- /*!
- * @function copyClient
- * @abstract Return a retained reference to a client object, to be released by the driver. It may be
- * shared with other drivers in the system.
- * @param driver The device driver that will be using this interface.
- * @param maxWorkCapacity The maximum number of concurrent work items supported by the device driver.
- * @returns An instance of IOPerfControlClient.
- */
- static IOPerfControlClient *copyClient(IOService *driver, uint64_t maxWorkCapacity);
- /*!
- * @function registerDevice
- * @abstract Inform the system that work will be dispatched to a device in the future.
- * @discussion The system will do some one-time setup work associated with the device, and may block the
- * current thread during the setup. Devices should not be passed to work workSubmit, workSubmitAndBegin,
- * workBegin, or workEnd until they have been successfully registered. The unregistration process happens
- * automatically when the device object is deallocated.
- * @param device The device object. Some platforms require device to be a specific subclass of IOService.
- * @returns kIOReturnSuccess or an IOReturn error code
- */
- virtual IOReturn registerDevice(IOService *driver, IOService *device);
- /*!
- * @function unregisterDevice
- * @abstract Inform the system that work will be no longer be dispatched to a device in the future.
- * @discussion This call is optional as the unregistration process happens automatically when the device
- * object is deallocated. This call may block the current thread and/or acquire locks. It should not be
- * called until after all submitted work has been ended using workEnd.
- * @param device The device object. Some platforms require device to be a specific subclass of IOService.
- */
- virtual void unregisterDevice(IOService *driver, IOService *device);
- /*!
- * @struct WorkSubmitArgs
- * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the submission of a work item
- * by passing a struct with WorkSubmitArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
- * a header file describing these arguments.
- */
- struct WorkSubmitArgs
- {
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t size;
- uint64_t submit_time;
- uint64_t reserved[4];
- void *driver_data;
- };
- /*!
- * @function workSubmit
- * @abstract Tell the performance controller that work was submitted.
- * @param device The device that will execute the work. Some platforms require device to be a
- * specific subclass of IOService.
- * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the submission of this work item.
- * @returns A token representing this work item, which must be passed to workEnd when the work is finished
- * unless the token equals kIOPerfControlClientWorkUntracked. Failure to do this will result in memory leaks
- * and a degradation of system performance.
- */
- virtual uint64_t workSubmit(IOService *device, WorkSubmitArgs *args = nullptr);
- /*!
- * @struct WorkBeginArgs
- * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the start of a work item
- * by passing a struct with WorkBeginArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
- * a header file describing these arguments.
- */
- struct WorkBeginArgs
- {
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t size;
- uint64_t begin_time;
- uint64_t reserved[4];
- void *driver_data;
- };
- /*!
- * @function workSubmitAndBegin
- * @abstract Tell the performance controller that work was submitted and immediately began executing.
- * @param device The device that is executing the work. Some platforms require device to be a
- * specific subclass of IOService.
- * @param submitArgs Optional device-specific arguments related to the submission of this work item.
- * @param beginArgs Optional device-specific arguments related to the start of this work item.
- * @returns A token representing this work item, which must be passed to workEnd when the work is finished
- * unless the token equals kIOPerfControlClientWorkUntracked. Failure to do this will result in memory leaks
- * and a degradation of system performance.
- */
- virtual uint64_t workSubmitAndBegin(IOService *device, WorkSubmitArgs *submitArgs = nullptr,
- WorkBeginArgs *beginArgs = nullptr);
- /*!
- * @function workBegin
- * @abstract Tell the performance controller that previously submitted work began executing.
- * @param device The device that is executing the work. Some platforms require device to be a
- * specific subclass of IOService.
- * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the start of this work item.
- */
- virtual void workBegin(IOService *device, uint64_t token, WorkBeginArgs *args = nullptr);
- /*!
- * @struct WorkEndArgs
- * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the end of a work item
- * by passing a struct with WorkEndArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
- * a header file describing these arguments.
- */
- struct WorkEndArgs
- {
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t size;
- uint64_t end_time;
- uint64_t reserved[4];
- void *driver_data;
- };
- /*!
- * @function workEnd
- * @abstract Tell the performance controller that previously started work finished executing.
- * @param device The device that executed the work. Some platforms require device to be a
- * specific subclass of IOService.
- * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the end of this work item.
- * @param done Optional Set to false if the work has not yet completed. Drivers are then responsible for
- * calling workBegin when the work resumes and workEnd with done set to True when it has completed.
- */
- virtual void workEnd(IOService *device, uint64_t token, WorkEndArgs *args = nullptr, bool done = true);
- /*!
- * @struct PerfControllerInterface
- * @discussion Function pointers necessary to register a performance controller. Not for general driver use.
- */
- struct PerfControllerInterface
- {
- struct WorkState {
- uint64_t thread_group_id;
- void *thread_group_data;
- void *work_data;
- uint32_t work_data_size;
- };
- using RegisterDeviceFunction = IOReturn (*)(IOService *);
- using WorkCanSubmitFunction = bool (*)(IOService *, WorkState *, WorkSubmitArgs *);
- using WorkSubmitFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkSubmitArgs *);
- using WorkBeginFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkBeginArgs *);
- using WorkEndFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkEndArgs *, bool);
- uint64_t version;
- RegisterDeviceFunction registerDevice;
- RegisterDeviceFunction unregisterDevice;
- WorkCanSubmitFunction workCanSubmit;
- WorkSubmitFunction workSubmit;
- WorkBeginFunction workBegin;
- WorkEndFunction workEnd;
- };
- /*!
- * @function registerPerformanceController
- * @abstract Register a performance controller to receive callbacks. Not for general driver use.
- * @param interface Struct containing callback functions implemented by the performance controller.
- * @returns kIOReturnSuccess or kIOReturnError if the interface was already registered.
- */
- virtual IOReturn registerPerformanceController(PerfControllerInterface interface);
+ * @function copyClient
+ * @abstract Return a retained reference to a client object, to be released by the driver. It may be
+ * shared with other drivers in the system.
+ * @param driver The device driver that will be using this interface.
+ * @param maxWorkCapacity The maximum number of concurrent work items supported by the device driver.
+ * @returns An instance of IOPerfControlClient.
+ */
+ static IOPerfControlClient *copyClient(IOService *driver, uint64_t maxWorkCapacity);
+ * @function registerDevice
+ * @abstract Inform the system that work will be dispatched to a device in the future.
+ * @discussion The system will do some one-time setup work associated with the device, and may block the
+ * current thread during the setup. Devices should not be passed to work workSubmit, workSubmitAndBegin,
+ * workBegin, or workEnd until they have been successfully registered. The unregistration process happens
+ * automatically when the device object is deallocated.
+ * @param device The device object. Some platforms require device to be a specific subclass of IOService.
+ * @returns kIOReturnSuccess or an IOReturn error code
+ */
+ virtual IOReturn registerDevice(IOService *driver, IOService *device);
+ * @function unregisterDevice
+ * @abstract Inform the system that work will be no longer be dispatched to a device in the future.
+ * @discussion This call is optional as the unregistration process happens automatically when the device
+ * object is deallocated. This call may block the current thread and/or acquire locks. It should not be
+ * called until after all submitted work has been ended using workEnd.
+ * @param device The device object. Some platforms require device to be a specific subclass of IOService.
+ */
+ virtual void unregisterDevice(IOService *driver, IOService *device);
+ * @struct WorkSubmitArgs
+ * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the submission of a work item
+ * by passing a struct with WorkSubmitArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
+ * a header file describing these arguments.
+ */
+ struct WorkSubmitArgs {
+ uint32_t version;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint64_t submit_time;
+ uint64_t reserved[4];
+ void *driver_data;
+ };
+ * @function workSubmit
+ * @abstract Tell the performance controller that work was submitted.
+ * @param device The device that will execute the work. Some platforms require device to be a
+ * specific subclass of IOService.
+ * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the submission of this work item.
+ * @returns A token representing this work item, which must be passed to workEnd when the work is finished
+ * unless the token equals kIOPerfControlClientWorkUntracked. Failure to do this will result in memory leaks
+ * and a degradation of system performance.
+ */
+ virtual uint64_t workSubmit(IOService *device, WorkSubmitArgs *args = nullptr);
+ * @struct WorkBeginArgs
+ * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the start of a work item
+ * by passing a struct with WorkBeginArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
+ * a header file describing these arguments.
+ */
+ struct WorkBeginArgs {
+ uint32_t version;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint64_t begin_time;
+ uint64_t reserved[4];
+ void *driver_data;
+ };
+ * @function workSubmitAndBegin
+ * @abstract Tell the performance controller that work was submitted and immediately began executing.
+ * @param device The device that is executing the work. Some platforms require device to be a
+ * specific subclass of IOService.
+ * @param submitArgs Optional device-specific arguments related to the submission of this work item.
+ * @param beginArgs Optional device-specific arguments related to the start of this work item.
+ * @returns A token representing this work item, which must be passed to workEnd when the work is finished
+ * unless the token equals kIOPerfControlClientWorkUntracked. Failure to do this will result in memory leaks
+ * and a degradation of system performance.
+ */
+ virtual uint64_t workSubmitAndBegin(IOService *device, WorkSubmitArgs *submitArgs = nullptr,
+ WorkBeginArgs *beginArgs = nullptr);
+ * @function workBegin
+ * @abstract Tell the performance controller that previously submitted work began executing.
+ * @param device The device that is executing the work. Some platforms require device to be a
+ * specific subclass of IOService.
+ * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the start of this work item.
+ */
+ virtual void workBegin(IOService *device, uint64_t token, WorkBeginArgs *args = nullptr);
+ * @struct WorkEndArgs
+ * @discussion Drivers may submit additional device-specific arguments related to the end of a work item
+ * by passing a struct with WorkEndArgs as its first member. Note: Drivers are responsible for publishing
+ * a header file describing these arguments.
+ */
+ struct WorkEndArgs {
+ uint32_t version;
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint64_t end_time;
+ uint64_t reserved[4];
+ void *driver_data;
+ };
+ * @function workEnd
+ * @abstract Tell the performance controller that previously started work finished executing.
+ * @param device The device that executed the work. Some platforms require device to be a
+ * specific subclass of IOService.
+ * @param args Optional device-specific arguments related to the end of this work item.
+ * @param done Optional Set to false if the work has not yet completed. Drivers are then responsible for
+ * calling workBegin when the work resumes and workEnd with done set to True when it has completed.
+ */
+ virtual void workEnd(IOService *device, uint64_t token, WorkEndArgs *args = nullptr, bool done = true);
+ * @struct PerfControllerInterface
+ * @discussion Function pointers necessary to register a performance controller. Not for general driver use.
+ */
+ struct PerfControllerInterface {
+ struct WorkState {
+ uint64_t thread_group_id;
+ void *thread_group_data;
+ void *work_data;
+ uint32_t work_data_size;
+ };
+ using RegisterDeviceFunction = IOReturn (*)(IOService *);
+ using WorkCanSubmitFunction = bool (*)(IOService *, WorkState *, WorkSubmitArgs *);
+ using WorkSubmitFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkSubmitArgs *);
+ using WorkBeginFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkBeginArgs *);
+ using WorkEndFunction = void (*)(IOService *, uint64_t, WorkState *, WorkEndArgs *, bool);
+ uint64_t version;
+ RegisterDeviceFunction registerDevice;
+ RegisterDeviceFunction unregisterDevice;
+ WorkCanSubmitFunction workCanSubmit;
+ WorkSubmitFunction workSubmit;
+ WorkBeginFunction workBegin;
+ WorkEndFunction workEnd;
+ };
+ struct IOPerfControlClientShared {
+ atomic_uint_fast8_t maxDriverIndex;
+ PerfControllerInterface interface;
+ IOLock *interfaceLock;
+ OSSet *deviceRegistrationList;
+ };
+ * @function registerPerformanceController
+ * @abstract Register a performance controller to receive callbacks. Not for general driver use.
+ * @param interface Struct containing callback functions implemented by the performance controller.
+ * @returns kIOReturnSuccess or kIOReturnError if the interface was already registered.
+ */
+ virtual IOReturn registerPerformanceController(PerfControllerInterface interface);