- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
#include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
+#include <kern/debug.h>
+#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#define super IOService
+#define kIONVRAMPrivilege kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
+//#define kIONVRAMPrivilege kIOClientPrivilegeLocalUser
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IODTNVRAM, IOService);
bool IODTNVRAM::init(IORegistryEntry *old, const IORegistryPlane *plane)
_nvramController->read(0, _nvramImage, kIODTNVRAMImageSize);
- // Find the offsets for the OF, XPRAM, and NameRegistry partitions.
+ // Find the offsets for the OF, XPRAM, NameRegistry and PanicInfo partitions.
_ofPartitionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_xpramPartitionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
_nrPartitionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ _piPartitionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
freePartitionOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF;
freePartitionSize = 0;
if (getPlatform()->getBootROMType()) {
_xpramPartitionSize = kIODTNVRAMXPRAMSize;
_nrPartitionOffset = _xpramPartitionOffset + _xpramPartitionSize;
_nrPartitionSize = partitionLength - _xpramPartitionSize;
+ } else if (strncmp((const char *)_nvramImage + currentOffset + 4,
+ kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoPartitonName, 12) == 0) {
+ _piPartitionOffset = partitionOffset;
+ _piPartitionSize = partitionLength;
} else if (strncmp((const char *)_nvramImage + currentOffset + 4,
kIODTNVRAMFreePartitionName, 12) == 0) {
freePartitionOffset = currentOffset;
freePartitionSize = currentLength;
} else {
// Construct the partition ID from the signature and name.
- sprintf(partitionID, "0x%02x,",
+ snprintf(partitionID, sizeof(partitionID), "0x%02x,",
*(UInt8 *)(_nvramImage + currentOffset));
strncpy(partitionID + 5,
(const char *)(_nvramImage + currentOffset + 4), 12);
if (_nrPartitionOffset != 0xFFFFFFFF)
_nrImage = _nvramImage + _nrPartitionOffset;
+ if (_piPartitionOffset == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+ if (freePartitionSize > 0x20) {
+ // Set the signature to 0xa1.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset] = 0xa1;
+ // Set the checksum to 0.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset + 1] = 0;
+ // Set the name for the Panic Info partition.
+ strncpy((char *)(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset + 4),
+ kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoPartitonName, 12);
+ // Calculate the partition offset and size.
+ _piPartitionOffset = freePartitionOffset + 0x10;
+ _piPartitionSize = 0x800;
+ if (_piPartitionSize + 0x20 > freePartitionSize)
+ _piPartitionSize = freePartitionSize - 0x20;
+ _piImage = _nvramImage + _piPartitionOffset;
+ // Zero the new partition.
+ bzero(_piImage, _piPartitionSize);
+ // Set the partition size.
+ *(UInt16 *)(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset + 2) =
+ (_piPartitionSize / 0x10) + 1;
+ // Set the partition checksum.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset + 1] =
+ calculatePartitionChecksum(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset);
+ // Calculate the free partition offset and size.
+ freePartitionOffset += _piPartitionSize + 0x10;
+ freePartitionSize -= _piPartitionSize + 0x10;
+ // Set the signature to 0x7f.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset] = 0x7f;
+ // Set the checksum to 0.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset + 1] = 0;
+ // Set the name for the free partition.
+ strncpy((char *)(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset + 4),
+ kIODTNVRAMFreePartitionName, 12);
+ // Set the partition size.
+ *(UInt16 *)(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset + 2) =
+ freePartitionSize / 0x10;
+ // Set the partition checksum.
+ _nvramImage[freePartitionOffset + 1] =
+ calculatePartitionChecksum(_nvramImage + freePartitionOffset);
+ // Set the nvram image as dirty.
+ _nvramImageDirty = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _piImage = _nvramImage + _piPartitionOffset;
+ }
if (!_nvramImageDirty && !_ofImageDirty) return;
- syncOFVariables();
+ // Don't try to sync OF Variables if the system has already paniced.
+ if (!_systemPaniced) syncOFVariables();
_nvramController->write(0, _nvramImage, kIODTNVRAMImageSize);
_nvramImageDirty = false;
-bool IODTNVRAM::serializeProperties(OSSerialize *serialize) const
+bool IODTNVRAM::serializeProperties(OSSerialize *s) const
- bool result;
+ bool result, hasPrivilege;
UInt32 variablePerm;
const OSSymbol *key;
- OSDictionary *dict, *tmpDict = 0;
+ OSDictionary *dict = 0, *tmpDict = 0;
OSCollectionIterator *iter = 0;
if (_ofDict == 0) return false;
// Verify permissions.
- result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
- if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- tmpDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
- if (tmpDict == 0) return false;
+ hasPrivilege = (kIOReturnSuccess == IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIONVRAMPrivilege));
+ tmpDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ if (tmpDict == 0) return false;
- iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(_ofDict);
- if (iter == 0) return false;
+ iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(_ofDict);
+ if (iter == 0) return false;
- while (1) {
- key = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject());
- if (key == 0) break;
+ while (1) {
+ key = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject());
+ if (key == 0) break;
- variablePerm = getOFVariablePerm(key);
- if (variablePerm != kOFVariablePermRootOnly) {
- tmpDict->setObject(key, _ofDict->getObject(key));
- }
+ variablePerm = getOFVariablePerm(key);
+ if ((hasPrivilege || (variablePerm != kOFVariablePermRootOnly)) &&
+ ( ! (variablePerm == kOFVariablePermKernelOnly && current_task() != kernel_task) )) {
+ tmpDict->setObject(key, _ofDict->getObject(key));
dict = tmpDict;
- } else {
- dict = _ofDict;
- result = dict->serialize(serialize);
+ result = dict->serialize(s);
if (tmpDict != 0) tmpDict->release();
if (iter != 0) iter->release();
if (_ofDict == 0) return 0;
// Verify permissions.
- result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), "root");
+ variablePerm = getOFVariablePerm(aKey);
+ result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIONVRAMPrivilege);
if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- variablePerm = getOFVariablePerm(aKey);
if (variablePerm == kOFVariablePermRootOnly) return 0;
+ if (variablePerm == kOFVariablePermKernelOnly && current_task() != kernel_task) return 0;
return _ofDict->getObject(aKey);
if (_ofDict == 0) return false;
// Verify permissions.
- result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), "root");
+ propPerm = getOFVariablePerm(aKey);
+ result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIONVRAMPrivilege);
if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- propPerm = getOFVariablePerm(aKey);
if (propPerm != kOFVariablePermUserWrite) return false;
+ if (propPerm == kOFVariablePermKernelOnly && current_task() != kernel_task) return 0;
// Don't allow creation of new properties on old world machines.
if (getPlatform()->getBootROMType() == 0) {
if (_ofDict->getObject(aKey) == 0) return false;
+ // Don't allow change of 'aapl,panic-info'.
+ if (aKey->isEqualTo(kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoKey)) return false;
// Make sure the object is of the correct type.
propType = getOFVariableType(aKey);
switch (propType) {
return result;
+void IODTNVRAM::removeProperty(const OSSymbol *aKey)
+ bool result;
+ UInt32 propPerm;
+ if (_ofDict == 0) return;
+ // Verify permissions.
+ propPerm = getOFVariablePerm(aKey);
+ result = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
+ if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ if (propPerm != kOFVariablePermUserWrite) return;
+ }
+ if (propPerm == kOFVariablePermKernelOnly && current_task() != kernel_task) return;
+ // Don't allow removal of properties on old world machines.
+ if (getPlatform()->getBootROMType() == 0) return;
+ // Don't allow change of 'aapl,panic-info'.
+ if (aKey->isEqualTo(kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoKey)) return;
+ // If the object exists, remove it from the dictionary.
+ result = _ofDict->getObject(aKey) != 0;
+ if (result) {
+ _ofDict->removeObject(aKey);
+ _ofImageDirty = true;
+ }
IOReturn IODTNVRAM::setProperties(OSObject *properties)
bool result = true;
OSObject *object;
const OSSymbol *key;
+ const OSString *tmpStr;
OSDictionary *dict;
OSCollectionIterator *iter;
object = dict->getObject(key);
if (object == 0) continue;
- result = setProperty(key, object);
+ if (key->isEqualTo(kIONVRAMDeletePropertyKey)) {
+ tmpStr = OSDynamicCast(OSString, object);
+ if (tmpStr != 0) {
+ key = OSSymbol::withString(tmpStr);
+ removeProperty(key);
+ key->release();
+ result = true;
+ } else {
+ result = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = setProperty(key, object);
+ }
if (_xpramImage == 0) return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- if ((buffer == 0) || (length <= 0) || (offset < 0) ||
+ if ((buffer == 0) || (length == 0) ||
(offset + length > kIODTNVRAMXPRAMSize))
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
if (_xpramImage == 0) return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- if ((buffer == 0) || (length <= 0) || (offset < 0) ||
+ if ((buffer == 0) || (length == 0) ||
(offset + length > kIODTNVRAMXPRAMSize))
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
partitionOffset = partitionOffsetNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
partitionLength = partitionLengthNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
- if ((buffer == 0) || (length <= 0) || (offset < 0) ||
+ if ((buffer == 0) || (length == 0) ||
(offset + length > partitionLength))
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
partitionOffset = partitionOffsetNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
partitionLength = partitionLengthNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
- if ((buffer == 0) || (length <= 0) || (offset < 0) ||
+ if ((buffer == 0) || (length == 0) ||
(offset + length > partitionLength))
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// Private methods for Open Firmware variable access.
+IOByteCount IODTNVRAM::savePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, IOByteCount length)
+ if ((_piImage == 0) || (length <= 0)) return 0;
+ if (length > (_piPartitionSize - 4))
+ length = _piPartitionSize - 4;
+ // Save the Panic Info.
+ bcopy(buffer, _piImage + 4, length);
+ // Save the Panic Info length.
+ *(UInt32 *)_piImage = length;
+ _nvramImageDirty = true;
+ /*
+ * This prevents OF variables from being committed if the system has panicked
+ */
+ _systemPaniced = true;
+ /* The call to sync() forces the NVRAM controller to write the panic info
+ * partition to NVRAM.
+ */
+ sync();
+ return length;
+// Private methods
+UInt8 IODTNVRAM::calculatePartitionChecksum(UInt8 *partitionHeader)
+ UInt8 cnt, isum, csum = 0;
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < 0x10; cnt++) {
+ isum = csum + partitionHeader[cnt];
+ if (isum < csum) isum++;
+ csum = isum;
+ }
+ return csum;
struct OWVariablesHeader {
UInt16 owMagic;
+ // Create the 'aapl,panic-info' property if needed.
+ if (_piImage != 0) {
+ propDataLength = *(UInt32 *)_piImage;
+ if ((propDataLength != 0) && (propDataLength <= (_piPartitionSize - 4))) {
+ propObject = OSData::withBytes(_piImage + 4, propDataLength);
+ _ofDict->setObject(kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoKey, propObject);
+ propObject->release();
+ // Clear the length from _piImage and mark dirty.
+ *(UInt32 *)_piImage = 0;
+ _nvramImageDirty = true;
+ }
+ }
} else {
owHeader = (OWVariablesHeader *)_ofImage;
if (!validateOWChecksum(_ofImage)) {
bool ok;
UInt32 cnt, length, maxLength;
UInt32 curOffset, tmpOffset, tmpType, tmpDataLength;
- UInt8 *buffer, *tmpBuffer, *tmpData;
+ UInt8 *buffer, *tmpBuffer;
+ const UInt8 *tmpData;
const OSSymbol *tmpSymbol;
OSObject *tmpObject;
OSBoolean *tmpBoolean;
tmpSymbol = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject());
if (tmpSymbol == 0) break;
+ // Don't save 'aapl,panic-info'.
+ if (tmpSymbol->isEqualTo(kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoKey)) continue;
tmpObject = _ofDict->getObject(tmpSymbol);
length = maxLength;
case kOFVariableTypeString :
tmpString = OSDynamicCast(OSString, tmpObject);
- tmpData = (UInt8 *) tmpString->getCStringNoCopy();
+ tmpData = (const UInt8 *)tmpString->getCStringNoCopy();
tmpDataLength = tmpString->getLength();
if ((curOffset - tmpDataLength) < sizeof(OWVariablesHeader)) {
struct OFVariable {
- char *variableName;
- UInt32 variableType;
- UInt32 variablePerm;
- SInt32 variableOffset;
+ const char *variableName;
+ UInt32 variableType;
+ UInt32 variablePerm;
+ SInt32 variableOffset;
typedef struct OFVariable OFVariable;
{"aapl,pci", kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermRootOnly, -1},
{"security-mode", kOFVariableTypeString, kOFVariablePermUserRead, -1},
{"security-password", kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermRootOnly, -1},
+ {"boot-image", kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermUserWrite, -1},
+ {"com.apple.System.fp-state", kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermKernelOnly, -1},
+ {"backlight-level", kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermUserWrite, -1},
{0, kOFVariableTypeData, kOFVariablePermUserRead, -1}
bool IODTNVRAM::convertObjectToProp(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 *length,
const OSSymbol *propSymbol, OSObject *propObject)
- UInt8 *propName;
+ const UInt8 *propName;
UInt32 propNameLength, propDataLength;
UInt32 propType, tmpValue;
OSBoolean *tmpBoolean = 0;
OSString *tmpString = 0;
OSData *tmpData = 0;
- propName = (UInt8 *)propSymbol->getCStringNoCopy();
+ propName = (const UInt8 *)propSymbol->getCStringNoCopy();
propNameLength = propSymbol->getLength();
propType = getOFVariableType(propSymbol);
if ((propNameLength + propDataLength + 2) > *length) return false;
// Copy the property name equal sign.
- sprintf((char *)buffer, "%s=", propName);
- buffer += propNameLength + 1;
+ buffer += snprintf((char *)buffer, *length, "%s=", propName);
switch (propType) {
case kOFVariableTypeBoolean :
if (tmpBoolean->getValue()) {
- strcpy((char *)buffer, "true");
+ strlcpy((char *)buffer, "true", *length - propNameLength);
} else {
- strcpy((char *)buffer, "false");
+ strlcpy((char *)buffer, "false", *length - propNameLength);
case kOFVariableTypeNumber :
tmpValue = tmpNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
if (tmpValue == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- strcpy((char *)buffer, "-1");
+ strlcpy((char *)buffer, "-1", *length - propNameLength);
} else if (tmpValue < 1000) {
- sprintf((char *)buffer, "%ld", tmpValue);
+ snprintf((char *)buffer, *length - propNameLength, "%d", (uint32_t)tmpValue);
} else {
- sprintf((char *)buffer, "0x%lx", tmpValue);
+ snprintf((char *)buffer, *length - propNameLength, "0x%x", (uint32_t)tmpValue);
case kOFVariableTypeString :
- strcpy((char *)buffer, tmpString->getCStringNoCopy());
+ strlcpy((char *)buffer, tmpString->getCStringNoCopy(), *length - propNameLength);
case kOFVariableTypeData :
void IODTNVRAM::updateOWBootArgs(const OSSymbol *key, OSObject *value)
- bool wasBootArgs, bootr = false;
- UInt32 cnt;
- OSString *tmpString, *bootCommand, *bootArgs = 0;
- UInt8 *bootCommandData, *bootArgsData, *tmpData;
- UInt32 bootCommandDataLength, bootArgsDataLength, tmpDataLength;
+ bool wasBootArgs, bootr = false;
+ UInt32 cnt;
+ OSString *tmpString, *bootCommand, *bootArgs = 0;
+ const UInt8 *bootCommandData, *bootArgsData;
+ UInt8 *tmpData;
+ UInt32 bootCommandDataLength, bootArgsDataLength, tmpDataLength;
tmpString = OSDynamicCast(OSString, value);
if (tmpString == 0) return;
if (bootCommand == 0) return;
} else return;
- bootCommandData = (UInt8 *)bootCommand->getCStringNoCopy();
+ bootCommandData = (const UInt8 *)bootCommand->getCStringNoCopy();
bootCommandDataLength = bootCommand->getLength();
if (bootCommandData == 0) return;
if (wasBootArgs) {
- bootArgsData = (UInt8 *)bootArgs->getCStringNoCopy();
+ bootArgsData = (const UInt8 *)bootArgs->getCStringNoCopy();
bootArgsDataLength = bootArgs->getLength();
if (bootArgsData == 0) return;
tmpData = IONew(UInt8, tmpDataLength + 1);
if (tmpData == 0) return;
- strncpy((char *)tmpData, (const char *)bootCommandData, cnt);
- tmpData[cnt] = '\0';
- strcat((char *)tmpData, (const char *)bootArgsData);
+ cnt -= strlcpy((char *)tmpData, (const char *)bootCommandData, cnt);
+ strlcat((char *)tmpData, (const char *)bootArgsData, cnt);
bootCommand = OSString::withCString((const char *)tmpData);
if (bootCommand != 0) {
kMaxNVDataLength = 8
-#pragma options align=mac68k
struct NVRAMProperty
IONVRAMDescriptor header;
UInt8 dataLength;
UInt8 data[ kMaxNVDataLength ];
-#pragma options align=reset
bool IODTNVRAM::searchNVRAMProperty(IONVRAMDescriptor *hdr, UInt32 *where)
return err;
-OSData *IODTNVRAM::unescapeBytesToData(UInt8 *bytes, UInt32 length)
+OSData *IODTNVRAM::unescapeBytesToData(const UInt8 *bytes, UInt32 length)
OSData *data = 0;
UInt32 totalLength = 0;
OSData * IODTNVRAM::escapeDataToData(OSData * value)
- OSData * result;
- UInt8 * start;
- UInt8 * end;
- UInt8 * where;
- UInt8 byte;
- bool ok = true;
+ OSData * result;
+ const UInt8 * startPtr;
+ const UInt8 * endPtr;
+ const UInt8 * wherePtr;
+ UInt8 byte;
+ bool ok = true;
- where = (UInt8 *) value->getBytesNoCopy();
- end = where + value->getLength();
+ wherePtr = (const UInt8 *) value->getBytesNoCopy();
+ endPtr = wherePtr + value->getLength();
- result = OSData::withCapacity(end - where);
+ result = OSData::withCapacity(endPtr - wherePtr);
if (!result)
return result;
- while (where < end) {
- start = where;
- byte = *where++;
+ while (wherePtr < endPtr) {
+ startPtr = wherePtr;
+ byte = *wherePtr++;
if ((byte == 0x00) || (byte == 0xFF)) {
for (;
- ((where - start) < 0x80) && (where < end) && (byte == *where);
- where++) {}
+ ((wherePtr - startPtr) < 0x80) && (wherePtr < endPtr) && (byte == *wherePtr);
+ wherePtr++) {}
ok &= result->appendByte(0xff, 1);
- byte = (byte & 0x80) | (where - start);
+ byte = (byte & 0x80) | (wherePtr - startPtr);
ok &= result->appendByte(byte, 1);
return result;
+static bool IsApplePropertyName(const char * propName)
+ char c;
+ while ((c = *propName++)) {
+ if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
+ break;
+ }
+ return (c == 0);
IOReturn IODTNVRAM::readNVRAMPropertyType1(IORegistryEntry *entry,
const OSSymbol **name,
OSData **value)
- IOReturn err = kIOReturnNoResources;
- OSData *data;
- UInt8 *start;
- UInt8 *end;
- UInt8 *where;
- UInt8 *nvPath = 0;
- UInt8 *nvName = 0;
- UInt8 byte;
+ IOReturn err = kIOReturnNoResources;
+ OSData *data;
+ const UInt8 *startPtr;
+ const UInt8 *endPtr;
+ const UInt8 *wherePtr;
+ const UInt8 *nvPath = 0;
+ const char *nvName = 0;
+ const char *resultName = 0;
+ const UInt8 *resultValue = 0;
+ UInt32 resultValueLen = 0;
+ UInt8 byte;
if (_ofDict == 0) return err;
data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _ofDict->getObject(_registryPropertiesKey));
if (data == 0) return err;
- start = (UInt8 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
- end = start + data->getLength();
+ startPtr = (const UInt8 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ endPtr = startPtr + data->getLength();
- where = start;
- while (where < end) {
- byte = *(where++);
+ wherePtr = startPtr;
+ while (wherePtr < endPtr) {
+ byte = *(wherePtr++);
if (byte)
if (nvPath == 0)
- nvPath = start;
+ nvPath = startPtr;
else if (nvName == 0)
- nvName = start;
- else if (entry ==
- IORegistryEntry::fromPath((const char *) nvPath, gIODTPlane)) {
- *name = OSSymbol::withCString((const char *) nvName);
- *value = unescapeBytesToData(start, where - start - 1);
- if ((*name != 0) && (*value != 0))
- err = kIOReturnSuccess;
- else
- err = kIOReturnNoMemory;
- break;
- } else
- nvPath = nvName = 0;
- start = where;
+ nvName = (const char *) startPtr;
+ else {
+ IORegistryEntry * compareEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath((const char *) nvPath, gIODTPlane);
+ if (compareEntry)
+ compareEntry->release();
+ if (entry == compareEntry) {
+ bool appleProp = IsApplePropertyName(nvName);
+ if (!appleProp || !resultName) {
+ resultName = nvName;
+ resultValue = startPtr;
+ resultValueLen = wherePtr - startPtr - 1;
+ }
+ if (!appleProp)
+ break;
+ }
+ nvPath = 0;
+ nvName = 0;
+ }
+ startPtr = wherePtr;
+ }
+ if (resultName) {
+ *name = OSSymbol::withCString(resultName);
+ *value = unescapeBytesToData(resultValue, resultValueLen);
+ if ((*name != 0) && (*value != 0))
+ err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ else
+ err = kIOReturnNoMemory;
return err;
const OSSymbol *propName,
OSData *value)
- OSData *oldData;
- OSData *data = 0;
- UInt8 *start;
- UInt8 *propStart;
- UInt8 *end;
- UInt8 *where;
- UInt8 *nvPath = 0;
- UInt8 *nvName = 0;
+ OSData *oldData;
+ OSData *data = 0;
+ const UInt8 *startPtr;
+ const UInt8 *propStart;
+ const UInt8 *endPtr;
+ const UInt8 *wherePtr;
+ const UInt8 *nvPath = 0;
+ const char *nvName = 0;
const char * comp;
const char * name;
- UInt8 byte;
- bool ok = true;
+ UInt8 byte;
+ bool ok = true;
+ bool settingAppleProp;
if (_ofDict == 0) return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ settingAppleProp = IsApplePropertyName(propName->getCStringNoCopy());
// copy over existing properties for other entries
oldData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _ofDict->getObject(_registryPropertiesKey));
if (oldData) {
- start = (UInt8 *) oldData->getBytesNoCopy();
- end = start + oldData->getLength();
+ startPtr = (const UInt8 *) oldData->getBytesNoCopy();
+ endPtr = startPtr + oldData->getLength();
- propStart = start;
- where = start;
- while (where < end) {
- byte = *(where++);
+ propStart = startPtr;
+ wherePtr = startPtr;
+ while (wherePtr < endPtr) {
+ byte = *(wherePtr++);
if (byte)
if (nvPath == 0)
- nvPath = start;
+ nvPath = startPtr;
else if (nvName == 0)
- nvName = start;
- else if (entry ==
- IORegistryEntry::fromPath((const char *) nvPath, gIODTPlane)) {
- // delete old property (nvPath -> where)
- data = OSData::withBytes(propStart, nvPath - propStart);
- if (data)
- ok &= data->appendBytes(where, end - where);
- break;
- } else
- nvPath = nvName = 0;
+ nvName = (const char *) startPtr;
+ else {
+ IORegistryEntry * compareEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath((const char *) nvPath, gIODTPlane);
+ if (compareEntry)
+ compareEntry->release();
+ if (entry == compareEntry) {
+ if ((settingAppleProp && propName->isEqualTo(nvName))
+ || (!settingAppleProp && !IsApplePropertyName(nvName))) {
+ // delete old property (nvPath -> wherePtr)
+ data = OSData::withBytes(propStart, nvPath - propStart);
+ if (data)
+ ok &= data->appendBytes(wherePtr, endPtr - wherePtr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ nvPath = 0;
+ nvName = 0;
+ }
- start = where;
+ startPtr = wherePtr;
return kIOReturnNoMemory;
- // get entries in path
- OSArray *array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
- if (!array) {
- data->release();
- return kIOReturnNoMemory;
- }
- do
- array->setObject(entry);
- while ((entry = entry->getParentEntry(gIODTPlane)));
- // append path
- for (int i = array->getCount() - 3;
- (entry = (IORegistryEntry *) array->getObject(i));
- i--) {
- name = entry->getName(gIODTPlane);
- comp = entry->getLocation(gIODTPlane);
- if( comp && (0 == strcmp("pci", name))
- && (0 == strcmp("80000000", comp))) {
- // yosemite hack
- comp = "/pci@80000000";
- } else {
- if (comp)
- ok &= data->appendBytes("/@", 2);
- else {
- if (!name)
- continue;
- ok &= data->appendByte('/', 1);
- comp = name;
- }
- }
- ok &= data->appendBytes(comp, strlen(comp));
- }
- ok &= data->appendByte(0, 1);
- array->release();
- // append prop name
- ok &= data->appendBytes(propName->getCStringNoCopy(), propName->getLength() + 1);
- // append escaped data
- oldData = escapeDataToData(value);
- ok &= (oldData != 0);
- if (ok)
- ok &= data->appendBytes(oldData);
+ if (value && value->getLength()) {
+ // get entries in path
+ OSArray *array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ if (!array) {
+ data->release();
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ do
+ array->setObject(entry);
+ while ((entry = entry->getParentEntry(gIODTPlane)));
+ // append path
+ for (int i = array->getCount() - 3;
+ (entry = (IORegistryEntry *) array->getObject(i));
+ i--) {
+ name = entry->getName(gIODTPlane);
+ comp = entry->getLocation(gIODTPlane);
+ if( comp && (0 == strncmp("pci", name, sizeof("pci")))
+ && (0 == strncmp("80000000", comp, sizeof("80000000")))) {
+ // yosemite hack
+ comp = "/pci@80000000";
+ } else {
+ if (comp)
+ ok &= data->appendBytes("/@", 2);
+ else {
+ if (!name)
+ continue;
+ ok &= data->appendByte('/', 1);
+ comp = name;
+ }
+ }
+ ok &= data->appendBytes(comp, strlen(comp));
+ }
+ ok &= data->appendByte(0, 1);
+ array->release();
+ // append prop name
+ ok &= data->appendBytes(propName->getCStringNoCopy(), propName->getLength() + 1);
+ // append escaped data
+ oldData = escapeDataToData(value);
+ ok &= (oldData != 0);
+ if (ok)
+ ok &= data->appendBytes(oldData);
+ }
if (ok) {
ok = _ofDict->setObject(_registryPropertiesKey, data);
if (ok)