- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
+ *
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
+ *
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
* improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights.
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 SPARTA, Inc.
+ */
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
-#include <mach_host.h>
-#include <mach_prof.h>
-#include <fast_tas.h>
-#include <task_swapper.h>
-#include <platforms.h>
+#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
+#include <mach/host_priv.h>
#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
+#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <mach/semaphore.h>
#include <mach/task_info.h>
+#include <mach/task_inspect.h>
#include <mach/task_special_ports.h>
-#include <mach/mach_types.h>
+#include <mach/sdt.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_importance.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_types.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_space.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_entry.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_hash.h>
+#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/mach_param.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <kern/coalition.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <kern/kalloc.h>
+#include <kern/kern_cdata.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
-#include <kern/sched_prim.h> /* for thread_wakeup */
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h> /* for thread_wakeup */
#include <kern/ipc_tt.h>
-#include <kern/ledger.h>
#include <kern/host.h>
-#include <vm/vm_kern.h> /* for kernel_map, ipc_kernel_map */
-#include <kern/profile.h>
+#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <kern/timer.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
#include <kern/sync_lock.h>
-#include <ddb/db_sym.h>
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+#include <kern/affinity.h>
+#include <kern/exc_resource.h>
+#include <kern/machine.h>
+#include <kern/policy_internal.h>
+#include <kern/restartable.h>
+#include <corpses/task_corpse.h>
+#include <kern/telemetry.h>
+#include <kern/monotonic.h>
+#include <machine/monotonic.h>
+#endif /* MONOTONIC */
-#include <kern/task_swap.h>
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
+#include <os/log.h>
+#include <vm/pmap.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <vm/vm_kern.h> /* for kernel_map, ipc_kernel_map */
+#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
+#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
+#include <vm/vm_purgeable_internal.h>
+#include <vm/vm_compressor_pager.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/signalvar.h> /* for coredump */
+#include <sys/bsdtask_info.h>
* Exported interfaces
#include <mach/task_server.h>
#include <mach/mach_host_server.h>
#include <mach/host_security_server.h>
-#include <vm/task_working_set.h>
+#include <mach/mach_port_server.h>
-task_t kernel_task;
-zone_t task_zone;
+#include <vm/vm_shared_region.h>
-/* Forwards */
+#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
-void task_hold_locked(
- task_t task);
-void task_wait_locked(
- task_t task);
-void task_release_locked(
- task_t task);
-void task_collect_scan(void);
-void task_free(
- task_t task );
-void task_synchronizer_destroy_all(
- task_t task);
+#include <mach-o/loader.h>
+#include <kdp/kdp_dyld.h>
-kern_return_t task_set_ledger(
- task_t task,
- ledger_t wired,
- ledger_t paged);
+#include <kern/sfi.h> /* picks up ledger.h */
- task_zone = zinit(
- sizeof(struct task),
- TASK_MAX * sizeof(struct task),
- TASK_CHUNK * sizeof(struct task),
- "tasks");
+#include <security/mac_mach_internal.h>
- eml_init();
+#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
- /*
- * Create the kernel task as the first task.
- * Task_create_local must assign to kernel_task as a side effect,
- * for other initialization. (:-()
- */
- if (task_create_local(
- panic("task_init\n");
- vm_map_deallocate(kernel_task->map);
- kernel_task->map = kernel_map;
+#if KPERF
+extern int kpc_force_all_ctrs(task_t, int);
- if (watchacts & WA_TASK)
- printf("task_init: kernel_task = %x map=%x\n",
- kernel_task, kernel_map);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_LATE(task_t) kernel_task;
+static SECURITY_READ_ONLY_LATE(zone_t) task_zone;
+ZONE_INIT(&task_zone, "tasks", sizeof(struct task),
-#if 0
-static void
- task_t task)
- task_lock(task);
- /*
- * If may_assign is false, task is already being assigned,
- * wait for that to finish.
- */
- while (task->may_assign == FALSE) {
- wait_result_t res;
+extern int exc_via_corpse_forking;
+extern int corpse_for_fatal_memkill;
+extern boolean_t proc_send_synchronous_EXC_RESOURCE(void *p);
+extern void task_disown_frozen_csegs(task_t owner_task);
- task->assign_active = TRUE;
- res = thread_sleep_mutex((event_t) &task->assign_active,
- &task->lock, THREAD_UNINT);
- assert(res == THREAD_AWAKENED);
- }
- task->may_assign = FALSE;
- task_unlock(task);
- return;
-#define thread_freeze(thread) assert(task->processor_set == &default_pset)
+/* Flag set by core audio when audio is playing. Used to stifle EXC_RESOURCE generation when active. */
+int audio_active = 0;
-#if 0
-static void
- task_t task)
- task_lock(task);
- assert(task->may_assign == FALSE);
- task->may_assign = TRUE;
- if (task->assign_active == TRUE) {
- task->assign_active = FALSE;
- thread_wakeup((event_t)&task->assign_active);
- }
- task_unlock(task);
- return;
-#define thread_unfreeze(thread) assert(task->processor_set == &default_pset)
+ * structure for tracking zone usage
+ * Used either one per task/thread for all zones or <per-task,per-zone>.
+ */
+typedef struct zinfo_usage_store_t {
+ /* These fields may be updated atomically, and so must be 8 byte aligned */
+ uint64_t alloc __attribute__((aligned(8))); /* allocation counter */
+ uint64_t free __attribute__((aligned(8))); /* free counter */
+} zinfo_usage_store_t;
+zinfo_usage_store_t tasks_tkm_private;
+zinfo_usage_store_t tasks_tkm_shared;
+/* A container to accumulate statistics for expired tasks */
+expired_task_statistics_t dead_task_statistics;
+LCK_SPIN_DECLARE_ATTR(dead_task_statistics_lock, &task_lck_grp, &task_lck_attr);
+ledger_template_t task_ledger_template = NULL;
+/* global lock for task_dyld_process_info_notify_{register, deregister, get_trap} */
+LCK_GRP_DECLARE(g_dyldinfo_mtx_grp, "g_dyldinfo");
+LCK_MTX_DECLARE(g_dyldinfo_mtx, &g_dyldinfo_mtx_grp);
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_LATE(struct _task_ledger_indices) task_ledgers __attribute__((used)) =
+{.cpu_time = -1,
+ .tkm_private = -1,
+ .tkm_shared = -1,
+ .phys_mem = -1,
+ .wired_mem = -1,
+ .internal = -1,
+ .iokit_mapped = -1,
+ .alternate_accounting = -1,
+ .alternate_accounting_compressed = -1,
+ .page_table = -1,
+ .phys_footprint = -1,
+ .internal_compressed = -1,
+ .purgeable_volatile = -1,
+ .purgeable_nonvolatile = -1,
+ .purgeable_volatile_compressed = -1,
+ .purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed = -1,
+ .tagged_nofootprint = -1,
+ .tagged_footprint = -1,
+ .tagged_nofootprint_compressed = -1,
+ .tagged_footprint_compressed = -1,
+ .network_volatile = -1,
+ .network_nonvolatile = -1,
+ .network_volatile_compressed = -1,
+ .network_nonvolatile_compressed = -1,
+ .media_nofootprint = -1,
+ .media_footprint = -1,
+ .media_nofootprint_compressed = -1,
+ .media_footprint_compressed = -1,
+ .graphics_nofootprint = -1,
+ .graphics_footprint = -1,
+ .graphics_nofootprint_compressed = -1,
+ .graphics_footprint_compressed = -1,
+ .neural_nofootprint = -1,
+ .neural_footprint = -1,
+ .neural_nofootprint_compressed = -1,
+ .neural_footprint_compressed = -1,
+ .platform_idle_wakeups = -1,
+ .interrupt_wakeups = -1,
+ .sfi_wait_times = { 0 /* initialized at runtime */},
+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_SFI */
+ .cpu_time_billed_to_me = -1,
+ .cpu_time_billed_to_others = -1,
+ .physical_writes = -1,
+ .logical_writes = -1,
+ .logical_writes_to_external = -1,
+ .pages_grabbed = -1,
+ .pages_grabbed_kern = -1,
+ .pages_grabbed_iopl = -1,
+ .pages_grabbed_upl = -1,
+ .frozen_to_swap = -1,
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ .energy_billed_to_me = -1,
+ .energy_billed_to_others = -1,
+ .fs_metadata_writes = -1,
-#endif /* MACH_HOST */
+/* System sleep state */
+boolean_t tasks_suspend_state;
- * Create a task running in the kernel address space. It may
- * have its own map of size mem_size and may have ipc privileges.
- */
- task_t parent_task,
- vm_offset_t map_base,
- vm_size_t map_size,
- task_t *child_task)
- kern_return_t result;
- task_t new_task;
- vm_map_t old_map;
- /*
- * Create the task.
- */
- result = task_create_local(parent_task, FALSE, TRUE, &new_task);
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return (result);
+void init_task_ledgers(void);
+void task_footprint_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1);
+void task_wakeups_rate_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1);
+void task_io_rate_exceeded(int warning, const void *param0, __unused const void *param1);
+void __attribute__((noinline)) PROC_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SEND_EXC_RESOURCE_AND_SUSPEND(int max_footprint_mb, boolean_t is_fatal);
+void __attribute__((noinline)) SENDING_NOTIFICATION__THIS_PROCESS_IS_CAUSING_TOO_MUCH_IO(int flavor);
- /*
- * Task_create_local creates the task with a user-space map.
- * We attempt to replace the map and free it afterwards; else
- * task_deallocate will free it (can NOT set map to null before
- * task_deallocate, this impersonates a norma placeholder task).
- * _Mark the memory as pageable_ -- this is what we
- * want for images (like servers) loaded into the kernel.
- */
- if (map_size == 0) {
- vm_map_deallocate(new_task->map);
- new_task->map = kernel_map;
- *child_task = new_task;
- } else {
- old_map = new_task->map;
- if ((result = kmem_suballoc(kernel_map, &map_base,
- map_size, TRUE, FALSE,
- &new_task->map)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- /*
- * New task created with ref count of 2 -- decrement by
- * one to force task deletion.
- */
- printf("kmem_suballoc(%x,%x,%x,1,0,&new) Fails\n",
- kernel_map, map_base, map_size);
- --new_task->ref_count;
- task_deallocate(new_task);
- return (result);
- }
- vm_map_deallocate(old_map);
- *child_task = new_task;
- }
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
+kern_return_t task_suspend_internal(task_t);
+kern_return_t task_resume_internal(task_t);
+static kern_return_t task_start_halt_locked(task_t task, boolean_t should_mark_corpse);
- task_t parent_task,
- ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports,
- mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports,
- boolean_t inherit_memory,
- task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
- if (parent_task == TASK_NULL)
+extern kern_return_t iokit_task_terminate(task_t task);
+extern void iokit_task_app_suspended_changed(task_t task);
- return task_create_local(
- parent_task, inherit_memory, FALSE, child_task);
+extern kern_return_t exception_deliver(thread_t, exception_type_t, mach_exception_data_t, mach_msg_type_number_t, struct exception_action *, lck_mtx_t *);
+extern void bsd_copythreadname(void *dst_uth, void *src_uth);
+extern kern_return_t thread_resume(thread_t thread);
- host_security_t host_security,
- task_t parent_task,
- security_token_t sec_token,
- host_priv_t host_priv,
- ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports,
- mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports,
- boolean_t inherit_memory,
- task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
- kern_return_t result;
- if (parent_task == TASK_NULL)
+// Warn tasks when they hit 80% of their memory limit.
- if (host_security == HOST_NULL)
+#define TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_LIMIT 150 /* wakeups per second */
+#define TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_INTERVAL 300 /* in seconds. */
+ * Level (in terms of percentage of the limit) at which the wakeups monitor triggers telemetry.
+ *
+ * (ie when the task's wakeups rate exceeds 70% of the limit, start taking user
+ * stacktraces, aka micro-stackshots)
+ */
- result = task_create_local(
- parent_task, inherit_memory, FALSE, child_task);
+int task_wakeups_monitor_interval; /* In seconds. Time period over which wakeups rate is observed */
+int task_wakeups_monitor_rate; /* In hz. Maximum allowable wakeups per task before EXC_RESOURCE is sent */
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return(result);
+unsigned int task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct; /* Percentage. Level at which we start gathering telemetry. */
- result = host_security_set_task_token(host_security,
- *child_task,
- sec_token,
- host_priv);
+int disable_exc_resource; /* Global override to supress EXC_RESOURCE for resource monitor violations. */
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return(result);
+ledger_amount_t max_task_footprint = 0; /* Per-task limit on physical memory consumption in bytes */
+unsigned int max_task_footprint_warning_level = 0; /* Per-task limit warning percentage */
+int max_task_footprint_mb = 0; /* Per-task limit on physical memory consumption in megabytes */
- return(result);
+/* I/O Monitor Limits */
+#define IOMON_DEFAULT_LIMIT (20480ull) /* MB of logical/physical I/O */
+#define IOMON_DEFAULT_INTERVAL (86400ull) /* in seconds */
- task_t parent_task,
- boolean_t inherit_memory,
- boolean_t kernel_loaded,
- task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
- task_t new_task;
- processor_set_t pset;
+uint64_t task_iomon_limit_mb; /* Per-task I/O monitor limit in MBs */
+uint64_t task_iomon_interval_secs; /* Per-task I/O monitor interval in secs */
- new_task = (task_t) zalloc(task_zone);
+#define IO_TELEMETRY_DEFAULT_LIMIT (10ll * 1024ll * 1024ll)
+int64_t io_telemetry_limit; /* Threshold to take a microstackshot (0 indicated I/O telemetry is turned off) */
+int64_t global_logical_writes_count = 0; /* Global count for logical writes */
+int64_t global_logical_writes_to_external_count = 0; /* Global count for logical writes to external storage*/
+static boolean_t global_update_logical_writes(int64_t, int64_t*);
- if (new_task == TASK_NULL)
- /* one ref for just being alive; one for our caller */
- new_task->ref_count = 2;
+int pmap_ledgers_panic = 1;
+int pmap_ledgers_panic_leeway = 3;
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- if (inherit_memory)
- new_task->map = vm_map_fork(parent_task->map);
- else
- new_task->map = vm_map_create(pmap_create(0),
- round_page(VM_MIN_ADDRESS),
- trunc_page(VM_MAX_ADDRESS), TRUE);
+int task_max = CONFIG_TASK_MAX; /* Max number of tasks */
- mutex_init(&new_task->lock, ETAP_THREAD_TASK_NEW);
- queue_init(&new_task->thr_acts);
- new_task->suspend_count = 0;
- new_task->thr_act_count = 0;
- new_task->res_act_count = 0;
- new_task->active_act_count = 0;
- new_task->user_stop_count = 0;
- new_task->role = TASK_UNSPECIFIED;
- new_task->active = TRUE;
- new_task->kernel_loaded = kernel_loaded;
- new_task->user_data = 0;
- new_task->faults = 0;
- new_task->cow_faults = 0;
- new_task->pageins = 0;
- new_task->messages_sent = 0;
- new_task->messages_received = 0;
- new_task->syscalls_mach = 0;
- new_task->syscalls_unix=0;
- new_task->csw=0;
- new_task->dynamic_working_set = 0;
- task_working_set_create(new_task, TWS_SMALL_HASH_LINE_COUNT,
+int hwm_user_cores = 0; /* high watermark violations generate user core files */
#ifdef MACH_BSD
- new_task->bsd_info = 0;
-#endif /* MACH_BSD */
+extern uint32_t proc_platform(const struct proc *);
+extern uint32_t proc_min_sdk(struct proc *);
+extern void proc_getexecutableuuid(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned long);
+extern int proc_pid(struct proc *p);
+extern int proc_selfpid(void);
+extern struct proc *current_proc(void);
+extern char *proc_name_address(struct proc *p);
+extern uint64_t get_dispatchqueue_offset_from_proc(void *);
+extern int kevent_proc_copy_uptrs(void *proc, uint64_t *buf, uint32_t bufsize);
+extern void workq_proc_suspended(struct proc *p);
+extern void workq_proc_resumed(struct proc *p);
+extern void proc_memstat_terminated(struct proc* p, boolean_t set);
+extern void memorystatus_on_ledger_footprint_exceeded(int warning, boolean_t memlimit_is_active, boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal);
+extern void memorystatus_log_exception(const int max_footprint_mb, boolean_t memlimit_is_active, boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal);
+extern boolean_t memorystatus_allowed_vm_map_fork(task_t task);
+extern uint64_t memorystatus_available_memory_internal(struct proc *p);
+extern void memorystatus_abort_vm_map_fork(task_t);
- new_task->swap_state = TASK_SW_IN;
- new_task->swap_flags = 0;
- new_task->swap_ast_waiting = 0;
- new_task->swap_stamp = sched_tick;
- new_task->swap_rss = 0;
- new_task->swap_nswap = 0;
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
- queue_init(&new_task->semaphore_list);
- queue_init(&new_task->lock_set_list);
- new_task->semaphores_owned = 0;
- new_task->lock_sets_owned = 0;
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
- new_task->may_assign = TRUE;
- new_task->assign_active = FALSE;
-#endif /* MACH_HOST */
- eml_task_reference(new_task, parent_task);
+int exc_resource_threads_enabled;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
- ipc_task_init(new_task, parent_task);
+uint32_t task_exc_guard_default = 0;
- new_task->total_user_time.seconds = 0;
- new_task->total_user_time.microseconds = 0;
- new_task->total_system_time.seconds = 0;
- new_task->total_system_time.microseconds = 0;
+/* Forwards */
- task_prof_init(new_task);
+static void task_hold_locked(task_t task);
+static void task_wait_locked(task_t task, boolean_t until_not_runnable);
+static void task_release_locked(task_t task);
+static void task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task_t task);
+static os_ref_count_t
+ task_t task,
+ struct task_watchports *watchports,
+ struct task_watchport_elem **previous_elem_array,
+ ipc_port_t *portwatch_ports,
+ uint32_t portwatch_count);
+static os_ref_count_t
+ task_t task,
+ struct task_watchports *watchports,
+ ipc_port_t *port_freelist);
+static struct task_watchports *
+ task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t count);
- if (parent_task != TASK_NULL) {
- /*
- * Freeze the parent, so that parent_task->processor_set
- * cannot change.
- */
- task_freeze(parent_task);
-#endif /* MACH_HOST */
- pset = parent_task->processor_set;
- if (!pset->active)
- pset = &default_pset;
+static void
+ struct task_watchports *watchports);
- new_task->sec_token = parent_task->sec_token;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_64bit,
+ boolean_t is_64bit_data)
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ thread_t thread;
+#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- shared_region_mapping_ref(parent_task->system_shared_region);
- new_task->system_shared_region = parent_task->system_shared_region;
+ task_lock(task);
- new_task->wired_ledger_port = ledger_copy(
- convert_port_to_ledger(parent_task->wired_ledger_port));
- new_task->paged_ledger_port = ledger_copy(
- convert_port_to_ledger(parent_task->paged_ledger_port));
+ /*
+ * Switching to/from 64-bit address spaces
+ */
+ if (is_64bit) {
+ if (!task_has_64Bit_addr(task)) {
+ task_set_64Bit_addr(task);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (task_has_64Bit_addr(task)) {
+ task_clear_64Bit_addr(task);
+ }
- else {
- pset = &default_pset;
- new_task->sec_token = KERNEL_SECURITY_TOKEN;
- new_task->wired_ledger_port = ledger_copy(root_wired_ledger);
- new_task->paged_ledger_port = ledger_copy(root_paged_ledger);
- }
+ /*
+ * Switching to/from 64-bit register state.
+ */
+ if (is_64bit_data) {
+ if (task_has_64Bit_data(task)) {
+ goto out;
+ }
- if (kernel_task == TASK_NULL) {
- new_task->priority = MINPRI_KERNEL;
- new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_KERNEL;
- }
- else {
- new_task->priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT;
- new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_USER;
+ task_set_64Bit_data(task);
+ } else {
+ if (!task_has_64Bit_data(task)) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ task_clear_64Bit_data(task);
- pset_lock(pset);
- pset_add_task(pset, new_task);
- pset_unlock(pset);
- if (parent_task != TASK_NULL)
- task_unfreeze(parent_task);
-#endif /* MACH_HOST */
- if (inherit_memory) {
- new_task->fast_tas_base = parent_task->fast_tas_base;
- new_task->fast_tas_end = parent_task->fast_tas_end;
- } else {
- new_task->fast_tas_base = (vm_offset_t)0;
- new_task->fast_tas_end = (vm_offset_t)0;
- }
-#endif /* FAST_TAS */
+ /* FIXME: On x86, the thread save state flavor can diverge from the
+ * task's 64-bit feature flag due to the 32-bit/64-bit register save
+ * state dichotomy. Since we can be pre-empted in this interval,
+ * certain routines may observe the thread as being in an inconsistent
+ * state with respect to its task's 64-bitness.
+ */
- ipc_task_enable(new_task);
+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ machine_thread_switch_addrmode(thread);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- task_swapout_eligible(new_task);
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
+ task_unlock(task);
- if (watchacts & WA_TASK)
- printf("*** task_create_local(par=%x inh=%x) == 0x%x\n",
- parent_task, inherit_memory, new_task);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+task_get_64bit_data(task_t task)
+ return task_has_64Bit_data(task);
- *child_task = new_task;
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_platform)
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (is_platform) {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_PLATFORM;
+ /* set exc guard default behavior for first-party code */
+ task->task_exc_guard = (task_exc_guard_default & TASK_EXC_GUARD_ALL);
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~(TF_PLATFORM);
+ /* set exc guard default behavior for third-party code */
+ task->task_exc_guard = ((task_exc_guard_default >> TASK_EXC_GUARD_THIRD_PARTY_DEFAULT_SHIFT) & TASK_EXC_GUARD_ALL);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
- * task_deallocate
- *
- * Drop a reference on a task
- * Task is locked.
+ * Set or clear per-task TF_CA_CLIENT_WI flag according to specified argument.
+ * Returns "false" if flag is already set, and "true" in other cases.
- task_t task)
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t set_or_clear)
- processor_set_t pset;
- int refs;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
- return;
+ bool ret = true;
- refs = --task->ref_count;
+ if (set_or_clear) {
+ /* Tasks can have only one CA_CLIENT work interval */
+ if (task->t_flags & TF_CA_CLIENT_WI) {
+ ret = false;
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_CA_CLIENT_WI;
+ }
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~TF_CA_CLIENT_WI;
+ }
- if (refs > 0)
- return;
- /* task_terminate guarantees that this task is off the list */
- assert((task->swap_state & TASK_SW_ELIGIBLE) == 0);
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
- eml_task_deallocate(task);
- ipc_task_terminate(task);
- task_freeze(task);
- pset = task->processor_set;
- pset_lock(pset);
- pset_remove_task(pset,task);
- pset_unlock(pset);
- pset_deallocate(pset);
- task_unfreeze(task);
- if (task->kernel_loaded)
- vm_map_remove(kernel_map, task->map->min_offset,
- task->map->max_offset, VM_MAP_NO_FLAGS);
- vm_map_deallocate(task->map);
- is_release(task->itk_space);
- task_prof_deallocate(task);
- zfree(task_zone, (vm_offset_t) task);
+ return ret;
+ task_t task,
+ mach_vm_address_t addr,
+ mach_vm_size_t size)
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->all_image_info_addr = addr;
+ task->all_image_info_size = size;
+ task_unlock(task);
- task_t task)
+ task_t task,
+ mach_vm_address_t addr)
- if (task != TASK_NULL) {
- task_lock(task);
- task->ref_count++;
- task_unlock(task);
- }
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->mach_header_vm_address = addr;
+ task_unlock(task);
- task_t task)
+task_bank_reset(__unused task_t task)
- if (task != TASK_NULL) {
- if (task_lock_try(task)) {
- task->ref_count++;
- task_unlock(task);
- return TRUE;
- }
+ if (task->bank_context != NULL) {
+ bank_task_destroy(task);
- return FALSE;
- * task_terminate:
- *
- * Terminate the specified task. See comments on thread_terminate
- * (kern/thread.c) about problems with terminating the "current task."
+ * NOTE: This should only be called when the P_LINTRANSIT
+ * flag is set (the proc_trans lock is held) on the
+ * proc associated with the task.
+task_bank_init(__unused task_t task)
+ if (task->bank_context != NULL) {
+ panic("Task bank init called with non null bank context for task: %p and bank_context: %p", task, task->bank_context);
+ }
+ bank_task_initialize(task);
- task_t task)
+task_set_did_exec_flag(task_t task)
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
- if (task->bsd_info)
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
- return (task_terminate_internal(task));
+ task->t_procflags |= TPF_DID_EXEC;
- task_t task)
+task_clear_exec_copy_flag(task_t task)
- thread_act_t thr_act, cur_thr_act;
- task_t cur_task;
- boolean_t interrupt_save;
+ task->t_procflags &= ~TPF_EXEC_COPY;
- assert(task != kernel_task);
+task_get_return_wait_event(task_t task)
+ return (event_t)&task->returnwait_inheritor;
- cur_thr_act = current_act();
- cur_task = cur_thr_act->task;
+task_clear_return_wait(task_t task, uint32_t flags)
+ if (flags & TCRW_CLEAR_INITIAL_WAIT) {
+ thread_wakeup(task_get_return_wait_event(task));
+ }
- /*
- * If task is not resident (swapped out, or being swapped
- * out), we want to bring it back in (this can block).
- * NOTE: The only way that this can happen in the current
- * system is if the task is swapped while it has a thread
- * in exit(), and the thread does not hit a clean point
- * to swap itself before getting here.
- * Terminating other tasks is another way to this code, but
- * it is not yet fully supported.
- * The task_swapin is unconditional. It used to be done
- * only if the task is not resident. Swapping in a
- * resident task will prevent it from being swapped out
- * while it terminates.
- */
- task_swapin(task, TRUE); /* TRUE means make it unswappable */
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
+ if (flags & TCRW_CLEAR_FINAL_WAIT) {
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
- /*
- * Get the task locked and make sure that we are not racing
- * with someone else trying to terminate us.
- */
- if (task == cur_task) {
- task_lock(task);
- } else if (task < cur_task) {
- task_lock(task);
- task_lock(cur_task);
- } else {
- task_lock(cur_task);
- task_lock(task);
- }
+ task->t_returnwaitflags &= ~TRW_LRETURNWAIT;
+ task->returnwait_inheritor = NULL;
- if (!task->active || !cur_thr_act->active) {
- /*
- * Task or current act is already being terminated.
- * Just return an error. If we are dying, this will
- * just get us to our AST special handler and that
- * will get us to finalize the termination of ourselves.
- */
- task_unlock(task);
- if (cur_task != task)
- task_unlock(cur_task);
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ if (task->t_returnwaitflags & TRW_LRETURNWAITER) {
+ struct turnstile *turnstile = turnstile_prepare((uintptr_t) task_get_return_wait_event(task),
+ waitq_wakeup64_all(&turnstile->ts_waitq,
+ CAST_EVENT64_T(task_get_return_wait_event(task)),
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(turnstile, NULL,
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(turnstile, TURNSTILE_INTERLOCK_HELD);
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t) task_get_return_wait_event(task), NULL, NULL, TURNSTILE_ULOCK);
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ task->t_returnwaitflags &= ~TRW_LRETURNWAITER;
+ }
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
- if (cur_task != task)
- task_unlock(cur_task);
- /*
- * Make sure the current thread does not get aborted out of
- * the waits inside these operations.
- */
- interrupt_save = thread_interrupt_level(THREAD_UNINT);
+void __attribute__((noreturn))
+ task_t task = current_task();
- /*
- * Indicate that we want all the threads to stop executing
- * at user space by holding the task (we would have held
- * each thread independently in thread_terminate_internal -
- * but this way we may be more likely to already find it
- * held there). Mark the task inactive, and prevent
- * further task operations via the task port.
- */
- task_hold_locked(task);
- task->active = FALSE;
- ipc_task_disable(task);
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
- /*
- * Terminate each activation in the task.
- *
- * Each terminated activation will run it's special handler
- * when its current kernel context is unwound. That will
- * clean up most of the thread resources. Then it will be
- * handed over to the reaper, who will finally remove the
- * thread from the task list and free the structures.
- */
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act, thread_act_t, thr_acts) {
- thread_terminate_internal(thr_act);
+ if (task->t_returnwaitflags & TRW_LRETURNWAIT) {
+ struct turnstile *turnstile = turnstile_prepare((uintptr_t) task_get_return_wait_event(task),
+ do {
+ task->t_returnwaitflags |= TRW_LRETURNWAITER;
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(turnstile, task->returnwait_inheritor,
+ waitq_assert_wait64(&turnstile->ts_waitq,
+ CAST_EVENT64_T(task_get_return_wait_event(task)),
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(turnstile, TURNSTILE_INTERLOCK_NOT_HELD);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
+ } while (task->t_returnwaitflags & TRW_LRETURNWAIT);
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t) task_get_return_wait_event(task), NULL, NULL, TURNSTILE_ULOCK);
- /*
- * Clean up any virtual machine state/resources associated
- * with the current activation because it may hold wiring
- * and other references on resources we will be trying to
- * release below.
- */
- if (cur_thr_act->task == task)
- act_virtual_machine_destroy(cur_thr_act);
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ turnstile_cleanup();
- task_unlock(task);
- * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task.
+ * Before jumping to userspace and allowing this process to execute any code,
+ * notify any interested parties.
- task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task);
+ mac_proc_notify_exec_complete(current_proc());
- /*
- * Destroy the IPC space, leaving just a reference for it.
- */
- if (!task->kernel_loaded)
- ipc_space_destroy(task->itk_space);
+ thread_bootstrap_return();
- /*
- * If the current thread is a member of the task
- * being terminated, then the last reference to
- * the task will not be dropped until the thread
- * is finally reaped. To avoid incurring the
- * expense of removing the address space regions
- * at reap time, we do it explictly here.
- */
- (void) vm_map_remove(task->map,
- task->map->min_offset,
- task->map->max_offset, VM_MAP_NO_FLAGS);
+task_consume_32bit_log_flag(task_t task)
+ if ((task->t_procflags & TPF_LOG_32BIT_TELEMETRY) != 0) {
+ task->t_procflags &= ~TPF_LOG_32BIT_TELEMETRY;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- shared_region_mapping_dealloc(task->system_shared_region);
+task_set_32bit_log_flag(task_t task)
+ task->t_procflags |= TPF_LOG_32BIT_TELEMETRY;
+#endif /* CONFIG_32BIT_TELEMETRY */
- if(task->dynamic_working_set)
- tws_hash_destroy((tws_hash_t)task->dynamic_working_set);
+task_is_exec_copy(task_t task)
+ return task_is_exec_copy_internal(task);
- /*
- * We no longer need to guard against being aborted, so restore
- * the previous interruptible state.
- */
- thread_interrupt_level(interrupt_save);
+task_did_exec(task_t task)
+ return task_did_exec_internal(task);
- /*
- * Get rid of the task active reference on itself.
- */
- task_deallocate(task);
+task_is_active(task_t task)
+ return task->active;
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+task_is_halting(task_t task)
+ return task->halting;
- * task_halt - Shut the current task down (except for the current thread) in
- * preparation for dramatic changes to the task (probably exec).
- * We hold the task, terminate all other threads in the task and
- * wait for them to terminate, clean up the portspace, and when
- * all done, let the current thread go.
- */
- task_t task)
+#include <kern/btlog.h>
+static btlog_t *task_ref_btlog;
+#define TASK_REF_OP_INCR 0x1
+#define TASK_REF_OP_DECR 0x2
+#define TASK_REF_NUM_RECORDS 100000
+task_reference_internal(task_t task)
- thread_act_t thr_act, cur_thr_act;
- task_t cur_task;
+ void * bt[TASK_REF_BTDEPTH];
+ int numsaved = 0;
- assert(task != kernel_task);
+ task_require(task);
+ os_ref_retain(&task->ref_count);
- cur_thr_act = current_act();
- cur_task = cur_thr_act->task;
+ numsaved = OSBacktrace(bt, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH);
+ btlog_add_entry(task_ref_btlog, task, TASK_REF_OP_INCR,
+ bt, numsaved);
- if (task != cur_task) {
- }
+task_deallocate_internal(task_t task)
+ void * bt[TASK_REF_BTDEPTH];
+ int numsaved = 0;
- /*
- * If task is not resident (swapped out, or being swapped
- * out), we want to bring it back in and make it unswappable.
- * This can block, so do it early.
- */
- task_swapin(task, TRUE); /* TRUE means make it unswappable */
-#endif /* TASK_SWAPPER */
+ numsaved = OSBacktrace(bt, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH);
+ btlog_add_entry(task_ref_btlog, task, TASK_REF_OP_DECR,
+ bt, numsaved);
- task_lock(task);
+ return os_ref_release(&task->ref_count);
- if (!task->active || !cur_thr_act->active) {
+ /*
+ * Configure per-task memory limit.
+ * The boot-arg is interpreted as Megabytes,
+ * and takes precedence over the device tree.
+ * Setting the boot-arg to 0 disables task limits.
+ */
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("max_task_pmem", &max_task_footprint_mb,
+ sizeof(max_task_footprint_mb))) {
- * Task or current thread is already being terminated.
- * Hurry up and return out of the current kernel context
- * so that we run our AST special handler to terminate
- * ourselves.
+ * No limit was found in boot-args, so go look in the device tree.
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ if (!PE_get_default("kern.max_task_pmem", &max_task_footprint_mb,
+ sizeof(max_task_footprint_mb))) {
+ /*
+ * No limit was found in device tree.
+ */
+ max_task_footprint_mb = 0;
+ }
- if (task->thr_act_count > 1) {
+ if (max_task_footprint_mb != 0) {
+ if (max_task_footprint_mb < 50) {
+ printf("Warning: max_task_pmem %d below minimum.\n",
+ max_task_footprint_mb);
+ max_task_footprint_mb = 50;
+ }
+ printf("Limiting task physical memory footprint to %d MB\n",
+ max_task_footprint_mb);
+ max_task_footprint = (ledger_amount_t)max_task_footprint_mb * 1024 * 1024; // Convert MB to bytes
- * Mark all the threads to keep them from starting any more
- * user-level execution. The thread_terminate_internal code
- * would do this on a thread by thread basis anyway, but this
- * gives us a better chance of not having to wait there.
+ * Configure the per-task memory limit warning level.
+ * This is computed as a percentage.
- task_hold_locked(task);
+ max_task_footprint_warning_level = 0;
+ if (max_mem < 0x40000000) {
+ /*
+ * On devices with < 1GB of memory:
+ * -- set warnings to 50MB below the per-task limit.
+ */
+ if (max_task_footprint_mb > 50) {
+ max_task_footprint_warning_level = ((max_task_footprint_mb - 50) * 100) / max_task_footprint_mb;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * On devices with >= 1GB of memory:
+ * -- set warnings to 100MB below the per-task limit.
+ */
+ if (max_task_footprint_mb > 100) {
+ max_task_footprint_warning_level = ((max_task_footprint_mb - 100) * 100) / max_task_footprint_mb;
+ }
+ }
- * Terminate all the other activations in the task.
- *
- * Each terminated activation will run it's special handler
- * when its current kernel context is unwound. That will
- * clean up most of the thread resources. Then it will be
- * handed over to the reaper, who will finally remove the
- * thread from the task list and free the structures.
+ * Never allow warning level to land below the default.
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act, thread_act_t,thr_acts) {
- if (thr_act != cur_thr_act)
- thread_terminate_internal(thr_act);
+ if (max_task_footprint_warning_level < PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL) {
+ max_task_footprint_warning_level = PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL;
- task_release_locked(task);
+ printf("Limiting task physical memory warning to %d%%\n", max_task_footprint_warning_level);
+ printf("Warning: max_task_pmem specified, but jetsam not configured; ignoring.\n");
- /*
- * If the current thread has any virtual machine state
- * associated with it, we need to explicitly clean that
- * up now (because we did not terminate the current act)
- * before we try to clean up the task VM and port spaces.
- */
- act_virtual_machine_destroy(cur_thr_act);
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("exc_resource_threads",
+ &exc_resource_threads_enabled,
+ sizeof(exc_resource_threads_enabled))) {
+ exc_resource_threads_enabled = 1;
+ }
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("task_exc_guard_default",
+ &task_exc_guard_default,
+ sizeof(task_exc_guard_default));
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("hwm_user_cores", &hwm_user_cores,
+ sizeof(hwm_user_cores))) {
+ hwm_user_cores = 0;
+ }
- task_unlock(task);
+ proc_init_cpumon_params();
- /*
- * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task.
- */
- task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task);
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_rate", &task_wakeups_monitor_rate, sizeof(task_wakeups_monitor_rate))) {
+ task_wakeups_monitor_rate = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+ }
- /*
- * Destroy the contents of the IPC space, leaving just
- * a reference for it.
- */
- if (!task->kernel_loaded)
- ipc_space_clean(task->itk_space);
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_interval", &task_wakeups_monitor_interval, sizeof(task_wakeups_monitor_interval))) {
+ task_wakeups_monitor_interval = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_INTERVAL;
+ }
- /*
- * Clean out the address space, as we are going to be
- * getting a new one.
- */
- (void) vm_map_remove(task->map,
- task->map->min_offset,
- task->map->max_offset, VM_MAP_NO_FLAGS);
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct", &task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct,
+ sizeof(task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct))) {
+ task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_USTACKSHOTS_TRIGGER;
+ }
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("disable_exc_resource", &disable_exc_resource,
+ sizeof(disable_exc_resource))) {
+ disable_exc_resource = 0;
+ }
- * task_hold_locked:
- *
- * Suspend execution of the specified task.
- * This is a recursive-style suspension of the task, a count of
- * suspends is maintained.
- *
- * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active.
- */
- register task_t task)
- register thread_act_t thr_act;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_iomon_limit_mb", &task_iomon_limit_mb, sizeof(task_iomon_limit_mb))) {
+ task_iomon_limit_mb = IOMON_DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+ }
- assert(task->active);
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_iomon_interval_secs", &task_iomon_interval_secs, sizeof(task_iomon_interval_secs))) {
+ task_iomon_interval_secs = IOMON_DEFAULT_INTERVAL;
+ }
- if (task->suspend_count++ > 0)
- return;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("io_telemetry_limit", &io_telemetry_limit, sizeof(io_telemetry_limit))) {
+ io_telemetry_limit = IO_TELEMETRY_DEFAULT_LIMIT;
+ }
+ * If we have coalitions, coalition_init() will call init_task_ledgers() as it
+ * sets up the ledgers for the default coalition. If we don't have coalitions,
+ * then we have to call it now.
+ */
+ assert(task_ledger_template);
+ init_task_ledgers();
+ task_ref_btlog = btlog_create(TASK_REF_NUM_RECORDS, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH, TRUE /* caller_will_remove_entries_for_element? */);
+ assert(task_ref_btlog);
- * Iterate through all the thread_act's and hold them.
+ * Create the kernel task as the first task.
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act, thread_act_t, thr_acts) {
- act_lock_thread(thr_act);
- thread_hold(thr_act);
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
- }
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ if (task_create_internal(TASK_NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TF_NONE, TPF_NONE, TWF_NONE, &kernel_task) != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ if (task_create_internal(TASK_NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TF_NONE, TPF_NONE, TWF_NONE, &kernel_task) != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ { panic("task_init\n");}
+#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
+ kernel_task->rop_pid = ml_default_rop_pid();
+ kernel_task->jop_pid = ml_default_jop_pid();
+ // kernel_task never runs at EL0, but machine_thread_state_convert_from/to_user() relies on
+ // disable_user_jop to be false for kernel threads (e.g. in exception delivery on thread_exception_daemon)
+ ml_task_set_disable_user_jop(kernel_task, FALSE);
+ vm_map_deallocate(kernel_task->map);
+ kernel_task->map = kernel_map;
- * task_hold:
- *
- * Same as the internal routine above, except that is must lock
- * and verify that the task is active. This differs from task_suspend
- * in that it places a kernel hold on the task rather than just a
- * user-level hold. This keeps users from over resuming and setting
- * it running out from under the kernel.
- *
- * CONDITIONS: the caller holds a reference on the task
+ * Create a task running in the kernel address space. It may
+ * have its own map of size mem_size and may have ipc privileges.
-task_hold(task_t task)
+ __unused task_t parent_task,
+ __unused vm_offset_t map_base,
+ __unused vm_size_t map_size,
+ __unused task_t *child_task)
- kern_return_t kret;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
- task_lock(task);
- if (!task->active) {
- task_unlock(task);
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
+ task_t parent_task,
+ __unused ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports,
+ __unused boolean_t inherit_memory,
+ __unused task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
+ if (parent_task == TASK_NULL) {
- task_hold_locked(task);
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ /*
+ * No longer supported: too many calls assume that a task has a valid
+ * process attached.
+ */
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
- * Routine: task_wait_locked
- * Wait for all threads in task to stop.
- *
- * Conditions:
- * Called with task locked, active, and held.
- */
- register task_t task)
+ host_security_t host_security,
+ task_t parent_task,
+ __unused security_token_t sec_token,
+ __unused audit_token_t audit_token,
+ __unused host_priv_t host_priv,
+ __unused ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports,
+ __unused boolean_t inherit_memory,
+ __unused task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
- register thread_act_t thr_act, cur_thr_act;
+ if (parent_task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
- assert(task->active);
- assert(task->suspend_count > 0);
+ if (host_security == HOST_NULL) {
+ }
- cur_thr_act = current_act();
- * Iterate through all the thread's and wait for them to
- * stop. Do not wait for the current thread if it is within
- * the task.
+ * No longer supported.
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act, thread_act_t, thr_acts) {
- if (thr_act != cur_thr_act) {
- thread_shuttle_t thr_shuttle;
- thr_shuttle = act_lock_thread(thr_act);
- thread_wait(thr_shuttle);
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
- }
- }
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
- * task_release_locked:
+ * Task ledgers
+ * ------------
- * Release a kernel hold on a task.
+ * phys_footprint
+ * Physical footprint: This is the sum of:
+ * + (internal - alternate_accounting)
+ * + (internal_compressed - alternate_accounting_compressed)
+ * + iokit_mapped
+ * + purgeable_nonvolatile
+ * + purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed
+ * + page_table
+ *
+ * internal
+ * The task's anonymous memory, which on iOS is always resident.
+ *
+ * internal_compressed
+ * Amount of this task's internal memory which is held by the compressor.
+ * Such memory is no longer actually resident for the task [i.e., resident in its pmap],
+ * and could be either decompressed back into memory, or paged out to storage, depending
+ * on our implementation.
+ *
+ * iokit_mapped
+ * IOKit mappings: The total size of all IOKit mappings in this task, regardless of
+ * clean/dirty or internal/external state].
+ *
+ * alternate_accounting
+ * The number of internal dirty pages which are part of IOKit mappings. By definition, these pages
+ * are counted in both internal *and* iokit_mapped, so we must subtract them from the total to avoid
+ * double counting.
- * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active
+ * pages_grabbed
+ * pages_grabbed counts all page grabs in a task. It is also broken out into three subtypes
+ * which track UPL, IOPL and Kernel page grabs.
- register task_t task)
- register thread_act_t thr_act;
+ ledger_template_t t;
+ assert(task_ledger_template == NULL);
+ assert(kernel_task == TASK_NULL);
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("pmap_ledgers_panic",
+ &pmap_ledgers_panic,
+ sizeof(pmap_ledgers_panic));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("pmap_ledgers_panic_leeway",
+ &pmap_ledgers_panic_leeway,
+ sizeof(pmap_ledgers_panic_leeway));
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ if ((t = ledger_template_create("Per-task ledger")) == NULL) {
+ panic("couldn't create task ledger template");
+ }
- assert(task->active);
- assert(task->suspend_count > 0);
+ task_ledgers.cpu_time = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time", "sched", "ns");
+ task_ledgers.tkm_private = ledger_entry_add(t, "tkm_private",
+ "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.tkm_shared = ledger_entry_add(t, "tkm_shared", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.phys_mem = ledger_entry_add(t, "phys_mem", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.wired_mem = ledger_entry_add(t, "wired_mem", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.internal = ledger_entry_add(t, "internal", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.iokit_mapped = ledger_entry_add(t, "iokit_mapped", "mappings",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.alternate_accounting = ledger_entry_add(t, "alternate_accounting", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.alternate_accounting_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "alternate_accounting_compressed", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.page_table = ledger_entry_add(t, "page_table", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.phys_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "phys_footprint", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.internal_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "internal_compressed", "physmem",
+ "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_volatile", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_nonvolatile", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_volatile_compress", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_nonvolatile_compress", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.pages_grabbed = ledger_entry_add(t, "pages_grabbed", "physmem", "count");
+ task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_kern = ledger_entry_add(t, "pages_grabbed_kern", "physmem", "count");
+ task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_iopl = ledger_entry_add(t, "pages_grabbed_iopl", "physmem", "count");
+ task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_upl = ledger_entry_add(t, "pages_grabbed_upl", "physmem", "count");
+ task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "tagged_nofootprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.tagged_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "tagged_footprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "tagged_nofootprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.tagged_footprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "tagged_footprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.network_volatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "network_volatile", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "network_nonvolatile", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.network_volatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "network_volatile_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "network_nonvolatile_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.media_nofootprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "media_nofootprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.media_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "media_footprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.media_nofootprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "media_nofootprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "media_footprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "graphics_nofootprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.graphics_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "graphics_footprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "graphics_nofootprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "graphics_footprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "neural_nofootprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.neural_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "neural_footprint", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "neural_nofootprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "neural_footprint_compressed", "physmem", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.frozen_to_swap = ledger_entry_add(t, "frozen_to_swap", "physmem", "bytes");
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups = ledger_entry_add(t, "platform_idle_wakeups", "power",
+ "count");
+ task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups = ledger_entry_add(t, "interrupt_wakeups", "power",
+ "count");
+ sfi_class_id_t class_id, ledger_alias;
+ for (class_id = SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; class_id < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; class_id++) {
+ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = -1;
+ }
- if (--task->suspend_count > 0)
- return;
+ /* don't account for UNSPECIFIED */
+ for (class_id = SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED + 1; class_id < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; class_id++) {
+ ledger_alias = sfi_get_ledger_alias_for_class(class_id);
+ if (ledger_alias != SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ /* Check to see if alias has been registered yet */
+ if (task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias] != -1) {
+ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias];
+ } else {
+ /* Otherwise, initialize it first */
+ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias] = sfi_ledger_entry_add(t, ledger_alias);
+ }
+ } else {
+ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = sfi_ledger_entry_add(t, class_id);
+ }
- /*
- * Iterate through all the thread_act's and hold them.
- * Do not hold the current thread_act if it is within the
- * task.
- */
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act, thread_act_t, thr_acts) {
- act_lock_thread(thr_act);
- thread_release(thr_act);
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
+ if (task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] < 0) {
+ panic("couldn't create entries for task ledger template for SFI class 0x%x", class_id);
+ }
- * task_release:
- *
- * Same as the internal routine above, except that it must lock
- * and verify that the task is active.
- *
- * CONDITIONS: The caller holds a reference to the task
- */
-task_release(task_t task)
- kern_return_t kret;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
- task_lock(task);
- if (!task->active) {
- task_unlock(task);
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
+ assert(task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID - 1] != -1);
+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_SFI */
+ task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_me = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time_billed_to_me", "sched", "ns");
+ task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_others = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time_billed_to_others", "sched", "ns");
+ task_ledgers.physical_writes = ledger_entry_add(t, "physical_writes", "res", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.logical_writes = ledger_entry_add(t, "logical_writes", "res", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.logical_writes_to_external = ledger_entry_add(t, "logical_writes_to_external", "res", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.fs_metadata_writes = ledger_entry_add(t, "fs_metadata_writes", "res", "bytes");
+ task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_me = ledger_entry_add(t, "energy_billed_to_me", "power", "nj");
+ task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_others = ledger_entry_add(t, "energy_billed_to_others", "power", "nj");
+ if ((task_ledgers.cpu_time < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tkm_private < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tkm_shared < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.phys_mem < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.wired_mem < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.internal < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.iokit_mapped < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.alternate_accounting < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.alternate_accounting_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.page_table < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.phys_footprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.internal_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tagged_footprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.tagged_footprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.frozen_to_swap < 0) ||
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ (task_ledgers.network_volatile < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.network_volatile_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.media_nofootprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.media_footprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.media_nofootprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.graphics_footprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.neural_footprint < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_me < 0) || (task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_others < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.physical_writes < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.logical_writes < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.logical_writes_to_external < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.fs_metadata_writes < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_me < 0) ||
+ (task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_others < 0)
+ ) {
+ panic("couldn't create entries for task ledger template");
- task_release_locked(task);
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.page_table);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.internal);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.internal_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.iokit_mapped);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.pages_grabbed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_kern);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_iopl);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_upl);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.network_volatile);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.network_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.media_nofootprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.media_footprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.media_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.neural_footprint);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_credit_only(t, task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_track_maximum(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, 60);
+ if (pmap_ledgers_panic) {
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.page_table);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.internal);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.internal_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.iokit_mapped);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.fs_metadata_writes);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.tagged_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.network_volatile);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.network_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.media_nofootprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.media_footprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.media_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.neural_footprint);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed);
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ ledger_set_callback(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, task_footprint_exceeded, NULL, NULL);
+ ledger_set_callback(t, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups,
+ task_wakeups_rate_exceeded, NULL, NULL);
+ ledger_set_callback(t, task_ledgers.physical_writes, task_io_rate_exceeded, (void *)FLAVOR_IO_PHYSICAL_WRITES, NULL);
+ ledger_template_complete_secure_alloc(t);
+#else /* XNU_MONITOR */
+ ledger_template_complete(t);
+#endif /* XNU_MONITOR */
+ task_ledger_template = t;
+os_refgrp_decl(static, task_refgrp, "task", NULL);
- task_t task,
- thread_act_array_t *thr_act_list,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *count)
+ task_t parent_task,
+ coalition_t *parent_coalitions __unused,
+ boolean_t inherit_memory,
+ __unused boolean_t is_64bit,
+ boolean_t is_64bit_data,
+ uint32_t t_flags,
+ uint32_t t_procflags,
+ uint8_t t_returnwaitflags,
+ task_t *child_task) /* OUT */
- unsigned int actual; /* this many thr_acts */
- thread_act_t thr_act;
- thread_act_t *thr_acts;
- thread_t thread;
- int i, j;
- vm_size_t size, size_needed;
- vm_offset_t addr;
+ task_t new_task;
+ vm_shared_region_t shared_region;
+ ledger_t ledger = NULL;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ new_task = (task_t) zalloc(task_zone);
- size = 0; addr = 0;
+ if (new_task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
- for (;;) {
- task_lock(task);
- if (!task->active) {
- task_unlock(task);
- if (size != 0)
- kfree(addr, size);
- return KERN_FAILURE;
- }
+ /* one ref for just being alive; one for our caller */
+ os_ref_init_count(&new_task->ref_count, &task_refgrp, 2);
+ /* allocate with active entries */
+ assert(task_ledger_template != NULL);
+ if ((ledger = ledger_instantiate(task_ledger_template,
+ zfree(task_zone, new_task);
+ }
- actual = task->thr_act_count;
+ counter_alloc(&(new_task->faults));
- /* do we have the memory we need? */
- size_needed = actual * sizeof(mach_port_t);
- if (size_needed <= size)
- break;
+#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
+ ml_task_set_rop_pid(new_task, parent_task, inherit_memory);
+ ml_task_set_jop_pid(new_task, parent_task, inherit_memory);
+ ml_task_set_disable_user_jop(new_task, inherit_memory ? parent_task->disable_user_jop : FALSE);
- /* unlock the task and allocate more memory */
- task_unlock(task);
- if (size != 0)
- kfree(addr, size);
+ new_task->ledger = ledger;
- assert(size_needed > 0);
- size = size_needed;
+ new_task->sched_group = sched_group_create();
- addr = kalloc(size);
- if (addr == 0)
+ /* if inherit_memory is true, parent_task MUST not be NULL */
+ if (!(t_flags & TF_CORPSE_FORK) && inherit_memory) {
+ new_task->map = vm_map_fork(ledger, parent_task->map, 0);
+ } else {
+ unsigned int pmap_flags = is_64bit ? PMAP_CREATE_64BIT : 0;
+ new_task->map = vm_map_create(pmap_create_options(ledger, 0, pmap_flags),
+ (vm_map_offset_t)(VM_MIN_ADDRESS),
+ (vm_map_offset_t)(VM_MAX_ADDRESS), TRUE);
- /* OK, have memory and the task is locked & active */
- thr_acts = (thread_act_t *) addr;
- for (i = j = 0, thr_act = (thread_act_t) queue_first(&task->thr_acts);
- i < actual;
- i++, thr_act = (thread_act_t) queue_next(&thr_act->thr_acts)) {
- act_lock(thr_act);
- if (thr_act->ref_count > 0) {
- act_locked_act_reference(thr_act);
- thr_acts[j++] = thr_act;
- }
- act_unlock(thr_act);
+ /* Inherit memlock limit from parent */
+ if (parent_task) {
+ vm_map_set_user_wire_limit(new_task->map, (vm_size_t)parent_task->map->user_wire_limit);
- assert(queue_end(&task->thr_acts, (queue_entry_t) thr_act));
- actual = j;
- size_needed = actual * sizeof(mach_port_t);
+ lck_mtx_init(&new_task->lock, &task_lck_grp, &task_lck_attr);
+ queue_init(&new_task->threads);
+ new_task->suspend_count = 0;
+ new_task->thread_count = 0;
+ new_task->active_thread_count = 0;
+ new_task->user_stop_count = 0;
+ new_task->legacy_stop_count = 0;
+ new_task->active = TRUE;
+ new_task->halting = FALSE;
+ new_task->priv_flags = 0;
+ new_task->t_flags = t_flags;
+ new_task->t_procflags = t_procflags;
+ new_task->t_returnwaitflags = t_returnwaitflags;
+ new_task->returnwait_inheritor = current_thread();
+ new_task->importance = 0;
+ new_task->crashed_thread_id = 0;
+ new_task->exec_token = 0;
+ new_task->watchports = NULL;
+ new_task->restartable_ranges = NULL;
+ new_task->task_exc_guard = 0;
+ new_task->bank_context = NULL;
- /* can unlock task now that we've got the thr_act refs */
- task_unlock(task);
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ new_task->bsd_info = NULL;
+ new_task->corpse_info = NULL;
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
- if (actual == 0) {
- /* no thr_acts, so return null pointer and deallocate memory */
+ new_task->crash_label = NULL;
- *thr_act_list = 0;
- *count = 0;
+ new_task->mach_trap_filter_mask = NULL;
+ new_task->mach_kobj_filter_mask = NULL;
- if (size != 0)
- kfree(addr, size);
- } else {
- /* if we allocated too much, must copy */
+ if (max_task_footprint != 0) {
+ ledger_set_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, max_task_footprint, PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL);
+ }
- if (size_needed < size) {
- vm_offset_t newaddr;
+ if (task_wakeups_monitor_rate != 0) {
+ int32_t rate; // Ignored because of WAKEMON_SET_DEFAULTS
+ task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(new_task, &flags, &rate);
+ }
- newaddr = kalloc(size_needed);
- if (newaddr == 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < actual; i++)
- act_deallocate(thr_acts[i]);
- kfree(addr, size);
- }
+ uint32_t flags = IOMON_ENABLE;
+ task_io_monitor_ctl(new_task, &flags);
- bcopy((char *) addr, (char *) newaddr, size_needed);
- kfree(addr, size);
- thr_acts = (thread_act_t *) newaddr;
- }
+ machine_task_init(new_task, parent_task, inherit_memory);
- *thr_act_list = thr_acts;
- *count = actual;
+ new_task->task_debug = NULL;
- /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */
+ new_task->task_unnested = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_disconnected_count = 0;
+ queue_init(&new_task->semaphore_list);
+ new_task->semaphores_owned = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < actual; i++)
- ((ipc_port_t *) thr_acts)[i] =
- convert_act_to_port(thr_acts[i]);
- }
+ ipc_task_init(new_task, parent_task);
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ new_task->vtimers = 0;
- * Routine: task_suspend
- * Implement a user-level suspension on a task.
- *
- * Conditions:
- * The caller holds a reference to the task
- */
- register task_t task)
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ new_task->shared_region = NULL;
- task_lock(task);
- if (!task->active) {
- task_unlock(task);
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
- }
- if ((task->user_stop_count)++ > 0) {
- /*
- * If the stop count was positive, the task is
- * already stopped and we can exit.
- */
- task_unlock(task);
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
- }
+ new_task->affinity_space = NULL;
- /*
- * Put a kernel-level hold on the threads in the task (all
- * user-level task suspensions added together represent a
- * single kernel-level hold). We then wait for the threads
- * to stop executing user code.
- */
- task_hold_locked(task);
- task_wait_locked(task);
- task_unlock(task);
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
+ new_task->t_kpc = 0;
- * Routine: task_resume
- * Release a kernel hold on a task.
- *
- * Conditions:
- * The caller holds a reference to the task
- */
-task_resume(register task_t task)
- register boolean_t release;
+ new_task->pidsuspended = FALSE;
+ new_task->frozen = FALSE;
+ new_task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE;
+ new_task->rusage_cpu_flags = 0;
+ new_task->rusage_cpu_percentage = 0;
+ new_task->rusage_cpu_interval = 0;
+ new_task->rusage_cpu_deadline = 0;
+ new_task->rusage_cpu_callt = NULL;
+ new_task->suspends_outstanding = 0;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ new_task->hv_task_target = NULL;
+#endif /* HYPERVISOR */
- release = FALSE;
- task_lock(task);
- if (!task->active) {
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
- }
- if (task->user_stop_count > 0) {
- if (--(task->user_stop_count) == 0)
- release = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
- }
+ queue_init(&new_task->task_watchers);
+ new_task->num_taskwatchers = 0;
+ new_task->watchapplying = 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_TASKWATCH */
- /*
- * Release the task if necessary.
- */
- if (release)
- task_release_locked(task);
+ new_task->mem_notify_reserved = 0;
+ new_task->memlimit_attrs_reserved = 0;
- task_unlock(task);
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ new_task->requested_policy = default_task_requested_policy;
+ new_task->effective_policy = default_task_effective_policy;
- host_security_t host_security,
- task_t task,
- security_token_t sec_token,
- host_priv_t host_priv)
- kern_return_t kr;
+ new_task->task_shared_region_slide = -1;
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ task_importance_init_from_parent(new_task, parent_task);
- if (host_security == HOST_NULL)
+ if (parent_task != TASK_NULL) {
+ new_task->sec_token = parent_task->sec_token;
+ new_task->audit_token = parent_task->audit_token;
- task_lock(task);
- task->sec_token = sec_token;
- task_unlock(task);
+ /* inherit the parent's shared region */
+ shared_region = vm_shared_region_get(parent_task);
+ vm_shared_region_set(new_task, shared_region);
- if (host_priv != HOST_PRIV_NULL) {
- kr = task_set_special_port(task,
- ipc_port_make_send(realhost.host_priv_self));
- } else {
- kr = task_set_special_port(task,
- ipc_port_make_send(realhost.host_self));
- }
- return(kr);
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+ /* use parent's shared_region_id */
+ char *shared_region_id = task_get_vm_shared_region_id_and_jop_pid(parent_task, NULL);
+ if (shared_region_id != NULL) {
+ shared_region_key_alloc(shared_region_id, FALSE, 0); /* get a reference */
+ }
+ task_set_shared_region_id(new_task, shared_region_id);
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
- * Utility routine to set a ledger
- */
- task_t task,
- ledger_t wired,
- ledger_t paged)
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ if (task_has_64Bit_addr(parent_task)) {
+ task_set_64Bit_addr(new_task);
+ }
- task_lock(task);
- if (wired) {
- ipc_port_release_send(task->wired_ledger_port);
- task->wired_ledger_port = ledger_copy(wired);
- }
- if (paged) {
- ipc_port_release_send(task->paged_ledger_port);
- task->paged_ledger_port = ledger_copy(paged);
- }
- task_unlock(task);
+ if (task_has_64Bit_data(parent_task)) {
+ task_set_64Bit_data(new_task);
+ }
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ new_task->all_image_info_addr = parent_task->all_image_info_addr;
+ new_task->all_image_info_size = parent_task->all_image_info_size;
+ new_task->mach_header_vm_address = 0;
- * This routine was added, pretty much exclusively, for registering the
- * RPC glue vector for in-kernel short circuited tasks. Rather than
- * removing it completely, I have only disabled that feature (which was
- * the only feature at the time). It just appears that we are going to
- * want to add some user data to tasks in the future (i.e. bsd info,
- * task names, etc...), so I left it in the formal task interface.
- */
- task_t task,
- task_flavor_t flavor,
- task_info_t task_info_in, /* pointer to IN array */
- mach_msg_type_number_t task_info_count)
- vm_map_t map;
+ if (inherit_memory && parent_task->affinity_space) {
+ task_affinity_create(parent_task, new_task);
+ }
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ new_task->pset_hint = parent_task->pset_hint = task_choose_pset(parent_task);
- switch (flavor) {
- default:
- }
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
+ if (parent_task->t_flags & TF_NO_SMT) {
+ new_task->t_flags |= TF_NO_SMT;
+ }
- task_t task,
- task_flavor_t flavor,
- task_info_t task_info_out,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count)
- thread_t thread;
- vm_map_t map;
+ if (parent_task->t_flags & TF_TECS) {
+ new_task->t_flags |= TF_TECS;
+ }
- if (task == TASK_NULL)
+ if (parent_task->t_flags & TF_FILTER_MSG) {
+ new_task->t_flags |= TF_FILTER_MSG;
+ }
- switch (flavor) {
+ new_task->priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT;
+ new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_USER;
- {
- register task_basic_info_t basic_info;
+ task_policy_create(new_task, parent_task);
+ } else {
+ new_task->sec_token = KERNEL_SECURITY_TOKEN;
+ new_task->audit_token = KERNEL_AUDIT_TOKEN;
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ if (is_64bit) {
+ task_set_64Bit_addr(new_task);
+ }
- if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT) {
+ if (is_64bit_data) {
+ task_set_64Bit_data(new_task);
- basic_info = (task_basic_info_t) task_info_out;
+ new_task->all_image_info_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)0;
+ new_task->all_image_info_size = (mach_vm_size_t)0;
- map = (task == kernel_task) ? kernel_map : task->map;
+ new_task->pset_hint = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL;
- basic_info->virtual_size = map->size;
- basic_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_count(map->pmap)
+ if (kernel_task == TASK_NULL) {
+ new_task->priority = BASEPRI_KERNEL;
+ new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_KERNEL;
+ } else {
+ new_task->priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT;
+ new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_USER;
+ }
+ }
- task_lock(task);
- basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)?
- basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count;
- basic_info->user_time.seconds
- = task->total_user_time.seconds;
- basic_info->user_time.microseconds
- = task->total_user_time.microseconds;
- basic_info->system_time.seconds
- = task->total_system_time.seconds;
- basic_info->system_time.microseconds
- = task->total_system_time.microseconds;
- task_unlock(task);
+ bzero(new_task->coalition, sizeof(new_task->coalition));
+ for (int i = 0; i < COALITION_NUM_TYPES; i++) {
+ queue_chain_init(new_task->task_coalition[i]);
+ }
- *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ /* Allocate I/O Statistics */
+ new_task->task_io_stats = kheap_alloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS,
+ sizeof(struct io_stat_info), Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO);
+ assert(new_task->task_io_stats != NULL);
- {
- register task_thread_times_info_t times_info;
- register thread_t thread;
- register thread_act_t thr_act;
+ bzero(&(new_task->cpu_time_eqos_stats), sizeof(new_task->cpu_time_eqos_stats));
+ bzero(&(new_task->cpu_time_rqos_stats), sizeof(new_task->cpu_time_rqos_stats));
- if (*task_info_count < TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT) {
- }
+ bzero(&new_task->extmod_statistics, sizeof(new_task->extmod_statistics));
- times_info = (task_thread_times_info_t) task_info_out;
- times_info->user_time.seconds = 0;
- times_info->user_time.microseconds = 0;
- times_info->system_time.seconds = 0;
- times_info->system_time.microseconds = 0;
+ /* Copy resource acc. info from Parent for Corpe Forked task. */
+ if (parent_task != NULL && (t_flags & TF_CORPSE_FORK)) {
+ task_rollup_accounting_info(new_task, parent_task);
+ } else {
+ /* Initialize to zero for standard fork/spawn case */
+ new_task->total_user_time = 0;
+ new_task->total_system_time = 0;
+ new_task->total_ptime = 0;
+ new_task->total_runnable_time = 0;
+ new_task->pageins = 0;
+ new_task->cow_faults = 0;
+ new_task->messages_sent = 0;
+ new_task->messages_received = 0;
+ new_task->syscalls_mach = 0;
+ new_task->syscalls_unix = 0;
+ new_task->c_switch = 0;
+ new_task->p_switch = 0;
+ new_task->ps_switch = 0;
+ new_task->decompressions = 0;
+ new_task->low_mem_notified_warn = 0;
+ new_task->low_mem_notified_critical = 0;
+ new_task->purged_memory_warn = 0;
+ new_task->purged_memory_critical = 0;
+ new_task->low_mem_privileged_listener = 0;
+ new_task->memlimit_is_active = 0;
+ new_task->memlimit_is_fatal = 0;
+ new_task->memlimit_active_exc_resource = 0;
+ new_task->memlimit_inactive_exc_resource = 0;
+ new_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 = 0;
+ new_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 = 0;
+ new_task->task_gpu_ns = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_immediate_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_deferred_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_invalidated_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_metadata_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_immediate_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_deferred_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_invalidated_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_metadata_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_fs_metadata_writes = 0;
+ new_task->task_energy = 0;
+ memset(&new_task->task_monotonic, 0, sizeof(new_task->task_monotonic));
+#endif /* MONOTONIC */
+ }
- task_lock(task);
- queue_iterate(&task->thr_acts, thr_act,
- thread_act_t, thr_acts)
- {
- time_value_t user_time, system_time;
- spl_t s;
- thread = act_lock_thread(thr_act);
+ if (!(t_flags & TF_CORPSE_FORK)) {
+ /* TODO: there is no graceful failure path here... */
+ if (parent_coalitions && parent_coalitions[COALITION_TYPE_RESOURCE]) {
+ coalitions_adopt_task(parent_coalitions, new_task);
+ } else if (parent_task && parent_task->coalition[COALITION_TYPE_RESOURCE]) {
+ /*
+ * all tasks at least have a resource coalition, so
+ * if the parent has one then inherit all coalitions
+ * the parent is a part of
+ */
+ coalitions_adopt_task(parent_task->coalition, new_task);
+ } else {
+ /* TODO: assert that new_task will be PID 1 (launchd) */
+ coalitions_adopt_init_task(new_task);
+ }
+ /*
+ * on exec, we need to transfer the coalition roles from the
+ * parent task to the exec copy task.
+ */
+ if (parent_task && (t_procflags & TPF_EXEC_COPY)) {
+ int coal_roles[COALITION_NUM_TYPES];
+ task_coalition_roles(parent_task, coal_roles);
+ (void)coalitions_set_roles(new_task->coalition, new_task, coal_roles);
+ }
+ } else {
+ coalitions_adopt_corpse_task(new_task);
+ }
+ if (new_task->coalition[COALITION_TYPE_RESOURCE] == COALITION_NULL) {
+ panic("created task is not a member of a resource coalition");
+ }
- /* JMM - add logic to skip threads that have migrated
- * into this task?
- */
+ new_task->dispatchqueue_offset = 0;
+ if (parent_task != NULL) {
+ new_task->dispatchqueue_offset = parent_task->dispatchqueue_offset;
+ }
- assert(thread); /* Must have thread */
- s = splsched();
- thread_lock(thread);
+ new_task->task_can_transfer_memory_ownership = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_volatile_objects = 0;
+ new_task->task_nonvolatile_objects = 0;
+ new_task->task_objects_disowning = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_objects_disowned = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_owned_objects = 0;
+ queue_init(&new_task->task_objq);
+ queue_init(&new_task->task_frozen_cseg_q);
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ task_objq_lock_init(new_task);
+#if __arm64__
+ new_task->task_legacy_footprint = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_extra_footprint_limit = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_ios13extended_footprint_limit = FALSE;
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
+ new_task->task_region_footprint = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_has_crossed_thread_limit = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_thread_limit = 0;
+ new_task->task_can_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_could_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_could_also_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ new_task->task_suppressed_secluded = FALSE;
- thread_read_times(thread, &user_time, &system_time);
+ /*
+ * t_flags is set up above. But since we don't
+ * support darkwake mode being set that way
+ * currently, we clear it out here explicitly.
+ */
+ new_task->t_flags &= ~(TF_DARKWAKE_MODE);
- thread_unlock(thread);
- splx(s);
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
+ queue_init(&new_task->io_user_clients);
+ new_task->loadTag = 0;
- time_value_add(×_info->user_time, &user_time);
- time_value_add(×_info->system_time, &system_time);
- }
- task_unlock(task);
+ ipc_task_enable(new_task);
- *task_info_count = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ queue_enter(&tasks, new_task, task_t, tasks);
+ tasks_count++;
+ if (tasks_suspend_state) {
+ task_suspend_internal(new_task);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock);
- {
+ *child_task = new_task;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
- if (*task_info_count < POLICY_FIFO_BASE_COUNT)
+ * task_rollup_accounting_info
+ *
+ * Roll up accounting stats. Used to rollup stats
+ * for exec copy task and corpse fork.
+ */
+task_rollup_accounting_info(task_t to_task, task_t from_task)
+ assert(from_task != to_task);
+ to_task->total_user_time = from_task->total_user_time;
+ to_task->total_system_time = from_task->total_system_time;
+ to_task->total_ptime = from_task->total_ptime;
+ to_task->total_runnable_time = from_task->total_runnable_time;
+ counter_add(&to_task->faults, counter_load(&from_task->faults));
+ to_task->pageins = from_task->pageins;
+ to_task->cow_faults = from_task->cow_faults;
+ to_task->decompressions = from_task->decompressions;
+ to_task->messages_sent = from_task->messages_sent;
+ to_task->messages_received = from_task->messages_received;
+ to_task->syscalls_mach = from_task->syscalls_mach;
+ to_task->syscalls_unix = from_task->syscalls_unix;
+ to_task->c_switch = from_task->c_switch;
+ to_task->p_switch = from_task->p_switch;
+ to_task->ps_switch = from_task->ps_switch;
+ to_task->extmod_statistics = from_task->extmod_statistics;
+ to_task->low_mem_notified_warn = from_task->low_mem_notified_warn;
+ to_task->low_mem_notified_critical = from_task->low_mem_notified_critical;
+ to_task->purged_memory_warn = from_task->purged_memory_warn;
+ to_task->purged_memory_critical = from_task->purged_memory_critical;
+ to_task->low_mem_privileged_listener = from_task->low_mem_privileged_listener;
+ *to_task->task_io_stats = *from_task->task_io_stats;
+ to_task->cpu_time_eqos_stats = from_task->cpu_time_eqos_stats;
+ to_task->cpu_time_rqos_stats = from_task->cpu_time_rqos_stats;
+ to_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 = from_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ to_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 = from_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+ to_task->task_gpu_ns = from_task->task_gpu_ns;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_immediate_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_immediate_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_deferred_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_deferred_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_invalidated_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_invalidated_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_metadata_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_internal.task_metadata_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_immediate_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_immediate_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_deferred_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_deferred_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_invalidated_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_invalidated_writes;
+ to_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_metadata_writes = from_task->task_writes_counters_external.task_metadata_writes;
+ to_task->task_fs_metadata_writes = from_task->task_fs_metadata_writes;
+ to_task->task_energy = from_task->task_energy;
+ /* Skip ledger roll up for memory accounting entries */
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.cpu_time);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups);
+ for (sfi_class_id_t class_id = SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; class_id < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; class_id++) {
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id]);
+ }
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_me);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_others);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.logical_writes);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_me);
+ ledger_rollup_entry(to_task->ledger, from_task->ledger, task_ledgers.energy_billed_to_others);
- }
+int task_dropped_imp_count = 0;
- {
- register policy_rr_base_t rr_base;
+ * task_deallocate:
+ *
+ * Drop a reference on a task.
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ ledger_amount_t credit, debit, interrupt_wakeups, platform_idle_wakeups;
+ os_ref_count_t refs;
- if (*task_info_count < POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
- rr_base = (policy_rr_base_t) task_info_out;
+ refs = task_deallocate_internal(task);
- task_lock(task);
- if (task != kernel_task) {
- task_unlock(task);
+ if (refs == 1) {
+ /*
+ * If last ref potentially comes from the task's importance,
+ * disconnect it. But more task refs may be added before
+ * that completes, so wait for the reference to go to zero
+ * naturally (it may happen on a recursive task_deallocate()
+ * from the ipc_importance_disconnect_task() call).
+ */
+ if (IIT_NULL != task->task_imp_base) {
+ ipc_importance_disconnect_task(task);
+ return;
+ }
- rr_base->base_priority = task->priority;
- task_unlock(task);
+ if (refs > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The task should be dead at this point. Ensure other resources
+ * like threads, are gone before we trash the world.
+ */
+ assert(queue_empty(&task->threads));
+ assert(task->bsd_info == NULL);
+ assert(!is_active(task->itk_space));
+ assert(!task->active);
+ assert(task->active_thread_count == 0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ assert(terminated_tasks_count > 0);
+ queue_remove(&terminated_tasks, task, task_t, tasks);
+ terminated_tasks_count--;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ /*
+ * remove the reference on bank context
+ */
+ task_bank_reset(task);
- rr_base->quantum = tick / 1000;
+ if (task->task_io_stats) {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, task->task_io_stats,
+ sizeof(struct io_stat_info));
+ }
- *task_info_count = POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ /*
+ * Give the machine dependent code a chance
+ * to perform cleanup before ripping apart
+ * the task.
+ */
+ machine_task_terminate(task);
- {
- register policy_timeshare_base_t ts_base;
+ ipc_task_terminate(task);
- if (*task_info_count < POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT)
+ /* let iokit know */
+ iokit_task_terminate(task);
- ts_base = (policy_timeshare_base_t) task_info_out;
+ if (task->affinity_space) {
+ task_affinity_deallocate(task);
+ }
- task_lock(task);
- if (task == kernel_task) {
- task_unlock(task);
- }
+ if (task->ledger != NULL &&
+ task->map != NULL &&
+ task->map->pmap != NULL &&
+ task->map->pmap->ledger != NULL) {
+ assert(task->ledger == task->map->pmap->ledger);
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ vm_owned_objects_disown(task);
+ assert(task->task_objects_disowned);
+ if (task->task_volatile_objects != 0 ||
+ task->task_nonvolatile_objects != 0 ||
+ task->task_owned_objects != 0) {
+ panic("task_deallocate(%p): "
+ "volatile_objects=%d nonvolatile_objects=%d owned=%d\n",
+ task,
+ task->task_volatile_objects,
+ task->task_nonvolatile_objects,
+ task->task_owned_objects);
+ }
- ts_base->base_priority = task->priority;
- task_unlock(task);
+ vm_map_deallocate(task->map);
+ is_release(task->itk_space);
+ if (task->restartable_ranges) {
+ restartable_ranges_release(task->restartable_ranges);
+ }
- *task_info_count = POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups,
+ &interrupt_wakeups, &debit);
+ ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups,
+ &platform_idle_wakeups, &debit);
- {
- register security_token_t *sec_token_p;
+ sched_group_destroy(task->sched_group);
- if (*task_info_count < TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT) {
- }
+ /* Accumulate statistics for dead tasks */
+ lck_spin_lock(&dead_task_statistics_lock);
+ dead_task_statistics.total_user_time += task->total_user_time;
+ dead_task_statistics.total_system_time += task->total_system_time;
- sec_token_p = (security_token_t *) task_info_out;
+ dead_task_statistics.task_interrupt_wakeups += interrupt_wakeups;
+ dead_task_statistics.task_platform_idle_wakeups += platform_idle_wakeups;
- task_lock(task);
- *sec_token_p = task->sec_token;
- task_unlock(task);
+ dead_task_statistics.task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 += task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ dead_task_statistics.task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 += task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+ dead_task_statistics.total_ptime += task->total_ptime;
+ dead_task_statistics.total_pset_switches += task->ps_switch;
+ dead_task_statistics.task_gpu_ns += task->task_gpu_ns;
+ dead_task_statistics.task_energy += task->task_energy;
- *task_info_count = TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ lck_spin_unlock(&dead_task_statistics_lock);
+ lck_mtx_destroy(&task->lock, &task_lck_grp);
- {
- register task_events_info_t events_info;
+ if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit,
+ &debit)) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(credit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_private.alloc);
+ OSAddAtomic64(debit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_private.free);
+ }
+ if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit,
+ &debit)) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(credit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_shared.alloc);
+ OSAddAtomic64(debit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_shared.free);
+ }
+ ledger_dereference(task->ledger);
- if (*task_info_count < TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT) {
- }
+ btlog_remove_entries_for_element(task_ref_btlog, task);
- events_info = (task_events_info_t) task_info_out;
+ counter_free(&task->faults);
- task_lock(task);
- events_info->faults = task->faults;
- events_info->pageins = task->pageins;
- events_info->cow_faults = task->cow_faults;
- events_info->messages_sent = task->messages_sent;
- events_info->messages_received = task->messages_received;
- events_info->syscalls_mach = task->syscalls_mach;
- events_info->syscalls_unix = task->syscalls_unix;
- events_info->csw = task->csw;
- task_unlock(task);
+ task_release_coalitions(task);
- *task_info_count = TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT;
- break;
- }
+ bzero(task->coalition, sizeof(task->coalition));
+ /* clean up collected information since last reference to task is gone */
+ if (task->corpse_info) {
+ void *corpse_info_kernel = kcdata_memory_get_begin_addr(task->corpse_info);
+ task_crashinfo_destroy(task->corpse_info);
+ task->corpse_info = NULL;
+ if (corpse_info_kernel) {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, corpse_info_kernel,
+ }
+ }
- default:
+ if (task->crash_label) {
+ mac_exc_free_label(task->crash_label);
+ task->crash_label = NULL;
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ assert(queue_empty(&task->task_objq));
+ task_objq_lock_destroy(task);
+ zfree(task_zone, task);
- * task_assign:
+ * task_name_deallocate:
- * Change the assigned processor set for the task
+ * Drop a reference on a task name.
- task_t task,
- processor_set_t new_pset,
- boolean_t assign_threads)
+ task_name_t task_name)
-#ifdef lint
- task++; new_pset++; assign_threads++;
-#endif /* lint */
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)task_name);
- * task_assign_default:
+ * task_policy_set_deallocate:
- * Version of task_assign to assign to default processor set.
+ * Drop a reference on a task type.
- task_t task,
- boolean_t assign_threads)
+task_policy_set_deallocate(task_policy_set_t task_policy_set)
- return (task_assign(task, &default_pset, assign_threads));
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)task_policy_set);
- * task_get_assignment
+ * task_policy_get_deallocate:
- * Return name of processor set that task is assigned to.
+ * Drop a reference on a task type.
- task_t task,
- processor_set_t *pset)
+task_policy_get_deallocate(task_policy_get_t task_policy_get)
- if (!task->active)
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
- *pset = task->processor_set;
- pset_reference(*pset);
- return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)task_policy_get);
- * task_policy
+ * task_inspect_deallocate:
- * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for
- * the given task. Policy must be a policy which is enabled for the
- * processor set. Change contained threads if requested.
+ * Drop a task inspection reference.
- task_t task,
- policy_t policy_id,
- policy_base_t base,
- mach_msg_type_number_t count,
- boolean_t set_limit,
- boolean_t change)
+ task_inspect_t task_inspect)
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)task_inspect);
- * task_set_policy
+ * task_read_deallocate:
- * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for
- * the given task. Policy can be any policy implemented by the
- * processor set, whether enabled or not. Change contained threads
- * if requested.
+ * Drop a reference on task read port.
- task_t task,
- processor_set_t pset,
- policy_t policy_id,
- policy_base_t base,
- mach_msg_type_number_t base_count,
- policy_limit_t limit,
- mach_msg_type_number_t limit_count,
- boolean_t change)
+ task_read_t task_read)
- return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)task_read);
- * task_collect_scan:
+ * task_suspension_token_deallocate:
- * Attempt to free resources owned by tasks.
+ * Drop a reference on a task suspension token.
+ task_suspension_token_t token)
- register task_t task, prev_task;
- processor_set_t pset = &default_pset;
- pset_lock(pset);
- pset->ref_count++;
- task = (task_t) queue_first(&pset->tasks);
- while (!queue_end(&pset->tasks, (queue_entry_t) task)) {
- task_lock(task);
- if (task->ref_count > 0) {
+ return task_deallocate((task_t)token);
- task_reference_locked(task);
- task_unlock(task);
- /*
- * While we still have the pset locked, freeze the task in
- * this pset. That way, when we get back from collecting
- * it, we can dereference the pset_tasks chain for the task
- * and be assured that we are still in this chain.
- */
- task_freeze(task);
+ * task_collect_crash_info:
+ *
+ * collect crash info from bsd and mach based data
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ struct label *crash_label,
+ int is_corpse_fork)
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ kcdata_descriptor_t crash_data = NULL;
+ kcdata_descriptor_t crash_data_release = NULL;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t size = CORPSEINFO_ALLOCATION_SIZE;
+ mach_vm_offset_t crash_data_ptr = 0;
+ void *crash_data_kernel = NULL;
+ void *crash_data_kernel_release = NULL;
+ struct label *label, *free_label;
- pset_unlock(pset);
+ if (!corpses_enabled()) {
+ }
- pmap_collect(task->map->pmap);
+ free_label = label = mac_exc_create_label();
- pset_lock(pset);
- prev_task = task;
- task = (task_t) queue_next(&task->pset_tasks);
+ task_lock(task);
- task_unfreeze(prev_task);
+ assert(is_corpse_fork || task->bsd_info != NULL);
+ if (task->corpse_info == NULL && (is_corpse_fork || task->bsd_info != NULL)) {
+ /* Set the crash label, used by the exception delivery mac hook */
+ free_label = task->crash_label; // Most likely NULL.
+ task->crash_label = label;
+ mac_exc_update_task_crash_label(task, crash_label);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ crash_data_kernel = kheap_alloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS,
+ if (crash_data_kernel == NULL) {
+ goto out_no_lock;
+ }
+ crash_data_ptr = (mach_vm_offset_t) crash_data_kernel;
+ /* Do not get a corpse ref for corpse fork */
+ crash_data = task_crashinfo_alloc_init((mach_vm_address_t)crash_data_ptr, size,
+ is_corpse_fork ? 0 : CORPSE_CRASHINFO_HAS_REF,
+ if (crash_data) {
+ task_lock(task);
+ crash_data_release = task->corpse_info;
+ crash_data_kernel_release = kcdata_memory_get_begin_addr(crash_data_release);
+ task->corpse_info = crash_data;
- task_deallocate(prev_task);
- } else {
- task = (task_t) queue_next(&task->pset_tasks);
+ } else {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, crash_data_kernel,
- }
- pset_unlock(pset);
+ if (crash_data_release != NULL) {
+ task_crashinfo_destroy(crash_data_release);
+ }
+ if (crash_data_kernel_release != NULL) {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, crash_data_kernel_release,
+ }
+ } else {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
- pset_deallocate(pset);
+ if (free_label != NULL) {
+ mac_exc_free_label(free_label);
+ }
+ return kr;
-/* Also disabled in vm/vm_pageout.c */
-boolean_t task_collect_allowed = FALSE;
-unsigned task_collect_last_tick = 0;
-unsigned task_collect_max_rate = 0; /* in ticks */
- * consider_task_collect:
+ * task_deliver_crash_notification:
- * Called by the pageout daemon when the system needs more free pages.
+ * Makes outcall to registered host port for a corpse.
+ task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ exception_type_t etype,
+ mach_exception_subcode_t subcode)
+ kcdata_descriptor_t crash_info = task->corpse_info;
+ thread_t th_iter = NULL;
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ wait_interrupt_t wsave;
+ mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
+ ipc_port_t task_port, old_notify;
+ if (crash_info == NULL) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (task_is_a_corpse_fork(task)) {
+ /* Populate code with EXC_{RESOURCE,GUARD} for corpse fork */
+ code[0] = etype;
+ code[1] = subcode;
+ } else {
+ /* Populate code with EXC_CRASH for corpses */
+ code[0] = EXC_CRASH;
+ code[1] = 0;
+ /* Update the code[1] if the boot-arg corpse_for_fatal_memkill is set */
+ if (corpse_for_fatal_memkill) {
+ code[1] = subcode;
+ }
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, th_iter, thread_t, task_threads)
+ {
+ if (th_iter->corpse_dup == FALSE) {
+ ipc_thread_reset(th_iter);
+ }
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* Arm the no-sender notification for taskport */
+ task_reference(task);
+ task_port = convert_task_to_port(task);
+ ip_lock(task_port);
+ require_ip_active(task_port);
+ ipc_port_nsrequest(task_port, task_port->ip_mscount, ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(task_port), &old_notify);
+ /* port unlocked */
+ assert(IP_NULL == old_notify);
+ wsave = thread_interrupt_level(THREAD_UNINT);
+ kr = exception_triage_thread(EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX, thread);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("Failed to send exception EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY. error code: %d for pid %d\n", kr, task_pid(task));
+ }
+ (void)thread_interrupt_level(wsave);
- * By default, don't attempt task collection more frequently
- * than once per second.
+ * Drop the send right on task port, will fire the
+ * no-sender notification if exception deliver failed.
+ ipc_port_release_send(task_port);
+ return kr;
- if (task_collect_max_rate == 0)
- task_collect_max_rate = (1 << SCHED_TICK_SHIFT) + 1;
+ * task_terminate:
+ *
+ * Terminate the specified task. See comments on thread_terminate
+ * (kern/thread.c) about problems with terminating the "current task."
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
- if (task_collect_allowed &&
- (sched_tick > (task_collect_last_tick + task_collect_max_rate))) {
- task_collect_last_tick = sched_tick;
- task_collect_scan();
+ if (task->bsd_info) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ return task_terminate_internal(task);
+extern int proc_pid(struct proc *);
+extern void proc_name_kdp(task_t t, char *buf, int size);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+#define VM_MAP_PARTIAL_REAP 0x54 /* 0x150 */
+static void
+__unused task_partial_reap(task_t task, __unused int pid)
+ unsigned int reclaimed_resident = 0;
+ unsigned int reclaimed_compressed = 0;
+ uint64_t task_page_count;
+ task_page_count = (get_task_phys_footprint(task) / PAGE_SIZE_64);
+ pid, task_page_count, 0, 0, 0);
+ vm_map_partial_reap(task->map, &reclaimed_resident, &reclaimed_compressed);
+ pid, reclaimed_resident, reclaimed_compressed, 0, 0);
- task_t task,
- vm_offset_t pc,
- vm_offset_t endpc)
+task_mark_corpse(task_t task)
- extern int fast_tas_debug;
- if (fast_tas_debug) {
- printf("task 0x%x: setting fast_tas to [0x%x, 0x%x]\n",
- task, pc, endpc);
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ thread_t self_thread;
+ (void) self_thread;
+ wait_interrupt_t wsave;
+ struct label *crash_label = NULL;
+ assert(task != kernel_task);
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ assert(!task_is_a_corpse(task));
+ crash_label = mac_exc_create_label_for_proc((struct proc*)task->bsd_info);
+ kr = task_collect_crash_info(task,
+ crash_label,
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ goto out;
+ self_thread = current_thread();
+ wsave = thread_interrupt_level(THREAD_UNINT);
- task->fast_tas_base = pc;
- task->fast_tas_end = endpc;
+ task_set_corpse_pending_report(task);
+ task_set_corpse(task);
+ task->crashed_thread_id = thread_tid(self_thread);
+ kr = task_start_halt_locked(task, TRUE);
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ ipc_task_reset(task);
+ /* Remove the naked send right for task port, needed to arm no sender notification */
+ task_set_special_port_internal(task, TASK_KERNEL_PORT, IPC_PORT_NULL);
+ ipc_task_enable(task);
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
-#else /* FAST_TAS */
-#ifdef lint
- task++;
- pc++;
- endpc++;
-#endif /* lint */
- return KERN_FAILURE;
-#endif /* FAST_TAS */
+ /* terminate the ipc space */
+ ipc_space_terminate(task->itk_space);
+ /* Add it to global corpse task list */
+ task_add_to_corpse_task_list(task);
+ task_start_halt(task);
+ thread_terminate_internal(self_thread, TH_TERMINATE_OPTION_NONE);
+ (void) thread_interrupt_level(wsave);
+ assert(task->halting == TRUE);
+ mac_exc_free_label(crash_label);
+ return kr;
+ * task_clear_corpse
+ *
+ * Clears the corpse pending bit on task.
+ * Removes inspection bit on the threads.
+ */
-task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task_t task)
+task_clear_corpse(task_t task)
- semaphore_t semaphore;
- lock_set_t lock_set;
+ thread_t th_iter = NULL;
- /*
- * Destroy owned semaphores
- */
+ task_lock(task);
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, th_iter, thread_t, task_threads)
+ {
+ thread_mtx_lock(th_iter);
+ th_iter->inspection = FALSE;
+ ipc_thread_disable(th_iter);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(th_iter);
+ }
+ thread_terminate_crashed_threads();
+ /* remove the pending corpse report flag */
+ task_clear_corpse_pending_report(task);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ * task_port_notify
+ *
+ * Called whenever the Mach port system detects no-senders on
+ * the task port of a corpse.
+ * Each notification that comes in should terminate the task (corpse).
+ */
+task_port_notify(mach_msg_header_t *msg)
+ mach_no_senders_notification_t *notification = (void *)msg;
+ ipc_port_t port = notification->not_header.msgh_remote_port;
+ task_t task;
+ require_ip_active(port);
+ assert(IKOT_TASK_CONTROL == ip_kotype(port));
+ task = (task_t) ip_get_kobject(port);
- while (!queue_empty(&task->semaphore_list)) {
- semaphore = (semaphore_t) queue_first(&task->semaphore_list);
- (void) semaphore_destroy(task, semaphore);
+ assert(task_is_a_corpse(task));
+ /* Remove the task from global corpse task list */
+ task_remove_from_corpse_task_list(task);
+ task_clear_corpse(task);
+ task_terminate_internal(task);
+ * task_port_with_flavor_notify
+ *
+ * Called whenever the Mach port system detects no-senders on
+ * the task inspect or read port. These ports are allocated lazily and
+ * should be deallocated here when there are no senders remaining.
+ */
+task_port_with_flavor_notify(mach_msg_header_t *msg)
+ mach_no_senders_notification_t *notification = (void *)msg;
+ ipc_port_t port = notification->not_header.msgh_remote_port;
+ task_t task;
+ mach_task_flavor_t flavor;
+ ipc_kobject_type_t kotype;
+ ip_lock(port);
+ if (port->ip_srights > 0) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return;
+ }
+ task = (task_t)ipc_kobject_get(port);
+ kotype = ip_kotype(port);
+ if (task != TASK_NULL) {
+ assert((IKOT_TASK_READ == kotype) || (IKOT_TASK_INSPECT == kotype));
+ task_reference_internal(task);
+ }
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ /* The task is exiting or disabled; it will eventually deallocate the port */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (kotype == IKOT_TASK_READ) {
+ flavor = TASK_FLAVOR_READ;
+ } else {
+ itk_lock(task);
+ ip_lock(port);
- * Destroy owned lock sets
+ * If the port is no longer active, then ipc_task_terminate() ran
+ * and destroyed the kobject already. Just deallocate the task
+ * ref we took and go away.
+ *
+ * It is also possible that several nsrequests are in flight,
+ * only one shall NULL-out the port entry, and this is the one
+ * that gets to dealloc the port.
+ *
+ * Check for a stale no-senders notification. A call to any function
+ * that vends out send rights to this port could resurrect it between
+ * this notification being generated and actually being handled here.
- while (!queue_empty(&task->lock_set_list)) {
- lock_set = (lock_set_t) queue_first(&task->lock_set_list);
- (void) lock_set_destroy(task, lock_set);
+ if (!ip_active(port) ||
+ task->itk_task_ports[flavor] != port ||
+ port->ip_srights > 0) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ itk_unlock(task);
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ return;
+ assert(task->itk_task_ports[flavor] == port);
+ task->itk_task_ports[flavor] = IP_NULL;
+ ipc_kobject_set_atomically(port, IKO_NULL, IKOT_NONE);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ itk_unlock(task);
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ ipc_port_dealloc_kernel(port);
- * task_set_port_space:
+ * task_wait_till_threads_terminate_locked
- * Set port name space of task to specified size.
+ * Wait till all the threads in the task are terminated.
+ * Might release the task lock and re-acquire it.
- task_t task,
- int table_entries)
+task_wait_till_threads_terminate_locked(task_t task)
- kern_return_t kr;
- is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
- kr = ipc_entry_grow_table(task->itk_space, table_entries);
- if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS)
- is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
- return kr;
+ /* wait for all the threads in the task to terminate */
+ while (task->active_thread_count != 0) {
+ assert_wait((event_t)&task->active_thread_count, THREAD_UNINT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ task_lock(task);
+ }
- * We need to export some functions to other components that
- * are currently implemented in macros within the osfmk
- * component. Just export them as functions of the same name.
+ * task_duplicate_map_and_threads
+ *
+ * Copy vmmap of source task.
+ * Copy active threads from source task to destination task.
+ * Source task would be suspended during the copy.
-boolean_t is_kerneltask(task_t t)
+ task_t task,
+ void *p,
+ task_t new_task,
+ thread_t *thread_ret,
+ uint64_t **udata_buffer,
+ int *size,
+ int *num_udata)
- if (t == kernel_task)
- return(TRUE);
- else
- return((t->kernel_loaded));
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ int active;
+ thread_t thread, self, thread_return = THREAD_NULL;
+ thread_t new_thread = THREAD_NULL, first_thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ thread_t *thread_array;
+ uint32_t active_thread_count = 0, array_count = 0, i;
+ vm_map_t oldmap;
+ uint64_t *buffer = NULL;
+ int buf_size = 0;
+ int est_knotes = 0, num_knotes = 0;
+ self = current_thread();
+ /*
+ * Suspend the task to copy thread state, use the internal
+ * variant so that no user-space process can resume
+ * the task from under us
+ */
+ kr = task_suspend_internal(task);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return kr;
+ }
+ if (task->map->disable_vmentry_reuse == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * Quite likely GuardMalloc (or some debugging tool)
+ * is being used on this task. And it has gone through
+ * its limit. Making a corpse will likely encounter
+ * a lot of VM entries that will need COW.
+ *
+ * Skip it.
+ */
+ memorystatus_abort_vm_map_fork(task);
+ task_resume_internal(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* Check with VM if vm_map_fork is allowed for this task */
+ if (memorystatus_allowed_vm_map_fork(task)) {
+ /* Setup new task's vmmap, switch from parent task's map to it COW map */
+ oldmap = new_task->map;
+ new_task->map = vm_map_fork(new_task->ledger,
+ task->map,
+ vm_map_deallocate(oldmap);
+ /* copy ledgers that impact the memory footprint */
+ vm_map_copy_footprint_ledgers(task, new_task);
+ /* Get all the udata pointers from kqueue */
+ est_knotes = kevent_proc_copy_uptrs(p, NULL, 0);
+ if (est_knotes > 0) {
+ buf_size = (est_knotes + 32) * sizeof(uint64_t);
+ buffer = kheap_alloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, buf_size, Z_WAITOK);
+ num_knotes = kevent_proc_copy_uptrs(p, buffer, buf_size);
+ if (num_knotes > est_knotes + 32) {
+ num_knotes = est_knotes + 32;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ active_thread_count = task->active_thread_count;
+ if (active_thread_count == 0) {
+ if (buffer != NULL) {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, buffer, buf_size);
+ }
+ task_resume_internal(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ thread_array = kheap_alloc(KHEAP_TEMP,
+ sizeof(thread_t) * active_thread_count, Z_WAITOK);
+ /* Iterate all the threads and drop the task lock before calling thread_create_with_continuation */
+ task_lock(task);
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ /* Skip inactive threads */
+ active = thread->active;
+ if (!active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (array_count >= active_thread_count) {
+ break;
+ }
+ thread_array[array_count++] = thread;
+ thread_reference(thread);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ for (i = 0; i < array_count; i++) {
+ kr = thread_create_with_continuation(new_task, &new_thread, (thread_continue_t)thread_corpse_continue);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Equivalent of current thread in corpse */
+ if (thread_array[i] == self) {
+ thread_return = new_thread;
+ new_task->crashed_thread_id = thread_tid(new_thread);
+ } else if (first_thread == NULL) {
+ first_thread = new_thread;
+ } else {
+ /* drop the extra ref returned by thread_create_with_continuation */
+ thread_deallocate(new_thread);
+ }
+ kr = thread_dup2(thread_array[i], new_thread);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ thread_mtx_lock(new_thread);
+ new_thread->corpse_dup = TRUE;
+ thread_mtx_unlock(new_thread);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Copy thread name */
+ bsd_copythreadname(new_thread->uthread, thread_array[i]->uthread);
+ new_thread->thread_tag = thread_array[i]->thread_tag;
+ thread_copy_resource_info(new_thread, thread_array[i]);
+ }
+ /* return the first thread if we couldn't find the equivalent of current */
+ if (thread_return == THREAD_NULL) {
+ thread_return = first_thread;
+ } else if (first_thread != THREAD_NULL) {
+ /* drop the extra ref returned by thread_create_with_continuation */
+ thread_deallocate(first_thread);
+ }
+ task_resume_internal(task);
+ for (i = 0; i < array_count; i++) {
+ thread_deallocate(thread_array[i]);
+ }
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_TEMP, thread_array, sizeof(thread_t) * active_thread_count);
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *thread_ret = thread_return;
+ *udata_buffer = buffer;
+ *size = buf_size;
+ *num_udata = num_knotes;
+ } else {
+ if (thread_return != THREAD_NULL) {
+ thread_deallocate(thread_return);
+ }
+ if (buffer != NULL) {
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, buffer, buf_size);
+ }
+ }
+ return kr;
-#undef current_task
-task_t current_task()
+extern void task_set_can_use_secluded_mem_locked(
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t can_use_secluded_mem);
+int debug4k_panic_on_terminate = 0;
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ task_t task)
- return (current_task_fast());
+ thread_t thread, self;
+ task_t self_task;
+ boolean_t interrupt_save;
+ int pid = 0;
+ assert(task != kernel_task);
+ self = current_thread();
+ self_task = self->task;
+ /*
+ * Get the task locked and make sure that we are not racing
+ * with someone else trying to terminate us.
+ */
+ if (task == self_task) {
+ task_lock(task);
+ } else if (task < self_task) {
+ task_lock(task);
+ task_lock(self_task);
+ } else {
+ task_lock(self_task);
+ task_lock(task);
+ }
+ if (task->task_can_use_secluded_mem) {
+ task_set_can_use_secluded_mem_locked(task, FALSE);
+ }
+ task->task_could_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ task->task_could_also_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ if (task->task_suppressed_secluded) {
+ stop_secluded_suppression(task);
+ }
+ if (!task->active) {
+ /*
+ * Task is already being terminated.
+ * Just return an error. If we are dying, this will
+ * just get us to our AST special handler and that
+ * will get us to finalize the termination of ourselves.
+ */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (self_task != task) {
+ task_unlock(self_task);
+ }
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (task_corpse_pending_report(task)) {
+ /*
+ * Task is marked for reporting as corpse.
+ * Just return an error. This will
+ * just get us to our AST special handler and that
+ * will get us to finish the path to death
+ */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (self_task != task) {
+ task_unlock(self_task);
+ }
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (self_task != task) {
+ task_unlock(self_task);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure the current thread does not get aborted out of
+ * the waits inside these operations.
+ */
+ interrupt_save = thread_interrupt_level(THREAD_UNINT);
+ /*
+ * Indicate that we want all the threads to stop executing
+ * at user space by holding the task (we would have held
+ * each thread independently in thread_terminate_internal -
+ * but this way we may be more likely to already find it
+ * held there). Mark the task inactive, and prevent
+ * further task operations via the task port.
+ */
+ task_hold_locked(task);
+ task->active = FALSE;
+ ipc_task_disable(task);
+ /*
+ * Notify telemetry that this task is going away.
+ */
+ telemetry_task_ctl_locked(task, TF_TELEMETRY, 0);
+ /*
+ * Terminate each thread in the task.
+ */
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ thread_terminate_internal(thread, TH_TERMINATE_OPTION_NONE);
+ }
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ if (task->bsd_info != NULL && !task_is_exec_copy(task)) {
+ pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info);
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ proc_set_task_policy(task, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ /* Early object reap phase */
+// PR-17045188: Revisit implementation
+// task_partial_reap(task, pid);
+ /*
+ * remove all task watchers
+ */
+ task_removewatchers(task);
+#endif /* CONFIG_TASKWATCH */
+ /*
+ * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task.
+ */
+ task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task);
+ /*
+ * Clear the watchport boost on the task.
+ */
+ task_remove_turnstile_watchports(task);
+ /*
+ * Destroy the IPC space, leaving just a reference for it.
+ */
+ ipc_space_terminate(task->itk_space);
+#if 00
+ /* if some ledgers go negative on tear-down again... */
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.phys_footprint);
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.internal);
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.internal_compressed);
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.iokit_mapped);
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.alternate_accounting);
+ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.alternate_accounting_compressed);
+ /*
+ * If the current thread is a member of the task
+ * being terminated, then the last reference to
+ * the task will not be dropped until the thread
+ * is finally reaped. To avoid incurring the
+ * expense of removing the address space regions
+ * at reap time, we do it explictly here.
+ */
+ vm_map_lock(task->map);
+ vm_map_disable_hole_optimization(task->map);
+ vm_map_unlock(task->map);
+ /*
+ * Identify the pmap's process, in case the pmap ledgers drift
+ * and we have to report it.
+ */
+ char procname[17];
+ if (task->bsd_info && !task_is_exec_copy(task)) {
+ pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info);
+ proc_name_kdp(task, procname, sizeof(procname));
+ } else {
+ pid = 0;
+ strlcpy(procname, "<unknown>", sizeof(procname));
+ }
+ pmap_set_process(task->map->pmap, pid, procname);
+ if (vm_map_page_shift(task->map) < (int)PAGE_SHIFT) {
+ DEBUG4K_LIFE("map %p procname: %s\n", task->map, procname);
+ if (debug4k_panic_on_terminate) {
+ panic("DEBUG4K: %s:%d %d[%s] map %p\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pid, procname, task->map);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ vm_map_terminate(task->map);
+ /* release our shared region */
+ vm_shared_region_set(task, NULL);
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+ task_set_shared_region_id(task, NULL);
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ queue_remove(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks);
+ queue_enter(&terminated_tasks, task, task_t, tasks);
+ tasks_count--;
+ terminated_tasks_count++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ /*
+ * We no longer need to guard against being aborted, so restore
+ * the previous interruptible state.
+ */
+ thread_interrupt_level(interrupt_save);
+#if KPC
+ /* force the task to release all ctrs */
+ if (task->t_kpc & TASK_KPC_FORCED_ALL_CTRS) {
+ kpc_force_all_ctrs(task, 0);
+ }
+#endif /* KPC */
+ /*
+ * Leave our coalitions. (drop activation but not reference)
+ */
+ coalitions_remove_task(task);
+ extern int vm_compressor_available;
+ if (VM_CONFIG_FREEZER_SWAP_IS_ACTIVE && vm_compressor_available) {
+ task_disown_frozen_csegs(task);
+ assert(queue_empty(&task->task_frozen_cseg_q));
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ /*
+ * Get rid of the task active reference on itself.
+ */
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+tasks_system_suspend(boolean_t suspend)
+ task_t task;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ assert(tasks_suspend_state != suspend);
+ tasks_suspend_state = suspend;
+ queue_iterate(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks) {
+ if (task == kernel_task) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ suspend ? task_suspend_internal(task) : task_resume_internal(task);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ * task_start_halt:
+ *
+ * Shut the current task down (except for the current thread) in
+ * preparation for dramatic changes to the task (probably exec).
+ * We hold the task and mark all other threads in the task for
+ * termination.
+ */
+task_start_halt(task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_lock(task);
+ kr = task_start_halt_locked(task, FALSE);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return kr;
+static kern_return_t
+task_start_halt_locked(task_t task, boolean_t should_mark_corpse)
+ thread_t thread, self;
+ uint64_t dispatchqueue_offset;
+ assert(task != kernel_task);
+ self = current_thread();
+ if (task != self->task && !task_is_a_corpse_fork(task)) {
+ }
+ if (task->halting || !task->active || !self->active) {
+ /*
+ * Task or current thread is already being terminated.
+ * Hurry up and return out of the current kernel context
+ * so that we run our AST special handler to terminate
+ * ourselves.
+ */
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task->halting = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Mark all the threads to keep them from starting any more
+ * user-level execution. The thread_terminate_internal code
+ * would do this on a thread by thread basis anyway, but this
+ * gives us a better chance of not having to wait there.
+ */
+ task_hold_locked(task);
+ dispatchqueue_offset = get_dispatchqueue_offset_from_proc(task->bsd_info);
+ /*
+ * Terminate all the other threads in the task.
+ */
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads)
+ {
+ if (should_mark_corpse) {
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ thread->inspection = TRUE;
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ }
+ if (thread != self) {
+ thread_terminate_internal(thread, TH_TERMINATE_OPTION_NONE);
+ }
+ }
+ task->dispatchqueue_offset = dispatchqueue_offset;
+ task_release_locked(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * task_complete_halt:
+ *
+ * Complete task halt by waiting for threads to terminate, then clean
+ * up task resources (VM, port namespace, etc...) and then let the
+ * current thread go in the (practically empty) task context.
+ *
+ * Note: task->halting flag is not cleared in order to avoid creation
+ * of new thread in old exec'ed task.
+ */
+task_complete_halt(task_t task)
+ task_lock(task);
+ assert(task->halting);
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ /*
+ * Wait for the other threads to get shut down.
+ * When the last other thread is reaped, we'll be
+ * woken up.
+ */
+ if (task->thread_count > 1) {
+ assert_wait((event_t)&task->halting, THREAD_UNINT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ } else {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Give the machine dependent code a chance
+ * to perform cleanup of task-level resources
+ * associated with the current thread before
+ * ripping apart the task.
+ */
+ machine_task_terminate(task);
+ /*
+ * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task.
+ */
+ task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task);
+ /*
+ * Destroy the contents of the IPC space, leaving just
+ * a reference for it.
+ */
+ ipc_space_clean(task->itk_space);
+ /*
+ * Clean out the address space, as we are going to be
+ * getting a new one.
+ */
+ vm_map_remove(task->map, task->map->min_offset,
+ task->map->max_offset,
+ /*
+ * Final cleanup:
+ * + no unnesting
+ * + remove immutable mappings
+ * + allow gaps in the range
+ */
+ /*
+ * Kick out any IOKitUser handles to the task. At best they're stale,
+ * at worst someone is racing a SUID exec.
+ */
+ iokit_task_terminate(task);
+ * task_hold_locked:
+ *
+ * Suspend execution of the specified task.
+ * This is a recursive-style suspension of the task, a count of
+ * suspends is maintained.
+ *
+ * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active.
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ thread_t thread;
+ assert(task->active);
+ if (task->suspend_count++ > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (task->bsd_info) {
+ workq_proc_suspended(task->bsd_info);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Iterate through all the threads and hold them.
+ */
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ thread_hold(thread);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ }
+ * task_hold:
+ *
+ * Same as the internal routine above, except that is must lock
+ * and verify that the task is active. This differs from task_suspend
+ * in that it places a kernel hold on the task rather than just a
+ * user-level hold. This keeps users from over resuming and setting
+ * it running out from under the kernel.
+ *
+ * CONDITIONS: the caller holds a reference on the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task_hold_locked(task);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t until_not_runnable)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task_wait_locked(task, until_not_runnable);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * task_wait_locked:
+ *
+ * Wait for all threads in task to stop.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Called with task locked, active, and held.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t until_not_runnable)
+ thread_t thread, self;
+ assert(task->active);
+ assert(task->suspend_count > 0);
+ self = current_thread();
+ /*
+ * Iterate through all the threads and wait for them to
+ * stop. Do not wait for the current thread if it is within
+ * the task.
+ */
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ if (thread != self) {
+ thread_wait(thread, until_not_runnable);
+ }
+ }
+task_is_app_suspended(task_t task)
+ return task->pidsuspended;
+ * task_release_locked:
+ *
+ * Release a kernel hold on a task.
+ *
+ * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ thread_t thread;
+ assert(task->active);
+ assert(task->suspend_count > 0);
+ if (--task->suspend_count > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (task->bsd_info) {
+ workq_proc_resumed(task->bsd_info);
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ thread_release(thread);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ }
+ * task_release:
+ *
+ * Same as the internal routine above, except that it must lock
+ * and verify that the task is active.
+ *
+ * CONDITIONS: The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task_release_locked(task);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+static kern_return_t
+ task_t task,
+ thread_act_array_t *threads_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *count,
+ mach_thread_flavor_t flavor)
+ mach_msg_type_number_t actual;
+ thread_t *thread_list;
+ thread_t thread;
+ vm_size_t size, size_needed;
+ void *addr;
+ unsigned int i, j;
+ size = 0; addr = NULL;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ assert(flavor <= THREAD_FLAVOR_INSPECT);
+ for (;;) {
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (size != 0) {
+ kfree(addr, size);
+ }
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ actual = task->thread_count;
+ /* do we have the memory we need? */
+ size_needed = actual * sizeof(mach_port_t);
+ if (size_needed <= size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* unlock the task and allocate more memory */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (size != 0) {
+ kfree(addr, size);
+ }
+ assert(size_needed > 0);
+ size = size_needed;
+ addr = kalloc(size);
+ if (addr == 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK, have memory and the task is locked & active */
+ thread_list = (thread_t *)addr;
+ i = j = 0;
+ for (thread = (thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads); i < actual;
+ ++i, thread = (thread_t)queue_next(&thread->task_threads)) {
+ thread_reference_internal(thread);
+ thread_list[j++] = thread;
+ }
+ assert(queue_end(&task->threads, (queue_entry_t)thread));
+ actual = j;
+ size_needed = actual * sizeof(mach_port_t);
+ /* can unlock task now that we've got the thread refs */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (actual == 0) {
+ /* no threads, so return null pointer and deallocate memory */
+ *threads_out = NULL;
+ *count = 0;
+ if (size != 0) {
+ kfree(addr, size);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* if we allocated too much, must copy */
+ if (size_needed < size) {
+ void *newaddr;
+ newaddr = kalloc(size_needed);
+ if (newaddr == 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
+ thread_deallocate(thread_list[i]);
+ }
+ kfree(addr, size);
+ }
+ bcopy(addr, newaddr, size_needed);
+ kfree(addr, size);
+ thread_list = (thread_t *)newaddr;
+ }
+ *threads_out = thread_list;
+ *count = actual;
+ /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */
+ switch (flavor) {
+ if (task == current_task()) {
+ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
+ ((ipc_port_t *) thread_list)[i] = convert_thread_to_port_pinned(thread_list[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
+ ((ipc_port_t *) thread_list)[i] = convert_thread_to_port(thread_list[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
+ ((ipc_port_t *) thread_list)[i] = convert_thread_read_to_port(thread_list[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
+ ((ipc_port_t *) thread_list)[i] = convert_thread_inspect_to_port(thread_list[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ thread_act_array_t *threads_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *count)
+ return task_threads_internal(task, threads_out, count, THREAD_FLAVOR_CONTROL);
+ mach_port_t port,
+ thread_act_array_t *threads_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *count)
+ ipc_kobject_type_t kotype;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ task_t task = convert_port_to_task_check_type(port, &kotype, TASK_FLAVOR_INSPECT, FALSE);
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ switch (kotype) {
+ kr = task_threads_internal(task, threads_out, count, THREAD_FLAVOR_CONTROL);
+ break;
+ kr = task_threads_internal(task, threads_out, count, THREAD_FLAVOR_READ);
+ break;
+ kr = task_threads_internal(task, threads_out, count, THREAD_FLAVOR_INSPECT);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("strange kobject type");
+ break;
+ }
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ return kr;
+static kern_return_t
+ task_t task,
+ int mode)
+ if (!task->active && !task_is_a_corpse(task)) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* Return success for corpse task */
+ if (task_is_a_corpse(task)) {
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ task_pid(task),
+ task->thread_count > 0 ?((thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads))->thread_id : 0,
+ task->user_stop_count, task->user_stop_count + 1);
+ current_task()->suspends_outstanding++;
+ if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY) {
+ task->legacy_stop_count++;
+ }
+ if (task->user_stop_count++ > 0) {
+ /*
+ * If the stop count was positive, the task is
+ * already stopped and we can exit.
+ */
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Put a kernel-level hold on the threads in the task (all
+ * user-level task suspensions added together represent a
+ * single kernel-level hold). We then wait for the threads
+ * to stop executing user code.
+ */
+ task_hold_locked(task);
+ task_wait_locked(task, FALSE);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+static kern_return_t
+ task_t task,
+ int mode)
+ boolean_t release = FALSE;
+ if (!task->active && !task_is_a_corpse(task)) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* Return success for corpse task */
+ if (task_is_a_corpse(task)) {
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (mode == TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND) {
+ if (task->pidsuspended == FALSE) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task->pidsuspended = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (task->user_stop_count > (task->pidsuspended ? 1 : 0)) {
+ task_pid(task), ((thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads))->thread_id,
+ task->user_stop_count, mode, task->legacy_stop_count);
+ /*
+ * This is obviously not robust; if we suspend one task and then resume a different one,
+ * we'll fly under the radar. This is only meant to catch the common case of a crashed
+ * or buggy suspender.
+ */
+ current_task()->suspends_outstanding--;
+ if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY_ALL) {
+ if (task->legacy_stop_count >= task->user_stop_count) {
+ task->user_stop_count = 0;
+ release = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ task->user_stop_count -= task->legacy_stop_count;
+ }
+ task->legacy_stop_count = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY && task->legacy_stop_count > 0) {
+ task->legacy_stop_count--;
+ }
+ if (--task->user_stop_count == 0) {
+ release = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Release the task if necessary.
+ */
+ if (release) {
+ task_release_locked(task);
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+get_task_suspended(task_t task)
+ return 0 != task->user_stop_count;
+ * task_suspend:
+ *
+ * Implement an (old-fashioned) user-level suspension on a task.
+ *
+ * Because the user isn't expecting to have to manage a suspension
+ * token, we'll track it for him in the kernel in the form of a naked
+ * send right to the task's resume port. All such send rights
+ * account for a single suspension against the task (unlike task_suspend2()
+ * where each caller gets a unique suspension count represented by a
+ * unique send-once right).
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_port_t port;
+ mach_port_name_t name;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ /*
+ * place a legacy hold on the task.
+ */
+ kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return kr;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Claim a send right on the task resume port, and request a no-senders
+ * notification on that port (if none outstanding).
+ */
+ (void)ipc_kobject_make_send_lazy_alloc_port((ipc_port_t *) &task->itk_resume,
+ (ipc_kobject_t)task, IKOT_TASK_RESUME, IPC_KOBJECT_ALLOC_NONE, true,
+ OS_PTRAUTH_DISCRIMINATOR("task.itk_resume"));
+ port = task->itk_resume;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /*
+ * Copyout the send right into the calling task's IPC space. It won't know it is there,
+ * but we'll look it up when calling a traditional resume. Any IPC operations that
+ * deallocate the send right will auto-release the suspension.
+ */
+ if (IP_VALID(port)) {
+ kr = ipc_object_copyout(current_space(), ip_to_object(port),
+ NULL, NULL, &name);
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("warning: %s(%d) failed to copyout suspension "
+ "token for pid %d with error: %d\n",
+ proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info),
+ proc_pid(current_task()->bsd_info),
+ task_pid(task), kr);
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * task_resume:
+ * Release a user hold on a task.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_port_name_t resume_port_name;
+ ipc_entry_t resume_port_entry;
+ ipc_space_t space = current_task()->itk_space;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ /* release a legacy task hold */
+ task_lock(task);
+ kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ is_write_lock(space);
+ if (is_active(space) && IP_VALID(task->itk_resume) &&
+ ipc_hash_lookup(space, ip_to_object(task->itk_resume), &resume_port_name, &resume_port_entry) == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * We found a suspension token in the caller's IPC space. Release a send right to indicate that
+ * we are holding one less legacy hold on the task from this caller. If the release failed,
+ * go ahead and drop all the rights, as someone either already released our holds or the task
+ * is gone.
+ */
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ ipc_right_dealloc(space, resume_port_name, resume_port_entry);
+ } else {
+ ipc_right_destroy(space, resume_port_name, resume_port_entry, FALSE, 0);
+ }
+ /* space unlocked */
+ } else {
+ is_write_unlock(space);
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("warning: %s(%d) performed out-of-band resume on pid %d\n",
+ proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info), proc_pid(current_task()->bsd_info),
+ task_pid(task));
+ }
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * Suspend the target task.
+ * Making/holding a token/reference/port is the callers responsibility.
+ */
+task_suspend_internal(task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return kr;
+ * Suspend the target task, and return a suspension token. The token
+ * represents a reference on the suspended task.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ task_suspension_token_t *suspend_token)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = task_suspend_internal(task);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *suspend_token = TASK_NULL;
+ return kr;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Take a reference on the target task and return that to the caller
+ * as a "suspension token," which can be converted into an SO right to
+ * the now-suspended task's resume port.
+ */
+ task_reference_internal(task);
+ *suspend_token = task;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Resume the task
+ * (reference/token/port management is caller's responsibility).
+ */
+ task_suspension_token_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return kr;
+ * Resume the task using a suspension token. Consumes the token's ref.
+ */
+ task_suspension_token_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = task_resume_internal(task);
+ task_suspension_token_deallocate(task);
+ return kr;
+task_suspension_notify(mach_msg_header_t *request_header)
+ ipc_port_t port = request_header->msgh_remote_port;
+ task_t task = convert_port_to_task_suspension_token(port);
+ mach_msg_type_number_t not_count;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ return TRUE; /* nothing to do */
+ }
+ switch (request_header->msgh_id) {
+ /* release the hold held by this specific send-once right */
+ task_lock(task);
+ release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ break;
+ not_count = ((mach_no_senders_notification_t *)request_header)->not_count;
+ task_lock(task);
+ ip_lock(port);
+ if (port->ip_mscount == not_count) {
+ /* release all the [remaining] outstanding legacy holds */
+ assert(port->ip_nsrequest == IP_NULL);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY_ALL);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ } else if (port->ip_nsrequest == IP_NULL) {
+ ipc_port_t old_notify;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* new send rights, re-arm notification at current make-send count */
+ ipc_port_nsrequest(port, port->ip_mscount, ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(port), &old_notify);
+ assert(old_notify == IP_NULL);
+ /* port unlocked */
+ } else {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ task_suspension_token_deallocate(task); /* drop token reference */
+ return TRUE;
+static kern_return_t
+task_pidsuspend_locked(task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task->pidsuspended) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ task->pidsuspended = TRUE;
+ kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task->pidsuspended = FALSE;
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * task_pidsuspend:
+ *
+ * Suspends a task by placing a hold on its threads.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ kr = task_pidsuspend_locked(task);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if ((KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && task->message_app_suspended) {
+ iokit_task_app_suspended_changed(task);
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * task_pidresume:
+ * Resumes a previously suspended task.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ while (task->changing_freeze_state) {
+ assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ task_lock(task);
+ }
+ task->changing_freeze_state = TRUE;
+ kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if ((KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && task->message_app_suspended) {
+ iokit_task_app_suspended_changed(task);
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task->frozen = FALSE;
+ }
+ task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE;
+ thread_wakeup(&task->changing_freeze_state);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return kr;
+os_refgrp_decl(static, task_watchports_refgrp, "task_watchports", NULL);
+ * task_add_turnstile_watchports:
+ * Setup watchports to boost the main thread of the task.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * task: task being spawned
+ * thread: main thread of task
+ * portwatch_ports: array of watchports
+ * portwatch_count: number of watchports
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ ipc_port_t *portwatch_ports,
+ uint32_t portwatch_count)
+ struct task_watchports *watchports = NULL;
+ struct task_watchport_elem *previous_elem_array[TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT] = {};
+ os_ref_count_t refs;
+ /* Check if the task has terminated */
+ if (!task->active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(portwatch_count <= TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT);
+ watchports = task_watchports_alloc_init(task, thread, portwatch_count);
+ /* Lock the ipc space */
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
+ /* Setup watchports to boost the main thread */
+ refs = task_add_turnstile_watchports_locked(task,
+ watchports, previous_elem_array, portwatch_ports,
+ portwatch_count);
+ /* Drop the space lock */
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task_watchports_deallocate(watchports);
+ }
+ /* Drop the ref on previous_elem_array */
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < portwatch_count && previous_elem_array[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ task_watchport_elem_deallocate(previous_elem_array[i]);
+ }
+ * task_remove_turnstile_watchports:
+ * Clear all turnstile boost on the task from watchports.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * task: task being terminated
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ os_ref_count_t refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ struct task_watchports *watchports = NULL;
+ ipc_port_t port_freelist[TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT] = {};
+ uint32_t portwatch_count;
+ /* Lock the ipc space */
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
+ /* Check if watchport boost exist */
+ if (task->watchports == NULL) {
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ return;
+ }
+ watchports = task->watchports;
+ portwatch_count = watchports->tw_elem_array_count;
+ refs = task_remove_turnstile_watchports_locked(task, watchports,
+ port_freelist);
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ /* Drop all the port references */
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < portwatch_count && port_freelist[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ ip_release(port_freelist[i]);
+ }
+ /* Clear the task and thread references for task_watchport */
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task_watchports_deallocate(watchports);
+ }
+ * task_transfer_turnstile_watchports:
+ * Transfer all watchport turnstile boost from old task to new task.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * old_task: task calling exec
+ * new_task: new exec'ed task
+ * thread: main thread of new task
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ task_t old_task,
+ task_t new_task,
+ thread_t new_thread)
+ struct task_watchports *old_watchports = NULL;
+ struct task_watchports *new_watchports = NULL;
+ os_ref_count_t old_refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ os_ref_count_t new_refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ uint32_t portwatch_count;
+ if (old_task->watchports == NULL || !new_task->active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Get the watch port count from the old task */
+ is_write_lock(old_task->itk_space);
+ if (old_task->watchports == NULL) {
+ is_write_unlock(old_task->itk_space);
+ return;
+ }
+ portwatch_count = old_task->watchports->tw_elem_array_count;
+ is_write_unlock(old_task->itk_space);
+ new_watchports = task_watchports_alloc_init(new_task, new_thread, portwatch_count);
+ /* Lock the ipc space for old task */
+ is_write_lock(old_task->itk_space);
+ /* Lock the ipc space for new task */
+ is_write_lock(new_task->itk_space);
+ /* Check if watchport boost exist */
+ if (old_task->watchports == NULL || !new_task->active) {
+ is_write_unlock(new_task->itk_space);
+ is_write_unlock(old_task->itk_space);
+ (void)task_watchports_release(new_watchports);
+ task_watchports_deallocate(new_watchports);
+ return;
+ }
+ old_watchports = old_task->watchports;
+ assert(portwatch_count == old_task->watchports->tw_elem_array_count);
+ /* Setup new task watchports */
+ new_task->watchports = new_watchports;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < portwatch_count; i++) {
+ ipc_port_t port = old_watchports->tw_elem[i].twe_port;
+ if (port == NULL) {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&new_watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Lock the port and check if it has the entry */
+ ip_lock(port);
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ task_watchport_elem_init(&new_watchports->tw_elem[i], new_task, port);
+ if (ipc_port_replace_watchport_elem_conditional_locked(port,
+ &old_watchports->tw_elem[i], &new_watchports->tw_elem[i]) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&old_watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ task_watchports_retain(new_watchports);
+ old_refs = task_watchports_release(old_watchports);
+ /* Check if all ports are cleaned */
+ if (old_refs == 0) {
+ old_task->watchports = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&new_watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ }
+ /* mqueue and port unlocked by ipc_port_replace_watchport_elem_conditional_locked */
+ }
+ /* Drop the reference on new task_watchports struct returned by task_watchports_alloc_init */
+ new_refs = task_watchports_release(new_watchports);
+ if (new_refs == 0) {
+ new_task->watchports = NULL;
+ }
+ is_write_unlock(new_task->itk_space);
+ is_write_unlock(old_task->itk_space);
+ /* Clear the task and thread references for old_watchport */
+ if (old_refs == 0) {
+ task_watchports_deallocate(old_watchports);
+ }
+ /* Clear the task and thread references for new_watchport */
+ if (new_refs == 0) {
+ task_watchports_deallocate(new_watchports);
+ }
+ * task_add_turnstile_watchports_locked:
+ * Setup watchports to boost the main thread of the task.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * task: task to boost
+ * watchports: watchport structure to be attached to the task
+ * previous_elem_array: an array of old watchport_elem to be returned to caller
+ * portwatch_ports: array of watchports
+ * portwatch_count: number of watchports
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * ipc space of the task locked.
+ * returns array of old watchport_elem in previous_elem_array
+ */
+static os_ref_count_t
+ task_t task,
+ struct task_watchports *watchports,
+ struct task_watchport_elem **previous_elem_array,
+ ipc_port_t *portwatch_ports,
+ uint32_t portwatch_count)
+ os_ref_count_t refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ /* Check if the task is still active */
+ if (!task->active) {
+ refs = task_watchports_release(watchports);
+ return refs;
+ }
+ assert(task->watchports == NULL);
+ task->watchports = watchports;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < portwatch_count; i++) {
+ ipc_port_t port = portwatch_ports[i];
+ task_watchport_elem_init(&watchports->tw_elem[i], task, port);
+ if (port == NULL) {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ip_lock(port);
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ /* Check if port is in valid state to be setup as watchport */
+ if (ipc_port_add_watchport_elem_locked(port, &watchports->tw_elem[i],
+ &previous_elem_array[j]) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked on return */
+ ip_reference(port);
+ task_watchports_retain(watchports);
+ if (previous_elem_array[j] != NULL) {
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Drop the reference on task_watchport struct returned by os_ref_init */
+ refs = task_watchports_release(watchports);
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task->watchports = NULL;
+ }
+ return refs;
+ * task_remove_turnstile_watchports_locked:
+ * Clear all turnstile boost on the task from watchports.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * task: task to remove watchports from
+ * watchports: watchports structure for the task
+ * port_freelist: array of ports returned with ref to caller
+ *
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * ipc space of the task locked.
+ * array of ports with refs are returned in port_freelist
+ */
+static os_ref_count_t
+ task_t task,
+ struct task_watchports *watchports,
+ ipc_port_t *port_freelist)
+ os_ref_count_t refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < watchports->tw_elem_array_count; i++) {
+ ipc_port_t port = watchports->tw_elem[i].twe_port;
+ if (port == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Lock the port and check if it has the entry */
+ ip_lock(port);
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal_conditional_locked(port,
+ &watchports->tw_elem[i]) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(&watchports->tw_elem[i]);
+ port_freelist[j++] = port;
+ refs = task_watchports_release(watchports);
+ /* Check if all ports are cleaned */
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task->watchports = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* mqueue and port unlocked by ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal_conditional_locked */
+ }
+ return refs;
+ * task_watchports_alloc_init:
+ * Allocate and initialize task watchport struct.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+static struct task_watchports *
+ task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t count)
+ struct task_watchports *watchports = kalloc(sizeof(struct task_watchports) +
+ count * sizeof(struct task_watchport_elem));
+ task_reference(task);
+ thread_reference(thread);
+ watchports->tw_task = task;
+ watchports->tw_thread = thread;
+ watchports->tw_elem_array_count = count;
+ os_ref_init(&watchports->tw_refcount, &task_watchports_refgrp);
+ return watchports;
+ * task_watchports_deallocate:
+ * Deallocate task watchport struct.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+static void
+ struct task_watchports *watchports)
+ uint32_t portwatch_count = watchports->tw_elem_array_count;
+ task_deallocate(watchports->tw_task);
+ thread_deallocate(watchports->tw_thread);
+ kfree(watchports, sizeof(struct task_watchports) + portwatch_count * sizeof(struct task_watchport_elem));
+ * task_watchport_elem_deallocate:
+ * Deallocate task watchport element and release its ref on task_watchport.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem)
+ os_ref_count_t refs = TASK_MAX_WATCHPORT_COUNT;
+ task_t task = watchport_elem->twe_task;
+ struct task_watchports *watchports = NULL;
+ ipc_port_t port = NULL;
+ assert(task != NULL);
+ /* Take the space lock to modify the elememt */
+ is_write_lock(task->itk_space);
+ watchports = task->watchports;
+ assert(watchports != NULL);
+ port = watchport_elem->twe_port;
+ assert(port != NULL);
+ task_watchport_elem_clear(watchport_elem);
+ refs = task_watchports_release(watchports);
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task->watchports = NULL;
+ }
+ is_write_unlock(task->itk_space);
+ ip_release(port);
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ task_watchports_deallocate(watchports);
+ }
+ * task_has_watchports:
+ * Return TRUE if task has watchport boosts.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ */
+task_has_watchports(task_t task)
+ return task->watchports != NULL;
+extern void IOSleep(int);
+task_disconnect_page_mappings(task_t task)
+ int n;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ /*
+ * this function is used to strip all of the mappings from
+ * the pmap for the specified task to force the task to
+ * re-fault all of the pages it is actively using... this
+ * allows us to approximate the true working set of the
+ * specified task. We only engage if at least 1 of the
+ * threads in the task is runnable, but we want to continuously
+ * sweep (at least for a while - I've arbitrarily set the limit at
+ * 100 sweeps to be re-looked at as we gain experience) to get a better
+ * view into what areas within a page are being visited (as opposed to only
+ * seeing the first fault of a page after the task becomes
+ * runnable)... in the future I may
+ * try to block until awakened by a thread in this task
+ * being made runnable, but for now we'll periodically poll from the
+ * user level debug tool driving the sysctl
+ */
+ for (n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
+ thread_t thread;
+ boolean_t runnable;
+ boolean_t do_unnest;
+ int page_count;
+ runnable = FALSE;
+ do_unnest = FALSE;
+ task_lock(task);
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ if (thread->state & TH_RUN) {
+ runnable = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == 0) {
+ task->task_disconnected_count++;
+ }
+ if (task->task_unnested == FALSE) {
+ if (runnable == TRUE) {
+ task->task_unnested = TRUE;
+ do_unnest = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (runnable == FALSE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ task, do_unnest, task->task_disconnected_count, 0, 0);
+ page_count = vm_map_disconnect_page_mappings(task->map, do_unnest);
+ task, page_count, 0, 0, 0);
+ if ((n % 5) == 4) {
+ IOSleep(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * task_freeze:
+ *
+ * Freeze a task.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+extern void vm_wake_compactor_swapper(void);
+extern queue_head_t c_swapout_list_head;
+extern struct freezer_context freezer_context_global;
+ task_t task,
+ uint32_t *purgeable_count,
+ uint32_t *wired_count,
+ uint32_t *clean_count,
+ uint32_t *dirty_count,
+ uint32_t dirty_budget,
+ uint32_t *shared_count,
+ int *freezer_error_code,
+ boolean_t eval_only)
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ while (task->changing_freeze_state) {
+ assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ task_lock(task);
+ }
+ if (task->frozen) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task->changing_freeze_state = TRUE;
+ freezer_context_global.freezer_ctx_task = task;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ kr = vm_map_freeze(task,
+ purgeable_count,
+ wired_count,
+ clean_count,
+ dirty_count,
+ dirty_budget,
+ shared_count,
+ freezer_error_code,
+ eval_only);
+ task_lock(task);
+ if ((kr == KERN_SUCCESS) && (eval_only == FALSE)) {
+ task->frozen = TRUE;
+ freezer_context_global.freezer_ctx_task = NULL;
+ freezer_context_global.freezer_ctx_uncompressed_pages = 0;
+ /*
+ * reset the counter tracking the # of swapped compressed pages
+ * because we are now done with this freeze session and task.
+ */
+ *dirty_count = (uint32_t) (freezer_context_global.freezer_ctx_swapped_bytes / PAGE_SIZE_64); /*used to track pageouts*/
+ }
+ freezer_context_global.freezer_ctx_swapped_bytes = 0;
+ }
+ task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE;
+ thread_wakeup(&task->changing_freeze_state);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) &&
+ (eval_only == FALSE)) {
+ vm_wake_compactor_swapper();
+ /*
+ * We do an explicit wakeup of the swapout thread here
+ * because the compact_and_swap routines don't have
+ * knowledge about these kind of "per-task packed c_segs"
+ * and so will not be evaluating whether we need to do
+ * a wakeup there.
+ */
+ thread_wakeup((event_t)&c_swapout_list_head);
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * task_thaw:
+ *
+ * Thaw a currently frozen task.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The caller holds a reference to the task
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ while (task->changing_freeze_state) {
+ assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ task_lock(task);
+ }
+ if (!task->frozen) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ task->frozen = FALSE;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+task_update_frozen_to_swap_acct(task_t task, int64_t amount, freezer_acct_op_t op)
+ /*
+ * We don't assert that the task lock is held because we call this
+ * routine from the decompression path and we won't be holding the
+ * task lock. However, since we are in the context of the task we are
+ * safe.
+ * In the case of the task_freeze path, we call it from behind the task
+ * lock but we don't need to because we have a reference on the proc
+ * being frozen.
+ */
+ assert(task);
+ if (amount == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (op == CREDIT_TO_SWAP) {
+ ledger_credit_nocheck(task->ledger, task_ledgers.frozen_to_swap, amount);
+ } else if (op == DEBIT_FROM_SWAP) {
+ ledger_debit_nocheck(task->ledger, task_ledgers.frozen_to_swap, amount);
+ } else {
+ panic("task_update_frozen_to_swap_acct: Invalid ledger op\n");
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */
+ host_security_t host_security,
+ task_t task,
+ security_token_t sec_token,
+ audit_token_t audit_token,
+ host_priv_t host_priv)
+ ipc_port_t host_port;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ if (host_security == HOST_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->sec_token = sec_token;
+ task->audit_token = audit_token;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ if (host_priv != HOST_PRIV_NULL) {
+ kr = host_get_host_priv_port(host_priv, &host_port);
+ } else {
+ kr = host_get_host_port(host_priv_self(), &host_port);
+ }
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ kr = task_set_special_port_internal(task, TASK_HOST_PORT, host_port);
+ return kr;
+ __unused task_t target_task,
+ __unused uint32_t pid,
+ __unused uint64_t uniqueid)
+ * This routine was added, pretty much exclusively, for registering the
+ * RPC glue vector for in-kernel short circuited tasks. Rather than
+ * removing it completely, I have only disabled that feature (which was
+ * the only feature at the time). It just appears that we are going to
+ * want to add some user data to tasks in the future (i.e. bsd info,
+ * task names, etc...), so I left it in the formal task interface.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ task_flavor_t flavor,
+ __unused task_info_t task_info_in, /* pointer to IN array */
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t task_info_count)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ switch (flavor) {
+#endif // CONFIG_ATM
+ default:
+ }
+int radar_20146450 = 1;
+ task_t task,
+ task_flavor_t flavor,
+ task_info_t task_info_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count)
+ kern_return_t error = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t original_task_info_count;
+ bool is_kernel_task = (task == kernel_task);
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ original_task_info_count = *task_info_count;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if ((task != current_task()) && (!task->active)) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+ switch (flavor) {
+ case TASK_BASIC_INFO_32:
+ case TASK_BASIC2_INFO_32:
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ case TASK_BASIC_INFO_64:
+ {
+ task_basic_info_32_t basic_info;
+ vm_map_t map;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t usecs;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_32_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ basic_info = (task_basic_info_32_t)task_info_out;
+ map = (task == kernel_task)? kernel_map: task->map;
+ basic_info->virtual_size = (typeof(basic_info->virtual_size))vm_map_adjusted_size(map);
+ if (flavor == TASK_BASIC2_INFO_32) {
+ /*
+ * The "BASIC2" flavor gets the maximum resident
+ * size instead of the current resident size...
+ */
+ basic_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_max(map->pmap);
+ } else {
+ basic_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_count(map->pmap);
+ }
+ basic_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE;
+ basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)?
+ basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->user_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->system_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_32_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ case TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_2:
+ {
+ task_basic_info_64_2_t basic_info;
+ vm_map_t map;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t usecs;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_2_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ basic_info = (task_basic_info_64_2_t)task_info_out;
+ map = (task == kernel_task)? kernel_map: task->map;
+ basic_info->virtual_size = vm_map_adjusted_size(map);
+ basic_info->resident_size =
+ (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_count(map->pmap))
+ * PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)?
+ basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->user_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->system_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_2_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+#else /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
+ case TASK_BASIC_INFO_64:
+ {
+ task_basic_info_64_t basic_info;
+ vm_map_t map;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t usecs;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ basic_info = (task_basic_info_64_t)task_info_out;
+ map = (task == kernel_task)? kernel_map: task->map;
+ basic_info->virtual_size = vm_map_adjusted_size(map);
+ basic_info->resident_size =
+ (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_count(map->pmap))
+ * PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)?
+ basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->user_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->system_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
+ {
+ mach_task_basic_info_t basic_info;
+ vm_map_t map;
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t usecs;
+ if (*task_info_count < MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ basic_info = (mach_task_basic_info_t)task_info_out;
+ map = (task == kernel_task) ? kernel_map : task->map;
+ basic_info->virtual_size = vm_map_adjusted_size(map);
+ basic_info->resident_size =
+ (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_count(map->pmap));
+ basic_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ basic_info->resident_size_max =
+ (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_max(map->pmap));
+ basic_info->resident_size_max *= PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task) ?
+ basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->user_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs);
+ basic_info->system_time.seconds =
+ (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs;
+ basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs;
+ *task_info_count = MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_thread_times_info_t times_info;
+ thread_t thread;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ times_info = (task_thread_times_info_t) task_info_out;
+ times_info->user_time.seconds = 0;
+ times_info->user_time.microseconds = 0;
+ times_info->system_time.seconds = 0;
+ times_info->system_time.microseconds = 0;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ time_value_t user_time, system_time;
+ if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ thread_read_times(thread, &user_time, &system_time, NULL);
+ time_value_add(×_info->user_time, &user_time);
+ time_value_add(×_info->system_time, &system_time);
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_absolutetime_info_t info;
+ thread_t thread;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (task_absolutetime_info_t)task_info_out;
+ info->threads_user = info->threads_system = 0;
+ info->total_user = task->total_user_time;
+ info->total_system = task->total_system_time;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ uint64_t tval;
+ spl_t x;
+ if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ info->threads_user += tval;
+ info->total_user += tval;
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) {
+ info->threads_system += tval;
+ info->total_system += tval;
+ } else {
+ /* system_timer may represent either sys or user */
+ info->threads_user += tval;
+ info->total_user += tval;
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_dyld_info_t info;
+ /*
+ * We added the format field to TASK_DYLD_INFO output. For
+ * temporary backward compatibility, accept the fact that
+ * clients may ask for the old version - distinquished by the
+ * size of the expected result structure.
+ */
+ offsetof(struct task_dyld_info, all_image_info_format)/sizeof(natural_t)
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_LEGACY_DYLD_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (task_dyld_info_t)task_info_out;
+ info->all_image_info_addr = task->all_image_info_addr;
+ info->all_image_info_size = task->all_image_info_size;
+ /* only set format on output for those expecting it */
+ if (*task_info_count >= TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT) {
+ info->all_image_info_format = task_has_64Bit_addr(task) ?
+ *task_info_count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
+ } else {
+ *task_info_count = TASK_LEGACY_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_extmod_info_t info;
+ void *p;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_EXTMOD_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (task_extmod_info_t)task_info_out;
+ p = get_bsdtask_info(task);
+ if (p) {
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(p, info->task_uuid, sizeof(info->task_uuid));
+ } else {
+ bzero(info->task_uuid, sizeof(info->task_uuid));
+ }
+ info->extmod_statistics = task->extmod_statistics;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_EXTMOD_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_kernelmemory_info_t tkm_info;
+ ledger_amount_t credit, debit;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ tkm_info = (task_kernelmemory_info_t) task_info_out;
+ tkm_info->total_palloc = 0;
+ tkm_info->total_pfree = 0;
+ tkm_info->total_salloc = 0;
+ tkm_info->total_sfree = 0;
+ if (task == kernel_task) {
+ /*
+ * All shared allocs/frees from other tasks count against
+ * the kernel private memory usage. If we are looking up
+ * info for the kernel task, gather from everywhere.
+ */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* start by accounting for all the terminated tasks against the kernel */
+ tkm_info->total_palloc = tasks_tkm_private.alloc + tasks_tkm_shared.alloc;
+ tkm_info->total_pfree = tasks_tkm_private.free + tasks_tkm_shared.free;
+ /* count all other task/thread shared alloc/free against the kernel */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ /* XXX this really shouldn't be using the function parameter 'task' as a local var! */
+ queue_iterate(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks) {
+ if (task == kernel_task) {
+ if (ledger_get_entries(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit,
+ &debit) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ tkm_info->total_palloc += credit;
+ tkm_info->total_pfree += debit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit, &debit)) {
+ tkm_info->total_palloc += credit;
+ tkm_info->total_pfree += debit;
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock);
+ } else {
+ if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit, &debit)) {
+ tkm_info->total_palloc = credit;
+ tkm_info->total_pfree = debit;
+ }
+ if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit, &debit)) {
+ tkm_info->total_salloc = credit;
+ tkm_info->total_sfree = debit;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ /* OBSOLETE */
+ {
+ if (*task_info_count < POLICY_FIFO_BASE_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* OBSOLETE */
+ {
+ policy_rr_base_t rr_base;
+ uint32_t quantum_time;
+ uint64_t quantum_ns;
+ if (*task_info_count < POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ rr_base = (policy_rr_base_t) task_info_out;
+ if (task != kernel_task) {
+ break;
+ }
+ rr_base->base_priority = task->priority;
+ quantum_time = SCHED(initial_quantum_size)(THREAD_NULL);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(quantum_time, &quantum_ns);
+ rr_base->quantum = (uint32_t)(quantum_ns / 1000 / 1000);
+ *task_info_count = POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* OBSOLETE */
+ {
+ policy_timeshare_base_t ts_base;
+ if (*task_info_count < POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ts_base = (policy_timeshare_base_t) task_info_out;
+ if (task == kernel_task) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ts_base->base_priority = task->priority;
+ *task_info_count = POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ security_token_t *sec_token_p;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ sec_token_p = (security_token_t *) task_info_out;
+ *sec_token_p = task->sec_token;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ audit_token_t *audit_token_p;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ audit_token_p = (audit_token_t *) task_info_out;
+ *audit_token_p = task->audit_token;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ task_events_info_t events_info;
+ thread_t thread;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ events_info = (task_events_info_t) task_info_out;
+ events_info->faults = (int32_t) MIN(counter_load(&task->faults), INT32_MAX);
+ events_info->pageins = task->pageins;
+ events_info->cow_faults = task->cow_faults;
+ events_info->messages_sent = task->messages_sent;
+ events_info->messages_received = task->messages_received;
+ events_info->syscalls_mach = task->syscalls_mach;
+ events_info->syscalls_unix = task->syscalls_unix;
+ events_info->csw = task->c_switch;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ events_info->csw += thread->c_switch;
+ events_info->syscalls_mach += thread->syscalls_mach;
+ events_info->syscalls_unix += thread->syscalls_unix;
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ error = task_affinity_info(task, task_info_out, task_info_count);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ task_power_info_locked(task, (task_power_info_t)task_info_out, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_POWER_INFO_V2_COUNT_OLD) {
+ break;
+ }
+ task_power_info_v2_t tpiv2 = (task_power_info_v2_t) task_info_out;
+ task_power_info_locked(task, &tpiv2->cpu_energy, &tpiv2->gpu_energy, tpiv2, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TASK_VM_INFO:
+ {
+ task_vm_info_t vm_info;
+ vm_map_t map;
+#if __arm64__
+ struct proc *p;
+ uint32_t platform, sdk;
+ p = current_proc();
+ platform = proc_platform(p);
+ sdk = proc_min_sdk(p);
+ if (original_task_info_count > TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT &&
+ platform == PLATFORM_IOS &&
+ sdk != 0 &&
+ (sdk >> 16) <= 12) {
+ /*
+ * Some iOS apps pass an incorrect value for
+ * task_info_count, expressed in number of bytes
+ * instead of number of "natural_t" elements.
+ * For the sake of backwards binary compatibility
+ * for apps built with an iOS12 or older SDK and using
+ * the "rev2" data structure, let's fix task_info_count
+ * for them, to avoid stomping past the actual end
+ * of their buffer.
+ */
+ printf("%s:%d %d[%s] rdar://49484582 task_info_count %d -> %d platform %d sdk %d.%d.%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, proc_pid(p), proc_name_address(p), original_task_info_count, TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT, platform, (sdk >> 16), ((sdk >> 8) & 0xff), (sdk & 0xff));
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ DTRACE_VM4(workaround_task_vm_info_count,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t, original_task_info_count,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t, TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT,
+ uint32_t, platform,
+ uint32_t, sdk);
+ original_task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT;
+ *task_info_count = original_task_info_count;
+ }
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_VM_INFO_REV0_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ vm_info = (task_vm_info_t)task_info_out;
+ /*
+ * Do not hold both the task and map locks,
+ * so convert the task lock into a map reference,
+ * drop the task lock, then lock the map.
+ */
+ if (is_kernel_task) {
+ map = kernel_map;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* no lock, no reference */
+ } else {
+ map = task->map;
+ vm_map_reference(map);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ vm_map_lock_read(map);
+ }
+ vm_info->virtual_size = (typeof(vm_info->virtual_size))vm_map_adjusted_size(map);
+ vm_info->region_count = map->hdr.nentries;
+ vm_info->page_size = vm_map_page_size(map);
+ vm_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_count(map->pmap);
+ vm_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE;
+ vm_info->resident_size_peak = pmap_resident_max(map->pmap);
+ vm_info->resident_size_peak *= PAGE_SIZE;
+#define _VM_INFO(_name) \
+ vm_info->_name = ((mach_vm_size_t) map->pmap->stats._name) * PAGE_SIZE
+ _VM_INFO(device);
+ _VM_INFO(device_peak);
+ _VM_INFO(external);
+ _VM_INFO(external_peak);
+ _VM_INFO(internal);
+ _VM_INFO(internal_peak);
+ _VM_INFO(reusable);
+ _VM_INFO(reusable_peak);
+ _VM_INFO(compressed);
+ _VM_INFO(compressed_peak);
+ _VM_INFO(compressed_lifetime);
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_pmap = 0;
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_resident = 0;
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_virtual = 0;
+ if (is_kernel_task) {
+ /*
+ * We do not maintain the detailed stats for the
+ * kernel_pmap, so just count everything as
+ * "internal"...
+ */
+ vm_info->internal = vm_info->resident_size;
+ /*
+ * ... but since the memory held by the VM compressor
+ * in the kernel address space ought to be attributed
+ * to user-space tasks, we subtract it from "internal"
+ * to give memory reporting tools a more accurate idea
+ * of what the kernel itself is actually using, instead
+ * of making it look like the kernel is leaking memory
+ * when the system is under memory pressure.
+ */
+ vm_info->internal -= (VM_PAGE_COMPRESSOR_COUNT *
+ } else {
+ mach_vm_size_t volatile_virtual_size;
+ mach_vm_size_t volatile_resident_size;
+ mach_vm_size_t volatile_compressed_size;
+ mach_vm_size_t volatile_pmap_size;
+ mach_vm_size_t volatile_compressed_pmap_size;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ if (flavor == TASK_VM_INFO_PURGEABLE) {
+ kr = vm_map_query_volatile(
+ map,
+ &volatile_virtual_size,
+ &volatile_resident_size,
+ &volatile_compressed_size,
+ &volatile_pmap_size,
+ &volatile_compressed_pmap_size);
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_pmap =
+ volatile_pmap_size;
+ if (radar_20146450) {
+ vm_info->compressed -=
+ volatile_compressed_pmap_size;
+ }
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_resident =
+ volatile_resident_size;
+ vm_info->purgeable_volatile_virtual =
+ volatile_virtual_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV0_COUNT;
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT) {
+ /* must be captured while we still have the map lock */
+ vm_info->min_address = map->min_offset;
+ vm_info->max_address = map->max_offset;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Done with vm map things, can drop the map lock and reference,
+ * and take the task lock back.
+ *
+ * Re-validate that the task didn't die on us.
+ */
+ if (!is_kernel_task) {
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ vm_map_deallocate(map);
+ }
+ map = VM_MAP_NULL;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if ((task != current_task()) && (!task->active)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV1_COUNT) {
+ vm_info->phys_footprint =
+ (mach_vm_size_t) get_task_phys_footprint(task);
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV1_COUNT;
+ }
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT) {
+ /* data was captured above */
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT;
+ }
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV3_COUNT) {
+ ledger_get_lifetime_max(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.phys_footprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_phys_footprint_peak);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile,
+ &vm_info->ledger_purgeable_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_purgeable_novolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile,
+ &vm_info->ledger_purgeable_volatile);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_purgeable_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_network_nonvolatile);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.network_nonvolatile_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_network_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.network_volatile,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_network_volatile);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.network_volatile_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_network_volatile_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.media_footprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_media_footprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_media_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.media_nofootprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_media_nofootprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.media_nofootprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_media_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.graphics_footprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_graphics_footprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_graphics_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_graphics_nofootprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.graphics_nofootprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_graphics_nofootprint_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.neural_footprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_neural_footprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_neural_footprint_compressed);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_neural_nofootprint);
+ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.neural_nofootprint_compressed,
+ &vm_info->ledger_tag_neural_nofootprint_compressed);
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV3_COUNT;
+ }
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV4_COUNT) {
+ if (task->bsd_info) {
+ vm_info->limit_bytes_remaining =
+ memorystatus_available_memory_internal(task->bsd_info);
+ } else {
+ vm_info->limit_bytes_remaining = 0;
+ }
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV4_COUNT;
+ }
+ if (original_task_info_count >= TASK_VM_INFO_REV5_COUNT) {
+ thread_t thread;
+ integer_t total = task->decompressions;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ total += thread->decompressions;
+ }
+ vm_info->decompressions = total;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_REV5_COUNT;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ /*
+ * Deprecated flavor. Currently allowing some results until all users
+ * stop calling it. The results may not be accurate.
+ */
+ task_wait_state_info_t wait_state_info;
+ uint64_t total_sfi_ledger_val = 0;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ wait_state_info = (task_wait_state_info_t) task_info_out;
+ wait_state_info->total_wait_state_time = 0;
+ bzero(wait_state_info->_reserved, sizeof(wait_state_info->_reserved));
+ int i, prev_lentry = -1;
+ int64_t val_credit, val_debit;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; i++) {
+ val_credit = 0;
+ /*
+ * checking with prev_lentry != entry ensures adjacent classes
+ * which share the same ledger do not add wait times twice.
+ * Note: Use ledger() call to get data for each individual sfi class.
+ */
+ if (prev_lentry != task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i] &&
+ KERN_SUCCESS == ledger_get_entries(task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i], &val_credit, &val_debit)) {
+ total_sfi_ledger_val += val_credit;
+ }
+ prev_lentry = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i];
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_SFI */
+ wait_state_info->total_wait_sfi_state_time = total_sfi_ledger_val;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ pvm_account_info_t acnt_info;
+ if (*task_info_count < PVM_ACCOUNT_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (task_info_out == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ acnt_info = (pvm_account_info_t) task_info_out;
+ error = vm_purgeable_account(task, acnt_info);
+ *task_info_count = PVM_ACCOUNT_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+#else /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ break;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ }
+ {
+ task_flags_info_t flags_info;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_FLAGS_INFO_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ flags_info = (task_flags_info_t)task_info_out;
+ /* only publish the 64-bit flag of the task */
+ flags_info->flags = task->t_flags & (TF_64B_ADDR | TF_64B_DATA);
+ *task_info_count = TASK_FLAGS_INFO_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ task_debug_info_internal_t dbg_info;
+ ipc_space_t space = task->itk_space;
+ if (*task_info_count < TASK_DEBUG_INFO_INTERNAL_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (task_info_out == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ dbg_info = (task_debug_info_internal_t) task_info_out;
+ dbg_info->ipc_space_size = 0;
+ if (space) {
+ is_read_lock(space);
+ dbg_info->ipc_space_size = space->is_table_size;
+ is_read_unlock(space);
+ }
+ dbg_info->suspend_count = task->suspend_count;
+ error = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ *task_info_count = TASK_DEBUG_INFO_INTERNAL_COUNT;
+ break;
+#else /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ break;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return error;
+ * task_info_from_user
+ *
+ * When calling task_info from user space,
+ * this function will be executed as mig server side
+ * instead of calling directly into task_info.
+ * This gives the possibility to perform more security
+ * checks on task_port.
+ *
+ * In the case of TASK_DYLD_INFO, we require the more
+ * privileged task_read_port not the less-privileged task_name_port.
+ *
+ */
+ mach_port_t task_port,
+ task_flavor_t flavor,
+ task_info_t task_info_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count)
+ task_t task;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ if (flavor == TASK_DYLD_INFO) {
+ task = convert_port_to_task_read(task_port);
+ } else {
+ task = convert_port_to_task_name(task_port);
+ }
+ ret = task_info(task, flavor, task_info_out, task_info_count);
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ return ret;
+ * Routine: task_dyld_process_info_update_helper
+ *
+ * Release send rights in release_ports.
+ *
+ * If no active ports found in task's dyld notifier array, unset the magic value
+ * in user space to indicate so.
+ *
+ * Condition:
+ * task's itk_lock is locked, and is unlocked upon return.
+ * Global g_dyldinfo_mtx is locked, and is unlocked upon return.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ size_t active_count,
+ vm_map_address_t magic_addr, /* a userspace address */
+ ipc_port_t *release_ports,
+ size_t release_count)
+ void *notifiers_ptr = NULL;
+ assert(release_count <= DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT);
+ if (active_count == 0) {
+ assert(task->itk_dyld_notify != NULL);
+ notifiers_ptr = task->itk_dyld_notify;
+ task->itk_dyld_notify = NULL;
+ itk_unlock(task);
+ kfree(notifiers_ptr, (vm_size_t)sizeof(ipc_port_t) * DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT);
+ (void)copyoutmap_atomic32(task->map, MACH_PORT_NULL, magic_addr); /* unset magic */
+ } else {
+ itk_unlock(task);
+ (void)copyoutmap_atomic32(task->map, (mach_port_name_t)DYLD_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_MAGIC,
+ magic_addr); /* reset magic */
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&g_dyldinfo_mtx);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < release_count; i++) {
+ ipc_port_release_send(release_ports[i]);
+ }
+ * Routine: task_dyld_process_info_notify_register
+ *
+ * Insert a send right to target task's itk_dyld_notify array. Allocate kernel
+ * memory for the array if it's the first port to be registered. Also cleanup
+ * any dead rights found in the array.
+ *
+ * Consumes sright if returns KERN_SUCCESS, otherwise MIG will destroy it.
+ *
+ * Args:
+ * task: Target task for the registration.
+ * sright: A send right.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCCESS: Registration succeeded.
+ * KERN_INVALID_TASK: task is invalid.
+ * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT: sright is invalid.
+ * KERN_DENIED: Security policy denied this call.
+ * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE: Kernel memory allocation failed.
+ * KERN_NO_SPACE: No available notifier port slot left for this task.
+ * KERN_RIGHT_EXISTS: The notifier port is already registered and active.
+ *
+ * Other error code see task_info().
+ *
+ * See Also:
+ * task_dyld_process_info_notify_get_trap() in mach_kernelrpc.c
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ ipc_port_t sright)
+ struct task_dyld_info dyld_info;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
+ ipc_port_t release_ports[DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT];
+ uint32_t release_count = 0, active_count = 0;
+ mach_vm_address_t ports_addr; /* a user space address */
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ boolean_t right_exists = false;
+ ipc_port_t *notifiers_ptr = NULL;
+ ipc_port_t *portp;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ if (!IP_VALID(sright)) {
+ }
+ if (mac_task_check_dyld_process_info_notify_register()) {
+ return KERN_DENIED;
+ }
+ kr = task_info(task, TASK_DYLD_INFO, (task_info_t)&dyld_info, &info_count);
+ if (kr) {
+ return kr;
+ }
+ if (dyld_info.all_image_info_format == TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_32) {
+ ports_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)(dyld_info.all_image_info_addr +
+ offsetof(struct user32_dyld_all_image_infos, notifyMachPorts));
+ } else {
+ ports_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)(dyld_info.all_image_info_addr +
+ offsetof(struct user64_dyld_all_image_infos, notifyMachPorts));
+ }
+ if (task->itk_dyld_notify == NULL) {
+ notifiers_ptr = (ipc_port_t *)
+ kalloc_flags(sizeof(ipc_port_t) * DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT, Z_ZERO);
+ if (!notifiers_ptr) {
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(&g_dyldinfo_mtx);
+ itk_lock(task);
+ if (task->itk_dyld_notify == NULL) {
+ task->itk_dyld_notify = notifiers_ptr;
+ notifiers_ptr = NULL;
+ }
+ assert(task->itk_dyld_notify != NULL);
+ /* First pass: clear dead names and check for duplicate registration */
+ for (int slot = 0; slot < DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT; slot++) {
+ portp = &task->itk_dyld_notify[slot];
+ if (*portp != IPC_PORT_NULL && !ip_active(*portp)) {
+ release_ports[release_count++] = *portp;
+ *portp = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ } else if (*portp == sright) {
+ /* the port is already registered and is active */
+ right_exists = true;
+ }
+ if (*portp != IPC_PORT_NULL) {
+ active_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (right_exists) {
+ /* skip second pass */
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* Second pass: register the port */
+ for (int slot = 0; slot < DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT; slot++) {
+ portp = &task->itk_dyld_notify[slot];
+ if (*portp == IPC_PORT_NULL) {
+ *portp = sright;
+ active_count++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(active_count > 0);
+ task_dyld_process_info_update_helper(task, active_count,
+ (vm_map_address_t)ports_addr, release_ports, release_count);
+ /* itk_lock, g_dyldinfo_mtx are unlocked upon return */
+ if (notifiers_ptr) {
+ kfree(notifiers_ptr, sizeof(ipc_port_t) * DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT);
+ }
+ return kr;
+ * Routine: task_dyld_process_info_notify_deregister
+ *
+ * Remove a send right in target task's itk_dyld_notify array matching the receive
+ * right name passed in. Deallocate kernel memory for the array if it's the last port to
+ * be deregistered, or all ports have died. Also cleanup any dead rights found in the array.
+ *
+ * Does not consume any reference.
+ *
+ * Args:
+ * task: Target task for the deregistration.
+ * rcv_name: The name denoting the receive right in caller's space.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCCESS: A matching entry found and degistration succeeded.
+ * KERN_INVALID_TASK: task is invalid.
+ * KERN_INVALID_NAME: name is invalid.
+ * KERN_DENIED: Security policy denied this call.
+ * KERN_FAILURE: A matching entry is not found.
+ * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT: The name passed in does not represent a valid rcv right.
+ *
+ * Other error code see task_info().
+ *
+ * See Also:
+ * task_dyld_process_info_notify_get_trap() in mach_kernelrpc.c
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ mach_port_name_t rcv_name)
+ struct task_dyld_info dyld_info;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
+ ipc_port_t release_ports[DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT];
+ uint32_t release_count = 0, active_count = 0;
+ boolean_t port_found = false;
+ mach_vm_address_t ports_addr; /* a user space address */
+ ipc_port_t sright;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ ipc_port_t *portp;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) {
+ }
+ if (!MACH_PORT_VALID(rcv_name)) {
+ }
+ if (mac_task_check_dyld_process_info_notify_register()) {
+ return KERN_DENIED;
+ }
+ kr = task_info(task, TASK_DYLD_INFO, (task_info_t)&dyld_info, &info_count);
+ if (kr) {
+ return kr;
+ }
+ if (dyld_info.all_image_info_format == TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_32) {
+ ports_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)(dyld_info.all_image_info_addr +
+ offsetof(struct user32_dyld_all_image_infos, notifyMachPorts));
+ } else {
+ ports_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)(dyld_info.all_image_info_addr +
+ offsetof(struct user64_dyld_all_image_infos, notifyMachPorts));
+ }
+ kr = ipc_port_translate_receive(current_space(), rcv_name, &sright); /* does not produce port ref */
+ if (kr) {
+ }
+ ip_reference(sright);
+ ip_unlock(sright);
+ assert(sright != IPC_PORT_NULL);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&g_dyldinfo_mtx);
+ itk_lock(task);
+ if (task->itk_dyld_notify == NULL) {
+ itk_unlock(task);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&g_dyldinfo_mtx);
+ ip_release(sright);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ for (int slot = 0; slot < DYLD_MAX_PROCESS_INFO_NOTIFY_COUNT; slot++) {
+ portp = &task->itk_dyld_notify[slot];
+ if (*portp == sright) {
+ release_ports[release_count++] = *portp;
+ *portp = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ port_found = true;
+ } else if ((*portp != IPC_PORT_NULL && !ip_active(*portp))) {
+ release_ports[release_count++] = *portp;
+ *portp = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ }
+ if (*portp != IPC_PORT_NULL) {
+ active_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ task_dyld_process_info_update_helper(task, active_count,
+ (vm_map_address_t)ports_addr, release_ports, release_count);
+ /* itk_lock, g_dyldinfo_mtx are unlocked upon return */
+ ip_release(sright);
+ return port_found ? KERN_SUCCESS : KERN_FAILURE;
+ * task_power_info
+ *
+ * Returns power stats for the task.
+ * Note: Called with task locked.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ task_power_info_t info,
+ gpu_energy_data_t ginfo,
+ task_power_info_v2_t infov2,
+ uint64_t *runnable_time)
+ thread_t thread;
+ ledger_amount_t tmp;
+ uint64_t runnable_time_sum = 0;
+ task_lock_assert_owned(task);
+ ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups,
+ (ledger_amount_t *)&info->task_interrupt_wakeups, &tmp);
+ ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups,
+ (ledger_amount_t *)&info->task_platform_idle_wakeups, &tmp);
+ info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 = task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 = task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+ info->total_user = task->total_user_time;
+ info->total_system = task->total_system_time;
+ runnable_time_sum = task->total_runnable_time;
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ if (infov2) {
+ infov2->task_energy = task->task_energy;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
+ if (ginfo) {
+ ginfo->task_gpu_utilisation = task->task_gpu_ns;
+ }
+ if (infov2) {
+ infov2->task_ptime = task->total_ptime;
+ infov2->task_pset_switches = task->ps_switch;
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ uint64_t tval;
+ spl_t x;
+ if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 += thread->thread_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 += thread->thread_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ if (infov2) {
+ infov2->task_energy += ml_energy_stat(thread);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ info->total_user += tval;
+ if (infov2) {
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->ptime);
+ infov2->task_ptime += tval;
+ infov2->task_pset_switches += thread->ps_switch;
+ }
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) {
+ info->total_system += tval;
+ } else {
+ /* system_timer may represent either sys or user */
+ info->total_user += tval;
+ }
+ tval = timer_grab(&thread->runnable_timer);
+ runnable_time_sum += tval;
+ if (ginfo) {
+ ginfo->task_gpu_utilisation += ml_gpu_stat(thread);
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ if (runnable_time) {
+ *runnable_time = runnable_time_sum;
+ }
+ * task_gpu_utilisation
+ *
+ * Returns the total gpu time used by the all the threads of the task
+ * (both dead and alive)
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ uint64_t gpu_time = 0;
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+ thread_t thread;
+ task_lock(task);
+ gpu_time += task->task_gpu_ns;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ spl_t x;
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ gpu_time += ml_gpu_stat(thread);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+#else /* defined(__x86_64__) */
+ /* silence compiler warning */
+ (void)task;
+#endif /* defined(__x86_64__) */
+ return gpu_time;
+ * task_energy
+ *
+ * Returns the total energy used by the all the threads of the task
+ * (both dead and alive)
+ */
+ task_t task)
+ uint64_t energy = 0;
+ thread_t thread;
+ task_lock(task);
+ energy += task->task_energy;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ spl_t x;
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ energy += ml_energy_stat(thread);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return energy;
+#if __AMP__
+ task_t task)
+ uint64_t cpu_ptime = 0;
+ thread_t thread;
+ task_lock(task);
+ cpu_ptime += task->total_ptime;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ cpu_ptime += timer_grab(&thread->ptime);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return cpu_ptime;
+#else /* __AMP__ */
+ __unused task_t task)
+ return 0;
+#endif /* __AMP__ */
+/* This function updates the cpu time in the arrays for each
+ * effective and requested QoS class
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ uint64_t *eqos_stats,
+ uint64_t *rqos_stats)
+ if (!eqos_stats && !rqos_stats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ thread_t thread;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ thread_update_qos_cpu_time(thread);
+ }
+ if (eqos_stats) {
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_DEFAULT] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_default;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_MAINTENANCE] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_maintenance;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_background;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_UTILITY] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_utility;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_LEGACY] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_legacy;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_USER_INITIATED] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_initiated;
+ eqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE] += task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_interactive;
+ }
+ if (rqos_stats) {
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_DEFAULT] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_default;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_MAINTENANCE] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_maintenance;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_background;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_UTILITY] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_utility;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_LEGACY] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_legacy;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_USER_INITIATED] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_initiated;
+ rqos_stats[THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE] += task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_interactive;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task,
+ task_purgable_info_t *stats)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL || stats == NULL) {
+ }
+ /* Take task reference */
+ task_reference(task);
+ vm_purgeable_stats((vm_purgeable_info_t)stats, task);
+ /* Drop task reference */
+ task_deallocate(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which)
+ thread_t thread;
+ spl_t x;
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->vtimers |= which;
+ switch (which) {
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) {
+ thread->vtimer_user_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ } else {
+ thread->vtimer_user_save = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ break;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ thread->vtimer_prof_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ thread->vtimer_prof_save += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ break;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ x = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ thread->vtimer_rlim_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ thread->vtimer_rlim_save += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(x);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which)
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->vtimers &= ~which;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ __unused
+ task_t task,
+ integer_t which,
+ uint32_t *microsecs)
+ thread_t thread = current_thread();
+ uint32_t tdelt = 0;
+ clock_sec_t secs = 0;
+ uint64_t tsum;
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if ((task->vtimers & which) != (uint32_t)which) {
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (which) {
+ if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) {
+ tdelt = (uint32_t)timer_delta(&thread->user_timer,
+ &thread->vtimer_user_save);
+ } else {
+ tdelt = (uint32_t)timer_delta(&thread->system_timer,
+ &thread->vtimer_user_save);
+ }
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs);
+ break;
+ tsum = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ tsum += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ tdelt = (uint32_t)(tsum - thread->vtimer_prof_save);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs);
+ /* if the time delta is smaller than a usec, ignore */
+ if (*microsecs != 0) {
+ thread->vtimer_prof_save = tsum;
+ }
+ break;
+ tsum = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ tsum += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ tdelt = (uint32_t)(tsum - thread->vtimer_rlim_save);
+ thread->vtimer_rlim_save = tsum;
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs);
+ break;
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ * task_assign:
+ *
+ * Change the assigned processor set for the task
+ */
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused processor_set_t new_pset,
+ __unused boolean_t assign_threads)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ * task_assign_default:
+ *
+ * Version of task_assign to assign to default processor set.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t assign_threads)
+ return task_assign(task, &pset0, assign_threads);
+ * task_get_assignment
+ *
+ * Return name of processor set that task is assigned to.
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ processor_set_t *pset)
+ if (!task || !task->active) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ *pset = &pset0;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task)
+ return task->dispatchqueue_offset;
+ * task_policy
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for
+ * the given task. Policy must be a policy which is enabled for the
+ * processor set. Change contained threads if requested.
+ */
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused policy_t policy_id,
+ __unused policy_base_t base,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t count,
+ __unused boolean_t set_limit,
+ __unused boolean_t change)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ * task_set_policy
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for
+ * the given task. Policy can be any policy implemented by the
+ * processor set, whether enabled or not. Change contained threads
+ * if requested.
+ */
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused processor_set_t pset,
+ __unused policy_t policy_id,
+ __unused policy_base_t base,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t base_count,
+ __unused policy_limit_t limit,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t limit_count,
+ __unused boolean_t change)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused vm_offset_t pc,
+ __unused vm_offset_t endpc)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task_t task)
+ /*
+ * Destroy owned semaphores
+ */
+ semaphore_destroy_all(task);
+ * Install default (machine-dependent) initial thread state
+ * on the task. Subsequent thread creation will have this initial
+ * state set on the thread by machine_thread_inherit_taskwide().
+ * Flavors and structures are exactly the same as those to thread_set_state()
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ int flavor,
+ thread_state_t state,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t state_count)
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ ret = machine_task_set_state(task, flavor, state, state_count);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return ret;
+ * Examine the default (machine-dependent) initial thread state
+ * on the task, as set by task_set_state(). Flavors and structures
+ * are exactly the same as those passed to thread_get_state().
+ */
+ task_t task,
+ int flavor,
+ thread_state_t state,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *state_count)
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (!task->active) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ ret = machine_task_get_state(task, flavor, state, state_count);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return ret;
+static kern_return_t __attribute__((noinline, not_tail_called))
+ mach_exception_code_t code,
+ mach_exception_subcode_t subcode,
+ void *reason)
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ if (1 == proc_selfpid()) {
+ return KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED; // initproc is immune
+ }
+ mach_exception_data_type_t codes[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX] = {
+ [0] = code,
+ [1] = subcode,
+ };
+ task_t task = current_task();
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ /* (See jetsam-related comments below) */
+ proc_memstat_terminated(task->bsd_info, TRUE);
+ kr = task_enqueue_exception_with_corpse(task, EXC_GUARD, codes, 2, reason);
+ proc_memstat_terminated(task->bsd_info, FALSE);
+ return kr;
+ mach_exception_code_t code,
+ mach_exception_subcode_t subcode,
+ void *reason)
+ return PROC_VIOLATED_GUARD__SEND_EXC_GUARD_AND_SUSPEND(code, subcode, reason);
+task_get_memlimit_is_active(task_t task)
+ assert(task != NULL);
+ if (task->memlimit_is_active == 1) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+task_set_memlimit_is_active(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active)
+ assert(task != NULL);
+ if (memlimit_is_active) {
+ task->memlimit_is_active = 1;
+ } else {
+ task->memlimit_is_active = 0;
+ }
+task_get_memlimit_is_fatal(task_t task)
+ assert(task != NULL);
+ if (task->memlimit_is_fatal == 1) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+task_set_memlimit_is_fatal(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal)
+ assert(task != NULL);
+ if (memlimit_is_fatal) {
+ task->memlimit_is_fatal = 1;
+ } else {
+ task->memlimit_is_fatal = 0;
+ }
+task_has_triggered_exc_resource(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active)
+ boolean_t triggered = FALSE;
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ /*
+ * Returns true, if task has already triggered an exc_resource exception.
+ */
+ if (memlimit_is_active) {
+ triggered = (task->memlimit_active_exc_resource ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ } else {
+ triggered = (task->memlimit_inactive_exc_resource ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ }
+ return triggered;
+task_mark_has_triggered_exc_resource(task_t task, boolean_t memlimit_is_active)
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ /*
+ * We allow one exc_resource per process per active/inactive limit.
+ * The limit's fatal attribute does not come into play.
+ */
+ if (memlimit_is_active) {
+ task->memlimit_active_exc_resource = 1;
+ } else {
+ task->memlimit_inactive_exc_resource = 1;
+ }
+#define HWM_USERCORE_MINSPACE 250 // free space (in MB) required *after* core file creation
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+PROC_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SEND_EXC_RESOURCE_AND_SUSPEND(int max_footprint_mb, boolean_t is_fatal)
+ task_t task = current_task();
+ int pid = 0;
+ const char *procname = "unknown";
+ mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
+ boolean_t send_sync_exc_resource = FALSE;
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ pid = proc_selfpid();
+ if (pid == 1) {
+ /*
+ * Cannot have ReportCrash analyzing
+ * a suspended initproc.
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (task->bsd_info != NULL) {
+ procname = proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info);
+ send_sync_exc_resource = proc_send_synchronous_EXC_RESOURCE(current_task()->bsd_info);
+ }
+ if (hwm_user_cores) {
+ int error;
+ uint64_t starttime, end;
+ clock_sec_t secs = 0;
+ uint32_t microsecs = 0;
+ starttime = mach_absolute_time();
+ /*
+ * Trigger a coredump of this process. Don't proceed unless we know we won't
+ * be filling up the disk; and ignore the core size resource limit for this
+ * core file.
+ */
+ if ((error = coredump(current_task()->bsd_info, HWM_USERCORE_MINSPACE, COREDUMP_IGNORE_ULIMIT)) != 0) {
+ printf("couldn't take coredump of %s[%d]: %d\n", procname, pid, error);
+ }
+ /*
+ * coredump() leaves the task suspended.
+ */
+ task_resume_internal(current_task());
+ end = mach_absolute_time();
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(end - starttime, &secs, µsecs);
+ printf("coredump of %s[%d] taken in %d secs %d microsecs\n",
+ proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info), pid, (int)secs, microsecs);
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_COREDUMP */
+ if (disable_exc_resource) {
+ printf("process %s[%d] crossed memory high watermark (%d MB); EXC_RESOURCE "
+ "supressed by a boot-arg.\n", procname, pid, max_footprint_mb);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * A task that has triggered an EXC_RESOURCE, should not be
+ * jetsammed when the device is under memory pressure. Here
+ * we set the P_MEMSTAT_TERMINATED flag so that the process
+ * will be skipped if the memorystatus_thread wakes up.
+ */
+ proc_memstat_terminated(current_task()->bsd_info, TRUE);
+ code[0] = code[1] = 0;
+ EXC_RESOURCE_HWM_ENCODE_LIMIT(code[0], max_footprint_mb);
+ /*
+ * Do not generate a corpse fork if the violation is a fatal one
+ * or the process wants synchronous EXC_RESOURCE exceptions.
+ */
+ if (is_fatal || send_sync_exc_resource || exc_via_corpse_forking == 0) {
+ /* Do not send a EXC_RESOURCE if corpse_for_fatal_memkill is set */
+ if (send_sync_exc_resource || corpse_for_fatal_memkill == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Use the _internal_ variant so that no user-space
+ * process can resume our task from under us.
+ */
+ task_suspend_internal(task);
+ exception_triage(EXC_RESOURCE, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX);
+ task_resume_internal(task);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (audio_active) {
+ printf("process %s[%d] crossed memory high watermark (%d MB); EXC_RESOURCE "
+ "supressed due to audio playback.\n", procname, pid, max_footprint_mb);
+ } else {
+ task_enqueue_exception_with_corpse(task, EXC_RESOURCE,
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * After the EXC_RESOURCE has been handled, we must clear the
+ * P_MEMSTAT_TERMINATED flag so that the process can again be
+ * considered for jetsam if the memorystatus_thread wakes up.
+ */
+ proc_memstat_terminated(current_task()->bsd_info, FALSE); /* clear the flag */
+ * Callback invoked when a task exceeds its physical footprint limit.
+ */
+task_footprint_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1)
+ ledger_amount_t max_footprint, max_footprint_mb;
+ task_t task;
+ boolean_t is_warning;
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_active;
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal;
+ /*
+ * Task memory limits only provide a warning on the way up.
+ */
+ return;
+ } else if (warning == LEDGER_WARNING_ROSE_ABOVE) {
+ /*
+ * This task is in danger of violating a memory limit,
+ * It has exceeded a percentage level of the limit.
+ */
+ is_warning = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * The task has exceeded the physical footprint limit.
+ * This is not a warning but a true limit violation.
+ */
+ is_warning = FALSE;
+ }
+ task = current_task();
+ ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &max_footprint);
+ max_footprint_mb = max_footprint >> 20;
+ memlimit_is_active = task_get_memlimit_is_active(task);
+ memlimit_is_fatal = task_get_memlimit_is_fatal(task);
+ /*
+ * If this is an actual violation (not a warning), then generate EXC_RESOURCE exception.
+ * We only generate the exception once per process per memlimit (active/inactive limit).
+ * To enforce this, we monitor state based on the memlimit's active/inactive attribute
+ * and we disable it by marking that memlimit as exception triggered.
+ */
+ if ((is_warning == FALSE) && (!task_has_triggered_exc_resource(task, memlimit_is_active))) {
+ PROC_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SEND_EXC_RESOURCE_AND_SUSPEND((int)max_footprint_mb, memlimit_is_fatal);
+ memorystatus_log_exception((int)max_footprint_mb, memlimit_is_active, memlimit_is_fatal);
+ task_mark_has_triggered_exc_resource(task, memlimit_is_active);
+ }
+ memorystatus_on_ledger_footprint_exceeded(is_warning, memlimit_is_active, memlimit_is_fatal);
+extern int proc_check_footprint_priv(void);
+ task_t task,
+ int new_limit_mb,
+ int *old_limit_mb)
+ kern_return_t error;
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_active;
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal;
+ if ((error = proc_check_footprint_priv())) {
+ return KERN_NO_ACCESS;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This call should probably be obsoleted.
+ * But for now, we default to current state.
+ */
+ memlimit_is_active = task_get_memlimit_is_active(task);
+ memlimit_is_fatal = task_get_memlimit_is_fatal(task);
+ return task_set_phys_footprint_limit_internal(task, new_limit_mb, old_limit_mb, memlimit_is_active, memlimit_is_fatal);
+ int limit_mb,
+ int *converted_limit_mb)
+ if (limit_mb == -1) {
+ /*
+ * No limit
+ */
+ if (max_task_footprint != 0) {
+ *converted_limit_mb = (int)(max_task_footprint / 1024 / 1024); /* bytes to MB */
+ } else {
+ *converted_limit_mb = (int)(LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY >> 20);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* nothing to convert */
+ *converted_limit_mb = limit_mb;
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ int new_limit_mb,
+ int *old_limit_mb,
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_active,
+ boolean_t memlimit_is_fatal)
+ ledger_amount_t old;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ ret = ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &old);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check that limit >> 20 will not give an "unexpected" 32-bit
+ * result. There are, however, implicit assumptions that -1 mb limit
+ */
+ assert(((old & 0xFFF0000000000000LL) == 0) || (old == LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY));
+ if (old_limit_mb) {
+ *old_limit_mb = (int)(old >> 20);
+ }
+ if (new_limit_mb == -1) {
+ /*
+ * Caller wishes to remove the limit.
+ */
+ ledger_set_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint,
+ max_task_footprint ? max_task_footprint : LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY,
+ max_task_footprint ? (uint8_t)max_task_footprint_warning_level : 0);
+ task_lock(task);
+ task_set_memlimit_is_active(task, memlimit_is_active);
+ task_set_memlimit_is_fatal(task, memlimit_is_fatal);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if ((memlimit_is_active == task_get_memlimit_is_active(task)) &&
+ (memlimit_is_fatal == task_get_memlimit_is_fatal(task)) &&
+ (((ledger_amount_t)new_limit_mb << 20) == old)) {
+ /*
+ * memlimit state is not changing
+ */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ task_set_memlimit_is_active(task, memlimit_is_active);
+ task_set_memlimit_is_fatal(task, memlimit_is_fatal);
+ ledger_set_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint,
+ (ledger_amount_t)new_limit_mb << 20, PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL);
+ if (task == current_task()) {
+ ledger_check_new_balance(current_thread(), task->ledger,
+ task_ledgers.phys_footprint);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ int *limit_mb)
+ ledger_amount_t limit;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ ret = ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &limit);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check that limit >> 20 will not give an "unexpected" signed, 32-bit
+ * result. There are, however, implicit assumptions that -1 mb limit
+ */
+ assert(((limit & 0xFFF0000000000000LL) == 0) || (limit == LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY));
+ *limit_mb = (int)(limit >> 20);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused int new_limit_mb,
+ __unused int *old_limit_mb)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused int *limit_mb)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+task_set_thread_limit(task_t task, uint16_t thread_limit)
+ assert(task != kernel_task);
+ if (thread_limit <= TASK_MAX_THREAD_LIMIT) {
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->task_thread_limit = thread_limit;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+task_has_system_version_compat_enabled(task_t task)
+ boolean_t enabled = FALSE;
+ task_lock(task);
+ enabled = (task->t_flags & TF_SYS_VERSION_COMPAT);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return enabled;
+task_set_system_version_compat_enabled(task_t task, boolean_t enable_system_version_compat)
+ assert(task == current_task());
+ assert(task != kernel_task);
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (enable_system_version_compat) {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_SYS_VERSION_COMPAT;
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~TF_SYS_VERSION_COMPAT;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+#endif /* XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX */
+ * We need to export some functions to other components that
+ * are currently implemented in macros within the osfmk
+ * component. Just export them as functions of the same name.
+ */
+is_kerneltask(task_t t)
+ if (t == kernel_task) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+is_corpsetask(task_t t)
+ return task_is_a_corpse(t);
+#undef current_task
+task_t current_task(void);
+ return current_task_fast();
+#undef task_reference
+void task_reference(task_t task);
+ task_t task)
+ if (task != TASK_NULL) {
+ task_reference_internal(task);
+ }
+/* defined in bsd/kern/kern_prot.c */
+extern int get_audit_token_pid(audit_token_t *audit_token);
+task_pid(task_t task)
+ if (task) {
+ return get_audit_token_pid(&task->audit_token);
+ }
+ return -1;
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+ * Get the shared region id and jop signing key for the task.
+ * The function will allocate a kalloc buffer and return
+ * it to caller, the caller needs to free it. This is used
+ * for getting the information via task port.
+ */
+char *
+task_get_vm_shared_region_id_and_jop_pid(task_t task, uint64_t *jop_pid)
+ size_t len;
+ char *shared_region_id = NULL;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (task->shared_region_id == NULL) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = strlen(task->shared_region_id) + 1;
+ /* don't hold task lock while allocating */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ shared_region_id = kheap_alloc(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, len, Z_WAITOK);
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (task->shared_region_id == NULL) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, shared_region_id, len);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ assert(len == strlen(task->shared_region_id) + 1); /* should never change */
+ strlcpy(shared_region_id, task->shared_region_id, len);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* find key from its auth pager */
+ if (jop_pid != NULL) {
+ *jop_pid = shared_region_find_key(shared_region_id);
+ }
+ return shared_region_id;
+ * set the shared region id for a task
+ */
+task_set_shared_region_id(task_t task, char *id)
+ char *old_id;
+ task_lock(task);
+ old_id = task->shared_region_id;
+ task->shared_region_id = id;
+ task->shared_region_auth_remapped = FALSE;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ /* free any pre-existing shared region id */
+ if (old_id != NULL) {
+ shared_region_key_dealloc(old_id);
+ kheap_free(KHEAP_DATA_BUFFERS, old_id, strlen(old_id) + 1);
+ }
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
+ * This routine finds a thread in a task by its unique id
+ * Returns a referenced thread or THREAD_NULL if the thread was not found
+ *
+ * TODO: This is super inefficient - it's an O(threads in task) list walk!
+ * We should make a tid hash, or transition all tid clients to thread ports
+ *
+ * Precondition: No locks held (will take task lock)
+ */
+task_findtid(task_t task, uint64_t tid)
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ thread_t found_thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ thread_t iter_thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ /* Short-circuit the lookup if we're looking up ourselves */
+ if (tid == self->thread_id || tid == TID_NULL) {
+ assert(self->task == task);
+ thread_reference(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, iter_thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ if (iter_thread->thread_id == tid) {
+ found_thread = iter_thread;
+ thread_reference(found_thread);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return found_thread;
+pid_from_task(task_t task)
+ int pid = -1;
+ if (task->bsd_info) {
+ pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info);
+ } else {
+ pid = task_pid(task);
+ }
+ return pid;
+ * Control the CPU usage monitor for a task.
+ */
+task_cpu_usage_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags)
+ int error = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (*flags & CPUMON_MAKE_FATAL) {
+ task->rusage_cpu_flags |= TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_CPUMON;
+ } else {
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Control the wakeups monitor for a task.
+ */
+task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags, int32_t *rate_hz)
+ ledger_t ledger = task->ledger;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (*flags & WAKEMON_GET_PARAMS) {
+ ledger_amount_t limit;
+ uint64_t period;
+ ledger_get_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &limit);
+ ledger_get_period(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &period);
+ if (limit != LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY) {
+ /*
+ * An active limit means the wakeups monitor is enabled.
+ */
+ *rate_hz = (int32_t)(limit / (int64_t)(period / NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ *flags = WAKEMON_ENABLE;
+ if (task->rusage_cpu_flags & TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ *rate_hz = -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If WAKEMON_GET_PARAMS is present in flags, all other flags are ignored.
+ */
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (*flags & WAKEMON_ENABLE) {
+ if (*flags & WAKEMON_SET_DEFAULTS) {
+ *rate_hz = task_wakeups_monitor_rate;
+ }
+ if (*flags & WAKEMON_MAKE_FATAL) {
+ task->rusage_cpu_flags |= TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON;
+ }
+ if (*rate_hz <= 0) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ }
+ ledger_set_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, *rate_hz * task_wakeups_monitor_interval,
+ (uint8_t)task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct);
+ ledger_set_period(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, task_wakeups_monitor_interval * NSEC_PER_SEC);
+ ledger_enable_callback(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups);
+ } else if (*flags & WAKEMON_DISABLE) {
+ /*
+ * Caller wishes to disable wakeups monitor on the task.
+ *
+ * Disable telemetry if it was triggered by the wakeups monitor, and
+ * remove the limit & callback on the wakeups ledger entry.
+ */
+ telemetry_task_ctl_locked(task, TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 0);
+ ledger_disable_refill(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups);
+ ledger_disable_callback(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+task_wakeups_rate_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1)
+ if (warning == LEDGER_WARNING_ROSE_ABOVE) {
+ /*
+ * This task is in danger of violating the wakeups monitor. Enable telemetry on this task
+ * so there are micro-stackshots available if and when EXC_RESOURCE is triggered.
+ */
+ telemetry_task_ctl(current_task(), TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the balance has dipped below the warning level (LEDGER_WARNING_DIPPED_BELOW) or
+ * exceeded the limit, turn telemetry off for the task.
+ */
+ telemetry_task_ctl(current_task(), TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 0);
+ if (warning == 0) {
+ }
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+ task_t task = current_task();
+ int pid = 0;
+ const char *procname = "unknown";
+ boolean_t fatal;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
+ struct ledger_entry_info lei;
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ pid = proc_selfpid();
+ if (task->bsd_info != NULL) {
+ procname = proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info);
+ }
+ ledger_get_entry_info(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &lei);
+ /*
+ * Disable the exception notification so we don't overwhelm
+ * the listener with an endless stream of redundant exceptions.
+ * TODO: detect whether another thread is already reporting the violation.
+ */
+ uint32_t flags = WAKEMON_DISABLE;
+ task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(task, &flags, NULL);
+ fatal = task->rusage_cpu_flags & TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON;
+ trace_resource_violation(RMON_CPUWAKES_VIOLATED, &lei);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "process %s[%d] caught waking the CPU %llu times "
+ "over ~%llu seconds, averaging %llu wakes / second and "
+ "violating a %slimit of %llu wakes over %llu seconds.\n",
+ procname, pid,
+ lei.lei_balance, lei.lei_last_refill / NSEC_PER_SEC,
+ lei.lei_last_refill == 0 ? 0 :
+ (NSEC_PER_SEC * lei.lei_balance / lei.lei_last_refill),
+ fatal ? "FATAL " : "",
+ lei.lei_limit, lei.lei_refill_period / NSEC_PER_SEC);
+ kr = send_resource_violation(send_cpu_wakes_violation, task, &lei,
+ fatal ? kRNFatalLimitFlag : 0);
+ if (kr) {
+ printf("send_resource_violation(CPU wakes, ...): error %#x\n", kr);
+ }
+ if (disable_exc_resource) {
+ printf("process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE "
+ "supressed by a boot-arg\n", procname, pid);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (audio_active) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE "
+ "supressed due to audio playback\n", procname, pid);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lei.lei_last_refill == 0) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE "
+ "supressed due to lei.lei_last_refill = 0 \n", procname, pid);
+ }
+ code[0] = code[1] = 0;
+ NSEC_PER_SEC * lei.lei_limit / lei.lei_refill_period);
+ lei.lei_last_refill);
+ NSEC_PER_SEC * lei.lei_balance / lei.lei_last_refill);
+ exception_triage(EXC_RESOURCE, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX);
+ if (fatal) {
+ task_terminate_internal(task);
+ }
+static boolean_t
+global_update_logical_writes(int64_t io_delta, int64_t *global_write_count)
+ int64_t old_count, new_count;
+ boolean_t needs_telemetry;
+ do {
+ new_count = old_count = *global_write_count;
+ new_count += io_delta;
+ if (new_count >= io_telemetry_limit) {
+ new_count = 0;
+ needs_telemetry = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ needs_telemetry = FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (!OSCompareAndSwap64(old_count, new_count, global_write_count));
+ return needs_telemetry;
+task_update_physical_writes(__unused task_t task, __unused task_physical_write_flavor_t flavor, __unused uint64_t io_size, __unused task_balance_flags_t flags)
+ if (!io_size) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * task == NULL means that we have to update kernel_task ledgers
+ */
+ if (!task) {
+ task = kernel_task;
+ }
+ task_pid(task), flavor, io_size, flags, 0);
+ DTRACE_IO4(physical_writes, struct task *, task, task_physical_write_flavor_t, flavor, uint64_t, io_size, task_balance_flags_t, flags);
+ if (flags & TASK_BALANCE_CREDIT) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(io_size, (SInt64 *)&(task->task_fs_metadata_writes));
+ ledger_credit_nocheck(task->ledger, task_ledgers.fs_metadata_writes, io_size);
+ }
+ } else if (flags & TASK_BALANCE_DEBIT) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(-1 * io_size, (SInt64 *)&(task->task_fs_metadata_writes));
+ ledger_debit_nocheck(task->ledger, task_ledgers.fs_metadata_writes, io_size);
+ }
+ }
+task_update_logical_writes(task_t task, uint32_t io_size, int flags, void *vp)
+ int64_t io_delta = 0;
+ int64_t * global_counter_to_update;
+ boolean_t needs_telemetry = FALSE;
+ boolean_t is_external_device = FALSE;
+ int ledger_to_update = 0;
+ struct task_writes_counters * writes_counters_to_update;
+ if ((!task) || (!io_size) || (!vp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_pid(task), io_size, flags, (uintptr_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(vp), 0);
+ DTRACE_IO4(logical_writes, struct task *, task, uint32_t, io_size, int, flags, vnode *, vp);
+ // Is the drive backing this vnode internal or external to the system?
+ if (vnode_isonexternalstorage(vp) == false) {
+ global_counter_to_update = &global_logical_writes_count;
+ ledger_to_update = task_ledgers.logical_writes;
+ writes_counters_to_update = &task->task_writes_counters_internal;
+ is_external_device = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ global_counter_to_update = &global_logical_writes_to_external_count;
+ ledger_to_update = task_ledgers.logical_writes_to_external;
+ writes_counters_to_update = &task->task_writes_counters_external;
+ is_external_device = TRUE;
+ }
+ switch (flags) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(io_size, (SInt64 *)&(writes_counters_to_update->task_immediate_writes));
+ ledger_credit(task->ledger, ledger_to_update, io_size);
+ if (!is_external_device) {
+ coalition_io_ledger_update(task, FLAVOR_IO_LOGICAL_WRITES, TRUE, io_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ OSAddAtomic64(io_size, (SInt64 *)&(writes_counters_to_update->task_deferred_writes));
+ ledger_credit(task->ledger, ledger_to_update, io_size);
+ if (!is_external_device) {
+ coalition_io_ledger_update(task, FLAVOR_IO_LOGICAL_WRITES, TRUE, io_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ OSAddAtomic64(io_size, (SInt64 *)&(writes_counters_to_update->task_invalidated_writes));
+ ledger_debit(task->ledger, ledger_to_update, io_size);
+ if (!is_external_device) {
+ coalition_io_ledger_update(task, FLAVOR_IO_LOGICAL_WRITES, FALSE, io_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ OSAddAtomic64(io_size, (SInt64 *)&(writes_counters_to_update->task_metadata_writes));
+ ledger_credit(task->ledger, ledger_to_update, io_size);
+ if (!is_external_device) {
+ coalition_io_ledger_update(task, FLAVOR_IO_LOGICAL_WRITES, TRUE, io_size);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ io_delta = (flags == TASK_WRITE_INVALIDATED) ? ((int64_t)io_size * -1ll) : ((int64_t)io_size);
+ if (io_telemetry_limit != 0) {
+ /* If io_telemetry_limit is 0, disable global updates and I/O telemetry */
+ needs_telemetry = global_update_logical_writes(io_delta, global_counter_to_update);
+ if (needs_telemetry && !is_external_device) {
+ act_set_io_telemetry_ast(current_thread());
+ }
+ }
+ * Control the I/O monitor for a task.
+ */
+task_io_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags)
+ ledger_t ledger = task->ledger;
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (*flags & IOMON_ENABLE) {
+ /* Configure the physical I/O ledger */
+ ledger_set_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes, (task_iomon_limit_mb * 1024 * 1024), 0);
+ ledger_set_period(ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes, (task_iomon_interval_secs * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ } else if (*flags & IOMON_DISABLE) {
+ /*
+ * Caller wishes to disable I/O monitor on the task.
+ */
+ ledger_disable_refill(ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes);
+ ledger_disable_callback(ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+task_io_rate_exceeded(int warning, const void *param0, __unused const void *param1)
+ if (warning == 0) {
+ }
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+ int pid = 0;
+ task_t task = current_task();
+ mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
+ struct ledger_entry_info lei;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ pid = proc_selfpid();
+ /*
+ * Get the ledger entry info. We need to do this before disabling the exception
+ * to get correct values for all fields.
+ */
+ switch (flavor) {
+ ledger_get_entry_info(task->ledger, task_ledgers.physical_writes, &lei);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Disable the exception notification so we don't overwhelm
+ * the listener with an endless stream of redundant exceptions.
+ * TODO: detect whether another thread is already reporting the violation.
+ */
+ uint32_t flags = IOMON_DISABLE;
+ task_io_monitor_ctl(task, &flags);
+ if (flavor == FLAVOR_IO_LOGICAL_WRITES) {
+ trace_resource_violation(RMON_LOGWRITES_VIOLATED, &lei);
+ }
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "process [%d] caught causing excessive I/O (flavor: %d). Task I/O: %lld MB. [Limit : %lld MB per %lld secs]\n",
+ pid, flavor, (lei.lei_balance / (1024 * 1024)), (lei.lei_limit / (1024 * 1024)), (lei.lei_refill_period / NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ kr = send_resource_violation(send_disk_writes_violation, task, &lei, kRNFlagsNone);
+ if (kr) {
+ printf("send_resource_violation(disk_writes, ...): error %#x\n", kr);
+ }
+ code[0] = code[1] = 0;
+ EXC_RESOURCE_ENCODE_FLAVOR(code[0], flavor);
+ EXC_RESOURCE_IO_ENCODE_INTERVAL(code[0], (lei.lei_refill_period / NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ EXC_RESOURCE_IO_ENCODE_LIMIT(code[0], (lei.lei_limit / (1024 * 1024)));
+ EXC_RESOURCE_IO_ENCODE_OBSERVED(code[1], (lei.lei_balance / (1024 * 1024)));
+ exception_triage(EXC_RESOURCE, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX);
+/* Placeholders for the task set/get voucher interfaces */
+ task_t task,
+ mach_voucher_selector_t __unused which,
+ ipc_voucher_t *voucher)
+ if (TASK_NULL == task) {
+ }
+ *voucher = NULL;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ task_t task,
+ ipc_voucher_t __unused voucher)
+ if (TASK_NULL == task) {
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ __unused task_t task,
+ __unused ipc_voucher_t new_voucher,
+ ipc_voucher_t *in_out_old_voucher)
+ /*
+ * Currently this function is only called from a MIG generated
+ * routine which doesn't release the reference on the voucher
+ * addressed by in_out_old_voucher. To avoid leaking this reference,
+ * a call to release it has been added here.
+ */
+ ipc_voucher_release(*in_out_old_voucher);
+task_set_gpu_denied(task_t task, boolean_t denied)
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (denied) {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_GPU_DENIED;
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~TF_GPU_DENIED;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+task_is_gpu_denied(task_t task)
+ /* We don't need the lock to read this flag */
+ return (task->t_flags & TF_GPU_DENIED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+get_task_memory_region_count(task_t task)
+ vm_map_t map;
+ map = (task == kernel_task) ? kernel_map: task->map;
+ return (uint64_t)get_map_nentries(map);
+static void
+kdebug_trace_dyld_internal(uint32_t base_code,
+ struct dyld_kernel_image_info *info)
+ static_assert(sizeof(info->uuid) >= 16);
+#if defined(__LP64__)
+ uint64_t *uuid = (uint64_t *)&(info->uuid);
+ KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_UUID, base_code), uuid[0],
+ uuid[1], info->load_addr,
+ (uint64_t)info->fsid.val[0] | ((uint64_t)info->fsid.val[1] << 32),
+ 0);
+ (uint64_t)info->fsobjid.fid_objno |
+ ((uint64_t)info->fsobjid.fid_generation << 32),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0);
+#else /* defined(__LP64__) */
+ uint32_t *uuid = (uint32_t *)&(info->uuid);
+ KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_UUID, base_code + 2), uuid[0],
+ uuid[1], uuid[2], uuid[3], 0);
+ (uint32_t)info->load_addr, info->fsid.val[0], info->fsid.val[1],
+ info->fsobjid.fid_objno, 0);
+ info->fsobjid.fid_generation, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+#endif /* !defined(__LP64__) */
+static kern_return_t
+kdebug_trace_dyld(task_t task, uint32_t base_code,
+ vm_map_copy_t infos_copy, mach_msg_type_number_t infos_len)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ dyld_kernel_image_info_array_t infos;
+ vm_map_offset_t map_data;
+ vm_offset_t data;
+ if (!infos_copy) {
+ }
+ if (!kdebug_enable ||
+ !kdebug_debugid_enabled(KDBG_EVENTID(DBG_DYLD, DBG_DYLD_UUID, 0))) {
+ vm_map_copy_discard(infos_copy);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (task == NULL || task != current_task()) {
+ }
+ kr = vm_map_copyout(ipc_kernel_map, &map_data, (vm_map_copy_t)infos_copy);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return kr;
+ }
+ infos = CAST_DOWN(dyld_kernel_image_info_array_t, map_data);
+ for (mach_msg_type_number_t i = 0; i < infos_len; i++) {
+ kdebug_trace_dyld_internal(base_code, &(infos[i]));
+ }
+ data = CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t, map_data);
+ mach_vm_deallocate(ipc_kernel_map, data, infos_len * sizeof(infos[0]));
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+task_register_dyld_image_infos(task_t task,
+ dyld_kernel_image_info_array_t infos_copy,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t infos_len)
+ return kdebug_trace_dyld(task, DBG_DYLD_UUID_MAP_A,
+ (vm_map_copy_t)infos_copy, infos_len);
+task_unregister_dyld_image_infos(task_t task,
+ dyld_kernel_image_info_array_t infos_copy,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t infos_len)
+ return kdebug_trace_dyld(task, DBG_DYLD_UUID_UNMAP_A,
+ (vm_map_copy_t)infos_copy, infos_len);
+task_get_dyld_image_infos(__unused task_t task,
+ __unused dyld_kernel_image_info_array_t * dyld_images,
+ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t * dyld_imagesCnt)
+task_register_dyld_shared_cache_image_info(task_t task,
+ dyld_kernel_image_info_t cache_img,
+ __unused boolean_t no_cache,
+ __unused boolean_t private_cache)
+ if (task == NULL || task != current_task()) {
+ }
+ kdebug_trace_dyld_internal(DBG_DYLD_UUID_SHARED_CACHE_A, &cache_img);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+task_register_dyld_set_dyld_state(__unused task_t task,
+ __unused uint8_t dyld_state)
+task_register_dyld_get_process_state(__unused task_t task,
+ __unused dyld_kernel_process_info_t * dyld_process_state)
+task_inspect(task_inspect_t task_insp, task_inspect_flavor_t flavor,
+ task_inspect_info_t info_out, mach_msg_type_number_t *size_in_out)
+ task_t task = (task_t)task_insp;
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t size;
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ size = *size_in_out;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ struct task_inspect_basic_counts *bc;
+ uint64_t task_counts[MT_CORE_NFIXED] = { 0 };
+ break;
+ }
+ mt_fixed_task_counts(task, task_counts);
+ bc = (struct task_inspect_basic_counts *)info_out;
+ bc->instructions = task_counts[MT_CORE_INSTRS];
+#else /* defined(MT_CORE_INSTRS) */
+ bc->instructions = 0;
+#endif /* !defined(MT_CORE_INSTRS) */
+ bc->cycles = task_counts[MT_CORE_CYCLES];
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *size_in_out = size;
+ }
+ return kr;
+#else /* MONOTONIC */
+#pragma unused(task_insp, flavor, info_out, size_in_out)
+#endif /* !MONOTONIC */
+int num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem = 0;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t can_use_secluded_mem)
+ if (!task->task_could_use_secluded_mem) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ task_set_can_use_secluded_mem_locked(task, can_use_secluded_mem);
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t can_use_secluded_mem)
+ assert(task->task_could_use_secluded_mem);
+ if (can_use_secluded_mem &&
+ secluded_for_apps && /* global boot-arg */
+ !task->task_can_use_secluded_mem) {
+ assert(num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem >= 0);
+ OSAddAtomic(+1,
+ (volatile SInt32 *)&num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem);
+ task->task_can_use_secluded_mem = TRUE;
+ } else if (!can_use_secluded_mem &&
+ task->task_can_use_secluded_mem) {
+ assert(num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem > 0);
+ OSAddAtomic(-1,
+ (volatile SInt32 *)&num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem);
+ task->task_can_use_secluded_mem = FALSE;
+ }
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t could_use_secluded_mem)
+ task->task_could_use_secluded_mem = !!could_use_secluded_mem;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t could_also_use_secluded_mem)
+ task->task_could_also_use_secluded_mem = !!could_also_use_secluded_mem;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t is_alloc)
+ if (task->task_can_use_secluded_mem) {
+ assert(task->task_could_use_secluded_mem);
+ assert(num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem > 0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (task->task_could_also_use_secluded_mem &&
+ num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem > 0) {
+ assert(num_tasks_can_use_secluded_mem > 0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a single task is using more than some large amount of
+ * memory (i.e. secluded_shutoff_trigger) and is approaching
+ * its task limit, allow it to dip into secluded and begin
+ * suppression of rebuilding secluded memory until that task exits.
+ */
+ if (is_alloc && secluded_shutoff_trigger != 0) {
+ uint64_t phys_used = get_task_phys_footprint(task);
+ uint64_t limit = get_task_phys_footprint_limit(task);
+ if (phys_used > secluded_shutoff_trigger &&
+ limit > secluded_shutoff_trigger &&
+ phys_used > limit - secluded_shutoff_headroom) {
+ start_secluded_suppression(task);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ task_t task)
+ return task->task_could_use_secluded_mem;
+ task_t task)
+ return task->task_could_also_use_secluded_mem;
+queue_head_t *
+task_io_user_clients(task_t task)
+ return &task->io_user_clients;
+task_set_message_app_suspended(task_t task, boolean_t enable)
+ task->message_app_suspended = enable;
+task_copy_fields_for_exec(task_t dst_task, task_t src_task)
+ dst_task->vtimers = src_task->vtimers;
+int vm_region_footprint = 0;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ if (vm_region_footprint) {
+ /* system-wide override */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ return current_task()->task_region_footprint;
+ boolean_t newval)
+ task_t curtask;
+ curtask = current_task();
+ task_lock(curtask);
+ if (newval) {
+ curtask->task_region_footprint = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ curtask->task_region_footprint = FALSE;
+ }
+ task_unlock(curtask);
+task_set_darkwake_mode(task_t task, boolean_t set_mode)
+ assert(task);
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (set_mode) {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_DARKWAKE_MODE;
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~(TF_DARKWAKE_MODE);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+task_get_darkwake_mode(task_t task)
+ assert(task);
+ return (task->t_flags & TF_DARKWAKE_MODE) != 0;
+ task_t task,
+ task_exc_guard_behavior_t *behaviorp)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ *behaviorp = task->task_exc_guard;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+/* Temporary define until two branches are merged */
+ task_t task,
+ task_exc_guard_behavior_t behavior)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ }
+ if (behavior & ~TASK_EXC_GUARD_ALL) {
+ }
+ task->task_exc_guard = behavior;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+#if __arm64__
+extern int legacy_footprint_entitlement_mode;
+extern void memorystatus_act_on_legacy_footprint_entitlement(struct proc *, boolean_t);
+extern void memorystatus_act_on_ios13extended_footprint_entitlement(struct proc *);
+ task_t task)
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->task_legacy_footprint = TRUE;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task)
+ if (task->task_extra_footprint_limit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (task->task_extra_footprint_limit) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return;
+ }
+ task->task_extra_footprint_limit = TRUE;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ memorystatus_act_on_legacy_footprint_entitlement(task->bsd_info, TRUE);
+ task_t task)
+ if (task->task_ios13extended_footprint_limit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (task->task_ios13extended_footprint_limit) {
+ task_unlock(task);
+ return;
+ }
+ task->task_ios13extended_footprint_limit = TRUE;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ memorystatus_act_on_ios13extended_footprint_entitlement(task->bsd_info);
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
+static inline ledger_amount_t
+ ledger_t ledger,
+ int ledger_idx)
+ ledger_amount_t amount;
+ amount = 0;
+ ledger_get_balance(ledger, ledger_idx, &amount);
+ return amount;
+ * Gather the amount of memory counted in a task's footprint due to
+ * being in a specific set of ledgers.
+ */
+ ledger_t ledger,
+ ledger_amount_t *ledger_resident,
+ ledger_amount_t *ledger_compressed)
+ *ledger_resident = 0;
+ *ledger_compressed = 0;
+ /* purgeable non-volatile memory */
+ *ledger_resident += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile);
+ *ledger_compressed += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed);
+ /* "default" tagged memory */
+ *ledger_resident += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint);
+ *ledger_compressed += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.tagged_footprint_compressed);
+ /* "network" currently never counts in the footprint... */
+ /* "media" tagged memory */
+ *ledger_resident += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.media_footprint);
+ *ledger_compressed += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.media_footprint_compressed);
+ /* "graphics" tagged memory */
+ *ledger_resident += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint);
+ *ledger_compressed += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.graphics_footprint_compressed);
+ /* "neural" tagged memory */
+ *ledger_resident += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.neural_footprint);
+ *ledger_compressed += task_ledger_get_balance(ledger, task_ledgers.neural_footprint_compressed);
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t value)
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->task_can_transfer_memory_ownership = !!value;
+ task_unlock(task);
+task_copy_vmobjects(task_t task, vm_object_query_t query, size_t len, size_t *num)
+ vm_object_t find_vmo;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ task_objq_lock(task);
+ if (query != NULL) {
+ queue_iterate(&task->task_objq, find_vmo, vm_object_t, task_objq)
+ {
+ vm_object_query_t p = &query[size++];
+ /* make sure to not overrun */
+ if (size * sizeof(vm_object_query_data_t) > len) {
+ --size;
+ break;
+ }
+ bzero(p, sizeof(*p));
+ p->object_id = (vm_object_id_t) VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(find_vmo);
+ p->virtual_size = find_vmo->internal ? find_vmo->vo_size : 0;
+ p->resident_size = find_vmo->resident_page_count * PAGE_SIZE;
+ p->wired_size = find_vmo->wired_page_count * PAGE_SIZE;
+ p->reusable_size = find_vmo->reusable_page_count * PAGE_SIZE;
+ p->vo_no_footprint = find_vmo->vo_no_footprint;
+ p->vo_ledger_tag = find_vmo->vo_ledger_tag;
+ p->purgable = find_vmo->purgable;
+ if (find_vmo->internal && find_vmo->pager_created && find_vmo->pager != NULL) {
+ p->compressed_size = vm_compressor_pager_get_count(find_vmo->pager) * PAGE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ p->compressed_size = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ size = (size_t)task->task_owned_objects;
+ }
+ task_objq_unlock(task);
+ *num = size;
+ task_t task,
+ boolean_t flag)
+ assert(task != TASK_NULL);
+ task_lock(task);
+ if (flag) {
+ task->t_flags |= TF_FILTER_MSG;
+ } else {
+ task->t_flags &= ~TF_FILTER_MSG;
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task)
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ if (!task) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ flags = os_atomic_load(&task->t_flags, relaxed);
+ return (flags & TF_FILTER_MSG) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return vm_map_is_exotic(get_task_map(task));
+ task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return vm_map_is_alien(get_task_map(task));
+/* Set the filter mask for Mach traps. */
+mac_task_set_mach_filter_mask(task_t task, uint8_t *maskptr)
+ assert(task);
+ task->mach_trap_filter_mask = maskptr;
+/* Set the filter mask for kobject msgs. */
+mac_task_set_kobj_filter_mask(task_t task, uint8_t *maskptr)
+ assert(task);
+ task->mach_kobj_filter_mask = maskptr;
+/* Hook for mach trap/sc filter evaluation policy. */
+mac_task_mach_filter_cbfunc_t mac_task_mach_trap_evaluate = NULL;
+/* Hook for kobj message filter evaluation policy. */
+mac_task_kobj_filter_cbfunc_t mac_task_kobj_msg_evaluate = NULL;
+/* Set the callback hooks for the filtering policy. */
+ const mac_task_mach_filter_cbfunc_t mach_cbfunc,
+ const mac_task_kobj_filter_cbfunc_t kobj_cbfunc)
+ if (mach_cbfunc != NULL) {
+ if (mac_task_mach_trap_evaluate != NULL) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ mac_task_mach_trap_evaluate = mach_cbfunc;
+ }
+ if (kobj_cbfunc != NULL) {
+ if (mac_task_kobj_msg_evaluate != NULL) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ mac_task_kobj_msg_evaluate = kobj_cbfunc;
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+#endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
+ task_t new_task,
+ task_t old_task)
+ /* Copy mach trap and kernel object mask pointers to new task. */
+ new_task->mach_trap_filter_mask = old_task->mach_trap_filter_mask;
+ new_task->mach_kobj_filter_mask = old_task->mach_kobj_filter_mask;
+ /* If filter message flag is set then set it in the new task. */
+ if (task_get_filter_msg_flag(old_task)) {
+ new_task->t_flags |= TF_FILTER_MSG;
+ }
+#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
+#define PAC_EXCEPTION_ENTITLEMENT "com.apple.private.pac.exception"
+ task_t task)
+ assert(task != TASK_NULL);
+ if (!IOTaskHasEntitlement(task, PAC_EXCEPTION_ENTITLEMENT)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->t_flags |= TF_PAC_EXC_FATAL;
+ task_unlock(task);
+ task_t task)
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ assert(task != TASK_NULL);
+ flags = os_atomic_load(&task->t_flags, relaxed);
+ return (bool)(flags & TF_PAC_EXC_FATAL);
+#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
+task_set_tecs(task_t task)
+ if (task == TASK_NULL) {
+ task = current_task();
+ }
+ if (!machine_csv(CPUVN_CI)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ task_lock(task);
+ task->t_flags |= TF_TECS;
+ thread_t thread;
+ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) {
+ machine_tecs(thread);
+ }
+ task_unlock(task);