- * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+#include <libkern/c++/OSKext.h>
+#include <libkern/c++/OSMetaClass.h>
#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMlog.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPrivate.h>
#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include "IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPowerConnection.h"
#include "IOPMPowerStateQueue.h"
#include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOCommand.h> // IOServicePMPrivate
#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "IOServicePrivate.h" // _IOServiceInterestNotifier
+#include "IOServicePMPrivate.h"
+#include <mach/shared_region.h>
-#if __i386__
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#include "IOPMrootDomainInternal.h"
+#define kIOPMrootDomainClass "IOPMrootDomain"
+#define LOG_PREFIX "PMRD: "
+#define LOG(x...) do { \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); IOLog(x); } while (false)
-//#define DEBUG 1
-#if DEBUG
-#define DEBUG_LOG(x...) do { kprintf(x); } while (0)
+#define KLOG(x...) do { \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); } while (false)
+#define DLOG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); } while (false)
+static IOWorkLoop * gIOPMWorkLoop = 0;
+#define ASSERT_GATED(x) \
+do { \
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop && gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() != true) { \
+ panic("RootDomain: not inside PM gate"); \
+ } \
+} while(false)
-#define DEBUG_LOG(x...)
-#define HaltRestartLog(x...) do { kprintf(x); } while (0)
+#define ASSERT_GATED(x)
+// Event types for IOPMPowerStateQueue::submitPowerEvent()
+enum {
+ kPowerEventFeatureChanged = 1,
+ kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification,
+ kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted,
+ kPowerEventSystemShutdown,
+ kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep,
+ kPowerEventConfigdRegisteredInterest,
+ kPowerEventAggressivenessChanged
extern "C" {
-IOReturn OSMetaClassSystemSleepOrWake( UInt32 );
+IOReturn OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( UInt32 );
extern const IORegistryPlane * gIOPowerPlane;
-IOReturn broadcast_aggressiveness ( OSObject *, void *, void *, void *, void * );
-static void sleepTimerExpired(thread_call_param_t);
-static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us);
+static void idleSleepTimerExpired( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
+static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired( thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t );
static void notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, unsigned long event );
+static bool clientMessageFilter( OSObject * object, void * context );
+static void handleAggressivesFunction( thread_call_param_t param1, thread_call_param_t param2 );
// "IOPMSetSleepSupported" callPlatformFunction name
static const OSSymbol *sleepSupportedPEFunction = NULL;
| kIOPMSupportedOnBatt \
| kIOPMSupportedOnUPS)
-#define number_of_power_states 5
-#define OFF_STATE 0
-#define RESTART_STATE 1
-#define SLEEP_STATE 2
-#define DOZE_STATE 3
-#define ON_STATE 4
-#define ON_POWER kIOPMPowerOn
-#define RESTART_POWER kIOPMRestart
-#define SLEEP_POWER kIOPMAuxPowerOn
-#define DOZE_POWER kIOPMDoze
// not idle around autowake time, secs
kAutoWakePostWindow = 15
#define kLocalEvalClamshellCommand (1 << 15)
-static IOPMPowerState ourPowerStates[number_of_power_states] = {
- // state 0, off
- {1,0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
- // state 1, restart
- {1,kIOPMRestartCapability, kIOPMRestart, RESTART_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
- // state 2, sleep
- {1,kIOPMSleepCapability, kIOPMSleep, SLEEP_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
- // state 3, doze
- {1,kIOPMDoze, kIOPMDoze, DOZE_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
- // state 4, on
- {1,kIOPMPowerOn, kIOPMPowerOn, ON_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+enum {
+ OFF_STATE = 0,
+ ON_STATE = 4,
+#define ON_POWER kIOPMPowerOn
+#define RESTART_POWER kIOPMRestart
+#define SLEEP_POWER kIOPMAuxPowerOn
+#define DOZE_POWER kIOPMDoze
+static IOPMPowerState ourPowerStates[NUM_POWER_STATES] =
+ {1, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ {1, kIOPMRestartCapability, kIOPMRestart, RESTART_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ {1, kIOPMSleepCapability, kIOPMSleep, SLEEP_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ {1, kIOPMDoze, kIOPMDoze, DOZE_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ {1, kIOPMPowerOn, kIOPMPowerOn, ON_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
+// Clients eligible to receive system power messages.
+enum {
+ kMessageClientNone = 0,
+ kMessageClientAll,
+ kMessageClientConfigd
+// Run states (R-state) defined within the ON power state.
+enum {
+ kRStateNormal = 0,
+ kRStateDark,
+ kRStateMaintenance,
+ kRStateCount
+// IOService in power plane can be tagged with following flags.
+enum {
+ kServiceFlagGraphics = 0x01,
+ kServiceFlagNoPowerUp = 0x02,
+ kServiceFlagTopLevelPCI = 0x04
+// Flags describing R-state features and capabilities.
+enum {
+ kRStateFlagNone = 0x00000000,
+ kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics = 0x00000001,
+ kRStateFlagSuppressMessages = 0x00000002,
+ kRStateFlagSuppressPCICheck = 0x00000004,
+ kRStateFlagDisableIdleSleep = 0x00000008
+// Table of flags for each R-state.
+static uint32_t gRStateFlags[ kRStateCount ] =
+ kRStateFlagNone,
+ /* Dark wake */
+ kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics,
+ /* Maintenance wake */
+ kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics |
+ kRStateFlagSuppressMessages |
+ kRStateFlagSuppressPCICheck |
+ kRStateFlagDisableIdleSleep
+static IONotifier * gConfigdNotifier = 0;
+#define kIOPMRootDomainRunStateKey "Run State"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance "Maintenance"
+// Special interest that entitles the interested client from receiving
+// all system messages. Used by pmconfigd to support maintenance wake.
+#define kIOPMPrivilegedPowerInterest "IOPMPrivilegedPowerInterest"
+static IONotifier * gSysPowerDownNotifier = 0;
+ * Aggressiveness
+ */
+#define AGGRESSIVES_LOCK() IOLockLock(featuresDictLock)
+#define AGGRESSIVES_UNLOCK() IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock)
+#define kAggressivesMinValue 1
+static uint32_t gAggressivesState = 0;
+enum {
+ kAggressivesStateBusy = 0x01,
+ kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown = 0x02
+struct AggressivesRecord {
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint32_t type;
+ uint32_t value;
+struct AggressivesRequest {
+ queue_chain_t chain;
+ uint32_t options;
+ uint32_t dataType;
+ union {
+ IOService * service;
+ AggressivesRecord record;
+ } data;
+enum {
+ kAggressivesRequestTypeService = 1,
+ kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord
+enum {
+ kAggressivesOptionSynchronous = 0x00000001,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable = 0x00000100,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable = 0x00000200,
+ kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask = 0x00000300
+enum {
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagModified = 0x00000001,
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue = 0x00000002
static IOPMrootDomain * gRootDomain;
static UInt32 gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
+static UInt32 gWillShutdown = 0;
+static uint32_t gMessageClientType = kMessageClientNone;
+static UInt32 gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = false;
struct timeval gIOLastSleepTime;
struct timeval gIOLastWakeTime;
kInformableCount = 2
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseCancel;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseSlow;
class PMSettingObject : public OSObject
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(PMSettingObject)
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors(PMSettingObject)
IOPMrootDomain *parent;
IOPMSettingControllerCallback func;
void free(void);
+ * PMTraceWorker
+ * Internal helper object for logging trace points to RTC
+ * IOPMrootDomain and only IOPMrootDomain should instantiate
+ * exactly one of these.
+ */
+typedef void (*IOPMTracePointHandler)(
+ void * target, uint32_t code, uint32_t data );
+class PMTraceWorker : public OSObject
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(PMTraceWorker)
+ typedef enum { kPowerChangeStart, kPowerChangeCompleted } change_t;
+ static PMTraceWorker *tracer( IOPMrootDomain * );
+ void tracePCIPowerChange(change_t, IOService *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+ void tracePoint(uint8_t phase);
+ void traceLoginWindowPhase(uint8_t phase);
+ int recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService *);
+ void RTC_TRACE(void);
+ virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const;
+ IOPMTracePointHandler tracePointHandler;
+ void * tracePointTarget;
+ IOPMrootDomain *owner;
+ IOLock *pciMappingLock;
+ OSArray *pciDeviceBitMappings;
+ uint8_t tracePhase;
+ uint8_t loginWindowPhase;
+ uint8_t addedToRegistry;
+ uint8_t unused0;
+ uint32_t pciBusyBitMask;
+ * PMHaltWorker
* Internal helper object for Shutdown/Restart notifications.
#define kPMHaltMaxWorkers 8
class PMHaltWorker : public OSObject
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( PMHaltWorker )
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors( PMHaltWorker )
IOService * service; // service being worked on
bool timeout; // service took too long
static PMHaltWorker * worker( void );
- static void main( void * arg );
+ static void main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult );
static void work( PMHaltWorker * me );
static void checkTimeout( PMHaltWorker * me, AbsoluteTime * now );
virtual void free( void );
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( PMHaltWorker, OSObject )
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors( PMHaltWorker, OSObject )
#define super IOService
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(IOPMrootDomain, IOService)
extern "C"
return gRootDomain->shutdownSystem();
- void IOSystemShutdownNotification ( void )
+ void IOSystemShutdownNotification ( void )
- IOCatalogue::disableExternalLinker();
- for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
- {
- if ( OSCompareAndSwap( 0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending ) ) break;
- IOSleep( 100 );
- }
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gWillShutdown))
+ {
+ OSKext::willShutdown();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ {
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending)) break;
+ IOSleep( 100 );
+ }
+ }
int sync_internal(void);
to be tickled)).
-// **********************************************************************************
IOPMrootDomain * IOPMrootDomain::construct( void )
- IOPMrootDomain *root;
+ IOPMrootDomain *root;
root = new IOPMrootDomain;
if( root)
return( root );
-// **********************************************************************************
-static void disk_sync_callout(thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1)
+static void disk_sync_callout( thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1 )
IOService *rootDomain = (IOService *) p0;
unsigned long pmRef = (unsigned long) p1;
- DEBUG_LOG("disk_sync_callout: start\n");
+ DLOG("disk_sync_callout start\n");
- DEBUG_LOG("disk_sync_callout: finish\n");
+ DLOG("disk_sync_callout finish\n");
-// **********************************************************************************
static UInt32 computeDeltaTimeMS( const AbsoluteTime * startTime )
return (UInt32)(nano / 1000000ULL);
-// **********************************************************************************
-// start
-// We don't do much here. The real initialization occurs when the platform
-// expert informs us we are the root.
-// **********************************************************************************
-#define kRootDomainSettingsCount 16
+static int
+sysctl_sleepwaketime SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ struct timeval *swt = (struct timeval *)arg1;
+ struct proc *p = req->p;
+ if (p == kernproc) {
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, swt, sizeof(*swt), NULL);
+ } else if(proc_is64bit(p)) {
+ struct user64_timeval t;
+ t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
+ t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
+ } else {
+ struct user32_timeval t;
+ t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
+ t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
+ }
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleeptime,
+ &gIOLastSleepTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, waketime,
+ &gIOLastWakeTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ int new_value, changed;
+ int error = sysctl_io_number(req, gWillShutdown, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed) {
+ if (!gWillShutdown && (new_value == 1)) {
+ IOSystemShutdownNotification();
+ } else
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ return(error);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, willshutdown,
+ 0, 0, sysctl_willshutdown, "I", "");
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ int error;
+ int new_value, changed;
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progress_meter_enable, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed)
+ vc_enable_progressmeter(new_value);
+ return (error);
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ int error;
+ int new_value, changed;
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progress_meter_value, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed)
+ vc_set_progressmeter(new_value);
+ return (error);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeterenable,
+ 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeterenable, "I", "");
-static SYSCTL_STRUCT(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleeptime,
- &gIOLastSleepTime, timeval, "");
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeter,
+ 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeter, "I", "");
-static SYSCTL_STRUCT(_kern, OID_AUTO, waketime,
- &gIOLastWakeTime, timeval, "");
static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey;
+static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey;
+// start
+#define kRootDomainSettingsCount 16
-bool IOPMrootDomain::start ( IOService * nub )
+bool IOPMrootDomain::start( IOService * nub )
OSIterator *psIterator;
OSDictionary *tmpDict;
+ super::start(nub);
+ gRootDomain = this;
gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey);
+ gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey =
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey);
+ gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut);
+ gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseCancel = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseCancel);
+ gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseSlow);
+ sleepSupportedPEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSetSleepSupported");
const OSSymbol *settingsArr[kRootDomainSettingsCount] =
- pmPowerStateQueue = 0;
- _reserved = (ExpansionData *)IOMalloc(sizeof(ExpansionData));
- if(!_reserved) return false;
+ queue_init(&aggressivesQueue);
+ aggressivesThreadCall = thread_call_allocate(handleAggressivesFunction, this);
+ aggressivesData = OSData::withCapacity(
+ sizeof(AggressivesRecord) * (kPMLastAggressivenessType + 4));
- super::start(nub);
+ featuresDictLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ settingsCtrlLock = IORecursiveLockAlloc();
+ setPMRootDomain(this);
+ extraSleepTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+ idleSleepTimerExpired,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
- gRootDomain = this;
+ clamshellWakeupIgnore = thread_call_allocate(
+ wakeupClamshellTimerExpired,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
- PMinit();
+ diskSyncCalloutEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &disk_sync_callout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
- sleepSupportedPEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSetSleepSupported");
canSleep = true;
- setProperty(kIOSleepSupportedKey,true);
+ setProperty(kIOSleepSupportedKey, true);
+ bzero(&pmStats, sizeof(pmStats));
+ pmTracer = PMTraceWorker::tracer(this);
+ updateRunState(kRStateNormal);
userDisabledAllSleep = false;
allowSleep = true;
sleepIsSupported = true;
systemBooting = true;
sleepSlider = 0;
- idleSleepPending = false;
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
wrangler = NULL;
sleepASAP = false;
clamshellIsClosed = false;
clamshellExists = false;
ignoringClamshell = true;
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
- acAdaptorConnect = true;
+ ignoringClamshellOnWake = false;
+ acAdaptorConnected = true;
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ _statsNameKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsNameKey);
+ _statsPIDKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsPIDKey);
+ _statsTimeMSKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsTimeMSKey);
+ _statsResponseTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTypeKey);
+ _statsMessageTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsMessageTypeKey);
idxPMCPUClamshell = kCPUUnknownIndex;
idxPMCPULimitedPower = kCPUUnknownIndex;
fPMSettingsDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5);
- pmPowerStateQueue = IOPMPowerStateQueue::PMPowerStateQueue(this);
+ PMinit(); // creates gIOPMWorkLoop
+ // Create IOPMPowerStateQueue used to queue external power
+ // events, and to handle those events on the PM work loop.
+ pmPowerStateQueue = IOPMPowerStateQueue::PMPowerStateQueue(
+ this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOEventSource::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::dispatchPowerEvent));
- featuresDictLock = IOLockAlloc();
- settingsCtrlLock = IORecursiveLockAlloc();
- extraSleepTimer = thread_call_allocate(
- (thread_call_func_t)sleepTimerExpired,
- (thread_call_param_t) this);
- clamshellWakeupIgnore = thread_call_allocate(
- (thread_call_func_t)wakeupClamshellTimerExpired,
- (thread_call_param_t) this);
- diskSyncCalloutEntry = thread_call_allocate(
- &disk_sync_callout,
- (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ gIOPMWorkLoop = getPMworkloop();
- // create our parent
+ // create our power parent
patriarch = new IORootParent;
- registerPowerDriver(this,ourPowerStates,number_of_power_states);
- setPMRootDomain(this);
+ registerPowerDriver(this, ourPowerStates, NUM_POWER_STATES);
// set a clamp until we sleep
// install power change handler
- registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( &sysPowerDownHandler, this, 0);
+ gSysPowerDownNotifier = registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( &sysPowerDownHandler, this, 0);
// Register for a notification when IODisplayWrangler is published
- _displayWranglerNotifier = addNotification(
- gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"),
- &displayWranglerPublished, this, 0);
+ if ((tmpDict = serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler")))
+ {
+ _displayWranglerNotifier = addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOPublishNotification, tmpDict,
+ (IOServiceMatchingNotificationHandler) &displayWranglerPublished,
+ this, 0);
+ tmpDict->release();
+ }
// Battery location published - ApplePMU support only
- _batteryPublishNotifier = addNotification(
- gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IOPMPowerSource"),
- &batteryPublished, this, this);
+ if ((tmpDict = serviceMatching("IOPMPowerSource")))
+ {
+ _batteryPublishNotifier = addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOPublishNotification, tmpDict,
+ (IOServiceMatchingNotificationHandler) &batteryPublished,
+ this, this);
+ tmpDict->release();
+ }
const OSSymbol *ucClassName = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("RootDomainUserClient");
setProperty(gIOUserClientClassKey, (OSObject *) ucClassName);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_willshutdown);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressmeterenable);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressmeter);
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
return true;
-// **********************************************************************************
// setProperties
// Receive a setProperty call
// The "System Boot" property means the system is completely booted.
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setProperties ( OSObject *props_obj)
- IOReturn return_value = kIOReturnSuccess;
- OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
- OSBoolean *b;
- OSNumber *n;
- OSString *str;
- OSSymbol *type;
- OSObject *obj;
- unsigned int i;
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setProperties( OSObject * props_obj )
+ IOReturn return_value = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
+ OSBoolean *b;
+ OSNumber *n;
+ OSString *str;
+ OSSymbol *type;
+ OSObject *obj;
+ unsigned int i;
const OSSymbol *boot_complete_string =
OSSymbol::withCString("System Boot Complete");
const OSSymbol *sleepdisabled_string =
+ const OSSymbol *ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string =
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
+ const OSSymbol *loginwindow_tracepoint_string =
+ OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMLoginWindowSecurityDebugKey);
return_value = kIOReturnBadArgument;
if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, dict->getObject(idle_seconds_string))))
setProperty(idle_seconds_string, n);
- idleSeconds = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ idleSeconds = n->unsigned32BitValue();
- if( systemBooting
- && boot_complete_string
- && dict->getObject(boot_complete_string))
+ if (boot_complete_string && dict->getObject(boot_complete_string))
- systemBooting = false;
- adjustPowerState();
- // If lid is closed, re-send lid closed notification
- // now that booting is complete.
- if( clamshellIsClosed )
- {
- this->receivePowerNotification(kLocalEvalClamshellCommand);
- }
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted );
if( battery_warning_disabled_string
&& dict->getObject(battery_warning_disabled_string))
if( sys_shutdown_string
&& (b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, dict->getObject(sys_shutdown_string))))
- if(kOSBooleanTrue == b)
- {
- /* We set systemShutdown = true during shutdown
- to prevent sleep at unexpected times while loginwindow is trying
- to shutdown apps and while the OS is trying to transition to
- complete power of.
- Set to true during shutdown, as soon as loginwindow shows
- the "shutdown countdown dialog", through individual app
- termination, and through black screen kernel shutdown.
- */
- kprintf("systemShutdown true\n");
- systemShutdown = true;
- } else {
- /*
- A shutdown was initiated, but then the shutdown
- was cancelled, clearing systemShutdown to false here.
- */
- kprintf("systemShutdown false\n");
- systemShutdown = false;
- }
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventSystemShutdown, (void *) b);
if( stall_halt_string
&& (b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, dict->getObject(sleepdisabled_string))) )
setProperty(sleepdisabled_string, b);
- userDisabledAllSleep = (kOSBooleanTrue == b);
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep, (void *) b);
+ }
+ if (ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string
+ && (obj = dict->getObject(ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string)))
+ {
+ // Clear the currently published UUID
+ if (kOSBooleanFalse == obj)
+ {
+ publishSleepWakeUUID(NULL);
+ }
+ // Cache UUID for an upcoming sleep/wake
+ if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj)))
+ {
+ if (queuedSleepWakeUUIDString) {
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->release();
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ }
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = str;
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->retain();
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID queued: %s\n",
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->getCStringNoCopy());
+ }
+ }
+ if (loginwindow_tracepoint_string
+ && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, dict->getObject(loginwindow_tracepoint_string)))
+ && pmTracer)
+ {
+ pmTracer->traceLoginWindowPhase( n->unsigned8BitValue() );
// Relay our allowed PM settings onto our registered PM clients
- if(sleepdisabled_string) sleepdisabled_string->release();
if(boot_complete_string) boot_complete_string->release();
+ if(sys_shutdown_string) sys_shutdown_string->release();
if(stall_halt_string) stall_halt_string->release();
+ if (battery_warning_disabled_string) battery_warning_disabled_string->release();
if(idle_seconds_string) idle_seconds_string->release();
+ if(sleepdisabled_string) sleepdisabled_string->release();
+ if(ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string) ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string->release();
+ if(hibernatemode_string) hibernatemode_string->release();
+ if(hibernatefile_string) hibernatefile_string->release();
+ if(hibernatefreeratio_string) hibernatefreeratio_string->release();
+ if(hibernatefreetime_string) hibernatefreetime_string->release();
return return_value;
-// youAreRoot
+// aggressivenessChanged
-// Power Managment is informing us that we are the root power domain.
-// We know we are not the root however, since we have just instantiated a parent
-// for ourselves and made it the root. We override this method so it will have
-// no effect
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::youAreRoot ( void )
- return IOPMNoErr;
+// We are behind the command gate to examine changes to aggressives.
-// **********************************************************************************
-// command_received
-// No longer used
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::command_received ( void * w, void * x, void * y, void * z )
+void IOPMrootDomain::aggressivenessChanged( void )
- super::command_received(w,x,y,z);
+ unsigned long minutesToSleep = 0;
+ unsigned long minutesToDisplayDim = 0;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// broadcast_aggressiveness
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn broadcast_aggressiveness ( OSObject * root, void * x, void * y, void *, void * )
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)root)->broadcast_it((unsigned long)x,(unsigned long)y);
- return IOPMNoErr;
+ // Fetch latest display and system sleep slider values.
+ getAggressiveness(kPMMinutesToSleep, &minutesToSleep);
+ getAggressiveness(kPMMinutesToDim, &minutesToDisplayDim);
+ DLOG("aggressiveness changed system %u, display %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) minutesToSleep, (uint32_t) minutesToDisplayDim);
+ DLOG("idle time -> %ld secs (ena %d)\n",
+ idleSeconds, (minutesToSleep != 0));
-// **********************************************************************************
-// broadcast_it
-// We are behind the command gate to broadcast an aggressiveness factor. We let the
-// superclass do it, but we need to snoop on factors that affect idle sleep.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::broadcast_it (unsigned long type, unsigned long value)
- super::setAggressiveness(type,value);
+ if (0x7fffffff == minutesToSleep)
+ minutesToSleep = idleSeconds;
- // Save user's spin down timer to restore after we replace it for idle sleep
- if( type == kPMMinutesToSpinDown ) user_spindown = value;
+ // How long to wait before sleeping the system once the displays turns
+ // off is indicated by 'extraSleepDelay'.
- // Use longestNonSleepSlider to calculate dimming adjust idle sleep timer
- if (getAggressiveness(kPMMinutesToDim, (unsigned long *)&longestNonSleepSlider)
- != kIOReturnSuccess)
- longestNonSleepSlider = 0;
+ if ( minutesToSleep > minutesToDisplayDim ) {
+ extraSleepDelay = minutesToSleep - minutesToDisplayDim;
+ }
+ else {
+ extraSleepDelay = 0;
+ }
- if ( type == kPMMinutesToSleep ) {
- DEBUG_LOG("PM idle time -> %ld secs (ena %d)\n", idleSeconds, (value != 0));
- if (0x7fffffff == value)
- value = idleSeconds;
+ // system sleep timer was disabled, but not anymore.
+ if ( (sleepSlider == 0) && (minutesToSleep != 0) ) {
+ if (!wrangler)
+ {
+ sleepASAP = false;
+ changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ if (idleSeconds)
+ {
+ startIdleSleepTimer( idleSeconds );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start idle sleep timer if wrangler went to sleep
+ // while system sleep was disabled.
- if ( (sleepSlider == 0) && (value != 0) ) {
- if (!wrangler)
+ sleepASAP = false;
+ if (wranglerAsleep)
- sleepASAP = false;
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
- if (idleSeconds)
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ uint64_t nanos;
+ uint32_t minutesSinceDisplaySleep = 0;
+ uint32_t sleepDelay;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &wranglerSleepTime) > 0)
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(idleSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &wranglerSleepTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nanos);
+ minutesSinceDisplaySleep = nanos / (60000000000ULL);
- }
- else
- {
- // If sleepASAP is already set, then calling adjustPowerState() here
- // will put the system to sleep immediately which is bad. Note that
- // this aggressiveness change can occur without waking up the display
- // by (dis)connecting the AC adapter. To get around this, the power
- // clamp is restore to ON state then dropped after waiting for the
- // sleep timer to expire.
- if (sleepASAP)
+ if (extraSleepDelay > minutesSinceDisplaySleep)
+ {
+ sleepDelay = extraSleepDelay - minutesSinceDisplaySleep;
+ }
+ else
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- // stay awake for at least sleepSlider minutes
- clock_interval_to_deadline(value * 60, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
- sleepASAP = false;
+ // 1 min idle sleep.
+ sleepDelay = 1;
+ startIdleSleepTimer(sleepDelay * 60);
+ DLOG("display slept %u min, set idle timer to %u min\n",
+ minutesSinceDisplaySleep, sleepDelay);
- sleepSlider = value;
- if ( sleepSlider == 0 ) {
- // idle sleep is now disabled
- adjustPowerState();
- // make sure we're powered
- patriarch->wakeSystem();
- }
- if ( sleepSlider > longestNonSleepSlider ) {
- extraSleepDelay = sleepSlider - longestNonSleepSlider ;
- }
- else {
- extraSleepDelay = 0;
+ sleepSlider = minutesToSleep;
+ if ( sleepSlider == 0 ) {
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ // idle sleep is now disabled
+ adjustPowerState();
+ // make sure we're powered
+ patriarch->wakeSystem();
-// **********************************************************************************
-// sleepTimerExpired
+// setAggressiveness
-// **********************************************************************************
-static void sleepTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us)
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->handleSleepTimerExpiration();
- }
-static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired ( thread_call_param_t us)
+// Override IOService::setAggressiveness()
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setAggressiveness(
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long value )
- ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup();
+ return setAggressiveness( type, value, 0 );
-// **********************************************************************************
-// handleSleepTimerExpiration
-// The time between the sleep idle timeout and the next longest one has elapsed.
-// It's time to sleep. Start that by removing the clamp that's holding us awake.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration ( void )
+ * Private setAggressiveness() with an internal options argument.
+ */
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setAggressiveness(
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long value,
+ IOOptionBits options )
- DEBUG_LOG("SleepTimerExpired\n");
+ AggressivesRequest * entry;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ bool found = false;
- AbsoluteTime time;
+ DLOG("setAggressiveness 0x%x = %u, options 0x%x\n",
+ (uint32_t) type, (uint32_t) value, (uint32_t) options);
- clock_get_uptime(&time);
- if ((AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) > autoWakeStart) && (AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) < autoWakeEnd))
+ request = IONew(AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ if (!request)
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ memset(request, 0, sizeof(*request));
+ request->options = options;
+ request->dataType = kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord;
+ request->data.record.type = (uint32_t) type;
+ request->data.record.value = (uint32_t) value;
+ // Update disk quick spindown flag used by getAggressiveness().
+ // Never merge requests with quick spindown flags set.
+ if (options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable)
+ gAggressivesState |= kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown;
+ else if (options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable)
+ gAggressivesState &= ~kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown;
+ else
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, *((AbsoluteTime *) &autoWakeEnd));
- return;
+ // Coalesce requests with identical aggressives types.
+ // Deal with callers that calls us too "aggressively".
+ queue_iterate(&aggressivesQueue, entry, AggressivesRequest *, chain)
+ {
+ if ((entry->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord) &&
+ (entry->data.record.type == type) &&
+ ((entry->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask) == 0))
+ {
+ entry->data.record.value = value;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // accelerate disk spin down if spin down timer is non-zero (zero = never spin down)
- if(0 != user_spindown)
- setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ queue_enter(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ }
- sleepASAP = true;
- adjustPowerState();
+ if (found)
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ if (options & kAggressivesOptionSynchronous)
+ handleAggressivesRequests(); // not truly synchronous
+ else
+ thread_call_enter(aggressivesThreadCall);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-void IOPMrootDomain::stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup(void)
+// getAggressiveness
+// Override IOService::setAggressiveness()
+// Fetch the aggressiveness factor with the given type.
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::getAggressiveness (
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long * outLevel )
- // Allow clamshell-induced sleep now
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
+ uint32_t value = 0;
+ int source = 0;
- // Re-send clamshell event, in case it causes a sleep
- if(clamshellIsClosed)
- this->receivePowerNotification( kLocalEvalClamshellCommand );
+ if (!outLevel)
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ // Disk quick spindown in effect, report value = 1
+ if ((gAggressivesState & kAggressivesStateQuickSpindown) &&
+ (type == kPMMinutesToSpinDown))
+ {
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ source = 1;
+ }
+ // Consult the pending request queue.
+ if (!source)
+ {
+ AggressivesRequest * entry;
+ queue_iterate(&aggressivesQueue, entry, AggressivesRequest *, chain)
+ {
+ if ((entry->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord) &&
+ (entry->data.record.type == type) &&
+ ((entry->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownMask) == 0))
+ {
+ value = entry->data.record.value;
+ source = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Consult the backend records.
+ if (!source && aggressivesData)
+ {
+ AggressivesRecord * record;
+ int i, count;
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ record = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++, record++)
+ {
+ if (record->type == type)
+ {
+ value = record->value;
+ source = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (source)
+ {
+ DLOG("getAggressiveness 0x%x = %u, source %d\n",
+ (uint32_t) type, value, source);
+ *outLevel = (unsigned long) value;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DLOG("getAggressiveness type 0x%x not found\n", (uint32_t) type);
+ *outLevel = 0; // default return = 0, driver may not check for error
+ return kIOReturnInvalid;
+ }
-// setAggressiveness
+// joinAggressiveness
-// Some aggressiveness factor has changed. We broadcast it to the hierarchy while on
-// the Power Mangement workloop thread. This enables objects in the
-// hierarchy to successfully alter their idle timers, which are all on the
-// same thread.
+// Request from IOService to join future aggressiveness broadcasts.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setAggressiveness ( unsigned long type, unsigned long newLevel )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::joinAggressiveness(
+ IOService * service )
- IOWorkLoop * pmWorkLoop = getPMworkloop();
- if (pmWorkLoop)
- pmWorkLoop->runAction(broadcast_aggressiveness,this,(void *)type,(void *)newLevel);
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ if (!service || (service == this))
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ DLOG("joinAggressiveness %s (%p)\n", service->getName(), service);
+ request = IONew(AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ if (!request)
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ service->retain(); // released by synchronizeAggressives()
+ memset(request, 0, sizeof(*request));
+ request->dataType = kAggressivesRequestTypeService;
+ request->data.service = service;
+ queue_enter(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ thread_call_enter(aggressivesThreadCall);
return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// **********************************************************************************
+// handleAggressivesRequests
+// Backend thread processes all incoming aggressiveness requests in the queue.
+static void
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ thread_call_param_t param2 )
+ if (param1)
+ {
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *) param1)->handleAggressivesRequests();
+ }
+void IOPMrootDomain::handleAggressivesRequests( void )
+ AggressivesRecord * start;
+ AggressivesRecord * record;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ queue_head_t joinedQueue;
+ int i, count;
+ bool broadcast;
+ bool found;
+ bool pingSelf = false;
+ if ((gAggressivesState & kAggressivesStateBusy) || !aggressivesData ||
+ queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue))
+ goto unlock_done;
+ gAggressivesState |= kAggressivesStateBusy;
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ start = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ do
+ {
+ broadcast = false;
+ queue_init(&joinedQueue);
+ do
+ {
+ // Remove request from the incoming queue in FIFO order.
+ queue_remove_first(&aggressivesQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ switch (request->dataType)
+ {
+ case kAggressivesRequestTypeRecord:
+ // Update existing record if found.
+ found = false;
+ for (i = 0, record = start; i < count; i++, record++)
+ {
+ if (record->type == request->data.record.type)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable)
+ {
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) == 0)
+ {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= (kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue |
+ kAggressivesRecordFlagModified);
+ DLOG("quick spindown accelerated, was %u min\n",
+ record->value);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable)
+ {
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue)
+ {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ record->flags &= ~kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue;
+ DLOG("disk spindown restored to %u min\n",
+ record->value);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (record->value != request->data.record.value)
+ {
+ record->value = request->data.record.value;
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue) == 0)
+ {
+ broadcast = true;
+ record->flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // No matching record, append a new record.
+ if (!found &&
+ ((request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable) == 0))
+ {
+ AggressivesRecord newRecord;
+ newRecord.flags = kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ newRecord.type = request->data.record.type;
+ newRecord.value = request->data.record.value;
+ if (request->options & kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable)
+ {
+ newRecord.flags |= kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue;
+ DLOG("disk spindown accelerated\n");
+ }
+ aggressivesData->appendBytes(&newRecord, sizeof(newRecord));
+ // OSData may have switched to another (larger) buffer.
+ count = aggressivesData->getLength() / sizeof(AggressivesRecord);
+ start = (AggressivesRecord *) aggressivesData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ broadcast = true;
+ }
+ // Finished processing the request, release it.
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ break;
+ case kAggressivesRequestTypeService:
+ // synchronizeAggressives() will free request.
+ queue_enter(&joinedQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("bad aggressives request type %x\n", request->dataType);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue));
+ // Release the lock to perform work, with busy flag set.
+ if (!queue_empty(&joinedQueue) || broadcast)
+ {
+ if (!queue_empty(&joinedQueue))
+ synchronizeAggressives(&joinedQueue, start, count);
+ if (broadcast)
+ broadcastAggressives(start, count);
+ }
+ // Remove the modified flag from all records.
+ for (i = 0, record = start; i < count; i++, record++)
+ {
+ if ((record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagModified) &&
+ ((record->type == kPMMinutesToDim) ||
+ (record->type == kPMMinutesToSleep)))
+ pingSelf = true;
+ record->flags &= ~kAggressivesRecordFlagModified;
+ }
+ // Check the incoming queue again since new entries may have been
+ // added while lock was released above.
+ } while (!queue_empty(&aggressivesQueue));
+ gAggressivesState &= ~kAggressivesStateBusy;
+ // Root domain is interested in system and display sleep slider changes.
+ // Submit a power event to handle those changes on the PM work loop.
+ if (pingSelf && pmPowerStateQueue) {
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventAggressivenessChanged );
+ }
+// synchronizeAggressives
+// Push all known aggressiveness records to one or more IOService.
+void IOPMrootDomain::synchronizeAggressives(
+ queue_head_t * joinedQueue,
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count )
+ IOService * service;
+ AggressivesRequest * request;
+ const AggressivesRecord * record;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int i;
+ while (!queue_empty(joinedQueue))
+ {
+ queue_remove_first(joinedQueue, request, AggressivesRequest *, chain);
+ if (request->dataType == kAggressivesRequestTypeService)
+ service = request->data.service;
+ else
+ service = 0;
+ IODelete(request, AggressivesRequest, 1);
+ request = 0;
+ if (service)
+ {
+ if (service->assertPMThreadCall())
+ {
+ for (i = 0, record = array; i < count; i++, record++)
+ {
+ value = record->value;
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue)
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ DLOG("synchronizeAggressives 0x%x = %u to %s\n",
+ record->type, value, service->getName());
+ service->setAggressiveness(record->type, value);
+ }
+ service->deassertPMThreadCall();
+ }
+ service->release(); // retained by joinAggressiveness()
+ }
+ }
+// broadcastAggressives
+// Traverse PM tree and call setAggressiveness() for records that have changed.
+void IOPMrootDomain::broadcastAggressives(
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count )
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ IORegistryEntry * entry;
+ IOPowerConnection * connect;
+ IOService * service;
+ const AggressivesRecord * record;
+ uint32_t value;
+ int i;
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
+ this, gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
+ if (iter)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ iter->reset();
+ while ((entry = iter->getNextObject()))
+ {
+ connect = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry);
+ if (!connect || !connect->getReadyFlag())
+ continue;
+ if ((service = (IOService *) connect->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)))
+ {
+ if (service->assertPMThreadCall())
+ {
+ for (i = 0, record = array; i < count; i++, record++)
+ {
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagModified)
+ {
+ value = record->value;
+ if (record->flags & kAggressivesRecordFlagMinValue)
+ value = kAggressivesMinValue;
+ DLOG("broadcastAggressives %x = %u to %s\n",
+ record->type, value, service->getName());
+ service->setAggressiveness(record->type, value);
+ }
+ }
+ service->deassertPMThreadCall();
+ }
+ service->release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!entry && !iter->isValid());
+ iter->release();
+ }
+// startIdleSleepTimer
+void IOPMrootDomain::startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds )
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ if (inSeconds)
+ {
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(inSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
+ idleSleepTimerPending = true;
+ DLOG("idle timer set for %u seconds\n", inSeconds);
+ }
+// cancelIdleSleepTimer
+void IOPMrootDomain::cancelIdleSleepTimer( void )
+ if (idleSleepTimerPending)
+ {
+ DLOG("idle timer cancelled\n");
+ thread_call_cancel(extraSleepTimer);
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ }
+// idleSleepTimerExpired
+static void idleSleepTimerExpired(
+ thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t )
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->handleSleepTimerExpiration();
+static void wakeupClamshellTimerExpired(
+ thread_call_param_t us, thread_call_param_t )
+ ((IOPMrootDomain *)us)->stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup();
+// handleSleepTimerExpiration
+// The time between the sleep idle timeout and the next longest one has elapsed.
+// It's time to sleep. Start that by removing the clamp that's holding us awake.
+void IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration( void )
+ if (!getPMworkloop()->inGate())
+ {
+ getPMworkloop()->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration),
+ this);
+ return;
+ }
+ AbsoluteTime time;
+ DLOG("sleep timer expired\n");
+ idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ clock_get_uptime(&time);
+ if ((AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) > autoWakeStart) &&
+ (AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) < autoWakeEnd))
+ {
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, *((AbsoluteTime *) &autoWakeEnd));
+ return;
+ }
+ // accelerate disk spin down if spin down timer is non-zero
+ setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
+ sleepASAP = true;
+ adjustPowerState();
+// stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup
+void IOPMrootDomain::stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup( void )
+ if (!getPMworkloop()->inGate())
+ {
+ getPMworkloop()->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup),
+ this);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Allow clamshell-induced sleep now
+ ignoringClamshellOnWake = false;
+ // Re-send clamshell event, in case it causes a sleep
+ if (clamshellIsClosed)
+ handlePowerNotification( kLocalEvalClamshellCommand );
// sleepSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
/* public */
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystem ( void )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystem( void )
- return sleepSystemOptions (NULL);
+ return sleepSystemOptions(NULL);
/* private */
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystemOptions ( OSDictionary *options )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sleepSystemOptions( OSDictionary *options )
/* sleepSystem is a public function, and may be called by any kernel driver.
* And that's bad - drivers should sleep the system by calling
/* private */
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::privateSleepSystem ( const char *sleepReason )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::privateSleepSystem( const char *sleepReason )
- // Record sleep cause in IORegistry
- if (sleepReason) {
- setProperty(kRootDomainSleepReasonKey, sleepReason);
- }
- if(systemShutdown) {
- kprintf("Preventing system sleep on grounds of systemShutdown.\n");
- }
- if( userDisabledAllSleep )
+ if ( userDisabledAllSleep )
+ LOG("Sleep prevented by user disable\n");
/* Prevent sleep of all kinds if directed to by user space */
return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
- if ( !systemBooting
- && !systemShutdown
- && allowSleep)
+ if ( systemBooting || systemShutdown || !allowSleep )
- if ( !sleepIsSupported ) {
- setSleepSupported( kPCICantSleep );
- kprintf("Sleep prevented by kIOPMPreventSystemSleep flag\n");
- }
- patriarch->sleepSystem();
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
- } else {
- // Unable to sleep because system is in the process of booting or shutting down,
- // or sleep has otherwise been disallowed.
+ LOG("Sleep prevented by SB %d, SS %d, AS %d\n",
+ systemBooting, systemShutdown, allowSleep);
+ // Unable to sleep because system is in the process of booting or
+ // shutting down, or sleep has otherwise been disallowed.
return kIOReturnError;
+ // Record sleep cause in IORegistry
+ if (sleepReason) {
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSleepReasonKey, sleepReason);
+ }
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted);
+ patriarch->sleepSystem();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// **********************************************************************************
// shutdownSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::shutdownSystem ( void )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::shutdownSystem( void )
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
-// **********************************************************************************
// restartSystem
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::restartSystem ( void )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::restartSystem( void )
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
-// **********************************************************************************
// powerChangeDone
// This overrides powerChangeDone in IOService.
-// Finder sleep and idle sleep move us from the ON state to the SLEEP_STATE.
+// Menu sleep and idle sleep move us from the ON state to the SLEEP_STATE.
// In this case:
-// If we just finished going to the SLEEP_STATE, and the platform is capable of true sleep,
-// sleep the kernel. Otherwise switch up to the DOZE_STATE which will keep almost
-// everything as off as it can get.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::powerChangeDone ( unsigned long previousState )
- OSNumber * propertyPtr;
- unsigned short theProperty;
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
+// If we finished going to the SLEEP_STATE, and the platform is capable of
+// true sleep, then sleep the kernel. Otherwise switch up to the DOZE_STATE
+// which will keep almost everything as off as it can get.
- DEBUG_LOG("PowerChangeDone: %ld -> %ld\n", previousState, getPowerState());
+void IOPMrootDomain::powerChangeDone( unsigned long previousState )
+ DLOG("PowerChangeDone: %u->%u\n",
+ (uint32_t) previousState, (uint32_t) getPowerState());
switch ( getPowerState() ) {
if ( previousState != ON_STATE )
- if ( canSleep && sleepIsSupported )
+ if ( canSleep )
// re-enable this timer for next sleep
- idleSleepPending = false;
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
+ wranglerTickled = true;
- uint32_t secs, microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
clock_get_calendar_microtime(&secs, µsecs);
gIOLastSleepTime.tv_sec = secs;
gIOLastSleepTime.tv_usec = microsecs;
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec = 0;
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec = 0;
- IOLog("System %sSleep\n", gIOHibernateState ? "Safe" : "");
+ LOG("System %sSleep\n", gIOHibernateState ? "Safe" : "");
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemHibernatePhase);
- IOLog("System Sleep\n");
+ LOG("System Sleep\n");
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemSleepPlatformPhase);
// The CPU(s) are off at this point. When they're awakened by CPU interrupt,
// code will resume execution here.
// Now we're waking...
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemWakeDriversPhase);
- // stay awake for at least 30 seconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(30, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
- // Ignore closed clamshell during wakeup and for a few seconds
- // after wakeup is complete
- ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = true;
// sleep transition complete
gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
// get us some power
- // early stage wake notification
- tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
- // tell the tree we're waking
+ // Set indicator if UUID was set - allow it to be cleared.
+ if (getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey))
+ gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = true;
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn, clientMessageFilter);
- IOLog("System %sWake\n", gIOHibernateState ? "SafeSleep " : "");
+ LOG("System %sWake\n", gIOHibernateState ? "SafeSleep " : "");
+ // log system wake
+ getPlatform()->PMLog(kIOPMrootDomainClass, kPMLogSystemWake, 0, 0);
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ // tell the tree we're waking
- // Allow drivers to request extra processing time before clamshell
- // sleep if kIOREMSleepEnabledKey is present.
- // Ignore clamshell events for at least 5 seconds
- if(getProperty(kIOREMSleepEnabledKey)) {
- // clamshellWakeupIgnore callout clears ignoreClamshellDuringWakeup bit
- clock_interval_to_deadline(5, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- if(clamshellWakeupIgnore) {
- thread_call_enter_delayed(clamshellWakeupIgnore, deadline);
- }
- } else ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup = false;
- // Find out what woke us
- propertyPtr = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,getProperty("WakeEvent"));
- if ( propertyPtr ) {
- theProperty = propertyPtr->unsigned16BitValue();
- IOLog("Wake event %04x\n",theProperty);
- if ( (theProperty & 0x0008) || //lid
- (theProperty & 0x0800) || // front panel button
- (theProperty & 0x0020) || // external keyboard
- (theProperty & 0x0001) ) { // internal keyboard
- // We've identified the wakeup event as UI driven
- reportUserInput();
- }
- } else {
- // Since we can't identify the wakeup event, treat it as UI activity
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ OSString * wakeType = OSDynamicCast(
+ OSString, getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey));
+ if (wakeType && wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance))
+ {
+ updateRunState(kRStateMaintenance);
+ wranglerTickled = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ updateRunState(kRStateNormal);
- // Wake for thirty seconds
+#else /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */
+ // stay awake for at least 30 seconds
+ startIdleSleepTimer(30);
+ reportUserInput();
} else {
+ updateRunState(kRStateNormal);
// allow us to step up a power state
// ignore children's request for higher power during doze.
- powerOverrideOnPriv();
- changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE_STATE);
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo(DOZE_STATE);
if ( previousState != DOZE_STATE )
- IOLog("System Doze\n");
+ LOG("System Doze\n");
// re-enable this timer for next sleep
- idleSleepPending = false;
+ cancelIdleSleepTimer();
gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
// Invalidate prior activity tickles to allow wake from doze.
if (wrangler) wrangler->changePowerStateTo(0);
+ case ON_STATE:
+ // SLEEP -> ON (Maintenance)
+ // Go back to sleep, unless cancelled by a HID event.
+ if ((previousState == SLEEP_STATE) &&
+ (runStateIndex == kRStateMaintenance) &&
+ !wranglerTickled)
+ {
+ setProperty(kRootDomainSleepReasonKey, kIOPMMaintenanceSleepKey);
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo(SLEEP_STATE);
+ }
+ // ON -> ON triggered by R-state changes.
+ if ((previousState == ON_STATE) &&
+ (runStateIndex != nextRunStateIndex) &&
+ (nextRunStateIndex < kRStateCount))
+ {
+ LOG("R-state changed %u->%u\n",
+ runStateIndex, nextRunStateIndex);
+ updateRunState(nextRunStateIndex);
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn (%u)\n",
+ gMessageClientType);
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn, clientMessageFilter);
+ }
- IOLog("System Restart\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
- break;
- case OFF_STATE:
- IOLog("System Halt\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPEHaltCPU);
-// **********************************************************************************
// wakeFromDoze
-// The Display Wrangler calls here when it switches to its highest state. If the
-// system is currently dozing, allow it to wake by making sure the parent is
-// providing power.
-// **********************************************************************************
+// The Display Wrangler calls here when it switches to its highest state.
+// If the system is currently dozing, allow it to wake by making sure the
+// parent is providing power.
void IOPMrootDomain::wakeFromDoze( void )
- if ( getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE )
+ if ( getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE )
- // Reset sleep support till next sleep attempt.
- // A machine's support of sleep vs. doze can change over the course of
- // a running system, so we recalculate it before every sleep.
- setSleepSupported(0);
- powerOverrideOffPriv();
- // early wake notification
- tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
- // allow us to wake if children so desire
-// *****************************************************************************
// publishFeature
// Adds a new feature to the supported features dictionary
-// *****************************************************************************
void IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature( const char * feature )
- publishFeature(feature, kIOPMSupportedOnAC
- | kIOPMSupportedOnBatt
- | kIOPMSupportedOnUPS,
- NULL);
- return;
+ publishFeature(feature, kRD_AllPowerSources, NULL);
-// *****************************************************************************
// publishFeature (with supported power source specified)
// Adds a new feature to the supported features dictionary
-// *****************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature(
+void IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature(
const char *feature,
uint32_t supportedWhere,
uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID)
supportedWhere &= kRD_AllPowerSources; // mask off any craziness!
-// kprintf("IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature [\"%s\":%0x01x]\n", feature, supportedWhere);
if(!supportedWhere) {
// Feature isn't supported anywhere!
// have no need to remove themselves later.
*uniqueFeatureID = next_feature_id;
- feature_value = supportedWhere + (next_feature_id << 16);
+ feature_value = (uint32_t)next_feature_id;
+ feature_value <<= 16;
+ feature_value += supportedWhere;
new_feature_data = OSNumber::withNumber(
(unsigned long long)feature_value, 32);
// We need to create an OSArray to hold the now 2 elements.
existing_feature_arr = OSArray::withObjects(
(const OSObject **)&existing_feature, 1, 2);
- existing_feature_arr->setObject(new_feature_data);
- features->setObject(feature, existing_feature_arr);
} else if(( existing_feature_arr = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, osObj) ))
- // Add object to existing array
- existing_feature_arr->setObject(new_feature_data);
+ // Add object to existing array
+ existing_feature_arr = OSArray::withArray(
+ existing_feature_arr,
+ existing_feature_arr->getCount() + 1);
+ }
+ if (existing_feature_arr)
+ {
+ existing_feature_arr->setObject(new_feature_data);
+ features->setObject(feature, existing_feature_arr);
+ existing_feature_arr->release();
+ existing_feature_arr = 0;
} else {
// The easy case: no previously existing features listed. We simply
// Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
// re-populate their feature specific UI
if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
- pmPowerStateQueue->featureChangeOccurred(
- kIOPMMessageFeatureChange, this);
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
-// *****************************************************************************
// removePublishedFeature
// Removes previously published feature
-// *****************************************************************************
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID )
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnError;
OSNumber *numberMember = NULL;
OSObject *osObj = NULL;
OSNumber *osNum = NULL;
+ OSArray *arrayMemberCopy;
if(featuresDictLock) IOLockLock(featuresDictLock);
// the whole thing.
} else {
- // Otherwise just remove the element in question.
- arrayMember->removeObject(i);
+ // Otherwise remove the element from a copy of the array.
+ arrayMemberCopy = OSArray::withArray(arrayMember);
+ if (arrayMemberCopy)
+ {
+ arrayMemberCopy->removeObject(i);
+ features->setObject(dictKey, arrayMemberCopy);
+ arrayMemberCopy->release();
+ }
madeAChange = true;
if( madeAChange )
// Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
// re-populate their feature specific UI
if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
- pmPowerStateQueue->featureChangeOccurred(
- kIOPMMessageFeatureChange, this);
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
} else {
ret = kIOReturnNotFound;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// unIdleDevice
-// Enqueues unidle event to be performed later in a serialized context.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOPMrootDomain::unIdleDevice( IOService *theDevice, unsigned long theState )
- if(pmPowerStateQueue)
- pmPowerStateQueue->unIdleOccurred(theDevice, theState);
-// **********************************************************************************
// announcePowerSourceChange
-// Notifies "interested parties" that the batteries have changed state
-// **********************************************************************************
+// Notifies "interested parties" that the battery state has changed
void IOPMrootDomain::announcePowerSourceChange( void )
+#ifdef __ppc__
IORegistryEntry *_batteryRegEntry = (IORegistryEntry *) getProperty("BatteryEntry");
// (if possible) re-publish power source state under IOPMrootDomain;
setProperty(kIOBatteryInfoKey, batt_info);
-// *****************************************************************************
// setPMSetting (private)
// Internal helper to relay PM settings changes from user space to individual
// drivers. Should be called only by IOPMrootDomain::setProperties.
-// *****************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setPMSetting(
- const OSSymbol *type,
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setPMSetting(
+ const OSSymbol *type,
OSObject *obj)
OSArray *arr = NULL;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// *****************************************************************************
// copyPMSetting (public)
// Allows kexts to safely read setting values, without being subscribed to
// notifications.
-// *****************************************************************************
OSObject * IOPMrootDomain::copyPMSetting(
OSSymbol *whichSetting)
return obj;
-// *****************************************************************************
// registerPMSettingController (public)
// direct wrapper to registerPMSettingController with uint32_t power source arg
-// *****************************************************************************
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController(
const OSSymbol * settings[],
IOPMSettingControllerCallback func,
func, target, refcon, handle);
-// *****************************************************************************
// registerPMSettingController (public)
// Kexts may register for notifications when a particular setting is changed.
// IOPMrootDomain::deRegisterPMSettingCallback when unloading your kext
// Returns:
// kIOReturnSuccess on success
-// *****************************************************************************
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::registerPMSettingController(
const OSSymbol * settings[],
uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
// is closed.
-bool IOPMrootDomain::shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed ( void )
+bool IOPMrootDomain::shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed( void )
+ DLOG("clamshell state %d, EX %d, IG %d, IW %d, DT %d, AC %d\n",
+ clamshellIsClosed, clamshellExists, ignoringClamshell,
+ ignoringClamshellOnWake, desktopMode, acAdaptorConnected);
return ( !ignoringClamshell
- && !ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup
- && !(desktopMode && acAdaptorConnect) );
+ && !ignoringClamshellOnWake
+ && !(desktopMode && acAdaptorConnected) );
-void IOPMrootDomain::sendClientClamshellNotification ( void )
+void IOPMrootDomain::sendClientClamshellNotification( void )
/* Only broadcast clamshell alert if clamshell exists. */
- if(!clamshellExists)
+ if (!clamshellExists)
- clamshellIsClosed ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
+ clamshellIsClosed ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
- shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
+ shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
/* Argument to message is a bitfiel of
* ( kClamshellStateBit | kClamshellSleepBit )
| ( shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kClamshellSleepBit : 0)) );
// informCPUStateChange
uint32_t type,
uint32_t value )
-#ifdef __i386__
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
pmioctlVariableInfo_t varInfoStruct;
int pmCPUret = 0;
-#endif __i386__
+#endif /* __i386__ || __x86_64__ */
+// dispatchPowerEvent
+// IOPMPowerStateQueue callback function. Running on PM work loop thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::dispatchPowerEvent(
+ uint32_t event, void * arg0, void * arg1 )
+ DLOG("power event %x args %p %p\n", event, arg0, arg1);
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ case kPowerEventFeatureChanged:
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageFeatureChange, this);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification:
+ handlePowerNotification( (UInt32)(uintptr_t) arg0 );
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted:
+ if (systemBooting)
+ {
+ systemBooting = false;
+ adjustPowerState();
+ // If lid is closed, re-send lid closed notification
+ // now that booting is complete.
+ if( clamshellIsClosed )
+ {
+ handlePowerNotification(kLocalEvalClamshellCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventSystemShutdown:
+ if (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0)
+ {
+ /* We set systemShutdown = true during shutdown
+ to prevent sleep at unexpected times while loginwindow is trying
+ to shutdown apps and while the OS is trying to transition to
+ complete power of.
+ Set to true during shutdown, as soon as loginwindow shows
+ the "shutdown countdown dialog", through individual app
+ termination, and through black screen kernel shutdown.
+ */
+ LOG("systemShutdown true\n");
+ systemShutdown = true;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ A shutdown was initiated, but then the shutdown
+ was cancelled, clearing systemShutdown to false here.
+ */
+ LOG("systemShutdown false\n");
+ systemShutdown = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep:
+ userDisabledAllSleep = (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0);
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventConfigdRegisteredInterest:
+ if (gConfigdNotifier)
+ {
+ gConfigdNotifier->release();
+ gConfigdNotifier = 0;
+ }
+ if (arg0)
+ {
+ gConfigdNotifier = (IONotifier *) arg0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPowerEventAggressivenessChanged:
+ aggressivenessChanged();
+ break;
+ }
// systemPowerEventOccurred
// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
// event that we must handle.
-// systemPowerEventOccurred covers the same functionality that receivePowerNotification
-// does; it simply provides a richer API for conveying more information.
+// systemPowerEventOccurred covers the same functionality that
+// receivePowerNotification does; it simply provides a richer API for conveying
+// more information.
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::systemPowerEventOccurred(
const OSSymbol *event,
uint32_t intValue)
// receivePowerNotification
// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
-// event that we must handle. This may be a result of an 'environment' interrupt from
-// the power mgt micro.
+// event that we must handle. This may be a result of an 'environment' interrupt
+// from the power mgt micro.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification (UInt32 msg)
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::receivePowerNotification( UInt32 msg )
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification, (void *) msg );
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+void IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerNotification( UInt32 msg )
bool eval_clamshell = false;
* Local (IOPMrootDomain only) eval clamshell command
if (msg & kIOPMOverTemp)
- IOLog("PowerManagement emergency overtemp signal. Going to sleep!");
+ LOG("PowerManagement emergency overtemp signal. Going to sleep!");
privateSleepSystem (kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey);
+#ifdef __ppc__
* PMU Processor Speed Change
pmu->callPlatformFunction("recoverFromSleep", false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
* Sleep Now!
privateSleepSystem (kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey);
* Clamshell OPEN
if (msg & kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected)
- acAdaptorConnect = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
+ acAdaptorConnected = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
msg &= ~(kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected | kIOPMSetValue);
- // Tell PMCPU
- informCPUStateChange(kInformAC, !acAdaptorConnect);
+ // Tell CPU PM
+ informCPUStateChange(kInformAC, !acAdaptorConnected);
+ // Tell BSD if AC is connected
+ // 0 == external power source; 1 == on battery
+ post_sys_powersource(acAdaptorConnected ? 0:1);
eval_clamshell = true;
// are we dozing?
if ( getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE )
- // yes, tell the tree we're waking
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ // yes, tell the tree we're waking
// wake the Display Wrangler
allowSleep = false;
// are we dozing?
if ( getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE ) {
- // yes, tell the tree we're waking
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ // yes, tell the tree we're waking
// wake the Display Wrangler
- return 0;
-// sleepSupported
+// getSleepSupported
-void IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags )
+IOOptionBits IOPMrootDomain::getSleepSupported( void )
- if ( flags & kPCICantSleep )
- {
- canSleep = false;
- } else {
- canSleep = true;
- platformSleepSupport = flags;
- }
+ return( platformSleepSupport );
- setProperty(kIOSleepSupportedKey, canSleep);
+// setSleepSupported
+void IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags )
+ DLOG("setSleepSupported(%x)\n", (uint32_t) flags);
+ OSBitOrAtomic(flags, &platformSleepSupport);
// requestPowerDomainState
// The root domain intercepts this call to the superclass.
// Called on the PM work loop thread.
// If the clamp bit is not set in the desire, then the child doesn't need the power
-// state it's requesting; it just wants it. The root ignores desires but not needs.
+// state it's requesting; it just wants it. The root ignores desires but not needs.
// If the clamp bit is not set, the root takes it that the child can tolerate no
-// power and interprets the request accordingly. If all children can thus tolerate
+// power and interprets the request accordingly. If all children can thus tolerate
// no power, we are on our way to idle sleep.
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::requestPowerDomainState (
- IOPMPowerFlags desiredState,
+ IOPMPowerFlags desiredFlags,
IOPowerConnection * whichChild,
unsigned long specification )
OSIterator *iter;
OSObject *next;
IOPowerConnection *connection;
- unsigned long powerRequestFlag = 0;
+ IOPMPowerFlags powerRequestFlag = 0;
IOPMPowerFlags editedDesire;
-#if DEBUG
- IOService *powerChild;
- powerChild = (IOService *) whichChild->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug)
+ {
+ IOService * powerChild =
+ (IOService *) whichChild->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ DLOG("child %p, flags %lx, spec %lx - %s\n",
+ powerChild, desiredFlags, specification,
+ powerChild ? powerChild->getName() : "?");
+ }
- DEBUG_LOG("RequestPowerDomainState: flags %lx, child %p [%s], spec %lx\n",
- desiredState, powerChild, powerChild ? powerChild->getName() : "?",
- specification);
// Force the child's input power requirements to 0 unless the prevent
// idle-sleep flag is set. No input power flags map to our state 0.
// Our power clamp (deviceDesire) keeps the minimum power state at 2.
- if (desiredState & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep)
- editedDesire = desiredState;
+ if (desiredFlags & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep)
+ editedDesire = kIOPMPreventIdleSleep | kIOPMPowerOn;
editedDesire = 0;
// Is this connection attached to the child that called
// requestPowerDomainState()?
- if ( connection == whichChild )
+ if (connection == whichChild)
- // Yes, OR in the child's input power requirements.
+ // OR in the child's input power requirements.
powerRequestFlag |= editedDesire;
- if ( desiredState & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep )
+ if ( desiredFlags & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep )
sleepIsSupported = false;
-#if DEBUG
- powerChild = (IOService *) connection->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
- DEBUG_LOG(" child %p, PState %ld, noIdle %d, noSleep %d, valid %d %s\n",
- powerChild,
- connection->getDesiredDomainState(),
- connection->getPreventIdleSleepFlag(),
- connection->getPreventSystemSleepFlag(),
- connection->getReadyFlag(),
- powerChild ? powerChild->getName() : "?");
- // No, OR in the child's desired power domain state.
- // Which is our power state desired by this child.
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug)
+ {
+ IOService * powerChild =
+ (IOService *) connection->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ DLOG("child %p, state %ld, noIdle %d, noSleep %d - %s\n",
+ powerChild,
+ connection->getDesiredDomainState(),
+ connection->getPreventIdleSleepFlag(),
+ connection->getPreventSystemSleepFlag(),
+ powerChild ? powerChild->getName() : "?");
+ }
+ // OR in the child's desired power state (0 or ON_STATE).
powerRequestFlag |= connection->getDesiredDomainState();
if ( connection->getPreventSystemSleepFlag() )
+ DLOG("childPowerFlags 0x%lx, extraSleepDelay %ld\n",
+ powerRequestFlag, extraSleepDelay);
if ( !powerRequestFlag && !systemBooting )
- if (!wrangler)
- {
- sleepASAP = false;
- changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
- if (idleSeconds)
- {
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(idleSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
- }
- }
- else if (extraSleepDelay == 0)
- {
- sleepASAP = true;
- }
+ if (!wrangler)
+ {
+ sleepASAP = false;
+ changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ if (idleSeconds)
+ {
+ // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
+ startIdleSleepTimer(idleSeconds);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!extraSleepDelay && !idleSleepTimerPending)
+ {
+ sleepASAP = true;
+ }
- DEBUG_LOG(" sleepDelay %lx, mergedFlags %lx, sleepASAP %x, booting %x\n",
- extraSleepDelay, powerRequestFlag, sleepASAP, systemBooting);
- // Drop our power clamp to SLEEP_STATE when all devices become idle.
- // Needed when the system sleep and display sleep timeouts are the same.
- // Otherwise, the extra sleep timer will also drop our power clamp.
+ // Drop our power clamp to SLEEP_STATE when all children became idle,
+ // and the system sleep and display sleep values are equal.
- editedDesire |= (desiredState & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
- // If our power clamp has already dropped to SLEEP_STATE, and no child
- // is keeping us at max power, then this will trigger idle sleep.
- return super::requestPowerDomainState(editedDesire, whichChild, specification);
+ // If our power clamp has already dropped to SLEEP_STATE, and no child
+ // is keeping us at ON_STATE, then this will trigger idle sleep.
-// getSleepSupported
+ editedDesire |= (desiredFlags & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
-IOOptionBits IOPMrootDomain::getSleepSupported( void )
- return( platformSleepSupport );
+ return super::requestPowerDomainState(
+ editedDesire, whichChild, specification);
// handlePlatformHaltRestart
struct HaltRestartApplierContext {
IOPMrootDomain * RootDomain;
if (notifier)
- HaltRestartLog("%s handler %p took %lu ms\n",
+ KLOG("%s handler %p took %u ms\n",
(ctx->MessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
"PowerOff" : "Restart",
- notifier->handler, deltaTime );
+ notifier->handler, (uint32_t) deltaTime );
switch (pe_type)
case kPEHaltCPU:
+ case kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU:
ctx.PowerState = OFF_STATE;
ctx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff;
case kPERestartCPU:
ctx.PowerState = RESTART_STATE;
ctx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillRestart;
// Notify legacy clients
applyToInterested(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, platformHaltRestartApplier, &ctx);
+ // For UPS shutdown leave File Server Mode intact, otherwise turn it off.
+ if (kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU != pe_type)
+ {
+ const OSSymbol * setting = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSettingRestartOnPowerLossKey);
+ OSNumber * num = OSNumber::withNumber((unsigned long long) 0, 32);
+ if (setting && num)
+ {
+ setPMSetting(setting, num);
+ setting->release();
+ num->release();
+ }
+ }
// Notify in power tree order
notifySystemShutdown(this, ctx.MessageType);
deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime);
- HaltRestartLog("%s all drivers took %lu ms\n",
+ KLOG("%s all drivers took %u ms\n",
(ctx.MessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
"PowerOff" : "Restart",
- deltaTime );
+ (uint32_t) deltaTime );
+// registerInterest
+IONotifier * IOPMrootDomain::registerInterest(
+ const OSSymbol * typeOfInterest,
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
+ void * target, void * ref )
+ IONotifier * notifier;
+ bool isConfigd;
+ isConfigd = typeOfInterest &&
+ typeOfInterest->isEqualTo(kIOPMPrivilegedPowerInterest);
+ if (isConfigd)
+ typeOfInterest = gIOAppPowerStateInterest;
+ notifier = super::registerInterest(typeOfInterest, handler, target, ref);
+ if (isConfigd && notifier && pmPowerStateQueue)
+ {
+ notifier->retain();
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventConfigdRegisteredInterest, notifier) == false)
+ notifier->release();
+ }
+ return notifier;
+static bool clientMessageFilter( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ bool allow = false;
+ switch (gMessageClientType)
+ {
+ case kMessageClientNone:
+ allow = false;
+ break;
+ case kMessageClientAll:
+ allow = true;
+ break;
+ case kMessageClientConfigd:
+ allow = ((object == (OSObject *) gConfigdNotifier) ||
+ (object == (OSObject *) gSysPowerDownNotifier));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (allow)
+ DLOG("system message %x to %p\n",
+ context->msgType, object);
+ return allow;
+ return true;
// tellChangeDown
// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
// type to the client or application being notified.
-bool IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum )
+bool IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ bool done;
+ DLOG("tellChangeDown %u->%u, R-state %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum, runStateIndex);
switch ( stateNum ) {
- // Direct callout into OSMetaClass so it can disable kmod unloads
- // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
- OSMetaClassSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
+ if (!ignoreChangeDown)
+ {
+ // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
+ // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
+ OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
+ if ( (SLEEP_STATE == stateNum) && sleepSupportedPEFunction )
+ {
+ // Reset PCI prevent sleep flag before calling platform driver.
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~kPCICantSleep, &platformSleepSupport);
+ // Skip PCI check for maintenance sleep.
+ if ((runStateFlags & kRStateFlagSuppressPCICheck) == 0)
+ {
+ // Determine if the machine supports sleep, or must doze.
+ getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
+ sleepSupportedPEFunction, false,
+ }
+ // If the machine only supports doze, the callPlatformFunction call
+ // boils down to IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported(kPCICantSleep),
+ // otherwise nothing.
+ }
+ // Update canSleep and kIOSleepSupportedKey property so drivers
+ // can tell if platform is going to sleep versus doze.
+ canSleep = true;
+ canSleep = false;
+ if (!sleepIsSupported)
+ canSleep = false;
+ if (platformSleepSupport & kPCICantSleep)
+ canSleep = false;
+ setProperty(kIOSleepSupportedKey, canSleep);
+ DLOG("canSleep %d\n", canSleep);
+ // Publish the new sleep-wake UUID
+ publishSleepWakeUUID(true);
+ // Two change downs are sent by IOServicePM. Ignore the 2nd.
+ ignoreChangeDown = true;
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSystemSleepAppsPhase);
+ }
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemWillSleep (%d)\n", gMessageClientType);
+ done = super::tellClientsWithResponse(
+ kIOMessageSystemWillSleep, clientMessageFilter);
+ break;
+ default:
+ done = super::tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+ break;
- return super::tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+ return done;
// askChangeDown
// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
// type to the client or application being notified.
-// This must be idle sleep since we don't ask apps during any other power change.
+// This must be idle sleep since we don't ask during any other power change.
-bool IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDown ( unsigned long )
+bool IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
- return super::tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageCanSystemSleep);
+ DLOG("askChangeDown %u->%u, R-state %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum, runStateIndex);
+ DLOG("kIOMessageCanSystemSleep (%d)\n", gMessageClientType);
+ return super::tellClientsWithResponse(
+ kIOMessageCanSystemSleep,
+ clientMessageFilter);
// tellNoChangeDown
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not
-// dropping power.
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not dropping
+// power.
// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
// type to the client or application being notified.
// This must be a vetoed idle sleep, since no other power change can be vetoed.
-void IOPMrootDomain::tellNoChangeDown ( unsigned long )
+void IOPMrootDomain::tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ DLOG("tellNoChangeDown %u->%u, R-state %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum, runStateIndex);
+ // Sleep canceled, clear the sleep trace point.
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemUp);
if (idleSeconds && !wrangler)
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- sleepASAP = false;
- // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(idleSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
+ // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
+ sleepASAP = false;
+ startIdleSleepTimer(idleSeconds);
- return tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep);
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep (%d)\n", gMessageClientType);
+ return tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep, clientMessageFilter);
// tellChangeUp
// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
// We override the superclass implementation so we can send a different message
// type to the client or application being notified.
-void IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeUp ( unsigned long stateNum)
+void IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeUp( unsigned long stateNum )
- if ( stateNum == ON_STATE )
+ OSData *publishPMStats = NULL;
+ DLOG("tellChangeUp %u->%u, R-state %u\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum, runStateIndex);
+ ignoreChangeDown = false;
+ if ( stateNum == ON_STATE )
- // Direct callout into OSMetaClass so it can disable kmod unloads
+ // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
// during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
- OSMetaClassSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn );
+ OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn );
- if (getPowerState() == ON_STATE)
- {
- // this is a quick wake from aborted sleep
- if (idleSeconds && !wrangler)
- {
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- sleepASAP = false;
- // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
- clock_interval_to_deadline(idleSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- // this gets turned off when we sleep again
- idleSleepPending = true;
- }
- tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn);
- }
+ if (getPowerState() == ON_STATE)
+ {
+ // this is a quick wake from aborted sleep
+ if (idleSeconds && !wrangler)
+ {
+ // stay awake for at least idleSeconds
+ sleepASAP = false;
+ startIdleSleepTimer(idleSeconds);
+ }
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn (%d)\n", gMessageClientType);
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn, clientMessageFilter);
+ }
- else
- {
- IOHibernateSystemPostWake();
- }
+ else
+ {
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake();
+ }
- return tellClients(kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn);
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemWakeAppsPhase);
+ publishPMStats = OSData::withBytes(&pmStats, sizeof(pmStats));
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepStatisticsKey, publishPMStats);
+ publishPMStats->release();
+ bzero(&pmStats, sizeof(pmStats));
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses)
+ {
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepStatisticsAppsKey, pmStatsAppResponses);
+ pmStatsAppResponses->release();
+ pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ }
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn (%d)\n", gMessageClientType);
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn, clientMessageFilter);
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSystemUp);
// reportUserInput
-void IOPMrootDomain::reportUserInput ( void )
+void IOPMrootDomain::reportUserInput( void )
OSIterator * iter;
// setQuickSpinDownTimeout
-void IOPMrootDomain::setQuickSpinDownTimeout ( void )
+void IOPMrootDomain::setQuickSpinDownTimeout( void )
- super::setAggressiveness((unsigned long)kPMMinutesToSpinDown,(unsigned long)1);
+ setAggressiveness(
+ kPMMinutesToSpinDown, 0, kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownEnable );
// restoreUserSpinDownTimeout
+void IOPMrootDomain::restoreUserSpinDownTimeout( void )
+ setAggressiveness(
+ kPMMinutesToSpinDown, 0, kAggressivesOptionQuickSpindownDisable );
+// changePowerStateTo & changePowerStateToPriv
+// Override of these methods for logging purposes.
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal )
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported; // ignored
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal )
+ DLOG("changePowerStateToPriv(%lu)\n", ordinal);
+ if ( (getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE) && (ordinal != ON_STATE) )
+ {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ if ( (userDisabledAllSleep || systemBooting || systemShutdown) &&
+ (ordinal == SLEEP_STATE) )
+ {
+ DLOG("SLEEP rejected, forced to ON state (UD %d, SB %d, SS %d)\n",
+ userDisabledAllSleep, systemBooting, systemShutdown);
+ super::changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
+ }
+ return super::changePowerStateToPriv(ordinal);
+// updateRunState
+void IOPMrootDomain::updateRunState( uint32_t inRunState )
+ if (inRunState < kRStateCount)
+ {
+ runStateIndex = nextRunStateIndex = inRunState;
+ runStateFlags = gRStateFlags[inRunState];
+ setProperty(
+ kIOPMRootDomainRunStateKey,
+ (unsigned long long) inRunState, 32);
+ }
+// tagPowerPlaneService
+// Running on PM work loop thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::tagPowerPlaneService(
+ IOService * service,
+ uint32_t * rdFlags )
+ *rdFlags = 0;
+ if (service->getProperty("IOPMStrictTreeOrder") ||
+ service->metaCast("IODisplayWrangler") ||
+ OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
+ service->getProperty("IOPMUnattendedWakePowerState")))
+ {
+ *rdFlags |= kServiceFlagGraphics;
+ DLOG("tagged device %s %x\n", service->getName(), *rdFlags);
+ }
+ // Locate the first PCI host bridge.
+ if (!pciHostBridgeDevice && service->metaCast("IOPCIBridge"))
+ {
+ IOService * provider = service->getProvider();
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOPlatformDevice, provider) &&
+ provider->inPlane(gIODTPlane))
+ {
+ pciHostBridgeDevice = provider;
+ DLOG("PMTrace found PCI host bridge %s->%s\n",
+ provider->getName(), service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ // Tag top-level PCI devices. The order of PMinit() call does not
+ // change across boots and is used as the PCI bit number.
+ if (pciHostBridgeDevice && service->metaCast("IOPCIDevice"))
+ {
+ // Would prefer to check built-in property, but tagPowerPlaneService()
+ // is called before pciDevice->registerService().
+ IORegistryEntry * parent = service->getParentEntry(gIODTPlane);
+ if ((parent == pciHostBridgeDevice) && service->getProperty("acpi-device"))
+ {
+ int bit = pmTracer->recordTopLevelPCIDevice( service );
+ if (bit >= 0)
+ {
+ // Save the assigned bit for fast lookup.
+ bit &= 0xff;
+ *rdFlags |= (kServiceFlagTopLevelPCI | (bit << 8));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// handleActivityTickleForService
+// Called by IOService::activityTickle() for a tickle that is requesting the
+// service to raise power state. Called from driver thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::handleActivityTickleForService( IOService * service )
+ // Tickle directed to IODisplayWrangler while graphics is disabled.
+ // Bring graphics online.
+ if ((service == wrangler) &&
+ (runStateIndex > kRStateNormal) &&
+ (false == wranglerTickled))
+ {
+ DLOG("display wrangler tickled\n");
+ wranglerTickled = true;
+ synchronizePowerTree();
+ }
+// handlePowerChangeStartForService
+// Running on PM work loop thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeStartForService(
+ IOService * service,
+ uint32_t * rdFlags,
+ uint32_t newPowerState,
+ uint32_t changeFlags )
+ if (service == this)
+ {
+ uint32_t currentPowerState = (uint32_t) getPowerState();
+ uint32_t nextRunStateFlags;
+ assert(nextRunStateIndex < kRStateCount);
+ nextRunStateFlags = gRStateFlags[nextRunStateIndex];
+ gMessageClientType = kMessageClientNone;
+ // Transition towards or away from ON power state.
+ if ((currentPowerState != newPowerState) &&
+ ((ON_STATE == newPowerState) || (ON_STATE == currentPowerState)))
+ {
+ if ((runStateFlags & kRStateFlagSuppressMessages) == 0)
+ gMessageClientType = kMessageClientAll;
+ else
+ gMessageClientType = kMessageClientConfigd;
+ }
+ // Transition caused by deassertion of system notification suppression.
+ if ((ON_STATE == newPowerState) &&
+ (ON_STATE == currentPowerState) &&
+ ((runStateFlags ^ nextRunStateFlags) & kRStateFlagSuppressMessages))
+ {
+ gMessageClientType = kMessageClientAll;
+ }
+ if (ON_STATE == newPowerState)
+ {
+ DLOG("kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn (%d)\n",
+ gMessageClientType);
+ tellClients(kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn, clientMessageFilter);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*rdFlags & kServiceFlagTopLevelPCI)
+ {
+ pmTracer->tracePCIPowerChange(
+ PMTraceWorker::kPowerChangeStart,
+ service, changeFlags,
+ (*rdFlags >> 8) & 0xff);
+ }
+// handlePowerChangeDoneForService
+// Running on PM work loop thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeDoneForService(
+ IOService * service,
+ uint32_t * rdFlags,
+ uint32_t newPowerState,
+ uint32_t changeFlags )
+ if (*rdFlags & kServiceFlagTopLevelPCI)
+ {
+ pmTracer->tracePCIPowerChange(
+ PMTraceWorker::kPowerChangeCompleted,
+ service, changeFlags,
+ (*rdFlags >> 8) & 0xff);
+ }
+// overridePowerStateForService
+// Runs on PM work loop thread.
+void IOPMrootDomain::overridePowerStateForService(
+ IOService * service,
+ uint32_t * rdFlags,
+ unsigned long * powerState,
+ uint32_t changeFlags )
+ uint32_t inPowerState = (uint32_t) *powerState;
+ if ((service == this) && (inPowerState == ON_STATE) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize))
+ {
+ DLOG("sync root domain %u->%u\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), inPowerState);
+ // Root Domain is in a reduced R-state, and a HID tickle has
+ // requested a PM tree sync. Begin R-state transition.
+ if (runStateIndex != kRStateNormal)
+ {
+ nextRunStateIndex = kRStateNormal;
+ setProperty(
+ kIOPMRootDomainRunStateKey,
+ (unsigned long long) kRStateNormal, 32);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*rdFlags & kServiceFlagGraphics)
+ {
+ DLOG("graphics device %s %u->%u (flags 0x%x)\n",
+ service->getName(), (uint32_t) service->getPowerState(),
+ inPowerState, changeFlags);
+ if (inPowerState == 0)
+ {
+ // Graphics device is powering down, apply limit preventing
+ // device from powering back up later unless we consent.
+ if ((*rdFlags & kServiceFlagNoPowerUp) == 0)
+ {
+ *rdFlags |= kServiceFlagNoPowerUp;
+ DLOG("asserted power limit for %s\n",
+ service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t nextRunStateFlags;
+ assert(nextRunStateIndex < kRStateCount);
+ nextRunStateFlags = gRStateFlags[nextRunStateIndex];
+ // Graphics device is powering up. Release power limit at the
+ // did-change machine state.
+ if (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize)
+ {
+ if ((runStateFlags & kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics) &&
+ ((nextRunStateFlags & kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics) == 0) &&
+ (changeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange))
+ {
+ // Woke up without graphics power, but
+ // HID event has tickled display wrangler.
+ *rdFlags &= ~kServiceFlagNoPowerUp;
+ DLOG("removed power limit for %s\n",
+ service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((runStateFlags & kRStateFlagSuppressGraphics) == 0)
+ {
+ *rdFlags &= ~kServiceFlagNoPowerUp;
+ }
-void IOPMrootDomain::restoreUserSpinDownTimeout ( void )
- super::setAggressiveness((unsigned long)kPMMinutesToSpinDown,(unsigned long)user_spindown);
+ if (*rdFlags & kServiceFlagNoPowerUp)
+ {
+ DLOG("limited %s to power state 0\n",
+ service->getName());
+ *powerState = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-// changePowerStateTo & changePowerStateToPriv
-// Override of these methods for logging purposes.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateTo ( unsigned long ordinal )
- return super::changePowerStateTo(ordinal);
+// setMaintenanceWakeCalendar
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setMaintenanceWakeCalendar(
+ const IOPMCalendarStruct * calendar )
- IOReturn ret;
- DEBUG_LOG("ChangePowerStateToPriv: power state %ld\n", ordinal);
- if ( (getPowerState() == DOZE_STATE) && (ordinal != ON_STATE) )
- {
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
- }
- if( (userDisabledAllSleep || systemBooting || systemShutdown)
- && (ordinal == SLEEP_STATE) )
- {
- DEBUG_LOG(" sleep denied: disableAllSleep %d, booting %d, shutdown %d\n",
- userDisabledAllSleep, systemBooting, systemShutdown);
- super::changePowerStateToPriv(ON_STATE);
- }
+ OSData * data;
+ IOReturn ret;
- if( (SLEEP_STATE == ordinal) && sleepSupportedPEFunction )
- {
- // Determine if the machine supports sleep, or must doze.
- ret = getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
- sleepSupportedPEFunction, false,
+ if (!calendar)
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- // If the machine only supports doze, the callPlatformFunction call
- // boils down to IOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported(kPCICantSleep),
- // otherwise nothing.
- }
+ data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *) calendar, sizeof(*calendar));
+ if (!data)
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ ret = setPMSetting(gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey, data);
- return super::changePowerStateToPriv(ordinal);
+ data->release();
+ return ret;
// sysPowerDownHandler
// Receives a notification when the RootDomain changes state.
// Allows us to take action on system sleep, power down, and restart after
// applications have received their power change notifications and replied,
// but before drivers have powered down. We perform a vfs sync on power down.
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::sysPowerDownHandler( void * target, void * refCon,
UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
IOPowerStateChangeNotification *params = (IOPowerStateChangeNotification *) messageArgument;
IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, service);
+ DLOG("sysPowerDownHandler message %x\n", (uint32_t) messageType);
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
switch (messageType) {
case kIOMessageSystemWillSleep:
- DEBUG_LOG("SystemWillSleep\n");
// Interested applications have been notified of an impending power
// change and have acked (when applicable).
// This is our chance to save whatever state we can before powering
return ret;
+// publishSleepWakeUUID
+void IOPMrootDomain::publishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish )
+ if (shouldPublish)
+ {
+ if (queuedSleepWakeUUIDString)
+ {
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(/*old*/ true, /*new*/ false, &gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet))
+ {
+ // Upon wake, it takes some time for userland to invalidate the
+ // UUID. If another sleep is initiated during that period, force
+ // a CLEAR message to balance the upcoming SET message.
+ messageClients( kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange,
+ kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared );
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID forced clear\n");
+ }
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey, queuedSleepWakeUUIDString);
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID published: %s\n", queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->getCStringNoCopy());
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString->release();
+ queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange,
+ kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(/*old*/ true, /*new*/ false, &gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet))
+ {
+ DLOG("SleepWake UUID cleared\n");
+ removeProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange,
+ kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDCleared);
+ }
+ }
// displayWranglerNotification
// Receives a notification when the IODisplayWrangler changes state.
// On wake from display sleep:
// - Cancel the idle sleep timer
// - restore the user's chosen spindown timer from the "quick" spin down value
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerNotification(
void * target, void * refCon,
void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize )
- IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, (IOService *)target);
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- static int displayPowerState = 4;
+ int displayPowerState;
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification * params =
+ (IOPowerStateChangeNotification *) messageArgument;
+ if ((messageType != kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff) &&
+ (messageType != kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn))
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- if (!rootDomain)
+ if (!gRootDomain)
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ displayPowerState = params->stateNumber;
+ DLOG("DisplayWrangler message 0x%x, new power state %d\n",
+ (uint32_t) messageType, displayPowerState);
switch (messageType) {
case kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff:
- DEBUG_LOG("DisplayWranglerWillPowerOff: new p-state %d\n",
- displayPowerState - 1);
// The display wrangler has dropped power because of idle display sleep
- // or force system sleep. We will receive 4 messages before the display
- // wrangler reaches its lowest state. Act only when going to state 2.
+ // or force system sleep.
- // 4->3 Display Dim
- // 3->2 Display Sleep
- // 2->1 Not visible to user
- // 1->0 Not visible to user
+ // 4 Display ON
+ // 3 Display Dim
+ // 2 Display Sleep
+ // 1 Not visible to user
+ // 0 Not visible to user
+ if (gRootDomain->wranglerAsleep || (displayPowerState > 2))
+ break;
+ // Record the time the display wrangler went to sleep.
- displayPowerState--;
- if ( 2 != displayPowerState )
- return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ gRootDomain->wranglerAsleep = true;
+ clock_get_uptime(&gRootDomain->wranglerSleepTime);
// We start a timer here if the System Sleep timer is greater than the
// Display Sleep timer. We kick off this timer when the display sleeps.
// to the user's activity patterns, Display Sleep _always_ occurs at the
// specified interval since last user activity.
- if ( rootDomain->extraSleepDelay )
+ if ( gRootDomain->extraSleepDelay )
+ {
+ gRootDomain->startIdleSleepTimer(gRootDomain->extraSleepDelay * 60);
+ }
+ else if ( gRootDomain->sleepSlider )
- clock_interval_to_deadline(rootDomain->extraSleepDelay*60, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- thread_call_enter_delayed(rootDomain->extraSleepTimer, deadline);
- rootDomain->idleSleepPending = true;
- DEBUG_LOG(" sleep timer set to expire in %ld min\n",
- rootDomain->extraSleepDelay);
- } else {
// Accelerate disk spindown if system sleep and display sleep
// sliders are set to the same value (e.g. both set to 5 min),
// and display is about to go dark. Check that spin down timer
// is non-zero (zero = never spin down) and system sleep is
// not set to never sleep.
- if ( (0 != rootDomain->user_spindown) && (0 != rootDomain->sleepSlider) )
- {
- DEBUG_LOG(" accelerate quick disk spindown, was %d min\n",
- rootDomain->user_spindown);
- rootDomain->setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
- }
+ gRootDomain->setQuickSpinDownTimeout();
case kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn:
- DEBUG_LOG("DisplayWranglerHasPoweredOn: previous p-state %d\n",
- displayPowerState);
// The display wrangler has powered on either because of user activity
// or wake from sleep/doze.
- displayPowerState = 4;
- rootDomain->adjustPowerState();
+ if ( 4 != displayPowerState )
+ break;
- // cancel any pending idle sleep timers
- if (rootDomain->idleSleepPending)
- {
- DEBUG_LOG(" extra-sleep timer stopped\n");
- thread_call_cancel(rootDomain->extraSleepTimer);
- rootDomain->idleSleepPending = false;
- }
+ gRootDomain->wranglerAsleep = false;
+ gRootDomain->adjustPowerState();
+ gRootDomain->cancelIdleSleepTimer();
// Change the spindown value back to the user's selection from our
// accelerated setting.
- if (0 != rootDomain->user_spindown)
- {
- DEBUG_LOG(" restoring disk spindown to %d min\n",
- rootDomain->user_spindown);
- rootDomain->restoreUserSpinDownTimeout();
- }
+ gRootDomain->restoreUserSpinDownTimeout();
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- }
// displayWranglerPublished
// Receives a notification when the IODisplayWrangler is published.
// When it's published we install a power state change handler.
bool IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerPublished(
void * target,
IOService * newService)
- IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain =
- OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, (IOService *)target);
- if(!rootDomain)
+ if(!gRootDomain)
return false;
- rootDomain->wrangler = newService;
+ gRootDomain->wrangler = newService;
// we found the display wrangler, now install a handler
- if( !rootDomain->wrangler->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest,
+ if( !gRootDomain->wrangler->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest,
&displayWranglerNotification, target, 0) )
return false;
return true;
// batteryPublished
// Notification on battery class IOPowerSource appearance
bool IOPMrootDomain::batteryPublished(
return (true);
// adjustPowerState
// Some condition that affects our wake/sleep/doze decision has changed.
// In those circumstances, we prevent sleep and doze by holding power on with
// changePowerStateToPriv(ON).
-// If the above conditions do not exist, and also the sleep timer has expired, we
-// allow sleep or doze to occur with either changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP) or
+// If the above conditions do not exist, and also the sleep timer has expired,
+// we allow sleep or doze to occur with either changePowerStateToPriv(SLEEP) or
// changePowerStateToPriv(DOZE) depending on whether or not we already know the
// platform cannot sleep.
// In this case, sleep or doze will either occur immediately or at the next time
// that no children are holding the system out of idle sleep via the
// kIOPMPreventIdleSleep flag in their power state arrays.
void IOPMrootDomain::adjustPowerState( void )
+ DLOG("adjustPowerState "
+ "PS %u, ASAP %d, SL %ld, AS %d, SB %d, SS %d, UD %d\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), sleepASAP, sleepSlider,
+ allowSleep, systemBooting, systemShutdown, userDisabledAllSleep);
if ( (sleepSlider == 0)
|| !allowSleep
|| systemBooting
|| systemShutdown
- || userDisabledAllSleep )
+ || userDisabledAllSleep
+ || (runStateFlags & kRStateFlagDisableIdleSleep) )
- DEBUG_LOG("AdjustPowerState %ld -> ON: slider %ld, allowSleep %d, "
- "booting %d, shutdown %d, userDisabled %d\n",
- getPowerState(), sleepSlider, allowSleep, systemBooting,
- systemShutdown, userDisabledAllSleep);
} else {
if ( sleepASAP )
- DEBUG_LOG("AdjustPowerState SLEEP\n");
/* Convenient place to run any code at idle sleep time
- * IOPMrootDomain initiates an idle sleep here
+ * IOPMrootDomain initiates an idle sleep here
* Set last sleep cause accordingly.
setProperty(kRootDomainSleepReasonKey, kIOPMIdleSleepKey);
+ tracePoint(kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted);
sleepASAP = false;
- if ( !sleepIsSupported )
- {
- setSleepSupported( kPCICantSleep );
- kprintf("Sleep prevented by kIOPMPreventSystemSleep flag\n");
- }
+void IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsRecordEvent(
+ int eventIndex,
+ AbsoluteTime timestamp)
+ bool starting = eventIndex & kIOPMStatsEventStartFlag ? true:false;
+ bool stopping = eventIndex & kIOPMStatsEventStopFlag ? true:false;
+ uint64_t delta;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ eventIndex &= ~(kIOPMStatsEventStartFlag | kIOPMStatsEventStopFlag);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(timestamp, &nsec);
+ switch (eventIndex) {
+ case kIOPMStatsHibernateImageWrite:
+ if (starting)
+ pmStats.hibWrite.start = nsec;
+ else if (stopping)
+ pmStats.hibWrite.stop = nsec;
+ if (stopping) {
+ delta = pmStats.hibWrite.stop - pmStats.hibWrite.start;
+ IOLog("PMStats: Hibernate write took %qd ms\n", delta/1000000ULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMStatsHibernateImageRead:
+ if (starting)
+ pmStats.hibRead.start = nsec;
+ else if (stopping)
+ pmStats.hibRead.stop = nsec;
+ if (stopping) {
+ delta = pmStats.hibRead.stop - pmStats.hibRead.start;
+ IOLog("PMStats: Hibernate read took %qd ms\n", delta/1000000ULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ * Appends a record of the application response to
+ * IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsAppResponses
+ */
+void IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ const OSSymbol *response,
+ const char *name,
+ int messageType,
+ uint32_t delay_ms,
+ int app_pid)
+ OSDictionary *responseDescription = NULL;
+ OSNumber *delayNum = NULL;
+ OSNumber *pidNum = NULL;
+ OSNumber *msgNum = NULL;
+ const OSSymbol *appname;
+ const OSSymbol *entryName;
+ OSObject *entryType;
+ int i;
+ if (!pmStatsAppResponses || pmStatsAppResponses->getCount() > 50)
+ return;
+ i = 0;
+ while ((responseDescription = (OSDictionary *) pmStatsAppResponses->getObject(i++)))
+ {
+ entryType = responseDescription->getObject(_statsResponseTypeKey);
+ entryName = (OSSymbol *) responseDescription->getObject(_statsNameKey);
+ if (entryName && (entryType == response) && entryName->isEqualTo(name))
+ {
+ OSNumber * entryValue;
+ entryValue = (OSNumber *) responseDescription->getObject(_statsTimeMSKey);
+ if (entryValue && (entryValue->unsigned32BitValue() < delay_ms))
+ entryValue->setValue(delay_ms);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ responseDescription = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5);
+ if (responseDescription)
+ {
+ if (response) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsResponseTypeKey, response);
+ }
+ if (messageType != 0) {
+ msgNum = OSNumber::withNumber(messageType, 32);
+ if (msgNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsMessageTypeKey, msgNum);
+ msgNum->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (name && (strlen(name) > 0))
+ {
+ appname = OSSymbol::withCString(name);
+ if (appname) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsNameKey, appname);
+ appname->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (app_pid != -1) {
+ pidNum = OSNumber::withNumber(app_pid, 32);
+ if (pidNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsPIDKey, pidNum);
+ pidNum->release();
+ }
+ }
+ delayNum = OSNumber::withNumber(delay_ms, 32);
+ if (delayNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsTimeMSKey, delayNum);
+ delayNum->release();
+ }
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses) {
+ pmStatsAppResponses->setObject(responseDescription);
+ }
+ responseDescription->release();
+ }
+ return;
+// TracePoint support
+#define kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey \
+ "IOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandler"
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::callPlatformFunction(
+ const OSSymbol * functionName,
+ bool waitForFunction,
+ void * param1, void * param2,
+ void * param3, void * param4 )
+ if (pmTracer && functionName &&
+ functionName->isEqualTo(kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey) &&
+ !pmTracer->tracePointHandler && !pmTracer->tracePointTarget)
+ {
+ uint32_t tracePointPhases, tracePointPCI;
+ uint64_t statusCode;
+ pmTracer->tracePointHandler = (IOPMTracePointHandler) param1;
+ pmTracer->tracePointTarget = (void *) param2;
+ tracePointPCI = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param3;
+ tracePointPhases = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param4;
+ statusCode = (((uint64_t)tracePointPCI) << 32) | tracePointPhases;
+ if ((tracePointPhases >> 24) != kIOPMTracePointSystemUp)
+ {
+ LOG("Sleep failure code 0x%08x 0x%08x\n",
+ tracePointPCI, tracePointPhases);
+ }
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey, statusCode, 64);
+ pmTracer->tracePointHandler( pmTracer->tracePointTarget, 0, 0 );
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ return super::callPlatformFunction(
+ functionName, waitForFunction, param1, param2, param3, param4);
+void IOPMrootDomain::tracePoint( uint8_t point )
+ pmTracer->tracePoint(point);
+// PMTraceWorker Class
+#undef super
+#define super OSObject
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(PMTraceWorker, OSObject)
+#define kPMBestGuessPCIDevicesCount 25
+#define kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize 32
+PMTraceWorker *PMTraceWorker::tracer(IOPMrootDomain *owner)
+ PMTraceWorker *me;
+ me = OSTypeAlloc( PMTraceWorker );
+ if (!me || !me->init())
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DLOG("PMTraceWorker %p\n", me);
+ // Note that we cannot instantiate the PCI device -> bit mappings here, since
+ // the IODeviceTree has not yet been created by IOPlatformExpert. We create
+ // this dictionary lazily.
+ me->owner = owner;
+ me->pciDeviceBitMappings = NULL;
+ me->pciMappingLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ me->tracePhase = kIOPMTracePointSystemUp;
+ me->loginWindowPhase = 0;
+ me->pciBusyBitMask = 0;
+ return me;
+void PMTraceWorker::RTC_TRACE(void)
+ if (tracePointHandler && tracePointTarget)
+ {
+ uint32_t wordA;
+ wordA = tracePhase; // destined for bits 24-31
+ wordA <<= 8;
+ wordA |= loginWindowPhase; // destined for bits 16-23
+ wordA <<= 16;
+ tracePointHandler( tracePointTarget, pciBusyBitMask, wordA );
+ DLOG("RTC_TRACE wrote 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", pciBusyBitMask, wordA);
+ }
+int PMTraceWorker::recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService * pciDevice)
+ const OSSymbol * deviceName;
+ int index = -1;
+ IOLockLock(pciMappingLock);
+ if (!pciDeviceBitMappings)
+ {
+ pciDeviceBitMappings = OSArray::withCapacity(kPMBestGuessPCIDevicesCount);
+ if (!pciDeviceBitMappings)
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ // Check for bitmask overflow.
+ if (pciDeviceBitMappings->getCount() >= kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize)
+ goto exit;
+ if ((deviceName = pciDevice->copyName()) &&
+ (pciDeviceBitMappings->getNextIndexOfObject(deviceName, 0) == (unsigned int)-1) &&
+ pciDeviceBitMappings->setObject(deviceName))
+ {
+ index = pciDeviceBitMappings->getCount() - 1;
+ DLOG("PMTrace PCI array: set object %s => %d\n",
+ deviceName->getCStringNoCopy(), index);
+ }
+ if (deviceName)
+ deviceName->release();
+ if (!addedToRegistry && (index >= 0))
+ addedToRegistry = owner->setProperty("PCITopLevel", this);
+ IOLockUnlock(pciMappingLock);
+ return index;
+bool PMTraceWorker::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (pciDeviceBitMappings)
+ {
+ IOLockLock(pciMappingLock);
+ ok = pciDeviceBitMappings->serialize(s);
+ IOLockUnlock(pciMappingLock);
+ }
+ return ok;
+void PMTraceWorker::tracePoint(uint8_t phase)
+ tracePhase = phase;
+ DLOG("IOPMrootDomain: trace point 0x%02x\n", tracePhase);
+void PMTraceWorker::traceLoginWindowPhase(uint8_t phase)
+ loginWindowPhase = phase;
+ DLOG("IOPMrootDomain: loginwindow tracepoint 0x%02x\n", loginWindowPhase);
+void PMTraceWorker::tracePCIPowerChange(
+ change_t type, IOService *service, uint32_t changeFlags, uint32_t bitNum)
+ uint32_t bitMask;
+ uint32_t expectedFlag;
+ // Ignore PCI changes outside of system sleep/wake.
+ if ((kIOPMTracePointSystemSleepDriversPhase != tracePhase) &&
+ (kIOPMTracePointSystemWakeDriversPhase != tracePhase))
+ return;
+ // Only record the WillChange transition when going to sleep,
+ // and the DidChange on the way up.
+ changeFlags &= (kIOPMDomainWillChange | kIOPMDomainDidChange);
+ expectedFlag = (kIOPMTracePointSystemSleepDriversPhase == tracePhase) ?
+ kIOPMDomainWillChange : kIOPMDomainDidChange;
+ if (changeFlags != expectedFlag)
+ return;
+ // Mark this device off in our bitfield
+ if (bitNum < kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize)
+ {
+ bitMask = (1 << bitNum);
+ if (kPowerChangeStart == type)
+ {
+ pciBusyBitMask |= bitMask;
+ DLOG("PMTrace: Device %s started - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
+ service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, pciBusyBitMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pciBusyBitMask &= ~bitMask;
+ DLOG("PMTrace: Device %s finished - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
+ service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, pciBusyBitMask);
+ }
+ }
// PMHaltWorker Class
static unsigned int gPMHaltBusyCount;
static unsigned int gPMHaltIdleCount;
if (!me->lock)
- DEBUG_LOG("PMHaltWorker %p\n", me);
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker %p\n", me);
me->retain(); // thread holds extra retain
- thread = IOCreateThread( &PMHaltWorker::main, me );
- if (!thread)
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernel_thread_start(&PMHaltWorker::main, (void *) me, &thread))
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
return me;
} while (false);
void PMHaltWorker::free( void )
- DEBUG_LOG("PMHaltWorker free %p\n", this);
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker free %p\n", this);
if (lock)
return OSObject::free();
-void PMHaltWorker::main( void * arg )
+void PMHaltWorker::main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult )
PMHaltWorker * me = (PMHaltWorker *) arg;
// No more work to do, terminate thread
- DEBUG_LOG("All done for worker: %p (visits = %u)\n", me, me->visits);
+ DLOG("All done for worker: %p (visits = %u)\n", me, me->visits);
thread_wakeup( &gPMHaltDepth );
deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime);
if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) || timeout ||
- (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogDebugPower))
+ (gIOKitDebug & (kIOLogDebugPower | kIOLogPMRootDomain)))
- HaltRestartLog("%s driver %s (%p) took %lu ms\n",
+ KLOG("%s driver %s (%p) took %u ms\n",
(gPMHaltEvent == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
"PowerOff" : "Restart",
service->getName(), service,
- deltaTime );
+ (uint32_t) deltaTime );
if (nano > 3000000000ULL)
me->timeout = true;
- HaltRestartLog("%s still waiting on %s\n",
+ LOG("%s still waiting on %s\n",
(gPMHaltEvent == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
"PowerOff" : "Restart",
// acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown
// Acknowledgement from drivers that they have prepared for shutdown/restart.
void IOPMrootDomain::acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService * from )
if (!from)
- //DEBUG_LOG("%s acknowledged\n", from->getName());
+ //DLOG("%s acknowledged\n", from->getName());
prop = from->copyProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
if (prop)
- DEBUG_LOG("%s acknowledged without worker property\n",
+ DLOG("%s acknowledged without worker property\n",
// notifySystemShutdown
// Notify all objects in PM tree that system will shutdown or restart
static void
notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, unsigned long event )
void * baseFunc;
bool ok;
- DEBUG_LOG("%s event = %lx\n", __FUNCTION__, event);
+ DLOG("%s event = %lx\n", __FUNCTION__, event);
baseFunc = OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, root, &IOService::systemWillShutdown);
ok = inner->setObject(node);
if (!ok)
- DEBUG_LOG("Skipped PM node %s\n", node->getName());
+ DLOG("Skipped PM node %s\n", node->getName());
count = 0;
if (inner != PLACEHOLDER)
count = inner->getCount();
- DEBUG_LOG("Nodes at depth %u = %u\n", i, count);
+ DLOG("Nodes at depth %u = %u\n", i, count);
// strip placeholders (not all depths are populated)
if (numWorkers > kPMHaltMaxWorkers)
numWorkers = kPMHaltMaxWorkers;
- DEBUG_LOG("PM nodes = %u, maxDepth = %u, workers = %u\n",
+ DLOG("PM nodes = %u, maxDepth = %u, workers = %u\n",
totalNodes, gPMHaltArray->getCount(), numWorkers);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
- DEBUG_LOG("%s done\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ DLOG("%s done\n", __FUNCTION__);
-// debug - exercise notifySystemShutdown()
-bool IOPMrootDomain::serializeProperties( OSSerialize * s ) const
- IOPMrootDomain * root = (IOPMrootDomain *) this;
- notifySystemShutdown( root, kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff );
- return( super::serializeProperties(s) );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#undef super
#define super OSObject
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(PMSettingObject, OSObject)
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(PMSettingObject, OSObject)
void PMSettingObject::setPMSetting(const OSSymbol *type, OSObject *obj)
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-#undef super
+#undef super
#define super IOService
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IORootParent, IOService)
+OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(IORootParent, IOService)
// This array exactly parallels the state array for the root domain.
// Power state changes initiated by a device can be vetoed by a client of the device, and
// so when the root domain wants a power state change that cannot be vetoed (e.g. demand sleep), it asks
// its parent to make the change. That is the reason for this complexity.
-static IOPMPowerState patriarchPowerStates[number_of_power_states] = {
- {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // off
- {1,0,RESTART_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // reset
- {1,0,SLEEP_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // sleep
- {1,0,DOZE_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // doze
- {1,0,ON_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} // running
+static IOPMPowerState patriarchPowerStates[NUM_POWER_STATES] =
+ {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // off (not used)
+ {1,0,RESTART_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // reset (not used)
+ {1,0,SLEEP_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // sleep
+ {1,0,DOZE_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // doze
+ {1,0,ON_POWER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // running
-bool IORootParent::start ( IOService * nub )
+bool IORootParent::start( IOService * nub )
mostRecentChange = ON_STATE;
+ attachToParent( getRegistryRoot(), gIOPowerPlane );
- youAreRoot();
- registerPowerDriver(this,patriarchPowerStates,number_of_power_states);
+ registerPowerDriver(this, patriarchPowerStates, NUM_POWER_STATES);
return true;
-void IORootParent::shutDownSystem ( void )
+void IORootParent::shutDownSystem( void )
- mostRecentChange = OFF_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(OFF_STATE);
-void IORootParent::restartSystem ( void )
+void IORootParent::restartSystem( void )
- mostRecentChange = RESTART_STATE;
- changePowerStateToPriv(RESTART_STATE);
-void IORootParent::sleepSystem ( void )
+void IORootParent::sleepSystem( void )
mostRecentChange = SLEEP_STATE;
-void IORootParent::dozeSystem ( void )
+void IORootParent::dozeSystem( void )
mostRecentChange = DOZE_STATE;
// In idle sleep, do nothing because the parent is still on and the root can freely change state.
-void IORootParent::sleepToDoze ( void )
+void IORootParent::sleepToDoze( void )
if ( mostRecentChange == SLEEP_STATE ) {
-void IORootParent::wakeSystem ( void )
+void IORootParent::wakeSystem( void )
mostRecentChange = ON_STATE;
-IOReturn IORootParent::changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal )
- IOReturn ret;
- if( (SLEEP_STATE == ordinal) && sleepSupportedPEFunction )
- {
- // Determine if the machine supports sleep, or must doze.
- ret = getPlatform()->callPlatformFunction(
- sleepSupportedPEFunction, false,
- // If the machine only supports doze, the callPlatformFunction call
- // boils down toIOPMrootDomain::setSleepSupported(kPCICantSleep),
- // otherwise nothing.
- }
- return super::changePowerStateToPriv(ordinal);