+ return kr;
+thread_freeze_base_pri(thread_t thread)
+ assert(thread == current_thread());
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ assert((thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_BASE_PRI_FROZEN) == 0);
+ thread->sched_flags |= TH_SFLAG_BASE_PRI_FROZEN;
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+thread_unfreeze_base_pri(thread_t thread)
+ assert(thread == current_thread());
+ integer_t base_pri;
+ ast_t ast = 0;
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ assert(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_BASE_PRI_FROZEN);
+ thread->sched_flags &= ~TH_SFLAG_BASE_PRI_FROZEN;
+ base_pri = thread->req_base_pri;
+ if (base_pri != thread->base_pri) {
+ /*
+ * This function returns "true" if the base pri change
+ * is the most likely cause for the preemption.
+ */
+ sched_set_thread_base_priority(thread, base_pri);
+ ast = ast_peek(AST_PREEMPT);
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ return ast != 0;
+thread_workq_pri_for_qos(thread_qos_t qos)
+ assert(qos < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ return (uint8_t)thread_qos_policy_params.qos_pri[qos];
+thread_workq_qos_for_pri(int priority)
+ thread_qos_t qos;
+ if (priority > thread_qos_policy_params.qos_pri[THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE]) {
+ // indicate that workq should map >UI threads to workq's
+ // internal notation for above-UI work.
+ }
+ // map a given priority up to the next nearest qos band.
+ if (thread_qos_policy_params.qos_pri[qos - 1] < priority) {
+ return qos;
+ }
+ }
+ * private interface for pthread workqueues
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy & absolute priority for thread
+ * May be called with spinlocks held
+ * Thread mutex lock is not held
+ */
+thread_reset_workq_qos(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ assert(qos < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_AND_RELPRIO, qos, 0, &pend_token);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ &pend_token);
+ assert(pend_token.tpt_update_sockets == 0);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ * private interface for pthread workqueues
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy & absolute priority for thread
+ * May be called with spinlocks held
+ * Thread mutex lock is held
+ */
+thread_set_workq_override(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ assert(qos < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_WORKQ_OVERRIDE, qos, 0, &pend_token);
+ assert(pend_token.tpt_update_sockets == 0);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ * private interface for pthread workqueues
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy & absolute priority for thread
+ * May be called with spinlocks held
+ * Thread mutex lock is not held
+ */
+thread_set_workq_pri(thread_t thread,
+ thread_qos_t qos,
+ integer_t priority,
+ integer_t policy)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ sched_mode_t mode = convert_policy_to_sched_mode(policy);
+ assert(qos < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ assert(thread->static_param);
+ if (!thread->static_param || !thread->active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_AND_RELPRIO, qos, 0, &pend_token);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ 0, &pend_token);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ /* Concern: this doesn't hold the mutex... */
+ __assert_only kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = thread_set_mode_and_absolute_pri_internal(thread, mode, priority,
+ &pend_token);
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ if (pend_token.tpt_update_thread_sfi) {
+ sfi_reevaluate(thread);
+ }
+ * thread_set_mode_and_absolute_pri:
+ *
+ * Set scheduling policy & absolute priority for thread, for deprecated
+ * thread_set_policy and thread_policy interfaces.
+ *
+ * Called with nothing locked.
+ */
+thread_set_mode_and_absolute_pri(thread_t thread,
+ integer_t policy,
+ integer_t priority)
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ sched_mode_t mode = convert_policy_to_sched_mode(policy);
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ if (!thread->active) {
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ if (thread_is_static_param(thread)) {
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ /* Setting legacy policies on threads kills the current QoS */
+ if (thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ thread_remove_qos_policy_locked(thread, &pend_token);
+ }
+ kr = thread_set_mode_and_absolute_pri_internal(thread, mode, priority, &pend_token);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ return kr;
+ * Set the thread's requested mode and recompute priority
+ * Called with thread mutex and thread locked
+ *
+ * TODO: Mitigate potential problems caused by moving thread to end of runq
+ * whenever its priority is recomputed
+ * Only remove when it actually changes? Attempt to re-insert at appropriate location?
+ */
+static void
+thread_set_user_sched_mode_and_recompute_pri(thread_t thread, sched_mode_t mode)
+ if (thread->policy_reset) {
+ return;
+ }
+ boolean_t removed = thread_run_queue_remove(thread);
+ /*
+ * TODO: Instead of having saved mode, have 'user mode' and 'true mode'.
+ * That way there's zero confusion over which the user wants
+ * and which the kernel wants.
+ */
+ if (thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEMOTED_MASK) {
+ thread->saved_mode = mode;
+ } else {
+ sched_set_thread_mode(thread, mode);
+ }
+ thread_recompute_priority(thread);
+ if (removed) {
+ thread_run_queue_reinsert(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);
+ }
+/* called at splsched with thread lock locked */
+static void
+thread_update_qos_cpu_time_locked(thread_t thread)
+ task_t task = thread->task;
+ uint64_t timer_sum, timer_delta;
+ /*
+ * This is only as accurate as the distance between
+ * last context switch (embedded) or last user/kernel boundary transition (desktop)
+ * because user_timer and system_timer are only updated then.
+ *
+ * TODO: Consider running a timer_update operation here to update it first.
+ * Maybe doable with interrupts disabled from current thread.
+ * If the thread is on a different core, may not be easy to get right.
+ *
+ * TODO: There should be a function for this in timer.c
+ */
+ timer_sum = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer);
+ timer_sum += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer);
+ timer_delta = timer_sum - thread->vtimer_qos_save;
+ thread->vtimer_qos_save = timer_sum;
+ uint64_t* task_counter = NULL;
+ /* Update the task-level effective and requested qos stats atomically, because we don't have the task lock. */
+ switch (thread->effective_policy.thep_qos) {
+ case THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_default; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_MAINTENANCE: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_maintenance; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_background; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_UTILITY: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_utility; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_LEGACY: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_legacy; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_USER_INITIATED: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_initiated; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_eqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_interactive; break;
+ default:
+ panic("unknown effective QoS: %d", thread->effective_policy.thep_qos);
+ }
+ OSAddAtomic64(timer_delta, task_counter);
+ /* Update the task-level qos stats atomically, because we don't have the task lock. */
+ switch (thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos) {
+ case THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_default; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_MAINTENANCE: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_maintenance; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_background; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_UTILITY: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_utility; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_LEGACY: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_legacy; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_USER_INITIATED: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_initiated; break;
+ case THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE: task_counter = &task->cpu_time_rqos_stats.cpu_time_qos_user_interactive; break;
+ default:
+ panic("unknown requested QoS: %d", thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos);
+ }
+ OSAddAtomic64(timer_delta, task_counter);
+ * called with no thread locks held
+ * may hold task lock
+ */
+thread_update_qos_cpu_time(thread_t thread)
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ thread_update_qos_cpu_time_locked(thread);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ * Calculate base priority from thread attributes, and set it on the thread
+ *
+ * Called with thread_lock and thread mutex held.
+ */
+extern thread_t vm_pageout_scan_thread;
+extern boolean_t vps_dynamic_priority_enabled;
+ thread_t thread)
+ integer_t priority;
+ if (thread->policy_reset) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (thread->sched_mode == TH_MODE_REALTIME) {
+ sched_set_thread_base_priority(thread, BASEPRI_RTQUEUES);
+ return;
+ } else if (thread->effective_policy.thep_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ int qos = thread->effective_policy.thep_qos;
+ int qos_ui_is_urgent = thread->effective_policy.thep_qos_ui_is_urgent;
+ int qos_relprio = -(thread->effective_policy.thep_qos_relprio); /* stored in task policy inverted */
+ int qos_scaled_relprio;
+ assert(qos >= 0 && qos < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ assert(qos_relprio <= 0 && qos_relprio >= THREAD_QOS_MIN_TIER_IMPORTANCE);
+ priority = thread_qos_policy_params.qos_pri[qos];
+ qos_scaled_relprio = thread_qos_scaled_relative_priority(qos, qos_relprio);
+ if (qos == THREAD_QOS_USER_INTERACTIVE && qos_ui_is_urgent == 1) {
+ /* Bump priority 46 to 47 when in a frontmost app */
+ qos_scaled_relprio += 1;
+ }
+ /* TODO: factor in renice priority here? */
+ priority += qos_scaled_relprio;
+ } else {
+ if (thread->importance > MAXPRI) {
+ priority = MAXPRI;
+ } else if (thread->importance < -MAXPRI) {
+ priority = -MAXPRI;
+ } else {
+ priority = thread->importance;
+ }
+ priority += thread->task_priority;
+ }
+ priority = MAX(priority, thread->user_promotion_basepri);
+ /*
+ * Clamp priority back into the allowed range for this task.
+ * The initial priority value could be out of this range due to:
+ * Task clamped to BG or Utility (max-pri is 4, or 20)
+ * Task is user task (max-pri is 63)
+ * Task is kernel task (max-pri is 95)
+ * Note that thread->importance is user-settable to any integer
+ */
+ if (priority > thread->max_priority) {
+ if (thread->effective_policy.thep_promote_above_task) {
+ priority = MAX(thread->max_priority, thread->user_promotion_basepri);
+ } else {
+ priority = thread->max_priority;
+ }
+ } else if (priority < MINPRI) {
+ priority = MINPRI;
+ }
+ if (thread->saved_mode == TH_MODE_REALTIME &&
+ thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_FAILSAFE) {
+ priority = DEPRESSPRI;
+ }
+ if (thread->effective_policy.thep_terminated == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * We temporarily want to override the expected priority to
+ * ensure that the thread exits in a timely manner.
+ * Note that this is allowed to exceed thread->max_priority
+ * so that the thread is no longer clamped to background
+ * during the final exit phase.
+ */
+ if (priority < thread->task_priority) {
+ priority = thread->task_priority;
+ }
+ if (priority < BASEPRI_DEFAULT) {
+ priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ }
+#if !defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
+ /* No one can have a base priority less than MAXPRI_THROTTLE */
+ if (priority < MAXPRI_THROTTLE) {
+ priority = MAXPRI_THROTTLE;
+ }
+#endif /* !defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX) */
+ sched_set_thread_base_priority(thread, priority);
+/* Called with the task lock held, but not the thread mutex or spinlock */
+ thread_t thread,
+ integer_t priority,
+ integer_t max_priority,
+ task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ if (!thread->active || thread->policy_reset) {
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ return;
+ }
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ __unused
+ integer_t old_max_priority = thread->max_priority;
+ assert(priority >= INT16_MIN && priority <= INT16_MAX);
+ thread->task_priority = (int16_t)priority;
+ assert(max_priority >= INT16_MIN && max_priority <= INT16_MAX);
+ thread->max_priority = (int16_t)max_priority;
+ /*
+ * When backgrounding a thread, realtime and fixed priority threads
+ * should be demoted to timeshare background threads.
+ *
+ * TODO: Do this inside the thread policy update routine in order to avoid double
+ * remove/reinsert for a runnable thread
+ */
+ if ((max_priority <= MAXPRI_THROTTLE) && (old_max_priority > MAXPRI_THROTTLE)) {
+ sched_thread_mode_demote(thread, TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED);
+ } else if ((max_priority > MAXPRI_THROTTLE) && (old_max_priority <= MAXPRI_THROTTLE)) {
+ sched_thread_mode_undemote(thread, TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED);
+ }
+ thread_policy_update_spinlocked(thread, true, pend_token);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ * Reset thread to default state in preparation for termination
+ * Called with thread mutex locked
+ *
+ * Always called on current thread, so we don't need a run queue remove
+ */
+ thread_t thread)
+ spl_t s;
+ assert(thread == current_thread());
+ s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if (thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_FAILSAFE) {
+ sched_thread_mode_undemote(thread, TH_SFLAG_FAILSAFE);
+ }
+ if (thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED) {
+ sched_thread_mode_undemote(thread, TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED);
+ }
+ /* At this point, the various demotions should be inactive */
+ assert(!(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEMOTED_MASK));
+ assert(!(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_THROTTLED));
+ assert(!(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEPRESSED_MASK));
+ /* Reset thread back to task-default basepri and mode */
+ sched_mode_t newmode = SCHED(initial_thread_sched_mode)(thread->task);
+ sched_set_thread_mode(thread, newmode);
+ thread->importance = 0;
+ /* Prevent further changes to thread base priority or mode */
+ thread->policy_reset = 1;
+ sched_set_thread_base_priority(thread, thread->task_priority);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_t thread,
+ thread_policy_flavor_t flavor,
+ thread_policy_t policy_info,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *count,
+ boolean_t *get_default)
+ kern_return_t result = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ }
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ if (!thread->active) {
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ }
+ switch (flavor) {
+ {
+ boolean_t timeshare = TRUE;
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if ((thread->sched_mode != TH_MODE_REALTIME) &&
+ (thread->saved_mode != TH_MODE_REALTIME)) {
+ if (!(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEMOTED_MASK)) {
+ timeshare = (thread->sched_mode == TH_MODE_TIMESHARE) != 0;
+ } else {
+ timeshare = (thread->saved_mode == TH_MODE_TIMESHARE) != 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *get_default = TRUE;
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ }
+ thread_extended_policy_t info;
+ info = (thread_extended_policy_t)policy_info;
+ info->timeshare = timeshare;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ thread_time_constraint_policy_t info;
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (thread_time_constraint_policy_t)policy_info;
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if ((thread->sched_mode == TH_MODE_REALTIME) ||
+ (thread->saved_mode == TH_MODE_REALTIME)) {
+ info->period = thread->realtime.period;
+ info->computation = thread->realtime.computation;
+ info->constraint = thread->realtime.constraint;
+ info->preemptible = thread->realtime.preemptible;
+ } else {
+ *get_default = TRUE;
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ }
+ if (*get_default) {
+ info->period = 0;
+ info->computation = default_timeshare_computation;
+ info->constraint = default_timeshare_constraint;
+ info->preemptible = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ thread_precedence_policy_t info;
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (thread_precedence_policy_t)policy_info;
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ info->importance = thread->importance;
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ } else {
+ info->importance = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ thread_affinity_policy_t info;
+ if (!thread_affinity_is_supported()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (thread_affinity_policy_t)policy_info;
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ info->affinity_tag = thread_affinity_get(thread);
+ } else {
+ info->affinity_tag = THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ thread_policy_state_t info;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Only root can get this info */
+ if (current_task()->sec_token.val[0] != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ info = (thread_policy_state_t)(void*)policy_info;
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ info->flags = 0;
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ info->flags |= (thread->static_param ? THREAD_POLICY_STATE_FLAG_STATIC_PARAM : 0);
+ info->thps_requested_policy = *(uint64_t*)(void*)(&thread->requested_policy);
+ info->thps_effective_policy = *(uint64_t*)(void*)(&thread->effective_policy);
+ info->thps_user_promotions = 0;
+ info->thps_user_promotion_basepri = thread->user_promotion_basepri;
+ info->thps_ipc_overrides = thread->kevent_overrides;
+ proc_get_thread_policy_bitfield(thread, info);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ } else {
+ info->requested = 0;
+ info->effective = 0;
+ info->pending = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ thread_latency_qos_policy_t info = (thread_latency_qos_policy_t) policy_info;
+ thread_latency_qos_t plqos;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*get_default) {
+ plqos = 0;
+ } else {
+ plqos = proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, TASK_POLICY_LATENCY_QOS, NULL);
+ }
+ info->thread_latency_qos_tier = qos_latency_policy_package(plqos);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ thread_throughput_qos_policy_t info = (thread_throughput_qos_policy_t) policy_info;
+ thread_throughput_qos_t ptqos;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*get_default) {
+ ptqos = 0;
+ } else {
+ ptqos = proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, TASK_POLICY_THROUGH_QOS, NULL);
+ }
+ info->thread_throughput_qos_tier = qos_throughput_policy_package(ptqos);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ thread_qos_policy_t info = (thread_qos_policy_t)policy_info;
+ if (*count < THREAD_QOS_POLICY_COUNT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(*get_default)) {
+ int relprio_value = 0;
+ info->qos_tier = proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_AND_RELPRIO, &relprio_value);
+ info->tier_importance = -relprio_value;
+ } else {
+ info->qos_tier = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ info->tier_importance = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ return result;
+thread_policy_create(thread_t thread)
+ thread_tid(thread), theffective_0(thread),
+ theffective_1(thread), thread->base_pri, 0);
+ /* We pass a pend token but ignore it */
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ thread_policy_update_internal_spinlocked(thread, true, &pend_token);
+ thread_tid(thread), theffective_0(thread),
+ theffective_1(thread), thread->base_pri, 0);
+static void
+thread_policy_update_spinlocked(thread_t thread, bool recompute_priority, task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ thread_tid(thread), theffective_0(thread),
+ theffective_1(thread), thread->base_pri, 0);
+ thread_policy_update_internal_spinlocked(thread, recompute_priority, pend_token);
+ thread_tid(thread), theffective_0(thread),
+ theffective_1(thread), thread->base_pri, 0);
+ * One thread state update function TO RULE THEM ALL
+ *
+ * This function updates the thread effective policy fields
+ * and pushes the results to the relevant subsystems.
+ *
+ * Returns TRUE if a pended action needs to be run.
+ *
+ * Called with thread spinlock locked, task may be locked, thread mutex may be locked
+ */
+static void
+thread_policy_update_internal_spinlocked(thread_t thread, bool recompute_priority,
+ task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ /*
+ * Step 1:
+ * Gather requested policy and effective task state
+ */
+ struct thread_requested_policy requested = thread->requested_policy;
+ struct task_effective_policy task_effective = thread->task->effective_policy;
+ /*
+ * Step 2:
+ * Calculate new effective policies from requested policy, task and thread state
+ * Rules:
+ * Don't change requested, it won't take effect
+ */
+ struct thread_effective_policy next = {};
+ next.thep_qos_ui_is_urgent = task_effective.tep_qos_ui_is_urgent;
+ uint32_t next_qos = requested.thrp_qos;
+ if (requested.thrp_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ next_qos = MAX(requested.thrp_qos_override, next_qos);
+ next_qos = MAX(requested.thrp_qos_promote, next_qos);
+ next_qos = MAX(requested.thrp_qos_kevent_override, next_qos);
+ next_qos = MAX(requested.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override, next_qos);
+ next_qos = MAX(requested.thrp_qos_workq_override, next_qos);
+ }
+ if (task_effective.tep_darwinbg && task_effective.tep_adaptive_bg &&
+ requested.thrp_qos_promote > THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND) {
+ /*
+ * This thread is turnstile-boosted higher than the adaptive clamp
+ * by a synchronous waiter. Allow that to override the adaptive
+ * clamp temporarily for this thread only.
+ */
+ next.thep_promote_above_task = true;
+ next_qos = requested.thrp_qos_promote;
+ }
+ next.thep_qos = next_qos;
+ /* A task clamp will result in an effective QoS even when requested is UNSPECIFIED */
+ if (task_effective.tep_qos_clamp != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ if (next.thep_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ next.thep_qos = MIN(task_effective.tep_qos_clamp, next.thep_qos);
+ } else {
+ next.thep_qos = task_effective.tep_qos_clamp;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Extract outbound-promotion QoS before applying task ceiling or BG clamp
+ * This allows QoS promotions to work properly even after the process is unclamped.
+ */
+ next.thep_qos_promote = next.thep_qos;
+ /* The ceiling only applies to threads that are in the QoS world */
+ /* TODO: is it appropriate for this to limit a turnstile-boosted thread's QoS? */
+ if (task_effective.tep_qos_ceiling != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED &&
+ next.thep_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ next.thep_qos = MIN(task_effective.tep_qos_ceiling, next.thep_qos);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The QoS relative priority is only applicable when the original programmer's
+ * intended (requested) QoS is in effect. When the QoS is clamped (e.g.
+ * USER_INITIATED-13REL clamped to UTILITY), the relative priority is not honored,
+ * since otherwise it would be lower than unclamped threads. Similarly, in the
+ * presence of boosting, the programmer doesn't know what other actors
+ * are boosting the thread.
+ */
+ if ((requested.thrp_qos != THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) &&
+ (requested.thrp_qos == next.thep_qos) &&
+ (requested.thrp_qos_override == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED)) {
+ next.thep_qos_relprio = requested.thrp_qos_relprio;
+ } else {
+ next.thep_qos_relprio = 0;
+ }
+ /* Calculate DARWIN_BG */
+ bool wants_darwinbg = false;
+ bool wants_all_sockets_bg = false; /* Do I want my existing sockets to be bg */
+ if (task_effective.tep_darwinbg && !next.thep_promote_above_task) {
+ wants_darwinbg = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If DARWIN_BG has been requested at either level, it's engaged.
+ * darwinbg threads always create bg sockets,
+ * but only some types of darwinbg change the sockets
+ * after they're created
+ */
+ if (requested.thrp_int_darwinbg || requested.thrp_ext_darwinbg) {
+ wants_all_sockets_bg = wants_darwinbg = true;
+ }
+ if (requested.thrp_pidbind_bg) {
+ wants_all_sockets_bg = wants_darwinbg = true;
+ }
+ if (next.thep_qos == THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND ||
+ next.thep_qos == THREAD_QOS_MAINTENANCE) {
+ wants_darwinbg = true;
+ }
+ /* Calculate side effects of DARWIN_BG */
+ if (wants_darwinbg) {
+ next.thep_darwinbg = 1;
+ }
+ if (next.thep_darwinbg || task_effective.tep_new_sockets_bg) {
+ next.thep_new_sockets_bg = 1;
+ }
+ /* Don't use task_effective.tep_all_sockets_bg here */
+ if (wants_all_sockets_bg) {
+ next.thep_all_sockets_bg = 1;
+ }
+ /* darwinbg implies background QOS (or lower) */
+ if (next.thep_darwinbg &&
+ (next.thep_qos > THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND || next.thep_qos == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED)) {
+ next.thep_qos = THREAD_QOS_BACKGROUND;
+ next.thep_qos_relprio = 0;
+ }
+ /* Calculate IO policy */
+ int iopol = THROTTLE_LEVEL_TIER0;
+ /* Factor in the task's IO policy */
+ if (next.thep_darwinbg) {
+ iopol = MAX(iopol, task_effective.tep_bg_iotier);
+ }
+ if (!next.thep_promote_above_task) {
+ iopol = MAX(iopol, task_effective.tep_io_tier);
+ }
+ /* Look up the associated IO tier value for the QoS class */
+ iopol = MAX(iopol, thread_qos_policy_params.qos_iotier[next.thep_qos]);
+ iopol = MAX(iopol, requested.thrp_int_iotier);
+ iopol = MAX(iopol, requested.thrp_ext_iotier);
+ next.thep_io_tier = iopol;
+ /*
+ * If a QoS override is causing IO to go into a lower tier, we also set
+ * the passive bit so that a thread doesn't end up stuck in its own throttle
+ * window when the override goes away.
+ */
+ int next_qos_iotier = thread_qos_policy_params.qos_iotier[next.thep_qos];
+ int req_qos_iotier = thread_qos_policy_params.qos_iotier[requested.thrp_qos];
+ bool qos_io_override_active = (next_qos_iotier < req_qos_iotier);
+ /* Calculate Passive IO policy */
+ if (requested.thrp_ext_iopassive ||
+ requested.thrp_int_iopassive ||
+ qos_io_override_active ||
+ task_effective.tep_io_passive) {
+ next.thep_io_passive = 1;
+ }
+ /* Calculate timer QOS */
+ uint32_t latency_qos = requested.thrp_latency_qos;
+ if (!next.thep_promote_above_task) {
+ latency_qos = MAX(latency_qos, task_effective.tep_latency_qos);
+ }
+ latency_qos = MAX(latency_qos, thread_qos_policy_params.qos_latency_qos[next.thep_qos]);
+ next.thep_latency_qos = latency_qos;
+ /* Calculate throughput QOS */
+ uint32_t through_qos = requested.thrp_through_qos;
+ if (!next.thep_promote_above_task) {
+ through_qos = MAX(through_qos, task_effective.tep_through_qos);
+ }
+ through_qos = MAX(through_qos, thread_qos_policy_params.qos_through_qos[next.thep_qos]);
+ next.thep_through_qos = through_qos;
+ if (task_effective.tep_terminated || requested.thrp_terminated) {
+ /* Shoot down the throttles that slow down exit or response to SIGTERM */
+ next.thep_terminated = 1;
+ next.thep_darwinbg = 0;
+ next.thep_io_tier = THROTTLE_LEVEL_TIER0;
+ next.thep_qos = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ next.thep_latency_qos = LATENCY_QOS_TIER_UNSPECIFIED;
+ next.thep_through_qos = THROUGHPUT_QOS_TIER_UNSPECIFIED;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Step 3:
+ * Swap out old policy for new policy
+ */
+ struct thread_effective_policy prev = thread->effective_policy;
+ thread_update_qos_cpu_time_locked(thread);
+ /* This is the point where the new values become visible to other threads */
+ thread->effective_policy = next;
+ /*
+ * Step 4:
+ * Pend updates that can't be done while holding the thread lock
+ */
+ if (prev.thep_all_sockets_bg != next.thep_all_sockets_bg) {
+ pend_token->tpt_update_sockets = 1;
+ }
+ /* TODO: Doesn't this only need to be done if the throttle went up? */
+ if (prev.thep_io_tier != next.thep_io_tier) {
+ pend_token->tpt_update_throttle = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for the attributes that sfi_thread_classify() consults,
+ * and trigger SFI re-evaluation.
+ */
+ if (prev.thep_qos != next.thep_qos ||
+ prev.thep_darwinbg != next.thep_darwinbg) {
+ pend_token->tpt_update_thread_sfi = 1;
+ }
+ integer_t old_base_pri = thread->base_pri;
+ /*
+ * Step 5:
+ * Update other subsystems as necessary if something has changed
+ */
+ /* Check for the attributes that thread_recompute_priority() consults */
+ if (prev.thep_qos != next.thep_qos ||
+ prev.thep_qos_relprio != next.thep_qos_relprio ||
+ prev.thep_qos_ui_is_urgent != next.thep_qos_ui_is_urgent ||
+ prev.thep_promote_above_task != next.thep_promote_above_task ||
+ prev.thep_terminated != next.thep_terminated ||
+ pend_token->tpt_force_recompute_pri == 1 ||
+ recompute_priority) {
+ thread_recompute_priority(thread);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check if the thread is waiting on a turnstile and needs priority propagation.
+ */
+ if (pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile &&
+ ((old_base_pri == thread->base_pri) ||
+ !thread_get_waiting_turnstile(thread))) {
+ /*
+ * Reset update turnstile pend token since either
+ * the thread priority did not change or thread is
+ * not blocked on a turnstile.
+ */
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 0;
+ }
+ * Initiate a thread policy state transition on a thread with its TID
+ * Useful if you cannot guarantee the thread won't get terminated
+ * Precondition: No locks are held
+ * Will take task lock - using the non-tid variant is faster
+ * if you already have a thread ref.
+ */
+proc_set_thread_policy_with_tid(task_t task,
+ uint64_t tid,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int value)
+ /* takes task lock, returns ref'ed thread or NULL */
+ thread_t thread = task_findtid(task, tid);
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ proc_set_thread_policy(thread, category, flavor, value);
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ * Initiate a thread policy transition on a thread
+ * This path supports networking transitions (i.e. darwinbg transitions)
+ * Precondition: No locks are held
+ */
+proc_set_thread_policy(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int value)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_locked(thread, category, flavor, value, 0, &pend_token);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ * Do the things that can't be done while holding a thread mutex.
+ * These are set up to call back into thread policy to get the latest value,
+ * so they don't have to be synchronized with the update.
+ * The only required semantic is 'call this sometime after updating effective policy'
+ *
+ * Precondition: Thread mutex is not held
+ *
+ * This may be called with the task lock held, but in that case it won't be
+ * called with tpt_update_sockets set.
+ */
+thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread_t thread, task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ if (pend_token->tpt_update_sockets) {
+ proc_apply_task_networkbg(thread->task->bsd_info, thread);
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
+ if (pend_token->tpt_update_throttle) {
+ rethrottle_thread(thread->uthread);
+ }
+ if (pend_token->tpt_update_thread_sfi) {
+ sfi_reevaluate(thread);
+ }
+ if (pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_thread_priority_chain(thread);
+ }
+ * Set and update thread policy
+ * Thread mutex might be held
+ */
+static void
+proc_set_thread_policy_locked(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int value,
+ int value2,
+ task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, category, flavor, value, value2, pend_token);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ * Set and update thread policy
+ * Thread spinlock is held
+ */
+static void
+proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int value,
+ int value2,
+ task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ thread_tid(thread), threquested_0(thread),
+ threquested_1(thread), value, 0);
+ thread_set_requested_policy_spinlocked(thread, category, flavor, value, value2, pend_token);
+ thread_policy_update_spinlocked(thread, false, pend_token);
+ thread_tid(thread), threquested_0(thread),
+ threquested_1(thread), tpending(pend_token), 0);
+ * Set the requested state for a specific flavor to a specific value.
+ */
+static void
+thread_set_requested_policy_spinlocked(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int value,
+ int value2,
+ task_pend_token_t pend_token)
+ int tier, passive;
+ struct thread_requested_policy requested = thread->requested_policy;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ /* Category: EXTERNAL and INTERNAL, thread and task */
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ requested.thrp_ext_darwinbg = value;
+ } else {
+ requested.thrp_int_darwinbg = value;
+ }
+ break;
+ proc_iopol_to_tier(value, &tier, &passive);
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ requested.thrp_ext_iotier = tier;
+ requested.thrp_ext_iopassive = passive;
+ } else {
+ requested.thrp_int_iotier = tier;
+ requested.thrp_int_iopassive = passive;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ requested.thrp_ext_iotier = value;
+ } else {
+ requested.thrp_int_iotier = value;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ requested.thrp_ext_iopassive = value;
+ } else {
+ requested.thrp_int_iopassive = value;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Category: ATTRIBUTE, thread only */
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_pidbind_bg = value;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_latency_qos = value;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_through_qos = value;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos_override = value;
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 1;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos = value;
+ requested.thrp_qos_relprio = value2;
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 1;
+ DTRACE_BOOST3(qos_set, uint64_t, thread->thread_id, int, requested.thrp_qos, int, requested.thrp_qos_relprio);
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos_workq_override = value;
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 1;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos_promote = value;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos_kevent_override = value;
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 1;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override = value;
+ pend_token->tpt_update_turnstile = 1;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ requested.thrp_terminated = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("unknown task policy: %d %d %d", category, flavor, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ thread->requested_policy = requested;
+ * Gets what you set. Effective values may be different.
+ * Precondition: No locks are held
+ */
+proc_get_thread_policy(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor)
+ int value = 0;
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ value = proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread, category, flavor, NULL);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ return value;
+static int
+proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int* value2)
+ int value = 0;
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ value = thread_get_requested_policy_spinlocked(thread, category, flavor, value2);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ return value;
+ * Gets what you set. Effective values may be different.
+ */
+static int
+thread_get_requested_policy_spinlocked(thread_t thread,
+ int category,
+ int flavor,
+ int* value2)
+ int value = 0;
+ struct thread_requested_policy requested = thread->requested_policy;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ value = requested.thrp_ext_darwinbg;
+ } else {
+ value = requested.thrp_int_darwinbg;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ value = proc_tier_to_iopol(requested.thrp_ext_iotier,
+ requested.thrp_ext_iopassive);
+ } else {
+ value = proc_tier_to_iopol(requested.thrp_int_iotier,
+ requested.thrp_int_iopassive);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ value = requested.thrp_ext_iotier;
+ } else {
+ value = requested.thrp_int_iotier;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (category == TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL) {
+ value = requested.thrp_ext_iopassive;
+ } else {
+ value = requested.thrp_int_iopassive;
+ }
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos_override;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_latency_qos;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_through_qos;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos_workq_override;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ assert(value2 != NULL);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos;
+ *value2 = requested.thrp_qos_relprio;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos_promote;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos_kevent_override;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override;
+ break;
+ assert(category == TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
+ value = requested.thrp_terminated;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("unknown policy_flavor %d", flavor);
+ break;
+ }
+ return value;
+ * Gets what is actually in effect, for subsystems which pull policy instead of receive updates.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This accessor does not take the task or thread lock.
+ * Notifications of state updates need to be externally synchronized with state queries.
+ * This routine *MUST* remain interrupt safe, as it is potentially invoked
+ * within the context of a timer interrupt.
+ *
+ * TODO: I think we can get away with architecting this such that we don't need to look at the task ever.
+ * Is that a good idea? Maybe it's best to avoid evaluate-all-the-threads updates.
+ * I don't think that cost is worth not having the right answer.
+ */
+proc_get_effective_thread_policy(thread_t thread,
+ int flavor)
+ int value = 0;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ /*
+ * This call is used within the timer layer, as well as
+ * prioritizing requests to the graphics system.
+ * It also informs SFI and originator-bg-state.
+ * Returns 1 for background mode, 0 for normal mode
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_darwinbg ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * The I/O system calls here to find out what throttling tier to apply to an operation.
+ * Returns THROTTLE_LEVEL_* values
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_io_tier;
+ if (thread->iotier_override != THROTTLE_LEVEL_NONE) {
+ value = MIN(value, thread->iotier_override);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * The I/O system calls here to find out whether an operation should be passive.
+ * (i.e. not cause operations with lower throttle tiers to be throttled)
+ * Returns 1 for passive mode, 0 for normal mode
+ *
+ * If an override is causing IO to go into a lower tier, we also set
+ * the passive bit so that a thread doesn't end up stuck in its own throttle
+ * window when the override goes away.
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_io_passive ? 1 : 0;
+ if (thread->iotier_override != THROTTLE_LEVEL_NONE &&
+ thread->iotier_override < thread->effective_policy.thep_io_tier) {
+ value = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * do_background_socket() calls this to determine whether
+ * it should change the thread's sockets
+ * Returns 1 for background mode, 0 for normal mode
+ * This consults both thread and task so un-DBGing a thread while the task is BG
+ * doesn't get you out of the network throttle.
+ */
+ value = (thread->effective_policy.thep_all_sockets_bg ||
+ thread->task->effective_policy.tep_all_sockets_bg) ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * socreate() calls this to determine if it should mark a new socket as background
+ * Returns 1 for background mode, 0 for normal mode
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_new_sockets_bg ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * timer arming calls into here to find out the timer coalescing level
+ * Returns a latency QoS tier (0-6)
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_latency_qos;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * This value is passed into the urgency callout from the scheduler
+ * to the performance management subsystem.
+ *
+ * Returns a throughput QoS tier (0-6)
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_through_qos;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * This is communicated to the performance management layer and SFI.
+ *
+ * Returns a QoS policy tier
+ */
+ value = thread->effective_policy.thep_qos;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("unknown thread policy flavor %d", flavor);
+ break;
+ }
+ return value;
+ * (integer_t) casts limit the number of bits we can fit here
+ * this interface is deprecated and replaced by the _EXT struct ?
+ */
+static void
+proc_get_thread_policy_bitfield(thread_t thread, thread_policy_state_t info)
+ uint64_t bits = 0;
+ struct thread_requested_policy requested = thread->requested_policy;
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_int_darwinbg ? POLICY_REQ_INT_DARWIN_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_ext_darwinbg ? POLICY_REQ_EXT_DARWIN_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_int_iotier ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_int_iotier) << POLICY_REQ_INT_IO_TIER_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_ext_iotier ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_ext_iotier) << POLICY_REQ_EXT_IO_TIER_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_int_iopassive ? POLICY_REQ_INT_PASSIVE_IO : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_ext_iopassive ? POLICY_REQ_EXT_PASSIVE_IO : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_qos ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_qos) << POLICY_REQ_TH_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_qos_override ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_qos_override) << POLICY_REQ_TH_QOS_OVER_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_pidbind_bg ? POLICY_REQ_PIDBIND_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_latency_qos ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_latency_qos) << POLICY_REQ_BASE_LATENCY_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (requested.thrp_through_qos ? (((uint64_t)requested.thrp_through_qos) << POLICY_REQ_BASE_THROUGH_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ info->requested = (integer_t) bits;
+ bits = 0;
+ struct thread_effective_policy effective = thread->effective_policy;
+ bits |= (effective.thep_darwinbg ? POLICY_EFF_DARWIN_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_io_tier ? (((uint64_t)effective.thep_io_tier) << POLICY_EFF_IO_TIER_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_io_passive ? POLICY_EFF_IO_PASSIVE : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_all_sockets_bg ? POLICY_EFF_ALL_SOCKETS_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_new_sockets_bg ? POLICY_EFF_NEW_SOCKETS_BG : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_qos ? (((uint64_t)effective.thep_qos) << POLICY_EFF_TH_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_latency_qos ? (((uint64_t)effective.thep_latency_qos) << POLICY_EFF_LATENCY_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ bits |= (effective.thep_through_qos ? (((uint64_t)effective.thep_through_qos) << POLICY_EFF_THROUGH_QOS_SHIFT) : 0);
+ info->effective = (integer_t)bits;
+ bits = 0;
+ info->pending = 0;
+ * Sneakily trace either the task and thread requested
+ * or just the thread requested, depending on if we have enough room.
+ * We do have room on LP64. On LP32, we have to split it between two uintptr_t's.
+ *
+ * LP32 LP64
+ * threquested_0(thread) thread[0] task[0]
+ * threquested_1(thread) thread[1] thread[0]
+ *
+ */
+threquested_0(thread_t thread)
+ static_assert(sizeof(struct thread_requested_policy) == sizeof(uint64_t), "size invariant violated");
+ uintptr_t* raw = (uintptr_t*)(void*)&thread->requested_policy;
+ return raw[0];
+threquested_1(thread_t thread)
+#if defined __LP64__
+ return *(uintptr_t*)&thread->task->requested_policy;
+ uintptr_t* raw = (uintptr_t*)(void*)&thread->requested_policy;
+ return raw[1];
+theffective_0(thread_t thread)
+ static_assert(sizeof(struct thread_effective_policy) == sizeof(uint64_t), "size invariant violated");
+ uintptr_t* raw = (uintptr_t*)(void*)&thread->effective_policy;
+ return raw[0];
+theffective_1(thread_t thread)
+#if defined __LP64__
+ return *(uintptr_t*)&thread->task->effective_policy;
+ uintptr_t* raw = (uintptr_t*)(void*)&thread->effective_policy;
+ return raw[1];
+ * Set an override on the thread which is consulted with a
+ * higher priority than the task/thread policy. This should
+ * only be set for temporary grants until the thread
+ * returns to the userspace boundary
+ *
+ * We use atomic operations to swap in the override, with
+ * the assumption that the thread itself can
+ * read the override and clear it on return to userspace.
+ *
+ * No locking is performed, since it is acceptable to see
+ * a stale override for one loop through throttle_lowpri_io().
+ * However a thread reference must be held on the thread.
+ */
+set_thread_iotier_override(thread_t thread, int policy)
+ int current_override;
+ /* Let most aggressive I/O policy win until user boundary */
+ do {
+ current_override = thread->iotier_override;
+ if (current_override != THROTTLE_LEVEL_NONE) {
+ policy = MIN(current_override, policy);
+ }
+ if (current_override == policy) {
+ /* no effective change */
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (!OSCompareAndSwap(current_override, policy, &thread->iotier_override));
+ /*
+ * Since the thread may be currently throttled,
+ * re-evaluate tiers and potentially break out
+ * of an msleep
+ */
+ rethrottle_thread(thread->uthread);
+ * Userspace synchronization routines (like pthread mutexes, pthread reader-writer locks,
+ * semaphores, dispatch_sync) may result in priority inversions where a higher priority
+ * (i.e. scheduler priority, I/O tier, QoS tier) is waiting on a resource owned by a lower
+ * priority thread. In these cases, we attempt to propagate the priority token, as long
+ * as the subsystem informs us of the relationships between the threads. The userspace
+ * synchronization subsystem should maintain the information of owner->resource and
+ * resource->waiters itself.
+ */
+ * This helper canonicalizes the resource/resource_type given the current qos_override_mode
+ * in effect. Note that wildcards (THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_RESOURCE_WILDCARD) may need
+ * to be handled specially in the future, but for now it's fine to slam
+ * *resource to USER_ADDR_NULL even if it was previously a wildcard.
+ */
+static void
+canonicalize_resource_and_type(user_addr_t *resource, int *resource_type)
+ if (qos_override_mode == QOS_OVERRIDE_MODE_OVERHANG_PEAK || qos_override_mode == QOS_OVERRIDE_MODE_IGNORE_OVERRIDE) {
+ /* Map all input resource/type to a single one */
+ *resource = USER_ADDR_NULL;
+ } else if (qos_override_mode == QOS_OVERRIDE_MODE_FINE_GRAINED_OVERRIDE) {
+ /* no transform */
+ /* Map all mutex overrides to a single one, to avoid memory overhead */
+ *resource = USER_ADDR_NULL;
+ }
+ }
+/* This helper routine finds an existing override if known. Locking should be done by caller */
+static struct thread_qos_override *
+find_qos_override(thread_t thread,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type)
+ struct thread_qos_override *override;
+ override = thread->overrides;
+ while (override) {
+ if (override->override_resource == resource &&
+ override->override_resource_type == resource_type) {
+ return override;
+ }
+ override = override->override_next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void
+find_and_decrement_qos_override(thread_t thread,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type,
+ boolean_t reset,
+ struct thread_qos_override **free_override_list)
+ struct thread_qos_override *override, *override_prev;
+ override_prev = NULL;
+ override = thread->overrides;
+ while (override) {
+ struct thread_qos_override *override_next = override->override_next;
+ if ((THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_RESOURCE_WILDCARD == resource || override->override_resource == resource) &&
+ (THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_WILDCARD == resource_type || override->override_resource_type == resource_type)) {
+ if (reset) {
+ override->override_contended_resource_count = 0;
+ } else {
+ override->override_contended_resource_count--;
+ }
+ if (override->override_contended_resource_count == 0) {
+ if (override_prev == NULL) {
+ thread->overrides = override_next;
+ } else {
+ override_prev->override_next = override_next;
+ }
+ /* Add to out-param for later zfree */
+ override->override_next = *free_override_list;
+ *free_override_list = override;
+ } else {
+ override_prev = override;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ override_prev = override;
+ }
+ override = override_next;
+ }
+/* This helper recalculates the current requested override using the policy selected at boot */
+static int
+calculate_requested_qos_override(thread_t thread)
+ if (qos_override_mode == QOS_OVERRIDE_MODE_IGNORE_OVERRIDE) {
+ }
+ /* iterate over all overrides and calculate MAX */
+ struct thread_qos_override *override;
+ int qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ override = thread->overrides;
+ while (override) {
+ qos_override = MAX(qos_override, override->override_qos);
+ override = override->override_next;
+ }
+ return qos_override;
+ * Returns:
+ * - 0 on success
+ * - EINVAL if some invalid input was passed
+ */
+static int
+proc_thread_qos_add_override_internal(thread_t thread,
+ int override_qos,
+ boolean_t first_override_for_resource,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ int rc = 0;
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ thread_tid(thread), override_qos, first_override_for_resource ? 1 : 0, 0, 0);
+ DTRACE_BOOST5(qos_add_override_pre, uint64_t, thread_tid(thread),
+ uint64_t, thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos,
+ uint64_t, thread->effective_policy.thep_qos,
+ int, override_qos, boolean_t, first_override_for_resource);
+ struct thread_qos_override *override;
+ struct thread_qos_override *override_new = NULL;
+ int new_qos_override, prev_qos_override;
+ int new_effective_qos;
+ canonicalize_resource_and_type(&resource, &resource_type);
+ override = find_qos_override(thread, resource, resource_type);
+ if (first_override_for_resource && !override) {
+ /* We need to allocate a new object. Drop the thread lock and
+ * recheck afterwards in case someone else added the override
+ */
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ override_new = zalloc(thread_qos_override_zone);
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ override = find_qos_override(thread, resource, resource_type);
+ }
+ if (first_override_for_resource && override) {
+ /* Someone else already allocated while the thread lock was dropped */
+ override->override_contended_resource_count++;
+ } else if (!override && override_new) {
+ override = override_new;
+ override_new = NULL;
+ override->override_next = thread->overrides;
+ /* since first_override_for_resource was TRUE */
+ override->override_contended_resource_count = 1;
+ override->override_resource = resource;
+ override->override_resource_type = (int16_t)resource_type;
+ override->override_qos = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ thread->overrides = override;
+ }
+ if (override) {
+ if (override->override_qos == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED) {
+ override->override_qos = (int16_t)override_qos;
+ } else {
+ override->override_qos = MAX(override->override_qos, (int16_t)override_qos);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Determine how to combine the various overrides into a single current
+ * requested override
+ */
+ new_qos_override = calculate_requested_qos_override(thread);
+ prev_qos_override = proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread,
+ if (new_qos_override != prev_qos_override) {
+ proc_set_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ new_qos_override, 0, &pend_token);
+ }
+ new_effective_qos = proc_get_effective_thread_policy(thread, TASK_POLICY_QOS);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ if (override_new) {
+ zfree(thread_qos_override_zone, override_new);
+ }
+ DTRACE_BOOST4(qos_add_override_post, int, prev_qos_override,
+ int, new_qos_override, int, new_effective_qos, int, rc);
+ new_qos_override, resource, resource_type, 0, 0);
+ return rc;
+proc_thread_qos_add_override(task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ uint64_t tid,
+ int override_qos,
+ boolean_t first_override_for_resource,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type)
+ boolean_t has_thread_reference = FALSE;
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ thread = task_findtid(task, tid);
+ /* returns referenced thread */
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ tid, 0, 0xdead, 0, 0);
+ return ESRCH;
+ }
+ has_thread_reference = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ assert(thread->task == task);
+ }
+ rc = proc_thread_qos_add_override_internal(thread, override_qos,
+ first_override_for_resource, resource, resource_type);
+ if (has_thread_reference) {
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ }
+ return rc;
+static void
+proc_thread_qos_remove_override_internal(thread_t thread,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type,
+ boolean_t reset)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ struct thread_qos_override *deferred_free_override_list = NULL;
+ int new_qos_override, prev_qos_override, new_effective_qos;
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ canonicalize_resource_and_type(&resource, &resource_type);
+ find_and_decrement_qos_override(thread, resource, resource_type, reset, &deferred_free_override_list);
+ thread_tid(thread), resource, reset, 0, 0);
+ DTRACE_BOOST3(qos_remove_override_pre, uint64_t, thread_tid(thread),
+ uint64_t, thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos,
+ uint64_t, thread->effective_policy.thep_qos);
+ /* Determine how to combine the various overrides into a single current requested override */
+ new_qos_override = calculate_requested_qos_override(thread);
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ /*
+ * The override chain and therefore the value of the current override is locked with thread mutex,
+ * so we can do a get/set without races. However, the rest of thread policy is locked under the spinlock.
+ * This means you can't change the current override from a spinlock-only setter.
+ */
+ prev_qos_override = thread_get_requested_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, TASK_POLICY_QOS_OVERRIDE, NULL);
+ if (new_qos_override != prev_qos_override) {
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, TASK_POLICY_QOS_OVERRIDE, new_qos_override, 0, &pend_token);
+ }
+ new_effective_qos = proc_get_effective_thread_policy(thread, TASK_POLICY_QOS);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ while (deferred_free_override_list) {
+ struct thread_qos_override *override_next = deferred_free_override_list->override_next;
+ zfree(thread_qos_override_zone, deferred_free_override_list);
+ deferred_free_override_list = override_next;
+ }
+ DTRACE_BOOST3(qos_remove_override_post, int, prev_qos_override,
+ int, new_qos_override, int, new_effective_qos);
+ thread_tid(thread), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+proc_thread_qos_remove_override(task_t task,
+ thread_t thread,
+ uint64_t tid,
+ user_addr_t resource,
+ int resource_type)
+ boolean_t has_thread_reference = FALSE;
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ thread = task_findtid(task, tid);
+ /* returns referenced thread */
+ if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ tid, 0, 0xdead, 0, 0);
+ return ESRCH;
+ }
+ has_thread_reference = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ assert(task == thread->task);
+ }
+ proc_thread_qos_remove_override_internal(thread, resource, resource_type, FALSE);
+ if (has_thread_reference) {
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Deallocate before thread termination */
+proc_thread_qos_deallocate(thread_t thread)
+ /* This thread must have no more IPC overrides. */
+ assert(thread->kevent_overrides == 0);
+ assert(thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_kevent_override == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ assert(thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ /*
+ * Clear out any lingering override objects.
+ */
+ struct thread_qos_override *override;
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ override = thread->overrides;
+ thread->overrides = NULL;
+ thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ /* We don't need to re-evaluate thread policy here because the thread has already exited */
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ while (override) {
+ struct thread_qos_override *override_next = override->override_next;
+ zfree(thread_qos_override_zone, override);
+ override = override_next;
+ }
+ * Set up the primordial thread's QoS
+ */
+task_set_main_thread_qos(task_t task, thread_t thread)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ assert(thread->task == task);
+ thread_mtx_lock(thread);
+ thread_tid(thread), threquested_0(thread), threquested_1(thread),
+ thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos, 0);
+ thread_qos_t primordial_qos = task_compute_main_thread_qos(task);
+ proc_set_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, TASK_POLICY_QOS_AND_RELPRIO,
+ primordial_qos, 0, &pend_token);
+ thread_mtx_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ thread_tid(thread), threquested_0(thread), threquested_1(thread),
+ primordial_qos, 0);
+ * KPI for pthread kext
+ *
+ * Return a good guess at what the initial manager QoS will be
+ * Dispatch can override this in userspace if it so chooses
+ */
+task_get_default_manager_qos(task_t task)
+ thread_qos_t primordial_qos = task_compute_main_thread_qos(task);
+ if (primordial_qos == THREAD_QOS_LEGACY) {
+ primordial_qos = THREAD_QOS_USER_INITIATED;
+ }
+ return primordial_qos;
+ * Check if the kernel promotion on thread has changed
+ * and apply it.
+ *
+ * thread locked on entry and exit
+ */
+thread_recompute_kernel_promotion_locked(thread_t thread)
+ boolean_t needs_update = FALSE;
+ uint8_t kern_promotion_schedpri = (uint8_t)thread_get_inheritor_turnstile_sched_priority(thread);
+ /*
+ * For now just assert that kern_promotion_schedpri <= MAXPRI_PROMOTE.
+ * TURNSTILE_KERNEL_PROMOTE adds threads on the waitq already capped to MAXPRI_PROMOTE
+ * and propagates the priority through the chain with the same cap, because as of now it does
+ * not differenciate on the kernel primitive.
+ *
+ * If this assumption will change with the adoption of a kernel primitive that does not
+ * cap the when adding/propagating,
+ * then here is the place to put the generic cap for all kernel primitives
+ * (converts the assert to kern_promotion_schedpri = MIN(priority, MAXPRI_PROMOTE))
+ */
+ assert(kern_promotion_schedpri <= MAXPRI_PROMOTE);
+ if (kern_promotion_schedpri != thread->kern_promotion_schedpri) {
+ thread_tid(thread),
+ kern_promotion_schedpri,
+ thread->kern_promotion_schedpri);
+ needs_update = TRUE;
+ thread->kern_promotion_schedpri = kern_promotion_schedpri;
+ thread_recompute_sched_pri(thread, SETPRI_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ return needs_update;
+ * Check if the user promotion on thread has changed
+ * and apply it.
+ *
+ * thread locked on entry, might drop the thread lock
+ * and reacquire it.
+ */
+thread_recompute_user_promotion_locked(thread_t thread)
+ boolean_t needs_update = FALSE;
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ uint8_t user_promotion_basepri = MIN((uint8_t)thread_get_inheritor_turnstile_base_priority(thread), MAXPRI_USER);
+ int old_base_pri = thread->base_pri;
+ thread_qos_t qos_promotion;
+ /* Check if user promotion has changed */
+ if (thread->user_promotion_basepri == user_promotion_basepri) {
+ return needs_update;
+ } else {
+ thread_tid(thread),
+ user_promotion_basepri,
+ thread->user_promotion_basepri,
+ 0, 0);
+ thread_tid(thread),
+ user_promotion_basepri,
+ thread->user_promotion_basepri);
+ }
+ /* Update the user promotion base pri */
+ thread->user_promotion_basepri = user_promotion_basepri;
+ pend_token.tpt_force_recompute_pri = 1;
+ if (user_promotion_basepri <= MAXPRI_THROTTLE) {
+ qos_promotion = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
+ } else {
+ qos_promotion = thread_user_promotion_qos_for_pri(user_promotion_basepri);
+ }
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_PROMOTE, qos_promotion, 0, &pend_token);
+ if (thread_get_waiting_turnstile(thread) &&
+ thread->base_pri != old_base_pri) {
+ needs_update = TRUE;
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ return needs_update;
+ * Convert the thread user promotion base pri to qos for threads in qos world.
+ * For priority above UI qos, the qos would be set to UI.
+ */
+thread_user_promotion_qos_for_pri(int priority)
+ thread_qos_t qos;
+ if (thread_qos_policy_params.qos_pri[qos] <= priority) {
+ return qos;
+ }
+ }
+ * Set the thread's QoS Kevent override
+ * Owned by the Kevent subsystem
+ *
+ * May be called with spinlocks held, but not spinlocks
+ * that may deadlock against the thread lock, the throttle lock, or the SFI lock.
+ *
+ * One 'add' must be balanced by one 'drop'.
+ * Between 'add' and 'drop', the overide QoS value may be updated with an 'update'.
+ * Before the thread is deallocated, there must be 0 remaining overrides.
+ */
+static void
+thread_kevent_override(thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t qos_override,
+ boolean_t is_new_override)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ boolean_t needs_update;
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ uint32_t old_override = thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_kevent_override;
+ assert(qos_override > THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ assert(qos_override < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ if (is_new_override) {
+ if (thread->kevent_overrides++ == 0) {
+ /* This add is the first override for this thread */
+ assert(old_override == THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ } else {
+ /* There are already other overrides in effect for this thread */
+ assert(old_override > THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* There must be at least one override (the previous add call) in effect */
+ assert(thread->kevent_overrides > 0);
+ assert(old_override > THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We can't allow lowering if there are several IPC overrides because
+ * the caller can't possibly know the whole truth
+ */
+ if (thread->kevent_overrides == 1) {
+ needs_update = qos_override != old_override;
+ } else {
+ needs_update = qos_override > old_override;
+ }
+ if (needs_update) {
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ qos_override, 0, &pend_token);
+ assert(pend_token.tpt_update_sockets == 0);
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+thread_add_kevent_override(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos_override)
+ thread_kevent_override(thread, qos_override, TRUE);
+thread_update_kevent_override(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos_override)
+ thread_kevent_override(thread, qos_override, FALSE);
+thread_drop_kevent_override(thread_t thread)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ assert(thread->kevent_overrides > 0);
+ if (--thread->kevent_overrides == 0) {
+ /*
+ * There are no more overrides for this thread, so we should
+ * clear out the saturated override value
+ */
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ 0, &pend_token);
+ }
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+ * Set the thread's QoS Workloop Servicer override
+ * Owned by the Kevent subsystem
+ *
+ * May be called with spinlocks held, but not spinlocks
+ * that may deadlock against the thread lock, the throttle lock, or the SFI lock.
+ *
+ * One 'add' must be balanced by one 'drop'.
+ * Between 'add' and 'drop', the overide QoS value may be updated with an 'update'.
+ * Before the thread is deallocated, there must be 0 remaining overrides.
+ */
+static void
+thread_servicer_override(thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t qos_override,
+ boolean_t is_new_override)
+ struct task_pend_token pend_token = {};
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ if (is_new_override) {
+ assert(!thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override);
+ } else {
+ assert(thread->requested_policy.thrp_qos_wlsvc_override);
+ }
+ proc_set_thread_policy_spinlocked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ qos_override, 0, &pend_token);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ assert(pend_token.tpt_update_sockets == 0);
+ thread_policy_update_complete_unlocked(thread, &pend_token);
+thread_add_servicer_override(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos_override)
+ assert(qos_override > THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ assert(qos_override < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ thread_servicer_override(thread, qos_override, TRUE);
+thread_update_servicer_override(thread_t thread, uint32_t qos_override)
+ assert(qos_override > THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED);
+ assert(qos_override < THREAD_QOS_LAST);
+ thread_servicer_override(thread, qos_override, FALSE);
+thread_drop_servicer_override(thread_t thread)
+ thread_servicer_override(thread, THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED, FALSE);
+/* Get current requested qos / relpri, may be called from spinlock context */
+thread_get_requested_qos(thread_t thread, int *relpri)
+ int relprio_value = 0;
+ thread_qos_t qos;
+ qos = (thread_qos_t)proc_get_thread_policy_locked(thread, TASK_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE,
+ TASK_POLICY_QOS_AND_RELPRIO, &relprio_value);
+ if (relpri) {
+ *relpri = -relprio_value;
+ }
+ return qos;
+ * This function will promote the thread priority
+ * since exec could block other threads calling
+ * proc_find on the proc. This boost must be removed
+ * via call to thread_clear_exec_promotion.
+ *
+ * This should be replaced with a generic 'priority inheriting gate' mechanism (24194397)
+ */
+thread_set_exec_promotion(thread_t thread)
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ sched_thread_promote_reason(thread, TH_SFLAG_EXEC_PROMOTED, 0);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);
+ * This function will clear the exec thread
+ * promotion set on the thread by thread_set_exec_promotion.
+ */
+thread_clear_exec_promotion(thread_t thread)
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_lock(thread);
+ sched_thread_unpromote_reason(thread, TH_SFLAG_EXEC_PROMOTED, 0);
+ thread_unlock(thread);
+ splx(s);