- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/filedesc.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
extern u_int32_t GetLogicalBlockSize(struct vnode *vp);
+static int hfs_clonelink(struct vnode *, int, struct ucred *, struct proc *);
+static int hfs_clonefile(struct vnode *, int, int, int, struct ucred *, struct proc *);
+static int hfs_clonesysfile(struct vnode *, int, int, int, struct ucred *, struct proc *);
register struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
struct cnode *cp;
struct filefork *fp;
- struct buf *bp;
- daddr_t logBlockNo;
- u_long fragSize, moveSize, startOffset, ioxfersize;
int devBlockSize = 0;
- off_t bytesRemaining;
int retval = 0;
off_t filesize;
off_t filebytes;
+ off_t start_resid = uio->uio_resid;
/* Preflight checks */
- if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK)
- return (EISDIR); /* HFS can only read files */
+ if ((vp->v_type != VREG) || !UBCINFOEXISTS(vp))
+ return (EPERM); /* can only read regular files */
if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
return (0); /* Nothing left to do */
if (uio->uio_offset < 0)
(int)uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid, (int)filesize, (int)filebytes, 0);
- if (UBCISVALID(vp)) {
- retval = cluster_read(vp, uio, filesize, devBlockSize, 0);
- } else {
- for (retval = 0, bp = NULL; uio->uio_resid > 0; bp = NULL) {
- if ((bytesRemaining = (filesize - uio->uio_offset)) <= 0)
- break;
- logBlockNo = (daddr_t)(uio->uio_offset / PAGE_SIZE_64);
- startOffset = (u_long) (uio->uio_offset & PAGE_MASK_64);
- fragSize = PAGE_SIZE;
- if (((logBlockNo * PAGE_SIZE) + fragSize) < filesize)
- ioxfersize = fragSize;
- else {
- ioxfersize = filesize - (logBlockNo * PAGE_SIZE);
- ioxfersize = (ioxfersize + (devBlockSize - 1)) & ~(devBlockSize - 1);
- }
- moveSize = ioxfersize;
- moveSize -= startOffset;
- if (bytesRemaining < moveSize)
- moveSize = bytesRemaining;
- if (uio->uio_resid < moveSize) {
- moveSize = uio->uio_resid;
- };
- if (moveSize == 0) {
- break;
- };
- if (( uio->uio_offset + fragSize) >= filesize) {
- retval = bread(vp, logBlockNo, ioxfersize, NOCRED, &bp);
- } else if (logBlockNo - 1 == vp->v_lastr && !(vp->v_flag & VRAOFF)) {
- daddr_t nextLogBlockNo = logBlockNo + 1;
- int nextsize;
- if (((nextLogBlockNo * PAGE_SIZE) +
- (daddr_t)fragSize) < filesize)
- nextsize = fragSize;
- else {
- nextsize = filesize - (nextLogBlockNo * PAGE_SIZE);
- nextsize = (nextsize + (devBlockSize - 1)) & ~(devBlockSize - 1);
- }
- retval = breadn(vp, logBlockNo, ioxfersize, &nextLogBlockNo, &nextsize, 1, NOCRED, &bp);
- } else {
- retval = bread(vp, logBlockNo, ioxfersize, NOCRED, &bp);
- };
- if (retval != E_NONE) {
- if (bp) {
- brelse(bp);
- bp = NULL;
- }
- break;
- };
- vp->v_lastr = logBlockNo;
- /*
- * We should only get non-zero b_resid when an I/O retval
- * has occurred, which should cause us to break above.
- * However, if the short read did not cause an retval,
- * then we want to ensure that we do not uiomove bad
- * or uninitialized data.
- */
- ioxfersize -= bp->b_resid;
- if (ioxfersize < moveSize) { /* XXX PPD This should take the offset into account, too! */
- if (ioxfersize == 0)
- break;
- moveSize = ioxfersize;
- }
- if ((startOffset + moveSize) > bp->b_bcount)
- panic("hfs_read: bad startOffset or moveSize\n");
- if ((retval = uiomove((caddr_t)bp->b_data + startOffset, (int)moveSize, uio)))
- break;
- if (S_ISREG(cp->c_mode) &&
- (((startOffset + moveSize) == fragSize) || (uio->uio_offset == filesize))) {
- bp->b_flags |= B_AGE;
- };
- brelse(bp);
- /* Start of loop resets bp to NULL before reaching outside this block... */
- }
- if (bp != NULL) {
- brelse(bp);
- }
- }
+ retval = cluster_read(vp, uio, filesize, devBlockSize, 0);
cp->c_flag |= C_ACCESS;
(int)uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid, (int)filesize, (int)filebytes, 0);
+ /*
+ * Keep track blocks read
+ */
+ if (VTOHFS(vp)->hfc_stage == HFC_RECORDING && retval == 0) {
+ /*
+ * If this file hasn't been seen since the start of
+ * the current sampling period then start over.
+ */
+ if (cp->c_atime < VTOHFS(vp)->hfc_timebase) {
+ fp->ff_bytesread = start_resid - uio->uio_resid;
+ cp->c_atime = time.tv_sec;
+ } else {
+ fp->ff_bytesread += start_resid - uio->uio_resid;
+ }
+ }
return (retval);
struct uio *uio = ap->a_uio;
struct cnode *cp;
struct filefork *fp;
- struct buf *bp;
struct proc *p;
struct timeval tv;
ExtendedVCB *vcb;
- int devBlockSize = 0;
- daddr_t logBlockNo;
- long fragSize;
- off_t origFileSize, currOffset, writelimit, bytesToAdd;
- off_t actualBytesAdded;
- u_long blkoffset, resid, xfersize, clearSize;
- int eflags, ioflag;
- int retval;
+ int devBlockSize = 0;
+ off_t origFileSize, writelimit, bytesToAdd;
+ off_t actualBytesAdded;
+ u_long resid;
+ int eflags, ioflag;
+ int retval;
off_t filebytes;
- u_long fileblocks;
struct hfsmount *hfsmp;
int started_tr = 0, grabbed_lock = 0;
- ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
if (uio->uio_offset < 0)
return (EINVAL);
if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
return (E_NONE);
- if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK)
- return (EISDIR); /* Can only write files */
+ if ((vp->v_type != VREG) || !UBCINFOEXISTS(vp))
+ return (EPERM); /* Can only write regular files */
+ ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
cp = VTOC(vp);
fp = VTOF(vp);
vcb = VTOVCB(vp);
- fileblocks = fp->ff_blocks;
- filebytes = (off_t)fileblocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
+ filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
if (ioflag & IO_APPEND)
uio->uio_offset = fp->ff_size;
if (VTOHFS(vp)->jnl && cp->c_datafork) {
struct HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extd;
- extd = &cp->c_datafork->ff_data.cf_extents[0];
+ extd = &cp->c_datafork->ff_extents[0];
if (extd->startBlock == VTOVCB(vp)->vcbJinfoBlock || extd->startBlock == VTOHFS(vp)->jnl_start) {
return EPERM;
eflags = kEFDeferMask; /* defer file block allocations */
filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
- /*
- * NOTE: In the following loop there are two positions tracked:
- * currOffset is the current I/O starting offset. currOffset
- * is never >LEOF; the LEOF is nudged along with currOffset as
- * data is zeroed or written. uio->uio_offset is the start of
- * the current I/O operation. It may be arbitrarily beyond
- * currOffset.
- *
- * The following is true at all times:
- * currOffset <= LEOF <= uio->uio_offset <= writelimit
- */
- currOffset = MIN(uio->uio_offset, fp->ff_size);
(int)uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid, (int)fp->ff_size, (int)filebytes, 0);
retval = 0;
#endif /* QUOTA */
hfsmp = VTOHFS(vp);
+ /*
+ * When the underlying device is sparse and space
+ * is low (< 8MB), stop doing delayed allocations
+ * and begin doing synchronous I/O.
+ */
+ if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE) &&
+ (hfs_freeblks(hfsmp, 0) < 2048)) {
+ eflags &= ~kEFDeferMask;
+ ioflag |= IO_SYNC;
+ }
+#endif /* HFS_SPARSE_DEV */
if (writelimit > filebytes) {
grabbed_lock = 1;
while (writelimit > filebytes) {
bytesToAdd = writelimit - filebytes;
- if (suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
+ if (ap->a_cred && suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
eflags |= kEFReserveMask;
/* lock extents b-tree (also protects volume bitmap) */
retval = hfs_metafilelocking(VTOHFS(vp), kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_EXCLUSIVE, current_proc());
if (retval != E_NONE)
+ /* Files that are changing size are not hot file candidates. */
+ if (hfsmp->hfc_stage == HFC_RECORDING) {
+ fp->ff_bytesread = 0;
+ }
retval = MacToVFSError(ExtendFileC (vcb, (FCB*)fp, bytesToAdd,
0, eflags, &actualBytesAdded));
// XXXdbg
if (started_tr) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
started_tr = 0;
grabbed_lock = 0;
- if (UBCISVALID(vp) && retval == E_NONE) {
+ if (retval == E_NONE) {
off_t filesize;
off_t zero_off;
off_t tail_off;
of the transfer to see whether is invalid and should be zero-filled
as part of the transfer:
- if (rl_scan(&fp->ff_invalidranges, zero_off, uio->uio_offset - 1, &invalid_range) != RL_NOOVERLAP)
+ if (uio->uio_offset > zero_off) {
+ if (rl_scan(&fp->ff_invalidranges, zero_off, uio->uio_offset - 1, &invalid_range) != RL_NOOVERLAP)
+ }
} else {
off_t eof_page_base = fp->ff_size & ~PAGE_MASK_64;
if (resid > uio->uio_resid)
cp->c_flag |= C_CHANGE | C_UPDATE;
- } else {
- while (retval == E_NONE && uio->uio_resid > 0) {
- logBlockNo = currOffset / PAGE_SIZE;
- blkoffset = currOffset & PAGE_MASK;
- if ((filebytes - currOffset) < PAGE_SIZE_64)
- fragSize = filebytes - ((off_t)logBlockNo * PAGE_SIZE_64);
- else
- fragSize = PAGE_SIZE;
- xfersize = fragSize - blkoffset;
- /* Make any adjustments for boundary conditions */
- if (currOffset + (off_t)xfersize > writelimit)
- xfersize = writelimit - currOffset;
- /*
- * There is no need to read into bp if:
- * We start on a block boundary and will overwrite the whole block
- *
- * OR
- */
- if ((blkoffset == 0) && (xfersize >= fragSize)) {
- bp = getblk(vp, logBlockNo, fragSize, 0, 0, BLK_READ);
- retval = 0;
- if (bp->b_blkno == -1) {
- brelse(bp);
- retval = EIO; /* XXX */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (currOffset == fp->ff_size && blkoffset == 0) {
- bp = getblk(vp, logBlockNo, fragSize, 0, 0, BLK_READ);
- retval = 0;
- if (bp->b_blkno == -1) {
- brelse(bp);
- retval = EIO; /* XXX */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * This I/O transfer is not sufficiently aligned,
- * so read the affected block into a buffer:
- */
- retval = bread(vp, logBlockNo, fragSize, ap->a_cred, &bp);
- if (retval != E_NONE) {
- if (bp)
- brelse(bp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* See if we are starting to write within file boundaries:
- * If not, then we need to present a "hole" for the area
- * between the current EOF and the start of the current
- * I/O operation:
- *
- * Note that currOffset is only less than uio_offset if
- * uio_offset > LEOF...
- */
- if (uio->uio_offset > currOffset) {
- clearSize = MIN(uio->uio_offset - currOffset, xfersize);
- bzero(bp->b_data + blkoffset, clearSize);
- currOffset += clearSize;
- blkoffset += clearSize;
- xfersize -= clearSize;
- }
- if (xfersize > 0) {
- retval = uiomove((caddr_t)bp->b_data + blkoffset, (int)xfersize, uio);
- currOffset += xfersize;
- }
- if (ioflag & IO_SYNC) {
- (void)VOP_BWRITE(bp);
- } else if ((xfersize + blkoffset) == fragSize) {
- bp->b_flags |= B_AGE;
- bawrite(bp);
- } else {
- bdwrite(bp);
- }
- /* Update the EOF if we just extended the file
- * (the PEOF has already been moved out and the
- * block mapping table has been updated):
- */
- if (currOffset > fp->ff_size) {
- fp->ff_size = currOffset;
- if (UBCISVALID(vp))
- ubc_setsize(vp, fp->ff_size); /* XXX check errors */
- }
- if (retval || (resid == 0))
- break;
- cp->c_flag |= C_CHANGE | C_UPDATE;
- } /* endwhile */
* If we successfully wrote any data, and we are not the superuser
tv = time;
retval = VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
+ vcb->vcbWrCnt++;
(int)uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid, (int)fp->ff_size, (int)filebytes, 0);
+struct hfs_backingstoreinfo {
+ int signature; /* == 3419115 */
+ int version; /* version of this struct (1) */
+ int backingfd; /* disk image file (on backing fs) */
+ int bandsize; /* sparse disk image band size */
+#define HFSIOC_SETBACKINGSTOREINFO _IOW('h', 7, struct hfs_backingstoreinfo)
+#endif /* HFS_SPARSE_DEV */
#% ioctl vp U U U
} */ *ap;
switch (ap->a_command) {
- case 1: {
+ struct hfsmount * hfsmp;
+ struct vnode * bsfs_rootvp;
+ struct vnode * di_vp;
+ struct file * di_fp;
+ struct hfs_backingstoreinfo *bsdata;
+ int error = 0;
+ hfsmp = VTOHFS(ap->a_vp);
+ if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE) {
+ return (EALREADY);
+ }
+ if (ap->a_p->p_ucred->cr_uid != 0 &&
+ ap->a_p->p_ucred->cr_uid != (HFSTOVFS(hfsmp))->mnt_stat.f_owner) {
+ return (EACCES); /* must be owner of file system */
+ }
+ bsdata = (struct hfs_backingstoreinfo *)ap->a_data;
+ if (bsdata == NULL) {
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (error = fdgetf(ap->a_p, bsdata->backingfd, &di_fp)) {
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (fref(di_fp) == -1) {
+ return (EBADF);
+ }
+ if (di_fp->f_type != DTYPE_VNODE) {
+ frele(di_fp);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ di_vp = (struct vnode *)di_fp->f_data;
+ if (ap->a_vp->v_mount == di_vp->v_mount) {
+ frele(di_fp);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Obtain the backing fs root vnode and keep a reference
+ * on it. This reference will be dropped in hfs_unmount.
+ */
+ error = VFS_ROOT(di_vp->v_mount, &bsfs_rootvp);
+ if (error) {
+ frele(di_fp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ VOP_UNLOCK(bsfs_rootvp, 0, ap->a_p); /* Hold on to the reference */
+ hfsmp->hfs_backingfs_rootvp = bsfs_rootvp;
+ hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE;
+ hfsmp->hfs_sparsebandblks = bsdata->bandsize / HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->blockSize;
+ hfsmp->hfs_sparsebandblks *= 4;
+ frele(di_fp);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ struct hfsmount * hfsmp;
+ struct vnode * tmpvp;
+ hfsmp = VTOHFS(ap->a_vp);
+ if (ap->a_p->p_ucred->cr_uid != 0 &&
+ ap->a_p->p_ucred->cr_uid != (HFSTOVFS(hfsmp))->mnt_stat.f_owner) {
+ return (EACCES); /* must be owner of file system */
+ }
+ if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE) &&
+ hfsmp->hfs_backingfs_rootvp) {
+ hfsmp->hfs_flags &= ~HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE;
+ tmpvp = hfsmp->hfs_backingfs_rootvp;
+ hfsmp->hfs_backingfs_rootvp = NULLVP;
+ hfsmp->hfs_sparsebandblks = 0;
+ vrele(tmpvp);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
+#endif /* HFS_SPARSE_DEV */
+ case 6: {
+ int error;
+ ap->a_vp->v_flag |= VFULLFSYNC;
+ error = VOP_FSYNC(ap->a_vp, ap->a_cred, MNT_NOWAIT, ap->a_p);
+ ap->a_vp->v_flag &= ~VFULLFSYNC;
+ return error;
+ }
+ case 5: {
+ register struct vnode *vp;
register struct cnode *cp;
+ struct filefork *fp;
+ int error;
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
+ cp = VTOC(vp);
+ fp = VTOF(vp);
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG)
+ return EINVAL;
+ VOP_LEASE(vp, ap->a_p, ap->a_cred, LEASE_READ);
+ error = vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY, ap->a_p);
+ if (error)
+ return (error);
+ /*
+ * used by regression test to determine if
+ * all the dirty pages (via write) have been cleaned
+ * after a call to 'fsysnc'.
+ */
+ error = is_file_clean(vp, fp->ff_size);
+ VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0, ap->a_p);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ case 1: {
register struct vnode *vp;
register struct radvisory *ra;
+ register struct cnode *cp;
struct filefork *fp;
int devBlockSize = 0;
int error;
struct rl_entry *invalid_range;
enum rl_overlaptype overlaptype;
int started_tr = 0, grabbed_lock = 0;
+ struct timeval tv;
* Check for underlying vnode requests and ensure that logical
return (0);
p = current_proc();
+ if (ISSET(VTOC(ap->a_vp)->c_flag, C_NOBLKMAP)) {
+ /*
+ * File blocks are getting remapped. Wait until its finished.
+ */
+ SET(VTOC(ap->a_vp)->c_flag, C_WBLKMAP);
+ (void) tsleep((caddr_t)VTOC(ap->a_vp), PINOD, "hfs_cmap", 0);
+ if (ISSET(VTOC(ap->a_vp)->c_flag, C_NOBLKMAP))
+ panic("hfs_cmap: no mappable blocks");
+ }
+ retry:
if (fp->ff_unallocblocks) {
lockExtBtree = 1;
if (fp->ff_unallocblocks) {
SInt64 reqbytes, actbytes;
+ //
+ // Make sure we have a transaction. It's possible
+ // that we came in and fp->ff_unallocblocks was zero
+ // but during the time we blocked acquiring the extents
+ // btree, ff_unallocblocks became non-zero and so we
+ // will need to start a transaction.
+ //
+ if (hfsmp->jnl && started_tr == 0) {
+ if (lockExtBtree) {
+ (void) hfs_metafilelocking(hfsmp, kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_RELEASE, p);
+ lockExtBtree = 0;
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
reqbytes = (SInt64)fp->ff_unallocblocks *
fp->ff_blocks -= fp->ff_unallocblocks;
fp->ff_unallocblocks = 0;
+ /* Files that are changing size are not hot file candidates. */
+ if (hfsmp->hfc_stage == HFC_RECORDING) {
+ fp->ff_bytesread = 0;
+ }
while (retval == 0 && reqbytes > 0) {
retval = MacToVFSError(ExtendFileC(HFSTOVCB(hfsmp),
(FCB*)fp, reqbytes, 0,
if (retval) {
(void) hfs_metafilelocking(hfsmp, kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_RELEASE, p);
+ VTOC(ap->a_vp)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
if (started_tr) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(ap->a_vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
return (retval);
- VTOC(ap->a_vp)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
retval = MacToVFSError(
// XXXdbg
if (started_tr) {
+ tv = time;
+ retval = VOP_UPDATE(ap->a_vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
started_tr = 0;
-#% truncate vp L L L
-vop_truncate {
- IN struct vnode *vp;
- IN off_t length;
- IN int flags; (IO_SYNC)
- IN struct ucred *cred;
- IN struct proc *p;
- * Truncate a cnode to at most length size, freeing (or adding) the
- * disk blocks.
- */
-int hfs_truncate(ap)
+static int do_hfs_truncate(ap)
struct vop_truncate_args /* {
struct vnode *a_vp;
off_t a_length;
tv = time;
retval = E_NONE;
+ /* Files that are changing size are not hot file candidates. */
+ if (hfsmp->hfc_stage == HFC_RECORDING) {
+ fp->ff_bytesread = 0;
+ }
* We cannot just check if fp->ff_size == length (as an optimization)
* since there may be extra physical blocks that also need truncation.
if (length > filebytes) {
int eflags;
+ u_long blockHint = 0;
/* All or nothing and don't round up to clumpsize. */
eflags = kEFAllMask | kEFNoClumpMask;
- if (suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
+ if (ap->a_cred && suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
eflags |= kEFReserveMask; /* keep a reserve */
+ /*
+ * Allocate Journal and Quota files in metadata zone.
+ */
+ if (filebytes == 0 &&
+ hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE &&
+ hfs_virtualmetafile(cp)) {
+ eflags |= kEFMetadataMask;
+ blockHint = hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start;
+ }
// XXXdbg
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
retval = MacToVFSError(ExtendFileC(VTOVCB(vp),
- 0,
+ blockHint,
// XXXdbg
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
// XXXdbg
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
+#% truncate vp L L L
+vop_truncate {
+ IN struct vnode *vp;
+ IN off_t length;
+ IN int flags; (IO_SYNC)
+ IN struct ucred *cred;
+ IN struct proc *p;
+ * Truncate a cnode to at most length size, freeing (or adding) the
+ * disk blocks.
+ */
+int hfs_truncate(ap)
+ struct vop_truncate_args /* {
+ struct vnode *a_vp;
+ off_t a_length;
+ int a_flags;
+ struct ucred *a_cred;
+ struct proc *a_p;
+ } */ *ap;
+ register struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
+ register struct cnode *cp = VTOC(vp);
+ struct filefork *fp = VTOF(vp);
+ off_t length;
+ off_t filebytes;
+ u_long fileblocks;
+ int blksize, error;
+ u_int64_t nsize;
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK)
+ return (EISDIR); /* cannot truncate an HFS directory! */
+ length = ap->a_length;
+ blksize = VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize;
+ fileblocks = fp->ff_blocks;
+ filebytes = (off_t)fileblocks * (off_t)blksize;
+ // have to loop truncating or growing files that are
+ // really big because otherwise transactions can get
+ // enormous and consume too many kernel resources.
+ if (length < filebytes && (filebytes - length) > HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE) {
+ while (filebytes > length) {
+ if ((filebytes - length) > HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE) {
+ filebytes -= HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ filebytes = length;
+ }
+ ap->a_length = filebytes;
+ error = do_hfs_truncate(ap);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (length > filebytes && (length - filebytes) > HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE) {
+ while (filebytes < length) {
+ if ((length - filebytes) > HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE) {
+ filebytes += HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ filebytes = (length - filebytes);
+ }
+ ap->a_length = filebytes;
+ error = do_hfs_truncate(ap);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = do_hfs_truncate(ap);
+ }
+ return error;
struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
struct cnode *cp = VTOC(vp);
struct filefork *fp = VTOF(vp);
+ ExtendedVCB *vcb = VTOVCB(vp);
off_t length = ap->a_length;
off_t startingPEOF;
off_t moreBytesRequested;
struct timeval tv;
int retval, retval2;
UInt32 blockHint;
- UInt32 extendFlags =0; /* For call to ExtendFileC */
+ UInt32 extendFlags; /* For call to ExtendFileC */
struct hfsmount *hfsmp;
hfsmp = VTOHFS(vp);
*(ap->a_bytesallocated) = 0;
fileblocks = fp->ff_blocks;
- filebytes = (off_t)fileblocks * (off_t)VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize;
+ filebytes = (off_t)fileblocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
if (length < (off_t)0)
return (EINVAL);
- if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK)
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG)
return (EISDIR);
- if ((ap->a_flags & ALLOCATEFROMVOL) && (length <= filebytes))
+ if ((ap->a_flags & ALLOCATEFROMVOL) && (length < filebytes))
return (EINVAL);
/* Fill in the flags word for the call to Extend the file */
+ extendFlags = kEFNoClumpMask;
if (ap->a_flags & ALLOCATECONTIG)
extendFlags |= kEFContigMask;
if (ap->a_flags & ALLOCATEALL)
extendFlags |= kEFAllMask;
- if (suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
+ if (ap->a_cred && suser(ap->a_cred, NULL) != 0)
extendFlags |= kEFReserveMask;
tv = time;
retval = hfs_chkdq(cp,
- (int64_t)(roundup(moreBytesRequested, VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize)),
+ (int64_t)(roundup(moreBytesRequested, vcb->blockSize)),
ap->a_cred, 0);
if (retval)
return (retval);
#endif /* QUOTA */
+ /*
+ * Metadata zone checks.
+ */
+ if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE) {
+ /*
+ * Allocate Journal and Quota files in metadata zone.
+ */
+ if (hfs_virtualmetafile(cp)) {
+ extendFlags |= kEFMetadataMask;
+ blockHint = hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start;
+ } else if ((blockHint >= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start) &&
+ (blockHint <= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end)) {
+ /*
+ * Move blockHint outside metadata zone.
+ */
+ blockHint = hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end + 1;
+ }
+ }
// XXXdbg
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
goto Err_Exit;
- retval = MacToVFSError(ExtendFileC(VTOVCB(vp),
+ retval = MacToVFSError(ExtendFileC(vcb,
*(ap->a_bytesallocated) = actualBytesAdded;
- filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize;
+ filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
(void) hfs_metafilelocking(VTOHFS(vp), kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_RELEASE, ap->a_p);
// XXXdbg
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
if ((actualBytesAdded != 0) && (moreBytesRequested < actualBytesAdded))
*(ap->a_bytesallocated) =
- roundup(moreBytesRequested, (off_t)VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize);
+ roundup(moreBytesRequested, (off_t)vcb->blockSize);
} else { /* Shorten the size of the file */
retval = MacToVFSError(
- VTOVCB(vp),
+ vcb,
(void) hfs_metafilelocking(VTOHFS(vp), kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_RELEASE, ap->a_p);
- filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)VTOVCB(vp)->blockSize;
+ filebytes = (off_t)fp->ff_blocks * (off_t)vcb->blockSize;
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ tv = time;
+ VOP_UPDATE(vp, &tv, &tv, 1);
hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
int devBlockSize = 0;
int error;
- if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK)
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG)
panic("hfs_pagein: vp not UBC type\n");
VOP_DEVBLOCKSIZE(VTOC(vp)->c_devvp, &devBlockSize);
error = cluster_pagein(vp, ap->a_pl, ap->a_pl_offset, ap->a_f_offset,
ap->a_size, (off_t)VTOF(vp)->ff_size, devBlockSize,
+ /*
+ * Keep track blocks read
+ */
+ if (VTOHFS(vp)->hfc_stage == HFC_RECORDING && error == 0) {
+ struct cnode *cp;
+ cp = VTOC(vp);
+ /*
+ * If this file hasn't been seen since the start of
+ * the current sampling period then start over.
+ */
+ if (cp->c_atime < VTOHFS(vp)->hfc_timebase)
+ VTOF(vp)->ff_bytesread = ap->a_size;
+ else
+ VTOF(vp)->ff_bytesread += ap->a_size;
+ cp->c_flag |= C_ACCESS;
+ }
return (error);
filesize = fp->ff_size;
end_of_range = ap->a_f_offset + ap->a_size - 1;
+ if (cp->c_flag & C_RELOCATING) {
+ if (end_of_range < (filesize / 2)) {
+ return (EBUSY);
+ }
+ }
if (end_of_range >= filesize)
end_of_range = (off_t)(filesize - 1);
- if (ap->a_f_offset < filesize)
+ if (ap->a_f_offset < filesize) {
rl_remove(ap->a_f_offset, end_of_range, &fp->ff_invalidranges);
+ cp->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED; /* leof is dirty */
+ }
retval = cluster_pageout(vp, ap->a_pl, ap->a_pl_offset, ap->a_f_offset, ap->a_size,
filesize, devBlockSize, ap->a_flags);
return (retval);
+ * Relocate a file to a new location on disk
+ * cnode must be locked on entry
+ *
+ * Relocation occurs by cloning the file's data from its
+ * current set of blocks to a new set of blocks. During
+ * the relocation all of the blocks (old and new) are
+ * owned by the file.
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * |///////////////|
+ * -----------------
+ * 0 N (file offset)
+ *
+ * ----------------- -----------------
+ * |///////////////| | | STEP 1 (aquire new blocks)
+ * ----------------- -----------------
+ * 0 N N+1 2N
+ *
+ * ----------------- -----------------
+ * |///////////////| |///////////////| STEP 2 (clone data)
+ * ----------------- -----------------
+ * 0 N N+1 2N
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * |///////////////| STEP 3 (head truncate blocks)
+ * -----------------
+ * 0 N
+ *
+ * During steps 2 and 3 page-outs to file offsets less
+ * than or equal to N are suspended.
+ *
+ * During step 3 page-ins to the file get supended.
+ */
+hfs_relocate(vp, blockHint, cred, p)
+ struct vnode *vp;
+ u_int32_t blockHint;
+ struct ucred *cred;
+ struct proc *p;
+ struct filefork *fp;
+ struct hfsmount *hfsmp;
+ ExtendedVCB *vcb;
+ u_int32_t headblks;
+ u_int32_t datablks;
+ u_int32_t blksize;
+ u_int32_t realsize;
+ u_int32_t growsize;
+ u_int32_t nextallocsave;
+ u_int32_t sector_a;
+ u_int32_t sector_b;
+ int eflags;
+ u_int32_t oldstart; /* debug only */
+ off_t newbytes;
+ int retval;
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG && vp->v_type != VLNK) {
+ return (EPERM);
+ }
+ hfsmp = VTOHFS(vp);
+ if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_FRAGMENTED_FREESPACE) {
+ return (ENOSPC);
+ }
+ fp = VTOF(vp);
+ if (fp->ff_unallocblocks)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ vcb = VTOVCB(vp);
+ blksize = vcb->blockSize;
+ if (blockHint == 0)
+ blockHint = vcb->nextAllocation;
+ if ((fp->ff_size > (u_int64_t)0x7fffffff) ||
+ (vp->v_type == VLNK && fp->ff_size > blksize)) {
+ return (EFBIG);
+ }
+ headblks = fp->ff_blocks;
+ datablks = howmany(fp->ff_size, blksize);
+ growsize = datablks * blksize;
+ realsize = fp->ff_size;
+ eflags = kEFContigMask | kEFAllMask | kEFNoClumpMask;
+ if (blockHint >= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start &&
+ blockHint <= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end)
+ eflags |= kEFMetadataMask;
+ hfs_global_shared_lock_acquire(hfsmp);
+ if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ if (journal_start_transaction(hfsmp->jnl) != 0) {
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Lock extents b-tree (also protects volume bitmap) */
+ retval = hfs_metafilelocking(hfsmp, kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_EXCLUSIVE, p);
+ if (retval)
+ goto out2;
+ retval = MapFileBlockC(vcb, (FCB *)fp, 1, growsize - 1, §or_a, NULL);
+ if (retval) {
+ retval = MacToVFSError(retval);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * STEP 1 - aquire new allocation blocks.
+ */
+ nextallocsave = vcb->nextAllocation;
+ retval = ExtendFileC(vcb, (FCB*)fp, growsize, blockHint, eflags, &newbytes);
+ if (eflags & kEFMetadataMask)
+ vcb->nextAllocation = nextallocsave;
+ retval = MacToVFSError(retval);
+ if (retval == 0) {
+ VTOC(vp)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
+ if (newbytes < growsize) {
+ retval = ENOSPC;
+ goto restore;
+ } else if (fp->ff_blocks < (headblks + datablks)) {
+ printf("hfs_relocate: allocation failed");
+ retval = ENOSPC;
+ goto restore;
+ }
+ retval = MapFileBlockC(vcb, (FCB *)fp, 1, growsize, §or_b, NULL);
+ if (retval) {
+ retval = MacToVFSError(retval);
+ } else if ((sector_a + 1) == sector_b) {
+ retval = ENOSPC;
+ goto restore;
+ } else if ((eflags & kEFMetadataMask) &&
+ ((((u_int64_t)sector_b * hfsmp->hfs_phys_block_size) / blksize) >
+ hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end)) {
+ printf("hfs_relocate: didn't move into metadata zone\n");
+ retval = ENOSPC;
+ goto restore;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retval) {
+ /*
+ * Check to see if failure is due to excessive fragmentation.
+ */
+ if (retval == ENOSPC &&
+ hfs_freeblks(hfsmp, 0) > (datablks * 2)) {
+ hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_FRAGMENTED_FREESPACE;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ fp->ff_size = fp->ff_blocks * blksize;
+ if (UBCISVALID(vp))
+ (void) ubc_setsize(vp, fp->ff_size);
+ /*
+ * STEP 2 - clone data into the new allocation blocks.
+ */
+ if (vp->v_type == VLNK)
+ retval = hfs_clonelink(vp, blksize, cred, p);
+ else if (vp->v_flag & VSYSTEM)
+ retval = hfs_clonesysfile(vp, headblks, datablks, blksize, cred, p);
+ else
+ retval = hfs_clonefile(vp, headblks, datablks, blksize, cred, p);
+ if (retval)
+ goto restore;
+ oldstart = fp->ff_extents[0].startBlock;
+ /*
+ * STEP 3 - switch to clone and remove old blocks.
+ */
+ SET(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_NOBLKMAP); /* suspend page-ins */
+ retval = HeadTruncateFile(vcb, (FCB*)fp, headblks);
+ CLR(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_NOBLKMAP); /* resume page-ins */
+ if (ISSET(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_WBLKMAP))
+ wakeup(VTOC(vp));
+ if (retval)
+ goto restore;
+ fp->ff_size = realsize;
+ if (UBCISVALID(vp)) {
+ (void) ubc_setsize(vp, realsize);
+ (void) vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 0, 0);
+ }
+ CLR(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_RELOCATING); /* Resume page-outs for this file. */
+ (void) hfs_metafilelocking(VTOHFS(vp), kHFSExtentsFileID, LK_RELEASE, p);
+ retval = VOP_FSYNC(vp, cred, MNT_WAIT, p);
+ if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ if (VTOC(vp)->c_cnid < kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID)
+ (void) hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_WAIT, HFS_ALTFLUSH);
+ else
+ (void) hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, MNT_NOWAIT, 0);
+ journal_end_transaction(hfsmp->jnl);
+ }
+ hfs_global_shared_lock_release(hfsmp);
+ return (retval);
+ /*
+ * Give back any newly allocated space.
+ */
+ if (fp->ff_size != realsize)
+ fp->ff_size = realsize;
+ (void) TruncateFileC(vcb, (FCB*)fp, fp->ff_size, false);
+ if (UBCISVALID(vp))
+ (void) ubc_setsize(vp, fp->ff_size);
+ CLR(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_RELOCATING);
+ goto out;
+ * Clone a symlink.
+ *
+ */
+static int
+hfs_clonelink(struct vnode *vp, int blksize, struct ucred *cred, struct proc *p)
+ struct buf *head_bp = NULL;
+ struct buf *tail_bp = NULL;
+ int error;
+ error = meta_bread(vp, 0, blksize, cred, &head_bp);
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+ tail_bp = getblk(vp, 1, blksize, 0, 0, BLK_META);
+ if (tail_bp == NULL) {
+ error = EIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bcopy(head_bp->b_data, tail_bp->b_data, blksize);
+ error = bwrite(tail_bp);
+ if (head_bp) {
+ head_bp->b_flags |= B_INVAL;
+ brelse(head_bp);
+ }
+ (void) vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 0, 0);
+ return (error);
+ * Clone a file's data within the file.
+ *
+ */
+static int
+hfs_clonefile(struct vnode *vp, int blkstart, int blkcnt, int blksize,
+ struct ucred *cred, struct proc *p)
+ caddr_t bufp;
+ size_t writebase;
+ size_t bufsize;
+ size_t copysize;
+ size_t iosize;
+ size_t filesize;
+ size_t offset;
+ struct uio auio;
+ struct iovec aiov;
+ int devblocksize;
+ int didhold;
+ int error;
+ if ((error = vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 0, 0))) {
+ printf("hfs_clonefile: vinvalbuf failed - %d\n", error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (!ubc_clean(vp, 1)) {
+ printf("hfs_clonefile: not ubc_clean\n");
+ return (EIO); /* XXX error code */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Suspend page-outs for this file.
+ */
+ SET(VTOC(vp)->c_flag, C_RELOCATING);
+ filesize = VTOF(vp)->ff_size;
+ writebase = blkstart * blksize;
+ copysize = blkcnt * blksize;
+ iosize = bufsize = MIN(copysize, 4096 * 16);
+ offset = 0;
+ if (kmem_alloc(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *)&bufp, bufsize)) {
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ VOP_DEVBLOCKSIZE(VTOC(vp)->c_devvp, &devblocksize);
+ auio.uio_iov = &aiov;
+ auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
+ auio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
+ auio.uio_procp = p;
+ while (offset < copysize) {
+ iosize = MIN(copysize - offset, iosize);
+ aiov.iov_base = bufp;
+ aiov.iov_len = iosize;
+ auio.uio_resid = iosize;
+ auio.uio_offset = offset;
+ auio.uio_rw = UIO_READ;
+ error = cluster_read(vp, &auio, copysize, devblocksize, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("hfs_clonefile: cluster_read failed - %d\n", error);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (auio.uio_resid != 0) {
+ printf("clonedata: cluster_read: uio_resid = %d\n", (int)auio.uio_resid);
+ error = EIO;
+ break;
+ }
+ aiov.iov_base = bufp;
+ aiov.iov_len = iosize;
+ auio.uio_resid = iosize;
+ auio.uio_offset = writebase + offset;
+ auio.uio_rw = UIO_WRITE;
+ error = cluster_write(vp, &auio, filesize + offset,
+ filesize + offset + iosize,
+ auio.uio_offset, 0, devblocksize, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("hfs_clonefile: cluster_write failed - %d\n", error);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (auio.uio_resid != 0) {
+ printf("hfs_clonefile: cluster_write failed - uio_resid not zero\n");
+ error = EIO;
+ break;
+ }
+ offset += iosize;
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ /* Clean the pages in VM. */
+ didhold = ubc_hold(vp);
+ if (didhold)
+ (void) ubc_clean(vp, 1);
+ /*
+ * Clean out all associated buffers.
+ */
+ (void) vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 0, 0);
+ if (didhold)
+ ubc_rele(vp);
+ }
+ kmem_free(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t)bufp, bufsize);
+ return (error);
+ * Clone a system (metadata) file.
+ *
+ */
+static int
+hfs_clonesysfile(struct vnode *vp, int blkstart, int blkcnt, int blksize,
+ struct ucred *cred, struct proc *p)
+ caddr_t bufp;
+ char * offset;
+ size_t bufsize;
+ size_t iosize;
+ struct buf *bp = NULL;
+ daddr_t blkno;
+ daddr_t blk;
+ int breadcnt;
+ int i;
+ int error = 0;
+ iosize = GetLogicalBlockSize(vp);
+ bufsize = MIN(blkcnt * blksize, 1024 * 1024) & ~(iosize - 1);
+ breadcnt = bufsize / iosize;
+ if (kmem_alloc(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t *)&bufp, bufsize)) {
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ blkstart = (blkstart * blksize) / iosize;
+ blkcnt = (blkcnt * blksize) / iosize;
+ blkno = 0;
+ while (blkno < blkcnt) {
+ /*
+ * Read up to a megabyte
+ */
+ offset = bufp;
+ for (i = 0, blk = blkno; (i < breadcnt) && (blk < blkcnt); ++i, ++blk) {
+ error = meta_bread(vp, blk, iosize, cred, &bp);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("hfs_clonesysfile: meta_bread error %d\n", error);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (bp->b_bcount != iosize) {
+ printf("hfs_clonesysfile: b_bcount is only %d\n", bp->b_bcount);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bcopy(bp->b_data, offset, iosize);
+ bp->b_flags |= B_INVAL;
+ brelse(bp);
+ bp = NULL;
+ offset += iosize;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Write up to a megabyte
+ */
+ offset = bufp;
+ for (i = 0; (i < breadcnt) && (blkno < blkcnt); ++i, ++blkno) {
+ bp = getblk(vp, blkstart + blkno, iosize, 0, 0, BLK_META);
+ if (bp == NULL) {
+ printf("hfs_clonesysfile: getblk failed on blk %d\n", blkstart + blkno);
+ error = EIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bcopy(offset, bp->b_data, iosize);
+ error = bwrite(bp);
+ bp = NULL;
+ if (error)
+ goto out;
+ offset += iosize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bp) {
+ brelse(bp);
+ }
+ kmem_free(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t)bufp, bufsize);
+ error = VOP_FSYNC(vp, cred, MNT_WAIT, p);
+ return (error);