static void atp_pack_bdsp(struct atp_trans *, struct atpBDS *);
static int atp_unpack_bdsp(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *, struct atp_rcb *,
int, int);
-void atp_retry_req(), atp_trp_clock(), asp_clock(), asp_clock_funnel(), atp_trp_clock_funnel();;
+void atp_trp_clock(), asp_clock(), asp_clock_funnel(), atp_trp_clock_funnel();;
extern struct atp_rcb_qhead atp_need_rel;
extern int atp_inited;
register struct atp_rcb *rcbp;
{ register gbuf_t *m;
register int i, len;
- int s_gen, s, cnt;
+ int s_gen, s, cnt, err, offset, space;
unsigned char *m0_rptr = NULL, *m0_wptr = NULL;
register at_atp_t *athp;
register struct atpBDS *bdsp;
- register gbuf_t *m2, *m1, *m0, *m3;
+ register gbuf_t *m2, *m1, *m0, *mhdr;
caddr_t lastPage;
gbuf_t *mprev, *mlist = 0;
at_socket src_socket = (at_socket)atp->atp_socket_no;
m = rcbp->rc_xmt;
m0 = gbuf_cont(m);
- if (m0) {
- m0_rptr = gbuf_rptr(m0);
- m0_wptr = gbuf_wptr(m0);
- }
if (gbuf_len(m) > TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE)
bdsp = (struct atpBDS *)(AT_ATP_HDR(m)->data);
bdsp = 0;
+ offset = 0;
+ if (m0)
+ space = gbuf_msgsize(m0);
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- if (rcbp->rc_snd[i] == 0) {
- if ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz)))
- gbuf_rinc(m0,len);
- } else {
- m2 = rc_xmt[i];
- gbuf_rinc(m2,AT_WR_OFFSET);
- gbuf_wset(m2,TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE);
- *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m2))= *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m));
- athp = AT_ATP_HDR(m2);
- athp->cmd = ATP_CMD_TRESP;
- athp->bitmap = i;
- if (i == (cnt - 1))
- athp->eom = 1; /* for the last fragment */
- if (bdsp)
- UAL_UAL(athp->user_bytes, bdsp->bdsUserData);
- if (bdsp)
- if (len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz)) { /* copy in data */
- if (m0 && gbuf_len(m0)) {
- if ((m1 = gbuf_dupb(m0)) == NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
- goto nothing_to_send;
+ if (rcbp->rc_snd[i] == 0) {
+ if ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz))) {
+ offset += len;
+ space -= len;
- gbuf_wset(m1,len);
- gbuf_rinc(m0,len);
- if ((len = gbuf_len(m0)) < 0) {
- gbuf_rdec(m0,len);
- gbuf_wdec(m1,len);
- if (!append_copy((struct mbuf *)m1,
- (struct mbuf *)gbuf_cont(m0), FALSE)) {
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
- goto nothing_to_send;
+ } else {
+ mhdr = rc_xmt[i];
+ /* setup header fields */
+ gbuf_rinc(mhdr,AT_WR_OFFSET);
+ gbuf_wset(mhdr,TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE);
+ *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(mhdr))= *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m));
+ athp = AT_ATP_HDR(mhdr);
+ athp->cmd = ATP_CMD_TRESP;
+ athp->bitmap = i;
+ if (i == (cnt - 1))
+ athp->eom = 1; /* for the last fragment */
+ if (bdsp) {
+ UAL_UAL(athp->user_bytes, bdsp->bdsUserData);
+ if ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz)) && m0 != 0 && space > 0) {
+ if ((m1 = m_copym(m0, offset, len, M_DONTWAIT)) == 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
+ if (rc_xmt[i])
+ gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
+ goto nothing_to_send;
+ }
+ offset += len;
+ space -= len;
+ gbuf_cont(mhdr) = m1;
- } else
- gbuf_cont(m1) = 0;
- gbuf_cont(m2) = m1;
+ }
- /* temp fix for page boundary problem - bug# 2703163 */
- lastPage = (caddr_t)((int)(gbuf_wptr(m1) - 1) & ~PAGE_MASK); /* 4k page of last byte */
- if (lastPage != (caddr_t)((int)(gbuf_rptr(m1)) & ~PAGE_MASK)) { /* 1st byte and last on same page ? */
- if ((m3 = gbuf_dupb(m1)) == NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
- (gbuf_rptr(m0)) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0, (m0_wptr - m0_rptr));
- goto nothing_to_send;
- }
- (gbuf_rptr(m3)) = lastPage; /* new mbuf starts at beginning of page */
- gbuf_wset(m3, (gbuf_wptr(m1) - lastPage)); /* len = remaining data crossing over page boundary */
- gbuf_wset(m1, (lastPage - (gbuf_rptr(m1)))); /* adjust len of m1 */
- (gbuf_cont(m1)) = m3;
- (gbuf_cont(m3)) = 0;
- }
- }
+ AT_DDP_HDR(mhdr)->src_socket = src_socket;
+ dPrintf(D_M_ATP_LOW, D_L_OUTPUT,
+ ("atp_send_replies: %d, socket=%d, size=%d\n",
+ i, atp->atp_socket_no, gbuf_msgsize(gbuf_cont(m2))));
+ if (mlist)
+ gbuf_next(mprev) = mhdr;
+ else
+ mlist = mhdr;
+ mprev = mhdr;
+ rcbp->rc_snd[i] = 0;
+ rcbp->rc_not_sent_bitmap &= ~atp_mask[i];
+ if (rcbp->rc_not_sent_bitmap == 0)
+ break;
- AT_DDP_HDR(m2)->src_socket = src_socket;
- dPrintf(D_M_ATP_LOW, D_L_OUTPUT,
- ("atp_send_replies: %d, socket=%d, size=%d\n",
- i, atp->atp_socket_no, gbuf_msgsize(gbuf_cont(m2))));
- if (mlist)
- gbuf_next(mprev) = m2;
- else
- mlist = m2;
- mprev = m2;
- rcbp->rc_snd[i] = 0;
- rcbp->rc_not_sent_bitmap &= ~atp_mask[i];
- if (rcbp->rc_not_sent_bitmap == 0)
- break;
- }
- /*
- * on to the next frag
- */
- bdsp++;
- }
- if (m0) {
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
+ /*
+ * on to the next frag
+ */
+ bdsp++;
if (mlist) {
ATENABLE(s, atp->atp_lock);
bufsize -= len;
- tmp =+ len;
+ tmp += len;
m = gbuf_cont(m);
} /* atp_pack_bdsp */
+/* create an mbuf chain with mbuf packet headers for each ATP response packet
+ * to be sent. m contains the DDP hdr, ATP hdr, and and array of atpBDS structs.
+ * chained to m is an mbuf that contians the actual data pointed to by the atpBDS
+ * structs.
+ */
static int
atp_unpack_bdsp(atp, m, rcbp, cnt, wait)
struct atp_state *atp;
register int cnt, wait;
register struct atpBDS *bdsp;
- register gbuf_t *m2, *m1, *m0, *m3;
- caddr_t lastPage;
- register at_atp_t *athp;
- register int i, len, s_gen;
- at_socket src_socket;
- struct ddp_atp {
+ register gbuf_t *m2, *m1, *m0, *mhdr;
+ caddr_t lastPage;
+ at_atp_t *athp;
+ int i, len, s_gen;
+ at_socket src_socket;
+ struct ddp_atp {
char ddp_atp_hdr[TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE];
- gbuf_t *mprev, *mlist = 0;
- gbuf_t *rc_xmt[ATP_TRESP_MAX];
- unsigned char *m0_rptr, *m0_wptr;
+ gbuf_t *mprev, *mlist = 0;
+ gbuf_t *rc_xmt[ATP_TRESP_MAX];
+ unsigned char *m0_rptr, *m0_wptr;
+ int err, offset, space;
* get the user data structure pointer
goto l_send;
+ /* create an array of mbuf packet headers for the packets to be sent
+ * to contain the atp and ddp headers with room at the front for the
+ * datalink header.
+ */
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
/* all hdrs, packet data and dst addr storage */
if ((rc_xmt[i] =
- gbuf_alloc_wait(AT_WR_OFFSET+TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE,
- wait)) == NULL) {
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < i; cnt++)
- if (rc_xmt[cnt])
- gbuf_freeb(rc_xmt[cnt]);
- return 0;
+ gbuf_alloc_wait(AT_WR_OFFSET+TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE, wait)) == NULL) {
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < i; cnt++)
+ if (rc_xmt[cnt])
+ gbuf_freeb(rc_xmt[cnt]);
+ return 0;
- if (m0) {
- m0_rptr = gbuf_rptr(m0);
- m0_wptr = gbuf_wptr(m0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- m2 = rc_xmt[i];
- gbuf_rinc(m2,AT_WR_OFFSET);
- gbuf_wset(m2,TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE);
- *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m2))= *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m));
- athp = AT_ATP_HDR(m2);
+ /* run through the atpBDS structs and create an mbuf for the data
+ * portion of each packet to be sent. these get chained to the mbufs
+ * containing the ATP and DDP headers. this code assumes that no ATP
+ * packet is contained in more than 2 mbufs (e.i crosses mbuf boundary
+ * no more than one time).
+ */
+ offset = 0;
+ if (m0)
+ space = gbuf_msgsize(m0);
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { /* for each hdr mbuf */
+ mhdr = rc_xmt[i];
+ /* setup header fields */
+ gbuf_rinc(mhdr,AT_WR_OFFSET);
+ gbuf_wset(mhdr,TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE);
+ *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(mhdr))= *(struct ddp_atp *)(gbuf_rptr(m));
+ athp = AT_ATP_HDR(mhdr);
athp->cmd = ATP_CMD_TRESP;
athp->bitmap = i;
if (i == (cnt - 1))
athp->eom = 1; /* for the last fragment */
UAL_UAL(athp->user_bytes, bdsp->bdsUserData);
- if ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz))) { /* copy in data */
- if (m0 && gbuf_len(m0)) {
- if ((m1 = gbuf_dupb_wait(m0, wait)) == NULL) {
+ if ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz)) != 0 && m0 != 0 && space > 0) {
+ if ((m1 = m_copym(m0, offset, len, wait)) == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
return 0;
- gbuf_wset(m1,len); /* *** m1 is first len bytes of m0? *** */
- gbuf_rinc(m0,len);
- if ((len = gbuf_len(m0)) < 0) {
- gbuf_rdec(m0,len);
- gbuf_wdec(m1,len);
- if (!append_copy((struct mbuf *)m1,
- (struct mbuf *)gbuf_cont(m0), wait)) {
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- gbuf_cont(m1) = 0;
- gbuf_cont(m2) = m1;
- /* temp fix for page boundary problem - bug# 2703163 */
- lastPage = (caddr_t)((int)(gbuf_wptr(m1) - 1) & ~PAGE_MASK); /* 4k page of last byte */
- if (lastPage != (caddr_t)((int)(gbuf_rptr(m1)) & ~PAGE_MASK)) { /* 1st byte and last on same page ? */
- if ((m3 = gbuf_dupb_wait(m1, wait)) == NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- if (rc_xmt[i])
- gbuf_freem(rc_xmt[i]);
- (gbuf_rptr(m0)) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0, (m0_wptr - m0_rptr));
- return 0;
- }
- (gbuf_rptr(m3)) = lastPage; /* new mbuf starts at beginning of page */
- gbuf_wset(m3, (gbuf_wptr(m1) - lastPage)); /* len = remaining data crossing over page boundary */
- gbuf_wset(m1, (lastPage - (gbuf_rptr(m1)))); /* adjust len of m1 */
- (gbuf_cont(m1)) = m3;
- (gbuf_cont(m3)) = 0;
- }
- }
+ gbuf_cont(mhdr) = m1;
+ space -= len;
+ offset += len;
- AT_DDP_HDR(m2)->src_socket = src_socket;
+ AT_DDP_HDR(mhdr)->src_socket = src_socket;
("atp_unpack_bdsp %d, socket=%d, size=%d, cnt=%d\n",
- i,atp->atp_socket_no,gbuf_msgsize(gbuf_cont(m2)),cnt));
+ i,atp->atp_socket_no,gbuf_msgsize(gbuf_cont(mhdr)),cnt));
if (mlist)
- gbuf_next(mprev) = m2;
+ gbuf_next(mprev) = mhdr;
- mlist = m2;
- mprev = m2;
+ mlist = mhdr;
+ mprev = mhdr;
* on to the next frag
- if (m0) {
- gbuf_rptr(m0) = m0_rptr;
- gbuf_wset(m0,(m0_wptr-m0_rptr));
- }
* send the message
return 0;
} /* atp_unpack_bdsp */
} /* atp_send_req */
-void atp_retry_req(m)
- gbuf_t *m;
+void atp_retry_req(arg)
+ void *arg;
+ gbuf_t *m = (gbuf_t *)arg;
gref_t *gref;
boolean_t funnel_state;
* copy out the recv data
- atp_pack_bdsp(trp, bds);
+ atp_pack_bdsp(trp, (struct atpBDS *)bds);
* copyout the result info
return (int)tid;
} /* _ATPsndreq */
+/* entry point for ATP send response. respbuf contains a DDP hdr,
+ * ATP hdr, and atpBDS array. The bdsDataSz field of the first atpBDS
+ * struct contains the number of atpBDS structs in the array. resplen
+ * contains the len of the data in respbuf and datalen contains the
+ * len of the data buffer holding the response packets which the atpBDS
+ * struct entries point to.
+ */
_ATPsndrsp(fd, respbuff, resplen, datalen, err, proc)
int fd;
int *err;
void *proc;
- gref_t *gref;
- int s, rc;
- long bufaddr;
- gbuf_t *m, *mdata;
- register short len;
- register int size;
- register struct atp_state *atp;
- register struct atpBDS *bdsp;
- register char *buf;
+ gref_t *gref;
+ int s, rc;
+ long bufaddr;
+ gbuf_t *m, *mdata;
+ short space;
+ int size;
+ struct atp_state *atp;
+ struct atpBDS *bdsp;
+ u_int16_t *bufsz;
+ char *buf;
+ int bds_cnt, count, len;
+ caddr_t dataptr;
if ((*err = atalk_getref(0, fd, &gref, proc)) != 0)
return -1;
((at_ddp_t *)gbuf_rptr(m))->src_node = 0;
bdsp = (struct atpBDS *)(gbuf_rptr(m) + TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE);
- if ((resplen == TOTAL_ATP_HDR_SIZE) || ((len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsDataSz)) == 1))
- len = 0;
- else
- len = 16 * sizeof(gbuf_t);
- * allocate buffer and copy in the response data
+ * allocate buffers and copy in the response data.
+ * note that only the size field of the atpBDS field
+ * is used internally in the kernel.
- if ((mdata = gbuf_alloc_wait(datalen+len, TRUE)) == 0) {
- gbuf_freem(m);
+ bds_cnt = get_bds_entries(m); /* count of # entries */
+ /* check correctness of parameters */
+ if (bds_cnt > ATP_TRESP_MAX) {
+ gbuf_freem(m);
+ *err = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (size = 0, count = 0; count < bds_cnt; count++) {
+ size += UAS_VALUE(bdsp[count].bdsBuffSz);
+ }
+ if (size > datalen) {
+ gbuf_freem(m);
+ *err = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* get the first mbuf */
+ if ((mdata = gbuf_alloc_wait((space = (size > MCLBYTES ? MCLBYTES : size)), TRUE)) == 0) {
+ gbuf_freem(m);
*err = ENOMEM;
return -1;
gbuf_cont(m) = mdata;
- for (size=0; bdsp < (struct atpBDS *)gbuf_wptr(m); bdsp++) {
- if ((bufaddr = UAL_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffAddr)) != 0) {
- len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz);
- buf = (char *)bufaddr;
- if ((*err = copyin((caddr_t)buf,
- (caddr_t)&gbuf_rptr(mdata)[size], len)) != 0) {
+ dataptr = mtod(mdata, caddr_t);
+ for (count = 0; count < bds_cnt; bdsp++, count++) {
+ if ((bufaddr = UAL_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffAddr)) != 0 &&
+ (len = UAS_VALUE(bdsp->bdsBuffSz)) != 0) {
+ if (len > space) { /* enough room ? */
+ gbuf_wset(mdata, dataptr - mtod(mdata, caddr_t)); /* set len of last mbuf */
+ /* allocate the next mbuf */
+ if ((gbuf_cont(mdata) = m_get((M_WAIT), MSG_DATA)) == 0) {
+ gbuf_freem(m);
+ *err = ENOMEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mdata = gbuf_cont(mdata);
+ MCLGET(mdata, M_WAIT);
+ if (!(mdata->m_flags & M_EXT)) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ dataptr = mtod(mdata, caddr_t);
+ space = MCLBYTES;
+ }
+ /* do the copyin */
+ if ((*err = copyin((caddr_t)bufaddr, dataptr, len)) != 0) {
return -1;
- size += len;
+ dataptr += len;
+ space -= len;
- gbuf_wset(mdata,size);
+ gbuf_wset(mdata, dataptr - mtod(mdata, caddr_t)); /* set len of last mbuf */
+ gbuf_cont(m)->m_pkthdr.len = size; /* set packet hdr len */
atp_send_rsp(gref, m, TRUE);
return 0;
if ((*err = copyin((caddr_t)bdsp,
(caddr_t)bds, sizeof(bds))) != 0)
return -1;
- atp_pack_bdsp(trp, bds);
+ atp_pack_bdsp(trp, (struct atpBDS *)bds);
tid = (int)trp->tr_tid;
copyout((caddr_t)bds, (caddr_t)bdsp, sizeof(bds));