- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include <debug.h>
#include <xpr_debug.h>
#include <mach_kdp.h>
-#include <cpus.h>
-#include <mach_host.h>
-#include <norma_vm.h>
-#include <etap.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
+#include <mach/thread_act.h>
#include <mach/task_special_ports.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_init.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
+#include <kern/mach_param.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <kern/coalition.h>
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>
-#include <kern/etap_macros.h>
+#include <kern/ledger.h>
#include <kern/machine.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
-#include <kern/mk_sp.h>
+#include <kern/sfi.h>
#include <kern/startup.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/timer.h>
-#include <kern/timer_call.h>
+#include <kern/telemetry.h>
#include <kern/xpr.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
-#include <vm/vm_shared_memory_server.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <kern/debug.h>
+#include <corpses/task_corpse.h>
+#include <prng/random.h>
+#include <console/serial_protos.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
#include <vm/vm_init.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#include <vm/vm_page.h>
#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
+#include <vm/vm_shared_region.h>
#include <machine/pmap.h>
#include <machine/commpage.h>
-#include <sys/version.h>
+#include <libkern/version.h>
+#include <sys/codesign.h>
+#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#include <sys/random.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
+#include <atm/atm_internal.h>
+#include <sys/csr.h>
+#include <bank/bank_internal.h>
+#include <arm64/alternate_debugger.h>
+#include <kdp/kdp.h>
+#include <security/mac_mach_internal.h>
+#if KPC
+#include <kern/kpc.h>
+#if KPERF
+#include <kperf/kperf.h>
+#include <kern/hv_support.h>
-#ifdef __ppc__
-#include <ppc/Firmware.h>
-#include <ppc/mappings.h>
+#include <i386/pmCPU.h>
+static void kernel_bootstrap_thread(void);
+static void load_context(
+ thread_t thread);
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && NCOPY_WINDOWS > 0
+extern void cpu_userwindow_init(int);
+extern void cpu_physwindow_init(int);
-/* Externs XXX */
-extern void rtclock_reset(void);
+#include <kern/ecc.h>
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && CONFIG_VMX
+#include <i386/vmx/vmx_cpu.h>
-/* Forwards */
-void cpu_launch_first_thread(
- thread_t thread);
-void start_kernel_threads(void);
-void swapin_thread();
+// libkern/OSKextLib.cpp
+extern void OSKextRemoveKextBootstrap(void);
+void scale_setup(void);
+extern void bsd_scale_setup(int);
+extern unsigned int semaphore_max;
+extern void stackshot_lock_init(void);
* Running in virtual memory, on the interrupt stack.
- * Does not return. Dispatches initial thread.
- *
- * Assumes that master_cpu is set.
+extern int serverperfmode;
+/* size of kernel trace buffer, disabled by default */
+unsigned int new_nkdbufs = 0;
+unsigned int wake_nkdbufs = 0;
+unsigned int write_trace_on_panic = 0;
+unsigned int trace_typefilter = 0;
+boolean_t trace_serial = FALSE;
+/* mach leak logging */
+int log_leaks = 0;
+int turn_on_log_leaks = 0;
+static inline void
+kernel_bootstrap_log(const char *message)
+// kprintf("kernel_bootstrap: %s\n", message);
+ kernel_debug_string_simple(message);
+static inline void
+kernel_bootstrap_thread_log(const char *message)
+// kprintf("kernel_bootstrap_thread: %s\n", message);
+ kernel_debug_string_simple(message);
- thread_t startup_thread;
+ /* serverperfmode is needed by timer setup */
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("serverperfmode", &serverperfmode, sizeof (serverperfmode))) {
+ serverperfmode = 1;
+ }
- sched_init();
+ lck_mod_init();
+ /*
+ * Initialize the timer callout world
+ */
+ timer_call_init();
+ /*
+ * Configure SFI classes
+ */
+ sfi_early_init();
+extern boolean_t IORamDiskBSDRoot(void);
+extern kern_return_t cpm_preallocate_early(void);
+ kern_return_t result;
+ thread_t thread;
+ char namep[16];
+ printf("%s\n", version); /* log kernel version */
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("-l", namep, sizeof (namep))) /* leaks logging */
+ turn_on_log_leaks = 1;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("trace", &new_nkdbufs, sizeof (new_nkdbufs));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("trace_wake", &wake_nkdbufs, sizeof (wake_nkdbufs));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("trace_panic", &write_trace_on_panic, sizeof(write_trace_on_panic));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("trace_typefilter", &trace_typefilter, sizeof(trace_typefilter));
+ scale_setup();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("vm_mem_bootstrap");
- ipc_bootstrap();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("cs_init");
+ cs_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("vm_mem_init");
+ machine_info.memory_size = (uint32_t)mem_size;
+ machine_info.max_mem = max_mem;
+ machine_info.major_version = version_major;
+ machine_info.minor_version = version_minor;
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("telemetry_init");
+ telemetry_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("csr_init");
+ csr_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("stackshot_lock_init");
+ stackshot_lock_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("sched_init");
+ sched_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("waitq_bootstrap");
+ waitq_bootstrap();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("ipc_bootstrap");
+ ipc_bootstrap();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("mac_policy_init");
+ mac_policy_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("ipc_init");
* As soon as the virtual memory system is up, we record
* that this CPU is using the kernel pmap.
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("PMAP_ACTIVATE_KERNEL");
-#ifdef __ppc__
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("mapping_free_prime");
mapping_free_prime(); /* Load up with temporary mapping blocks */
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("machine_init");
- kmod_init();
- clock_init();
- init_timers();
- timer_call_initialize();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("clock_init");
+ clock_init();
- machine_info.max_cpus = NCPUS;
- machine_info.memory_size = mem_size;
- machine_info.avail_cpus = 0;
- machine_info.major_version = KERNEL_MAJOR_VERSION;
- machine_info.minor_version = KERNEL_MINOR_VERSION;
+ ledger_init();
* Initialize the IPC, task, and thread subsystems.
- ledger_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("coalitions_init");
+ coalitions_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("task_init");
- act_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("thread_init");
- /*
- * Initialize the Event Trace Analysis Package.
- * Dynamic Phase: 2 of 2
- */
- etap_init_phase2();
+ /* Initialize the Activity Trace Resource Manager. */
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("atm_init");
+ atm_init();
+ /* Initialize the BANK Manager. */
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("bank_init");
+ bank_init();
- /*
- * Create a kernel thread to start the other kernel
- * threads.
- */
- startup_thread = kernel_thread_with_priority(
- kernel_task, MAXPRI_KERNEL,
- start_kernel_threads, TRUE, FALSE);
- /*
- * Pretend it is already running.
- *
- * We can do this without locking, because nothing
- * else is running yet.
- */
- startup_thread->state = TH_RUN;
- hw_atomic_add(&startup_thread->processor_set->run_count, 1);
+ /* initialize the corpse config based on boot-args */
+ corpses_init();
- * Start the thread.
+ * Create a kernel thread to execute the kernel bootstrap.
- cpu_launch_first_thread(startup_thread);
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("kernel_thread_create");
+ result = kernel_thread_create((thread_continue_t)kernel_bootstrap_thread, NULL, MAXPRI_KERNEL, &thread);
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) panic("kernel_bootstrap: result = %08X\n", result);
+ thread->state = TH_RUN;
+ thread->last_made_runnable_time = mach_absolute_time();
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("load_context - done");
+ load_context(thread);
- panic("cpu_launch_first_thread returns!");
+int kth_started = 0;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrperm;
+vm_offset_t buf_kernel_addrperm;
+vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrperm_ext;
- * Now running in a thread. Create the rest of the kernel threads
- * and the bootstrap task.
+ * Now running in a thread. Kick off other services,
+ * invoke user bootstrap, enter pageout loop.
+static void
- register int i;
+ processor_t processor = current_processor();
- thread_bind(current_thread(), cpu_to_processor(cpu_number()));
+#define kernel_bootstrap_thread_kprintf(x...) /* kprintf("kernel_bootstrap_thread: " x) */
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("idle_thread_create");
+ /*
+ * Create the idle processor thread.
+ */
+ idle_thread_create(processor);
- * Create the idle threads and the other
- * service threads.
+ * N.B. Do not stick anything else
+ * before this point.
+ *
+ * Start up the scheduler services.
- for (i = 0; i < NCPUS; i++) {
- processor_t processor = cpu_to_processor(i);
- thread_t thread;
- spl_t s;
- thread = kernel_thread_with_priority(
- kernel_task, MAXPRI_KERNEL,
- idle_thread, TRUE, FALSE);
- s = splsched();
- thread_lock(thread);
- thread_bind_locked(thread, processor);
- processor->idle_thread = thread;
- thread->ref_count++;
- thread->state |= TH_IDLE;
- thread_go_locked(thread, THREAD_AWAKENED);
- thread_unlock(thread);
- splx(s);
- }
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("sched_startup");
+ sched_startup();
- * Initialize the thread reaper mechanism.
+ * Thread lifecycle maintenance (teardown, stack allocation)
- thread_reaper_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("thread_daemon_init");
+ thread_daemon_init();
+ /* Create kernel map entry reserve */
+ vm_kernel_reserved_entry_init();
- * Initialize the stack swapin mechanism.
+ * Thread callout service.
- swapin_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("thread_call_initialize");
+ thread_call_initialize();
- * Initialize the periodic scheduler mechanism.
+ * Remain on current processor as
+ * additional processors come online.
- sched_tick_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("thread_bind");
+ thread_bind(processor);
- * Initialize the thread callout mechanism.
+ * Initialize ipc thread call support.
- thread_call_initialize();
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("ipc_thread_call_init");
+ ipc_thread_call_init();
- * Invoke some black magic.
+ * Kick off memory mapping adjustments.
-#if __ppc__
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("mapping_adjust");
* Create the clock service.
+ kernel_bootstrap_thread_log("clock_service_create");
- shared_file_boot_time_init(ENV_DEFAULT_SYSTEM, ENV_DEFAULT_ROOT);
+ kth_started = 1;
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && NCOPY_WINDOWS > 0
+ /*
+ * Create and initialize the physical copy window for processor 0
+ * This is required before starting kicking off IOKit.
+ */
+ cpu_physwindow_init(0);
-#ifdef IOKIT
- {
- PE_init_iokit();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("kdp_init");
+ kdp_init();
+ alternate_debugger_init();
+#if KPC
+ kpc_init();
+ ecc_log_init();
+#if KPERF
+ kperf_bootstrap();
+ hv_support_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("bootprofile_init");
+ bootprofile_init();
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && CONFIG_VMX
+ vmx_init();
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+ if (kdebug_serial) {
+ new_nkdbufs = 1;
+ if (trace_typefilter == 0)
+ trace_typefilter = 1;
+ if (turn_on_log_leaks && !new_nkdbufs)
+ new_nkdbufs = 200000;
+ if (trace_typefilter)
+ start_kern_tracing_with_typefilter(new_nkdbufs,
+ trace_typefilter);
+ else
+ start_kern_tracing(new_nkdbufs, FALSE);
+ if (turn_on_log_leaks)
+ log_leaks = 1;
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("prng_init");
+ prng_cpu_init(master_cpu);
+#ifdef IOKIT
+ PE_init_iokit();
+ assert(ml_get_interrupts_enabled() == FALSE);
(void) spllo(); /* Allow interruptions */
- /*
- * Fill in the comm area (mapped into every task address space.)
- */
- commpage_populate();
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && NCOPY_WINDOWS > 0
+ /*
+ * Create and initialize the copy window for processor 0
+ * This also allocates window space for all other processors.
+ * However, this is dependent on the number of processors - so this call
+ * must be after IOKit has been started because IOKit performs processor
+ * discovery.
+ */
+ cpu_userwindow_init(0);
+#if (!defined(__i386__) && !defined(__x86_64__))
+ if (turn_on_log_leaks && !new_nkdbufs)
+ new_nkdbufs = 200000;
+ if (trace_typefilter)
+ start_kern_tracing_with_typefilter(new_nkdbufs, FALSE, trace_typefilter);
+ else
+ start_kern_tracing(new_nkdbufs, FALSE);
+ if (turn_on_log_leaks)
+ log_leaks = 1;
+ /*
+ * Initialize the shared region module.
+ */
+ vm_shared_region_init();
+ vm_commpage_init();
+ vm_commpage_text_init();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("mac_policy_initmach");
+ mac_policy_initmach();
+ kernel_bootstrap_log("sfi_init");
+ sfi_init();
+ /*
+ * Initialize the globals used for permuting kernel
+ * addresses that may be exported to userland as tokens
+ * Force the random number to be odd to avoid mapping a non-zero
+ * word-aligned address to zero via addition.
+ * Note: at this stage we can use the cryptographically secure PRNG
+ * rather than early_random().
+ */
+ read_random(&vm_kernel_addrperm, sizeof(vm_kernel_addrperm));
+ vm_kernel_addrperm |= 1;
+ read_random(&buf_kernel_addrperm, sizeof(buf_kernel_addrperm));
+ buf_kernel_addrperm |= 1;
+ read_random(&vm_kernel_addrperm_ext, sizeof(vm_kernel_addrperm_ext));
+ vm_kernel_addrperm_ext |= 1;
+ vm_set_restrictions();
* Start the user bootstrap.
#ifdef MACH_BSD
- {
- extern void bsd_init(void);
- bsd_init();
- }
+ bsd_init();
-#if __ppc__
+ /*
+ * Get rid of segments used to bootstrap kext loading. This removes
+ * the KLD, PRELINK symtab, LINKEDIT, and symtab segments/load commands.
+ */
+ OSKextRemoveKextBootstrap();
serial_keyboard_init(); /* Start serial keyboard if wanted */
- thread_bind(current_thread(), PROCESSOR_NULL);
+ vm_page_init_local_q();
+ thread_bind(PROCESSOR_NULL);
* Become the pageout daemon.
+ * slave_main:
+ *
+ * Load the first thread to start a processor.
+ */
+slave_main(void *machine_param)
- processor_t myprocessor = current_processor();
+ processor_t processor = current_processor();
thread_t thread;
- myprocessor->cpu_data = get_cpu_data();
- thread = myprocessor->next_thread;
- myprocessor->next_thread = THREAD_NULL;
- if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
- thread = machine_wake_thread;
- machine_wake_thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ /*
+ * Use the idle processor thread if there
+ * is no dedicated start up thread.
+ */
+ if (processor->next_thread == THREAD_NULL) {
+ thread = processor->idle_thread;
+ thread->continuation = (thread_continue_t)processor_start_thread;
+ thread->parameter = machine_param;
+ }
+ else {
+ thread = processor->next_thread;
+ processor->next_thread = THREAD_NULL;
- thread_machine_set_current(thread);
- if (thread == machine_wake_thread)
- thread_bind(thread, myprocessor);
- cpu_launch_first_thread(thread);
+ load_context(thread);
- panic("slave_main");
- * Now running in a thread context
+ * processor_start_thread:
+ *
+ * First thread to execute on a started processor.
+ *
+ * Called at splsched.
+processor_start_thread(void *machine_param)
- processor_t processor;
- processor = cpu_to_processor(cpu_number());
+ processor_t processor = current_processor();
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
- slave_machine_init();
+ slave_machine_init(machine_param);
- if (processor->processor_self == IP_NULL) {
- ipc_processor_init(processor);
- ipc_processor_enable(processor);
- }
+ /*
+ * If running the idle processor thread,
+ * reenter the idle loop, else terminate.
+ */
+ if (self == processor->idle_thread)
+ thread_block((thread_continue_t)idle_thread);
- (void) thread_terminate(current_act());
+ thread_terminate(self);
- * Start up the first thread on a CPU.
+ * load_context:
+ *
+ * Start the first thread on a processor.
+static void
thread_t thread)
- register int mycpu = cpu_number();
- processor_t processor = cpu_to_processor(mycpu);
+ processor_t processor = current_processor();
- processor->cpu_data->preemption_level = 0;
- cpu_up(mycpu);
- start_timer(&kernel_timer[mycpu]);
- clock_get_uptime(&processor->last_dispatch);
+#define load_context_kprintf(x...) /* kprintf("load_context: " x) */
- if (thread == THREAD_NULL || thread == processor->idle_thread)
- panic("cpu_launch_first_thread");
+ load_context_kprintf("machine_set_current_thread\n");
+ machine_set_current_thread(thread);
- rtclock_reset(); /* start realtime clock ticking */
+ load_context_kprintf("processor_up\n");
+ processor_up(processor);
- thread_machine_set_current(thread);
- thread_lock(thread);
- thread->state &= ~TH_UNINT;
- thread->last_processor = processor;
+ PMAP_ACTIVATE_KERNEL(processor->cpu_id);
+ /*
+ * Acquire a stack if none attached. The panic
+ * should never occur since the thread is expected
+ * to have reserved stack.
+ */
+ load_context_kprintf("thread %p, stack %lx, stackptr %lx\n", thread,
+ thread->kernel_stack, thread->machine.kstackptr);
+ if (!thread->kernel_stack) {
+ load_context_kprintf("stack_alloc_try\n");
+ if (!stack_alloc_try(thread))
+ panic("load_context");
+ }
+ /*
+ * The idle processor threads are not counted as
+ * running for load calculations.
+ */
+ if (!(thread->state & TH_IDLE))
+ sched_run_incr(thread);
+ processor->active_thread = thread;
processor->current_pri = thread->sched_pri;
- _mk_sp_thread_begin(thread, processor);
- thread_unlock(thread);
- timer_switch(&thread->system_timer);
+ processor->current_thmode = thread->sched_mode;
+ processor->deadline = UINT64_MAX;
+ thread->last_processor = processor;
- PMAP_ACTIVATE_USER(thread->top_act, mycpu);
+ processor->last_dispatch = mach_absolute_time();
+ timer_start(&thread->system_timer, processor->last_dispatch);
+ PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, thread_timer) = PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, kernel_timer) = &thread->system_timer;
- /* preemption enabled by load_context */
- load_context(thread);
+ timer_start(&PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, system_state), processor->last_dispatch);
+ PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, current_state) = &PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, system_state);
+ PMAP_ACTIVATE_USER(thread, processor->cpu_id);
+ load_context_kprintf("machine_load_context\n");
+ machine_load_context(thread);
+ int scale = 0;
+#if defined(__LP64__)
+ typeof(task_max) task_max_base = task_max;
+ /* Raise limits for servers with >= 16G */
+ if ((serverperfmode != 0) && ((uint64_t)sane_size >= (uint64_t)(16 * 1024 * 1024 *1024ULL))) {
+ scale = (int)((uint64_t)sane_size / (uint64_t)(8 * 1024 * 1024 *1024ULL));
+ /* limit to 128 G */
+ if (scale > 16)
+ scale = 16;
+ task_max_base = 2500;
+ } else if ((uint64_t)sane_size >= (uint64_t)(3 * 1024 * 1024 *1024ULL))
+ scale = 2;
+ task_max = MAX(task_max, task_max_base * scale);
+ if (scale != 0) {
+ task_threadmax = task_max;
+ thread_max = task_max * 5;
+ }
+ bsd_scale_setup(scale);
+ ipc_space_max = SPACE_MAX;
+ ipc_port_max = PORT_MAX;
+ ipc_pset_max = SET_MAX;
+ semaphore_max = SEMAPHORE_MAX;