cmpwi cr1,r4,0 /* used waaaay down below */
- lwz r11,0(r12)
+ lwz r7,0(r12)
* Make the new thread the current thread.
lwz r11,PP_CPU_DATA(r6)
stw r5, CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD(r11)
lwz r5,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r5)
lwz r10,PP_ACTIVE_STACKS(r6)
lwz r7,CTHREAD_SELF(r5) ; Pick up the user assist word
- lwz r8,ACT_MACT_PCB(r5) /* Get the PCB for the new guy */
+ lwz r8,ACT_MACT_PCB(r5) ; Get the PCB for the new guy
stw r11,0(r10) ; Save the kernel stack address
stw r7,UAW(r6) ; Save the assist word for the "ultra fast path"
+ lwz r11,ACT_MACT_BTE(r5) ; Get BlueBox Task Environment
lwz r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r5) ; Get the special flags
lwz r10,ACT_KLOADED(r5)
+ stw r11,ppbbTaskEnv(r6) ; Save the bb task env
li r0,0
cmpwi cr0,r10,0
- * void fpu_save(void)
+ * void fpu_save(thread_act_t act)
* To do the floating point and VMX, we keep three thread pointers: one
* to the current thread, one to the thread that has the floating point context
; 7) exit to interrupt return
-; Context save (operates on current activation's data; only used during context switch):
-; (context switch always disables the facility)
+; Context save (operates on specified activation's data):
; 1) if no owner exit
-; 2) if owner != current activation exit
+; 2) if owner != specified activation exit
; 3) if context processor != current processor
; 1) clear owner
; 2) exit
mr r7,r0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r4,0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r10,r3 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr. r3,r12 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x6F00 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
noowneryet: oris r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r0,r7 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r3,r10 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mflr r2 ; Save the return address
- lwz r10,PP_CPU_DATA(r6) ; Get the CPU data pointer
lhz r11,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r6) ; Get our CPU number
mr. r12,r12 ; Anyone own the FPU?
+ cmplw cr1,r3,r12 ; Is the specified thread the owner?
- lwz r10,CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD(r10) ; Get the pointer to the active thread
+ beq- fsretnr ; Nobody owns the FPU, no save required...
- beq- fsret ; Nobody owns the FPU, no save required...
+ li r4,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+ bne- cr1,fsretnr ; Facility belongs to some other activation...
- lwz r10,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r10) ; Now get the activation that is running
- lwz r9,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Get the last CPU to use this context
+fsvSpin2: lwarx r9,r4,r12 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r9,r9 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r3,r9,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- fsvSpin2 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r3,r4,r12 ; Lock it up
+ bne- fsvSpin2 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
- cmplw r12,r10 ; Do we own the FPU?
cmplw cr1,r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
- bne+ fsret ; Facility belongs to some other activation...
li r3,0 ; Assume we need a fix-me-up
beq- cr1,fsgoodcpu ; Facility last used on this processor...
stw r3,PP_FPU_THREAD(r6) ; Clear owner because it was really on the other processor
ble+ cr1,chkkillmedead ; (TEST/DEBUG)
-fsret: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and floating point off
+fsret: lwz r4,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Get back the owner CPU
+ rlwinm r4,r4,0,fvChkb+1,31 ; Clear lock
+ sync
+ stw r4,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Unlock the context
+fsretnr: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and floating point off
beq- fsnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
- lwz r19,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Get the "old" active CPU
+ li r20,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+fsSpin1: lwarx r19,r20,r12 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r21,r19,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- fsSpin1 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r21,r20,r12 ; Lock it up
+ bne- fsSpin1 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r12) ; Get the current level of the "old" one
cmplw r18,r19 ; Check the CPU that the old context is live on
lwz r14,ACT_MACT_FPU(r12) ; Point to the top of the old context stack
- bne- fsnosave ; Context is not live if used on a different CPU...
+ bne- fsnosaverel ; Context is not live if used on a different CPU...
lwz r13,ACT_MACT_FPUlvl(r12) ; Get the "old" active level
cmplwi cr2,r14,0 ; Is there any saved context?
bne- fsmstsave ; Levels are different, we need to save...
- beq- cr2,fsenable ; No saved context at all, enable and go...
+ beq- cr2,fsenableret ; No saved context at all, enable and go...
lwz r20,SAVlvlfp(r14) ; Get the level of the top savearea
cmplw r15,r20 ; Is the top level the same as the current?
li r0,1 ; Get the invalid flag
- bne- fsenable ; Not the same, just enable and go...
+ bne- fsenableret ; Not the same, just enable and go...
stw r0,SAVlvlfp(r14) ; Invalidate that top savearea
+ sync ; Make sure everything is saved
+ stw r19,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Say we are not using the context anymore
b fsenable ; Then enable and go...
cmplwi r5,1 ; Is it invalid?
cmplw cr1,r5,r13 ; Is the SA level the active one?
beq+ fsusecache ; Invalid, just use it...
- beq- cr1,fsnosave ; The SA level is active, it is already saved...
+ beq- cr1,fsnosaverel ; The SA level is active, it is already saved...
fsgetsave: mr r3,r4 ; Use the interrupt save as the context savearea if none cached
; would be safe! My God! It is terrifying!
+ sync ; Make sure everything is saved
+ stw r19,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r12) ; Say we are not using the context anymore
-fsnosave: lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
+ li r20,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+fsSpin2: lwarx r19,r20,r17 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r21,r19,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- fsSpin2 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r21,r20,r17 ; Lock it up
+ bne- fsSpin2 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
+ lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
lwz r14,ACT_MACT_FPU(r17) ; Point to the top of the "new" context stack
lwz r13,ACT_MACT_FPUlvl(r17) ; Get the "new" active level
cmplwi cr1,r14,0 ; Do we possibly have some context to load?
stw r15,ACT_MACT_FPUlvl(r17) ; Set the "new" active level
- stw r18,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r17) ; Set the active CPU
la r11,savefp0(r14) ; Point to first line to bring in
stw r17,PP_FPU_THREAD(r6) ; Store current thread address in fpu_thread to claim fpu for thread
lfd f30,savefp30(r14)
lfd f31,savefp31(r14)
+fsenablexx: sync ; Make sure all is saved
+ stw r18,ACT_MACT_FPUcpu(r17) ; Set the active CPU and release
fsenable: lwz r9,SAVflags(r4) /* Get the flags of the current savearea */
lwz r8,savesrr1(r4) ; Get the msr of the interrupted guy
rlwinm r5,r4,0,0,19 /* Get the page address of the savearea */
+#if 0
+ lwz r10,savesrr1(r4) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ rlwinm. r10,r10,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ beq- nxxxxxx ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ lwz r10,ACT_MACT_SPF(r17) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ rlwinm. r10,r10,0,1,1 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ beq+ nxxxxxx
lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x7F09 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
fmr f29,f0
fmr f30,f0
fmr f31,f0
- b fsenable ; Finish setting it all up...
+ b fsenablexx ; Finish setting it all up...
; Finds an unused floating point area in the activation pointed
mr r7,r0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r4,0 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r10,r3 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr. r3,r12 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x5F00 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
noowneryeu: oris r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mr r0,r7 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ mr r3,r10 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
mflr r2 ; Save the return address
- lwz r10,PP_CPU_DATA(r6) ; Get the CPU data pointer
lhz r11,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r6) ; Get our CPU number
mr. r12,r12 ; Anyone own the vector?
+ cmplw cr1,r3,r12 ; Is the specified thread the owner?
+ beq- vsretnr ; Nobody owns the vector, no save required...
- lwz r10,CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD(r10) ; Get the pointer to the active thread
- beq- vsret ; Nobody owns the vector, no save required...
+ li r4,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+ bne- cr1,vsretnr ; Facility belongs to some other activation...
- lwz r10,THREAD_TOP_ACT(r10) ; Now get the activation that is running
- lwz r9,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Get the last CPU to use this context
+vsvSpin2: lwarx r9,r4,r12 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r9,r9 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r3,r9,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- vsvSpin2 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r3,r4,r12 ; Lock it up
+ bne- vsvSpin2 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
- cmplw r12,r10 ; Do we own the thread?
cmplw cr1,r9,r11 ; Was the context for this processor?
- bne+ vsret ; Facility belongs to some other activation...
li r3,0 ; Assume we need a fix-me-up
beq- cr1,vsgoodcpu ; Facility last used on this processor...
stw r3,PP_VMX_THREAD(r6) ; Clear owner because it was really on the other processor
lis r9,0x5555 ; Mask with odd bits set
rlwinm r11,r10,1,0,31 ; Shift over 1
ori r9,r9,0x5555 ; Finish mask
- or r12,r10,r11 ; After this, even bits show which lines to zap
+ or r4,r10,r11 ; After this, even bits show which lines to zap
- andc r11,r12,r9 ; Clear out odd bits
+ andc r11,r4,r9 ; Clear out odd bits
la r6,savevr0(r3) ; Point to line 0
rlwinm r4,r11,15,0,15 ; Move line 8-15 flags to high order odd bits
; Save the current vector state into the savearea of the thread that owns it.
-vsret: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and vector off
+vsret: lwz r4,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Get back the owner CPU
+ rlwinm r4,r4,0,fvChkb+1,31 ; Clear lock
+ sync
+ stw r4,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Unlock the context
+vsretnr: mtmsr r0 ; Put interrupts on if they were and vector off
mtmsr r19 /* Set vector available */
beq- vsnosave ; No live context, so nothing to save...
- lwz r19,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Get the "old" active CPU
+ li r20,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+vsSpin1: lwarx r19,r20,r12 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r21,r19,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- vsSpin1 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r21,r20,r12 ; Lock it up
+ bne- vsSpin1 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r12) ; Get the current level of the "old" one
cmplw r18,r19 ; Check the CPU that the old context is live on
lwz r14,ACT_MACT_VMX(r12) ; Point to the top of the old context stack
- bne- vsnosave ; Context is not live if used on a different CPU...
+ bne- vsnosaverel ; Context is not live if used on a different CPU...
lwz r13,ACT_MACT_VMXlvl(r12) ; Get the "old" active level
cmplwi cr2,r14,0 ; Is there any saved context?
bne- vsmstsave ; Levels are different, we need to save...
- beq- cr2,vrenable ; No saved context at all, enable and go...
+ beq- cr2,vrenableret ; No saved context at all, enable and go...
lwz r20,SAVlvlvec(r14) ; Get the level of the top savearea
cmplw r15,r20 ; Is the top level the same as the current?
li r0,1 ; Get the invalid flag
- bne- vrenable ; Not the same, just enable and go...
+ bne- vrenableret ; Not the same, just enable and go...
stw r0,SAVlvlvec(r14) ; Invalidate that top savearea
+ sync ; Make sure everything is saved
+ stw r19,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Say we are not using the context anymore
b vrenable ; Then enable and go...
cmplwi r5,1 ; Is it invalid?
cmplw cr1,r5,r13 ; Is the SA level the active one?
beq+ vsusecache ; Invalid, just use it...
- beq- cr1,vsnosave ; The SA level is active, it is already saved...
+ beq- cr1,vsnosaverel ; The SA level is active, it is already saved...
vsgetsave: mr r3,r4 ; Use the interrupt save as the context savearea if none cached
lis r9,0x5555 ; Mask with odd bits set
rlwinm r11,r10,1,0,31 ; Shift over 1
ori r9,r9,0x5555 ; Finish mask
- or r12,r10,r11 ; After this, even bits show which lines to zap
+ or r21,r10,r11 ; After this, even bits show which lines to zap
stw r13,SAVlvlvec(r3) ; Set the savearea level
- andc r13,r12,r9 ; Clear out odd bits
+ andc r13,r21,r9 ; Clear out odd bits
la r20,savevr0(r3) ; Point to line 0
rlwinm r24,r13,15,0,15 ; Move line 8-15 flags to high order odd bits
* would be safe! My Gosh! It's terrifying!
-vsnosave: lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
+ sync ; Make sure everything is saved
+ stw r19,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r12) ; Say we are not using the context anymore
+ li r20,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu ; Point to the CPU indication/lock word
+vsSpin2: lwarx r19,r20,r17 ; Get and reserve the last used CPU
+ mr. r19,r19 ; Is it changing now?
+ oris r21,r19,hi16(fvChk) ; Set the "changing" flag
+ blt- vsSpin2 ; Spin if changing
+ stwcx. r21,r20,r17 ; Lock it up
+ bne- vsSpin2 ; Someone is messing right now
+ isync ; Make sure we see everything
+ lwz r15,ACT_MACT_PCB(r17) ; Get the current level of the "new" one
lwz r14,ACT_MACT_VMX(r17) ; Point to the top of the "new" context stack
lwz r13,ACT_MACT_VMXlvl(r17) ; Get the "new" active level
cmplwi cr1,r14,0 ; Do we possibly have some context to load?
stw r15,ACT_MACT_VMXlvl(r17) ; Set the "new" active level
la r23,savevscr(r14) ; Point to the VSCR
- stw r18,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r17) ; Set the active CPU
la r20,savevr0(r14) ; Point to first line to bring in
stw r17,PP_VMX_THREAD(r6) ; Store current thread address in vmx_thread to claim vector for thread
beq- cr1,ProtectTheAmericanWay ; Nothing to restore, first time use...
mstlvr31: lvxl v31,r30,r23 ; Restore VR31
+vrenablexx: sync ; Make sure all is saved
+ stw r18,ACT_MACT_VMXcpu(r17) ; Set the active CPU and release
lwz r9,SAVflags(r4) /* Get the flags of the current savearea */
+#if 0
+ lwz r10,savesrr1(r4) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ rlwinm. r10,r10,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ beq- nxxxxxx2 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ lwz r10,ACT_MACT_SPF(r17) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ rlwinm. r10,r10,0,2,2 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
+ beq+ nxxxxxx2
lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CutTrace) ; (TEST/DEBUG)
li r2,0x5F09 ; (TEST/DEBUG)
vor v29,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
vor v30,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
vor v31,v0,v0 ; Copy into the next register
- b vrenable ; Finish setting it all up...
+ b vrenablexx ; Finish setting it all up...
; Finds a unused vector area in the activation pointed