* Copyright (c) 2000-2007, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
+ *
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
+ *
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
-#ifndef _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_
-#define _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_
+#ifndef _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_
+#define _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_
#include <mach/message.h>
#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
* Generic information structure to allow for expansion.
-typedef natural_t task_flavor_t;
-typedef integer_t *task_info_t; /* varying array of int */
+typedef natural_t task_flavor_t;
+typedef integer_t *task_info_t; /* varying array of int */
/* Deprecated, use per structure _data_t's instead */
-#define TASK_INFO_MAX (1024) /* maximum array size */
-typedef integer_t task_info_data_t[TASK_INFO_MAX];
+#define TASK_INFO_MAX (1024) /* maximum array size */
+typedef integer_t task_info_data_t[TASK_INFO_MAX];
* Currently defined information structures.
-#pragma pack(4)
+#pragma pack(push, 4)
/* Don't use this, use MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO instead */
#define TASK_BASIC_INFO_32 4 /* basic information */
#define TASK_BASIC2_INFO_32 6
struct task_basic_info_32 {
- integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
- natural_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- natural_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- terminated threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- terminated threads */
- policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
+ natural_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ natural_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
typedef struct task_basic_info_32 task_basic_info_32_data_t;
typedef struct task_basic_info_32 *task_basic_info_32_t;
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_32_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_32_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
/* Don't use this, use MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO instead */
struct task_basic_info_64 {
- integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
+ integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
-#if defined(KERNEL)
+#if defined(KERNEL)
/* Compatibility with old 32-bit mach_vm_size_t */
- natural_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- natural_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ natural_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ natural_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
#else /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- terminated threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- terminated threads */
- policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
typedef struct task_basic_info_64 task_basic_info_64_data_t;
typedef struct task_basic_info_64 *task_basic_info_64_t;
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
- #if defined(KERNEL)
- /*
- * Backwards-compatibility for old mach_vm*_t types.
- * The kernel knows about old and new, and if you are compiled
- * to run on an earlier iOS version, you interact with the old
- * (narrow) version. If you are compiled for a newer OS
- * version, however, you are mapped to the wide version.
- */
- #define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64 5
+ #if defined(KERNEL)
+ * Backwards-compatibility for old mach_vm*_t types.
+ * The kernel knows about old and new, and if you are compiled
+ * to run on an earlier iOS version, you interact with the old
+ * (narrow) version. If you are compiled for a newer OS
+ * version, however, you are mapped to the wide version.
+ */
+ #define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64 5
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
#elif defined(__arm__) && defined(__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) && (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __IPHONE_5_0)
- /*
- * Note: arm64 can't use the old flavor. If you somehow manage to,
- * you can cope with the nonsense data yourself.
- */
- #define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64 5
+ * Note: arm64 can't use the old flavor. If you somehow manage to,
+ * you can cope with the nonsense data yourself.
+ */
+ #define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64 5
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
- #else
- #endif
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ #else
+ #endif
#else /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
#define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64 5 /* 64-bit capable basic info */
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
/* localized structure - cannot be safely passed between tasks of differing sizes */
/* Don't use this, use MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO instead */
struct task_basic_info {
- integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
- vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- terminated threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- terminated threads */
- policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
+ vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
typedef struct task_basic_info task_basic_info_data_t;
typedef struct task_basic_info *task_basic_info_t;
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
#if !defined(__LP64__)
-#define TASK_EVENTS_INFO 2 /* various event counts */
+#define TASK_EVENTS_INFO 2 /* various event counts */
struct task_events_info {
- integer_t faults; /* number of page faults */
- integer_t pageins; /* number of actual pageins */
- integer_t cow_faults; /* number of copy-on-write faults */
- integer_t messages_sent; /* number of messages sent */
- integer_t messages_received; /* number of messages received */
- integer_t syscalls_mach; /* number of mach system calls */
- integer_t syscalls_unix; /* number of unix system calls */
- integer_t csw; /* number of context switches */
+ integer_t faults; /* number of page faults */
+ integer_t pageins; /* number of actual pageins */
+ integer_t cow_faults; /* number of copy-on-write faults */
+ integer_t messages_sent; /* number of messages sent */
+ integer_t messages_received; /* number of messages received */
+ integer_t syscalls_mach; /* number of mach system calls */
+ integer_t syscalls_unix; /* number of unix system calls */
+ integer_t csw; /* number of context switches */
-typedef struct task_events_info task_events_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_events_info *task_events_info_t;
-#define TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(task_events_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_events_info task_events_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_events_info *task_events_info_t;
+#define TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(task_events_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
-#define TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO 3 /* total times for live threads -
- only accurate if suspended */
+#define TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO 3 /* total times for live threads -
+ * only accurate if suspended */
struct task_thread_times_info {
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- live threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- live threads */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * live threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * live threads */
-typedef struct task_thread_times_info task_thread_times_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_thread_times_info *task_thread_times_info_t;
-#define TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(task_thread_times_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_thread_times_info task_thread_times_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_thread_times_info *task_thread_times_info_t;
+#define TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(task_thread_times_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
struct task_absolutetime_info {
- uint64_t total_user;
- uint64_t total_system;
- uint64_t threads_user; /* existing threads only */
- uint64_t threads_system;
+ uint64_t total_user;
+ uint64_t total_system;
+ uint64_t threads_user; /* existing threads only */
+ uint64_t threads_system;
-typedef struct task_absolutetime_info task_absolutetime_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_absolutetime_info *task_absolutetime_info_t;
-#define TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_absolutetime_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_absolutetime_info task_absolutetime_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_absolutetime_info *task_absolutetime_info_t;
+#define TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (task_absolutetime_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
struct task_kernelmemory_info {
- uint64_t total_palloc; /* private kernel mem alloc'ed */
- uint64_t total_pfree; /* private kernel mem freed */
- uint64_t total_salloc; /* shared kernel mem alloc'ed */
- uint64_t total_sfree; /* shared kernel mem freed */
+ uint64_t total_palloc; /* private kernel mem alloc'ed */
+ uint64_t total_pfree; /* private kernel mem freed */
+ uint64_t total_salloc; /* shared kernel mem alloc'ed */
+ uint64_t total_sfree; /* shared kernel mem freed */
-typedef struct task_kernelmemory_info task_kernelmemory_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_kernelmemory_info *task_kernelmemory_info_t;
-#define TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_kernelmemory_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_kernelmemory_info task_kernelmemory_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_kernelmemory_info *task_kernelmemory_info_t;
+#define TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (task_kernelmemory_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
-#define TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(security_token_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+#define TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(security_token_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
-#define TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN 15
- (sizeof(audit_token_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+#define TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN 15
+ (sizeof(audit_token_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
-#define TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO 16 /* This is experimental. */
+#define TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO 16 /* This is experimental. */
struct task_affinity_tag_info {
- integer_t set_count;
- integer_t min;
- integer_t max;
- integer_t task_count;
+ integer_t set_count;
+ integer_t min;
+ integer_t max;
+ integer_t task_count;
-typedef struct task_affinity_tag_info task_affinity_tag_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_affinity_tag_info *task_affinity_tag_info_t;
- (sizeof(task_affinity_tag_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+typedef struct task_affinity_tag_info task_affinity_tag_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_affinity_tag_info *task_affinity_tag_info_t;
+ (sizeof(task_affinity_tag_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
-#define TASK_DYLD_INFO 17
+#define TASK_DYLD_INFO 17
struct task_dyld_info {
- mach_vm_address_t all_image_info_addr;
- mach_vm_size_t all_image_info_size;
- integer_t all_image_info_format;
+ mach_vm_address_t all_image_info_addr;
+ mach_vm_size_t all_image_info_size;
+ integer_t all_image_info_format;
-typedef struct task_dyld_info task_dyld_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_dyld_info *task_dyld_info_t;
- (sizeof(task_dyld_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
-#define TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_32 0 /* format value */
-#define TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_64 1 /* format value */
+typedef struct task_dyld_info task_dyld_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_dyld_info *task_dyld_info_t;
+ (sizeof(task_dyld_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+#define TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_32 0 /* format value */
+#define TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_64 1 /* format value */
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
#define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_2 18 /* 64-bit capable basic info */
struct task_basic_info_64_2 {
- integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
- mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- terminated threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- terminated threads */
- policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
+ mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
typedef struct task_basic_info_64_2 task_basic_info_64_2_data_t;
typedef struct task_basic_info_64_2 *task_basic_info_64_2_t;
#define TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_2_COUNT \
- (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_2_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(task_basic_info_64_2_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
-#define TASK_EXTMOD_INFO 19
+#define TASK_EXTMOD_INFO 19
struct task_extmod_info {
- unsigned char task_uuid[16];
- vm_extmod_statistics_data_t extmod_statistics;
+ unsigned char task_uuid[16];
+ vm_extmod_statistics_data_t extmod_statistics;
-typedef struct task_extmod_info task_extmod_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_extmod_info *task_extmod_info_t;
- (sizeof(task_extmod_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+typedef struct task_extmod_info task_extmod_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_extmod_info *task_extmod_info_t;
+ (sizeof(task_extmod_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
#define MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO 20 /* always 64-bit basic info */
struct mach_task_basic_info {
- mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size_max; /* maximum resident memory size (bytes) */
- time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
- terminated threads */
- time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
- terminated threads */
- policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
- integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
+ mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size_max; /* maximum resident memory size (bytes) */
+ time_value_t user_time; /* total user run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ time_value_t system_time; /* total system run time for
+ * terminated threads */
+ policy_t policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ integer_t suspend_count; /* suspend count for task */
typedef struct mach_task_basic_info mach_task_basic_info_data_t;
typedef struct mach_task_basic_info *mach_task_basic_info_t;
- (sizeof(mach_task_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
+ (sizeof(mach_task_basic_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
-#define TASK_POWER_INFO 21
+#define TASK_POWER_INFO 21
struct task_power_info {
- uint64_t total_user;
- uint64_t total_system;
- uint64_t task_interrupt_wakeups;
- uint64_t task_platform_idle_wakeups;
- uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
- uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
+ uint64_t total_user;
+ uint64_t total_system;
+ uint64_t task_interrupt_wakeups;
+ uint64_t task_platform_idle_wakeups;
+ uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
+ uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
-typedef struct task_power_info task_power_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_power_info *task_power_info_t;
-#define TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_power_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_power_info task_power_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_power_info *task_power_info_t;
+#define TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (task_power_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
-#define TASK_VM_INFO 22
+#define TASK_VM_INFO 22
struct task_vm_info {
- mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- integer_t region_count; /* number of memory regions */
- integer_t page_size;
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t resident_size_peak; /* peak resident size (bytes) */
- mach_vm_size_t device;
- mach_vm_size_t device_peak;
- mach_vm_size_t internal;
- mach_vm_size_t internal_peak;
- mach_vm_size_t external;
- mach_vm_size_t external_peak;
- mach_vm_size_t reusable;
- mach_vm_size_t reusable_peak;
- mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_pmap;
- mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_resident;
- mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_virtual;
- mach_vm_size_t compressed;
- mach_vm_size_t compressed_peak;
- mach_vm_size_t compressed_lifetime;
+ mach_vm_size_t virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ integer_t region_count; /* number of memory regions */
+ integer_t page_size;
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t resident_size_peak; /* peak resident size (bytes) */
+ mach_vm_size_t device;
+ mach_vm_size_t device_peak;
+ mach_vm_size_t internal;
+ mach_vm_size_t internal_peak;
+ mach_vm_size_t external;
+ mach_vm_size_t external_peak;
+ mach_vm_size_t reusable;
+ mach_vm_size_t reusable_peak;
+ mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_pmap;
+ mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_resident;
+ mach_vm_size_t purgeable_volatile_virtual;
+ mach_vm_size_t compressed;
+ mach_vm_size_t compressed_peak;
+ mach_vm_size_t compressed_lifetime;
/* added for rev1 */
- mach_vm_size_t phys_footprint;
+ mach_vm_size_t phys_footprint;
/* added for rev2 */
- mach_vm_address_t min_address;
- mach_vm_address_t max_address;
+ mach_vm_address_t min_address;
+ mach_vm_address_t max_address;
+ /* added for rev3 */
+ int64_t ledger_phys_footprint_peak;
+ int64_t ledger_purgeable_nonvolatile;
+ int64_t ledger_purgeable_novolatile_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_purgeable_volatile;
+ int64_t ledger_purgeable_volatile_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_network_nonvolatile;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_network_nonvolatile_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_network_volatile;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_network_volatile_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_media_footprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_media_footprint_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_media_nofootprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_media_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_graphics_footprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_graphics_footprint_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_graphics_nofootprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_graphics_nofootprint_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_neural_footprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_neural_footprint_compressed;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_neural_nofootprint;
+ int64_t ledger_tag_neural_nofootprint_compressed;
+ /* added for rev4 */
+ uint64_t limit_bytes_remaining;
+ /* added for rev5 */
+ integer_t decompressions;
-typedef struct task_vm_info task_vm_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_vm_info *task_vm_info_t;
-#define TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_vm_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_vm_info task_vm_info_data_t;
+typedef struct task_vm_info *task_vm_info_t;
+#define TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (task_vm_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+#define TASK_VM_INFO_REV4_COUNT /* doesn't include decompressions */ \
+ ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (TASK_VM_INFO_REV5_COUNT - 1))
+#define TASK_VM_INFO_REV3_COUNT /* doesn't include limit bytes */ \
+ ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (TASK_VM_INFO_REV4_COUNT - 2))
+#define TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT /* doesn't include extra ledgers info */ \
+ ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (TASK_VM_INFO_REV3_COUNT - 42))
#define TASK_VM_INFO_REV1_COUNT /* doesn't include min and max address */ \
((mach_msg_type_number_t) (TASK_VM_INFO_REV2_COUNT - 4))
#define TASK_VM_INFO_REV0_COUNT /* doesn't include phys_footprint */ \
((mach_msg_type_number_t) (TASK_VM_INFO_REV1_COUNT - 2))
-typedef struct vm_purgeable_info task_purgable_info_t;
+typedef struct vm_purgeable_info task_purgable_info_t;
struct task_trace_memory_info {
- uint64_t user_memory_address; /* address of start of trace memory buffer */
- uint64_t buffer_size; /* size of buffer in bytes */
- uint64_t mailbox_array_size; /* size of mailbox area in bytes */
+ uint64_t user_memory_address; /* address of start of trace memory buffer */
+ uint64_t buffer_size; /* size of buffer in bytes */
+ uint64_t mailbox_array_size; /* size of mailbox area in bytes */
typedef struct task_trace_memory_info task_trace_memory_info_data_t;
typedef struct task_trace_memory_info * task_trace_memory_info_t;
#define TASK_TRACE_MEMORY_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(task_trace_memory_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+ (sizeof(task_trace_memory_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
#define TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO 25 /* deprecated. */
struct task_wait_state_info {
- uint64_t total_wait_state_time; /* Time that all threads past and present have been in a wait state */
- uint64_t total_wait_sfi_state_time; /* Time that threads have been in SFI wait (should be a subset of total wait state time */
+ uint64_t total_wait_state_time; /* Time that all threads past and present have been in a wait state */
+ uint64_t total_wait_sfi_state_time; /* Time that threads have been in SFI wait (should be a subset of total wait state time */
uint32_t _reserved[4];
typedef struct task_wait_state_info task_wait_state_info_data_t;
typedef struct task_wait_state_info * task_wait_state_info_t;
#define TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(task_wait_state_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+ (sizeof(task_wait_state_info_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
-#define TASK_POWER_INFO_V2 26
+#define TASK_POWER_INFO_V2 26
typedef struct {
- uint64_t task_gpu_utilisation;
- uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved0;
- uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved1;
- uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved2;
+ uint64_t task_gpu_utilisation;
+ uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved0;
+ uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved1;
+ uint64_t task_gpu_stat_reserved2;
} gpu_energy_data;
typedef gpu_energy_data *gpu_energy_data_t;
struct task_power_info_v2 {
- task_power_info_data_t cpu_energy;
+ task_power_info_data_t cpu_energy;
gpu_energy_data gpu_energy;
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
- uint64_t task_energy;
+ uint64_t task_energy;
- uint64_t task_ptime;
- uint64_t task_pset_switches;
+ uint64_t task_ptime;
+ uint64_t task_pset_switches;
-typedef struct task_power_info_v2 task_power_info_v2_data_t;
-typedef struct task_power_info_v2 *task_power_info_v2_t;
- ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (sizeof (task_power_info_v2_data_t) - sizeof(uint64_t)*2) / sizeof (natural_t))
- ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (sizeof (task_power_info_v2_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+typedef struct task_power_info_v2 task_power_info_v2_data_t;
+typedef struct task_power_info_v2 *task_power_info_v2_t;
+ ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (sizeof (task_power_info_v2_data_t) - sizeof(uint64_t)*2) / sizeof (natural_t))
+ ((mach_msg_type_number_t) (sizeof (task_power_info_v2_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
#define TASK_VM_INFO_PURGEABLE_ACCOUNT 27 /* Used for xnu purgeable vm unit tests */
typedef struct pvm_account_info pvm_account_info_data_t;
#define PVM_ACCOUNT_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (pvm_account_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+ (sizeof (pvm_account_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
#endif /* PRIVATE */
-#define TASK_FLAGS_INFO 28 /* return t_flags field */
+#define TASK_FLAGS_INFO 28 /* return t_flags field */
struct task_flags_info {
- uint32_t flags; /* task flags */
+ uint32_t flags; /* task flags */
typedef struct task_flags_info task_flags_info_data_t;
typedef struct task_flags_info * task_flags_info_t;
#define TASK_FLAGS_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof(task_flags_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
+ (sizeof(task_flags_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
-#define TF_LP64 0x00000001 /* task has 64-bit addressing */
-#define TF_64B_DATA 0x00000002 /* task has 64-bit data registers */
+#define TF_LP64 0x00000001 /* task has 64-bit addressing */
+#define TF_64B_DATA 0x00000002 /* task has 64-bit data registers */
#define TASK_DEBUG_INFO_INTERNAL 29 /* Used for kernel internal development tests. */
#ifdef PRIVATE
struct task_debug_info_internal {
- integer_t suspend_count;
+ integer_t suspend_count;
uint64_t ipc_space_size;
typedef struct task_debug_info_internal *task_debug_info_internal_t;
typedef struct task_debug_info_internal task_debug_info_internal_data_t;
#define TASK_DEBUG_INFO_INTERNAL_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_debug_info_internal_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
+ (sizeof (task_debug_info_internal_data_t) / sizeof(natural_t)))
#endif /* PRIVATE */
+ * Type to control EXC_GUARD delivery options for a task
+ * via task_get/set_exc_guard_behavior interface(s).
+ */
+typedef uint32_t task_exc_guard_behavior_t;
+/* EXC_GUARD optional delivery settings on a per-task basis */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_VM_DELIVER 0x01 /* Deliver virtual memory EXC_GUARD exceptions */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_VM_ONCE 0x02 /* Deliver them only once */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_VM_CORPSE 0x04 /* Deliver them via a forked corpse */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_VM_FATAL 0x08 /* Virtual Memory EXC_GUARD delivery is fatal */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_VM_ALL 0x0f
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_MP_DELIVER 0x10 /* Deliver mach port EXC_GUARD exceptions */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_MP_ONCE 0x20 /* Deliver them only once */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_MP_CORPSE 0x40 /* Deliver them via a forked corpse */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_MP_FATAL 0x80 /* mach port EXC_GUARD delivery is fatal */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_MP_ALL 0xf0
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_ALL 0xff /* All optional deliver settings */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Experimental mode of setting default guard behavior for non-Apple processes
+ * The default for 3rd party guards is shifted up 8 bits - but otherwise the same values as above.
+ */
+#define TASK_EXC_GUARD_THIRD_PARTY_DEFAULT_SHIFT 0x8 /* 3rd party default shifted up in boot-arg */
* Obsolete interfaces.
-#define TASK_SCHED_RR_INFO 11
+#define TASK_SCHED_RR_INFO 11
-#define TASK_SCHED_INFO 14
+#define TASK_SCHED_INFO 14
-#pragma pack()
+#pragma pack(pop)
-#endif /* _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_ */
+#endif /* _MACH_TASK_INFO_H_ */