virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * );
virtual bool serializeProperties( OSSerialize * s ) const;
+ virtual OSObject * copyProperty( const char * aKey ) const;
/*! @function systemPowerEventOccurred
@abstract Other drivers may inform IOPMrootDomain of system PM events
@result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID *
IOReturn releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion);
virtual IOReturn changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal );
virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal );
virtual bool askChangeDown( unsigned long );
virtual void tellChangeUp( unsigned long );
virtual void tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long );
+ virtual IOReturn configureReport(IOReportChannelList *channels,
+ IOReportConfigureAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination);
+ virtual IOReturn updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channels,
+ IOReportUpdateAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination);
/* Root Domain internals */
IOPMActions * actions );
void overrideOurPowerChange(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- unsigned long * inOutPowerState,
- uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
void handleOurPowerChangeStart(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- uint32_t powerState,
- uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
void handleOurPowerChangeDone(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- uint32_t powerState,
- uint32_t changeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
void overridePowerChangeForUIService(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- unsigned long * inOutPowerState,
- uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags );
void handleActivityTickleForDisplayWrangler(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions );
+ void handleUpdatePowerClientForDisplayWrangler(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const OSSymbol * powerClient,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState );
bool shouldDelayChildNotification(
- IOService * service );
+ IOService * service );
void handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- uint32_t powerState,
- uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags );
void handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice(
- IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
- uint32_t powerState,
- uint32_t changeFlags );
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags );
void askChangeDownDone(
IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
void handleSuspendPMNotificationClient(
uint32_t pid, bool doSuspend);
+ void willNotifyPowerChildren( IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState );
IOReturn setMaintenanceWakeCalendar(
const IOPMCalendarStruct * calendar );
bool systemMessageFilter(
void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 );
- void updatePreventIdleSleepList(
+ bool updatePreventIdleSleepList(
IOService * service, bool addNotRemove );
void updatePreventSystemSleepList(
IOService * service, bool addNotRemove );
@result kIOReturn on success.
IOReturn recordPMEvent( PMEventDetails *details );
+ void recordPMEvent( uint32_t type, const char *uuid,
+ uint32_t reason, uint32_t result );
IOReturn recordAndReleasePMEvent( PMEventDetails *details );
- IOReturn recordPMEventGated( PMEventDetails *details );
- IOReturn recordAndReleasePMEventGated( PMEventDetails *details );
void pmStatsRecordEvent(
int eventIndex,
uint32_t * hibernateFreeRatio,
uint32_t * hibernateFreeTime );
+ void sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart);
+ void sleepWakeDebugLog(const char *fmt,...);
+ void sleepWakeDebugEnableWdog();
+ bool sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled();
+ static void saveTimeoutAppStackShot(void *p0, void *p1);
friend class PMSettingObject;
IOService * newService,
IONotifier * notifier);
+ static bool IONVRAMMatchPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier);
static bool batteryPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
IOService * resourceService,
IONotifier * notifier);
+ void initializeBootSessionUUID( void );
+ void fullWakeDelayedWork( void );
IOService * wrangler;
+ OSDictionary * wranglerIdleSettings;
IOLock *featuresDictLock; // guards supportedFeatures
IOPMPowerStateQueue *pmPowerStateQueue;
const OSSymbol *_statsTimeMSKey;
const OSSymbol *_statsResponseTypeKey;
const OSSymbol *_statsMessageTypeKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsPowerCapsKey;
+ uint32_t sleepCnt;
+ uint32_t darkWakeCnt;
+ uint32_t displayWakeCnt;
OSString *queuedSleepWakeUUIDString;
OSArray *pmStatsAppResponses;
+ OSOrderedSet *noAckApps; // Apps not returning acks to notifications
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *spindumpDesc;
+ thread_call_t stackshotOffloader;
bool uuidPublished;
// Pref: idle time before idle sleep
- unsigned long sleepSlider;
+ unsigned long sleepSlider;
unsigned long idleSeconds;
uint64_t autoWakeStart;
uint64_t autoWakeEnd;
// Used to wait between say display idle and system idle
thread_call_t extraSleepTimer;
thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry;
- // IOPMActions parameter encoding
- enum {
- kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler = 0x00000001,
- kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice = 0x00000002,
- kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice = 0x00000004,
- kPMActionsFlagLimitPower = 0x00000008,
- kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask = 0x000000ff
- };
+ thread_call_t fullWakeThreadCall;
// Track system capabilities.
uint32_t _desiredCapability;
// Type of clients that can receive system messages.
enum {
- kSystemMessageClientConfigd = 0x01,
- kSystemMessageClientApp = 0x02,
- kSystemMessageClientUser = 0x03,
+ kSystemMessageClientPowerd = 0x01,
+ kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp = 0x02,
kSystemMessageClientKernel = 0x04,
kSystemMessageClientAll = 0x07
unsigned int clamshellDisabled :1;
unsigned int desktopMode :1;
unsigned int acAdaptorConnected :1;
- unsigned int clamshellSleepDisabled :1;
+ unsigned int clamshellSleepDisabled :1;
unsigned int idleSleepTimerPending :1;
unsigned int userDisabledAllSleep :1;
unsigned int ignoreTellChangeDown :1;
unsigned int wranglerAsleep :1;
unsigned int wranglerTickled :1;
- unsigned int wranglerSleepIgnored :1;
+ unsigned int ignoreIdleSleepTimer :1;
unsigned int graphicsSuppressed :1;
- unsigned int darkWakeThermalAlarm :1;
unsigned int capabilityLoss :1;
unsigned int pciCantSleepFlag :1;
unsigned int pciCantSleepValid :1;
- unsigned int logWranglerTickle :1;
unsigned int logGraphicsClamp :1;
unsigned int darkWakeToSleepASAP :1;
unsigned int darkWakeMaintenance :1;
unsigned int darkWakeSleepService :1;
unsigned int darkWakePostTickle :1;
unsigned int sleepTimerMaintenance :1;
+ unsigned int sleepToStandby :1;
unsigned int lowBatteryCondition :1;
- unsigned int darkWakeThermalEmergency:1;
unsigned int hibernateDisabled :1;
- unsigned int hibernateNoDefeat :1;
- unsigned int rejectWranglerTickle :1;
+ unsigned int hibernateRetry :1;
unsigned int wranglerTickleLatched :1;
+ unsigned int userIsActive :1;
+ unsigned int userWasActive :1;
+ unsigned int displayIdleForDemandSleep :1;
uint32_t hibernateMode;
+ AbsoluteTime userActivityTime;
+ AbsoluteTime userActivityTime_prev;
uint32_t userActivityCount;
uint32_t userActivityAtSleep;
uint32_t lastSleepReason;
+ uint32_t fullToDarkReason;
uint32_t hibernateAborted;
+ enum FullWakeReason {
+ kFullWakeReasonNone = 0,
+ kFullWakeReasonLocalUser = 1,
+ kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn = 2,
+ fFullWakeReasonDisplayOnAndLocalUser = 3
+ };
+ uint32_t fullWakeReason;
// Info for communicating system state changes to PMCPU
int32_t idxPMCPUClamshell;
int32_t idxPMCPULimitedPower;
thread_call_t aggressivesThreadCall;
OSData * aggressivesData;
- AbsoluteTime wranglerSleepTime;
+ AbsoluteTime userBecameInactiveTime;
AbsoluteTime systemWakeTime;
// PCI top-level PM trace
clock_sec_t _standbyTimerResetSeconds;
+ volatile uint32_t swd_lock; /* Lock to access swd_buffer & and its header */
+ void * swd_buffer; /* Memory allocated for dumping sleep/wake logs */
+ uint8_t swd_flags; /* Flags defined in IOPMPrivate.h */
+ IOMemoryMap * swd_logBufMap; /* Memory with sleep/wake logs from previous boot */
int findSuspendedPID(uint32_t pid, uint32_t *outRefCount);
IOReturn privateSleepSystem( uint32_t sleepReason );
void reportUserInput( void );
void setDisableClamShellSleep( bool );
- bool checkSystemCanSleep( IOOptionBits options = 0 );
+ bool checkSystemSleepAllowed( IOOptionBits options,
+ uint32_t sleepReason );
+ bool checkSystemSleepEnabled( void );
+ bool checkSystemCanSleep( uint32_t sleepReason );
bool checkSystemCanSustainFullWake( void );
void adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP = false );
void startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds );
void cancelIdleSleepTimer( void );
+ uint32_t getTimeToIdleSleep( void );
IOReturn setAggressiveness(
unsigned long type,
void publishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish );
void evaluatePolicy( int stimulus, uint32_t arg = 0 );
+ void requestFullWake( FullWakeReason reason );
+ void willEnterFullWake( void );
- void evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions,
- IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions);
+ void evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions);
void deregisterPMSettingObject( PMSettingObject * pmso );
+ void sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc( );
+ void sleepWakeDebugDump(IOMemoryMap *logBufMap);
+ IOMemoryMap *sleepWakeDebugRetrieve();
+ errno_t sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name, char *buf, int len);
bool getSleepOption( const char * key, uint32_t * option );
bool evaluateSystemSleepPolicy( IOPMSystemSleepParameters * p,
#endif /* HIBERNATION */
bool latchDisplayWranglerTickle( bool latch );
+ void setDisplayPowerOn( uint32_t options );