#include "../headers/FileMgrInternal.h"
-#define kIDSectorOffset 2
-OSErr GetNewFCB( ExtendedVCB *vcb, FileReference* fRefPtr);
-OSErr AccessBTree( ExtendedVCB *vcb, FileReference refNum, UInt32 fileID, UInt32 fileClumpSize, void *CompareRoutine );
-UInt16 DivUp( UInt32 byteRun, UInt32 blockSize );
-Boolean IsARamDiskDriver( void );
-OSErr GetVCBRefNum( ExtendedVCB **vcb, short vRefNum );
OSErr ValidMasterDirectoryBlock( HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb );
-void RenameWrapperVolume( Str27 newVolumeName, UInt16 driveNumber );
-OSErr CheckExternalFileSystem( ExtendedVCB *vcb );
-OSErr FlushVolume( ExtendedVCB *vcb );
-FCB *SetupFCB( ExtendedVCB *vcb, FileReference refNum, UInt32 fileID, UInt32 fileClumpSize );
-void AddVCB( ExtendedVCB *vcb, short driveNumber, short ioDRefNum );
-short IsPressed( unsigned short k );
-FileReference GetNewVRefNum();
OSErr GetVolumeNameFromCatalog(ExtendedVCB *vcb);
-static UInt16 CountRootFiles(ExtendedVCB *vcb);
-#endif /* TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 */
-#if ( hasHFSManualEject )
-static void SetVCBManEject(ExtendedVCB *vcb);
// External routines
extern OSErr C_FlushMDB( ExtendedVCB *volume );
-extern OSErr DisposeVolumeCacheBlocks( ExtendedVCB *vcb );
-extern void DisposeVolumeControlBlock( ExtendedVCB *vcb );
-extern OSErr FlushVolumeBuffers( ExtendedVCB *vcb );
-extern void MultiplyUInt32IntoUInt64( UInt64 *wideResult, UInt32 num1, UInt32 num2 );
-extern void TrashCatalogNodeCache( void );
// Routine: VolumeWritable Asm: CVFlgs
-// Routine: DivUp from Asm: DivUp
-// Function: Given a number of bytes and block size, calculate the number of
-// blocks needd to hold all the bytes.
-// Result: Number of physical blocks needed
-UInt16 DivUp( UInt32 byteRun, UInt32 blockSize )
- UInt32 blocks;
- blocks = (byteRun + blockSize - 1) / blockSize; // Divide up, remember this is integer math.
- if ( blocks > 0xffff ) // maximum 16 bit value
- blocks = 0xffff;
- return( (UInt16) blocks );
-// Routine: HFSBlocksFromTotalSectors
-// Function: Given the total number of sectors on the volume, calculate
-// the 16Bit number of allocation blocks, and allocation block size.
-// Result: none
-void HFSBlocksFromTotalSectors( UInt32 totalSectors, UInt32 *blockSize, UInt16 *blockCount )
- UInt16 newBlockSizeInSectors = 1;
- UInt32 newBlockCount = totalSectors;
- while ( newBlockCount > 0XFFFF )
- {
- newBlockSizeInSectors++;
- newBlockCount = totalSectors / newBlockSizeInSectors;
- }
- *blockSize = newBlockSizeInSectors * 512;
- *blockCount = newBlockCount;
// Routine: ValidMasterDirectoryBlock
-// Routine: CountRootFiles
-// Input: pointer to VCB
-// Function: Return a count of the number of files and folders in
-// the root directory of a volume. For HFS volumes, this
-// is maintained in the VCB (and MDB). For HFS Plus volumes,
-// we get the valence of the root directory from its catalog
-// record.
-UInt16 CountRootFiles(ExtendedVCB *vcb)
- OSErr err;
- CatalogNodeData catNodeData;
- UInt32 hint;
- UInt16 rootCount;
-// if (vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSSigWord || vcb->vcbFSID != 0) {
-// return vcb->vcbNmFls;
-// }
- // Here, it's an HFS Plus volume, so get the valence from the root
- // directory's catalog record.
- rootCount = 0;
- INIT_CATALOGDATA(&catNodeData, kCatNameNoCopyName);
- err = GetCatalogNode( vcb, kHFSRootFolderID, nil, kUndefinedStrLen, kNoHint, &catNodeData, &hint );
- if ( err == noErr ) {
- if (catNodeData.cnd_valence < 65536)
- rootCount = catNodeData.cnd_valence;
- else
- rootCount = 65535; // if the value is too large, pin it
- }
- return rootCount;
// Routine: FlushVolumeControlBlock