- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+#ifndef _IOPMPowerSource_h_
+#define _IOPMPowerSource_h_
#include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
-#include "IOPM.h"
-class ApplePMU;
+#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
-const unsigned long kSecondsPerHour = (60*60);
-const unsigned long kTenMinutesInSeconds = (10 * 60);
+enum {
+ kSecondsPerHour = 3600,
+ kTenMinutesInSeconds = 600
-// our battery (power source) object
+/* class IOPMPowerSource
+ *
+ * See IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h for power source keys relevant to this class. These
+ * report-type keys are required for calls to IOPMPowerSource::setReportables(),
+ * and they define the IORegistry interface through which data is passed back
+ * up to the rest of the system.
+ *
+ * A subclassing driver that doesn't want to do anything fancy should:
+ * 1. Subclass IOPMPowerSource
+ * 3. Install its own battery change notifications or polling routine that can
+ * converse with actual battery hardware.
+ * 4. When battery state changes, change the relevant member variables
+ * through setCurrentCapacity() style accessors.
+ * 5. Call updateStatus() on itself when all such settings have been updated.
+ *
+ * The subclass driver should also initially populate its settings and call
+ * updateStatus() on launch.
+ *
+ *
+ * Settings
+ *
+ * ExternalConnected
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSExternalConnectedKey
+ * True if computer is drawing external power
+ *
+ * ExternalChargeCapable
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSExternalChargeCapableKey
+ * True if external power is capable of charging internal battery
+ *
+ * BatteryInstalled
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSBatteryInstalledKey
+ * True if a battery is present; false if removed
+ *
+ * IsCharging
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSIsChargingKey
+ * True if battery is charging itself from external power
+ *
+ * AtWarnLevel
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAtWarnLevelKey
+ * True if draining battery capacity and past warn level
+ *
+ * AtCriticalLevel
+ * Type: bool
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAtCriticalLevelKey
+ * True if draining battery capacity and past critical level
+ *
+ * CurrentCapacity
+ * MaxCapacity
+ * Type: unsigned int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSCurrentCapacityKey, kIOPMPSMaxCapacityKey
+ * Capacity measured in mAh
+ *
+ * TimeRemaining
+ * Type: int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSTimeRemainingKey
+ * Time remaining measured in minutes
+ *
+ * Amperage
+ * Type: int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAmperageKey
+ * Current is measured in mA
+ *
+ * Voltage
+ * Type: unsigned int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSVoltageKey
+ * Voltage measured in mV
+ *
+ * CycleCount
+ * Type: unsigned int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSCycleCountKey
+ * Number of charge/discharge cycles
+ *
+ * AdapterInfo
+ * Type: int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSAdapterInfoKey
+ * Power adapter information
+ *
+ * Location
+ * Type: int
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSLocationKey
+ * Clue about battery's location in machine - Left vs. Right
+ *
+ * ErrorCondition
+ * Type: OSSymbol
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSErrorConditionKey
+ * String describing error state of battery
+ *
+ * Manufacturer
+ * Type: OSSymbol
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSManufacturerKey
+ * String describing battery manufacturer
+ *
+ * Manufactured Date
+ * Type: unsigned 16-bit bitfield
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSManufactureDateKey
+ * Date is published in a bitfield per the Smart Battery Data spec rev 1.1
+ * in section 5.1.26
+ * Bits 0...4 => day (value 1-31; 5 bits)
+ * Bits 5...8 => month (value 1-12; 4 bits)
+ * Bits 9...15 => years since 1980 (value 0-127; 7 bits)
+ *
+ * Model
+ * Type: OSSymbol
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSModelKey
+ * String describing model number
+ *
+ * Serial
+ * Type: OSSymbol
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSSerialKey
+ * String describing serial number or unique info
+ * The serial number published hear bears no correspondence to the Apple serial
+ * number printed on each battery. This is a manufacturer serial number with
+ * no correlation to the printed serial number.
+ *
+ * LegacyIOBatteryInfo
+ * Type: OSDictionary
+ * IORegistry Key: kIOPMPSLegacyBatteryInfoKey
+ * Dictionary conforming to the OS X 10.0-10.4
+ */
-class IOPMPowerSource : public OSObject
+class IOPMPowerSource : public IOService
+ friend class IOPMPowerSourceList;
- UInt32 bFlags;
- UInt32 bTimeRemaining;
- UInt16 bCurCapacity;
- UInt16 bMaxCapacity;
- SInt16 bCurrent;
- UInt16 bVoltage;
- UInt16 bBatteryIndex;
+/* bool settingsChangedSinceLastUpdate
+ * Used by subclasses to determine if any settings have been modified via the
+ * accessors below since last call to update(). true is settings have changed;
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool settingsChangedSinceUpdate;
+/* OSDictionary properties
+ * Stores power source state
+ */
+ OSDictionary *properties;
+ const OSSymbol *externalConnectedKey;
+ const OSSymbol *externalChargeCapableKey;
+ const OSSymbol *batteryInstalledKey;
+ const OSSymbol *chargingKey;
+ const OSSymbol *warnLevelKey;
+ const OSSymbol *criticalLevelKey;
+ const OSSymbol *currentCapacityKey;
+ const OSSymbol *maxCapacityKey;
+ const OSSymbol *timeRemainingKey;
+ const OSSymbol *amperageKey;
+ const OSSymbol *voltageKey;
+ const OSSymbol *cycleCountKey;
+ const OSSymbol *adapterInfoKey;
+ const OSSymbol *locationKey;
+ const OSSymbol *errorConditionKey;
+ const OSSymbol *manufacturerKey;
+ const OSSymbol *modelKey;
+ const OSSymbol *serialKey;
+ const OSSymbol *batteryInfoKey;
+ // Tracking for IOPMPowerSourceList
+ IOPMPowerSource *nextInList;
- IOPMPowerSource * nextInList;
+/*! @function powerSource
+ @abstract Creates a new IOPMPowerSource nub. Must be attached to IORegistry,
+ and registered by provider.
+ static IOPMPowerSource *powerSource(void);
- bool init (unsigned short whichBatteryIndex);
- unsigned long capacityPercentRemaining (void);
- bool atWarnLevel (void);
- bool depleted (void);
+ virtual bool init(void);
+ virtual void free(void);
- // accessors
+/*! @function updateStatus
+ @abstract Must be called by physical battery controller when battery state
+ has changed significantly.
+ @discussion The system will not poll this object for battery updates. Rather \
+ the battery's controller must call updateStatus() every time state changes \
+ and the settings will be relayed to higher levels of power management. \
+ The subclassing driver should override this only if the driver needs to add \
+ new settings to the base class.
+ virtual void updateStatus(void);
- bool isInstalled (void);
- bool isCharging (void);
- bool acConnected (void);
- unsigned long timeRemaining (void);
- unsigned long maxCapacity (void);
- unsigned long curCapacity (void);
- long currentDrawn (void);
- unsigned long voltage (void);
+/* Public accessors for battery state
+ */
+ bool externalConnected(void);
+ bool externalChargeCapable(void);
+ bool batteryInstalled(void);
+ bool isCharging(void);
+ bool atWarnLevel(void);
+ bool atCriticalLevel(void);
- // calculations
+ unsigned int currentCapacity(void);
+ unsigned int maxCapacity(void);
+ unsigned int capacityPercentRemaining(void);
+ int timeRemaining(void);
+ int amperage(void);
+ unsigned int voltage(void);
+ unsigned int cycleCount(void);
+ int adapterInfo(void);
+ int location(void);
+ OSSymbol *errorCondition(void);
+ OSSymbol *manufacturer(void);
+ OSSymbol *model(void);
+ OSSymbol *serial(void);
+ OSDictionary *legacyIOBatteryInfo(void);
+ OSObject *getPSProperty(const OSSymbol *);
- // function updateStatus is called whenever the system needs
- // to obtain the latest power source state...must be overridden
- // by subclasses.
- virtual void updateStatus (void);
+/* Protected "setter" methods for subclasses
+ * Subclasses should use these setters to modify all battery properties.
+ *
+ * Subclasses must follow all property changes with a call to updateStatus()
+ * to flush settings changes to upper level battery API clients.
+ *
+ */
+ void setExternalConnected(bool);
+ void setExternalChargeCapable(bool);
+ void setBatteryInstalled(bool);
+ void setIsCharging(bool);
+ void setAtWarnLevel(bool);
+ void setAtCriticalLevel(bool);
+ void setCurrentCapacity(unsigned int);
+ void setMaxCapacity(unsigned int);
+ void setTimeRemaining(int);
+ void setAmperage(int);
+ void setVoltage(unsigned int);
+ void setCycleCount(unsigned int);
+ void setAdapterInfo(int);
+ void setLocation(int);
+ void setErrorCondition(OSSymbol *);
+ void setManufacturer(OSSymbol *);
+ void setModel(OSSymbol *);
+ void setSerial(OSSymbol *);
+ void setLegacyIOBatteryInfo(OSDictionary *);
+/* All of these methods funnel through the generic accessor method
+ setPSProperty. Caller can pass in any arbitrary OSSymbol key, and
+ that value will be stored in the PM settings dictionary, and relayed
+ onto the IORegistry at update time.
+ */
+ void setPSProperty(const OSSymbol *, OSObject *);