (m0 && (m0->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0)
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbappendaddr)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbappendaddr)(sb, asa, m0, control, kp))
- return 0;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
if (m0)
space += m0->m_pkthdr.len;
for (n = control; n; n = n->m_next) {
-sbappendcontrol(sb, m0, control)
+ struct sockbuf* sb,
+ struct sockaddr* asa,
+ struct mbuf *m0,
+ struct mbuf *control,
+ int *error_out)
+ int result = 0;
+ if (error_out) *error_out = 0;
+ if (m0 && (m0->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0)
+ panic("sbappendaddrorfree");
+ /* Call socket data in filters */
+ if ((sb->sb_flags & SB_RECV) != 0) {
+ int error;
+ error = sflt_data_in(sb->sb_so, asa, &m0, &control, 0, NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error != EJUSTRETURN) {
+ if (m0) m_freem(m0);
+ if (control) m_freem(control);
+ if (error_out) *error_out = error;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ result = sbappendaddr_internal(sb, asa, m0, control);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ if (m0) m_freem(m0);
+ if (control) m_freem(control);
+ if (error_out) *error_out = ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int
+sbappendcontrol_internal(sb, m0, control)
struct sockbuf *sb;
struct mbuf *control, *m0;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
int space = 0;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
if (control == 0)
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbappendcontrol)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbappendcontrol)(sb, m0, control, kp))
- return 0;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
for (m = control; ; m = m->m_next) {
space += m->m_len;
if (m->m_next == 0)
return (1);
+ struct sockbuf *sb,
+ struct mbuf *m0,
+ struct mbuf *control,
+ int *error_out)
+ int result = 0;
+ if (error_out) *error_out = 0;
+ if (sb->sb_flags & SB_RECV) {
+ int error;
+ error = sflt_data_in(sb->sb_so, NULL, &m0, &control, 0, NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error != EJUSTRETURN) {
+ if (m0) m_freem(m0);
+ if (control) m_freem(control);
+ if (error_out) *error_out = error;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ result = sbappendcontrol_internal(sb, m0, control);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ if (m0) m_freem(m0);
+ if (control) m_freem(control);
+ if (error_out) *error_out = ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ return result;
* Compress mbuf chain m into the socket
* buffer sb following mbuf n. If n
* is null, the buffer is presumed empty.
+static int
sbcompress(sb, m, n)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct mbuf *m, *n;
m = m_free(m);
- if (n && (n->m_flags & (M_EXT | M_EOR)) == 0 &&
- (n->m_data + n->m_len + m->m_len) < &n->m_dat[MLEN] &&
+ if (n && (n->m_flags & M_EOR) == 0 &&
+#ifndef __APPLE__
+ M_WRITABLE(n) &&
+ m->m_len <= MCLBYTES / 4 && /* XXX: Don't copy too much */
+ m->m_len <= M_TRAILINGSPACE(n) &&
n->m_type == m->m_type) {
bcopy(mtod(m, caddr_t), mtod(n, caddr_t) + n->m_len,
printf("semi-panic: sbcompress\n");
postevent(0,sb, EV_RWBYTES);
+ return 1;
register struct sockbuf *sb;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbflush)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbflush)(sb, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ if (sb->sb_so == NULL)
+ panic ("sbflush sb->sb_so already null sb=%x\n", sb);
+ (void)sblock(sb, M_WAIT);
+ while (sb->sb_mbcnt) {
+ /*
+ * Don't call sbdrop(sb, 0) if the leading mbuf is non-empty:
+ * we would loop forever. Panic instead.
+ */
+ if (!sb->sb_cc && (sb->sb_mb == NULL || sb->sb_mb->m_len))
+ break;
+ sbdrop(sb, (int)sb->sb_cc);
+ if (sb->sb_cc || sb->sb_mb || sb->sb_mbcnt || sb->sb_so == NULL)
+ panic("sbflush: cc %ld || mb %p || mbcnt %ld sb_so=%x", sb->sb_cc, (void *)sb->sb_mb, sb->sb_mbcnt, sb->sb_so);
- if (sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK)
- panic("sbflush: locked");
- while (sb->sb_mbcnt && sb->sb_cc)
- sbdrop(sb, (int)sb->sb_cc);
- if (sb->sb_cc || sb->sb_mb || sb->sb_mbcnt)
- panic("sbflush: cc %ld || mb %p || mbcnt %ld", sb->sb_cc, (void *)sb->sb_mb, sb->sb_mbcnt);
postevent(0, sb, EV_RWBYTES);
+ sbunlock(sb, 1); /* keep socket locked */
* Drop data from (the front of) a sockbuf.
+ * use m_freem_list to free the mbuf structures
+ * under a single lock... this is done by pruning
+ * the top of the tree from the body by keeping track
+ * of where we get to in the tree and then zeroing the
+ * two pertinent pointers m_nextpkt and m_next
+ * the socket buffer is then updated to point at the new
+ * top of the tree and the pruned area is released via
+ * m_freem_list.
sbdrop(sb, len)
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register int len;
- register struct mbuf *m, *mn;
- struct mbuf *next;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbdrop)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbdrop)(sb, len, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ register struct mbuf *m, *free_list, *ml;
+ struct mbuf *next, *last;
next = (m = sb->sb_mb) ? m->m_nextpkt : 0;
+ free_list = last = m;
+ ml = (struct mbuf *)0;
while (len > 0) {
if (m == 0) {
- if (next == 0)
- panic("sbdrop");
- m = next;
- next = m->m_nextpkt;
- continue;
+ if (next == 0) {
+ /* temporarily replacing this panic with printf because
+ * it occurs occasionally when closing a socket when there
+ * is no harm in ignoring it. This problem will be investigated
+ * further.
+ */
+ /* panic("sbdrop"); */
+ printf("sbdrop - count not zero\n");
+ len = 0;
+ /* zero the counts. if we have no mbufs, we have no data (PR-2986815) */
+ sb->sb_cc = 0;
+ sb->sb_mbcnt = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ m = last = next;
+ next = m->m_nextpkt;
+ continue;
if (m->m_len > len) {
m->m_len -= len;
len -= m->m_len;
sbfree(sb, m);
- MFREE(m, mn);
- m = mn;
+ ml = m;
+ m = m->m_next;
while (m && m->m_len == 0) {
sbfree(sb, m);
- MFREE(m, mn);
- m = mn;
+ ml = m;
+ m = m->m_next;
+ }
+ if (ml) {
+ ml->m_next = (struct mbuf *)0;
+ last->m_nextpkt = (struct mbuf *)0;
+ m_freem_list(free_list);
if (m) {
sb->sb_mb = m;
m->m_nextpkt = next;
} else
sb->sb_mb = next;
postevent(0, sb, EV_RWBYTES);
register struct sockbuf *sb;
register struct mbuf *m, *mn;
- register struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(sbtoso(sb));
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_sout && kp->e_sout->su_sbdroprecord)
- { if ((*kp->e_sout->su_sbdroprecord)(sb, kp))
- return;
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
m = sb->sb_mb;
if (m) {
do {
sbfree(sb, m);
MFREE(m, mn);
- } while (m = mn);
+ m = mn;
+ } while (m);
postevent(0, sb, EV_RWBYTES);
register struct cmsghdr *cp;
struct mbuf *m;
+ if (CMSG_SPACE((u_int)size) > MLEN)
+ return ((struct mbuf *) NULL);
if ((m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_CONTROL)) == NULL)
return ((struct mbuf *) NULL);
cp = mtod(m, struct cmsghdr *);
/* XXX check size? */
(void)memcpy(CMSG_DATA(cp), p, size);
- size += sizeof(*cp);
- m->m_len = size;
- cp->cmsg_len = size;
+ m->m_len = CMSG_SPACE(size);
+ cp->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(size);
cp->cmsg_level = level;
cp->cmsg_type = type;
return (m);
-int pru_sopoll_notsupp(struct socket *so, int events,
- struct ucred *cred)
+pru_sopoll_notsupp(__unused struct socket *so, __unused int events,
+ __unused kauth_cred_t cred, __unused void *wql)
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ * The following are macros on BSD and functions on Darwin
+ */
+ * Do we need to notify the other side when I/O is possible?
+ */
+sb_notify(struct sockbuf *sb)
+ return ((sb->sb_flags & (SB_WAIT|SB_SEL|SB_ASYNC|SB_UPCALL|SB_KNOTE)) != 0);
+ * How much space is there in a socket buffer (so->so_snd or so->so_rcv)?
+ * This is problematical if the fields are unsigned, as the space might
+ * still be negative (cc > hiwat or mbcnt > mbmax). Should detect
+ * overflow and return 0. Should use "lmin" but it doesn't exist now.
+ */
+sbspace(struct sockbuf *sb)
+ return ((long) imin((int)(sb->sb_hiwat - sb->sb_cc),
+ (int)(sb->sb_mbmax - sb->sb_mbcnt)));
+/* do we have to send all at once on a socket? */
+sosendallatonce(struct socket *so)
+ return (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC);
+/* can we read something from so? */
+soreadable(struct socket *so)
+ return (so->so_rcv.sb_cc >= so->so_rcv.sb_lowat ||
+ (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) ||
+ so->so_comp.tqh_first || so->so_error);
+/* can we write something to so? */
+sowriteable(struct socket *so)
+ return ((sbspace(&(so)->so_snd) >= (so)->so_snd.sb_lowat &&
+ ((so->so_state&SS_ISCONNECTED) ||
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags&PR_CONNREQUIRED)==0)) ||
+ (so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) ||
+ so->so_error);
+/* adjust counters in sb reflecting allocation of m */
+sballoc(struct sockbuf *sb, struct mbuf *m)
+ sb->sb_cc += m->m_len;
+ sb->sb_mbcnt += MSIZE;
+ if (m->m_flags & M_EXT)
+ sb->sb_mbcnt += m->m_ext.ext_size;
+/* adjust counters in sb reflecting freeing of m */
+sbfree(struct sockbuf *sb, struct mbuf *m)
+ sb->sb_cc -= m->m_len;
+ sb->sb_mbcnt -= MSIZE;
+ if (m->m_flags & M_EXT)
+ sb->sb_mbcnt -= m->m_ext.ext_size;
+ * Set lock on sockbuf sb; sleep if lock is already held.
+ * Unless SB_NOINTR is set on sockbuf, sleep is interruptible.
+ * Returns error without lock if sleep is interrupted.
+ */
+sblock(struct sockbuf *sb, int wf)
+ return(sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK ?
+ ((wf == M_WAIT) ? sb_lock(sb) : EWOULDBLOCK) :
+ (sb->sb_flags |= SB_LOCK), 0);
+/* release lock on sockbuf sb */
+sbunlock(struct sockbuf *sb, int keeplocked)
+ struct socket *so = sb->sb_so;
+ int lr_saved;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ lr_saved = (unsigned int) __builtin_return_address(0);
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_LOCK;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL)
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ else
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ if (keeplocked == 0)
+ lck_mtx_assert(mutex_held, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ if (sb->sb_flags & SB_WANT) {
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_WANT;
+ if (so->so_usecount < 0)
+ panic("sbunlock: b4 wakeup so=%x ref=%d lr=%x sb_flags=%x\n", sb->sb_so, so->so_usecount, lr_saved, sb->sb_flags);
+ wakeup((caddr_t)&(sb)->sb_flags);
+ }
+ if (keeplocked == 0) { /* unlock on exit */
+ so->so_usecount--;
+ if (so->so_usecount < 0)
+ panic("sbunlock: unlock on exit so=%x lr=%x sb_flags=%x\n", so, so->so_usecount,lr_saved, sb->sb_flags);
+ so->unlock_lr[so->next_unlock_lr] = (void *)lr_saved;
+ so->next_unlock_lr = (so->next_unlock_lr+1) % SO_LCKDBG_MAX;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(mutex_held);
+ }
+sorwakeup(struct socket * so)
+ if (sb_notify(&so->so_rcv))
+ sowakeup(so, &so->so_rcv);
+sowwakeup(struct socket * so)
+ if (sb_notify(&so->so_snd))
+ sowakeup(so, &so->so_snd);
+#endif __APPLE__
* Make a copy of a sockaddr in a malloced buffer of type M_SONAME.
xso->so_linger = so->so_linger;
xso->so_state = so->so_state;
xso->so_pcb = so->so_pcb;
- xso->xso_protocol = so->so_proto->pr_protocol;
- xso->xso_family = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family;
+ if (so->so_proto) {
+ xso->xso_protocol = so->so_proto->pr_protocol;
+ xso->xso_family = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family;
+ }
+ else
+ xso->xso_protocol = xso->xso_family = 0;
xso->so_qlen = so->so_qlen;
xso->so_incqlen = so->so_incqlen;
xso->so_qlimit = so->so_qlimit;
xsb->sb_mbmax = sb->sb_mbmax;
xsb->sb_lowat = sb->sb_lowat;
xsb->sb_flags = sb->sb_flags;
- xsb->sb_timeo = sb->sb_timeo;
+ xsb->sb_timeo = (u_long)(sb->sb_timeo.tv_sec * hz) + sb->sb_timeo.tv_usec / tick;
+ if (xsb->sb_timeo == 0 && sb->sb_timeo.tv_usec != 0)
+ xsb->sb_timeo = 1;
* Here is the definition of some of the basic objects in the kern.ipc
* branch of the MIB.
/* This takes the place of kern.maxsockbuf, which moved to kern.ipc. */
static int dummy;
SYSCTL_INT(_kern, KERN_DUMMY, dummy, CTLFLAG_RW, &dummy, 0, "");
-SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, KIPC_MAXSOCKBUF, maxsockbuf, CTLFLAG_RW, &sb_max, 0, "");
-SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, maxsockets, CTLFLAG_RD, &maxsockets, 0, "");
+ &sb_max, 0, "Maximum socket buffer size");
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, maxsockets, CTLFLAG_RD,
+ &maxsockets, 0, "Maximum number of sockets avaliable");
SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, KIPC_SOCKBUF_WASTE, sockbuf_waste_factor, CTLFLAG_RW,
&sb_efficiency, 0, "");
SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, KIPC_NMBCLUSTERS, nmbclusters, CTLFLAG_RD, &nmbclusters, 0, "");