- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* Kernel Debugging Protocol UDP implementation.
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/exception_types.h>
#include <kern/cpu_data.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>
+#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <kdp/kdp_core.h>
#include <kdp/kdp_internal.h>
#include <kdp/kdp_en_debugger.h>
+#include <kdp/kdp_callout.h>
#include <kdp/kdp_udp.h>
+#include <kdp/kdp_serial.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
+#include <vm/vm_kern.h> /* kernel_map */
+#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>
+#include <machine/pal_routines.h>
+#include <sys/msgbuf.h>
+/* we just want the link status flags, so undef KERNEL_PRIVATE for this
+ * header file. */
+#include <net/if_media.h>
-#define DO_ALIGN 1 /* align all packet data accesses */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
+#include <libkern/version.h>
+extern int inet_aton(const char *, struct kdp_in_addr *); /* in libkern */
+extern char *inet_ntoa_r(struct kdp_in_addr ina, char *buf,
+ size_t buflen); /* in libkern */
+#define DO_ALIGN 1 /* align all packet data accesses */
+#define KDP_SERIAL_IPADDR 0xABADBABE /* IP address used for serial KDP */
extern int kdp_getc(void);
extern int reattach_wait;
+/* only used by IONetworkingFamily */
+typedef uint32_t (*kdp_link_t)(void);
+typedef boolean_t (*kdp_mode_t)(boolean_t);
+void kdp_register_link(kdp_link_t link, kdp_mode_t mode);
+void kdp_unregister_link(kdp_link_t link, kdp_mode_t mode);
static u_short ip_id; /* ip packet ctr, for ids */
/* @(#)udp_usrreq.c 2.2 88/05/23 4.0NFSSRC SMI; from UCB 7.1 6/5/86 */
* Per RFC 768, August, 1980.
#define UDP_TTL 60 /* deflt time to live for UDP packets */
-int udp_ttl=UDP_TTL;
+static int udp_ttl = UDP_TTL;
static unsigned char exception_seq;
+struct kdp_ipovly {
+ uint32_t ih_next, ih_prev; /* for protocol sequence q's */
+ u_char ih_x1; /* (unused) */
+ u_char ih_pr; /* protocol */
+ short ih_len; /* protocol length */
+ struct kdp_in_addr ih_src; /* source internet address */
+ struct kdp_in_addr ih_dst; /* destination internet address */
+struct kdp_udphdr {
+ u_short uh_sport; /* source port */
+ u_short uh_dport; /* destination port */
+ short uh_ulen; /* udp length */
+ u_short uh_sum; /* udp checksum */
+struct kdp_udpiphdr {
+ struct kdp_ipovly ui_i; /* overlaid ip structure */
+ struct kdp_udphdr ui_u; /* udp header */
+#define ui_next ui_i.ih_next
+#define ui_prev ui_i.ih_prev
+#define ui_x1 ui_i.ih_x1
+#define ui_pr ui_i.ih_pr
+#define ui_len ui_i.ih_len
+#define ui_src ui_i.ih_src
+#define ui_dst ui_i.ih_dst
+#define ui_sport ui_u.uh_sport
+#define ui_dport ui_u.uh_dport
+#define ui_ulen ui_u.uh_ulen
+#define ui_sum ui_u.uh_sum
+struct kdp_ip {
+ union {
+ uint32_t ip_w;
+ struct {
+ unsigned int
+#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
+ ip_xhl:4, /* header length */
+ ip_xv:4, /* version */
+ ip_xtos:8, /* type of service */
+ ip_xlen:16; /* total length */
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
+ ip_xv:4, /* version */
+ ip_xhl:4, /* header length */
+ ip_xtos:8, /* type of service */
+ ip_xlen:16; /* total length */
+ } ip_x;
+ } ip_vhltl;
+ u_short ip_id; /* identification */
+ short ip_off; /* fragment offset field */
+#define IP_DF 0x4000 /* dont fragment flag */
+#define IP_MF 0x2000 /* more fragments flag */
+#define IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff /* mask for fragmenting bits */
+ u_char ip_ttl; /* time to live */
+ u_char ip_p; /* protocol */
+ u_short ip_sum; /* checksum */
+ struct kdp_in_addr ip_src,ip_dst; /* source and dest address */
+#define ip_v ip_vhltl.ip_x.ip_xv
+#define ip_hl ip_vhltl.ip_x.ip_xhl
+#define ip_tos ip_vhltl.ip_x.ip_xtos
+#define ip_len ip_vhltl.ip_x.ip_xlen
+#define IPPROTO_UDP 17
+#define IPVERSION 4
+#define ETHERTYPE_IP 0x0800 /* IP protocol */
+ * Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol.
+ *
+ * See RFC 826 for protocol description. Structure below is adapted
+ * to resolving internet addresses. Field names used correspond to
+ * RFC 826.
+ */
+#define ETHERTYPE_ARP 0x0806 /* Addr. resolution protocol */
+struct kdp_arphdr {
+ u_short ar_hrd; /* format of hardware address */
+#define ARPHRD_ETHER 1 /* ethernet hardware format */
+#define ARPHRD_FRELAY 15 /* frame relay hardware format */
+ u_short ar_pro; /* format of protocol address */
+ u_char ar_hln; /* length of hardware address */
+ u_char ar_pln; /* length of protocol address */
+ u_short ar_op; /* one of: */
+#define ARPOP_REQUEST 1 /* request to resolve address */
+#define ARPOP_REPLY 2 /* response to previous request */
+#define ARPOP_REVREQUEST 3 /* request protocol address given hardware */
+#define ARPOP_REVREPLY 4 /* response giving protocol address */
+#define ARPOP_INVREQUEST 8 /* request to identify peer */
+#define ARPOP_INVREPLY 9 /* response identifying peer */
+struct kdp_ether_arp {
+ struct kdp_arphdr ea_hdr; /* fixed-size header */
+ u_char arp_sha[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; /* sender hardware address */
+ u_char arp_spa[4]; /* sender protocol address */
+ u_char arp_tha[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; /* target hardware address */
+ u_char arp_tpa[4]; /* target protocol address */
+#define arp_hrd ea_hdr.ar_hrd
+#define arp_pro ea_hdr.ar_pro
+#define arp_hln ea_hdr.ar_hln
+#define arp_pln ea_hdr.ar_pln
+#define arp_op ea_hdr.ar_op
+#define ETHERMTU 1500
+#define ETHERHDRSIZE 14
+#define ETHERCRC 4
static struct {
unsigned char data[KDP_MAXPACKET];
unsigned int off, len;
boolean_t input;
} pkt, saved_reply;
+struct kdp_manual_pkt manual_pkt;
struct {
struct {
- struct in_addr in;
- struct ether_addr ea;
+ struct kdp_in_addr in;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr ea;
} loc;
struct {
- struct in_addr in;
- struct ether_addr ea;
+ struct kdp_in_addr in;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr ea;
} rmt;
} adr;
-static char
+static const char
*exception_message[] = {
"Memory access", /* EXC_BAD_ACCESS */
"Breakpoint" /* EXC_BREAKPOINT */
-int kdp_flag = 0;
+volatile int kdp_flag = 0;
+static kdp_send_t kdp_en_send_pkt;
+static kdp_receive_t kdp_en_recv_pkt;
+static kdp_link_t kdp_en_linkstatus;
+static kdp_mode_t kdp_en_setmode;
+static void kdp_serial_send(void *rpkt, unsigned int rpkt_len);
+#define KDP_SERIAL_ENABLED() (kdp_en_send_pkt == kdp_serial_send)
+#define KDP_SERIAL_ENABLED() (0)
+static uint32_t kdp_current_ip_address = 0;
+static struct kdp_ether_addr kdp_current_mac_address = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static void *kdp_current_ifp;
+static void kdp_handler( void *);
+static uint32_t panic_server_ip = 0;
+static uint32_t parsed_router_ip = 0;
+static uint32_t router_ip = 0;
+static uint32_t target_ip = 0;
+static boolean_t save_ip_in_nvram = FALSE;
+static volatile boolean_t panicd_specified = FALSE;
+static boolean_t router_specified = FALSE;
+static boolean_t corename_specified = FALSE;
+static unsigned int panicd_port = CORE_REMOTE_PORT;
+static struct kdp_ether_addr etherbroadcastaddr = {{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}};
+static struct kdp_ether_addr router_mac = {{0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0}};
+static struct kdp_ether_addr destination_mac = {{0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0}};
+static struct kdp_ether_addr temp_mac = {{0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0}};
+static struct kdp_ether_addr current_resolved_MAC = {{0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0}};
+static boolean_t flag_panic_dump_in_progress = FALSE;
+static boolean_t flag_router_mac_initialized = FALSE;
+static boolean_t flag_dont_abort_panic_dump = FALSE;
+static boolean_t flag_arp_resolved = FALSE;
+static unsigned int panic_timeout = 100000;
+static unsigned int last_panic_port = CORE_REMOTE_PORT;
-static kdp_send_t kdp_en_send_pkt = 0;
-static kdp_receive_t kdp_en_recv_pkt = 0;
+uint32_t kdp_crashdump_pkt_size = 512;
+#define KDP_LARGE_CRASHDUMP_PKT_SIZE (1440 - 6 - sizeof(struct kdp_udpiphdr))
+static char panicd_ip_str[20];
+static char router_ip_str[20];
+static char corename_str[50];
+static unsigned int panic_block = 0;
+volatile unsigned int kdp_trigger_core_dump = 0;
+__private_extern__ volatile unsigned int flag_kdp_trigger_reboot = 0;
-static unsigned int kdp_current_ip_address = 0;
-static struct ether_addr kdp_current_mac_address = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
-static char kdp_arp_init = 0;
+extern unsigned int not_in_kdp;
-static void kdp_handler( void *);
+extern unsigned int disableConsoleOutput;
+extern void kdp_call(void);
+extern boolean_t kdp_call_kdb(void);
+extern int kern_dump(void);
+void * kdp_get_interface(void);
+void kdp_set_gateway_mac(void *gatewaymac);
+void kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses(struct kdp_in_addr *ipaddr, struct kdp_ether_addr *);
+void kdp_set_interface(void *interface, const struct kdp_ether_addr *macaddr);
+void kdp_disable_arp(void);
+static void kdp_arp_reply(struct kdp_ether_arp *);
+static void kdp_process_arp_reply(struct kdp_ether_arp *);
+static boolean_t kdp_arp_resolve(uint32_t, struct kdp_ether_addr *);
+static volatile unsigned kdp_reentry_deadline;
+static uint32_t kdp_crashdump_feature_mask = KDP_FEATURE_LARGE_CRASHDUMPS | KDP_FEATURE_LARGE_PKT_SIZE;
+uint32_t kdp_feature_large_crashdumps, kdp_feature_large_pkt_size;
+char kdp_kernelversion_string[256];
+static boolean_t gKDPDebug = FALSE;
+#define KDP_DEBUG(...) if (gKDPDebug) printf(__VA_ARGS__);
+int kdp_snapshot = 0;
+static int stack_snapshot_ret = 0;
+static unsigned stack_snapshot_bytes_traced = 0;
+static void *stack_snapshot_buf;
+static uint32_t stack_snapshot_bufsize;
+static int stack_snapshot_pid;
+static uint32_t stack_snapshot_flags;
+static uint32_t stack_snapshot_dispatch_offset;
+static unsigned int old_debugger;
+#define SBLOCKSZ (2048)
+uint64_t kdp_dump_start_time = 0;
+uint64_t kdp_min_superblock_dump_time = ~1ULL;
+uint64_t kdp_max_superblock_dump_time = 0;
+uint64_t kdp_superblock_dump_time = 0;
+uint64_t kdp_superblock_dump_start_time = 0;
+kdp_snapshot_preflight(int pid, void * tracebuf, uint32_t tracebuf_size,
+ uint32_t flags, uint32_t dispatch_offset);
+extern int
+kdp_stackshot(int pid, void *tracebuf, uint32_t tracebuf_size,
+ uint32_t flags, uint32_t dispatch_offset, uint32_t *pbytesTraced);
+static thread_call_t
+static void
+kdp_ml_enter_debugger_wrapper(__unused void *param0, __unused void *param1) {
+ kdp_ml_enter_debugger();
+static void
+kdp_timer_callout_init(void) {
+ kdp_timer_call = thread_call_allocate(kdp_ml_enter_debugger_wrapper, NULL);
+/* only send/receive data if the link is up */
+inline static void wait_for_link(void)
+ static int first = 0;
+ if (!kdp_en_linkstatus)
+ return;
+ while (((*kdp_en_linkstatus)() & LINK_UP_STATUS) != LINK_UP_STATUS) {
+ if (first)
+ continue;
+ first = 1;
+ printf("Waiting for link to become available.\n");
+ kprintf("Waiting for link to become available.\n");
+ }
+inline static void kdp_send_data(void *packet, unsigned int len)
+ wait_for_link();
+ (*kdp_en_send_pkt)(packet, len);
+inline static void kdp_receive_data(void *packet, unsigned int *len,
+ unsigned int timeout)
+ wait_for_link();
+ (*kdp_en_recv_pkt)(packet, len, timeout);
+void kdp_register_link(kdp_link_t link, kdp_mode_t mode)
+ kdp_en_linkstatus = link;
+ kdp_en_setmode = mode;
+void kdp_unregister_link(__unused kdp_link_t link, __unused kdp_mode_t mode)
+ kdp_en_linkstatus = NULL;
+ kdp_en_setmode = NULL;
- kdp_send_t send,
+ kdp_send_t send,
kdp_receive_t receive)
- unsigned int debug;
+ unsigned int debug = 0;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("debug", &debug, sizeof (debug));
+ if (!debug)
+ return;
+ kdp_en_send_pkt = send;
+ kdp_en_recv_pkt = receive;
- kdp_en_send_pkt = send;
- kdp_en_recv_pkt = receive;
- debug_log_init();
- PE_parse_boot_arg("debug", &debug);
if (debug & DB_KDP_BP_DIS)
kdp_flag |= KDP_BP_DIS;
+ if (debug & DB_KDP_GETC_ENA)
+ kdp_flag |= KDP_GETC_ENA;
+ if (debug & DB_ARP)
+ kdp_flag |= KDP_ARP;
+ if (debug & DB_KERN_DUMP_ON_PANIC)
+ if (debug & DB_KERN_DUMP_ON_NMI)
+ kdp_flag |= PANIC_CORE_ON_NMI;
+ if (debug & DB_DBG_POST_CORE)
+ kdp_flag |= DBG_POST_CORE;
+ if (debug & DB_PANICLOG_DUMP)
+ kdp_flag |= PANIC_LOG_DUMP;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("_panicd_ip", panicd_ip_str, sizeof (panicd_ip_str)))
+ panicd_specified = TRUE;
+ if ((debug & DB_REBOOT_POST_CORE) && (panicd_specified == TRUE))
+ kdp_flag |= REBOOT_POST_CORE;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("_router_ip", router_ip_str, sizeof (router_ip_str)))
+ router_specified = TRUE;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("panicd_port", &panicd_port, sizeof (panicd_port)))
+ panicd_port = CORE_REMOTE_PORT;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("_panicd_corename", &corename_str, sizeof (corename_str)))
+ corename_specified = TRUE;
kdp_flag |= KDP_READY;
if (current_debugger == NO_CUR_DB)
current_debugger = KDP_CUR_DB;
- if (halt_in_debugger) {
+ if ((kdp_current_ip_address != 0) && halt_in_debugger) {
- kdp_send_t send,
- kdp_receive_t receive)
+ __unused kdp_send_t send,
+ __unused kdp_receive_t receive)
if (current_debugger == KDP_CUR_DB)
current_debugger = NO_CUR_DB;
kdp_flag &= ~KDP_READY;
- kdp_en_send_pkt = NULL;
- kdp_en_recv_pkt = NULL;
+ kdp_en_send_pkt = NULL;
+ kdp_en_recv_pkt = NULL;
+/* Cache stack snapshot parameters in preparation for a trace */
+kdp_snapshot_preflight(int pid, void * tracebuf, uint32_t tracebuf_size, uint32_t flags, uint32_t dispatch_offset)
+ stack_snapshot_pid = pid;
+ stack_snapshot_buf = tracebuf;
+ stack_snapshot_bufsize = tracebuf_size;
+ stack_snapshot_flags = flags;
+ stack_snapshot_dispatch_offset = dispatch_offset;
+ kdp_snapshot++;
+ /* Mark this debugger as active, since the polled mode driver that
+ * ordinarily does this may not be enabled (yet), or since KDB may be
+ * the primary debugger.
+ */
+ old_debugger = current_debugger;
+ if (old_debugger != KDP_CUR_DB) {
+ current_debugger = KDP_CUR_DB;
+ }
+ kdp_snapshot--;
+ if ((kdp_en_send_pkt == NULL) || (old_debugger == KDB_CUR_DB))
+ current_debugger = old_debugger;
+ return stack_snapshot_ret;
+ return stack_snapshot_bytes_traced;
+static void
+kdp_schedule_debugger_reentry(unsigned interval) {
+ uint64_t deadline;;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(interval, 1000 * 1000, &deadline);
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(kdp_timer_call, deadline);
static void
void *dst
- bcopy((char *)src, (char *)dst, sizeof (struct ether_addr));
+ bcopy((char *)src, (char *)dst, sizeof (struct kdp_ether_addr));
static unsigned short
unsigned char *c,
unsigned int hlen
+ )
- unsigned int high, low, sum;
+ unsigned int high, low, sum;
- high = low = 0;
- while (hlen-- > 0) {
- low += c[1] + c[3];
- high += c[0] + c[2];
+ high = low = 0;
+ while (hlen-- > 0) {
+ low += c[1] + c[3];
+ high += c[0] + c[2];
- c += sizeof (int);
- }
+ c += sizeof (int);
+ }
- sum = (high << 8) + low;
- sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 65535);
+ sum = (high << 8) + low;
+ sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 65535);
- return (sum > 65535 ? sum - 65535 : sum);
+ return (sum > 65535 ? sum - 65535 : sum);
static void
- unsigned short reply_port
+ unsigned short reply_port,
+ const boolean_t sideband
+ )
- struct udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
- struct ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
- struct in_addr tmp_ipaddr;
- struct ether_addr tmp_enaddr;
- struct ether_header *eh;
+ struct kdp_udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
+ struct kdp_ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
+ struct kdp_in_addr tmp_ipaddr;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr tmp_enaddr;
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh = NULL;
- if (!pkt.input)
- kdp_panic("kdp_reply");
+ if (!pkt.input)
+ kdp_panic("kdp_reply");
- pkt.off -= sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
- bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
- ui = (struct udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ui = (struct kdp_udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- ui->ui_next = ui->ui_prev = 0;
- ui->ui_x1 = 0;
- ui->ui_pr = IPPROTO_UDP;
- ui->ui_len = htons((u_short)pkt.len + sizeof (struct udphdr));
- tmp_ipaddr = ui->ui_src;
- ui->ui_src = ui->ui_dst;
- ui->ui_dst = tmp_ipaddr;
- ui->ui_sport = htons(KDP_REMOTE_PORT);
- ui->ui_dport = reply_port;
- ui->ui_ulen = ui->ui_len;
- ui->ui_sum = 0;
+ ui->ui_next = ui->ui_prev = 0;
+ ui->ui_x1 = 0;
+ ui->ui_pr = IPPROTO_UDP;
+ ui->ui_len = htons((u_short)pkt.len + sizeof (struct kdp_udphdr));
+ tmp_ipaddr = ui->ui_src;
+ ui->ui_src = ui->ui_dst;
+ ui->ui_dst = tmp_ipaddr;
+ ui->ui_sport = htons(KDP_REMOTE_PORT);
+ ui->ui_dport = reply_port;
+ ui->ui_ulen = ui->ui_len;
+ ui->ui_sum = 0;
- bcopy((char *)ui, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ui));
- bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
+ bcopy((char *)ui, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ui));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
- ip = (struct ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ip = (struct kdp_ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof (struct udpiphdr) + pkt.len);
- ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- ip->ip_id = htons(ip_id++);
- ip->ip_hl = sizeof (struct ip) >> 2;
- ip->ip_ttl = udp_ttl;
- ip->ip_sum = 0;
- ip->ip_sum = htons(~ip_sum((unsigned char *)ip, ip->ip_hl));
+ ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr) + pkt.len);
+ ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
+ ip->ip_id = htons(ip_id++);
+ ip->ip_hl = sizeof (struct kdp_ip) >> 2;
+ ip->ip_ttl = udp_ttl;
+ ip->ip_sum = 0;
+ ip->ip_sum = htons(~ip_sum((unsigned char *)ip, ip->ip_hl));
- bcopy((char *)ip, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ip));
+ bcopy((char *)ip, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ip));
- pkt.len += sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
- pkt.off -= sizeof (struct ether_header);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
- eh = (struct ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- enaddr_copy(eh->ether_shost, &tmp_enaddr);
- enaddr_copy(eh->ether_dhost, eh->ether_shost);
- enaddr_copy(&tmp_enaddr, eh->ether_dhost);
- eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ enaddr_copy(eh->ether_shost, &tmp_enaddr);
+ enaddr_copy(eh->ether_dhost, eh->ether_shost);
+ enaddr_copy(&tmp_enaddr, eh->ether_dhost);
+ eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
- pkt.len += sizeof (struct ether_header);
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
- // save reply for possible retransmission
- bcopy((char *)&pkt, (char *)&saved_reply, sizeof(pkt));
+ // save reply for possible retransmission
+ assert(pkt.len <= KDP_MAXPACKET);
+ if (!sideband)
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt, (char *)&saved_reply, sizeof(saved_reply));
- (*kdp_en_send_pkt)(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
+ kdp_send_data(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
- // increment expected sequence number
- exception_seq++;
+ // increment expected sequence number
+ if (!sideband)
+ exception_seq++;
static void
unsigned short remote_port
- struct udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
- struct ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
- struct ether_header *eh;
+ struct kdp_udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
+ struct kdp_ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh;
if (pkt.input)
- pkt.off -= sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
- ui = (struct udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ui = (struct kdp_udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
ui->ui_next = ui->ui_prev = 0;
ui->ui_x1 = 0;
ui->ui_pr = IPPROTO_UDP;
- ui->ui_len = htons((u_short)pkt.len + sizeof (struct udphdr));
+ ui->ui_len = htons((u_short)pkt.len + sizeof (struct kdp_udphdr));
ui->ui_src = adr.loc.in;
ui->ui_dst = adr.rmt.in;
ui->ui_sport = htons(KDP_REMOTE_PORT);
bcopy((char *)ui, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ui));
bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
- ip = (struct ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ip = (struct kdp_ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof (struct udpiphdr) + pkt.len);
+ ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr) + pkt.len);
ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
ip->ip_id = htons(ip_id++);
- ip->ip_hl = sizeof (struct ip) >> 2;
+ ip->ip_hl = sizeof (struct kdp_ip) >> 2;
ip->ip_ttl = udp_ttl;
ip->ip_sum = 0;
ip->ip_sum = htons(~ip_sum((unsigned char *)ip, ip->ip_hl));
bcopy((char *)ip, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ip));
- pkt.len += sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
- pkt.off -= sizeof (struct ether_header);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
- eh = (struct ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
enaddr_copy(&adr.loc.ea, eh->ether_shost);
enaddr_copy(&adr.rmt.ea, eh->ether_dhost);
eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
- pkt.len += sizeof (struct ether_header);
- (*kdp_en_send_pkt)(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
+ kdp_send_data(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
- struct in_addr *ipaddr,
- struct ether_addr *macaddr)
+inline static void debugger_if_necessary(void)
+ if ((current_debugger == KDP_CUR_DB) && halt_in_debugger) {
+ kdp_call();
+ halt_in_debugger=0;
+ }
+/* We don't interpret this pointer, we just give it to the bsd stack
+ so it can decide when to set the MAC and IP info. We'll
+ early initialize the MAC/IP info if we can so that we can use
+ KDP early in boot. These values may subsequently get over-written
+ when the interface gets initialized for real.
+kdp_set_interface(void *ifp, const struct kdp_ether_addr *macaddr)
- unsigned int debug = 0;
+ char kdpstr[80];
+ struct kdp_in_addr addr = { 0 };
+ unsigned int len;
+ kdp_current_ifp = ifp;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("kdp_ip_addr", kdpstr, sizeof(kdpstr))) {
+ /* look for a static ip address */
+ if (inet_aton(kdpstr, &addr) == FALSE)
+ goto done;
+ goto config_network;
+ }
+ /* use saved ip address */
+ save_ip_in_nvram = TRUE;
+ len = sizeof(kdpstr);
+ if (PEReadNVRAMProperty("_kdp_ipstr", kdpstr, &len) == FALSE)
+ goto done;
+ kdpstr[len < sizeof(kdpstr) ? len : sizeof(kdpstr) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (inet_aton(kdpstr, &addr) == FALSE)
+ goto done;
+ kdp_current_ip_address = addr.s_addr;
+ if (macaddr)
+ kdp_current_mac_address = *macaddr;
+ /* we can't drop into the debugger at this point because the
+ link will likely not be up. when getDebuggerLinkStatus() support gets
+ added to the appropriate network drivers, adding the
+ following will enable this capability:
+ debugger_if_necessary();
+ */
+ return;
- kdp_current_ip_address = ipaddr->s_addr;
- kdp_current_mac_address = *macaddr;
+void *
+ return kdp_current_ifp;
- /* Get the debug boot-arg to decide if ARP replies are allowed */
- if (kdp_arp_init == 0) {
- PE_parse_boot_arg("debug", &debug);
- if (debug & DB_ARP)
- kdp_flag |= KDP_ARP;
- kdp_arp_init = 1;
- }
+ struct kdp_in_addr *ipaddr,
+ struct kdp_ether_addr *macaddr)
+ static uint64_t last_time = (uint64_t) -1;
+ static uint64_t throttle_val = 0;
+ uint64_t cur_time;
+ char addr[16];
+ if (kdp_current_ip_address == ipaddr->s_addr)
+ goto done;
+ /* don't replace if serial debugging is configured */
+ (kdp_current_ip_address != KDP_SERIAL_IPADDR)) {
+ kdp_current_mac_address = *macaddr;
+ kdp_current_ip_address = ipaddr->s_addr;
+ }
+ if (save_ip_in_nvram == FALSE)
+ goto done;
+ if (inet_ntoa_r(*ipaddr, addr, sizeof(addr)) == NULL)
+ goto done;
+ /* throttle writes if needed */
+ if (!throttle_val)
+ nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(KDP_THROTTLE_VALUE, &throttle_val);
+ cur_time = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (last_time == (uint64_t) -1 ||
+ ((cur_time - last_time) > throttle_val)) {
+ PEWriteNVRAMProperty("_kdp_ipstr", addr,
+ (const unsigned int) strlen(addr));
+ }
+ last_time = cur_time;
+ debugger_if_necessary();
-struct ether_addr
+kdp_set_gateway_mac(void *gatewaymac)
+ router_mac = *(struct kdp_ether_addr *)gatewaymac;
+ flag_router_mac_initialized = TRUE;
+struct kdp_ether_addr
return kdp_current_mac_address;
unsigned int
- return kdp_current_ip_address;
+ return (unsigned int)kdp_current_ip_address;
+ kdp_flag &= ~(DB_ARP);
+static void
+ struct kdp_ether_arp aligned_ea, *ea = &aligned_ea;
+ unsigned arp_header_offset;
+ arp_header_offset = (unsigned)sizeof(struct kdp_ether_header) + pkt.off;
+ memcpy((void *)ea, (void *)&pkt.data[arp_header_offset], sizeof(*ea));
+ switch(ntohs(ea->arp_op)) {
+ kdp_arp_reply(ea);
+ break;
+ kdp_process_arp_reply(ea);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+static void
+kdp_process_arp_reply(struct kdp_ether_arp *ea)
+ /* Are we interested in ARP replies? */
+ if (flag_arp_resolved == TRUE)
+ return;
+ /* Did we receive a reply from the right source? */
+ if (((struct kdp_in_addr *)(ea->arp_spa))->s_addr != target_ip)
+ return;
+ flag_arp_resolved = TRUE;
+ current_resolved_MAC = *(struct kdp_ether_addr *) (ea->arp_sha);
+ return;
/* ARP responses are enabled when the DB_ARP bit of the debug boot arg
- is set. A workaround if you don't want to reboot is to set
- kdpDEBUGFlag &= DB_ARP when connected (but that certainly isn't a published
- interface!)
+ * is set.
+ */
static void
+kdp_arp_reply(struct kdp_ether_arp *ea)
- struct ether_header *eh;
- struct ether_arp aligned_ea, *ea = &aligned_ea;
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh;
- struct in_addr isaddr, itaddr, myaddr;
- struct ether_addr my_enaddr;
+ struct kdp_in_addr isaddr, itaddr, myaddr;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr my_enaddr;
- eh = (struct ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- pkt.off += sizeof(struct ether_header);
+ eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ pkt.off += (unsigned int)sizeof(struct kdp_ether_header);
- memcpy((void *)ea, (void *)&pkt.data[pkt.off],sizeof(*ea));
- if(ntohs(ea->arp_op) != ARPOP_REQUEST)
- return;
+ if(ntohs(ea->arp_op) != ARPOP_REQUEST)
+ return;
myaddr.s_addr = kdp_get_ip_address();
my_enaddr = kdp_get_mac_addr();
- if (!(myaddr.s_addr) || !(my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[1]))
+ if ((ntohl(myaddr.s_addr) == 0) ||
+ ((my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0xff) == 0
+ && (my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[1] & 0xff) == 0
+ && (my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[2] & 0xff) == 0
+ && (my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[3] & 0xff) == 0
+ && (my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[4] & 0xff) == 0
+ && (my_enaddr.ether_addr_octet[5] & 0xff) == 0
+ ))
(void)memcpy((void *)&isaddr, (void *)ea->arp_spa, sizeof (isaddr));
(void)memcpy((void *)&itaddr, (void *)ea->arp_tpa, sizeof (itaddr));
if (itaddr.s_addr == myaddr.s_addr) {
(void)memcpy((void *)ea->arp_tha, (void *)ea->arp_sha, sizeof(ea->arp_sha));
(void)memcpy((void *)ea->arp_sha, (void *)&my_enaddr, sizeof(ea->arp_sha));
(void)memcpy(eh->ether_shost, &my_enaddr, sizeof(eh->ether_shost));
eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP);
(void)memcpy(&pkt.data[pkt.off], ea, sizeof(*ea));
- pkt.off -= sizeof (struct ether_header);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
/* pkt.len is still the length we want, ether_header+ether_arp */
- (*kdp_en_send_pkt)(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
+ kdp_send_data(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
static void
- struct ether_header *eh;
- struct udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
- struct ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
- static int msg_printed;
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh = NULL;
+ struct kdp_udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
+ struct kdp_ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
+ static int msg_printed;
- if (pkt.input)
- kdp_panic("kdp_poll");
+ if (pkt.input)
+ kdp_panic("kdp_poll");
- if (!kdp_en_recv_pkt || !kdp_en_send_pkt) {
- if( msg_printed == 0) {
- msg_printed = 1;
- printf("kdp_poll: no debugger device\n");
+ if (!kdp_en_recv_pkt || !kdp_en_send_pkt) {
+ if( msg_printed == 0) {
+ msg_printed = 1;
+ printf("kdp_poll: no debugger device\n");
+ }
+ return;
- return;
- }
- pkt.off = pkt.len = 0;
- (*kdp_en_recv_pkt)(pkt.data, &pkt.len, 3/* ms */);
- if (pkt.len == 0)
- return;
+ pkt.off = pkt.len = 0;
+ kdp_receive_data(pkt.data, &pkt.len, 3/* ms */);
- if (pkt.len >= sizeof(struct ether_header))
- {
- eh = (struct ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- if (kdp_flag & KDP_ARP)
- {
- if (ntohs(eh->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_ARP)
- {
- kdp_arp_reply();
+ if (pkt.len == 0)
- }
- }
- }
- if (pkt.len < (sizeof (struct ether_header) + sizeof (struct udpiphdr)))
- return;
+ if (pkt.len >= sizeof(struct kdp_ether_header))
+ {
+ eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ if (kdp_flag & KDP_ARP)
+ {
+ if (ntohs(eh->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_ARP)
+ {
+ kdp_arp_dispatch();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- pkt.off += sizeof (struct ether_header);
- if (ntohs(eh->ether_type) != ETHERTYPE_IP) {
- return;
- }
+ if (pkt.len < (sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header) + sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr)))
+ return;
+ pkt.off += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
+ if (ntohs(eh->ether_type) != ETHERTYPE_IP) {
+ return;
+ }
- bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
- bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
- ui = (struct udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- ip = (struct ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ui = (struct kdp_udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ip = (struct kdp_ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- pkt.off += sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
- if (ui->ui_pr != IPPROTO_UDP) {
- return;
- }
+ pkt.off += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
+ if (ui->ui_pr != IPPROTO_UDP) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (ip->ip_hl > (sizeof (struct ip) >> 2)) {
- return;
- }
+ if (ip->ip_hl > (sizeof (struct kdp_ip) >> 2)) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (ntohs(ui->ui_dport) != KDP_REMOTE_PORT) {
- return;
- }
- if (!kdp.is_conn) {
- enaddr_copy(eh->ether_dhost, &adr.loc.ea);
- adr.loc.in = ui->ui_dst;
+ if (ntohs(ui->ui_dport) != KDP_REMOTE_PORT) {
+ if (panicd_port == (ntohs(ui->ui_dport)) &&
+ flag_panic_dump_in_progress) {
+ last_panic_port = ui->ui_sport;
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If we receive a kernel debugging packet whilst a
+ * core dump is in progress, abort the transfer and
+ * enter the debugger if not told otherwise.
+ */
+ else
+ if (flag_panic_dump_in_progress)
+ {
+ if (!flag_dont_abort_panic_dump) {
+ abort_panic_transfer();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!kdp.is_conn && !flag_panic_dump_in_progress) {
+ enaddr_copy(eh->ether_dhost, &adr.loc.ea);
+ adr.loc.in = ui->ui_dst;
+ enaddr_copy(eh->ether_shost, &adr.rmt.ea);
+ adr.rmt.in = ui->ui_src;
+ }
- enaddr_copy(eh->ether_shost, &adr.rmt.ea);
- adr.rmt.in = ui->ui_src;
- }
+ /*
+ * Calculate kdp packet length.
+ */
+ pkt.len = ntohs((u_short)ui->ui_ulen) - (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udphdr);
+ pkt.input = TRUE;
- /*
- * Calculate kdp packet length.
- */
- pkt.len = ntohs((u_short)ui->ui_ulen) - sizeof (struct udphdr);
- pkt.input = TRUE;
+/* Create and transmit an ARP resolution request for the target IP address.
+ * This is modeled on ether_inet_arp()/RFC 826.
+ */
+static void
+transmit_ARP_request(uint32_t ip_addr)
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *) &pkt.data[0];
+ struct kdp_ether_arp *ea = (struct kdp_ether_arp *) &pkt.data[sizeof(struct kdp_ether_header)];
+ KDP_DEBUG("Transmitting ARP request\n");
+ /* Populate the ether_header */
+ eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP);
+ enaddr_copy(&kdp_current_mac_address, eh->ether_shost);
+ enaddr_copy(ðerbroadcastaddr, eh->ether_dhost);
+ /* Populate the ARP header */
+ ea->arp_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ ea->arp_hln = sizeof(ea->arp_sha);
+ ea->arp_pln = sizeof(ea->arp_spa);
+ ea->arp_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
+ ea->arp_op = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST);
+ /* Target fields */
+ enaddr_copy(ðerbroadcastaddr, ea->arp_tha);
+ memcpy(ea->arp_tpa, (void *) &ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr));
+ /* Source fields */
+ enaddr_copy(&kdp_current_mac_address, ea->arp_sha);
+ memcpy(ea->arp_spa, (void *) &kdp_current_ip_address, sizeof(kdp_current_ip_address));
+ pkt.off = 0;
+ pkt.len = sizeof(struct kdp_ether_header) + sizeof(struct kdp_ether_arp);
+ /* Transmit */
+ kdp_send_data(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
+static boolean_t
+kdp_arp_resolve(uint32_t arp_target_ip, struct kdp_ether_addr *resolved_MAC)
+ int poll_count = 256; /* ~770 ms modulo broadcast/delayed traffic? */
+ char tretries = 0;
+ target_ip = arp_target_ip;
+ flag_arp_resolved = FALSE;
+ pkt.off = pkt.len = 0;
+ tretries++;
+ if (tretries >= NUM_ARP_TX_RETRIES) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ KDP_DEBUG("ARP TX attempt #%d \n", tretries);
+ transmit_ARP_request(arp_target_ip);
+ while (!pkt.input && !flag_arp_resolved && flag_panic_dump_in_progress && --poll_count) {
+ kdp_poll();
+ }
+ if (flag_arp_resolved) {
+ *resolved_MAC = current_resolved_MAC;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!flag_panic_dump_in_progress || pkt.input) /* we received a debugging packet, bail*/
+ {
+ printf("Received a debugger packet,transferring control to debugger\n");
+ /* Indicate that we should wait in the debugger when we return */
+ kdp_flag |= DBG_POST_CORE;
+ pkt.input = FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else /* We timed out */
+ if (0 == poll_count) {
+ poll_count = 256;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
static void
unsigned short reply_port;
kdp_hdr_t aligned_hdr, *hdr = &aligned_hdr;
kdp.saved_state = saved_state; // see comment in kdp_raise_exception
do {
// check for retransmitted request
if (hdr->seq == (exception_seq - 1)) {
/* retransmit last reply */
- (*kdp_en_send_pkt)(&saved_reply.data[saved_reply.off],
- saved_reply.len);
+ kdp_send_data(&saved_reply.data[saved_reply.off],
+ saved_reply.len);
goto again;
- } else if (hdr->seq != exception_seq) {
+ } else if ((hdr->seq != exception_seq) &&
+ (hdr->request != KDP_CONNECT)) {
printf("kdp: bad sequence %d (want %d)\n",
hdr->seq, exception_seq);
goto again;
+ /* This is a manual side-channel to the main KDP protocol.
+ * A client like GDB/kgmacros can manually construct
+ * a request, set the input flag, issue a dummy KDP request,
+ * and then manually collect the result
+ */
+ if (manual_pkt.input) {
+ kdp_hdr_t *manual_hdr = (kdp_hdr_t *)&manual_pkt.data;
+ unsigned short manual_port_unused = 0;
+ if (!manual_hdr->is_reply) {
+ /* process */
+ kdp_packet((unsigned char *)&manual_pkt.data,
+ (int *)&manual_pkt.len,
+ &manual_port_unused);
+ }
+ manual_pkt.input = 0;
+ }
if (kdp_packet((unsigned char*)&pkt.data[pkt.off],
(int *)&pkt.len,
(unsigned short *)&reply_port)) {
- kdp_reply(reply_port);
+ boolean_t sideband = FALSE;
+ /* if it's an already connected error message,
+ * send a sideband reply for that. for successful connects,
+ * make sure the sequence number is correct. */
+ if (hdr->request == KDP_CONNECT) {
+ kdp_connect_reply_t *rp =
+ (kdp_connect_reply_t *) &pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ kdp_error_t err = rp->error;
+ if (err == KDPERR_NO_ERROR) {
+ exception_seq = hdr->seq;
+ } else if (err == KDPERR_ALREADY_CONNECTED) {
+ sideband = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ kdp_reply(reply_port, sideband);
static void
- unsigned short reply_port;
- boolean_t kdp_call_kdb();
- struct ether_addr kdp_mac_addr = kdp_get_mac_addr();
- unsigned int ip_addr = kdp_get_ip_address();
- printf( "ethernet MAC address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0xff,
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[1] & 0xff,
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[2] & 0xff,
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[3] & 0xff,
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[4] & 0xff,
- kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[5] & 0xff);
+ unsigned short reply_port;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr kdp_mac_addr = kdp_get_mac_addr();
+ unsigned int ip_addr = ntohl(kdp_get_ip_address());
+ /*
+ * Do both a printf() and a kprintf() of the MAC and IP so that
+ * they will print out on headless machines but not be added to
+ * the panic.log
+ */
+ printf("Using serial KDP.\n");
+ kprintf("Using serial KDP.\n");
+ } else {
+ printf( "ethernet MAC address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[1] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[2] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[3] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[4] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[5] & 0xff);
+ kprintf( "ethernet MAC address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[1] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[2] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[3] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[4] & 0xff,
+ kdp_mac_addr.ether_addr_octet[5] & 0xff);
- printf( "ip address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
- (ip_addr & 0xff000000) >> 24,
- (ip_addr & 0xff0000) >> 16,
- (ip_addr & 0xff00) >> 8,
- (ip_addr & 0xff));
+ printf( "ip address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+ (ip_addr & 0xff000000) >> 24,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff0000) >> 16,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff00) >> 8,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff));
- printf("\nWaiting for remote debugger connection.\n");
- if (reattach_wait == 0)
- {
-#ifdef MACH_PE
- if( 0 != kdp_getc())
- {
- printf("Options..... Type\n");
- printf("------------ ----\n");
- printf("continue.... 'c'\n");
- printf("reboot...... 'r'\n");
- printf("enter kdb... 'k'\n");
- }
- }
- else
- reattach_wait = 0;
+ kprintf( "ip address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+ (ip_addr & 0xff000000) >> 24,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff0000) >> 16,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff00) >> 8,
+ (ip_addr & 0xff));
+ }
+ printf("\nWaiting for remote debugger connection.\n");
+ kprintf("\nWaiting for remote debugger connection.\n");
+ if (reattach_wait == 0) {
+ if((kdp_flag & KDP_GETC_ENA) && (0 != kdp_getc()))
+ {
+ printf("Options..... Type\n");
+ printf("------------ ----\n");
+ printf("continue.... 'c'\n");
+ printf("reboot...... 'r'\n");
+ }
+ } else
+ reattach_wait = 0;
- exception_seq = 0;
- do {
- kdp_hdr_t aligned_hdr, *hdr = &aligned_hdr;
+ exception_seq = 0;
+ do {
+ kdp_hdr_t aligned_hdr, *hdr = &aligned_hdr;
- while (!pkt.input) {
- int c;
- c = kdp_getc();
- switch(c) {
- case 'c':
- printf("Continuing...\n");
- return;
- case 'r':
- printf("Rebooting...\n");
- kdp_reboot();
- break;
- case 'k':
- printf("calling kdb...\n");
- if (kdp_call_kdb())
- return;
- else
- printf("not implemented...\n");
- default:
- break;
- }
- kdp_poll();
- }
+ while (!pkt.input) {
+ if (kdp_flag & KDP_GETC_ENA) {
+ switch(kdp_getc()) {
+ case 'c':
+ printf("Continuing...\n");
+ return;
+ case 'r':
+ printf("Rebooting...\n");
+ kdp_machine_reboot();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ kdp_poll();
+ }
- // check for sequence number of 0
- bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)hdr, sizeof(*hdr));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)hdr, sizeof(*hdr));
- hdr = (kdp_hdr_t *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ hdr = (kdp_hdr_t *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
- if (hdr->request == KDP_HOSTREBOOT) {
- kdp_reboot();
- /* should not return! */
- }
- if (((hdr->request == KDP_CONNECT) || (hdr->request == KDP_REATTACH)) &&
- !hdr->is_reply && (hdr->seq == exception_seq)) {
- if (kdp_packet((unsigned char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off],
- (int *)&pkt.len,
- (unsigned short *)&reply_port))
- kdp_reply(reply_port);
- if (hdr->request == KDP_REATTACH)
- {
- reattach_wait = 0;
- hdr->request=KDP_DISCONNECT;
- exception_seq = 0;
- }
- }
- pkt.input = FALSE;
- } while (!kdp.is_conn);
+ if (hdr->request == KDP_HOSTREBOOT) {
+ kdp_machine_reboot();
+ /* should not return! */
+ }
+ if (((hdr->request == KDP_CONNECT) || (hdr->request == KDP_REATTACH)) &&
+ !hdr->is_reply && (hdr->seq == exception_seq)) {
+ if (kdp_packet((unsigned char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off],
+ (int *)&pkt.len,
+ (unsigned short *)&reply_port))
+ kdp_reply(reply_port, FALSE);
+ if (hdr->request == KDP_REATTACH) {
+ reattach_wait = 0;
+ hdr->request=KDP_DISCONNECT;
+ exception_seq = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ pkt.input = FALSE;
+ } while (!kdp.is_conn);
- if (current_debugger == KDP_CUR_DB)
- active_debugger=1;
- printf("Connected to remote debugger.\n");
+ if (current_debugger == KDP_CUR_DB)
+ active_debugger=1;
+ printf("Connected to remote debugger.\n");
+ kprintf("Connected to remote debugger.\n");
static void
unsigned int poll_timeout;
do {
- pkt.off = sizeof (struct ether_header) + sizeof (struct udpiphdr);
+ pkt.off = sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header) + sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
kdp_exception((unsigned char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off],
(int *)&pkt.len,
(unsigned short *)&remote_port,
int index;
+ unsigned int initial_not_in_kdp = not_in_kdp;
+ not_in_kdp = 0;
+ /* Was a system trace requested ? */
+ if (kdp_snapshot && (!panic_active()) && (panic_caller == 0)) {
+ stack_snapshot_ret = kdp_stackshot(stack_snapshot_pid,
+ stack_snapshot_buf, stack_snapshot_bufsize,
+ stack_snapshot_flags, stack_snapshot_dispatch_offset,
+ &stack_snapshot_bytes_traced);
+ not_in_kdp = initial_not_in_kdp;
+ return;
+ }
* do this. I think the client and the host can get out of sync.
kdp.saved_state = saved_state;
+ kdp.kdp_cpu = cpu_number();
+ kdp.kdp_thread = current_thread();
+ if (kdp_en_setmode)
+ (*kdp_en_setmode)(TRUE); /* enabling link mode */
if (pkt.input)
+ if (((kdp_flag & KDP_PANIC_DUMP_ENABLED) || (kdp_flag & PANIC_LOG_DUMP))
+ && (panicstr != (char *) 0)) {
+ kdp_panic_dump();
+ if (kdp_flag & REBOOT_POST_CORE)
+ kdp_machine_reboot();
+ }
+ else
+ if ((kdp_flag & PANIC_CORE_ON_NMI) && (panicstr == (char *) 0) &&
+ !kdp.is_conn) {
+ disable_debug_output = disableConsoleOutput = FALSE;
+ kdp_panic_dump();
+ if (!(kdp_flag & DBG_POST_CORE))
+ goto exit_raise_exception;
+ }
if (!kdp.is_conn)
- else
- {
+ else {
kdp_send_exception(exception, code, subcode);
- if (kdp.exception_ack_needed)
- {
+ if (kdp.exception_ack_needed) {
kdp.exception_ack_needed = FALSE;
printf("Remote debugger disconnected.\n");
printf("Remote debugger disconnected.\n");
+ /* Allow triggering a panic core dump when connected to the machine
+ * Continuing after setting kdp_trigger_core_dump should do the
+ * trick.
+ */
+ if (1 == kdp_trigger_core_dump) {
+ kdp_panic_dump();
+ if (kdp_flag & REBOOT_POST_CORE)
+ kdp_machine_reboot();
+ kdp_trigger_core_dump = 0;
+ }
+/* Trigger a reboot if the user has set this flag through the
+ * debugger.Ideally, this would be done through the HOSTREBOOT packet
+ * in the protocol,but that will need gdb support,and when it's
+ * available, it should work automatically.
+ */
+ if (1 == flag_kdp_trigger_reboot) {
+ kdp_machine_reboot();
+ /* If we're still around, reset the flag */
+ flag_kdp_trigger_reboot = 0;
+ }
+ if (kdp_reentry_deadline) {
+ kdp_schedule_debugger_reentry(kdp_reentry_deadline);
+ printf("Debugger re-entry scheduled in %d milliseconds\n", kdp_reentry_deadline);
+ kdp_reentry_deadline = 0;
+ }
if (reattach_wait == 1)
goto again;
+ if (kdp_en_setmode)
+ (*kdp_en_setmode)(FALSE); /* link cleanup */
+ not_in_kdp = initial_not_in_kdp;
kdp.reply_port = kdp.exception_port = 0;
kdp.is_halted = kdp.is_conn = FALSE;
kdp.exception_seq = kdp.conn_seq = 0;
+ kdp.session_key = 0;
+ pkt.input = manual_pkt.input = FALSE;
+ pkt.len = pkt.off = manual_pkt.len = 0;
+struct corehdr *
+create_panic_header(unsigned int request, const char *corename,
+ unsigned length, unsigned int block)
+ struct kdp_udpiphdr aligned_ui, *ui = &aligned_ui;
+ struct kdp_ip aligned_ip, *ip = &aligned_ip;
+ struct kdp_ether_header *eh;
+ struct corehdr *coreh;
+ const char *mode = "octet";
+ char modelen = strlen(mode) + 1;
+ size_t fmask_size = sizeof(KDP_FEATURE_MASK_STRING) + sizeof(kdp_crashdump_feature_mask);
+ pkt.off = sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
+ pkt.len = (unsigned int)(length + ((request == KDP_WRQ) ? modelen + fmask_size : 0) +
+ (corename ? (strlen(corename) + 1 ): 0) + sizeof(struct corehdr));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ui, sizeof(*ui));
+ ui = (struct kdp_udpiphdr *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ui->ui_next = ui->ui_prev = 0;
+ ui->ui_x1 = 0;
+ ui->ui_pr = IPPROTO_UDP;
+ ui->ui_len = htons((u_short)pkt.len + sizeof (struct kdp_udphdr));
+ ui->ui_src.s_addr = (uint32_t)kdp_current_ip_address;
+ /* Already in network byte order via inet_aton() */
+ ui->ui_dst.s_addr = panic_server_ip;
+ ui->ui_sport = htons(panicd_port);
+ ui->ui_dport = ((request == KDP_WRQ) ? htons(panicd_port) : last_panic_port);
+ ui->ui_ulen = ui->ui_len;
+ ui->ui_sum = 0;
+ bcopy((char *)ui, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ui));
+ bcopy((char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], (char *)ip, sizeof(*ip));
+ ip = (struct kdp_ip *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ ip->ip_len = htons(sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr) + pkt.len);
+ ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
+ ip->ip_id = htons(ip_id++);
+ ip->ip_hl = sizeof (struct kdp_ip) >> 2;
+ ip->ip_ttl = udp_ttl;
+ ip->ip_sum = 0;
+ ip->ip_sum = htons(~ip_sum((unsigned char *)ip, ip->ip_hl));
+ bcopy((char *)ip, (char *)&pkt.data[pkt.off], sizeof(*ip));
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
+ pkt.off += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
+ coreh = (struct corehdr *) &pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ coreh->th_opcode = htons((u_short)request);
+ if (request == KDP_WRQ)
+ {
+ char *cp;
+ cp = coreh->th_u.tu_rpl;
+ cp += strlcpy (cp, corename, KDP_MAXPACKET);
+ *cp++ = '\0';
+ cp += strlcpy (cp, mode, KDP_MAXPACKET - strlen(corename));
+ *cp++ = '\0';
+ *cp++ = '\0'; /* Redundant */
+ bcopy(&kdp_crashdump_feature_mask, cp, sizeof(kdp_crashdump_feature_mask));
+ kdp_crashdump_pkt_size = KDP_LARGE_CRASHDUMP_PKT_SIZE;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("kdp_crashdump_pkt_size", &kdp_crashdump_pkt_size, sizeof(kdp_crashdump_pkt_size));
+ cp += sizeof(kdp_crashdump_feature_mask);
+ *(uint32_t *)cp = htonl(kdp_crashdump_pkt_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ coreh->th_block = htonl((unsigned int) block);
+ }
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_udpiphdr);
+ pkt.off -= (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
+ eh = (struct kdp_ether_header *)&pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ enaddr_copy(&kdp_current_mac_address, eh->ether_shost);
+ enaddr_copy(&destination_mac, eh->ether_dhost);
+ eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ pkt.len += (unsigned int)sizeof (struct kdp_ether_header);
+ return coreh;
+static int kdp_send_crashdump_seek(char *corename, uint64_t seek_off)
+ int panic_error;
+ if (kdp_feature_large_crashdumps) {
+ panic_error = kdp_send_crashdump_pkt(KDP_SEEK, corename,
+ sizeof(seek_off),
+ &seek_off);
+ } else {
+ uint32_t off = (uint32_t) seek_off;
+ panic_error = kdp_send_crashdump_pkt(KDP_SEEK, corename,
+ sizeof(off), &off);
+ }
+ if (panic_error < 0) {
+ printf ("kdp_send_crashdump_pkt failed with error %d\n",
+ panic_error);
+ return panic_error;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int kdp_send_crashdump_data(unsigned int request, char *corename,
+ int64_t length, caddr_t txstart)
+ int panic_error = 0;
+ while (length > 0) {
+ uint64_t chunk = MIN(kdp_crashdump_pkt_size, length);
+ panic_error = kdp_send_crashdump_pkt(request, corename, chunk,
+ txstart);
+ if (panic_error < 0) {
+ printf ("kdp_send_crashdump_pkt failed with error %d\n", panic_error);
+ return panic_error;
+ }
+ txstart += chunk;
+ length -= chunk;
+ }
+ return 0;
+uint32_t kdp_crashdump_short_pkt;
+kdp_send_crashdump_pkt(unsigned int request, char *corename,
+ uint64_t length, void *panic_data)
+ int poll_count;
+ struct corehdr *th = NULL;
+ char rretries, tretries;
+ if (kdp_dump_start_time == 0) {
+ kdp_dump_start_time = mach_absolute_time();
+ kdp_superblock_dump_start_time = kdp_dump_start_time;
+ }
+ tretries = rretries = 0;
+ pkt.off = pkt.len = 0;
+ if (request == KDP_WRQ) /* longer timeout for initial request */
+ poll_count += 1000;
+ tretries++;
+ if (tretries >=15) {
+/* The crashdump server is unreachable for some reason. This could be a network
+ * issue or, if we've been especially unfortunate, we've hit Radar 2760413,
+ * which is a long standing problem with the IOKit polled mode network driver
+ * shim which can prevent transmits/receives completely.
+ */
+ printf ("Cannot contact panic server, timing out.\n");
+ return (-3);
+ }
+ if (tretries > 2)
+ printf("TX retry #%d ", tretries );
+ th = create_panic_header(request, corename, (unsigned)length, panic_block);
+ if (request == KDP_DATA) {
+ /* as all packets are kdp_crashdump_pkt_size in length, the last packet
+ * may end up with trailing bits. make sure that those
+ * bits aren't confusing. */
+ if (length < kdp_crashdump_pkt_size) {
+ kdp_crashdump_short_pkt++;
+ memset(th->th_data + length, 'Y',
+ kdp_crashdump_pkt_size - (uint32_t) length);
+ }
+ if (!kdp_machine_vm_read((mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)panic_data, (caddr_t) th->th_data, length)) {
+ uintptr_t next_page = round_page((uintptr_t)panic_data);
+ memset((caddr_t) th->th_data, 'X', (size_t)length);
+ if ((next_page - ((uintptr_t) panic_data)) < length) {
+ uint64_t resid = length - (next_page - (intptr_t) panic_data);
+ if (!kdp_machine_vm_read((mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)next_page, (caddr_t) th->th_data + (length - resid), resid)) {
+ memset((caddr_t) th->th_data + (length - resid), 'X', (size_t)resid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (request == KDP_SEEK) {
+ if (kdp_feature_large_crashdumps)
+ *(uint64_t *) th->th_data = OSSwapHostToBigInt64((*(uint64_t *) panic_data));
+ else
+ *(unsigned int *) th->th_data = htonl(*(unsigned int *) panic_data);
+ }
+ kdp_send_data(&pkt.data[pkt.off], pkt.len);
+ /* Listen for the ACK */
+ while (!pkt.input && flag_panic_dump_in_progress && poll_count) {
+ kdp_poll();
+ poll_count--;
+ }
+ if (pkt.input) {
+ pkt.input = FALSE;
+ th = (struct corehdr *) &pkt.data[pkt.off];
+ if (request == KDP_WRQ) {
+ uint16_t opcode64 = ntohs(th->th_opcode);
+ uint16_t features64 = (opcode64 & 0xFF00)>>8;
+ if ((opcode64 & 0xFF) == KDP_ACK) {
+ kdp_feature_large_crashdumps = features64 & KDP_FEATURE_LARGE_CRASHDUMPS;
+ if (features64 & KDP_FEATURE_LARGE_PKT_SIZE) {
+ kdp_feature_large_pkt_size = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ kdp_feature_large_pkt_size = 0;
+ kdp_crashdump_pkt_size = 512;
+ }
+ printf("Protocol features: 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) features64);
+ th->th_opcode = htons(KDP_ACK);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ntohs(th->th_opcode) == KDP_ACK && ntohl(th->th_block) == panic_block) {
+ }
+ else
+ if (ntohs(th->th_opcode) == KDP_ERROR) {
+ printf("Panic server returned error %d, retrying\n", ntohl(th->th_code));
+ poll_count = 1000;
+ }
+ else
+ if (ntohl(th->th_block) == (panic_block - 1)) {
+ printf("RX retry ");
+ if (++rretries > 1)
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (!flag_panic_dump_in_progress) /* we received a debugging packet, bail*/
+ {
+ printf("Received a debugger packet,transferring control to debugger\n");
+ /* Configure that if not set ..*/
+ kdp_flag |= DBG_POST_CORE;
+ return (-2);
+ }
+ else /* We timed out */
+ if (0 == poll_count) {
+ poll_count = 1000;
+ kdp_us_spin ((tretries%4) * panic_timeout); /* capped linear backoff */
+ }
+ if (!(++panic_block % SBLOCKSZ)) {
+ uint64_t ctime;
+ kdb_printf_unbuffered(".");
+ ctime = mach_absolute_time();
+ kdp_superblock_dump_time = ctime - kdp_superblock_dump_start_time;
+ kdp_superblock_dump_start_time = ctime;
+ if (kdp_superblock_dump_time > kdp_max_superblock_dump_time)
+ kdp_max_superblock_dump_time = kdp_superblock_dump_time;
+ if (kdp_superblock_dump_time < kdp_min_superblock_dump_time)
+ kdp_min_superblock_dump_time = kdp_superblock_dump_time;
+ }
+ if (request == KDP_EOF) {
+ printf("\nTotal number of packets transmitted: %d\n", panic_block);
+ printf("Avg. superblock transfer abstime 0x%llx\n", ((mach_absolute_time() - kdp_dump_start_time) / panic_block) * SBLOCKSZ);
+ printf("Minimum superblock transfer abstime: 0x%llx\n", kdp_min_superblock_dump_time);
+ printf("Maximum superblock transfer abstime: 0x%llx\n", kdp_max_superblock_dump_time);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+isdigit (char c)
+ return ((c > 47) && (c < 58));
+/* Horrid hack to extract xnu version if possible - a much cleaner approach
+ * would be to have the integrator run a script which would copy the
+ * xnu version into a string or an int somewhere at project submission
+ * time - makes assumptions about sizeof(version), but will not fail if
+ * it changes, but may be incorrect.
+ */
+/* 2006: Incorporated a change from Darwin user P. Lovell to extract
+ * the minor kernel version numbers from the version string.
+ */
+static int
+kdp_get_xnu_version(char *versionbuf)
+ char *versionpos;
+ char vstr[20];
+ int retval = -1;
+ char *vptr;
+ strlcpy(vstr, "custom", 10);
+ if (kdp_machine_vm_read((mach_vm_address_t)(uintptr_t)version, versionbuf, 128)) {
+ versionbuf[127] = '\0';
+ versionpos = strnstr(versionbuf, "xnu-", 115);
+ if (versionpos) {
+ strncpy(vstr, versionpos, sizeof(vstr));
+ vstr[sizeof(vstr)-1] = '\0';
+ vptr = vstr + 4; /* Begin after "xnu-" */
+ while (*vptr && (isdigit(*vptr) || *vptr == '.'))
+ vptr++;
+ *vptr = '\0';
+ /* Remove trailing period, if any */
+ if (*(--vptr) == '.')
+ *vptr = '\0';
+ retval = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ strlcpy(versionbuf, vstr, KDP_MAXPACKET);
+ return retval;
+kdp_set_dump_info(const uint32_t flags, const char *filename,
+ const char *destipstr, const char *routeripstr,
+ const uint32_t port)
+ uint32_t cmd;
+ if (destipstr && (destipstr[0] != '\0')) {
+ strlcpy(panicd_ip_str, destipstr, sizeof(panicd_ip_str));
+ panicd_specified = 1;
+ }
+ if (routeripstr && (routeripstr[0] != '\0')) {
+ strlcpy(router_ip_str, routeripstr, sizeof(router_ip_str));
+ router_specified = 1;
+ }
+ if (filename && (filename[0] != '\0')) {
+ strlcpy(corename_str, filename, sizeof(corename_str));
+ corename_specified = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ corename_specified = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (port)
+ panicd_port = port;
+ /* on a disconnect, should we stay in KDP or not? */
+ noresume_on_disconnect = (flags & KDP_DUMPINFO_NORESUME) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ((flags & KDP_DUMPINFO_DUMP) == 0)
+ return;
+ /* the rest of the commands can modify kdp_flags */
+ cmd = flags & KDP_DUMPINFO_MASK;
+ if (cmd == KDP_DUMPINFO_DISABLE) {
+ kdp_flag &= ~KDP_PANIC_DUMP_ENABLED;
+ panicd_specified = 0;
+ kdp_trigger_core_dump = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ kdp_flag &= ~REBOOT_POST_CORE;
+ if (flags & KDP_DUMPINFO_REBOOT)
+ kdp_flag |= REBOOT_POST_CORE;
+ kdp_flag &= ~PANIC_LOG_DUMP;
+ kdp_flag |= PANIC_LOG_DUMP;
+ kdp_flag &= ~SYSTEM_LOG_DUMP;
+ kdp_flag |= SYSTEM_LOG_DUMP;
+ /* trigger a dump */
+ kdp_flag |= DBG_POST_CORE;
+ flag_dont_abort_panic_dump = (flags & KDP_DUMPINFO_NOINTR) ?
+ reattach_wait = 1;
+ logPanicDataToScreen = 1;
+ disableConsoleOutput = 0;
+ disable_debug_output = 0;
+ kdp_trigger_core_dump = 1;
+kdp_get_dump_info(uint32_t *flags, char *filename, char *destipstr,
+ char *routeripstr, uint32_t *port)
+ if (destipstr) {
+ if (panicd_specified)
+ strlcpy(destipstr, panicd_ip_str,
+ sizeof(panicd_ip_str));
+ else
+ destipstr[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (routeripstr) {
+ if (router_specified)
+ strlcpy(routeripstr, router_ip_str,
+ sizeof(router_ip_str));
+ else
+ routeripstr[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (filename) {
+ if (corename_specified)
+ strlcpy(filename, corename_str,
+ sizeof(corename_str));
+ else
+ filename[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (port)
+ *port = panicd_port;
+ if (flags) {
+ *flags = 0;
+ if (!panicd_specified)
+ else if (kdp_flag & PANIC_LOG_DUMP)
+ else
+ *flags |= KDP_DUMPINFO_CORE;
+ if (noresume_on_disconnect)
+ }
+/* Primary dispatch routine for the system dump */
+ char coreprefix[10];
+ int panic_error;
+ uint64_t abstime;
+ uint32_t current_ip = ntohl((uint32_t)kdp_current_ip_address);
+ if (flag_panic_dump_in_progress) {
+ kdb_printf("System dump aborted.\n");
+ goto panic_dump_exit;
+ }
+ printf("Entering system dump routine\n");
+ if (!kdp_en_recv_pkt || !kdp_en_send_pkt) {
+ kdb_printf("Error: No transport device registered for kernel crashdump\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!panicd_specified) {
+ kdb_printf("A dump server was not specified in the boot-args, terminating kernel core dump.\n");
+ goto panic_dump_exit;
+ }
+ flag_panic_dump_in_progress = TRUE;
+ if (pkt.input)
+ kdp_panic("kdp_panic_dump: unexpected pending input packet");
+ kdp_get_xnu_version((char *) &pkt.data[0]);
+ if (!corename_specified) {
+ /* Panic log bit takes precedence over core dump bit */
+ if ((panicstr != (char *) 0) && (kdp_flag & PANIC_LOG_DUMP))
+ strlcpy(coreprefix, "paniclog", sizeof(coreprefix));
+ else if (kdp_flag & SYSTEM_LOG_DUMP)
+ strlcpy(coreprefix, "systemlog", sizeof(coreprefix));
+ else
+ strlcpy(coreprefix, "core", sizeof(coreprefix));
+ abstime = mach_absolute_time();
+ pkt.data[20] = '\0';
+ snprintf (corename_str, sizeof(corename_str), "%s-%s-%d.%d.%d.%d-%x",
+ coreprefix, &pkt.data[0],
+ (current_ip & 0xff000000) >> 24,
+ (current_ip & 0xff0000) >> 16,
+ (current_ip & 0xff00) >> 8,
+ (current_ip & 0xff),
+ (unsigned int) (abstime & 0xffffffff));
+ }
+ if (0 == inet_aton(panicd_ip_str, (struct kdp_in_addr *) &panic_server_ip)) {
+ kdb_printf("inet_aton() failed interpreting %s as a panic server IP\n", panicd_ip_str);
+ }
+ else
+ kdb_printf("Attempting connection to panic server configured at IP %s, port %d\n", panicd_ip_str, panicd_port);
+ destination_mac = router_mac;
+ if (kdp_arp_resolve(panic_server_ip, &temp_mac)) {
+ kdb_printf("Resolved %s's (or proxy's) link level address\n", panicd_ip_str);
+ destination_mac = temp_mac;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!flag_panic_dump_in_progress) goto panic_dump_exit;
+ if (router_specified) {
+ if (0 == inet_aton(router_ip_str, (struct kdp_in_addr *) &parsed_router_ip))
+ kdb_printf("inet_aton() failed interpreting %s as an IP\n", router_ip_str);
+ else {
+ router_ip = parsed_router_ip;
+ if (kdp_arp_resolve(router_ip, &temp_mac)) {
+ destination_mac = temp_mac;
+ kdb_printf("Routing through specified router IP %s (%d)\n", router_ip_str, router_ip);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!flag_panic_dump_in_progress) goto panic_dump_exit;
+ kdb_printf("Transmitting packets to link level address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0xff,
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[1] & 0xff,
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[2] & 0xff,
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[3] & 0xff,
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[4] & 0xff,
+ destination_mac.ether_addr_octet[5] & 0xff);
+ kdb_printf("Kernel map size is %llu\n", (unsigned long long) get_vmmap_size(kernel_map));
+ kdb_printf("Sending write request for %s\n", corename_str);
+ if ((panic_error = kdp_send_crashdump_pkt(KDP_WRQ, corename_str, 0 , NULL)) < 0) {
+ kdb_printf ("kdp_send_crashdump_pkt failed with error %d\n", panic_error);
+ goto panic_dump_exit;
+ }
+ /* Just the panic log requested */
+ if ((panicstr != (char *) 0) && (kdp_flag & PANIC_LOG_DUMP)) {
+ kdb_printf_unbuffered("Transmitting panic log, please wait: ");
+ kdp_send_crashdump_data(KDP_DATA, corename_str,
+ debug_buf_ptr - debug_buf,
+ debug_buf);
+ kdp_send_crashdump_pkt (KDP_EOF, NULL, 0, ((void *) 0));
+ printf("Please file a bug report on this panic, if possible.\n");
+ goto panic_dump_exit;
+ }
+ /* maybe we wanted the systemlog */
+ if (kdp_flag & SYSTEM_LOG_DUMP) {
+ long start_off = msgbufp->msg_bufx;
+ long len;
+ kdb_printf_unbuffered("Transmitting system log, please wait: ");
+ if (start_off >= msgbufp->msg_bufr) {
+ len = msgbufp->msg_size - start_off;
+ kdp_send_crashdump_data(KDP_DATA, corename_str, len,
+ msgbufp->msg_bufc + start_off);
+ /* seek to remove trailing bytes */
+ kdp_send_crashdump_seek(corename_str, len);
+ start_off = 0;
+ }
+ if (start_off != msgbufp->msg_bufr) {
+ len = msgbufp->msg_bufr - start_off;
+ kdp_send_crashdump_data(KDP_DATA, corename_str, len,
+ msgbufp->msg_bufc + start_off);
+ }
+ kdp_send_crashdump_pkt (KDP_EOF, NULL, 0, ((void *) 0));
+ goto panic_dump_exit;
+ }
+ /* We want a core dump if we're here */
+ kern_dump();
+ abort_panic_transfer();
+ kdp_reset();
+ return;
+ flag_panic_dump_in_progress = FALSE;
+ flag_dont_abort_panic_dump = FALSE;
+ panic_block = 0;
+static boolean_t needs_serial_init = TRUE;
+static void
+kdp_serial_send(void *rpkt, unsigned int rpkt_len)
+ // printf("tx\n");
+ kdp_serialize_packet((unsigned char *)rpkt, rpkt_len, pal_serial_putc);
+static void
+kdp_serial_receive(void *rpkt, unsigned int *rpkt_len, unsigned int timeout)
+ int readkar;
+ uint64_t now, deadline;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(timeout, 1000 * 1000 /* milliseconds */, &deadline);
+// printf("rx\n");
+ for(clock_get_uptime(&now); now < deadline; clock_get_uptime(&now))
+ {
+ readkar = pal_serial_getc();
+ if(readkar >= 0)
+ {
+ unsigned char *packet;
+ // printf("got char %02x\n", readkar);
+ if((packet = kdp_unserialize_packet(readkar,rpkt_len)))
+ {
+ memcpy(rpkt, packet, *rpkt_len);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *rpkt_len = 0;
+static boolean_t
+kdp_serial_setmode(boolean_t active)
+ if (active == FALSE) /* leaving KDP */
+ return TRUE;
+ if (!needs_serial_init)
+ return TRUE;
+ pal_serial_init();
+ needs_serial_init = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void kdp_serial_callout(__unused void *arg, kdp_event_t event)
+ /* When we stop KDP, set the bit to re-initialize the console serial port
+ * the next time we send/receive a KDP packet. We don't do it on
+ * KDP_EVENT_ENTER directly because it also gets called when we trap to KDP
+ * for non-external debugging, i.e., stackshot or core dumps.
+ *
+ * Set needs_serial_init on exit (and initialization, see above) and not
+ * enter because enter is sent multiple times and causes excess reinitialization.
+ */
+ switch (event)
+ {
+ break;
+ needs_serial_init = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_KDP */
+ strlcpy(kdp_kernelversion_string, version, sizeof(kdp_kernelversion_string));
+ /* Relies on platform layer calling panic_init() before kdp_init() */
+ if (kernel_uuid_string[0] != '\0') {
+ /*
+ * Update kdp_kernelversion_string with our UUID
+ * generated at link time.
+ */
+ strlcat(kdp_kernelversion_string, "; UUID=", sizeof(kdp_kernelversion_string));
+ strlcat(kdp_kernelversion_string, kernel_uuid_string, sizeof(kdp_kernelversion_string));
+ }
+ debug_log_init();
+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm__)
+ if (vm_kernel_slide) {
+ char KASLR_stext[19];
+ strlcat(kdp_kernelversion_string, "; stext=", sizeof(kdp_kernelversion_string));
+ snprintf(KASLR_stext, sizeof(KASLR_stext), "%p", (void *) vm_kernel_stext);
+ strlcat(kdp_kernelversion_string, KASLR_stext, sizeof(kdp_kernelversion_string));
+ }
+ if (debug_boot_arg & DB_REBOOT_POST_CORE)
+ kdp_flag |= REBOOT_POST_CORE;
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+ kdp_machine_init();
+ kdp_timer_callout_init();
+ kdp_crashdump_feature_mask = htonl(kdp_crashdump_feature_mask);
+ char kdpname[80];
+ struct kdp_in_addr ipaddr;
+ struct kdp_ether_addr macaddr;
+ // serial must be explicitly requested
+ if(!PE_parse_boot_argn("kdp_match_name", kdpname, sizeof(kdpname)) || strncmp(kdpname, "serial", sizeof(kdpname)) != 0)
+ return;
+ kprintf("Initializing serial KDP\n");
+ kdp_register_callout(kdp_serial_callout, NULL);
+ kdp_register_link(NULL, kdp_serial_setmode);
+ kdp_register_send_receive(kdp_serial_send, kdp_serial_receive);
+ /* fake up an ip and mac for early serial debugging */
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[0] = 's';
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[1] = 'e';
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[2] = 'r';
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[3] = 'i';
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[4] = 'a';
+ macaddr.ether_addr_octet[5] = 'l';
+ ipaddr.s_addr = KDP_SERIAL_IPADDR;
+ kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses(&ipaddr, &macaddr);
+#endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_KDP */