+ /*
+ * If our 'aged' queue is empty and we have some speculative pages
+ * in the other queues, let's go through and see if we need to age
+ * them.
+ *
+ * If we succeeded in aging a speculative Q or just that everything
+ * looks normal w.r.t queue age and queue counts, we keep going onward.
+ *
+ * If, for some reason, we seem to have a mismatch between the spec.
+ * page count and the page queues, we reset those variables and
+ * restart the loop (LD TODO: Track this better?).
+ */
+ if (vm_page_queue_empty(&sq->age_q) && vm_page_speculative_count) {
+ retval = vps_age_speculative_queue(force_speculative_aging);
+ lock_yield_check = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ force_speculative_aging = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * Check to see if we need to evict objects from the cache.
+ *
+ * Note: 'object' here doesn't have anything to do with
+ * the eviction part. We just need to make sure we have dropped
+ * any object lock we might be holding if we need to go down
+ * into the eviction logic.
+ */
+ retval = vps_object_cache_evict(&object);
+ lock_yield_check = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Calculate our filecache_min that will affect the loop
+ * going forward.
+ */
+ vps_calculate_filecache_min();
+ /*
+ * LD TODO: Use a structure to hold all state variables for a single
+ * vm_pageout_scan iteration and pass that structure to this function instead.
+ */
+ retval = vps_flow_control(&flow_control, &anons_grabbed, &object,
+ &delayed_unlock, &local_freeq, &local_freed,
+ &vm_pageout_deadlock_target, inactive_burst_count);
+ if (loop_count >= vm_page_inactive_count) {
+ loop_count = 0;
+ }
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ assert(object == NULL);
+ assert(delayed_unlock != 0);
+ lock_yield_check = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ } else if (retval == VM_PAGEOUT_SCAN_DONE_RETURN) {
+ goto return_from_scan;
+ }
+ flow_control.state = FCS_IDLE;
+ vm_pageout_inactive_external_forced_reactivate_limit = MIN((vm_page_active_count + vm_page_inactive_count),
+ vm_pageout_inactive_external_forced_reactivate_limit);
+ loop_count++;
+ inactive_burst_count++;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive++;
+ /*
+ * Choose a victim.
+ */
+ m = NULL;
+ retval = vps_choose_victim_page(&m, &anons_grabbed, &grab_anonymous, force_anonymous, &page_from_bg_q, &reactivated_this_call);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_reactivated, 1);
+ }
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if we've gotten here, we have no victim page.
+ * check to see if we've not finished balancing the queues
+ * or we have a page on the aged speculative queue that we
+ * skipped due to force_anonymous == TRUE.. or we have
+ * speculative pages that we can prematurely age... if
+ * one of these cases we'll keep going, else panic
+ */
+ force_anonymous = FALSE;
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_no_victim, 1);
+ if (!vm_page_queue_empty(&sq->age_q)) {
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (vm_page_speculative_count) {
+ force_speculative_aging = TRUE;
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ panic("vm_pageout: no victim");
+ }
+ assert(VM_PAGE_PAGEABLE(m));
+ m_object = VM_PAGE_OBJECT(m);
+ force_anonymous = FALSE;
+ page_prev_q_state = m->vmp_q_state;
+ /*
+ * we just found this page on one of our queues...
+ * it can't also be on the pageout queue, so safe
+ * to call vm_page_queues_remove
+ */
+ vm_page_queues_remove(m, TRUE);
+ assert(!m->vmp_laundry);
+ assert(!m->vmp_private);
+ assert(!m->vmp_fictitious);
+ assert(m_object != kernel_object);
+ assert(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(m) != vm_page_guard_addr);
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_considered_page++;
+ DTRACE_VM2(scan, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ /*
+ * check to see if we currently are working
+ * with the same object... if so, we've
+ * already got the lock
+ */
+ if (m_object != object) {
+ boolean_t avoid_anon_pages = (grab_anonymous == FALSE || anons_grabbed >= ANONS_GRABBED_LIMIT);
+ /*
+ * vps_switch_object() will always drop the 'object' lock first
+ * and then try to acquire the 'm_object' lock. So 'object' has to point to
+ * either 'm_object' or NULL.
+ */
+ retval = vps_switch_object(m, m_object, &object, page_prev_q_state, avoid_anon_pages, page_from_bg_q);
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(m_object == object);
+ assert(VM_PAGE_OBJECT(m) == m_object);
+ if (m->vmp_busy) {
+ /*
+ * Somebody is already playing with this page.
+ * Put it back on the appropriate queue
+ *
+ */
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_inactive_busy, 1);
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_busy, 1);
+ }
+ vps_requeue_page(m, page_prev_q_state, page_from_bg_q);
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if (m->vmp_cleaning && !m->vmp_free_when_done)
+ * If already cleaning this page in place
+ * just leave if off the paging queues.
+ * We can leave the page mapped, and upl_commit_range
+ * will put it on the clean queue.
+ *
+ * if (m->vmp_free_when_done && !m->vmp_cleaning)
+ * an msync INVALIDATE is in progress...
+ * this page has been marked for destruction
+ * after it has been cleaned,
+ * but not yet gathered into a UPL
+ * where 'cleaning' will be set...
+ * just leave it off the paging queues
+ *
+ * if (m->vmp_free_when_done && m->vmp_clenaing)
+ * an msync INVALIDATE is in progress
+ * and the UPL has already gathered this page...
+ * just leave it off the paging queues
+ */
+ if (m->vmp_free_when_done || m->vmp_cleaning) {
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If it's absent, in error or the object is no longer alive,
+ * we can reclaim the page... in the no longer alive case,
+ * there are 2 states the page can be in that preclude us
+ * from reclaiming it - busy or cleaning - that we've already
+ * dealt with
+ */
+ if (m->vmp_absent || m->vmp_error || !object->alive) {
+ if (m->vmp_absent) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_inactive_absent, 1);
+ } else if (!object->alive) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_inactive_notalive, 1);
+ } else {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_inactive_error, 1);
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_deadlock_target) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_scan_inactive_throttle_success, 1);
+ vm_pageout_deadlock_target--;
+ }
+ DTRACE_VM2(dfree, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ if (object->internal) {
+ DTRACE_VM2(anonfree, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ } else {
+ DTRACE_VM2(fsfree, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ }
+ assert(!m->vmp_cleaning);
+ assert(!m->vmp_laundry);
+ if (!object->internal &&
+ object->pager != NULL &&
+ object->pager->mo_pager_ops == &shared_region_pager_ops) {
+ shared_region_pager_reclaimed++;
+ }
+ m->vmp_busy = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * remove page from object here since we're already
+ * behind the object lock... defer the rest of the work
+ * we'd normally do in vm_page_free_prepare_object
+ * until 'vm_page_free_list' is called
+ */
+ if (m->vmp_tabled) {
+ vm_page_remove(m, TRUE);
+ }
+ assert(m->vmp_pageq.next == 0 && m->vmp_pageq.prev == 0);
+ m->vmp_snext = local_freeq;
+ local_freeq = m;
+ local_freed++;
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_SPECULATIVE_Q) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_freed_speculative++;
+ } else if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_freed_cleaned++;
+ } else if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_INTERNAL_Q) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_freed_internal++;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_freed_external++;
+ }
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (object->copy == VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * No one else can have any interest in this page.
+ * If this is an empty purgable object, the page can be
+ * reclaimed even if dirty.
+ * If the page belongs to a volatile purgable object, we
+ * reactivate it if the compressor isn't active.
+ */
+ if (object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY) {
+ if (m->vmp_pmapped == TRUE) {
+ /* unmap the page */
+ refmod_state = pmap_disconnect(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(m));
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (m->vmp_dirty || m->vmp_precious) {
+ /* we saved the cost of cleaning this page ! */
+ vm_page_purged_count++;
+ }
+ goto reclaim_page;
+ }
+ /*
+ * With the VM compressor, the cost of
+ * reclaiming a page is much lower (no I/O),
+ * so if we find a "volatile" page, it's better
+ * to let it get compressed rather than letting
+ * it occupy a full page until it gets purged.
+ * So no need to check for "volatile" here.
+ */
+ } else if (object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE) {
+ /*
+ * Avoid cleaning a "volatile" page which might
+ * be purged soon.
+ */
+ /* if it's wired, we can't put it on our queue */
+ assert(!VM_PAGE_WIRED(m));
+ /* just stick it back on! */
+ reactivated_this_call++;
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_volatile_reactivated, 1);
+ }
+ goto reactivate_page;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If it's being used, reactivate.
+ * (Fictitious pages are either busy or absent.)
+ * First, update the reference and dirty bits
+ * to make sure the page is unreferenced.
+ */
+ refmod_state = -1;
+ if (m->vmp_reference == FALSE && m->vmp_pmapped == TRUE) {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(m));
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED) {
+ m->vmp_reference = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (m->vmp_reference || m->vmp_dirty) {
+ /* deal with a rogue "reusable" page */
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min_divisor == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min = 0;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min = (vm_page_external_count * 10) / vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min_divisor;
+ }
+ if (!m->vmp_no_cache &&
+ page_from_bg_q == FALSE &&
+ (m->vmp_reference || (m->vmp_xpmapped && !object->internal &&
+ (vm_page_xpmapped_external_count < vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min)))) {
+ /*
+ * The page we pulled off the inactive list has
+ * been referenced. It is possible for other
+ * processors to be touching pages faster than we
+ * can clear the referenced bit and traverse the
+ * inactive queue, so we limit the number of
+ * reactivations.
+ */
+ if (++reactivated_this_call >= reactivate_limit) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_reactivation_limit_exceeded++;
+ } else if (++inactive_reclaim_run >= VM_PAGEOUT_INACTIVE_FORCE_RECLAIM) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_inactive_force_reclaim++;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t isinuse;
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_reference_reactivated, 1);
+ }
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_inactive_referenced++;
+ if (!object->internal && object->pager != MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL &&
+ vnode_pager_get_isinuse(object->pager, &isinuse) == KERN_SUCCESS && !isinuse) {
+ /*
+ * no explict mappings of this object exist
+ * and it's not open via the filesystem
+ */
+ vm_page_deactivate(m);
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_inactive_deactivated, 1);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * The page was/is being used, so put back on active list.
+ */
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ VM_STAT_INCR(reactivations);
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ }
+ if (page_from_bg_q == TRUE) {
+ if (m_object->internal) {
+ vm_pageout_rejected_bq_internal++;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_rejected_bq_external++;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_reactivated, 1);
+ }
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive_used++;
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure we call pmap_get_refmod() if it
+ * wasn't already called just above, to update
+ * the dirty bit.
+ */
+ if ((refmod_state == -1) && !m->vmp_dirty && m->vmp_pmapped) {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(m));
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * we've got a candidate page to steal...
+ *
+ * m->vmp_dirty is up to date courtesy of the
+ * preceding check for m->vmp_reference... if
+ * we get here, then m->vmp_reference had to be
+ * FALSE (or possibly "reactivate_limit" was
+ * exceeded), but in either case we called
+ * pmap_get_refmod() and updated both
+ * m->vmp_reference and m->vmp_dirty
+ *
+ * if it's dirty or precious we need to
+ * see if the target queue is throtttled
+ * it if is, we need to skip over it by moving it back
+ * to the end of the inactive queue
+ */
+ inactive_throttled = FALSE;
+ if (m->vmp_dirty || m->vmp_precious) {
+ if (object->internal) {
+ if (VM_PAGE_Q_THROTTLED(iq)) {
+ inactive_throttled = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if (VM_PAGE_Q_THROTTLED(eq)) {
+ inactive_throttled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ object->internal && m->vmp_dirty &&
+ (object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_DENY ||
+ object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_NONVOLATILE ||
+ object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE)) {
+ vm_page_check_pageable_safe(m);
+ assert(m->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_NOT_ON_Q);
+ vm_page_queue_enter(&vm_page_queue_throttled, m, vmp_pageq);
+ m->vmp_q_state = VM_PAGE_ON_THROTTLED_Q;
+ vm_page_throttled_count++;
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_scan_reclaimed_throttled, 1);
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (inactive_throttled == TRUE) {
+ vps_deal_with_throttled_queues(m, &object, &vm_pageout_inactive_external_forced_reactivate_limit,
+ &delayed_unlock, &force_anonymous, page_from_bg_q);
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_INACTIVE_CLEANED_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_cleaned_reactivated, 1);
+ }
+ lock_yield_check = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * we've got a page that we can steal...
+ * eliminate all mappings and make sure
+ * we have the up-to-date modified state
+ *
+ * if we need to do a pmap_disconnect then we
+ * need to re-evaluate m->vmp_dirty since the pmap_disconnect
+ * provides the true state atomically... the
+ * page was still mapped up to the pmap_disconnect
+ * and may have been dirtied at the last microsecond
+ *
+ * Note that if 'pmapped' is FALSE then the page is not
+ * and has not been in any map, so there is no point calling
+ * pmap_disconnect(). m->vmp_dirty could have been set in anticipation
+ * of likely usage of the page.
+ */
+ if (m->vmp_pmapped == TRUE) {
+ int pmap_options;
+ /*
+ * Don't count this page as going into the compressor
+ * if any of these are true:
+ * 1) compressed pager isn't enabled
+ * 2) Freezer enabled device with compressed pager
+ * backend (exclusive use) i.e. most of the VM system
+ * (including vm_pageout_scan) has no knowledge of
+ * the compressor
+ * 3) This page belongs to a file and hence will not be
+ * sent into the compressor
+ */
+ object->internal == FALSE) {
+ pmap_options = 0;
+ } else if (m->vmp_dirty || m->vmp_precious) {
+ /*
+ * VM knows that this page is dirty (or
+ * precious) and needs to be compressed
+ * rather than freed.
+ * Tell the pmap layer to count this page
+ * as "compressed".
+ */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * VM does not know if the page needs to
+ * be preserved but the pmap layer might tell
+ * us if any mapping has "modified" it.
+ * Let's the pmap layer to count this page
+ * as compressed if and only if it has been
+ * modified.
+ */
+ pmap_options =
+ }
+ refmod_state = pmap_disconnect_options(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(m),
+ pmap_options,
+ NULL);
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * reset our count of pages that have been reclaimed
+ * since the last page was 'stolen'
+ */
+ inactive_reclaim_run = 0;
+ /*
+ * If it's clean and not precious, we can free the page.
+ */
+ if (!m->vmp_dirty && !m->vmp_precious) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive_clean++;
+ /*
+ * OK, at this point we have found a page we are going to free.
+ */
+ if (!object->internal) {
+ vm_phantom_cache_add_ghost(m);
+ }
+ goto reclaim_page;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The page may have been dirtied since the last check
+ * for a throttled target queue (which may have been skipped
+ * if the page was clean then). With the dirty page
+ * disconnected here, we can make one final check.
+ */
+ if (object->internal) {
+ if (VM_PAGE_Q_THROTTLED(iq)) {
+ inactive_throttled = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if (VM_PAGE_Q_THROTTLED(eq)) {
+ inactive_throttled = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (inactive_throttled == TRUE) {
+ goto throttle_inactive;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If Jetsam is enabled, then the sending
+ * of memory pressure notifications is handled
+ * from the same thread that takes care of high-water
+ * and other jetsams i.e. the memorystatus_thread.
+ */
+#else /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
+ vm_pressure_response();
+#endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */
+#endif /* VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS */
+ if (page_prev_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_SPECULATIVE_Q) {
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_speculative_dirty, 1);
+ }
+ if (object->internal) {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_inactive_dirty_internal++;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_inactive_dirty_external++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * internal pages will go to the compressor...
+ * external pages will go to the appropriate pager to be cleaned
+ * and upon completion will end up on 'vm_page_queue_cleaned' which
+ * is a preferred queue to steal from
+ */
+ vm_pageout_cluster(m);
+ inactive_burst_count = 0;
+ /*
+ * back to top of pageout scan loop
+ */
+ }
+ int pages)
+ int free_after_reserve;
+ } else {
+ vm_page_free_reserved += (pages + COMPRESSOR_FREE_RESERVED_LIMIT);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((vm_page_free_reserved + pages) >= VM_PAGE_FREE_RESERVED_LIMIT) {
+ vm_page_free_reserved = VM_PAGE_FREE_RESERVED_LIMIT;
+ } else {
+ vm_page_free_reserved += pages;
+ }
+ }
+ free_after_reserve = vm_pageout_state.vm_page_free_count_init - vm_page_free_reserved;
+ vm_page_free_min = vm_page_free_reserved +
+ VM_PAGE_FREE_MIN(free_after_reserve);
+ if (vm_page_free_min > VM_PAGE_FREE_MIN_LIMIT) {
+ vm_page_free_min = VM_PAGE_FREE_MIN_LIMIT;
+ }
+ vm_page_free_target = vm_page_free_reserved +
+ VM_PAGE_FREE_TARGET(free_after_reserve);
+ if (vm_page_free_target > VM_PAGE_FREE_TARGET_LIMIT) {
+ vm_page_free_target = VM_PAGE_FREE_TARGET_LIMIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_page_free_target < vm_page_free_min + 5) {
+ vm_page_free_target = vm_page_free_min + 5;
+ }
+ vm_page_throttle_limit = vm_page_free_target - (vm_page_free_target / 2);
+ * vm_pageout is the high level pageout daemon.
+ */
+ DTRACE_VM2(pgrrun, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_scan_event_counter, 1);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_pageout_running = TRUE;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_pageout_scan();
+ /*
+ * we hold both the vm_page_queue_free_lock
+ * and the vm_page_queues_lock at this point
+ */
+ assert(vm_page_free_wanted == 0);
+ assert(vm_page_free_wanted_privileged == 0);
+ assert_wait((event_t) &vm_page_free_wanted, THREAD_UNINT);
+ vm_pageout_running = FALSE;
+ if (vm_pageout_waiter) {
+ vm_pageout_waiter = FALSE;
+ thread_wakeup((event_t)&vm_pageout_waiter);
+ }
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ counter(c_vm_pageout_block++);
+ thread_block((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_continue);
+vm_pageout_wait(uint64_t deadline)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ for (kr = KERN_SUCCESS; vm_pageout_running && (KERN_SUCCESS == kr);) {
+ vm_pageout_waiter = TRUE;
+ if (THREAD_AWAKENED != lck_mtx_sleep_deadline(
+ &vm_page_queue_free_lock, LCK_SLEEP_DEFAULT,
+ (event_t) &vm_pageout_waiter, THREAD_UNINT, deadline)) {
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ return kr;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+static void
+vm_pageout_iothread_external_continue(struct vm_pageout_queue *q)
+ vm_page_t m = NULL;
+ vm_object_t object;
+ vm_object_offset_t offset;
+ memory_object_t pager;
+ /* On systems with a compressor, the external IO thread clears its
+ * VM privileged bit to accommodate large allocations (e.g. bulk UPL
+ * creation)
+ */
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_internal_iothread != THREAD_NULL) {
+ current_thread()->options &= ~TH_OPT_VMPRIV;
+ }
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ while (!vm_page_queue_empty(&q->pgo_pending)) {
+ q->pgo_busy = TRUE;
+ vm_page_queue_remove_first(&q->pgo_pending, m, vmp_pageq);
+ assert(m->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_PAGEOUT_Q);
+ /*
+ * grab a snapshot of the object and offset this
+ * page is tabled in so that we can relookup this
+ * page after we've taken the object lock - these
+ * fields are stable while we hold the page queues lock
+ * but as soon as we drop it, there is nothing to keep
+ * this page in this object... we hold an activity_in_progress
+ * on this object which will keep it from terminating
+ */
+ object = VM_PAGE_OBJECT(m);
+ offset = m->vmp_offset;
+ m->vmp_q_state = VM_PAGE_NOT_ON_Q;
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ m = vm_page_lookup(object, offset);
+ if (m == NULL || m->vmp_busy || m->vmp_cleaning ||
+ !m->vmp_laundry || (m->vmp_q_state != VM_PAGE_NOT_ON_Q)) {
+ /*
+ * it's either the same page that someone else has
+ * started cleaning (or it's finished cleaning or
+ * been put back on the pageout queue), or
+ * the page has been freed or we have found a
+ * new page at this offset... in all of these cases
+ * we merely need to release the activity_in_progress
+ * we took when we put the page on the pageout queue
+ */
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ continue;
+ }
+ pager = object->pager;
+ if (pager == MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * This pager has been destroyed by either
+ * memory_object_destroy or vm_object_destroy, and
+ * so there is nowhere for the page to go.
+ */
+ if (m->vmp_free_when_done) {
+ /*
+ * Just free the page... VM_PAGE_FREE takes
+ * care of cleaning up all the state...
+ * including doing the vm_pageout_throttle_up
+ */
+ } else {
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_pageout_throttle_up(m);
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ /*
+ * And we are done with it.
+ */
+ }
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ continue;
+ }
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * we don't hold the page queue lock
+ * so this check isn't safe to make
+ */
+ /*
+ * give back the activity_in_progress reference we
+ * took when we queued up this page and replace it
+ * it with a paging_in_progress reference that will
+ * also hold the paging offset from changing and
+ * prevent the object from terminating
+ */
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_paging_begin(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ /*
+ * Send the data to the pager.
+ * any pageout clustering happens there
+ */
+ memory_object_data_return(pager,
+ m->vmp_offset + object->paging_offset,
+ 0);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ vm_object_paging_end(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_pageout_io_throttle();
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ }
+ q->pgo_busy = FALSE;
+ q->pgo_idle = TRUE;
+ assert_wait((event_t) &q->pgo_pending, THREAD_UNINT);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_iothread_external_continue, (void *) q);
+#define MAX_FREE_BATCH 32
+uint32_t vm_compressor_time_thread; /* Set via sysctl to record time accrued by
+ * this thread.
+ */
+vm_pageout_iothread_internal_continue(struct cq *);
+vm_pageout_iothread_internal_continue(struct cq *cq)
+ struct vm_pageout_queue *q;
+ vm_page_t m = NULL;
+ boolean_t pgo_draining;
+ vm_page_t local_q;
+ int local_cnt;
+ vm_page_t local_freeq = NULL;
+ int local_freed = 0;
+ int local_batch_size;
+ int ncomps = 0;
+ boolean_t marked_active = FALSE;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe040000c | DBG_FUNC_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ q = cq->q;
+#if __AMP__
+ if (vm_compressor_ebound && (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count > 1)) {
+ local_batch_size = (q->pgo_maxlaundry >> 3);
+ local_batch_size = MAX(local_batch_size, 16);
+ } else {
+ local_batch_size = q->pgo_maxlaundry / (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count * 2);
+ }
+ local_batch_size = q->pgo_maxlaundry / (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count * 2);
+ if (q->pgo_laundry) {
+ c_compressed_record_init();
+ }
+ while (TRUE) {
+ int pages_left_on_q = 0;
+ local_cnt = 0;
+ local_q = NULL;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400014 | DBG_FUNC_START, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ if (marked_active == FALSE) {
+ vmct_active++;
+ vmct_state[cq->id] = VMCT_ACTIVE;
+ marked_active = TRUE;
+ if (vmct_active == 1) {
+ vm_compressor_epoch_start = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400014 | DBG_FUNC_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400018 | DBG_FUNC_START, q->pgo_laundry, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (!vm_page_queue_empty(&q->pgo_pending) && local_cnt < local_batch_size) {
+ vm_page_queue_remove_first(&q->pgo_pending, m, vmp_pageq);
+ assert(m->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_PAGEOUT_Q);
+ m->vmp_q_state = VM_PAGE_NOT_ON_Q;
+ m->vmp_laundry = FALSE;
+ m->vmp_snext = local_q;
+ local_q = m;
+ local_cnt++;
+ }
+ if (local_q == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ q->pgo_busy = TRUE;
+ if ((pgo_draining = q->pgo_draining) == FALSE) {
+ vm_pageout_throttle_up_batch(q, local_cnt);
+ pages_left_on_q = q->pgo_laundry;
+ } else {
+ pages_left_on_q = q->pgo_laundry - local_cnt;
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (pages_left_on_q >= local_batch_size && cq->id < (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count - 1)) {
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) ((uintptr_t)&q->pgo_pending + cq->id + 1));
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400018 | DBG_FUNC_END, q->pgo_laundry, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (local_q) {
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400024 | DBG_FUNC_START, local_cnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ m = local_q;
+ local_q = m->vmp_snext;
+ m->vmp_snext = NULL;
+ if (vm_pageout_compress_page(&cq->current_chead, cq->scratch_buf, m) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ ncomps++;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400024 | DBG_FUNC_END, local_cnt, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ m->vmp_snext = local_freeq;
+ local_freeq = m;
+ local_freed++;
+ if (local_freed >= MAX_FREE_BATCH) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(local_freed, &vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_compressions);
+ vm_page_free_list(local_freeq, TRUE);
+ local_freeq = NULL;
+ local_freed = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ while (vm_page_free_count < COMPRESSOR_FREE_RESERVED_LIMIT) {
+ kern_return_t wait_result;
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ if (local_freeq) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(local_freed, &vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_compressions);
+ vm_page_free_list(local_freeq, TRUE);
+ local_freeq = NULL;
+ local_freed = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ if (vm_page_free_count < COMPRESSOR_FREE_RESERVED_LIMIT) {
+ if (vm_page_free_wanted_privileged++ == 0) {
+ need_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+ wait_result = assert_wait((event_t)&vm_page_free_wanted_privileged, THREAD_UNINT);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ if (need_wakeup) {
+ thread_wakeup((event_t)&vm_page_free_wanted);
+ }
+ if (wait_result == THREAD_WAITING) {
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (local_freeq) {
+ OSAddAtomic64(local_freed, &vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_compressions);
+ vm_page_free_list(local_freeq, TRUE);
+ local_freeq = NULL;
+ local_freed = 0;
+ }
+ if (pgo_draining == TRUE) {
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_pageout_throttle_up_batch(q, local_cnt);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ }
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe040000c | DBG_FUNC_START, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /*
+ * queue lock is held and our q is empty
+ */
+ q->pgo_busy = FALSE;
+ q->pgo_idle = TRUE;
+ assert_wait((event_t) ((uintptr_t)&q->pgo_pending + cq->id), THREAD_UNINT);
+ if (marked_active == TRUE) {
+ vmct_active--;
+ vmct_state[cq->id] = VMCT_IDLE;
+ if (vmct_active == 0) {
+ vm_compressor_epoch_stop = mach_absolute_time();
+ assertf(vm_compressor_epoch_stop >= vm_compressor_epoch_start,
+ "Compressor epoch non-monotonic: 0x%llx -> 0x%llx",
+ vm_compressor_epoch_start, vm_compressor_epoch_stop);
+ /* This interval includes intervals where one or more
+ * compressor threads were pre-empted
+ */
+ vmct_stats.vmct_cthreads_total += vm_compressor_epoch_stop - vm_compressor_epoch_start;
+ }
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (__improbable(vm_compressor_time_thread)) {
+ vmct_stats.vmct_runtimes[cq->id] = thread_get_runtime_self();
+ vmct_stats.vmct_pages[cq->id] += ncomps;
+ vmct_stats.vmct_iterations[cq->id]++;
+ if (ncomps > vmct_stats.vmct_maxpages[cq->id]) {
+ vmct_stats.vmct_maxpages[cq->id] = ncomps;
+ }
+ if (ncomps < vmct_stats.vmct_minpages[cq->id]) {
+ vmct_stats.vmct_minpages[cq->id] = ncomps;
+ }
+ }
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400018 | DBG_FUNC_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_iothread_internal_continue, (void *) cq);
+vm_pageout_compress_page(void **current_chead, char *scratch_buf, vm_page_t m)
+ vm_object_t object;
+ memory_object_t pager;
+ int compressed_count_delta;
+ kern_return_t retval;
+ object = VM_PAGE_OBJECT(m);
+ assert(!m->vmp_free_when_done);
+ assert(!m->vmp_laundry);
+ pager = object->pager;
+ if (!object->pager_initialized || pager == MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400010 | DBG_FUNC_START, object, pager, 0, 0, 0);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ /*
+ * If there is no memory object for the page, create
+ * one and hand it to the compression pager.
+ */
+ if (!object->pager_initialized) {
+ vm_object_collapse(object, (vm_object_offset_t) 0, TRUE);
+ }
+ if (!object->pager_initialized) {
+ vm_object_compressor_pager_create(object);
+ }
+ pager = object->pager;
+ if (!object->pager_initialized || pager == MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Still no pager for the object,
+ * or the pager has been destroyed.
+ * Reactivate the page.
+ *
+ * Should only happen if there is no
+ * compression pager
+ */
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(vm_pageout_dirty_no_pager, 1);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ /*
+ * And we are done with it.
+ */
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG(0xe0400010 | DBG_FUNC_END, object, pager, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ assert(object->pager_initialized && pager != MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL);
+ assert(object->activity_in_progress > 0);
+ retval = vm_compressor_pager_put(
+ pager,
+ m->vmp_offset + object->paging_offset,
+ current_chead,
+ scratch_buf,
+ &compressed_count_delta);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ assert(object->activity_in_progress > 0);
+ assert(VM_PAGE_OBJECT(m) == object);
+ assert( !VM_PAGE_WIRED(m));
+ vm_compressor_pager_count(pager,
+ compressed_count_delta,
+ FALSE, /* shared_lock */
+ object);
+ if (retval == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ /*
+ * If the object is purgeable, its owner's
+ * purgeable ledgers will be updated in
+ * vm_page_remove() but the page still
+ * contributes to the owner's memory footprint,
+ * so account for it as such.
+ */
+ if ((object->purgable != VM_PURGABLE_DENY ||
+ object->vo_ledger_tag) &&
+ object->vo_owner != NULL) {
+ /* one more compressed purgeable/tagged page */
+ vm_object_owner_compressed_update(object,
+ +1);
+ }
+ VM_STAT_INCR(compressions);
+ if (m->vmp_tabled) {
+ vm_page_remove(m, TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_compressor_failed++;
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ }
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ return retval;
+static void
+vm_pageout_adjust_eq_iothrottle(struct vm_pageout_queue *eq, boolean_t req_lowpriority)
+ uint32_t policy;
+ if (hibernate_cleaning_in_progress == TRUE) {
+ req_lowpriority = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (eq->pgo_inited == TRUE && eq->pgo_lowpriority != req_lowpriority) {
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (req_lowpriority == TRUE) {
+ DTRACE_VM(laundrythrottle);
+ } else {
+ DTRACE_VM(laundryunthrottle);
+ }
+ proc_set_thread_policy_with_tid(kernel_task, eq->pgo_tid,
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ eq->pgo_lowpriority = req_lowpriority;
+ }
+static void
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ self->options |= TH_OPT_VMPRIV;
+ DTRACE_VM2(laundrythrottle, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ proc_set_thread_policy(self, TASK_POLICY_EXTERNAL,
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_tid = self->thread_id;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_lowpriority = TRUE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_inited = TRUE;
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ vm_pageout_iothread_external_continue(&vm_pageout_queue_external);
+static void
+vm_pageout_iothread_internal(struct cq *cq)
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ self->options |= TH_OPT_VMPRIV;
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_tid = self->thread_id;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_lowpriority = TRUE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_inited = TRUE;
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor == TRUE) {
+ thread_vm_bind_group_add();
+ }
+ thread_group_vm_add();
+#if __AMP__
+ if (vm_compressor_ebound) {
+ /*
+ * Use the soft bound option for vm_compressor to allow it to run on
+ * P-cores if E-cluster is unavailable.
+ */
+ thread_bind_cluster_type(self, 'E', true);
+ }
+#endif /* __AMP__ */
+ thread_set_thread_name(current_thread(), "VM_compressor");
+ vmct_stats.vmct_minpages[cq->id] = INT32_MAX;
+ vm_pageout_iothread_internal_continue(cq);
+vm_set_buffer_cleanup_callout(boolean_t (*func)(int))
+ if (OSCompareAndSwapPtr(NULL, ptrauth_nop_cast(void *, func), (void * volatile *) &consider_buffer_cache_collect)) {
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ return KERN_FAILURE; /* Already set */
+ }
+extern boolean_t memorystatus_manual_testing_on;
+extern unsigned int memorystatus_level;
+boolean_t vm_pressure_events_enabled = FALSE;
+ vm_pressure_level_t old_level = kVMPressureNormal;
+ int new_level = -1;
+ unsigned int total_pages;
+ uint64_t available_memory = 0;
+ if (vm_pressure_events_enabled == FALSE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ available_memory = (uint64_t) memorystatus_available_pages;
+#else /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ available_memory = (uint64_t) AVAILABLE_NON_COMPRESSED_MEMORY;
+ memorystatus_available_pages = (uint64_t) AVAILABLE_NON_COMPRESSED_MEMORY;
+#endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ total_pages = (unsigned int) atop_64(max_mem);
+ total_pages -= vm_page_secluded_count;
+ memorystatus_level = (unsigned int) ((available_memory * 100) / total_pages);
+ if (memorystatus_manual_testing_on) {
+ return;
+ }
+ old_level = memorystatus_vm_pressure_level;
+ switch (memorystatus_vm_pressure_level) {
+ case kVMPressureNormal:
+ {
+ new_level = kVMPressureCritical;
+ new_level = kVMPressureWarning;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kVMPressureWarning:
+ case kVMPressureUrgent:
+ {
+ new_level = kVMPressureNormal;
+ new_level = kVMPressureCritical;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kVMPressureCritical:
+ {
+ new_level = kVMPressureNormal;
+ new_level = kVMPressureWarning;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (new_level != -1) {
+ memorystatus_vm_pressure_level = (vm_pressure_level_t) new_level;
+ if (new_level != (int) old_level) {
+ new_level, old_level, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if ((memorystatus_vm_pressure_level != kVMPressureNormal) || (old_level != memorystatus_vm_pressure_level)) {
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_thread_running == FALSE) {
+ thread_wakeup(&vm_pressure_thread);
+ }
+ if (old_level != memorystatus_vm_pressure_level) {
+ thread_wakeup(&vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_changed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS */
+ * Function called by a kernel thread to either get the current pressure level or
+ * wait until memory pressure changes from a given level.
+ */
+mach_vm_pressure_level_monitor(__unused boolean_t wait_for_pressure, __unused unsigned int *pressure_level)
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ wait_result_t wr = 0;
+ vm_pressure_level_t old_level = memorystatus_vm_pressure_level;
+ if (pressure_level == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (*pressure_level == kVMPressureJetsam) {
+ if (!wait_for_pressure) {
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(&memorystatus_jetsam_fg_band_lock);
+ wr = assert_wait((event_t)&memorystatus_jetsam_fg_band_waiters,
+ if (wr == THREAD_WAITING) {
+ ++memorystatus_jetsam_fg_band_waiters;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&memorystatus_jetsam_fg_band_lock);
+ wr = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&memorystatus_jetsam_fg_band_lock);
+ }
+ if (wr != THREAD_AWAKENED) {
+ return KERN_ABORTED;
+ }
+ *pressure_level = kVMPressureJetsam;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (wait_for_pressure == TRUE) {
+ while (old_level == *pressure_level) {
+ wr = assert_wait((event_t) &vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_changed,
+ if (wr == THREAD_WAITING) {
+ wr = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ }
+ return KERN_ABORTED;
+ }
+ if (wr == THREAD_AWAKENED) {
+ old_level = memorystatus_vm_pressure_level;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *pressure_level = old_level;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+#endif /* VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS */
+ static boolean_t thread_initialized = FALSE;
+ if (thread_initialized == TRUE) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_thread_running = TRUE;
+ consider_vm_pressure_events();
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_thread_running = FALSE;
+ }
+ thread_set_thread_name(current_thread(), "VM_pressure");
+ thread_initialized = TRUE;
+ assert_wait((event_t) &vm_pressure_thread, THREAD_UNINT);
+ thread_block((thread_continue_t)vm_pressure_thread);
+#endif /* VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS */
+ * called once per-second via "compute_averages"
+ */
+compute_pageout_gc_throttle(__unused void *arg)
+ if (vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_considered_page != vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_considered_page_last) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_considered_page_last = vm_pageout_vminfo.vm_pageout_considered_page;
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) &vm_pageout_garbage_collect);
+ }
+ * vm_pageout_garbage_collect can also be called when the zone allocator needs
+ * to call zone_gc on a different thread in order to trigger zone-map-exhaustion
+ * jetsams. We need to check if the zone map size is above its jetsam limit to
+ * decide if this was indeed the case.
+ *
+ * We need to do this on a different thread because of the following reasons:
+ *
+ * 1. In the case of synchronous jetsams, the leaking process can try to jetsam
+ * itself causing the system to hang. We perform synchronous jetsams if we're
+ * leaking in the VM map entries zone, so the leaking process could be doing a
+ * zalloc for a VM map entry while holding its vm_map lock, when it decides to
+ * jetsam itself. We also need the vm_map lock on the process termination path,
+ * which would now lead the dying process to deadlock against itself.
+ *
+ * 2. The jetsam path might need to allocate zone memory itself. We could try
+ * using the non-blocking variant of zalloc for this path, but we can still
+ * end up trying to do a kernel_memory_allocate when the zone maps are almost
+ * full.
+ */
+vm_pageout_garbage_collect(int collect)
+ if (collect) {
+ if (is_zone_map_nearing_exhaustion()) {
+ /*
+ * Woken up by the zone allocator for zone-map-exhaustion jetsams.
+ *
+ * Bail out after calling zone_gc (which triggers the
+ * zone-map-exhaustion jetsams). If we fall through, the subsequent
+ * operations that clear out a bunch of caches might allocate zone
+ * memory themselves (for eg. vm_map operations would need VM map
+ * entries). Since the zone map is almost full at this point, we
+ * could end up with a panic. We just need to quickly jetsam a
+ * process and exit here.
+ *
+ * It could so happen that we were woken up to relieve memory
+ * pressure and the zone map also happened to be near its limit at
+ * the time, in which case we'll skip out early. But that should be
+ * ok; if memory pressure persists, the thread will simply be woken
+ * up again.
+ */
+ consider_zone_gc(TRUE);
+ } else {
+ /* Woken up by vm_pageout_scan or compute_pageout_gc_throttle. */
+ boolean_t buf_large_zfree = FALSE;
+ boolean_t first_try = TRUE;
+ stack_collect();
+ consider_machine_collect();
+ mbuf_drain(FALSE);
+ do {
+ if (consider_buffer_cache_collect != NULL) {
+ buf_large_zfree = (*consider_buffer_cache_collect)(0);
+ }
+ if (first_try == TRUE || buf_large_zfree == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * consider_zone_gc should be last, because the other operations
+ * might return memory to zones.
+ */
+ consider_zone_gc(FALSE);
+ }
+ first_try = FALSE;
+ } while (buf_large_zfree == TRUE && vm_page_free_count < vm_page_free_target);
+ consider_machine_adjust();
+ }
+ }
+ assert_wait((event_t) &vm_pageout_garbage_collect, THREAD_UNINT);
+ thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t) vm_pageout_garbage_collect, (void *)1);
+extern vm_map_offset_t vm_page_fake_buckets_start, vm_page_fake_buckets_end;
+#endif /* VM_PAGE_FAKE_BUCKETS */
+vm_set_restrictions(unsigned int num_cpus)
+ int vm_restricted_to_single_processor = 0;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("vm_restricted_to_single_processor", &vm_restricted_to_single_processor, sizeof(vm_restricted_to_single_processor))) {
+ kprintf("Overriding vm_restricted_to_single_processor to %d\n", vm_restricted_to_single_processor);
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor = (vm_restricted_to_single_processor ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ } else {
+ assert(num_cpus > 0);
+ if (num_cpus <= 3) {
+ /*
+ * on systems with a limited number of CPUS, bind the
+ * 4 major threads that can free memory and that tend to use
+ * a fair bit of CPU under pressured conditions to a single processor.
+ * This insures that these threads don't hog all of the available CPUs
+ * (important for camera launch), while allowing them to run independently
+ * w/r to locks... the 4 threads are
+ * vm_pageout_scan, vm_pageout_iothread_internal (compressor),
+ * vm_compressor_swap_trigger_thread (minor and major compactions),
+ * memorystatus_thread (jetsams).
+ *
+ * the first time the thread is run, it is responsible for checking the
+ * state of vm_restricted_to_single_processor, and if TRUE it calls
+ * thread_bind_master... someday this should be replaced with a group
+ * scheduling mechanism and KPI.
+ */
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ thread_t thread;
+ kern_return_t result;
+ spl_t s;
+ /*
+ * Set thread privileges.
+ */
+ s = splsched();
+ vm_pageout_scan_thread = self;
+ int vps_dynprio_bootarg = 0;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("vps_dynamic_priority_enabled", &vps_dynprio_bootarg, sizeof(vps_dynprio_bootarg))) {
+ vps_dynamic_priority_enabled = (vps_dynprio_bootarg ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ kprintf("Overriding vps_dynamic_priority_enabled to %d\n", vps_dynamic_priority_enabled);
+ } else {
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor == TRUE) {
+ vps_dynamic_priority_enabled = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ vps_dynamic_priority_enabled = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vps_dynamic_priority_enabled) {
+ sched_set_kernel_thread_priority(self, MAXPRI_THROTTLE);
+ thread_set_eager_preempt(self);
+ } else {
+ sched_set_kernel_thread_priority(self, BASEPRI_VM);
+ }
+ vps_dynamic_priority_enabled = FALSE;
+ sched_set_kernel_thread_priority(self, BASEPRI_VM);
+ thread_lock(self);
+ self->options |= TH_OPT_VMPRIV;
+ thread_unlock(self);
+ if (!self->reserved_stack) {
+ self->reserved_stack = self->kernel_stack;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_restricted_to_single_processor == TRUE &&
+ vps_dynamic_priority_enabled == FALSE) {
+ thread_vm_bind_group_add();
+ }
+ thread_group_vm_add();
+#if __AMP__
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("vmpgo_pcluster", &vm_pgo_pbound, sizeof(vm_pgo_pbound));
+ if (vm_pgo_pbound) {
+ /*
+ * Use the soft bound option for vm pageout to allow it to run on
+ * E-cores if P-cluster is unavailable.
+ */
+ thread_bind_cluster_type(self, 'P', true);
+ }
+#endif /* __AMP__ */
+ splx(s);
+ thread_set_thread_name(current_thread(), "VM_pageout_scan");
+ /*
+ * Initialize some paging parameters.
+ */
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_thread_running = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pressure_changed = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_state.memorystatus_purge_on_warning = 2;
+ vm_pageout_state.memorystatus_purge_on_urgent = 5;
+ vm_pageout_state.memorystatus_purge_on_critical = 8;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_speculative_q_age_ms = VM_PAGE_SPECULATIVE_Q_AGE_MS;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_speculative_percentage = 5;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_speculative_target = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_external_iothread = THREAD_NULL;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_internal_iothread = THREAD_NULL;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_swap_wait = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_idle_wait = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_empty_wait = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_wait = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_wait = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_relief = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_inactive_throttle = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive_used = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_inactive_clean = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_memory_pressure = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_filecache_min = 0;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_filecache_min_divisor = 70;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min_divisor = 40;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_filecache_min_divisor = 27;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_xpmapped_min_divisor = 36;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_page_free_count_init = vm_page_free_count;
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_considered_page_last = 0;
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_swap_wait == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_swap_wait = VM_PAGEOUT_SWAP_WAIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_idle_wait == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_idle_wait = VM_PAGEOUT_IDLE_WAIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_wait == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_wait = VM_PAGEOUT_BURST_WAIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_empty_wait == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_empty_wait = VM_PAGEOUT_EMPTY_WAIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_wait == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_wait = VM_PAGEOUT_DEADLOCK_WAIT;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_relief == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_deadlock_relief = VM_PAGEOUT_DEADLOCK_RELIEF;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_inactive_throttle == 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_burst_inactive_throttle = VM_PAGEOUT_BURST_INACTIVE_THROTTLE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * even if we've already called vm_page_free_reserve
+ * call it again here to insure that the targets are
+ * accurately calculated (it uses vm_page_free_count_init)
+ * calling it with an arg of 0 will not change the reserve
+ * but will re-calculate free_min and free_target
+ */
+ if (vm_page_free_reserved < VM_PAGE_FREE_RESERVED(processor_count)) {
+ vm_page_free_reserve((VM_PAGE_FREE_RESERVED(processor_count)) - vm_page_free_reserved);
+ } else {
+ vm_page_free_reserve(0);
+ }
+ vm_page_queue_init(&vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_pending);
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_maxlaundry = VM_PAGE_LAUNDRY_MAX;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_laundry = 0;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_idle = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_busy = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_throttled = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_draining = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_lowpriority = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_tid = -1;
+ vm_pageout_queue_external.pgo_inited = FALSE;
+ vm_page_queue_init(&vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_pending);
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_maxlaundry = 0;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_laundry = 0;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_idle = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_busy = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_throttled = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_draining = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_lowpriority = FALSE;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_tid = -1;
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_inited = FALSE;
+ /* internal pageout thread started when default pager registered first time */
+ /* external pageout and garbage collection threads started here */
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_iothread_external, NULL,
+ &vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_external_iothread);
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("vm_pageout_iothread_external: create failed");
+ }
+ thread_set_thread_name(vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_external_iothread, "VM_pageout_external_iothread");
+ thread_deallocate(vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_external_iothread);
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_garbage_collect, NULL,
+ &thread);
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("vm_pageout_garbage_collect: create failed");
+ }
+ thread_set_thread_name(thread, "VM_pageout_garbage_collect");
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)vm_pressure_thread, NULL,
+ &thread);
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("vm_pressure_thread: create failed");
+ }
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ vm_object_reaper_init();
+ bzero(&vm_config, sizeof(vm_config));
+ switch (vm_compressor_mode) {
+ printf("mapping deprecated VM_PAGER_DEFAULT to VM_PAGER_COMPRESSOR_WITH_SWAP\n");
+ vm_config.compressor_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.swap_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_active = TRUE;
+ vm_config.swap_is_active = TRUE;
+ break;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.swap_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_active = TRUE;
+ break;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.swap_is_present = TRUE;
+ break;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.swap_is_present = TRUE;
+ vm_config.compressor_is_active = TRUE;
+ vm_config.freezer_swap_is_active = TRUE;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("unknown compressor mode - %x\n", vm_compressor_mode);
+ break;
+ }
+ vm_compressor_pager_init();
+ }
+ vm_pressure_events_enabled = TRUE;
+#endif /* VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS */
+ vm_phantom_cache_init();
+ printf("**** DEBUG: protecting fake buckets [0x%llx:0x%llx]\n",
+ (uint64_t) vm_page_fake_buckets_start,
+ (uint64_t) vm_page_fake_buckets_end);
+ pmap_protect(kernel_pmap,
+ vm_page_fake_buckets_start,
+ vm_page_fake_buckets_end,
+// *(char *) vm_page_fake_buckets_start = 'x'; /* panic! */
+#endif /* VM_PAGE_FAKE_BUCKETS */
+ vm_object_tracking_init();
+#endif /* VM_OBJECT_TRACKING */
+ vm_pageout_continue();
+ /*
+ * Unreached code!
+ *
+ * The vm_pageout_continue() call above never returns, so the code below is never
+ * executed. We take advantage of this to declare several DTrace VM related probe
+ * points that our kernel doesn't have an analog for. These are probe points that
+ * exist in Solaris and are in the DTrace documentation, so people may have written
+ * scripts that use them. Declaring the probe points here means their scripts will
+ * compile and execute which we want for portability of the scripts, but since this
+ * section of code is never reached, the probe points will simply never fire. Yes,
+ * this is basically a hack. The problem is the DTrace probe points were chosen with
+ * Solaris specific VM events in mind, not portability to different VM implementations.
+ */
+ DTRACE_VM2(execfree, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(execpgin, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(execpgout, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(pgswapin, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(pgswapout, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(swapin, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ DTRACE_VM2(swapout, int, 1, (uint64_t *), NULL);
+ kern_return_t result;
+ host_basic_info_data_t hinfo;
+ vm_offset_t buf, bufsize;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
+#define BSD_HOST 1
+ host_info((host_t)BSD_HOST, HOST_BASIC_INFO, (host_info_t)&hinfo, &count);
+ assert(hinfo.max_cpus > 0);
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = 1;
+ if (hinfo.max_cpus > 4) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = 2;
+ } else {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = 1;
+ }
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("vmcomp_threads", &vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count,
+ sizeof(vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count));
+#if __AMP__
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("vmcomp_ecluster", &vm_compressor_ebound, sizeof(vm_compressor_ebound));
+ if (vm_compressor_ebound) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = 2;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count >= hinfo.max_cpus) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = hinfo.max_cpus - 1;
+ }
+ if (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count <= 0) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = 1;
+ } else if (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count > MAX_COMPRESSOR_THREAD_COUNT) {
+ vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count = MAX_COMPRESSOR_THREAD_COUNT;
+ }
+ vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_maxlaundry =
+ (vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count * 4) * VM_PAGE_LAUNDRY_MAX;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("vmpgoi_maxlaundry",
+ &vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_maxlaundry,
+ sizeof(vm_pageout_queue_internal.pgo_maxlaundry));
+ if (kernel_memory_allocate(kernel_map, &buf,
+ bufsize * vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count,
+ panic("vm_pageout_internal_start: Unable to allocate %zd bytes",
+ (size_t)(bufsize * vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < vm_pageout_state.vm_compressor_thread_count; i++) {
+ ciq[i].id = i;
+ ciq[i].q = &vm_pageout_queue_internal;
+ ciq[i].current_chead = NULL;
+ ciq[i].scratch_buf = (char *)(buf + i * bufsize);
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)vm_pageout_iothread_internal,
+ (void *)&ciq[i], BASEPRI_VM,
+ &vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_internal_iothread);
+ if (result == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ thread_deallocate(vm_pageout_state.vm_pageout_internal_iothread);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * To support I/O Expedite for compressed files we mark the upls with special flags.
+ * The way decmpfs works is that we create a big upl which marks all the pages needed to
+ * represent the compressed file as busy. We tag this upl with the flag UPL_DECMP_REQ. Decmpfs
+ * then issues smaller I/Os for compressed I/Os, deflates them and puts the data into the pages
+ * being held in the big original UPL. We mark each of these smaller UPLs with the flag
+ * UPL_DECMP_REAL_IO. Any outstanding real I/O UPL is tracked by the big req upl using the
+ * decmp_io_upl field (in the upl structure). This link is protected in the forward direction
+ * by the req upl lock (the reverse link doesnt need synch. since we never inspect this link
+ * unless the real I/O upl is being destroyed).
+ */
+static void
+upl_set_decmp_info(upl_t upl, upl_t src_upl)
+ assert((src_upl->flags & UPL_DECMP_REQ) != 0);
+ upl_lock(src_upl);
+ if (src_upl->decmp_io_upl) {
+ /*
+ * If there is already an alive real I/O UPL, ignore this new UPL.
+ * This case should rarely happen and even if it does, it just means
+ * that we might issue a spurious expedite which the driver is expected
+ * to handle.
+ */
+ upl_unlock(src_upl);
+ return;
+ }
+ src_upl->decmp_io_upl = (void *)upl;
+ src_upl->ref_count++;
+ upl->flags |= UPL_DECMP_REAL_IO;
+ upl->decmp_io_upl = (void *)src_upl;
+ upl_unlock(src_upl);
+#endif /* CONFIG_IOSCHED */
+int upl_debug_enabled = 1;
+int upl_debug_enabled = 0;
+static upl_t
+upl_create(int type, int flags, upl_size_t size)
+ upl_t upl;
+ vm_size_t page_field_size = 0;
+ int upl_flags = 0;
+ vm_size_t upl_size = sizeof(struct upl);
+ assert(page_aligned(size));
+ size = round_page_32(size);
+ if (type & UPL_CREATE_LITE) {
+ page_field_size = (atop(size) + 7) >> 3;
+ page_field_size = (page_field_size + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
+ upl_flags |= UPL_LITE;
+ }
+ if (type & UPL_CREATE_INTERNAL) {
+ upl_size += sizeof(struct upl_page_info) * atop(size);
+ upl_flags |= UPL_INTERNAL;
+ }
+ upl = (upl_t)kalloc(upl_size + page_field_size);
+ if (page_field_size) {
+ bzero((char *)upl + upl_size, page_field_size);
+ }
+ upl->flags = upl_flags | flags;
+ upl->kaddr = (vm_offset_t)0;
+ upl->u_offset = 0;
+ upl->u_size = 0;
+ upl->map_object = NULL;
+ upl->ref_count = 1;
+ upl->ext_ref_count = 0;
+ upl->highest_page = 0;
+ upl_lock_init(upl);
+ upl->vector_upl = NULL;
+ upl->associated_upl = NULL;
+ upl->upl_iodone = NULL;
+ if (type & UPL_CREATE_IO_TRACKING) {
+ upl->upl_priority = proc_get_effective_thread_policy(current_thread(), TASK_POLICY_IO);
+ }
+ upl->upl_reprio_info = 0;
+ upl->decmp_io_upl = 0;
+ /* Only support expedite on internal UPLs */
+ thread_t curthread = current_thread();
+ upl->upl_reprio_info = (uint64_t *)kalloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * atop(size));
+ bzero(upl->upl_reprio_info, (sizeof(uint64_t) * atop(size)));
+ if (curthread->decmp_upl != NULL) {
+ upl_set_decmp_info(upl, curthread->decmp_upl);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((type & UPL_CREATE_IO_TRACKING) || upl_debug_enabled) {
+ upl->upl_creator = current_thread();
+ upl->uplq.next = 0;
+ upl->uplq.prev = 0;
+ upl->flags |= UPL_TRACKED_BY_OBJECT;
+ }
+ upl->ubc_alias1 = 0;
+ upl->ubc_alias2 = 0;
+ upl->upl_state = 0;
+ upl->upl_commit_index = 0;
+ bzero(&upl->upl_commit_records[0], sizeof(upl->upl_commit_records));
+ (void) OSBacktrace(&upl->upl_create_retaddr[0], UPL_DEBUG_STACK_FRAMES);
+#endif /* UPL_DEBUG */
+ return upl;
+static void
+upl_destroy(upl_t upl)
+ int page_field_size; /* bit field in word size buf */
+ int size;
+// DEBUG4K_UPL("upl %p (u_offset 0x%llx u_size 0x%llx) object %p\n", upl, (uint64_t)upl->u_offset, (uint64_t)upl->u_size, upl->map_object);
+ if (upl->ext_ref_count) {
+ panic("upl(%p) ext_ref_count", upl);
+ }
+ if ((upl->flags & UPL_DECMP_REAL_IO) && upl->decmp_io_upl) {
+ upl_t src_upl;
+ src_upl = upl->decmp_io_upl;
+ assert((src_upl->flags & UPL_DECMP_REQ) != 0);
+ upl_lock(src_upl);
+ src_upl->decmp_io_upl = NULL;
+ upl_unlock(src_upl);
+ upl_deallocate(src_upl);
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_IOSCHED */
+ if (((upl->flags & UPL_TRACKED_BY_OBJECT) || upl_debug_enabled) &&
+ !(upl->flags & UPL_VECTOR)) {
+ vm_object_t object;
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_SHADOWED) {
+ object = upl->map_object->shadow;
+ } else {
+ object = upl->map_object;
+ }
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ queue_remove(&object->uplq, upl, upl_t, uplq);
+ vm_object_activity_end(object);
+ vm_object_collapse(object, 0, TRUE);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ }
+ /*
+ * drop a reference on the map_object whether or
+ * not a pageout object is inserted
+ */
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_SHADOWED) {
+ vm_object_deallocate(upl->map_object);
+ }
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_DEVICE_MEMORY) {
+ size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ size = upl_adjusted_size(upl, PAGE_MASK);
+ }
+ page_field_size = 0;
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_LITE) {
+ page_field_size = ((size / PAGE_SIZE) + 7) >> 3;
+ page_field_size = (page_field_size + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
+ }
+ upl_lock_destroy(upl);
+ upl->vector_upl = (vector_upl_t) 0xfeedbeef;
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_EXPEDITE_SUPPORTED) {
+ kfree(upl->upl_reprio_info, sizeof(uint64_t) * (size / PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_INTERNAL) {
+ kfree(upl,
+ sizeof(struct upl) +
+ (sizeof(struct upl_page_info) * (size / PAGE_SIZE))
+ + page_field_size);
+ } else {
+ kfree(upl, sizeof(struct upl) + page_field_size);
+ }
+upl_deallocate(upl_t upl)
+ upl_lock(upl);
+ if (--upl->ref_count == 0) {
+ if (vector_upl_is_valid(upl)) {
+ vector_upl_deallocate(upl);
+ }
+ upl_unlock(upl);
+ if (upl->upl_iodone) {
+ upl_callout_iodone(upl);
+ }
+ upl_destroy(upl);
+ } else {
+ upl_unlock(upl);
+ }
+upl_mark_decmp(upl_t upl)
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_TRACKED_BY_OBJECT) {
+ upl->flags |= UPL_DECMP_REQ;
+ upl->upl_creator->decmp_upl = (void *)upl;
+ }
+upl_unmark_decmp(upl_t upl)
+ if (upl && (upl->flags & UPL_DECMP_REQ)) {
+ upl->upl_creator->decmp_upl = NULL;
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_IOSCHED */
+#define VM_PAGE_Q_BACKING_UP(q) \
+ ((q)->pgo_laundry >= (((q)->pgo_maxlaundry * 8) / 10))
+boolean_t must_throttle_writes(void);
+ if (VM_PAGE_Q_BACKING_UP(&vm_pageout_queue_external) &&
+ vm_page_pageable_external_count > (AVAILABLE_NON_COMPRESSED_MEMORY * 6) / 10) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+int vm_page_delayed_work_ctx_needed = 0;
+zone_t dw_ctx_zone = ZONE_NULL;
+ int nelems = 0, elem_size = 0;
+ elem_size = sizeof(struct vm_page_delayed_work_ctx);
+ dw_ctx_zone = zone_create_ext("delayed-work-ctx", elem_size,
+ ZC_NOGC, ZONE_ID_ANY, ^(zone_t z) {
+ zone_set_exhaustible(z, MAX_DELAYED_WORK_CTX_ALLOCATED * elem_size);
+ });
+ nelems = zfill(dw_ctx_zone, MIN_DELAYED_WORK_CTX_ALLOCATED);
+ printf("vm_page_delayed_work_init_ctx: Failed to preallocate minimum delayed work contexts (%d vs %d).\n", nelems, MIN_DELAYED_WORK_CTX_ALLOCATED);
+ panic("Failed to preallocate minimum delayed work contexts (%d vs %d).\n", nelems, MIN_DELAYED_WORK_CTX_ALLOCATED);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ }
+struct vm_page_delayed_work*
+ struct vm_page_delayed_work_ctx * dw_ctx = NULL;
+ dw_ctx = (struct vm_page_delayed_work_ctx*) zalloc_noblock(dw_ctx_zone);
+ if (dw_ctx) {
+ dw_ctx->delayed_owner = current_thread();
+ } else {
+ vm_page_delayed_work_ctx_needed++;
+ }
+ return dw_ctx ? dw_ctx->dwp : NULL;
+vm_page_delayed_work_finish_ctx(struct vm_page_delayed_work* dwp)
+ struct vm_page_delayed_work_ctx *ldw_ctx;
+ ldw_ctx = (struct vm_page_delayed_work_ctx *)dwp;
+ ldw_ctx->delayed_owner = NULL;
+ zfree(dw_ctx_zone, ldw_ctx);
+ * Routine: vm_object_upl_request
+ * Purpose:
+ * Cause the population of a portion of a vm_object.
+ * Depending on the nature of the request, the pages
+ * returned may be contain valid data or be uninitialized.
+ * A page list structure, listing the physical pages
+ * will be returned upon request.
+ * This function is called by the file system or any other
+ * supplier of backing store to a pager.
+ * IMPORTANT NOTE: The caller must still respect the relationship
+ * between the vm_object and its backing memory object. The
+ * caller MUST NOT substitute changes in the backing file
+ * without first doing a memory_object_lock_request on the
+ * target range unless it is know that the pages are not
+ * shared with another entity at the pager level.
+ * Copy_in_to:
+ * if a page list structure is present
+ * return the mapped physical pages, where a
+ * page is not present, return a non-initialized
+ * one. If the no_sync bit is turned on, don't
+ * call the pager unlock to synchronize with other
+ * possible copies of the page. Leave pages busy
+ * in the original object, if a page list structure
+ * was specified. When a commit of the page list
+ * pages is done, the dirty bit will be set for each one.
+ * Copy_out_from:
+ * If a page list structure is present, return
+ * all mapped pages. Where a page does not exist
+ * map a zero filled one. Leave pages busy in
+ * the original object. If a page list structure
+ * is not specified, this call is a no-op.
+ *
+ * Note: access of default pager objects has a rather interesting
+ * twist. The caller of this routine, presumably the file system
+ * page cache handling code, will never actually make a request
+ * against a default pager backed object. Only the default
+ * pager will make requests on backing store related vm_objects
+ * In this way the default pager can maintain the relationship
+ * between backing store files (abstract memory objects) and
+ * the vm_objects (cache objects), they support.
+ *
+ */
+__private_extern__ kern_return_t
+ vm_object_t object,
+ vm_object_offset_t offset,
+ upl_size_t size,
+ upl_t *upl_ptr,
+ upl_page_info_array_t user_page_list,
+ unsigned int *page_list_count,
+ upl_control_flags_t cntrl_flags,
+ vm_tag_t tag)
+ vm_page_t dst_page = VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ vm_object_offset_t dst_offset;
+ upl_size_t xfer_size;
+ unsigned int size_in_pages;
+ boolean_t dirty;
+ boolean_t hw_dirty;
+ upl_t upl = NULL;
+ unsigned int entry;
+ vm_page_t alias_page = NULL;
+ int refmod_state = 0;
+ wpl_array_t lite_list = NULL;
+ vm_object_t last_copy_object;
+ struct vm_page_delayed_work dw_array;
+ struct vm_page_delayed_work *dwp, *dwp_start;
+ bool dwp_finish_ctx = TRUE;
+ int dw_count;
+ int dw_limit;
+ int io_tracking_flag = 0;
+ int grab_options;
+ int page_grab_count = 0;
+ ppnum_t phys_page;
+ pmap_flush_context pmap_flush_context_storage;
+ boolean_t pmap_flushes_delayed = FALSE;
+ task_t task = current_task();
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ dwp_start = dwp = NULL;
+ if (cntrl_flags & ~UPL_VALID_FLAGS) {
+ /*
+ * For forward compatibility's sake,
+ * reject any unknown flag.
+ */
+ }
+ if ((!object->internal) && (object->paging_offset != 0)) {
+ panic("vm_object_upl_request: external object with non-zero paging offset\n");
+ }
+ if (object->phys_contiguous) {
+ panic("vm_object_upl_request: contiguous object specified\n");
+ }
+ assertf(page_aligned(offset) && page_aligned(size),
+ "offset 0x%llx size 0x%x",
+ offset, size);
+ VM_DEBUG_CONSTANT_EVENT(vm_object_upl_request, VM_UPL_REQUEST, DBG_FUNC_START, size, cntrl_flags, 0, 0);
+ dw_count = 0;
+ dwp_start = vm_page_delayed_work_get_ctx();
+ if (dwp_start == NULL) {
+ dwp_start = &dw_array;
+ dw_limit = 1;
+ dwp_finish_ctx = FALSE;
+ }
+ dwp = dwp_start;
+ if (size > MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES) {
+ }
+ if ((cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_INTERNAL) && page_list_count != NULL) {
+ *page_list_count = MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ }
+ if (object->io_tracking || upl_debug_enabled) {
+ io_tracking_flag |= UPL_CREATE_IO_TRACKING;
+ }
+ if (object->io_tracking) {
+ io_tracking_flag |= UPL_CREATE_EXPEDITE_SUP;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_INTERNAL) {
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE) {
+ upl = upl_create(UPL_CREATE_INTERNAL | UPL_CREATE_LITE | io_tracking_flag, 0, size);
+ user_page_list = (upl_page_info_t *) (((uintptr_t)upl) + sizeof(struct upl));
+ lite_list = (wpl_array_t)
+ (((uintptr_t)user_page_list) +
+ ((size / PAGE_SIZE) * sizeof(upl_page_info_t)));
+ if (size == 0) {
+ user_page_list = NULL;
+ lite_list = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ upl = upl_create(UPL_CREATE_INTERNAL | io_tracking_flag, 0, size);
+ user_page_list = (upl_page_info_t *) (((uintptr_t)upl) + sizeof(struct upl));
+ if (size == 0) {
+ user_page_list = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE) {
+ upl = upl_create(UPL_CREATE_EXTERNAL | UPL_CREATE_LITE | io_tracking_flag, 0, size);
+ lite_list = (wpl_array_t) (((uintptr_t)upl) + sizeof(struct upl));
+ if (size == 0) {
+ lite_list = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ upl = upl_create(UPL_CREATE_EXTERNAL | io_tracking_flag, 0, size);
+ }
+ }
+ *upl_ptr = upl;
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[0].device = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE) {
+ upl->map_object = object;
+ } else {
+ upl->map_object = vm_object_allocate(size);
+ /*
+ * No neeed to lock the new object: nobody else knows
+ * about it yet, so it's all ours so far.
+ */
+ upl->map_object->shadow = object;
+ upl->map_object->pageout = TRUE;
+ upl->map_object->can_persist = FALSE;
+ upl->map_object->copy_strategy = MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE;
+ upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset = offset;
+ upl->map_object->wimg_bits = object->wimg_bits;
+ assertf(page_aligned(upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset),
+ "object %p shadow_offset 0x%llx",
+ upl->map_object, upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset);
+ upl->flags |= UPL_SHADOWED;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_FOR_PAGEOUT) {
+ upl->flags |= UPL_PAGEOUT;
+ }
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ vm_object_activity_begin(object);
+ grab_options = 0;
+ if (object->can_grab_secluded) {
+ grab_options |= VM_PAGE_GRAB_SECLUDED;
+ }
+ /*
+ * we can lock in the paging_offset once paging_in_progress is set
+ */
+ upl->u_size = size;
+ upl->u_offset = offset + object->paging_offset;
+ if (object->io_tracking || upl_debug_enabled) {
+ vm_object_activity_begin(object);
+ queue_enter(&object->uplq, upl, upl_t, uplq);
+ }
+ if ((cntrl_flags & UPL_WILL_MODIFY) && object->copy != VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Honor copy-on-write obligations
+ *
+ * The caller is gathering these pages and
+ * might modify their contents. We need to
+ * make sure that the copy object has its own
+ * private copies of these pages before we let
+ * the caller modify them.
+ */
+ vm_object_update(object,
+ offset,
+ size,
+ FALSE, /* should_return */
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(upl_cow, 1);
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(upl_cow_pages, (size >> PAGE_SHIFT));
+ }
+ /*
+ * remember which copy object we synchronized with
+ */
+ last_copy_object = object->copy;
+ entry = 0;
+ xfer_size = size;
+ dst_offset = offset;
+ size_in_pages = size / PAGE_SIZE;
+ if (vm_page_free_count > (vm_page_free_target + size_in_pages) ||
+ object->resident_page_count < ((MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES * 2) >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
+ object->scan_collisions = 0;
+ }
+ if ((cntrl_flags & UPL_WILL_MODIFY) && must_throttle_writes() == TRUE) {
+ boolean_t isSSD = FALSE;
+ isSSD = TRUE;
+ vnode_pager_get_isSSD(object->pager, &isSSD);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ OSAddAtomic(size_in_pages, &vm_upl_wait_for_pages);
+ if (isSSD == TRUE) {
+ delay(1000 * size_in_pages);
+ } else {
+ delay(5000 * size_in_pages);
+ }
+ OSAddAtomic(-size_in_pages, &vm_upl_wait_for_pages);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ }
+ while (xfer_size) {
+ dwp->dw_mask = 0;
+ if ((alias_page == NULL) && !(cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE)) {
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM) {
+ upl->flags |= UPL_PAGE_SYNC_DONE;
+ if (((dst_page = vm_page_lookup(object, dst_offset)) == VM_PAGE_NULL) ||
+ dst_page->vmp_fictitious ||
+ dst_page->vmp_absent ||
+ dst_page->vmp_error ||
+ dst_page->vmp_cleaning ||
+ (VM_PAGE_WIRED(dst_page))) {
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ phys_page = VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(dst_page);
+ /*
+ * grab this up front...
+ * a high percentange of the time we're going to
+ * need the hardware modification state a bit later
+ * anyway... so we can eliminate an extra call into
+ * the pmap layer by grabbing it here and recording it
+ */
+ if (dst_page->vmp_pmapped) {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(phys_page);
+ } else {
+ refmod_state = 0;
+ }
+ if ((refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED) && VM_PAGE_INACTIVE(dst_page)) {
+ /*
+ * page is on inactive list and referenced...
+ * reactivate it now... this gets it out of the
+ * way of vm_pageout_scan which would have to
+ * reactivate it upon tripping over it
+ */
+ dwp->dw_mask |= DW_vm_page_activate;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_RET_ONLY_DIRTY) {
+ /*
+ * we're only asking for DIRTY pages to be returned
+ */
+ if (dst_page->vmp_laundry || !(cntrl_flags & UPL_FOR_PAGEOUT)) {
+ /*
+ * if we were the page stolen by vm_pageout_scan to be
+ * cleaned (as opposed to a buddy being clustered in
+ * or this request is not being driven by a PAGEOUT cluster
+ * then we only need to check for the page being dirty or
+ * precious to decide whether to return it
+ */
+ if (dst_page->vmp_dirty || dst_page->vmp_precious || (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED)) {
+ goto check_busy;
+ }
+ goto dont_return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * this is a request for a PAGEOUT cluster and this page
+ * is merely along for the ride as a 'buddy'... not only
+ * does it have to be dirty to be returned, but it also
+ * can't have been referenced recently...
+ */
+ if ((hibernate_cleaning_in_progress == TRUE ||
+ (!((refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED) || dst_page->vmp_reference) ||
+ (dst_page->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_THROTTLED_Q))) &&
+ ((refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) || dst_page->vmp_dirty || dst_page->vmp_precious)) {
+ goto check_busy;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if we reach here, we're not to return
+ * the page... go on to the next one
+ */
+ if (dst_page->vmp_laundry == TRUE) {
+ /*
+ * if we get here, the page is not 'cleaning' (filtered out above).
+ * since it has been referenced, remove it from the laundry
+ * so we don't pay the cost of an I/O to clean a page
+ * we're just going to take back
+ */
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_pageout_steal_laundry(dst_page, TRUE);
+ vm_page_activate(dst_page);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ }
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_busy) {
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_NOBLOCK) {
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ dwp->dw_mask = 0;
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ /*
+ * someone else is playing with the
+ * page. We will have to wait.
+ */
+ PAGE_SLEEP(object, dst_page, THREAD_UNINT);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_PAGEOUT_Q) {
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ if (dst_page->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_PAGEOUT_Q) {
+ /*
+ * we've buddied up a page for a clustered pageout
+ * that has already been moved to the pageout
+ * queue by pageout_scan... we need to remove
+ * it from the queue and drop the laundry count
+ * on that queue
+ */
+ vm_pageout_throttle_up(dst_page);
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ }
+ hw_dirty = refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED;
+ dirty = hw_dirty ? TRUE : dst_page->vmp_dirty;
+ if (phys_page > upl->highest_page) {
+ upl->highest_page = phys_page;
+ }
+ assert(!pmap_is_noencrypt(phys_page));
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE) {
+ unsigned int pg_num;
+ pg_num = (unsigned int) ((dst_offset - offset) / PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert(pg_num == (dst_offset - offset) / PAGE_SIZE);
+ lite_list[pg_num >> 5] |= 1U << (pg_num & 31);
+ if (hw_dirty) {
+ if (pmap_flushes_delayed == FALSE) {
+ pmap_flush_context_init(&pmap_flush_context_storage);
+ pmap_flushes_delayed = TRUE;
+ }
+ pmap_clear_refmod_options(phys_page,
+ &pmap_flush_context_storage);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Mark original page as cleaning
+ * in place.
+ */
+ dst_page->vmp_cleaning = TRUE;
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * use pageclean setup, it is more
+ * convenient even for the pageout
+ * cases here
+ */
+ vm_object_lock(upl->map_object);
+ vm_pageclean_setup(dst_page, alias_page, upl->map_object, size - xfer_size);
+ vm_object_unlock(upl->map_object);
+ alias_page->vmp_absent = FALSE;
+ alias_page = NULL;
+ }
+ if (dirty) {
+ SET_PAGE_DIRTY(dst_page, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ dst_page->vmp_dirty = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!dirty) {
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!(cntrl_flags & UPL_CLEAN_IN_PLACE)) {
+ if (!VM_PAGE_WIRED(dst_page)) {
+ dst_page->vmp_free_when_done = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((cntrl_flags & UPL_WILL_MODIFY) && object->copy != last_copy_object) {
+ /*
+ * Honor copy-on-write obligations
+ *
+ * The copy object has changed since we
+ * last synchronized for copy-on-write.
+ * Another copy object might have been
+ * inserted while we released the object's
+ * lock. Since someone could have seen the
+ * original contents of the remaining pages
+ * through that new object, we have to
+ * synchronize with it again for the remaining
+ * pages only. The previous pages are "busy"
+ * so they can not be seen through the new
+ * mapping. The new mapping will see our
+ * upcoming changes for those previous pages,
+ * but that's OK since they couldn't see what
+ * was there before. It's just a race anyway
+ * and there's no guarantee of consistency or
+ * atomicity. We just don't want new mappings
+ * to see both the *before* and *after* pages.
+ */
+ if (object->copy != VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ vm_object_update(
+ object,
+ dst_offset,/* current offset */
+ xfer_size, /* remaining size */
+ FALSE, /* should_return */
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(upl_cow_again, 1);
+ VM_PAGEOUT_DEBUG(upl_cow_again_pages, (xfer_size >> PAGE_SHIFT));
+ }
+ /*
+ * remember the copy object we synced with
+ */
+ last_copy_object = object->copy;
+ }
+ dst_page = vm_page_lookup(object, dst_offset);
+ if (dst_page != VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ if ((cntrl_flags & UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT)) {
+ /*
+ * skip over pages already present in the cache
+ */
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_fictitious) {
+ panic("need corner case for fictitious page");
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_busy || dst_page->vmp_cleaning) {
+ /*
+ * someone else is playing with the
+ * page. We will have to wait.
+ */
+ PAGE_SLEEP(object, dst_page, THREAD_UNINT);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_laundry) {
+ vm_pageout_steal_laundry(dst_page, FALSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (object->private) {
+ /*
+ * This is a nasty wrinkle for users
+ * of upl who encounter device or
+ * private memory however, it is
+ * unavoidable, only a fault can
+ * resolve the actual backing
+ * physical page by asking the
+ * backing device.
+ */
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ if (object->scan_collisions) {
+ /*
+ * the pageout_scan thread is trying to steal
+ * pages from this object, but has run into our
+ * lock... grab 2 pages from the head of the object...
+ * the first is freed on behalf of pageout_scan, the
+ * 2nd is for our own use... we use vm_object_page_grab
+ * in both cases to avoid taking pages from the free
+ * list since we are under memory pressure and our
+ * lock on this object is getting in the way of
+ * relieving it
+ */
+ dst_page = vm_object_page_grab(object);
+ if (dst_page != VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ vm_page_release(dst_page,
+ }
+ dst_page = vm_object_page_grab(object);
+ }
+ if (dst_page == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * need to allocate a page
+ */
+ dst_page = vm_page_grab_options(grab_options);
+ if (dst_page != VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ page_grab_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dst_page == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * we don't want to stall waiting for pages to come onto the free list
+ * while we're already holding absent pages in this UPL
+ * the caller will deal with the empty slots
+ */
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = 0;
+ }
+ goto try_next_page;
+ }
+ /*
+ * no pages available... wait
+ * then try again for the same
+ * offset...
+ */
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ OSAddAtomic(size_in_pages, &vm_upl_wait_for_pages);
+ VM_DEBUG_EVENT(vm_upl_page_wait, VM_UPL_PAGE_WAIT, DBG_FUNC_START, vm_upl_wait_for_pages, 0, 0, 0);
+ OSAddAtomic(-size_in_pages, &vm_upl_wait_for_pages);
+ VM_DEBUG_EVENT(vm_upl_page_wait, VM_UPL_PAGE_WAIT, DBG_FUNC_END, vm_upl_wait_for_pages, 0, 0, 0);
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ continue;
+ }
+ vm_page_insert(dst_page, object, dst_offset);
+ dst_page->vmp_absent = TRUE;
+ dst_page->vmp_busy = FALSE;
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT) {
+ /*
+ * if UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT was specified,
+ * than we're definitely setting up a
+ * upl for a clustered read/pagein
+ * operation... mark the pages as clustered
+ * so upl_commit_range can put them on the
+ * speculative list
+ */
+ dst_page->vmp_clustered = TRUE;
+ if (!(cntrl_flags & UPL_FILE_IO)) {
+ VM_STAT_INCR(pageins);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ phys_page = VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(dst_page);
+ dst_page->vmp_overwriting = TRUE;
+ if (dst_page->vmp_pmapped) {
+ if (!(cntrl_flags & UPL_FILE_IO)) {
+ /*
+ * eliminate all mappings from the
+ * original object and its prodigy
+ */
+ refmod_state = pmap_disconnect(phys_page);
+ } else {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(phys_page);
+ }
+ } else {
+ refmod_state = 0;
+ }
+ hw_dirty = refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED;
+ dirty = hw_dirty ? TRUE : dst_page->vmp_dirty;
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_SET_LITE) {
+ unsigned int pg_num;
+ pg_num = (unsigned int) ((dst_offset - offset) / PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert(pg_num == (dst_offset - offset) / PAGE_SIZE);
+ lite_list[pg_num >> 5] |= 1U << (pg_num & 31);
+ if (hw_dirty) {
+ pmap_clear_modify(phys_page);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Mark original page as cleaning
+ * in place.
+ */
+ dst_page->vmp_cleaning = TRUE;
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * use pageclean setup, it is more
+ * convenient even for the pageout
+ * cases here
+ */
+ vm_object_lock(upl->map_object);
+ vm_pageclean_setup(dst_page, alias_page, upl->map_object, size - xfer_size);
+ vm_object_unlock(upl->map_object);
+ alias_page->vmp_absent = FALSE;
+ alias_page = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_REQUEST_SET_DIRTY) {
+ upl->flags &= ~UPL_CLEAR_DIRTY;
+ upl->flags |= UPL_SET_DIRTY;
+ dirty = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * Page belonging to a code-signed object is about to
+ * be written. Mark it tainted and disconnect it from
+ * all pmaps so processes have to fault it back in and
+ * deal with the tainted bit.
+ */
+ if (object->code_signed && dst_page->vmp_cs_tainted != VMP_CS_ALL_TRUE) {
+ dst_page->vmp_cs_tainted = VMP_CS_ALL_TRUE;
+ vm_page_upl_tainted++;
+ if (dst_page->vmp_pmapped) {
+ refmod_state = pmap_disconnect(VM_PAGE_GET_PHYS_PAGE(dst_page));
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED) {
+ dst_page->vmp_reference = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (cntrl_flags & UPL_CLEAN_IN_PLACE) {
+ /*
+ * clean in place for read implies
+ * that a write will be done on all
+ * the pages that are dirty before
+ * a upl commit is done. The caller
+ * is obligated to preserve the
+ * contents of all pages marked dirty
+ */
+ upl->flags |= UPL_CLEAR_DIRTY;
+ }
+ dst_page->vmp_dirty = dirty;
+ if (!dirty) {
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!VM_PAGE_WIRED(dst_page)) {
+ /*
+ * deny access to the target page while
+ * it is being worked on
+ */
+ dst_page->vmp_busy = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ dwp->dw_mask |= DW_vm_page_wire;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We might be about to satisfy a fault which has been
+ * requested. So no need for the "restart" bit.
+ */
+ dst_page->vmp_restart = FALSE;
+ if (!dst_page->vmp_absent && !(cntrl_flags & UPL_WILL_MODIFY)) {
+ /*
+ * expect the page to be used
+ */
+ dwp->dw_mask |= DW_set_reference;
+ }
+ if (cntrl_flags & UPL_PRECIOUS) {
+ if (object->internal) {
+ SET_PAGE_DIRTY(dst_page, FALSE);
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst_page->vmp_precious = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dst_page->vmp_busy) {
+ upl->flags |= UPL_HAS_BUSY;
+ }
+ if (phys_page > upl->highest_page) {
+ upl->highest_page = phys_page;
+ }
+ assert(!pmap_is_noencrypt(phys_page));
+ if (user_page_list) {
+ user_page_list[entry].phys_addr = phys_page;
+ user_page_list[entry].free_when_done = dst_page->vmp_free_when_done;
+ user_page_list[entry].absent = dst_page->vmp_absent;
+ user_page_list[entry].dirty = dst_page->vmp_dirty;
+ user_page_list[entry].precious = dst_page->vmp_precious;
+ user_page_list[entry].device = FALSE;
+ user_page_list[entry].needed = FALSE;
+ if (dst_page->vmp_clustered == TRUE) {
+ user_page_list[entry].speculative = (dst_page->vmp_q_state == VM_PAGE_ON_SPECULATIVE_Q) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ } else {
+ user_page_list[entry].speculative = FALSE;
+ }
+ user_page_list[entry].cs_validated = dst_page->vmp_cs_validated;
+ user_page_list[entry].cs_tainted = dst_page->vmp_cs_tainted;
+ user_page_list[entry].cs_nx = dst_page->vmp_cs_nx;
+ user_page_list[entry].mark = FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * if UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT is set, then
+ * we are working with a fresh page and we've
+ * just set the clustered flag on it to
+ * indicate that it was drug in as part of a
+ * speculative cluster... so leave it alone
+ */
+ if (!(cntrl_flags & UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT)) {
+ /*
+ * someone is explicitly grabbing this page...
+ * update clustered and speculative state
+ *
+ */
+ if (dst_page->vmp_clustered) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (dwp->dw_mask) {
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_activate) {
+ VM_STAT_INCR(reactivations);
+ }
+ VM_PAGE_ADD_DELAYED_WORK(dwp, dst_page, dw_count);
+ if (dw_count >= dw_limit) {
+ vm_page_do_delayed_work(object, tag, dwp_start, dw_count);
+ dwp = dwp_start;
+ dw_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ entry++;
+ dst_offset += PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ xfer_size -= PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (dw_count) {
+ vm_page_do_delayed_work(object, tag, dwp_start, dw_count);
+ dwp = dwp_start;
+ dw_count = 0;
+ }
+ if (alias_page != NULL) {
+ VM_PAGE_FREE(alias_page);
+ }
+ if (pmap_flushes_delayed == TRUE) {
+ pmap_flush(&pmap_flush_context_storage);
+ }
+ if (page_list_count != NULL) {
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_INTERNAL) {
+ *page_list_count = 0;
+ } else if (*page_list_count > entry) {
+ *page_list_count = entry;
+ }
+ }
+ upl->upl_state = 1;
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ VM_DEBUG_CONSTANT_EVENT(vm_object_upl_request, VM_UPL_REQUEST, DBG_FUNC_END, page_grab_count, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (task != NULL) {
+ ledger_credit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.pages_grabbed_upl, page_grab_count);
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ if (dwp_start && dwp_finish_ctx) {
+ vm_page_delayed_work_finish_ctx(dwp_start);
+ dwp_start = dwp = NULL;
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Routine: vm_object_super_upl_request
+ * Purpose:
+ * Cause the population of a portion of a vm_object
+ * in much the same way as memory_object_upl_request.
+ * Depending on the nature of the request, the pages
+ * returned may be contain valid data or be uninitialized.
+ * However, the region may be expanded up to the super
+ * cluster size provided.
+ */
+__private_extern__ kern_return_t
+ vm_object_t object,
+ vm_object_offset_t offset,
+ upl_size_t size,
+ upl_size_t super_cluster,
+ upl_t *upl,
+ upl_page_info_t *user_page_list,
+ unsigned int *page_list_count,
+ upl_control_flags_t cntrl_flags,
+ vm_tag_t tag)
+ if (object->paging_offset > offset || ((cntrl_flags & UPL_VECTOR) == UPL_VECTOR)) {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ assert(object->paging_in_progress);
+ offset = offset - object->paging_offset;
+ if (super_cluster > size) {
+ vm_object_offset_t base_offset;
+ upl_size_t super_size;
+ vm_object_size_t super_size_64;
+ base_offset = (offset & ~((vm_object_offset_t) super_cluster - 1));
+ super_size = (offset + size) > (base_offset + super_cluster) ? super_cluster << 1 : super_cluster;
+ super_size_64 = ((base_offset + super_size) > object->vo_size) ? (object->vo_size - base_offset) : super_size;
+ super_size = (upl_size_t) super_size_64;
+ assert(super_size == super_size_64);
+ if (offset > (base_offset + super_size)) {
+ panic("vm_object_super_upl_request: Missed target pageout"
+ " %#llx,%#llx, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#llx\n",
+ offset, base_offset, super_size, super_cluster,
+ size, object->paging_offset);
+ }
+ /*
+ * apparently there is a case where the vm requests a
+ * page to be written out who's offset is beyond the
+ * object size
+ */
+ if ((offset + size) > (base_offset + super_size)) {
+ super_size_64 = (offset + size) - base_offset;
+ super_size = (upl_size_t) super_size_64;
+ assert(super_size == super_size_64);
+ }
+ offset = base_offset;
+ size = super_size;
+ }
+ return vm_object_upl_request(object, offset, size, upl, user_page_list, page_list_count, cntrl_flags, tag);
+int cs_executable_create_upl = 0;
+extern int proc_selfpid(void);
+extern char *proc_name_address(void *p);
+ vm_map_t map,
+ vm_map_address_t offset,
+ upl_size_t *upl_size,
+ upl_t *upl,
+ upl_page_info_array_t page_list,
+ unsigned int *count,
+ upl_control_flags_t *flags,
+ vm_tag_t tag)
+ vm_map_entry_t entry;
+ upl_control_flags_t caller_flags;
+ int force_data_sync;
+ int sync_cow_data;
+ vm_object_t local_object;
+ vm_map_offset_t local_offset;
+ vm_map_offset_t local_start;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ vm_map_address_t original_offset;
+ vm_map_size_t original_size, adjusted_size;
+ vm_map_offset_t local_entry_start;
+ vm_object_offset_t local_entry_offset;
+ vm_object_offset_t offset_in_mapped_page;
+ boolean_t release_map = FALSE;
+ original_offset = offset;
+ original_size = *upl_size;
+ adjusted_size = original_size;
+ caller_flags = *flags;
+ if (caller_flags & ~UPL_VALID_FLAGS) {
+ /*
+ * For forward compatibility's sake,
+ * reject any unknown flag.
+ */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ force_data_sync = (caller_flags & UPL_FORCE_DATA_SYNC);
+ sync_cow_data = !(caller_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM);
+ if (upl == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ vm_map_lock_read(map);
+ if (!vm_map_lookup_entry(map, offset, &entry)) {
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ local_entry_start = entry->vme_start;
+ local_entry_offset = VME_OFFSET(entry);
+ DEBUG4K_UPL("map %p (%d) offset 0x%llx size 0x%x flags 0x%llx\n", map, VM_MAP_PAGE_SHIFT(map), (uint64_t)offset, *upl_size, *flags);
+ }
+ if (entry->vme_end - original_offset < adjusted_size) {
+ adjusted_size = entry->vme_end - original_offset;
+ assert(adjusted_size > 0);
+ *upl_size = (upl_size_t) adjusted_size;
+ assert(*upl_size == adjusted_size);
+ }
+ if (caller_flags & UPL_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE) {
+ *flags = 0;
+ if (!entry->is_sub_map &&
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry)->private) {
+ *flags = UPL_DEV_MEMORY;
+ }
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry)->phys_contiguous) {
+ *flags |= UPL_PHYS_CONTIG;
+ }
+ }
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ offset_in_mapped_page = 0;
+ if (VM_MAP_PAGE_SIZE(map) < PAGE_SIZE) {
+ offset = vm_map_trunc_page(original_offset, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map));
+ *upl_size = (upl_size_t)
+ (vm_map_round_page(original_offset + adjusted_size,
+ - offset);
+ offset_in_mapped_page = original_offset - offset;
+ assert(offset_in_mapped_page < VM_MAP_PAGE_SIZE(map));
+ DEBUG4K_UPL("map %p (%d) offset 0x%llx size 0x%llx flags 0x%llx -> offset 0x%llx adjusted_size 0x%llx *upl_size 0x%x offset_in_mapped_page 0x%llx\n", map, VM_MAP_PAGE_SHIFT(map), (uint64_t)original_offset, (uint64_t)original_size, *flags, (uint64_t)offset, (uint64_t)adjusted_size, *upl_size, offset_in_mapped_page);
+ }
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry) == VM_OBJECT_NULL ||
+ !VME_OBJECT(entry)->phys_contiguous) {
+ if (*upl_size > MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES) {
+ *upl_size = MAX_UPL_SIZE_BYTES;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create an object if necessary.
+ */
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry) == VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ if (vm_map_lock_read_to_write(map)) {
+ }
+ vm_object_allocate((vm_size_t)
+ vm_object_round_page((entry->vme_end - entry->vme_start))));
+ VME_OFFSET_SET(entry, 0);
+ assert(entry->use_pmap);
+ vm_map_lock_write_to_read(map);
+ }
+ if (!(caller_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM) &&
+ !entry->is_sub_map &&
+ !(entry->protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) {
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (map->pmap != kernel_pmap &&
+ (caller_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM) &&
+ (entry->protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) &&
+ !(entry->protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) {
+ vm_offset_t kaddr;
+ vm_size_t ksize;
+ /*
+ * We're about to create a read-only UPL backed by
+ * memory from an executable mapping.
+ * Wiring the pages would result in the pages being copied
+ * (due to the "MAP_PRIVATE" mapping) and no longer
+ * code-signed, so no longer eligible for execution.
+ * Instead, let's copy the data into a kernel buffer and
+ * create the UPL from this kernel buffer.
+ * The kernel buffer is then freed, leaving the UPL holding
+ * the last reference on the VM object, so the memory will
+ * be released when the UPL is committed.
+ */
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ entry = VM_MAP_ENTRY_NULL;
+ /* allocate kernel buffer */
+ ksize = round_page(*upl_size);
+ kaddr = 0;
+ ret = kmem_alloc_pageable(kernel_map,
+ &kaddr,
+ ksize,
+ tag);
+ if (ret == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ /* copyin the user data */
+ ret = copyinmap(map, offset, (void *)kaddr, *upl_size);
+ }
+ if (ret == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ if (ksize > *upl_size) {
+ /* zero out the extra space in kernel buffer */
+ memset((void *)(kaddr + *upl_size),
+ 0,
+ ksize - *upl_size);
+ }
+ /* create the UPL from the kernel buffer */
+ vm_object_offset_t offset_in_object;
+ vm_object_offset_t offset_in_object_page;
+ offset_in_object = offset - local_entry_start + local_entry_offset;
+ offset_in_object_page = offset_in_object - vm_object_trunc_page(offset_in_object);
+ assert(offset_in_object_page < PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert(offset_in_object_page + offset_in_mapped_page < PAGE_SIZE);
+ *upl_size -= offset_in_object_page + offset_in_mapped_page;
+ ret = vm_map_create_upl(kernel_map,
+ (vm_map_address_t)(kaddr + offset_in_object_page + offset_in_mapped_page),
+ upl_size, upl, page_list, count, flags, tag);
+ }
+ if (kaddr != 0) {
+ /* free the kernel buffer */
+ kmem_free(kernel_map, kaddr, ksize);
+ kaddr = 0;
+ ksize = 0;
+ }
+ DTRACE_VM4(create_upl_from_executable,
+ vm_map_t, map,
+ vm_map_address_t, offset,
+ upl_size_t, *upl_size,
+ kern_return_t, ret);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ goto done;
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ local_object = VME_OBJECT(entry);
+ assert(local_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL);
+ if (!entry->is_sub_map &&
+ !entry->needs_copy &&
+ *upl_size != 0 &&
+ local_object->vo_size > *upl_size && /* partial UPL */
+ entry->wired_count == 0 && /* No COW for entries that are wired */
+ (map->pmap != kernel_pmap) && /* alias checks */
+ (vm_map_entry_should_cow_for_true_share(entry) /* case 1 */
+ ||
+ ( /* case 2 */
+ local_object->internal &&
+ (local_object->copy_strategy == MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_SYMMETRIC) &&
+ local_object->ref_count > 1))) {
+ vm_prot_t prot;
+ /*
+ * Case 1:
+ * Set up the targeted range for copy-on-write to avoid
+ * applying true_share/copy_delay to the entire object.
+ *
+ * Case 2:
+ * This map entry covers only part of an internal
+ * object. There could be other map entries covering
+ * other areas of this object and some of these map
+ * entries could be marked as "needs_copy", which
+ * assumes that the object is COPY_SYMMETRIC.
+ * To avoid marking this object as COPY_DELAY and
+ * "true_share", let's shadow it and mark the new
+ * (smaller) object as "true_share" and COPY_DELAY.
+ */
+ if (vm_map_lock_read_to_write(map)) {
+ }
+ vm_map_lock_assert_exclusive(map);
+ assert(VME_OBJECT(entry) == local_object);
+ vm_map_clip_start(map,
+ entry,
+ vm_map_trunc_page(offset,
+ VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)));
+ vm_map_clip_end(map,
+ entry,
+ vm_map_round_page(offset + *upl_size,
+ VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)));
+ if ((entry->vme_end - offset) < *upl_size) {
+ *upl_size = (upl_size_t) (entry->vme_end - offset);
+ assert(*upl_size == entry->vme_end - offset);
+ }
+ prot = entry->protection & ~VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ if (override_nx(map, VME_ALIAS(entry)) && prot) {
+ prot |= VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
+ }
+ vm_object_pmap_protect(local_object,
+ VME_OFFSET(entry),
+ entry->vme_end - entry->vme_start,
+ ((entry->is_shared ||
+ map->mapped_in_other_pmaps)
+ : map->pmap),
+ entry->vme_start,
+ prot);
+ assert(entry->wired_count == 0);
+ /*
+ * Lock the VM object and re-check its status: if it's mapped
+ * in another address space, we could still be racing with
+ * another thread holding that other VM map exclusively.
+ */
+ vm_object_lock(local_object);
+ if (local_object->true_share) {
+ /* object is already in proper state: no COW needed */
+ assert(local_object->copy_strategy !=
+ } else {
+ /* not true_share: ask for copy-on-write below */
+ assert(local_object->copy_strategy ==
+ entry->needs_copy = TRUE;
+ }
+ vm_object_unlock(local_object);
+ vm_map_lock_write_to_read(map);
+ }
+ if (entry->needs_copy) {
+ /*
+ * Honor copy-on-write for COPY_SYMMETRIC
+ * strategy.
+ */
+ vm_map_t local_map;
+ vm_object_t object;
+ vm_object_offset_t new_offset;
+ vm_prot_t prot;
+ boolean_t wired;
+ vm_map_version_t version;
+ vm_map_t real_map;
+ vm_prot_t fault_type;
+ if (entry->vme_start < VM_MAP_TRUNC_PAGE(offset, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)) ||
+ entry->vme_end > VM_MAP_ROUND_PAGE(offset + *upl_size, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map))) {
+ /*
+ * Clip the requested range first to minimize the
+ * amount of potential copying...
+ */
+ if (vm_map_lock_read_to_write(map)) {
+ }
+ vm_map_lock_assert_exclusive(map);
+ assert(VME_OBJECT(entry) == local_object);
+ vm_map_clip_start(map, entry,
+ vm_map_clip_end(map, entry,
+ VM_MAP_ROUND_PAGE(offset + *upl_size, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)));
+ vm_map_lock_write_to_read(map);
+ }
+ local_map = map;
+ if (caller_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM) {
+ fault_type = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_COPY;
+ vm_counters.create_upl_extra_cow++;
+ vm_counters.create_upl_extra_cow_pages +=
+ (entry->vme_end - entry->vme_start) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ fault_type = VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ }
+ if (vm_map_lookup_locked(&local_map,
+ offset, fault_type,
+ &version, &object,
+ &new_offset, &prot, &wired,
+ &real_map, NULL) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ if (fault_type == VM_PROT_WRITE) {
+ vm_counters.create_upl_lookup_failure_write++;
+ } else {
+ vm_counters.create_upl_lookup_failure_copy++;
+ }
+ vm_map_unlock_read(local_map);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (real_map != local_map) {
+ vm_map_unlock(real_map);
+ }
+ vm_map_unlock_read(local_map);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ }
+ if (entry->is_sub_map) {
+ vm_map_t submap;
+ submap = VME_SUBMAP(entry);
+ local_start = entry->vme_start;
+ local_offset = (vm_map_offset_t)VME_OFFSET(entry);
+ vm_map_reference(submap);
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ DEBUG4K_UPL("map %p offset 0x%llx (0x%llx) size 0x%x (adjusted 0x%llx original 0x%llx) offset_in_mapped_page 0x%llx submap %p\n", map, (uint64_t)offset, (uint64_t)original_offset, *upl_size, (uint64_t)adjusted_size, (uint64_t)original_size, offset_in_mapped_page, submap);
+ offset += offset_in_mapped_page;
+ *upl_size -= offset_in_mapped_page;
+ if (release_map) {
+ vm_map_deallocate(map);
+ }
+ map = submap;
+ release_map = TRUE;
+ offset = local_offset + (offset - local_start);
+ goto start_with_map;
+ }
+ if (sync_cow_data &&
+ (VME_OBJECT(entry)->shadow ||
+ VME_OBJECT(entry)->copy)) {
+ local_object = VME_OBJECT(entry);
+ local_start = entry->vme_start;
+ local_offset = (vm_map_offset_t)VME_OFFSET(entry);
+ vm_object_reference(local_object);
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ if (local_object->shadow && local_object->copy) {
+ vm_object_lock_request(local_object->shadow,
+ ((vm_object_offset_t)
+ ((offset - local_start) +
+ local_offset) +
+ local_object->vo_shadow_offset),
+ *upl_size, FALSE,
+ }
+ sync_cow_data = FALSE;
+ vm_object_deallocate(local_object);
+ }
+ if (force_data_sync) {
+ local_object = VME_OBJECT(entry);
+ local_start = entry->vme_start;
+ local_offset = (vm_map_offset_t)VME_OFFSET(entry);
+ vm_object_reference(local_object);
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ vm_object_lock_request(local_object,
+ ((vm_object_offset_t)
+ ((offset - local_start) +
+ local_offset)),
+ (vm_object_size_t)*upl_size,
+ force_data_sync = FALSE;
+ vm_object_deallocate(local_object);
+ }
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry)->private) {
+ *flags = UPL_DEV_MEMORY;
+ } else {
+ *flags = 0;
+ }
+ if (VME_OBJECT(entry)->phys_contiguous) {
+ *flags |= UPL_PHYS_CONTIG;
+ }
+ local_object = VME_OBJECT(entry);
+ local_offset = (vm_map_offset_t)VME_OFFSET(entry);
+ local_start = entry->vme_start;
+ /*
+ * Wiring will copy the pages to the shadow object.
+ * The shadow object will not be code-signed so
+ * attempting to execute code from these copied pages
+ * would trigger a code-signing violation.
+ */
+ if (entry->protection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
+ printf("pid %d[%s] create_upl out of executable range from "
+ "0x%llx to 0x%llx: side effects may include "
+ "code-signing violations later on\n",
+ proc_selfpid(),
+ (current_task()->bsd_info
+ ? proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info)
+ : "?"),
+ (uint64_t) entry->vme_start,
+ (uint64_t) entry->vme_end);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ DTRACE_VM2(cs_executable_create_upl,
+ uint64_t, (uint64_t)entry->vme_start,
+ uint64_t, (uint64_t)entry->vme_end);
+ cs_executable_create_upl++;
+ }
+ vm_object_lock(local_object);
+ /*
+ * Ensure that this object is "true_share" and "copy_delay" now,
+ * while we're still holding the VM map lock. After we unlock the map,
+ * anything could happen to that mapping, including some copy-on-write
+ * activity. We need to make sure that the IOPL will point at the
+ * same memory as the mapping.
+ */
+ if (local_object->true_share) {
+ assert(local_object->copy_strategy !=
+ } else if (local_object != kernel_object &&
+ local_object != compressor_object &&
+ !local_object->phys_contiguous) {
+ if (!local_object->true_share &&
+ vm_object_tracking_inited) {
+ int num = 0;
+ num = OSBacktrace(bt,
+ btlog_add_entry(vm_object_tracking_btlog,
+ local_object,
+ bt,
+ num);
+ }
+ local_object->true_share = TRUE;
+ if (local_object->copy_strategy ==
+ local_object->copy_strategy = MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_DELAY;
+ }
+ }
+ vm_object_reference_locked(local_object);
+ vm_object_unlock(local_object);
+ vm_map_unlock_read(map);
+ offset += offset_in_mapped_page;
+ assert(*upl_size > offset_in_mapped_page);
+ *upl_size -= offset_in_mapped_page;
+ ret = vm_object_iopl_request(local_object,
+ ((vm_object_offset_t)
+ ((offset - local_start) + local_offset)),
+ *upl_size,
+ upl,
+ page_list,
+ count,
+ caller_flags,
+ tag);
+ vm_object_deallocate(local_object);
+ if (release_map) {
+ vm_map_deallocate(map);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Internal routine to enter a UPL into a VM map.
+ *
+ * JMM - This should just be doable through the standard
+ * vm_map_enter() API.
+ */
+ vm_map_t map,
+ upl_t upl,
+ vm_map_offset_t *dst_addr)
+ vm_map_size_t size;
+ vm_object_offset_t offset;
+ vm_map_offset_t addr;
+ vm_page_t m;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ int isVectorUPL = 0, curr_upl = 0;
+ upl_t vector_upl = NULL;
+ vm_offset_t vector_upl_dst_addr = 0;
+ vm_map_t vector_upl_submap = NULL;
+ upl_offset_t subupl_offset = 0;
+ upl_size_t subupl_size = 0;
+ if (upl == UPL_NULL) {
+ }
+ DEBUG4K_UPL("map %p upl %p flags 0x%x object %p offset 0x%llx size 0x%x \n", map, upl, upl->flags, upl->map_object, upl->u_offset, upl->u_size);
+ assert(map == kernel_map);
+ if ((isVectorUPL = vector_upl_is_valid(upl))) {
+ int mapped = 0, valid_upls = 0;
+ vector_upl = upl;
+ upl_lock(vector_upl);
+ for (curr_upl = 0; curr_upl < MAX_VECTOR_UPL_ELEMENTS; curr_upl++) {
+ upl = vector_upl_subupl_byindex(vector_upl, curr_upl );
+ if (upl == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ valid_upls++;
+ if (UPL_PAGE_LIST_MAPPED & upl->flags) {
+ mapped++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mapped) {
+ if (mapped != valid_upls) {
+ panic("Only %d of the %d sub-upls within the Vector UPL are alread mapped\n", mapped, valid_upls);
+ } else {
+ upl_unlock(vector_upl);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map) < PAGE_MASK) {
+ panic("TODO4K: vector UPL not implemented");
+ }
+ kr = kmem_suballoc(map, &vector_upl_dst_addr,
+ vector_upl->u_size,
+ &vector_upl_submap);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("Vector UPL submap allocation failed\n");
+ }
+ map = vector_upl_submap;
+ vector_upl_set_submap(vector_upl, vector_upl_submap, vector_upl_dst_addr);
+ curr_upl = 0;
+ } else {
+ upl_lock(upl);
+ }
+ if (isVectorUPL) {
+ if (curr_upl == MAX_VECTOR_UPL_ELEMENTS) {
+ *dst_addr = vector_upl_dst_addr;
+ upl_unlock(vector_upl);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ upl = vector_upl_subupl_byindex(vector_upl, curr_upl++ );
+ if (upl == NULL) {
+ goto process_upl_to_enter;
+ }
+ vector_upl_get_iostate(vector_upl, upl, &subupl_offset, &subupl_size);
+ *dst_addr = (vm_map_offset_t)(vector_upl_dst_addr + (vm_map_offset_t)subupl_offset);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * check to see if already mapped
+ */
+ if (UPL_PAGE_LIST_MAPPED & upl->flags) {
+ upl_unlock(upl);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ size = upl_adjusted_size(upl, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map));
+ if ((!(upl->flags & UPL_SHADOWED)) &&
+ ((upl->flags & UPL_HAS_BUSY) ||
+ !((upl->flags & (UPL_DEVICE_MEMORY | UPL_IO_WIRE)) || (upl->map_object->phys_contiguous)))) {
+ vm_object_t object;
+ vm_page_t alias_page;
+ vm_object_offset_t new_offset;
+ unsigned int pg_num;
+ wpl_array_t lite_list;
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_INTERNAL) {
+ lite_list = (wpl_array_t)
+ ((((uintptr_t)upl) + sizeof(struct upl))
+ + ((size / PAGE_SIZE) * sizeof(upl_page_info_t)));
+ } else {
+ lite_list = (wpl_array_t)(((uintptr_t)upl) + sizeof(struct upl));
+ }
+ object = upl->map_object;
+ upl->map_object = vm_object_allocate(vm_object_round_page(size));
+ vm_object_lock(upl->map_object);
+ upl->map_object->shadow = object;
+ upl->map_object->pageout = TRUE;
+ upl->map_object->can_persist = FALSE;
+ upl->map_object->copy_strategy = MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE;
+ upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset = upl_adjusted_offset(upl, PAGE_MASK) - object->paging_offset;
+ assertf(page_aligned(upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset),
+ "object %p shadow_offset 0x%llx",
+ upl->map_object,
+ (uint64_t)upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset);
+ upl->map_object->wimg_bits = object->wimg_bits;
+ assertf(page_aligned(upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset),
+ "object %p shadow_offset 0x%llx",
+ upl->map_object, upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset);
+ offset = upl->map_object->vo_shadow_offset;
+ new_offset = 0;
+ size = upl_adjusted_size(upl, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map));
+ upl->flags |= UPL_SHADOWED;
+ while (size) {
+ pg_num = (unsigned int) (new_offset / PAGE_SIZE);
+ assert(pg_num == new_offset / PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (lite_list[pg_num >> 5] & (1U << (pg_num & 31))) {
+ vm_object_lock(object);
+ m = vm_page_lookup(object, offset);
+ if (m == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ panic("vm_upl_map: page missing\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Convert the fictitious page to a private
+ * shadow of the real page.
+ */
+ assert(alias_page->vmp_fictitious);
+ alias_page->vmp_fictitious = FALSE;
+ alias_page->vmp_private = TRUE;
+ alias_page->vmp_free_when_done = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * since m is a page in the upl it must
+ * already be wired or BUSY, so it's
+ * safe to assign the underlying physical
+ * page to the alias
+ */
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ vm_page_wire(alias_page, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE, TRUE);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ vm_page_insert_wired(alias_page, upl->map_object, new_offset, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE);
+ assert(!alias_page->vmp_wanted);
+ alias_page->vmp_busy = FALSE;
+ alias_page->vmp_absent = FALSE;
+ }
+ size -= PAGE_SIZE;
+ offset += PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ new_offset += PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ }
+ vm_object_unlock(upl->map_object);
+ }
+ if (upl->flags & UPL_SHADOWED) {
+ offset = 0;
+ } else {
+ offset = upl_adjusted_offset(upl, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)) - upl->map_object->paging_offset;
+ }
+ size = upl_adjusted_size(upl, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map));
+ vm_object_reference(upl->map_object);
+ if (!isVectorUPL) {
+ *dst_addr = 0;
+ /*
+ */
+ kr = vm_map_enter(map, dst_addr, (vm_map_size_t)size, (vm_map_offset_t) 0,
+ upl->map_object, offset, FALSE,
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ vm_object_deallocate(upl->map_object);
+ upl_unlock(upl);
+ return kr;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kr = vm_map_enter(map, dst_addr, (vm_map_size_t)size, (vm_map_offset_t) 0,
+ upl->map_object, offset, FALSE,
+ if (kr) {
+ panic("vm_map_enter failed for a Vector UPL\n");
+ }
+ }
+ vm_object_lock(upl->map_object);
+ for (addr = *dst_addr; size > 0; size -= PAGE_SIZE, addr += PAGE_SIZE) {
+ m = vm_page_lookup(upl->map_object, offset);
+ if (m) {
+ m->vmp_pmapped = TRUE;
+ /* CODE SIGNING ENFORCEMENT: page has been wpmapped,
+ * but only in kernel space. If this was on a user map,
+ * we'd have to set the wpmapped bit. */
+ /* m->vmp_wpmapped = TRUE; */
+ assert(map->pmap == kernel_pmap);
+ PMAP_ENTER(map->pmap, addr, m, VM_PROT_DEFAULT, VM_PROT_NONE, 0, TRUE, kr);
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+#if KASAN
+ kasan_notify_address(addr, PAGE_SIZE_64);
+ }
+ offset += PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ }
+ vm_object_unlock(upl->map_object);
+ /*
+ * hold a reference for the mapping
+ */
+ upl->ref_count++;
+ upl->flags |= UPL_PAGE_LIST_MAPPED;
+ upl->kaddr = (vm_offset_t) *dst_addr;
+ assert(upl->kaddr == *dst_addr);
+ if (isVectorUPL) {
+ goto process_upl_to_enter;
+ }
+ if (!isVectorUPL) {
+ vm_map_offset_t addr_adjustment;
+ addr_adjustment = (vm_map_offset_t)(upl->u_offset - upl_adjusted_offset(upl, VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map)));
+ if (addr_adjustment) {
+ assert(VM_MAP_PAGE_MASK(map) != PAGE_MASK);
+ DEBUG4K_UPL("dst_addr 0x%llx (+ 0x%llx) -> 0x%llx\n", (uint64_t)*dst_addr, (uint64_t)addr_adjustment, (uint64_t)(*dst_addr + addr_adjustment));
+ *dst_addr += addr_adjustment;
+ }
+ }
+ upl_unlock(upl);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Internal routine to remove a UPL mapping from a VM map.
+ *
+ * XXX - This should just be doable through a standard
+ * vm_map_remove() operation. Otherwise, implicit clean-up
+ * of the target map won't be able to correctly remove
+ * these (and release the reference on the UPL). Having
+ * to do this means we can't map these into user-space
+ * maps yet.
+ */
+ vm_map_t map,
+ upl_t upl)
+ vm_address_t addr;
+ upl_size_t size;
+ int isVectorUPL = 0, curr_upl = 0;
+ upl_t vector_upl = NULL;
+ if (upl == UPL_NULL) {
+ }