- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
-#include <sys/disklabel.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
extern "C" {
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
// how long to wait for matching root device, secs
+#if DEBUG
+int panic_on_exception_triage = 0;
-extern dev_t mdevadd(int devid, ppnum_t base, unsigned int size, int phys);
+extern dev_t mdevadd(int devid, uint64_t base, unsigned int size, int phys);
extern dev_t mdevlookup(int devid);
+extern void mdevremoveall(void);
+extern int mdevgetrange(int devid, uint64_t *base, uint64_t *size);
+extern void di_root_ramfile(IORegistryEntry * entry);
+// no sizing
+#define kIOCoreDumpSize 0ULL
+#define kIOCoreDumpFreeSize 0ULL
+static bool
+NewKernelCoreMedia(void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier);
+ * Touched by IOFindBSDRoot() if a RAMDisk is used for the root device.
+ */
+extern uint64_t kdp_core_ramdisk_addr;
+extern uint64_t kdp_core_ramdisk_size;
IOKitBSDInit( void )
- IOLog("IOKitBSDInit\n");
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+IOServicePublishResource( const char * property, boolean_t value )
+ if ( value)
+ IOService::publishResource( property, kOSBooleanTrue );
+ else
+ IOService::getResourceService()->removeProperty( property );
+IOServiceWaitForMatchingResource( const char * property, uint64_t timeout )
+ OSDictionary * dict = 0;
+ IOService * match = 0;
+ boolean_t found = false;
+ do {
+ dict = IOService::resourceMatching( property );
+ if( !dict)
+ continue;
+ match = IOService::waitForMatchingService( dict, timeout );
+ if ( match)
+ found = true;
+ } while( false );
+ if( dict)
+ dict->release();
+ if( match)
+ match->release();
+ return( found );
+IOCatalogueMatchingDriversPresent( const char * property )
+ OSDictionary * dict = 0;
+ OSOrderedSet * set = 0;
+ SInt32 generationCount = 0;
+ boolean_t found = false;
+ do {
+ dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ if( !dict)
+ continue;
+ dict->setObject( property, kOSBooleanTrue );
+ set = gIOCatalogue->findDrivers( dict, &generationCount );
+ if ( set && (set->getCount() > 0))
+ found = true;
+ } while( false );
+ if( dict)
+ dict->release();
+ if( set)
+ set->release();
+ return( found );
OSDictionary * IOBSDNameMatching( const char * name )
OSDictionary * dict;
return( 0 );
-OSDictionary * IOCDMatching( const char * name )
+OSDictionary * IOUUIDMatching( void )
- OSDictionary * dict;
- const OSSymbol * str;
- dict = IOService::serviceMatching( "IOMedia" );
- if( dict == 0 ) {
- IOLog("Unable to find IOMedia\n");
- return 0;
- }
- str = OSSymbol::withCString( "CD_ROM_Mode_1" );
- if( str == 0 ) {
- dict->release();
- return 0;
- }
- dict->setObject( "Content", (OSObject *)str );
- str->release();
- return( dict );
-OSDictionary * IONetworkMatching( const char * path,
- char * buf, int maxLen )
- OSDictionary * matching = 0;
- OSDictionary * dict;
- OSString * str;
- char * comp;
- const char * skip;
- int len;
- do {
- len = strlen( kIODeviceTreePlane ":" );
- maxLen -= len;
- if( maxLen < 0)
- continue;
- strcpy( buf, kIODeviceTreePlane ":" );
- comp = buf + len;
- // remove parameters following ':' from the path
- skip = strchr( path, ':');
- if( !skip)
- continue;
- len = skip - path;
- maxLen -= len;
- if( maxLen < 0)
- continue;
- strncpy( comp, path, len );
- comp[ len ] = 0;
- matching = IOService::serviceMatching( "IONetworkInterface" );
- if( !matching)
- continue;
- dict = IOService::addLocation( matching );
- if( !dict)
- continue;
- str = OSString::withCString( buf );
- if( !str)
- continue;
- dict->setObject( kIOPathMatchKey, str );
- str->release();
- return( matching );
- } while( false );
- if( matching)
- matching->release();
- return( 0 );
+ return IOService::resourceMatching( "boot-uuid-media" );
OSDictionary * IONetworkNamePrefixMatching( const char * prefix )
OSDictionary * matching;
OSDictionary * propDict = 0;
const OSSymbol * str = 0;
+ char networkType[128];
do {
matching = IOService::serviceMatching( "IONetworkInterface" );
if ( matching == 0 )
str = 0;
+ // see if we're contrained to netroot off of specific network type
+ if(PE_parse_boot_argn( "network-type", networkType, 128 ))
+ {
+ str = OSSymbol::withCString( networkType );
+ if(str)
+ {
+ propDict->setObject( "IONetworkRootType", str);
+ str->release();
+ str = 0;
+ }
+ }
if ( matching->setObject( gIOPropertyMatchKey,
(OSObject *) propDict ) != true )
return ( netif->getProperty( kIOBSDNameKey ) != 0 );
-OSDictionary * IODiskMatching( const char * path, char * buf, int maxLen )
+OSDictionary * IOOFPathMatching( const char * path, char * buf, int maxLen )
- const char * look;
- const char * alias;
- char * comp;
- long unit = -1;
- long partition = -1;
- char c;
- // scan the tail of the path for "@unit:partition"
- do {
- // Have to get the full path to the controller - an alias may
- // tell us next to nothing, like "hd:8"
- alias = IORegistryEntry::dealiasPath( &path, gIODTPlane );
- look = path + strlen( path);
- c = ':';
- while( look != path) {
- if( *(--look) == c) {
- if( c == ':') {
- partition = strtol( look + 1, 0, 0 );
- c = '@';
- } else if( c == '@') {
- unit = strtol( look + 1, 0, 16 );
- c = '/';
- } else if( c == '/') {
- c = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
+ OSDictionary * matching = NULL;
+ OSString * str;
+ char * comp;
+ int len;
- if( alias && (look == path)) {
- path = alias;
- look = path + strlen( path);
- alias = 0;
- }
- }
- if( c || unit == -1 || partition == -1)
- continue;
+ do {
- maxLen -= strlen( "{" kIOPathMatchKey "='" kIODeviceTreePlane ":" );
- maxLen -= ( alias ? strlen( alias ) : 0 ) + (look - path);
- maxLen -= strlen( "/@hhhhhhhh:dddddddddd';}" );
+ len = strlen( kIODeviceTreePlane ":" );
+ maxLen -= len;
+ if( maxLen <= 0)
+ continue;
- if( maxLen > 0) {
- sprintf( buf, "{" kIOPathMatchKey "='" kIODeviceTreePlane ":" );
- comp = buf + strlen( buf );
+ strlcpy( buf, kIODeviceTreePlane ":", len + 1 );
+ comp = buf + len;
- if( alias) {
- strcpy( comp, alias );
- comp += strlen( alias );
- }
+ len = strlen( path );
+ maxLen -= len;
+ if( maxLen <= 0)
+ continue;
+ strlcpy( comp, path, len + 1 );
- if ( (look - path)) {
- strncpy( comp, path, look - path);
- comp += look - path;
- }
+ matching = OSDictionary::withCapacity( 1 );
+ if( !matching)
+ continue;
- sprintf( comp, "/@%lx:%ld';}", unit, partition );
- } else
- continue;
+ str = OSString::withCString( buf );
+ if( !str)
+ continue;
+ matching->setObject( kIOPathMatchKey, str );
+ str->release();
- return( OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, OSUnserialize( buf, 0 )) );
+ return( matching );
} while( false );
- return( 0 );
-OSDictionary * IOOFPathMatching( const char * path, char * buf, int maxLen )
- /* need to look up path, get device type,
- call matching help based on device type */
- return( IODiskMatching( path, buf, maxLen ));
+ if( matching)
+ matching->release();
+ return( 0 );
static int didRam = 0;
+enum { kMaxPathBuf = 512, kMaxBootVar = 128 };
-kern_return_t IOFindBSDRoot( char * rootName,
+kern_return_t IOFindBSDRoot( char * rootName, unsigned int rootNameSize,
dev_t * root, u_int32_t * oflags )
mach_timespec_t t;
OSString * iostr;
OSNumber * off;
OSData * data = 0;
- UInt32 *ramdParms = 0;
UInt32 flags = 0;
- int minor, major;
+ int mnr, mjr;
+ const char * mediaProperty = 0;
char * rdBootVar;
- enum { kMaxPathBuf = 512, kMaxBootVar = 128 };
char * str;
const char * look = 0;
int len;
- bool forceNet = false;
bool debugInfoPrintedOnce = false;
+ const char * uuidStr = NULL;
static int mountAttempts = 0;
- int xchar, dchar;
+ int xchar, dchar;
+ // stall here for anyone matching on the IOBSD resource to finish (filesystems)
+ matching = IOService::serviceMatching(gIOResourcesKey);
+ assert(matching);
+ matching->setObject(gIOResourceMatchedKey, gIOBSDKey);
+ if ((service = IOService::waitForMatchingService(matching, 30ULL * kSecondScale))) {
+ service->release();
+ } else {
+ IOLog("!BSD\n");
+ }
+ matching->release();
+ matching = NULL;
if( mountAttempts++)
+ {
+ IOLog("mount(%d) failed\n", mountAttempts);
IOSleep( 5 * 1000 );
+ }
str = (char *) IOMalloc( kMaxPathBuf + kMaxBootVar );
if( !str)
return( kIOReturnNoMemory );
rdBootVar = str + kMaxPathBuf;
- if (!PE_parse_boot_arg("rd", rdBootVar )
- && !PE_parse_boot_arg("rootdev", rdBootVar ))
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("rd", rdBootVar, kMaxBootVar )
+ && !PE_parse_boot_argn("rootdev", rdBootVar, kMaxBootVar ))
rdBootVar[0] = 0;
do {
- if( (regEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen", gIODTPlane ))) {
- data = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( "rootpath" );
- regEntry->release();
- if( data) continue;
- }
- if( (regEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/options", gIODTPlane ))) {
- data = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( "boot-file" );
- regEntry->release();
- if( data) continue;
- }
- } while( false );
- if( data)
- look = (const char *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ if( (regEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen", gIODTPlane ))) {
+ di_root_ramfile(regEntry);
+ data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, regEntry->getProperty( "root-matching" ));
+ if (data) {
+ matching = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, OSUnserializeXML((char *)data->getBytesNoCopy()));
+ if (matching) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
- if( rdBootVar[0] == '*') {
- look = rdBootVar + 1;
- forceNet = false;
- } else {
- if( (regEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/", gIODTPlane ))) {
- forceNet = (0 != regEntry->getProperty( "net-boot" ));
- regEntry->release();
+ data = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( "boot-uuid" );
+ if( data) {
+ uuidStr = (const char*)data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ OSString *uuidString = OSString::withCString( uuidStr );
+ // match the boot-args boot-uuid processing below
+ if( uuidString) {
+ IOLog("rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: %s\n", uuidStr);
+ IOService::publishResource( "boot-uuid", uuidString );
+ uuidString->release();
+ matching = IOUUIDMatching();
+ mediaProperty = "boot-uuid-media";
+ regEntry->release();
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ uuidStr = NULL;
- }
+ }
+ regEntry->release();
+ }
+ } while( false );
// See if we have a RAMDisk property in /chosen/memory-map. If so, make it into a device.
if((regEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen/memory-map", gIODTPlane ))) { /* Find the map node */
data = (OSData *)regEntry->getProperty("RAMDisk"); /* Find the ram disk, if there */
if(data) { /* We found one */
- ramdParms = (UInt32 *)data->getBytesNoCopy(); /* Point to the ram disk base and size */
- (void)mdevadd(-1, ramdParms[0] >> 12, ramdParms[1] >> 12, 0); /* Initialize it and pass back the device number */
+ uintptr_t *ramdParms;
+ ramdParms = (uintptr_t *)data->getBytesNoCopy(); /* Point to the ram disk base and size */
+ (void)mdevadd(-1, ml_static_ptovirt(ramdParms[0]) >> 12, ramdParms[1] >> 12, 0); /* Initialize it and pass back the device number */
regEntry->release(); /* Toss the entry */
if(xchar >= 0) { /* Do we have a valid memory device name? */
*root = mdevlookup(xchar); /* Find the device number */
if(*root >= 0) { /* Did we find one? */
rootName[0] = 'm'; /* Build root name */
rootName[1] = 'd'; /* Build root name */
rootName[2] = dchar; /* Build root name */
rootName[3] = 0; /* Build root name */
IOLog("BSD root: %s, major %d, minor %d\n", rootName, major(*root), minor(*root));
*oflags = 0; /* Show that this is not network */
+ /* retrieve final ramdisk range and initialize KDP variables */
+ if (mdevgetrange(xchar, &kdp_core_ramdisk_addr, &kdp_core_ramdisk_size) != 0) {
+ IOLog("Unable to retrieve range for root memory device %d\n", xchar);
+ kdp_core_ramdisk_addr = 0;
+ kdp_core_ramdisk_size = 0;
+ }
goto iofrootx; /* Join common exit... */
panic("IOFindBSDRoot: specified root memory device, %s, has not been configured\n", rdBootVar); /* Not there */
- if( look) {
- // from OpenFirmware path
- IOLog("From path: \"%s\", ", look);
- if( forceNet || (0 == strncmp( look, "enet", strlen( "enet" ))) ) {
- matching = IONetworkMatching( look, str, kMaxPathBuf );
- } else {
- matching = IODiskMatching( look, str, kMaxPathBuf );
- }
- }
if( (!matching) && rdBootVar[0] ) {
// by BSD name
look = rdBootVar;
if ( strncmp( look, "en", strlen( "en" )) == 0 ) {
matching = IONetworkNamePrefixMatching( "en" );
- } else if ( strncmp( look, "cdrom", strlen( "cdrom" )) == 0 ) {
- matching = IOCDMatching( look );
+ } else if ( strncmp( look, "uuid", strlen( "uuid" )) == 0 ) {
+ char *uuid;
+ OSString *uuidString;
+ uuid = (char *)IOMalloc( kMaxBootVar );
+ if ( uuid ) {
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn( "boot-uuid", uuid, kMaxBootVar )) {
+ panic( "rd=uuid but no boot-uuid=<value> specified" );
+ }
+ uuidString = OSString::withCString( uuid );
+ if ( uuidString ) {
+ IOService::publishResource( "boot-uuid", uuidString );
+ uuidString->release();
+ IOLog( "\nWaiting for boot volume with UUID %s\n", uuid );
+ matching = IOUUIDMatching();
+ mediaProperty = "boot-uuid-media";
+ }
+ IOFree( uuid, kMaxBootVar );
+ }
} else {
matching = IOBSDNameMatching( look );
if( !matching) {
- OSString * astring;
- // any UFS
+ OSString * astring;
+ // Match any HFS media
matching = IOService::serviceMatching( "IOMedia" );
- astring = OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Apple_UFS");
+ astring = OSString::withCStringNoCopy("Apple_HFS");
if ( astring ) {
matching->setObject("Content", astring);
+ if( gIOKitDebug & kIOWaitQuietBeforeRoot ) {
+ IOLog( "Waiting for matching to complete\n" );
+ IOService::getPlatform()->waitQuiet();
+ }
if( true && matching) {
OSSerialize * s = OSSerialize::withCapacity( 5 );
} while( !service);
- major = 0;
- minor = 0;
+ if ( service && mediaProperty ) {
+ service = (IOService *)service->getProperty(mediaProperty);
+ }
+ mjr = 0;
+ mnr = 0;
// If the IOService we matched to is a subclass of IONetworkInterface,
// then make sure it has been registered with BSD and has a BSD name
iostr = (OSString *) service->getProperty( kIOBSDNameKey );
if( iostr)
- strcpy( rootName, iostr->getCStringNoCopy() );
+ strlcpy( rootName, iostr->getCStringNoCopy(), rootNameSize );
off = (OSNumber *) service->getProperty( kIOBSDMajorKey );
if( off)
- major = off->unsigned32BitValue();
+ mjr = off->unsigned32BitValue();
off = (OSNumber *) service->getProperty( kIOBSDMinorKey );
if( off)
- minor = off->unsigned32BitValue();
+ mnr = off->unsigned32BitValue();
if( service->metaCast( "IONetworkInterface" ))
flags |= 1;
} else {
IOLog( "Wait for root failed\n" );
- strcpy( rootName, "en0");
+ strlcpy( rootName, "en0", rootNameSize );
flags |= 1;
IOLog( "BSD root: %s", rootName );
- if( major)
- IOLog(", major %d, minor %d\n", major, minor );
+ if( mjr)
+ IOLog(", major %d, minor %d\n", mjr, mnr );
- *root = makedev( major, minor );
+ *root = makedev( mjr, mnr );
*oflags = flags;
IOFree( str, kMaxPathBuf + kMaxBootVar );
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+bool IORamDiskBSDRoot(void)
+ char rdBootVar[kMaxBootVar];
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("rd", rdBootVar, kMaxBootVar )
+ || PE_parse_boot_argn("rootdev", rdBootVar, kMaxBootVar )) {
+ if((rdBootVar[0] == 'm') && (rdBootVar[1] == 'd') && (rdBootVar[3] == 0)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void IOSecureBSDRoot(const char * rootName)
void *
IOBSDRegistryEntryForDeviceTree(char * path)
return (NULL);
+kern_return_t IOBSDGetPlatformUUID( uuid_t uuid, mach_timespec_t timeout )
+ IOService * resources;
+ OSString * string;
+ resources = IOService::waitForService( IOService::resourceMatching( kIOPlatformUUIDKey ), ( timeout.tv_sec || timeout.tv_nsec ) ? &timeout : 0 );
+ if ( resources == 0 ) return KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT;
+ string = ( OSString * ) IOService::getPlatform( )->getProvider( )->getProperty( kIOPlatformUUIDKey );
+ if ( string == 0 ) return KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ uuid_parse( string->getCStringNoCopy( ), uuid );
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
} /* extern "C" */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#include <sys/conf.h>
+#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOPolledInterface.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
+IOPolledFileIOVars * gIOPolledCoreFileVars;
+static IOReturn
+IOOpenPolledCoreFile(const char * filename)
+ IOReturn err;
+ unsigned int debug;
+ if (gIOPolledCoreFileVars) return (kIOReturnBusy);
+ if (!IOPolledInterface::gMetaClass.getInstanceCount()) return (kIOReturnUnsupported);
+ debug = 0;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("debug", &debug, sizeof (debug));
+ if (DB_DISABLE_LOCAL_CORE & debug) return (kIOReturnUnsupported);
+ err = IOPolledFileOpen(filename, kIOCoreDumpSize, kIOCoreDumpFreeSize,
+ NULL, 0,
+ &gIOPolledCoreFileVars, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != err) return (err);
+ err = IOPolledFilePollersSetup(gIOPolledCoreFileVars, kIOPolledPreflightCoreDumpState);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != err)
+ {
+ IOPolledFileClose(&gIOPolledCoreFileVars, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ return (err);
+static void
+ IOPolledFilePollersClose(gIOPolledCoreFileVars, kIOPolledPostflightCoreDumpState);
+ IOPolledFileClose(&gIOPolledCoreFileVars, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+static thread_call_t gIOOpenPolledCoreFileTC;
+static IONotifier * gIOPolledCoreFileNotifier;
+static IONotifier * gIOPolledCoreFileInterestNotifier;
+static IOReturn
+KernelCoreMediaInterest(void * target, void * refCon,
+ UInt32 messageType, IOService * provider,
+ void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize )
+ if (kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated == messageType)
+ {
+ gIOPolledCoreFileInterestNotifier->remove();
+ gIOPolledCoreFileInterestNotifier = 0;
+ IOClosePolledCoreFile();
+ }
+ return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+static void
+OpenKernelCoreMedia(thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1)
+ IOService * newService;
+ OSString * string;
+ char filename[16];
+ newService = (IOService *) p1;
+ do
+ {
+ if (gIOPolledCoreFileVars) break;
+ string = OSDynamicCast(OSString, newService->getProperty(kIOBSDNameKey));
+ if (!string) break;
+ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/dev/%s", string->getCStringNoCopy());
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != IOOpenPolledCoreFile(filename)) break;
+ gIOPolledCoreFileInterestNotifier = newService->registerInterest(
+ gIOGeneralInterest, &KernelCoreMediaInterest, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ while (false);
+ newService->release();
+static bool
+NewKernelCoreMedia(void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier)
+ static volatile UInt32 onlyOneCorePartition = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &onlyOneCorePartition)) break;
+ if (gIOPolledCoreFileVars) break;
+ if (!gIOOpenPolledCoreFileTC) break;
+ newService = newService->getProvider();
+ if (!newService) break;
+ newService->retain();
+ thread_call_enter1(gIOOpenPolledCoreFileTC, newService);
+ }
+ while (false);
+ return (false);
+extern "C" void
+IOBSDMountChange(struct mount * mp, uint32_t op)
+ OSDictionary * bsdMatching;
+ OSDictionary * mediaMatching;
+ OSString * string;
+ if (!gIOPolledCoreFileNotifier) do
+ {
+ if (!gIOOpenPolledCoreFileTC) gIOOpenPolledCoreFileTC = thread_call_allocate(&OpenKernelCoreMedia, NULL);
+ bsdMatching = IOService::serviceMatching("IOMediaBSDClient");
+ if (!bsdMatching) break;
+ mediaMatching = IOService::serviceMatching("IOMedia");
+ string = OSString::withCStringNoCopy("5361644D-6163-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC");
+ if (!string || !mediaMatching) break;
+ mediaMatching->setObject("Content", string);
+ string->release();
+ bsdMatching->setObject(gIOParentMatchKey, mediaMatching);
+ mediaMatching->release();
+ gIOPolledCoreFileNotifier = IOService::addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOFirstMatchNotification, bsdMatching,
+ &NewKernelCoreMedia, NULL, NULL, -1000);
+ }
+ while (false);
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+extern "C" boolean_t
+IOTaskHasEntitlement(task_t task, const char * entitlement)
+ OSObject * obj;
+ obj = IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlement(task, entitlement);
+ if (!obj) return (false);
+ obj->release();
+ return (obj != kOSBooleanFalse);