* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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* limitations under the License.
* RxData.c
#include <netat/adsp.h>
#include <netat/adsp_internal.h>
+gbuf_t *releaseData(gbuf_t *, int);
gbuf_t *releaseData(mp, len)
gbuf_t *mp;
int len;
register CCBPtr sp;
register ADSP_FRAMEPtr f;
- int s;
int pktNextRecvSeq;
int sendWdwSeq;
int eom;
int hlen;
register gbuf_t *mp;
- ATDISABLE(s, sp->lock);
if (f->descriptor & ADSP_ACK_REQ_BIT) { /* He wants an Ack */
sp->sendDataAck = 1;
sp->callSend = 1;
- pktNextRecvSeq = netdw(UAL_VALUE(f->pktNextRecvSeq)); /* Local copy */
+ pktNextRecvSeq = UAL_VALUE_NTOH(f->pktNextRecvSeq); /* Local copy */
* Make sure the sequence number corresponds to reality -- i.e. for
do { /* This acks bytes in our buffer */
- if (mp = sp->sbuf_mb) { /* Get ptr to oldest data header */
+ if ((mp = sp->sbuf_mb)) { /* Get ptr to oldest data header */
sp->sbuf_mb = gbuf_next(mp); /* unlink it from send queue */
eom = 1;
} else {
sp->callSend = 1;
- sendWdwSeq = netw(UAS_VALUE(f->pktRecvWdw)) - 1 + pktNextRecvSeq;
+ sendWdwSeq = UAS_VALUE_NTOH(f->pktRecvWdw) - 1 + pktNextRecvSeq;
if (GT(sendWdwSeq, sp->sendWdwSeq)) /* Don't make send window smaller */
/* if we can send more data */
sp->sendWdwSeq = sendWdwSeq;
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
int len;
- int s, offset;
+ int offset;
int PktFirstByteSeq;
short cnt;
char eom;
trace_mbufs(D_M_ADSP, " mp", mp);
- PktFirstByteSeq = netdw(UAL_VALUE(f->pktFirstByteSeq)); /* Local copy */
+ PktFirstByteSeq = UAL_VALUE_NTOH(f->pktFirstByteSeq); /* Local copy */
- ATDISABLE(s, sp->lock);
if (GT(PktFirstByteSeq, sp->recvSeq)) /* missed a packet (out of order) */
if (sp->badSeqCnt++ > sp->badSeqCnt) /* Need to send rexmit advice */
sp->sendCtl |= B_CTL_RETRANSMIT;
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
CheckRecvSeq(sp, f); /* Will set send ACK flag if requested */
if (LTE(PktFirstByteSeq + len + eom, sp->recvSeq)) { /* duplicate data? */
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
CheckRecvSeq(sp, f); /* Will set send ACK flag if requested */
sp->rData = 1; /* Not empty any more */
- if ((sp->rpb)->ioc == mp) {
+ if ((sp->rpb)->ioc == (caddr_t)mp) {
dPrintf(D_M_ADSP, D_L_TRACE,
("RXData: (pb->ioc == mp) no stored data\n"));
KERNEL_DEBUG(DBG_ADSP_RCV, 4, sp, sp->rpb, 0, 0);
mp = sp->crbuf_mb;
sp->crbuf_mb = 0;
- if (rmp = sp->rbuf_mb) {
+ if ((rmp = sp->rbuf_mb)) {
* Add it to the end
* doing anything that might take a long while
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
CheckRecvSeq(sp, f); /* Will set send ACK flag if requested */
KERNEL_DEBUG(DBG_ADSP_RCV, 5, sp, sp->rbuf_mb, 0, 0);