- * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
-/* @(#)hfs.h 3.0
-* (c) 1990, 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-* (c) 1997-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-* hfs.h -- constants, structures, function declarations. etc.
-* for Macintosh file system vfs.
#ifndef __HFS__
#define __HFS__
+#define HFS_SPARSE_DEV 1
+#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
+#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
-#include <sys/attr.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/quota.h>
#include <sys/dirent.h>
+#include <sys/event.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <vfs/vfs_journal.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_format.h>
+#include <hfs/hfs_catalog.h>
+#include <hfs/hfs_cnode.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_macos_defs.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_encodings.h>
-#include <hfs/rangelist.h>
-struct uio; // This is more effective than #include <sys/uio.h> in case KERNEL is undefined...
-struct hfslockf; // For advisory locking
+#include <hfs/hfs_hotfiles.h>
* Just reported via MIG interface.
#define HFS_LINK_MAX 32767
- * Set to force READ_ONLY.
- */
+#define HFS_MAX_DEFERED_ALLOC (1024*1024)
+// 32 gigs is a "big" file (i.e. one that when deleted
+// would touch enough data that we should break it into
+// multiple separate transactions
+#define HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE (32LL * 1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL)
enum { kMDBSize = 512 }; /* Size of I/O transfer to read entire MDB */
enum { kMasterDirectoryBlock = 2 }; /* MDB offset on disk in 512-byte blocks */
enum { kMDBOffset = kMasterDirectoryBlock * 512 }; /* MDB offset on disk in bytes */
-enum {
- kUnknownID = 0,
- kRootParID = 1,
- kRootDirID = 2
+#define kRootDirID kHFSRootFolderID
-enum {
- kUndefinedFork = 0,
- kDataFork,
- kRsrcFork,
- kDirectory,
- kSysFile,
- kDefault,
- kAnyFork
/* number of locked buffer caches to hold for b-tree meta data */
#define kMaxLockedMetaBuffers 32
* File type and creator for symbolic links
enum {
- kSymLinkFileType = 0x736C6E6B, /* 'slnk' */
- kSymLinkCreator = 0x72686170 /* 'rhap' */
+ kSymLinkFileType = 0x736C6E6B, /* 'slnk' */
+ kSymLinkCreator = 0x72686170 /* 'rhap' */
-extern char * gBufferAddress[BUFFERPTRLISTSIZE];
-extern struct buf *gBufferHeaderPtr[BUFFERPTRLISTSIZE];
-extern int gBufferListIndex;
-extern simple_lock_data_t gBufferPtrListLock;
extern struct timezone gTimeZone;
-/* Flag values for bexpand: */
-#define RELEASE_BUFFER 0x00000001
/* How many free extents to cache per volume */
#define kMaxFreeExtents 10
-/* Internal Data structures*/
-struct vcb_t {
- u_int16_t vcbSigWord;
- int16_t vcbAtrb;
- int16_t vcbFlags;
- int16_t vcbVRefNum;
- u_int32_t vcbCrDate;
- u_int32_t vcbLsMod;
- u_int32_t vcbVolBkUp;
- u_int32_t checkedDate; /* time of last disk check */
- int32_t vcbFilCnt;
- int32_t vcbDirCnt;
- u_int32_t blockSize; /* size of allocation blocks */
- u_int32_t totalBlocks; /* total allocation blocks */
- u_int32_t freeBlocks; /* free allocation blocks */
- u_int32_t nextAllocation; /* start of next allocation search */
- int32_t vcbClpSiz;
- u_int32_t vcbNxtCNID;
- u_int32_t vcbCNIDGen;
- int32_t vcbWrCnt;
- int32_t vcbFndrInfo[8];
- u_int64_t encodingsBitmap; /* HFS Plus only */
- u_int16_t vcbNmFls; /* HFS only */
- u_int16_t vcbNmRtDirs; /* HFS only */
- int16_t vcbVBMSt; /* HFS only */
- int16_t vcbAlBlSt; /* HFS only */
- struct vnode * extentsRefNum;
- struct vnode * catalogRefNum;
- struct vnode * allocationsRefNum;
- u_int8_t vcbVN[256]; /* volume name in UTF-8 */
- u_int32_t volumeNameEncodingHint;
- u_int32_t altIDSector; /* location of alternate MDB/VH */
- u_int32_t hfsPlusIOPosOffset; /* Disk block where HFS+ starts */
- u_int32_t vcbVBMIOSize; /* volume bitmap I/O size */
- char * hintCachePtr; /* volume heuristicHint cache */
- /* cache of largest known free extents */
- u_int32_t vcbFreeExtCnt;
- HFSPlusExtentDescriptor vcbFreeExt[kMaxFreeExtents];
+ * HFS_MINFREE gives the minimum acceptable percentage
+ * of file system blocks which may be free (but this
+ * minimum will never exceed HFS_MAXRESERVE bytes). If
+ * the free block count drops below this level only the
+ * superuser may continue to allocate blocks.
+ */
+#define HFS_MINFREE 1
+#define HFS_MAXRESERVE ((u_int64_t)(250*1024*1024))
- u_int32_t localCreateDate; /* creation times for HFS+ volumes are in local time */
- simple_lock_data_t vcbSimpleLock; /* simple lock to allow concurrent access to vcb data */
-typedef struct vcb_t ExtendedVCB;
+ * The system distinguishes between the desirable low-disk
+ * notifiaction levels for root volumes and non-root volumes.
+ * The various thresholds are computed as a fraction of the
+ * volume size, all capped at a certain fixed level
+ */
+#define HFS_ROOTLOWDISKTRIGGERLEVEL ((u_int64_t)(250*1024*1024))
+#define HFS_ROOTLOWDISKSHUTOFFLEVEL ((u_int64_t)(375*1024*1024))
+#define HFS_LOWDISKTRIGGERLEVEL ((u_int64_t)(50*1024*1024))
+#define HFS_LOWDISKSHUTOFFLEVEL ((u_int64_t)(75*1024*1024))
-/* vcbFlags */
-#define kHFS_DamagedVolume 0x1 /* This volume has errors, unmount dirty */
-#define MARK_VOLUMEDAMAGED(fcb) FCBTOVCB((fcb))->vcbFlags |= kHFS_DamagedVolume;
+/* Internal Data structures*/
- * NOTE: The code relies on being able to cast an ExtendedVCB* to a vfsVCB* in order
- * to gain access to the mount point pointer from a pointer
- *
- * vcbFlags, vcbLsMod, vcbFilCnt, vcbDirCnt, vcbNxtCNID, etc
- * are locked by the hfs_lock simple lock.
- */
-typedef struct vfsVCB {
- ExtendedVCB vcb_vcb;
- struct hfsmount *vcb_hfsmp; /* Pointer to hfsmount structure */
-} vfsVCB_t;
+#define kHFS_DamagedVolume 0x1 /* This volume has errors, unmount dirty */
+/* XXX */
/* This structure describes the HFS specific mount structure data. */
typedef struct hfsmount {
- u_long hfs_mount_flags;
- u_int8_t hfs_fs_clean; /* Whether contents have been flushed in clean state */
- u_int8_t hfs_fs_ronly; /* Whether this was mounted as read-initially */
- u_int8_t hfs_unknownpermissions; /* Whether this was mounted with MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS */
+ u_int32_t hfs_flags; /* see below */
/* Physical Description */
- u_long hfs_phys_block_count; /* Num of PHYSICAL blocks of volume */
- u_long hfs_phys_block_size; /* Always a multiple of 512 */
+ u_long hfs_phys_block_size; /* Always a multiple of 512 */
+ daddr64_t hfs_phys_block_count; /* Num of PHYSICAL blocks of volume */
+ daddr64_t hfs_alt_id_sector; /* location of alternate VH/MDB */
/* Access to VFS and devices */
struct mount *hfs_mp; /* filesystem vfs structure */
struct vnode *hfs_devvp; /* block device mounted vnode */
- dev_t hfs_raw_dev; /* device mounted */
- struct netexport hfs_export; /* Export information */
- u_int32_t hfs_logBlockSize; /* Size of buffer cache buffer for I/O */
+ struct vnode * hfs_extents_vp;
+ struct vnode * hfs_catalog_vp;
+ struct vnode * hfs_allocation_vp;
+ struct vnode * hfs_attribute_vp;
+ dev_t hfs_raw_dev; /* device mounted */
+ u_int32_t hfs_logBlockSize; /* Size of buffer cache buffer for I/O */
/* Default values for HFS standard and non-init access */
- uid_t hfs_uid; /* uid to set as owner of the files */
- gid_t hfs_gid; /* gid to set as owner of the files */
- mode_t hfs_dir_mask; /* mask to and with directory protection bits */
- mode_t hfs_file_mask; /* mask to and with file protection bits */
- u_long hfs_encoding; /* Defualt encoding for non hfs+ volumes */
- /* simple lock for shared meta renaming */
- simple_lock_data_t hfs_renamelock;
- /* HFS Specific */
- struct vfsVCB hfs_vcb;
- u_long hfs_private_metadata_dir; /* private/hidden directory for unlinked files */
+ uid_t hfs_uid; /* uid to set as owner of the files */
+ gid_t hfs_gid; /* gid to set as owner of the files */
+ mode_t hfs_dir_mask; /* mask to and with directory protection bits */
+ mode_t hfs_file_mask; /* mask to and with file protection bits */
+ u_long hfs_encoding; /* Defualt encoding for non hfs+ volumes */
+ /* Persistent fields (on disk, dynamic) */
+ time_t hfs_mtime; /* file system last modification time */
+ u_int32_t hfs_filecount; /* number of files in file system */
+ u_int32_t hfs_dircount; /* number of directories in file system */
+ u_int32_t freeBlocks; /* free allocation blocks */
+ u_int32_t nextAllocation; /* start of next allocation search */
+ u_int32_t vcbNxtCNID; /* next unused catalog node ID */
+ u_int32_t vcbWrCnt; /* file system write count */
+ u_int64_t encodingsBitmap; /* in-use encodings */
+ u_int16_t vcbNmFls; /* HFS Only - root dir file count */
+ u_int16_t vcbNmRtDirs; /* HFS Only - root dir directory count */
+ /* Persistent fields (on disk, static) */
+ u_int16_t vcbSigWord;
+ int16_t vcbFlags;
+ u_int32_t vcbAtrb;
+ u_int32_t vcbJinfoBlock;
+ time_t hfs_itime; /* file system creation time */
+ time_t hfs_btime; /* file system last backup time */
+ u_int32_t blockSize; /* size of allocation blocks */
+ u_int32_t totalBlocks; /* total allocation blocks */
+ int32_t vcbClpSiz;
+ u_int32_t vcbFndrInfo[8];
+ int16_t vcbVBMSt; /* HFS only */
+ int16_t vcbAlBlSt; /* HFS only */
+ /* vcb stuff */
+ u_int8_t vcbVN[256]; /* volume name in UTF-8 */
+ u_int32_t volumeNameEncodingHint;
+ u_int32_t hfsPlusIOPosOffset; /* Disk block where HFS+ starts */
+ u_int32_t vcbVBMIOSize; /* volume bitmap I/O size */
+ /* cache of largest known free extents */
+ u_int32_t vcbFreeExtCnt;
+ HFSPlusExtentDescriptor vcbFreeExt[kMaxFreeExtents];
+ u_int32_t reserveBlocks; /* free block reserve */
+ u_int32_t loanedBlocks; /* blocks on loan for delayed allocations */
+ u_int32_t localCreateDate; /* creation times for HFS+ volumes are in local time */
+ struct cat_desc hfs_privdir_desc;
+ struct cat_attr hfs_privdir_attr;
u_int32_t hfs_metadata_createdate;
hfs_to_unicode_func_t hfs_get_unicode;
unicode_to_hfs_func_t hfs_get_hfsname;
-} hfsmount_t;
+ /* Quota variables: */
+ struct quotafile hfs_qfiles[MAXQUOTAS]; /* quota files */
+ /* Journaling variables: */
+ void *jnl; // the journal for this volume (if one exists)
+ struct vnode *jvp; // device where the journal lives (may be equal to devvp)
+ u_int32_t jnl_start; // start block of the journal file (so we don't delete it)
+ u_int32_t jnl_size;
+ u_int32_t hfs_jnlfileid;
+ u_int32_t hfs_jnlinfoblkid;
+ lck_rw_t hfs_global_lock;
+ u_int32_t hfs_global_lock_nesting;
+ /* Notification variables: */
+ unsigned long hfs_notification_conditions;
+ u_int32_t hfs_freespace_notify_warninglimit;
+ u_int32_t hfs_freespace_notify_desiredlevel;
+ /* time mounted and last mounted mod time "snapshot" */
+ time_t hfs_mount_time;
+ time_t hfs_last_mounted_mtime;
+ /* Metadata allocation zone variables: */
+ u_int32_t hfs_metazone_start;
+ u_int32_t hfs_metazone_end;
+ u_int32_t hfs_hotfile_start;
+ u_int32_t hfs_hotfile_end;
+ int hfs_hotfile_freeblks;
+ int hfs_hotfile_maxblks;
+ int hfs_overflow_maxblks;
+ int hfs_catalog_maxblks;
+ /* Hot File Clustering variables: */
+ lck_mtx_t hfc_mutex; /* serialize hot file stages */
+ enum hfc_stage hfc_stage; /* what are we up to... */
+ time_t hfc_timebase; /* recording period start time */
+ time_t hfc_timeout; /* recording period stop time */
+ void * hfc_recdata; /* recording data (opaque) */
+ int hfc_maxfiles; /* maximum files to track */
+ struct vnode * hfc_filevp;
+ /* Sparse device variables: */
+ struct vnode * hfs_backingfs_rootvp;
+ int hfs_sparsebandblks;
+ size_t hfs_max_inline_attrsize;
- "\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80\xE2\x90\x80HFS+ Private Data"
+ lck_mtx_t hfs_mutex; /* protects access to hfsmount data */
+ void *hfs_freezing_proc; /* who froze the fs */
+ lck_rw_t hfs_insync; /* protects sync/freeze interaction */
+} hfsmount_t;
+typedef hfsmount_t ExtendedVCB;
+/* Aliases for legacy field names */
+#define vcbCrDate hfs_itime
+#define vcbLsMod hfs_mtime
+#define vcbVolBkUp hfs_btime
+#define extentsRefNum hfs_extents_vp
+#define catalogRefNum hfs_catalog_vp
+#define allocationsRefNum hfs_allocation_vp
+#define vcbFilCnt hfs_filecount
+#define vcbDirCnt hfs_dircount
+/* HFS mount point flags */
+#define HFS_READ_ONLY 0x001
+#define HFS_UNKNOWN_PERMS 0x002
+#define HFS_WRITEABLE_MEDIA 0x004
+#define HFS_CLEANED_ORPHANS 0x008
+#define HFS_X 0x010
+#define HFS_CASE_SENSITIVE 0x020
+#define HFS_STANDARD 0x040
+#define HFS_METADATA_ZONE 0x080
+#define HFS_NEED_JNL_RESET 0x200
+#define HFS_HAS_SPARSE_DEVICE 0x400
+#define HFS_MOUNT_LOCK(hfsmp, metadata) \
+ { \
+ if ((metadata) && 1) \
+ lck_mtx_lock(&(hfsmp)->hfs_mutex); \
+ } \
+#define HFS_MOUNT_UNLOCK(hfsmp, metadata) \
+ { \
+ if ((metadata) && 1) \
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&(hfsmp)->hfs_mutex); \
+ } \
+#define hfs_global_exclusive_lock_acquire(hfsmp) lck_rw_lock_exclusive(&(hfsmp)->hfs_global_lock)
+#define hfs_global_exclusive_lock_release(hfsmp) lck_rw_done(&(hfsmp)->hfs_global_lock)
-* hfsnode structure
-typedef u_char FileNameStr[MAXHFSVNODELEN+1];
-CIRCLEQ_HEAD(siblinghead, hfsnode) ; /* Head of the sibling list */
-struct hfsnode {
- LIST_ENTRY(hfsnode) h_hash; /* links on valid files */
- CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(hfsnode) h_sibling; /* links on siblings */
- struct lock__bsd__ h_lock; /* node lock. */
- union {
- struct hfslockf *hu_lockf; /* Head of byte-level lock list. */
- void *hu_sysdata; /* private data for system files */
- char hu_symlinkdata[4]; /* symbolic link (4 chars or less) */
- char *hu_symlinkptr; /* symbolic link pathname */
- } h_un;
- struct vnode * h_vp; /* vnode associated with this inode. */
- struct hfsfilemeta * h_meta; /* Ptr to file meta data */
- u_int16_t h_nodeflags; /* flags, see below */
- u_int8_t h_type; /* Type of info: dir, data, rsrc */
- int8_t fcbFlags; /* FCB flags */
- struct rl_head h_invalidranges;/* Areas of disk that should read back as zeroes */
- u_int64_t fcbEOF; /* Logical length or EOF in bytes */
- u_int64_t fcbPLen; /* Physical file length in bytes */
- u_int32_t fcbClmpSize; /* Number of bytes per clump */
- HFSPlusExtentRecord fcbExtents; /* Extents of file */
- u_int32_t h_valid; /* is the vnode reference valid */
-#define h_lockf h_un.hu_lockf
-#define fcbBTCBPtr h_un.hu_sysdata
-#define h_symlinkptr h_un.hu_symlinkptr
-#define h_symlinkdata h_un.hu_symlinkdata
-typedef struct hfsnode FCB;
-typedef struct hfsfilemeta {
- struct siblinghead h_siblinghead; /* Head of the sibling list */
- simple_lock_data_t h_siblinglock; /* sibling list lock. */
- u_int32_t h_metaflags; /* IN_LONGNAME, etc */
- struct vnode *h_devvp; /* vnode for block I/O. */
- dev_t h_dev; /* Device associated with the inode. */
- u_int32_t h_nodeID; /* specific id of this node */
- u_int32_t h_dirID; /* Parent Directory ID */
- u_int32_t h_hint; /* Catalog hint */
- off_t h_size; /* Total physical size of object */
- u_int16_t h_usecount; /* How many siblings */
- u_int16_t h_mode; /* IFMT, permissions; see below. */
- u_int32_t h_pflags; /* Permission flags (NODUMP, IMMUTABLE, APPEND etc.) */
- u_int32_t h_uid; /* File owner. */
- u_int32_t h_gid; /* File group. */
- union {
- dev_t hu_rdev; /* Special device info for this node */
- u_int32_t hu_indnodeno; /* internal indirect node number (never exported) */
- } h_spun;
- u_int32_t h_crtime; /* BSD-format creation date in secs. */
- u_int32_t h_atime; /* BSD-format access date in secs. */
- u_int32_t h_mtime; /* BSD-format mod date in seconds */
- u_int32_t h_ctime; /* BSD-format status change date */
- u_int32_t h_butime; /* BSD-format last backup date in secs. */
- u_int16_t h_nlink; /* link count (aprox. for dirs) */
- u_short h_namelen; /* Length of name string */
- char * h_namePtr; /* Points the name of the file */
- FileNameStr h_fileName; /* CName of file */
-} hfsfilemeta;
-#define h_rdev h_spun.hu_rdev
-#define h_indnodeno h_spun.hu_indnodeno
-#define H_EXTENDSIZE(VP,BYTES) ((VP)->h_meta->h_size += (BYTES))
-#define H_TRUNCSIZE(VP,BYTES) ((VP)->h_meta->h_size -= (BYTES))
-#define MAKE_INODE_NAME(name,linkno) \
- (void) sprintf((name), "%s%d", HFS_INODE_PREFIX, (linkno))
- * Macros for quick access to fields buried in the fcb inside an hfs node:
- */
-#define H_FORKTYPE(HP) ((HP)->h_type)
-#define H_FILEID(HP) ((HP)->h_meta->h_nodeID)
-#define H_DIRID(HP) ((HP)->h_meta->h_dirID)
-#define H_NAME(HP) ((HP)->h_meta->h_namePtr)
-#define H_HINT(HP) ((HP)->h_meta->h_hint)
-#define H_DEV(HP) ((HP)->h_meta->h_dev)
-#define H_ISBIGLINK(HP) ((HP)->fcbEOF > 4)
-#define H_SYMLINK(HP) (H_ISBIGLINK((HP)) ? (HP)->h_symlinkptr : (HP)->h_symlinkdata)
-/* These flags are kept in flags. */
-#define IN_ACCESS 0x0001 /* Access time update request. */
-#define IN_CHANGE 0x0002 /* Change time update request. */
-#define IN_UPDATE 0x0004 /* Modification time update request. */
-#define IN_MODIFIED 0x0008 /* Node has been modified. */
-#define IN_RENAME 0x0010 /* Node is being renamed. */
-#define IN_SHLOCK 0x0020 /* File has shared lock. */
-#define IN_EXLOCK 0x0040 /* File has exclusive lock. */
-#define IN_BYCNID 0x0100 /* Dir was found by CNID */
-#define IN_ALLOCATING 0x1000 /* vnode is in transit, wait or ignore */
-#define IN_WANT 0x2000 /* Its being waited for */
-/* These flags are kept in meta flags. */
-#define IN_LONGNAME 0x0400 /* File has long name buffer. */
-#define IN_UNSETACCESS 0x0200 /* File has unset access. */
-#define IN_DELETED 0x0800 /* File has been marked to be deleted */
-#define IN_NOEXISTS 0x1000 /* File has been deleted, catalog entry is gone */
-#define IN_DATANODE 0x2000 /* File is a data node (hard-linked) */
-/* File permissions stored in mode */
-#define IEXEC 0000100 /* Executable. */
-#define IWRITE 0000200 /* Writeable. */
-#define IREAD 0000400 /* Readable. */
-#define ISVTX 0001000 /* Sticky bit. */
-#define ISGID 0002000 /* Set-gid. */
-#define ISUID 0004000 /* Set-uid. */
+typedef struct filefork FCB;
-/* File types */
-#define IFMT 0170000 /* Mask of file type. */
-#define IFIFO 0010000 /* Named pipe (fifo). */
-#define IFCHR 0020000 /* Character device. */
-#define IFDIR 0040000 /* Directory file. */
-#define IFBLK 0060000 /* Block device. */
-#define IFREG 0100000 /* Regular file. */
-#define IFLNK 0120000 /* Symbolic link. */
-#define IFSOCK 0140000 /* UNIX domain socket. */
-#define IFWHT 0160000 /* Whiteout. */
-/* Value to make sure vnode is real and defined */
-#define HFS_VNODE_MAGIC 0x4846532b /* 'HFS+' */
+#define MAKE_INODE_NAME(name,linkno) \
+ (void) sprintf((name), "%s%d", HFS_INODE_PREFIX, (linkno))
-/* To test wether the forkType is a sibling type */
-#define SIBLING_FORKTYPE(FORK) ((FORK==kDataFork) || (FORK==kRsrcFork))
- * Write check macro
- */
- if ((VNODE)->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) { \
- FUNC_NAME)); \
- return(EROFS); \
- } \
- * hfsmount locking and unlocking.
- *
- * mvl_lock_flags
- */
-#define MVL_LOCKED 0x00000001 /* debug only */
-#define MVL_LOCK(mvip) { \
- (simple_lock(&(mvip)->mvl_lock)); \
- (mvip)->mvl_flags |= MVL_LOCKED; \
-#define MVL_UNLOCK(mvip) { \
- if(((mvip)->mvl_flags & MVL_LOCKED) == 0) { \
- panic("MVL_UNLOCK - hfsnode not locked"); \
- } \
- (simple_unlock(&(mvip)->mvl_lock)); \
- (mvip)->mvl_flags &= ~MVL_LOCKED; \
-#else /* HFS_DIAGNOSTIC */
-#define MVL_LOCK(mvip) (simple_lock(&(mvip)->mvl_lock))
-#define MVL_UNLOCK(mvip) (simple_unlock(&(mvip)->mvl_lock))
-#endif /* HFS_DIAGNOSTIC */
-/* structure to hold a "." or ".." directory entry (12 bytes) */
-typedef struct hfsdotentry {
- u_int32_t d_fileno; /* unique file number */
- u_int16_t d_reclen; /* length of this structure */
- u_int8_t d_type; /* dirent file type */
- u_int8_t d_namelen; /* len of filename */
- char d_name[4]; /* "." or ".." */
-} hfsdotentry;
-#define MAX_HFSDIRENTRY_SIZE sizeof(struct dirent)
-#define DIRENTRY_SIZE(namlen) \
- ((sizeof(struct dirent) - (NAME_MAX+1)) + (((namlen)+1 + 3) &~ 3))
+#define STD_DIRENT_LEN(namlen) \
+ ((sizeof(struct dirent) - (NAME_MAX+1)) + (((namlen)+1 + 3) &~ 3))
-enum {
- kCatNameIsAllocated = 0x1, /* The name is malloc'd and is in cnm_nameptr */
- kCatNameIsMangled = 0x2, /* The name is mangled */
- kCatNameUsesReserved = 0x4, /* It overides the space reserved by cnm_namespace into cndu_extra, careful */
- kCatNameIsConsumed = 0x8, /* The name has been already processed, no freeing or work is needed */
- kCatNameNoCopyName = 0x10, /* Dont copy the name */
- kCatNameMangleName = 0x20 /* Mangle name if greater than passed in length */
+#define EXT_DIRENT_LEN(namlen) \
+ ((sizeof(struct direntry) + (namlen) - (MAXPATHLEN-1) + 3) & ~3)
- * CatalogNameSpecifier is a structure that contains a name and possibly its form
- *
- * Special care needs to be taken with the flags, they can cause side effects.
- */
-struct CatalogNameSpecifier {
- u_int16_t cnm_flags; /* See above */
- u_int16_t cnm_length; /* Length of the name */
- u_int32_t cnm_parID; /* ID of the parent directory */
- unsigned char *cnm_nameptr; /* If allocated, a ptr to the space, else NULL */
- unsigned char cnm_namespace[MAXHFSVNODELEN+1]; /* Space where the name can be kept */
- * Also the total size of CatalogNameSpecifier should be less then cndu_extra, which
- * currently it easily is, this is not a requirement, just a nicety.
- *
- * The rules to how to store a name:
- * If its less than MAXHFSVNODELEN always store it in cnm_namespace.
- * If we can get by doing mangling then cnm_namespace
- * else allocate the space needed to cnm_nameptr.
- * This reflects what is done at vnode creation.
- */
-enum {
- kCatalogFolderNode = 1,
- kCatalogFileNode = 2
- * CatalogNodeData has same layout as the on-disk HFS Plus file/dir records.
- * Classic hfs file/dir records are converted to match this layout.
- *
- * The cnd_extra padding allows big hfs plus thread records (520 bytes max)
- * to be read onto this stucture during a cnid lookup.
- *
- * IMPORTANT!!!!!!
- * After declaring this structure, you must use the macro INIT_CATALOGDATA to prepare it
- * and CLEAN_CATALOGDATA after using it, to clean any allocated structures.
- *
- * If you do not need to have the name, then pass in kCatNameNoCopyName for flags
- */
-struct CatalogNodeData {
- int16_t cnd_type;
- u_int16_t cnd_flags;
- u_int32_t cnd_valence; /* dirs only */
- u_int32_t cnd_nodeID;
- u_int32_t cnd_createDate;
- u_int32_t cnd_contentModDate;
- u_int32_t cnd_attributeModDate;
- u_int32_t cnd_accessDate;
- u_int32_t cnd_backupDate;
- u_int32_t cnd_ownerID;
- u_int32_t cnd_groupID;
- u_int8_t cnd_adminFlags; /* super-user changeable flags */
- u_int8_t cnd_ownerFlags; /* owner changeable flags */
- u_int16_t cnd_mode; /* file type + permission bits */
- union {
- u_int32_t cndu_iNodeNum; /* indirect links only */
- u_int32_t cndu_linkCount; /* indirect nodes only */
- u_int32_t cndu_rawDevice; /* special files (FBLK and FCHR) only */
- } cnd_un;
- u_int8_t cnd_finderInfo[32];
- u_int32_t cnd_textEncoding;
- u_int32_t cnd_reserved;
- HFSPlusForkData cnd_datafork;
- HFSPlusForkData cnd_rsrcfork;
- u_int32_t cnd_iNodeNumCopy;
- u_int32_t cnd_linkCNID; /* for hard links only */
- u_int8_t cnd_extra[264]; /* make struct at least 520 bytes long */
- struct CatalogNameSpecifier cnd_namespecifier;
-typedef struct CatalogNodeData CatalogNodeData;
-#define cnd_iNodeNum cnd_un.cndu_iNodeNum
-#define cnd_linkCount cnd_un.cndu_linkCount
-#define cnd_rawDevice cnd_un.cndu_rawDevice
-#define cnm_flags cnd_namespecifier.cnm_flags
-#define cnm_length cnd_namespecifier.cnm_length
-#define cnm_parID cnd_namespecifier.cnm_parID
-#define cnm_nameptr cnd_namespecifier.cnm_nameptr
-#define cnm_namespace cnd_namespecifier.cnm_namespace
-#define INIT_CATALOGDATA(C,F) do { bzero(&((C)->cnd_namespecifier), sizeof(struct CatalogNameSpecifier)); (C)->cnm_flags=(F);}while(0);
-extern void debug_check_catalogdata(struct CatalogNodeData *cat);
-#define CLEAN_CATALOGDATA(C) do { debug_check_catalogdata(C); \
- if ((C)->cnm_flags & kCatNameIsAllocated) {\
- FREE((C)->cnm_nameptr, M_TEMP);\
- (C)->cnm_flags &= ~kCatNameIsAllocated;\
- (C)->cnm_nameptr = NULL;\
- }}while(0);
-#define CLEAN_CATALOGDATA(C) do { if ((C)->cnm_flags & kCatNameIsAllocated) {\
- FREE((C)->cnm_nameptr, M_TEMP);\
- (C)->cnm_flags &= ~kCatNameIsAllocated;\
- (C)->cnm_nameptr = NULL;\
- }}while(0);
-/* structure to hold a catalog record information */
-/* Of everything you wanted to know about a catalog entry, file and directory */
-typedef struct hfsCatalogInfo {
- CatalogNodeData nodeData;
- u_int32_t hint;
-} hfsCatalogInfo;
enum { kHFSPlusMaxFileNameBytes = kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars * 3 };
-enum { kdirentMaxNameBytes = NAME_MAX };
-// structure definition of the searchfs system trap for the search criterea.
-struct directoryInfoSpec
- u_long numFiles;
-struct fileInfoSpec
- off_t dataLogicalLength;
- off_t dataPhysicalLength;
- off_t resourceLogicalLength;
- off_t resourcePhysicalLength;
-struct searchinfospec
- u_char name[kHFSPlusMaxFileNameBytes];
- u_long nameLength;
- char attributes; // see IM:Files 2-100
- u_long nodeID;
- u_long parentDirID;
- struct timespec creationDate;
- struct timespec modificationDate;
- struct timespec changeDate;
- struct timespec lastBackupDate;
- u_long finderInfo[8];
- uid_t uid;
- gid_t gid;
- mode_t mask;
- struct fileInfoSpec f;
- struct directoryInfoSpec d;
-typedef struct searchinfospec searchinfospec_t;
-#define HFSTIMES(hp, t1, t2) { \
- if ((hp)->h_nodeflags & (IN_ACCESS | IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE)) { \
- (hp)->h_nodeflags |= IN_MODIFIED; \
- if ((hp)->h_nodeflags & IN_ACCESS) { \
- (hp)->h_meta->h_atime = (t1)->tv_sec; \
- }; \
- if ((hp)->h_nodeflags & IN_UPDATE) { \
- (hp)->h_meta->h_mtime = (t2)->tv_sec; \
- } \
- if ((hp)->h_nodeflags & IN_CHANGE) { \
- (hp)->h_meta->h_ctime = time.tv_sec; \
- }; \
- (hp)->h_nodeflags &= ~(IN_ACCESS | IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE); \
- } \
-/* This overlays the fid structure (see mount.h). */
-struct hfsfid {
- u_int16_t hfsfid_len; /* Length of structure. */
- u_int16_t hfsfid_pad; /* Force 32-bit alignment. */
- /* The following data is filesystem-dependent, up to MAXFIDSZ (16) bytes: */
- u_int32_t hfsfid_cnid; /* Catalog node ID. */
- u_int32_t hfsfid_gen; /* Generation number (create date). */
/* macro to determine if hfs or hfsplus */
#define ISHFSPLUS(VCB) ((VCB)->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord)
#define ISHFS(VCB) ((VCB)->vcbSigWord == kHFSSigWord)
- * Various ways to acquire a VNode pointer:
- */
-#define HTOV(HP) ((HP)->h_vp)
- * Various ways to acquire an HFS Node pointer:
- */
-#define VTOH(VP) ((struct hfsnode *)((VP)->v_data))
-#define FCBTOH(FCB) ((struct hfsnode *)FCB)
- * Various ways to acquire an FCB pointer:
- */
-#define HTOFCB(HP) (HP)
-#define VTOFCB(VP) ((FCB *)((VP)->v_data)) /* Should be the same as VTOH */
* Various ways to acquire a VFS mount point pointer:
-#define VTOVFS(VP) ((VP)->v_mount)
-#define HTOVFS(HP) ((HP)->h_vp->v_mount)
-#define FCBTOVFS(FCB) ((FCB)->h_vp->v_mount)
+#define VTOVFS(VP) vnode_mount((VP))
#define HFSTOVFS(HFSMP) ((HFSMP)->hfs_mp)
-#define VCBTOVFS(VCB) (((struct vfsVCB *)(VCB))->vcb_hfsmp->hfs_mp)
* Various ways to acquire an HFS mount point pointer:
-#define VTOHFS(VP) ((struct hfsmount *)((VP)->v_mount->mnt_data))
-#define HTOHFS(HP) ((struct hfsmount *)(HP)->h_vp->v_mount->mnt_data)
-#define FCBTOHFS(FCB) ((struct hfsmount *)(FCB)->h_vp->v_mount->mnt_data)
-#define VFSTOHFS(MP) ((struct hfsmount *)(MP)->mnt_data)
-#define VCBTOHFS(VCB) (((struct vfsVCB *)(VCB))->vcb_hfsmp)
+#define VTOHFS(VP) ((struct hfsmount *)vfs_fsprivate(vnode_mount((VP))))
+#define VFSTOHFS(MP) ((struct hfsmount *)vfs_fsprivate((MP)))
+#define VCBTOHFS(VCB) (VCB)
+#define FCBTOHFS(FCB) ((struct hfsmount *)vfs_fsprivate(vnode_mount((FCB)->ff_cp->c_vp)))
- * Various ways to acquire a VCB pointer:
+ * Various ways to acquire a VCB (legacy) pointer:
-#define VTOVCB(VP) (&(((struct hfsmount *)((VP)->v_mount->mnt_data))->hfs_vcb.vcb_vcb))
-#define HTOVCB(HP) (&(((struct hfsmount *)((HP)->h_vp->v_mount->mnt_data))->hfs_vcb.vcb_vcb))
-#define FCBTOVCB(FCB) (&(((struct hfsmount *)((FCB)->h_vp->v_mount->mnt_data))->hfs_vcb.vcb_vcb))
-#define VFSTOVCB(MP) (&(((struct hfsmount *)(MP)->mnt_data)->hfs_vcb.vcb_vcb))
-#define HFSTOVCB(HFSMP) (&(HFSMP)->hfs_vcb.vcb_vcb)
+#define HFS_KNOTE(vp, hint) KNOTE(&VTOC(vp)->c_knotes, (hint))
#define E_NONE 0
#define kHFSBlockSize 512
- (((STARTINGBLOCK) * 512) - \
+ * Macros for getting the MDB/VH sector and offset
+ */
+#define HFS_PRI_SECTOR(blksize) (1024 / (blksize))
+#define HFS_PRI_OFFSET(blksize) ((blksize) > 1024 ? 1024 : 0)
+#define HFS_ALT_SECTOR(blksize, blkcnt) (((blkcnt) - 1) - (512 / (blksize)))
+#define HFS_ALT_OFFSET(blksize) ((blksize) > 1024 ? (blksize) - 1024 : 0)
-#define HFS_PRI_SECTOR(blksize) (1024 / (blksize))
-#define HFS_PRI_OFFSET(blksize) ((blksize) > 1024 ? 1024 : 0)
+ * HFS specific fcntl()'s
+ */
-#define HFS_ALT_SECTOR(blksize, blkcnt) (((blkcnt) - 1) - (512 / (blksize)))
-#define HFS_ALT_OFFSET(blksize) ((blksize) > 1024 ? (blksize) - 1024 : 0)
-#define MAKE_VREFNUM(x) ((int32_t)((x) & 0xffff))
* This is the straight GMT conversion constant:
* 00:00:00 January 1, 1970 - 00:00:00 January 1, 1904
#define MAC_GMT_FACTOR 2082844800UL
-u_int32_t to_bsd_time(u_int32_t hfs_time);
-u_int32_t to_hfs_time(u_int32_t bsd_time);
+time_t to_bsd_time(u_int32_t hfs_time);
+u_int32_t to_hfs_time(time_t bsd_time);
+int hfs_flushvolumeheader(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int waitfor, int altflush);
+#define HFS_ALTFLUSH 1
-int hfs_flushfiles(struct mount *mp, int flags);
-short hfs_flushMDB(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int waitfor);
-short hfs_flushvolumeheader(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int waitfor);
+extern int hfsUnmount(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct proc *p);
-short hfs_getcatalog (ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t dirID, char *name, short len, hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo);
-short hfsMoveRename (ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t oldDirID, char *oldName, u_int32_t newDirID, char *newName, u_int32_t *hint);
-short hfsCreate (ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t dirID, char *name, int mode, u_int32_t tehint);
-short hfsCreateFileID (ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t parentDirID, StringPtr name, u_int32_t catalogHint, u_int32_t *fileIDPtr);
-short hfs_vcreate (ExtendedVCB *vcb, hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo, u_int8_t forkType, struct vnode **vpp);
-short hfsDelete (ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t parentDirID, StringPtr name, short isfile, u_int32_t catalogHint);
-short hfsUnmount(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct proc *p);
+extern int hfs_getnewvnode(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct vnode *dvp, struct componentname *cnp,
+ struct cat_desc *descp, int wantrsrc, struct cat_attr *attrp,
+ struct cat_fork *forkp, struct vnode **vpp);
-extern int hfs_metafilelocking(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, u_long fileID, u_int flags, struct proc *p);
-extern int hasOverflowExtents(struct hfsnode *hp);
+extern u_int32_t hfs_freeblks(struct hfsmount * hfsmp, int wantreserve);
+extern void hfs_remove_orphans(struct hfsmount *);
-void hfs_set_metaname(char *, struct hfsfilemeta *, struct hfsmount *);
short MacToVFSError(OSErr err);
-int hfs_owner_rights(struct vnode *vp, struct ucred *cred, struct proc *p, Boolean invokesuperuserstatus);
-void CopyVNodeToCatalogNode (struct vnode *vp, struct CatalogNodeData *nodeData);
-void CopyCatalogToHFSNode(struct hfsCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, struct hfsnode *hp);
+extern int hfs_owner_rights(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, uid_t cnode_uid, struct ucred *cred,
+ struct proc *p, int invokesuperuserstatus);
u_long FindMetaDataDirectory(ExtendedVCB *vcb);
+#define kMaxSecsForFsync 5
+#define HFS_SYNCTRANS 1
+extern int hfs_btsync(struct vnode *vp, int sync_transaction);
+// used as a callback by the journaling code
+extern void hfs_sync_metadata(void *arg);
short make_dir_entry(FCB **fileptr, char *name, u_int32_t fileID);
-int AttributeBlockSize(struct attrlist *attrlist);
-void PackCommonAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void PackVolAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void PackFileDirAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void PackForkAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void PackAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void PackCatalogInfoAttributeBlock (struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode * root_vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void UnpackCommonAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
-void UnpackAttributeBlock(struct attrlist *alist,
- struct vnode *vp,
- struct hfsCatalogInfo *catInfo,
- void **attrbufptrptr,
- void **varbufptrptr);
unsigned long BestBlockSizeFit(unsigned long allocationBlockSize,
unsigned long blockSizeLimit,
unsigned long baseMultiple);
OSErr hfs_MountHFSVolume(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb,
struct proc *p);
OSErr hfs_MountHFSPlusVolume(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp,
- off_t embeddedOffset, off_t disksize, struct proc *p);
-OSStatus GetInitializedVNode(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct vnode **tmpvnode);
+ off_t embeddedOffset, u_int64_t disksize, struct proc *p, void *args, kauth_cred_t cred);
+extern int hfs_early_journal_init(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp,
+ void *_args, off_t embeddedOffset, daddr64_t mdb_offset,
+ HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdbp, struct ucred *cred);
+extern u_long GetFileInfo(ExtendedVCB *vcb, u_int32_t dirid, const char *name,
+ struct cat_attr *fattr, struct cat_fork *forkinfo);
int hfs_getconverter(u_int32_t encoding, hfs_to_unicode_func_t *get_unicode,
unicode_to_hfs_func_t *get_hfsname);
u_int32_t hfs_pickencoding(const u_int16_t *src, int len);
+extern int hfs_volupdate(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, enum volop op, int inroot);
+extern void hfs_setencodingbits(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, u_int32_t encoding);
+extern void replace_desc(struct cnode *cp, struct cat_desc *cdp);
+extern int hfs_namecmp(const char *, size_t, const char *, size_t);
+extern int hfs_virtualmetafile(struct cnode *);
+void hfs_generate_volume_notifications(struct hfsmount *hfsmp);
+__private_extern__ u_int32_t hfs_getencodingbias(void);
+__private_extern__ void hfs_setencodingbias(u_int32_t bias);
+extern int hfs_vgetrsrc(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct vnode *vp,
+ struct vnode **rvpp, struct proc *p);
+extern int hfs_update(struct vnode *, int);
+extern int hfs_truncate(struct vnode *, off_t, int, int, vfs_context_t);
+extern int hfs_fsync(struct vnode *, int, int, struct proc *);
+extern int hfs_access(struct vnode *, mode_t, struct ucred *, struct proc *);
+extern int hfs_vget(struct hfsmount *, cnid_t, struct vnode **, int);
+extern int hfs_bmap(struct vnode *, daddr_t, struct vnode **, daddr64_t *, int *);
+extern int hfs_removeallattr(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, u_int32_t fileid);
+__private_extern__ int hfs_start_transaction(struct hfsmount *hfsmp);
+__private_extern__ int hfs_end_transaction(struct hfsmount *hfsmp);
+extern int hfs_setextendedsecurity(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int state);
+extern void hfs_checkextendedsecurity(struct hfsmount *hfsmp);
+extern int hfs_extendfs(struct hfsmount *, u_int64_t, vfs_context_t);
+extern int hfs_truncatefs(struct hfsmount *, u_int64_t, vfs_context_t);
+extern int hfs_isallocated(struct hfsmount *, u_long, u_long);
+/* HFS System file locking */
+#define SFL_CATALOG 0x0001
+#define SFL_EXTENTS 0x0002
+#define SFL_BITMAP 0x0004
+#define SFL_ATTRIBUTE 0x0008
+extern int hfs_systemfile_lock(struct hfsmount *, int, enum hfslocktype);
+extern void hfs_systemfile_unlock(struct hfsmount *, int);
+#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* __HFS__ */