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Copyright (c) 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
@abstract Event source for interrupt delivery to work-loop based drivers.
@discussion The IOInterruptEventSource is a generic object that delivers calls interrupt routines in it's client in a guaranteed single-threaded manner. IOInterruptEventSource is part of the IOKit $link IOWorkLoop infrastructure where the semantic that one and only one action method is executing within a work-loops event chain.
-When the action method is called in the client member function will receive 2 arguments, (IOEventSource *) sender and (int) count, See $link IOInterruptEventSource::Action. Where sender will be reference to the interrupt that occured and the count will be computed by the difference between the $link producerCount and $link consumerCount. This number may not be reliable as no attempt is made to adjust for around the world type problems but is provided for general information and statistic gathering.
+When the action method is called in the client member function will receive 2 arguments, (IOEventSource *) sender and (int) count, See $link IOInterruptEventSource::Action. Where sender will be reference to the interrupt that occurred and the count will be computed by the difference between the $link producerCount and $link consumerCount. This number may not be reliable as no attempt is made to adjust for around the world type problems but is provided for general information and statistic gathering.
In general a client will use the factory member function to create and initialise the event source and then add it to their work-loop. It is the work loop's responsiblity to maintain the new event source in it's event chain. See $link IOWorkLoop.