const OSSymbol * gIONameMatchedKey;
const OSSymbol * gIOPropertyMatchKey;
const OSSymbol * gIOLocationMatchKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIOParentMatchKey;
const OSSymbol * gIOPathMatchKey;
const OSSymbol * gIOMatchCategoryKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey;
#define UNLOCKNOTIFY() \
IORecursiveLockUnlock( gNotificationLock )
+#define SLEEPNOTIFY(event) \
+ IORecursiveLockSleep( gNotificationLock, (void *)(event), THREAD_UNINT )
+#define WAKEUPNOTIFY(event) \
+ IORecursiveLockWakeup( gNotificationLock, (void *)(event), /* wake one */ false )
#define randomDelay() \
int del = read_processor_clock(); \
static queue_head_t gArbitrationLockQueueFree;
static IOLock * gArbitrationLockQueueLock;
+bool IOService::isInactive( void ) const
+ { return( 0 != (kIOServiceInactiveState & getState())); }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
void IOService::initialize( void )
gIONameMatchedKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIONameMatchedKey );
gIOPropertyMatchKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOPropertyMatchKey );
gIOPathMatchKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOPathMatchKey );
- gIOLocationMatchKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOLocationMatchKey );
+ gIOLocationMatchKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOLocationMatchKey );
+ gIOParentMatchKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOParentMatchKey );
gIOMatchCategoryKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( kIOMatchCategoryKey );
gIODefaultMatchCategoryKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(
IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock );
if( waitAgain)
- thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
} while( waitAgain );
link );
// wake the victim
- thread_wakeup_one(victim);
+ IOLockWakeup( gArbitrationLockQueueLock,
+ victim,
+ /* one thread */ true );
// allow this thread to proceed (ie. wait)
success = true; // (put request on wait queue)
link );
// declare that this thread will wait for a given event
-restart_sleep: assert_wait( element,
- element->required ? THREAD_UNINT
+restart_sleep: wait_result = assert_wait( element,
+ element->required ? THREAD_UNINT
// unlock global access
IOUnlock( gArbitrationLockQueueLock );
// put thread to sleep, waiting for our event to fire...
- wait_result = thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
+ if (wait_result == THREAD_WAITING)
+ wait_result = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
// ...and we've been woken up; we might be in one of two states:
// (a) we've been aborted and our queue element is not on
link );
// wake the waiting thread
- thread_wakeup_one(element);
+ IOLockWakeup( gArbitrationLockQueueLock,
+ element,
+ /* one thread */ true );
_IOServiceNotifierInvocation *, link );
if( kIOServiceNotifyWaiter & notify->state) {
notify->state &= ~kIOServiceNotifyWaiter;
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) notify);
+ WAKEUPNOTIFY( notify );
if( doWait) {
state |= kIOServiceNotifyWaiter;
- assert_wait( this, THREAD_UNINT);
- thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
} while( doWait );
while( victim ) {
- didInactive = victim->lockForArbitration( true );
+ didInactive = victim->lockForArbitration( true );
if( didInactive) {
didInactive = (0 == (victim->__state[0] & kIOServiceInactiveState));
if( didInactive) {
| kIOServiceFirstPublishState | kIOServiceFirstMatchState);
victim->_adjustBusy( 1 );
- victim->unlockForArbitration();
+ victim->unlockForArbitration();
if( victim == this)
startPhase2 = didInactive;
wait = (gIOTerminateThread != 0);
if( wait) {
// wait to become the terminate thread
- assert_wait( (event_t) &gIOTerminateThread, THREAD_UNINT );
- IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
- thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
- IOLockLock( gJobsLock );
+ IOLockSleep( gJobsLock, &gIOTerminateThread, THREAD_UNINT);
} while( wait );
wait = (0 != (__state[1] & kIOServiceBusyStateMask));
if( wait) {
// wait for the victim to go non-busy
- assert_wait( (event_t) &gIOTerminateWork, THREAD_UNINT );
if( !haveDeadline) {
clock_interval_to_deadline( 15, kSecondScale, &deadline );
haveDeadline = true;
- thread_set_timer_deadline( deadline );
- IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
- waitResult = thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
+ waitResult = IOLockSleepDeadline( gJobsLock, &gIOTerminateWork,
+ deadline, THREAD_UNINT );
if( waitResult == THREAD_TIMED_OUT) {
TLOG("%s::terminate(kIOServiceSynchronous) timeout", getName());
} else
- IOLockLock( gJobsLock );
} while( wait && (waitResult != THREAD_TIMED_OUT));
gIOTerminateThread = 0;
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) &gIOTerminateThread );
+ IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock, (event_t) &gIOTerminateThread, /* one-thread */ false);
} else {
// ! kIOServiceSynchronous
terminateWorker( (IOOptionBits) arg );
gIOTerminateThread = 0;
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) &gIOTerminateThread );
+ IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock, (event_t) &gIOTerminateThread, /* one-thread */ false);
IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
if( !gIOTerminateThread)
gIOTerminateThread = IOCreateThread( &terminateThread, (void *) 0 );
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) &gIOTerminateWork );
+ IOLockWakeup(gJobsLock, (event_t) &gIOTerminateWork, /* one-thread */ false );
IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
if( !gIOTerminateThread)
gIOTerminateThread = IOCreateThread( &terminateThread, (void *) 0 );
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) &gIOTerminateWork );
+ IOLockWakeup(gJobsLock, (event_t) &gIOTerminateWork, /* one-thread */ false );
IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
_IOServiceNotifierInvocation *, link );
if( kIOServiceNotifyWaiter & notify->state) {
notify->state &= ~kIOServiceNotifyWaiter;
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) notify);
+ WAKEUPNOTIFY( notify );
IOLockUnlock( gIOServiceBusyLock );
if( wait) {
- waitResult = thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
+ waitResult = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
if( timeout && (waitResult != THREAD_TIMED_OUT))
else {
if( 0 == --gNumConfigThreads) {
// IOLog("MATCH IDLE\n");
- thread_wakeup( (event_t) &gNumConfigThreads);
+ IOLockWakeup( gJobsLock, (event_t) &gNumConfigThreads, /* one-thread */ false );
IOUnlock( gJobsLock );
bool computeDeadline = true;
AbsoluteTime abstime;
+ IOLockLock( gJobsLock );
do {
- IOLockLock( gJobsLock );
wait = (0 != gNumConfigThreads);
if( wait) {
- assert_wait( (event_t) &gNumConfigThreads, THREAD_UNINT );
if( msToWait) {
if( computeDeadline ) {
abstime, &abstime );
computeDeadline = false;
- thread_set_timer_deadline( abstime );
- }
+ waitResult = IOLockSleepDeadline( gJobsLock, &gNumConfigThreads,
+ abstime, THREAD_UNINT );
+ } else {
+ waitResult = IOLockSleep( gJobsLock, &gNumConfigThreads,
+ }
- IOUnlock( gJobsLock );
- if( wait) {
- waitResult = thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
- if( msToWait && (waitResult != THREAD_TIMED_OUT))
- thread_cancel_timer();
- }
} while( wait && (waitResult != THREAD_TIMED_OUT));
+ IOLockUnlock( gJobsLock );
if( waitResult == THREAD_TIMED_OUT)
return( kIOReturnTimeout );
if( doWait) {
state |= kIOServiceNotifyWaiter;
- assert_wait( this, THREAD_UNINT);
- thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0);
} while( doWait );
return( ok );
+IOReturn IOResources::setProperties( OSObject * properties )
+ IOReturn err;
+ const OSSymbol * key;
+ OSDictionary * dict;
+ OSCollectionIterator * iter;
+ err = IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege(current_task(), kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator);
+ if ( kIOReturnSuccess != err)
+ return( err );
+ dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, properties);
+ if( 0 == dict)
+ return( kIOReturnBadArgument);
+ iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( dict);
+ if( 0 == iter)
+ return( kIOReturnBadArgument);
+ while( (key = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject()))) {
+ publishResource( key, dict->getObject(key) );
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ return( kIOReturnSuccess );
* Helpers for matching dictionaries.
* Keys existing in matching are checked in properties.
SInt32 score;
OSNumber * newPri;
bool match = true;
+ bool matchParent = false;
UInt32 done;
assert( table );
where = this;
do {
- done = 0;
+ do {
+ done = 0;
- str = OSDynamicCast( OSString, table->getObject( gIOProviderClassKey));
- if( str) {
- done++;
- match = (0 != where->metaCast( str ));
- if( !match)
- break;
- }
+ str = OSDynamicCast( OSString, table->getObject( gIOProviderClassKey));
+ if( str) {
+ done++;
+ match = (0 != where->metaCast( str ));
+ if( !match)
+ break;
+ }
- obj = table->getObject( gIONameMatchKey );
- if( obj) {
- done++;
- match = compareNames( obj, changesOK ? &matched : 0 );
- if( !match)
- break;
- if( changesOK && matched) {
- // leave a hint as to which name matched
- table->setObject( gIONameMatchedKey, matched );
- matched->release();
+ obj = table->getObject( gIONameMatchKey );
+ if( obj) {
+ done++;
+ match = where->compareNames( obj, changesOK ? &matched : 0 );
+ if( !match)
+ break;
+ if( changesOK && matched) {
+ // leave a hint as to which name matched
+ table->setObject( gIONameMatchedKey, matched );
+ matched->release();
+ }
- }
- obj = table->getObject( gIOPropertyMatchKey );
- if( obj) {
- OSDictionary * dict;
- OSDictionary * nextDict;
- OSIterator * iter;
- done++;
- dict = where->dictionaryWithProperties();
- if( dict) {
- nextDict = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary, obj);
- if( nextDict)
- iter = 0;
- else
- iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(
- OSDynamicCast(OSCollection, obj));
- while( nextDict
- || (iter && (0 != (nextDict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary,
- iter->getNextObject()))))) {
- match = dict->isEqualTo( nextDict, nextDict);
- if( match)
- break;
- nextDict = 0;
+ str = OSDynamicCast( OSString, table->getObject( gIOLocationMatchKey ));
+ if( str) {
+ const OSSymbol * sym;
+ done++;
+ match = false;
+ sym = where->copyLocation();
+ if( sym) {
+ match = sym->isEqualTo( str );
+ sym->release();
- dict->release();
- if( iter)
- iter->release();
if( !match)
- }
- str = OSDynamicCast( OSString, table->getObject( gIOPathMatchKey ));
- if( str) {
- done++;
- entry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( str->getCStringNoCopy() );
- match = (where == entry);
- if( entry)
- entry->release();
- if( !match)
- break;
- }
+ obj = table->getObject( gIOPropertyMatchKey );
+ if( obj) {
- num = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, table->getObject( gIOMatchedServiceCountKey ));
- if( num) {
+ OSDictionary * dict;
+ OSDictionary * nextDict;
+ OSIterator * iter;
- OSIterator * iter;
- IOService * service = 0;
- UInt32 serviceCount = 0;
+ done++;
+ match = false;
+ dict = where->dictionaryWithProperties();
+ if( dict) {
+ nextDict = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary, obj);
+ if( nextDict)
+ iter = 0;
+ else
+ iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(
+ OSDynamicCast(OSCollection, obj));
+ while( nextDict
+ || (iter && (0 != (nextDict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary,
+ iter->getNextObject()))))) {
+ match = dict->isEqualTo( nextDict, nextDict);
+ if( match)
+ break;
+ nextDict = 0;
+ }
+ dict->release();
+ if( iter)
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ if( !match)
+ break;
+ }
- done++;
- iter = getClientIterator();
- if( iter) {
- while( (service = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject())) {
- if( kIOServiceInactiveState & service->__state[0])
- continue;
- if( 0 == service->getProperty( gIOMatchCategoryKey ))
- continue;
- ++serviceCount;
+ str = OSDynamicCast( OSString, table->getObject( gIOPathMatchKey ));
+ if( str) {
+ done++;
+ entry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( str->getCStringNoCopy() );
+ match = (where == entry);
+ if( entry)
+ entry->release();
+ if( !match)
+ break;
+ }
+ num = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, table->getObject( gIOMatchedServiceCountKey ));
+ if( num) {
+ OSIterator * iter;
+ IOService * service = 0;
+ UInt32 serviceCount = 0;
+ done++;
+ iter = where->getClientIterator();
+ if( iter) {
+ while( (service = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject())) {
+ if( kIOServiceInactiveState & service->__state[0])
+ continue;
+ if( 0 == service->getProperty( gIOMatchCategoryKey ))
+ continue;
+ ++serviceCount;
+ }
+ iter->release();
- iter->release();
+ match = (serviceCount == num->unsigned32BitValue());
+ if( !match)
+ break;
- match = (serviceCount == num->unsigned32BitValue());
- if( !match)
- break;
- }
- if( done == table->getCount())
- // don't call family if we've done all the entries in the table
- break;
+ if( done == table->getCount()) {
+ // don't call family if we've done all the entries in the table
+ matchParent = false;
+ break;
+ }
- // pass in score from property table
- score = IOServiceObjectOrder( table, (void *) gIOProbeScoreKey);
+ // pass in score from property table
+ score = IOServiceObjectOrder( table, (void *) gIOProbeScoreKey);
- // do family specific matching
- match = where->matchPropertyTable( table, &score );
+ // do family specific matching
+ match = where->matchPropertyTable( table, &score );
- if( !match) {
+ if( !match) {
- if( kIOLogMatch & getDebugFlags( table ))
- LOG("%s: family specific matching fails\n", where->getName());
+ if( kIOLogMatch & getDebugFlags( table ))
+ LOG("%s: family specific matching fails\n", where->getName());
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
- if( changesOK) {
- // save the score
- newPri = OSNumber::withNumber( score, 32 );
- if( newPri) {
- table->setObject( gIOProbeScoreKey, newPri );
- newPri->release();
+ if( changesOK) {
+ // save the score
+ newPri = OSNumber::withNumber( score, 32 );
+ if( newPri) {
+ table->setObject( gIOProbeScoreKey, newPri );
+ newPri->release();
+ }
- }
- if( !(match = where->compareProperty( table, kIOBSDNameKey )))
- break;
+ if( !(match = where->compareProperty( table, kIOBSDNameKey )))
+ break;
- table = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary,
- table->getObject( gIOLocationMatchKey ));
- if( table) {
- match = false;
- where = where->getProvider();
- if( where)
- where = where->matchLocation( where );
- }
+ matchParent = false;
+ obj = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary,
+ table->getObject( gIOParentMatchKey ));
+ if( obj) {
+ match = false;
+ matchParent = true;
+ table = (OSDictionary *) obj;
+ break;
+ }
+ table = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary,
+ table->getObject( gIOLocationMatchKey ));
+ if( table) {
+ match = false;
+ where = where->getProvider();
+ if( where)
+ where = where->matchLocation( where );
+ }
+ } while( table && where );
- } while( table && where );
+ } while( matchParent && (where = where->getProvider()) );
if( kIOLogMatch & gIOKitDebug)
if( where != this)
- LOG("match location @ %s = %d\n",
+ LOG("match parent @ %s = %d\n",
where->getName(), match );
return( match );
case kIOReturnBadMedia:
case kIOReturnNoMedia:
case kIOReturnUnformattedMedia:
- return(EIO); // (media error)
+ return(ENXIO); // (media error)
case kIOReturnDMAError:
case kIOReturnOverrun:
case kIOReturnUnderrun: