- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
-/* Copyright (C) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. */
- * Support for network filter kernel extensions
- * Justin C. Walker, 990319
+ * Support for socket filter kernel extensions
#ifndef NET_KEXT_NET_H
#define NET_KEXT_NET_H
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
-#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
-struct mbuf;
-struct socket;
-struct uio;
-struct sockbuf;
-struct sockaddr;
-struct kextcb;
-struct protosw;
-struct sockif;
-struct sockutil;
-struct sockopt;
+#include <sys/kpi_socketfilter.h>
- * This structure gives access to the functionality of the filter.
- * The kextcb provides the link from the socket structure.
+ * Internal implementation bits
-struct NFDescriptor
-{ TAILQ_ENTRY(NFDescriptor) nf_next; /* protosw chain */
- TAILQ_ENTRY(NFDescriptor) nf_list; /* descriptor list */
- unsigned int nf_handle; /* Identifier */
- int nf_flags;
- /* Dispatch for PF_FILTER control */
- int (*nf_connect)(); /* Make contact */
- void (*nf_disconnect)(); /* Break contact */
- int (*nf_read)(); /* Get data from filter */
- int (*nf_write)(); /* Send data to filter */
- int (*nf_get)(); /* Get filter config */
- int (*nf_set)(); /* Set filter config */
- /*
- * Socket function dispatch vectors - copied to kextcb
- * during socreate()
- */
- struct sockif *nf_soif; /* Socket functions */
- struct sockutil *nf_soutil; /* Sockbuf utility functions */
- u_long reserved[4]; /* for future use if needed */
+struct socket_filter;
+#define SFEF_DETACHUSEZERO 0x1 // Detach when use reaches zero
+#define SFEF_UNREGISTERING 0x2 // Remove due to unregister
+struct socket_filter_entry {
+ struct socket_filter_entry *sfe_next_onsocket;
+ struct socket_filter_entry *sfe_next_onfilter;
+ struct socket_filter *sfe_filter;
+ struct socket *sfe_socket;
+ void *sfe_cookie;
+ u_int32_t sfe_flags;
-#define NFD_GLOBAL 0x01
-#define NFD_PROG 0x02
-#define NFD_VISIBLE 0x80000000
+#define SFF_DETACHING 0x1
-#define NFF_BEFORE 0x01
-#define NFF_AFTER 0x02
+struct socket_filter {
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(socket_filter) sf_protosw_next;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(socket_filter) sf_global_next;
+ struct socket_filter_entry *sf_entry_head;
+ struct protosw *sf_proto;
+ struct sflt_filter sf_filter;
+ u_int32_t sf_flags;
+ u_int32_t sf_usecount;
-#ifdef KERNEL
-/* How to register: filter, insert location, target protosw, flags */
-extern int register_sockfilter(struct NFDescriptor *,
- struct NFDescriptor *,
- struct protosw *, int);
-/* How to unregister: filter, original protosw, flags */
-extern int unregister_sockfilter(struct NFDescriptor *, struct protosw *, int);
+TAILQ_HEAD(socket_filter_list, socket_filter);
-TAILQ_HEAD(nf_list, NFDescriptor);
+/* Private, internal implementation functions */
+void sflt_init(void);
+void sflt_initsock(struct socket *so);
+void sflt_termsock(struct socket *so);
+void sflt_use(struct socket *so);
+void sflt_unuse(struct socket *so);
+void sflt_notify(struct socket *so, sflt_event_t event, void *param);
+int sflt_data_in(struct socket *so, const struct sockaddr *from, mbuf_t *data,
+ mbuf_t *control, sflt_data_flag_t flags, int *filtered);
+int sflt_attach_private(struct socket *so, struct socket_filter *filter, sflt_handle handle, int locked);
-extern struct nf_list nf_list;
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define NFF_BEFORE 0x01
+#define NFF_AFTER 0x02
#define NKE_OK 0
#define NKE_REMOVE -1
* the 'where' NKE. If the latter is NULL, the flags indicate "first"
* or "last"
+#pragma options align=power
struct so_nke
{ unsigned int nke_handle;
unsigned int nke_where;
unsigned long reserved[4]; /* for future use */
- * sockif:
- * Contains socket interface:
- * dispatch vector abstracting the interface between protocols and
- * the socket layer.
- * TODO: add sf_sosense()
- */
-struct sockif
-{ int (*sf_soabort)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soaccept)(struct socket *, struct sockaddr **,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sobind)(struct socket *, struct sockaddr *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soclose)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soconnect)(struct socket *, struct sockaddr *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soconnect2)(struct socket *, struct socket *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_socontrol)(struct socket *, struct sockopt *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_socreate)(struct socket *, struct protosw *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sodisconnect)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sofree)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sogetopt)(struct socket *, int, int, struct mbuf **,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sohasoutofband)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_solisten)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soreceive)(struct socket *, struct sockaddr **, struct uio **,
- struct mbuf **, struct mbuf **, int *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sorflush)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sosend)(struct socket *, struct sockaddr **, struct uio **,
- struct mbuf **, struct mbuf **, int *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sosetopt)(struct socket *, int, int, struct mbuf *,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soshutdown)(struct socket *, int, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sorwakeup() */
- int (*sf_socantrcvmore)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sowwakeup() */
- int (*sf_socantsendmore)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls soqinsque(), sorwakeup(), sowwakeup() */
- int (*sf_soisconnected)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soisconnecting)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sowwakeup(), sorwakeup() */
- int (*sf_soisdisconnected)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sowwakeup(), sorwakeup() */
- int (*sf_soisdisconnecting)(struct socket *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls soreserve(), soqinsque(), soqremque(), sorwakeup() */
- int (*sf_sonewconn)(struct socket *, int, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soqinsque)(struct socket *, struct socket *, int,
- struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soqremque)(struct socket *, int, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_soreserve)(struct socket *, u_long, u_long, struct kextcb *);
- int (*sf_sowakeup)(struct socket *, struct sockbuf *,
- struct kextcb *);
- u_long reserved[4];
+#pragma options align=reset
- * sockutil:
- * Contains the utility functions for socket layer access
- */
-struct sockutil
-{ /* Sleeps if locked */
- int (*su_sb_lock)(struct sockbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Conditionally calls sbappendrecord, Calls sbcompress */
- int (*su_sbappend)(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbspace(), sballoc() */
- int (*su_sbappendaddr)(struct sockbuf *, struct sockaddr *,
- struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbspace(), sballoc() */
- int (*su_sbappendcontrol)(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *,
- struct mbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sballoc(), sbcompress() */
- int (*su_sbappendrecord)(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *,
- struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sballoc() */
- int (*su_sbcompress)(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *,
- struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbfree() */
- int (*su_sbdrop)(struct sockbuf *, int, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbfree() */
- int (*su_sbdroprecord)(struct sockbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbdrop() */
- int (*su_sbflush)(struct sockbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sballoc(), sbcompress() */
- int (*su_sbinsertoob)(struct sockbuf *, struct mbuf *,
- struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls sbflush() */
- int (*su_sbrelease)(struct sockbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- int (*su_sbreserve)(struct sockbuf *, u_long, struct kextcb *);
- /* Calls tsleep() */
- int (*su_sbwait)(struct sockbuf *, struct kextcb *);
- u_long reserved[4];
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
+#endif /* NET_KEXT_NET_H */