* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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- * file.
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-#;* Boolean OSCompareAndSwap(SInt32 oldValue, SInt32 newValue, SInt32 * ptr) *
+#;* Boolean OSCompareAndSwap(SInt32 oldValue, SInt32 newValue, SInt32 *ptr) *
.globl _OSCompareAndSwap
- #; this is _lame_, the project will not currently accept asm code that
- #; requires anything beyond a 386, but that chip:
- #; - does not support MP
- #; - does not support the cmpxchgl instruction
- #; - does not support the lock meta-instruction
- #; so what is a poor guy to do? comment it out...
+ movl 4(%esp), %eax #; oldValue
+ movl 8(%esp), %edx #; newValue
+ movl 12(%esp), %ecx #; ptr
+ lock
+ cmpxchgl %edx, 0(%ecx) #; CAS (eax is an implicit operand)
+ sete %al #; did CAS succeed? (TZ=1)
+ movzbl %al, %eax #; clear out the high bytes
+ ret
+#;* Boolean OSCompareAndSwap64(SInt64 oldValue, SInt64 newValue, SInt64 *ptr) *
+ .globl _OSCompareAndSwap64
pushl %edi
- pushl %esi
- movl 0+8+4(%esp),%eax #; oldValue
- movl 4+8+4(%esp),%edi #; newValue
- movl 8+8+4(%esp),%esi #; ptr
+ pushl %ebx
+ movl 4+8(%esp), %eax #; low 32-bits of oldValue
+ movl 8+8(%esp), %edx #; high 32-bits of oldValue
+ movl 12+8(%esp), %ebx #; low 32-bits of newValue
+ movl 16+8(%esp), %ecx #; high 32-bits of newValue
+ movl 20+8(%esp), %edi #; ptr
- cmpxchgl %edi,0(%esi) #; CAS (eax is an implicit operand)
- sete %al #; did CAS succeed? (TZ=1)
- andl $0x000000ff,%eax #; clear out the high bytes (has to be an easier way...)
- popl %esi
+ cmpxchg8b 0(%edi) #; CAS (eax:edx, ebx:ecx implicit)
+ sete %al #; did CAS succeed? (TZ=1)
+ movzbl %al, %eax #; clear out the high bytes
+ popl %ebx
popl %edi
+#;* SInt64 OSAddAtomic64(SInt64 theAmount, SInt64 *ptr) *
+ .globl _OSAddAtomic64
+ pushl %edi
+ pushl %ebx
+ movl 12+8(%esp), %edi #; ptr
+ movl 0(%edi), %eax #; load low 32-bits of *ptr
+ movl 4(%edi), %edx #; load high 32-bits of *ptr
+ movl %eax, %ebx
+ movl %edx, %ecx #; ebx:ecx := *ptr
+ addl 4+8(%esp), %ebx
+ adcl 8+8(%esp), %ecx #; ebx:ecx := *ptr + theAmount
+ lock
+ cmpxchg8b 0(%edi) #; CAS (eax:edx, ebx:ecx implicit)
+ jnz 1b #; - failure: eax:edx re-loaded, retry
+ #; - success: old value in eax:edx
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %edi
+ ret
+#; SInt32 OSAddAtomic(SInt32 delta, SInt32 *address)
+ .globl _OSAddAtomic
+ movl 4(%esp), %eax #; Load addend
+ movl 8(%esp), %ecx #; Load address of operand
+ lock
+ xaddl %eax, 0(%ecx) #; Atomic exchange and add
+ ret