/* make a debug kernel for H1 arm board */
- make TARGET_CONFIGS="debug arm s5l8900x"
+ make TARGET_CONFIGS="debug arm s5l8900x" SDKROOT=/path/to/SDK
$(OBJROOT)/DEBUG_ARM_S5L8900X/osfmk/DEBUG/osfmk.o: pre-linked object for osfmk component
$(OBJROOT)/DEBUG_ARM_S5L8900X/mach_kernel: bootable image
/* make debug and development kernels for H1 arm board */
- make TARGET_CONFIGS="debug arm s5l8900x development arm s5l8900x"
+ make TARGET_CONFIGS="debug arm s5l8900x development arm s5l8900x" SDKROOT=/path/to/SDK
$(OBJROOT)/DEBUG_ARM_S5L8900X/osfmk/DEBUG/osfmk.o: pre-linked object for osfmk component
$(OBJROOT)/DEBUG_ARM_S5L8900X/mach_kernel: bootable image
$(OBJROOT)/DEVELOPMENT_ARM_S5L8900X/mach_kernel: bootable image
/* this is all you need to do to build H1 arm with DEVELOPMENT kernel configuration */
- make TARGET_CONFIGS="default arm default"
+ make TARGET_CONFIGS="default arm default" SDKROOT=/path/to/SDK
- or the following is equivalent
+ or the following is equivalent (ommitted SDKROOT will use /)
+ $ export SDKROOT=/path/to/SDK
$ make all
$ make cscope # this will build cscope database
+9) Other makefile options
+ $ make MAKEJOBS=-j8 # this will use 8 processes during the build. The default is 2x the number of active cores
+ $ make -w # trace recursive make invocations. Useful in combination with VERBOSE=YES
B. How to install a new header file from XNU
-[Note: This does not covers installing header file in IOKit framework]
+[Note: This does not cover installing header files in IOKit framework]
1) XNU installs header files at the following locations -
a. $(DSTROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/Headers
3) The Makefile combines the file lists mentioned above into different
install lists which are used by build system to install the header files.
- If the install list that you are interested does not exists, create it
+ If the install list that you are interested does not exist, create it
by adding the appropriate file lists. The default install lists, its
member file lists and their default location are described below -