void cchmac_final(const struct ccdigest_info *di, cchmac_ctx_t hc,
unsigned char *mac) {
+ // Finalize the inner state of the data being HMAC'd, i.e., H((key \oplus ipad) || m)
ccdigest_final(di, cchmac_digest_ctx(di, hc), cchmac_data(di, hc));
- /* typecast: output size will alwys fit in an unsigned int */
- cchmac_num(di, hc) = (unsigned int)di->output_size;
+ // Set the HMAC output size based on the digest algorithm
+ cchmac_num(di, hc) = (unsigned int)di->output_size; /* typecast: output size will alwys fit in an unsigned int */
cchmac_nbits(di, hc) = di->block_size * 8;
+ // Copy the pre-computed compress(key \oplus opad) back to digest state,
+ // and then run through the digest once more to finish the HMAC
ccdigest_copy_state(di, cchmac_istate32(di, hc), cchmac_ostate32(di, hc));
ccdigest_final(di, cchmac_digest_ctx(di, hc), mac);