* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
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* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
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+ *
/* @(#)loadable_fs.h 2.0 26/06/90 (c) 1990 NeXT */
- * W I L L D R A S T I C A L L Y C H A N G E S O O N
+ * W I L L D R A S T I C A L L Y C H A N G E S O O N
* U S E A T Y O U R O W N R I S K
* loadable_fs.h - message struct for loading and initializing loadable
* file systems.
-#ifndef _SYS_LOADABLE_FS_
+#ifndef _SYS_LOADABLE_FS_
-#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
- * Constants for Loadabls FS Utilities (in "/System/Library/Filesystems")
+ * Constants for Loadable FS Utilities (in "/System/Library/Filesystems")
* Example of a /usr/filesystems directory
- * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.util utility with which WSM
+ * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.util utility with which WSM
* communicates
- * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.name "DOS Floppy"
+ * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.name "DOS Floppy"
* /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos_reloc actual loadable filesystem
- * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.openfs.tiff "open folder" icon
- * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.fs.tiff "closed folder" icon
+ * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.openfs.tiff "open folder" icon
+ * /usr/filesystems/dos.fs/dos.fs.tiff "closed folder" icon
-#define FS_DIR_LOCATION "/System/Library/Filesystems"
-#define FS_DIR_SUFFIX ".fs"
-#define FS_UTIL_SUFFIX ".util"
-#define FS_OPEN_SUFFIX ".openfs.tiff"
-#define FS_CLOSED_SUFFIX ".fs.tiff"
-#define FS_NAME_SUFFIX ".name"
-#define FS_LABEL_SUFFIX ".label"
+#define FS_DIR_LOCATION "/System/Library/Filesystems"
+#define FS_DIR_SUFFIX ".fs"
+#define FS_UTIL_SUFFIX ".util"
* .util program commands - all sent in the form "-p" or "-m" ... as argv[1].
-#define FSUC_PROBE 'p' /* probe FS for mount or init */
- /* example usage: foo.util -p fd0 removable writable */
+#define FSUC_PROBE 'p' /* probe FS for mount or init */
+/* example usage: foo.util -p fd0 removable writable */
-#define FSUC_PROBEFORINIT 'P' /* probe FS for init only */
- /* example usage: foo.util -P fd0 removable */
+#define FSUC_PROBEFORINIT 'P' /* probe FS for init only */
+/* example usage: foo.util -P fd0 removable */
-#define FSUC_MOUNT 'm' /* mount FS */
- /* example usage: foo.util -m fd0 /bar removable writable */
+#define FSUC_MOUNT 'm' /* mount FS */
+/* example usage: foo.util -m fd0 /bar removable writable */
-#define FSUC_REPAIR 'r' /* repair ('fsck') FS */
- /* example usage: foo.util -r fd0 removable */
+#define FSUC_REPAIR 'r' /* repair ('fsck') FS */
+/* example usage: foo.util -r fd0 removable */
-#define FSUC_INITIALIZE 'i' /* initialize FS */
- /* example usage: foo.util -i fd0 removable */
-#define FSUC_UNMOUNT 'u' /* unmount FS */
- /* example usage: foo.util -u fd0 /bar */
+#define FSUC_UNMOUNT 'u' /* unmount FS */
+/* example usage: foo.util -u fd0 /bar */
/* The following is not used by Workspace Manager */
-#define FSUC_MOUNT_FORCE 'M' /* like FSUC_MOUNT, but proceed even on
- * error. */
+#define FSUC_MOUNT_FORCE 'M' /* like FSUC_MOUNT, but proceed even on
+ * error. */
* Return codes from .util program
-#define FSUR_RECOGNIZED (-1) /* response to FSUC_PROBE; implies that
- * a mount is possible */
-#define FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED (-2) /* negative response to FSUC_PROBE */
-#define FSUR_IO_SUCCESS (-3) /* mount, unmount, repair succeeded */
-#define FSUR_IO_FAIL (-4) /* unrecoverable I/O error */
-#define FSUR_IO_UNCLEAN (-5) /* mount failed, file system not clean
- */
-#define FSUR_INVAL (-6) /* invalid argument */
-#define FSUR_LOADERR (-7) /* kern_loader error */
-#define FSUR_INITRECOGNIZED (-8) /* response to FSUC_PROBE or
- * FSUC_PROBEFORINIT, implies that
- * initialization is possible */
+#define FSUR_RECOGNIZED (-1) /* response to FSUC_PROBE; implies that
+ * a mount is possible */
+#define FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED (-2) /* negative response to FSUC_PROBE */
+#define FSUR_IO_SUCCESS (-3) /* mount, unmount, repair succeeded */
+#define FSUR_IO_FAIL (-4) /* unrecoverable I/O error */
+#define FSUR_IO_UNCLEAN (-5) /* mount failed, file system not clean
+ */
+#define FSUR_INVAL (-6) /* invalid argument */
+#define FSUR_LOADERR (-7) /* kern_loader error */
+#define FSUR_INITRECOGNIZED (-8) /* response to FSUC_PROBE or
+ * FSUC_PROBEFORINIT, implies that
+ * initialization is possible */
* mount parameters passed from WSM to the .util program.
-#define DEVICE_READONLY "readonly"
-#define DEVICE_WRITABLE "writable"
-#define DEVICE_REMOVABLE "removable"
-#define DEVICE_FIXED "fixed"
+#define DEVICE_READONLY "readonly"
+#define DEVICE_WRITABLE "writable"
- * Additional parameters to the mount command - used by WSM when they
- * appear in the /etc/mtab file.
- */
-#define MNTOPT_FS "filesystem=" /* e.g. "filesystem=DOS" */
-#define MNTOPT_REMOVABLE "removable"
+#define DEVICE_REMOVABLE "removable"
+#define DEVICE_FIXED "fixed"
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
-#endif /* _SYS_LOADABLE_FS_ */
+#endif /* _SYS_LOADABLE_FS_ */