+ kIOMemoryPurgeableKeepCurrent = 1,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableNonVolatile = 2,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatile = 3,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableEmpty = 4,
+ // modifiers for kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatile behavior
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup0 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_0,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup1 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_1,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup2 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_2,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup3 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_3,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup4 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_4,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup5 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_5,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup6 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_6,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileGroup7 = VM_VOLATILE_GROUP_7,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileBehaviorFifo = VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_FIFO,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileBehaviorLifo = VM_PURGABLE_BEHAVIOR_LIFO,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileOrderingObsolete = VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_OBSOLETE,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatileOrderingNormal = VM_PURGABLE_ORDERING_NORMAL,
+ kIOMemoryPurgeableFaultOnAccess = VM_PURGABLE_DEBUG_FAULT,
+ kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush = 1,
+ kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore = 2,
+ kIOMemoryClearEncrypted = 50,
+ kIOMemorySetEncrypted = 51,
+struct IODMAMapSpecification
+ uint64_t alignment;
+ IOService * device;
+ uint32_t options;
+ uint8_t numAddressBits;
+ uint8_t resvA[3];
+ uint32_t resvB[4];
+struct IODMAMapPageList
+ uint32_t pageOffset;
+ uint32_t pageListCount;
+ const upl_page_info_t * pageList;
+// mapOptions for iovmMapMemory
+ kIODMAMapReadAccess = 0x00000001,
+ kIODMAMapWriteAccess = 0x00000002,
+ kIODMAMapPhysicallyContiguous = 0x00000010,
+ kIODMAMapDeviceMemory = 0x00000020,
+ kIODMAMapPagingPath = 0x00000040,
+ kIODMAMapIdentityMap = 0x00000080,
+ kIODMAMapPageListFullyOccupied = 0x00000100,
+ kIODMAMapFixedAddress = 0x00000200,
+// Used for dmaCommandOperation communications for IODMACommand and mappers
+enum {
+ kIOMDWalkSegments = 0x01000000,
+ kIOMDFirstSegment = 1 | kIOMDWalkSegments,
+ kIOMDGetCharacteristics = 0x02000000,
+ kIOMDGetCharacteristicsMapped = 1 | kIOMDGetCharacteristics,
+ kIOMDDMAActive = 0x03000000,
+ kIOMDSetDMAActive = 1 | kIOMDDMAActive,
+ kIOMDSetDMAInactive = kIOMDDMAActive,
+ kIOMDAddDMAMapSpec = 0x04000000,
+ kIOMDDMAMap = 0x05000000,
+ kIOMDDMAUnmap = 0x06000000,
+ kIOMDDMACommandOperationMask = 0xFF000000,
+struct IOMDDMACharacteristics {
+ UInt64 fLength;
+ UInt32 fSGCount;
+ UInt32 fPages;
+ UInt32 fPageAlign;
+ ppnum_t fHighestPage;
+ IODirection fDirection;
+ UInt8 fIsPrepared;
+struct IOMDDMAMapArgs {
+ IOMapper * fMapper;
+ IODMACommand * fCommand;
+ IODMAMapSpecification fMapSpec;
+ uint64_t fOffset;
+ uint64_t fLength;
+ uint64_t fAlloc;
+ uint64_t fAllocLength;
+ uint8_t fMapContig;
+struct IOMDDMAWalkSegmentArgs {
+ UInt64 fOffset; // Input/Output offset
+ UInt64 fIOVMAddr, fLength; // Output variables
+ UInt8 fMapped; // Input Variable, Require mapped IOVMA
+ UInt64 fMappedBase; // Input base of mapping
+typedef UInt8 IOMDDMAWalkSegmentState[128];
+// fMapped:
+ kIOMDDMAWalkMappedLocal = 2
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ kIOPreparationIDUnprepared = 0,
+ kIOPreparationIDUnsupported = 1,
+ kIOPreparationIDAlwaysPrepared = 2,
+struct IOMemoryReference;