- * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
- * if_bond.c
+ * if_bond.c
* - bond/failover interface
* - implements IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/kern_event.h>
#include <net/bpf.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/kpi_interface.h>
+#include <net/kpi_interfacefilter.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#include <net/if_ether.h>
#include <net/devtimer.h>
#include <net/if_vlan_var.h>
#include <net/kpi_protocol.h>
+#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
-#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <kern/zalloc.h>
+#include <os/refcnt.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <net/if_media.h>
#include <net/multicast_list.h>
-extern void dlil_input_packet_list(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *);
+ "Bond interface");
+static int if_bond_debug = 0;
+ &if_bond_debug, 0, "Bond interface debug logs");
static struct ether_addr slow_proto_multicast = {
-#define BOND_MAXUNIT 128
-#define BONDNAME "bond"
-#define M_BOND M_DEVBUF
+typedef struct ifbond_s ifbond, * ifbond_ref;
+typedef struct bondport_s bondport, * bondport_ref;
+#define BOND_MAXUNIT 128
+#define BONDNAME "bond"
-#define EA_FORMAT "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"
-#define EA_CH(e, i) ((u_char)((u_char *)(e))[(i)])
-#define EA_LIST(ea) EA_CH(ea,0),EA_CH(ea,1),EA_CH(ea,2),EA_CH(ea,3),EA_CH(ea,4),EA_CH(ea,5)
+#define M_BOND M_DEVBUF
-#define timestamp_printf printf
+#define EA_FORMAT "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"
+#define EA_CH(e, i) ((u_char)((u_char *)(e))[(i)])
+#define EA_LIST(ea) EA_CH(ea,0),EA_CH(ea,1),EA_CH(ea,2),EA_CH(ea,3),EA_CH(ea,4),EA_CH(ea,5)
+#define timestamp_printf printf
- ** bond locks
- **/
+** bond locks
static __inline__ lck_grp_t *
my_lck_grp_alloc_init(const char * grp_name)
- lck_grp_t * grp;
- lck_grp_attr_t * grp_attrs;
- grp_attrs = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
- grp = lck_grp_alloc_init(grp_name, grp_attrs);
- lck_grp_attr_free(grp_attrs);
- return (grp);
+ lck_grp_t * grp;
+ lck_grp_attr_t * grp_attrs;
+ grp_attrs = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ grp = lck_grp_alloc_init(grp_name, grp_attrs);
+ lck_grp_attr_free(grp_attrs);
+ return grp;
static __inline__ lck_mtx_t *
my_lck_mtx_alloc_init(lck_grp_t * lck_grp)
- lck_attr_t * lck_attrs;
- lck_mtx_t * lck_mtx;
+ lck_attr_t * lck_attrs;
+ lck_mtx_t * lck_mtx;
- lck_attrs = lck_attr_alloc_init();
- lck_mtx = lck_mtx_alloc_init(lck_grp, lck_attrs);
- lck_attr_free(lck_attrs);
- return (lck_mtx);
+ lck_attrs = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ lck_mtx = lck_mtx_alloc_init(lck_grp, lck_attrs);
+ lck_attr_free(lck_attrs);
+ return lck_mtx;
-static lck_mtx_t * bond_lck_mtx;
+static lck_mtx_t * bond_lck_mtx;
static __inline__ void
- lck_grp_t * bond_lck_grp;
+ lck_grp_t * bond_lck_grp;
- bond_lck_grp = my_lck_grp_alloc_init("if_bond");
- bond_lck_mtx = my_lck_mtx_alloc_init(bond_lck_grp);
+ bond_lck_grp = my_lck_grp_alloc_init("if_bond");
+ bond_lck_mtx = my_lck_mtx_alloc_init(bond_lck_grp);
static __inline__ void
- lck_mtx_assert(bond_lck_mtx, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
- lck_mtx_assert(bond_lck_mtx, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
- lck_mtx_lock(bond_lck_mtx);
- return;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bond_lck_mtx);
+ return;
static __inline__ void
- lck_mtx_unlock(bond_lck_mtx);
- return;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bond_lck_mtx);
+ return;
- ** bond structures, types
- **/
+** bond structures, types
struct LAG_info_s {
- lacp_system li_system;
- lacp_system_priority li_system_priority;
- lacp_key li_key;
+ lacp_system li_system;
+ lacp_system_priority li_system_priority;
+ lacp_key li_key;
typedef struct LAG_info_s LAG_info, * LAG_info_ref;
typedef struct bondport_s bondport, * bondport_ref;
struct LAG_s {
- TAILQ_ENTRY(LAG_s) lag_list;
- struct port_list lag_port_list;
- short lag_port_count;
- short lag_selected_port_count;
- int lag_active_media;
- LAG_info lag_info;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(LAG_s) lag_list;
+ struct port_list lag_port_list;
+ short lag_port_count;
+ short lag_selected_port_count;
+ int lag_active_media;
+ LAG_info lag_info;
typedef struct LAG_s LAG, * LAG_ref;
typedef struct partner_state_s {
- LAG_info ps_lag_info;
- lacp_port ps_port;
- lacp_port_priority ps_port_priority;
- lacp_actor_partner_state ps_state;
+ LAG_info ps_lag_info;
+ lacp_port ps_port;
+ lacp_port_priority ps_port_priority;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state ps_state;
} partner_state, * partner_state_ref;
struct ifbond_s {
- TAILQ_ENTRY(ifbond_s) ifb_bond_list;
- int ifb_flags;
- SInt32 ifb_retain_count;
- char ifb_name[IFNAMSIZ];
- struct ifnet * ifb_ifp;
- bpf_packet_func ifb_bpf_input;
- bpf_packet_func ifb_bpf_output;
- int ifb_altmtu;
- struct port_list ifb_port_list;
- short ifb_port_count;
- struct lag_list ifb_lag_list;
- lacp_key ifb_key;
- short ifb_max_active; /* 0 == unlimited */
- LAG_ref ifb_active_lag;
- struct ifmultiaddr * ifb_ifma_slow_proto;
- bondport_ref * ifb_distributing_array;
- int ifb_distributing_count;
- int ifb_last_link_event;
- int ifb_mode; /* LACP, STATIC */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(ifbond_s) ifb_bond_list;
+ int ifb_flags;
+ struct os_refcnt ifb_retain_count;
+ char ifb_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ struct ifnet * ifb_ifp;
+ bpf_packet_func ifb_bpf_input;
+ bpf_packet_func ifb_bpf_output;
+ int ifb_altmtu;
+ struct port_list ifb_port_list;
+ short ifb_port_count;
+ struct lag_list ifb_lag_list;
+ lacp_key ifb_key;
+ short ifb_max_active;/* 0 == unlimited */
+ LAG_ref ifb_active_lag;
+ struct ifmultiaddr * ifb_ifma_slow_proto;
+ bondport_ref * ifb_distributing_array;
+ int ifb_distributing_count;
+ int ifb_last_link_event;
+ int ifb_mode;/* LACP, STATIC */
struct media_info {
- int mi_active;
- int mi_status;
+ int mi_active;
+ int mi_status;
enum {
- ReceiveState_none = 0,
- ReceiveState_INITIALIZE = 1,
- ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED = 2,
- ReceiveState_EXPIRED = 3,
- ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED = 4,
- ReceiveState_DEFAULTED = 5,
- ReceiveState_CURRENT = 6,
+ ReceiveState_none = 0,
+ ReceiveState_INITIALIZE = 1,
+ ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED = 2,
+ ReceiveState_EXPIRED = 3,
+ ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED = 4,
+ ReceiveState_DEFAULTED = 5,
+ ReceiveState_CURRENT = 6,
typedef u_char ReceiveState;
enum {
typedef u_char SelectedState;
static __inline__ const char *
SelectedStateString(SelectedState s)
- static const char * names[] = { "UNSELECTED", "SELECTED", "STANDBY" };
+ static const char * names[] = { "UNSELECTED", "SELECTED", "STANDBY" };
- if (s <= SelectedState_STANDBY) {
- return (names[s]);
- }
- return ("<unknown>");
+ if (s <= SelectedState_STANDBY) {
+ return names[s];
+ }
+ return "<unknown>";
enum {
- MuxState_none = 0,
- MuxState_DETACHED = 1,
- MuxState_WAITING = 2,
- MuxState_ATTACHED = 3,
+ MuxState_none = 0,
+ MuxState_DETACHED = 1,
+ MuxState_WAITING = 2,
+ MuxState_ATTACHED = 3,
typedef u_char MuxState;
struct bondport_s {
- TAILQ_ENTRY(bondport_s) po_port_list;
- ifbond_ref po_bond;
- struct multicast_list po_multicast;
- struct ifnet * po_ifp;
- struct ether_addr po_saved_addr;
- int po_enabled;
- char po_name[IFNAMSIZ];
- struct ifdevmtu po_devmtu;
- /* LACP */
- TAILQ_ENTRY(bondport_s) po_lag_port_list;
- devtimer_ref po_current_while_timer;
- devtimer_ref po_periodic_timer;
- devtimer_ref po_wait_while_timer;
- devtimer_ref po_transmit_timer;
- partner_state po_partner_state;
- lacp_port_priority po_priority;
- lacp_actor_partner_state po_actor_state;
- u_char po_flags;
- u_char po_periodic_interval;
- u_char po_n_transmit;
- ReceiveState po_receive_state;
- MuxState po_mux_state;
- SelectedState po_selected;
- int32_t po_last_transmit_secs;
- struct media_info po_media_info;
- LAG_ref po_lag;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(bondport_s) po_port_list;
+ ifbond_ref po_bond;
+ struct multicast_list po_multicast;
+ struct ifnet * po_ifp;
+ struct ether_addr po_saved_addr;
+ int po_enabled;
+ char po_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ struct ifdevmtu po_devmtu;
+ uint32_t po_control_flags;
+ interface_filter_t po_filter;
+ /* LACP */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(bondport_s) po_lag_port_list;
+ devtimer_ref po_current_while_timer;
+ devtimer_ref po_periodic_timer;
+ devtimer_ref po_wait_while_timer;
+ devtimer_ref po_transmit_timer;
+ partner_state po_partner_state;
+ lacp_port_priority po_priority;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state po_actor_state;
+ u_char po_flags;
+ u_char po_periodic_interval;
+ u_char po_n_transmit;
+ ReceiveState po_receive_state;
+ MuxState po_mux_state;
+ SelectedState po_selected;
+ int32_t po_last_transmit_secs;
+ struct media_info po_media_info;
+ uint64_t po_force_link_event_time;
+ LAG_ref po_lag;
-#define IFBF_PROMISC 0x1 /* promiscuous mode */
-#define IFBF_IF_DETACHING 0x2 /* interface is detaching */
-#define IFBF_LLADDR 0x4 /* specific link address requested */
-#define IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS 0x8 /* interface add/remove in progress */
-static int bond_get_status(ifbond_ref ifb, struct if_bond_req * ibr_p,
- user_addr_t datap);
-static __inline__ int
-ifbond_flags_promisc(ifbond_ref ifb)
- return ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_PROMISC) != 0);
-static __inline__ void
-ifbond_flags_set_promisc(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_PROMISC;
- return;
+#define IFBF_PROMISC 0x1 /* promiscuous mode */
+#define IFBF_IF_DETACHING 0x2 /* interface is detaching */
+#define IFBF_LLADDR 0x4 /* specific link address requested */
+#define IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS 0x8 /* interface add/remove in progress */
-static __inline__ void
-ifbond_flags_clear_promisc(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags &= ~IFBF_PROMISC;
- return;
+static int bond_get_status(ifbond_ref ifb, struct if_bond_req * ibr_p,
+ user_addr_t datap);
static __inline__ int
ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifbond_ref ifb)
- return ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_IF_DETACHING) != 0);
+ return (ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_IF_DETACHING) != 0;
static __inline__ void
ifbond_flags_set_if_detaching(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_IF_DETACHING;
- return;
+ ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_IF_DETACHING;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifbond_ref ifb)
- return ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_LLADDR) != 0);
-static __inline__ void
-ifbond_flags_set_lladdr(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_LLADDR;
- return;
-static __inline__ void
-ifbond_flags_clear_lladdr(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags &= ~IFBF_LLADDR;
- return;
+ return (ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_LLADDR) != 0;
static __inline__ int
ifbond_flags_change_in_progress(ifbond_ref ifb)
- return ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS) != 0);
+ return (ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS) != 0;
static __inline__ void
ifbond_flags_set_change_in_progress(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS;
- return;
+ ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
ifbond_flags_clear_change_in_progress(ifbond_ref ifb)
- ifb->ifb_flags &= ~IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS;
- return;
+ ifb->ifb_flags &= ~IFBF_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS;
+ return;
* bondport_ref->po_flags bits
-#define BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT 0x01
+#define BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT 0x01
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_set_ntt(bondport_ref p)
- p->po_flags |= BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT;
- return;
+ p->po_flags |= BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_clear_ntt(bondport_ref p)
- p->po_flags &= ~BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT;
- return;
+ p->po_flags &= ~BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bondport_flags_ntt(bondport_ref p)
- return ((p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT) != 0);
+ return (p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_NTT) != 0;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_set_ready(bondport_ref p)
- p->po_flags |= BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY;
- return;
+ p->po_flags |= BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_clear_ready(bondport_ref p)
- p->po_flags &= ~BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY;
- return;
+ p->po_flags &= ~BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bondport_flags_ready(bondport_ref p)
- return ((p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY) != 0);
+ return (p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_READY) != 0;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_set_selected_changed(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_clear_selected_changed(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bondport_flags_selected_changed(bondport_ref p)
- return ((p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_SELECTED_CHANGED) != 0);
+ return (p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_SELECTED_CHANGED) != 0;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_set_mux_attached(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_clear_mux_attached(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bondport_flags_mux_attached(bondport_ref p)
- return ((p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_MUX_ATTACHED) != 0);
+ return (p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_MUX_ATTACHED) != 0;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_set_distributing(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ void
bondport_flags_clear_distributing(bondport_ref p)
- return;
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bondport_flags_distributing(bondport_ref p)
- return ((p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_DISTRIBUTING) != 0);
+ return (p->po_flags & BONDPORT_FLAGS_DISTRIBUTING) != 0;
typedef struct bond_globals_s {
- struct ifbond_list ifbond_list;
- lacp_system system;
- lacp_system_priority system_priority;
- int verbose;
+ struct ifbond_list ifbond_list;
+ lacp_system system;
+ lacp_system_priority system_priority;
} * bond_globals_ref;
-static bond_globals_ref g_bond;
+static bond_globals_ref g_bond;
- ** packet_buffer routines
- ** - thin wrapper for mbuf
- **/
+** packet_buffer routines
+** - thin wrapper for mbuf
typedef struct mbuf * packet_buffer_ref;
static packet_buffer_ref
packet_buffer_allocate(int length)
- packet_buffer_ref m;
- int size;
- /* leave room for ethernet header */
- size = length + sizeof(struct ether_header);
- if (size > (int)MHLEN) {
- /* XXX doesn't handle large payloads */
- printf("bond: packet_buffer_allocate size %d > max %u\n", size, MHLEN);
- return (NULL);
- }
- m = m_gethdr(M_WAITOK, MT_DATA);
- if (m == NULL) {
- return (NULL);
- }
- m->m_len = size;
- m->m_pkthdr.len = size;
- return (m);
+ packet_buffer_ref m;
+ int size;
+ /* leave room for ethernet header */
+ size = length + sizeof(struct ether_header);
+ if (size > (int)MHLEN) {
+ if (size > (int)MCLBYTES) {
+ printf("bond: packet_buffer_allocate size %d > max %u\n",
+ size, MCLBYTES);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ m = m_getcl(M_WAITOK, MT_DATA, M_PKTHDR);
+ } else {
+ m = m_gethdr(M_WAITOK, MT_DATA);
+ }
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ m->m_len = size;
+ m->m_pkthdr.len = size;
+ return m;
static void *
packet_buffer_byteptr(packet_buffer_ref buf)
- return (buf->m_data + sizeof(struct ether_header));
+ return buf->m_data + sizeof(struct ether_header);
typedef enum {
- LAEventStart,
- LAEventTimeout,
- LAEventPacket,
- LAEventMediaChange,
- LAEventSelectedChange,
- LAEventPortMoved,
- LAEventReady
+ LAEventStart,
+ LAEventTimeout,
+ LAEventPacket,
+ LAEventMediaChange,
+ LAEventSelectedChange,
+ LAEventPortMoved,
+ LAEventReady
} LAEvent;
- ** Receive machine
- **/
+** Receive machine
static void
bondport_receive_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
- ** Periodic Transmission machine
- **/
+** Periodic Transmission machine
static void
bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
- ** Transmit machine
- **/
+** Transmit machine
static void
bondport_transmit_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
- ** Mux machine
- **/
+** Mux machine
static void
bondport_mux_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
- ** bond, LAG
- **/
+** bond, LAG
static void
ifbond_activate_LAG(ifbond_ref bond, LAG_ref lag, int active_media);
static int
ifbond_selection(ifbond_ref bond);
+static void
+bond_handle_event(struct ifnet * port_ifp, int event_code);
- ** bondport
- **/
+** bondport
static void
bondport_receive_lacpdu(bondport_ref p, lacpdu_ref in_lacpdu_p);
static bondport_ref
bondport_create(struct ifnet * port_ifp, lacp_port_priority priority,
- int active, int short_timeout, int * error);
+ int active, int short_timeout, int * error);
static void
bondport_start(bondport_ref p);
static int
bondport_remove_from_LAG(bondport_ref p);
-static void
+static void
bondport_set_selected(bondport_ref p, SelectedState s);
static int
static __inline__ int
bondport_collecting(bondport_ref p)
- if (p->po_bond->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- return (lacp_actor_partner_state_collecting(p->po_actor_state));
- }
- return (TRUE);
+ if (p->po_bond->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ return lacp_actor_partner_state_collecting(p->po_actor_state);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
- ** bond interface/dlil specific routines
- **/
+** bond interface/dlil specific routines
static int bond_clone_create(struct if_clone *, u_int32_t, void *);
static int bond_clone_destroy(struct ifnet *);
-static int bond_input(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t m,
- char *frame_header);
static int bond_output(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m);
static int bond_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long cmd, void * addr);
static int bond_set_bpf_tap(struct ifnet * ifp, bpf_tap_mode mode,
- bpf_packet_func func);
+ bpf_packet_func func);
static int bond_attach_protocol(struct ifnet *ifp);
static int bond_detach_protocol(struct ifnet *ifp);
+static errno_t bond_iff_input(void *cookie, ifnet_t ifp,
+ protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t *data, char **frame_ptr);
+static int bond_attach_filter(struct ifnet *ifp, interface_filter_t * filter_p);
static int bond_setmulti(struct ifnet *ifp);
static int bond_add_interface(struct ifnet * ifp, struct ifnet * port_ifp);
static int bond_remove_interface(ifbond_ref ifb, struct ifnet * port_ifp);
static void bond_if_free(struct ifnet * ifp);
+static void interface_link_event(struct ifnet * ifp, u_int32_t event_code);
static struct if_clone bond_cloner = IF_CLONE_INITIALIZER(BONDNAME,
- bond_clone_create,
- bond_clone_destroy,
- 0,
-static void interface_link_event(struct ifnet * ifp, u_int32_t event_code);
+ bond_clone_create,
+ bond_clone_destroy,
+ 0,
+ sizeof(ifbond));
static int
siocsifmtu(struct ifnet * ifp, int mtu)
- struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
- bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
- ifr.ifr_mtu = mtu;
- return (ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr));
+ bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
+ ifr.ifr_mtu = mtu;
+ return ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr);
static int
siocgifdevmtu(struct ifnet * ifp, struct ifdevmtu * ifdm_p)
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int error;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ int error;
- bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
- error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCGIFDEVMTU, &ifr);
- if (error == 0) {
- *ifdm_p = ifr.ifr_devmtu;
- }
- return (error);
+ bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCGIFDEVMTU, &ifr);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ *ifdm_p = ifr.ifr_devmtu;
+ }
+ return error;
static __inline__ void
ether_addr_copy(void * dest, const void * source)
- bcopy(source, dest, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
- return;
+ bcopy(source, dest, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ return;
static __inline__ void
ifbond_retain(ifbond_ref ifb)
- OSIncrementAtomic(&ifb->ifb_retain_count);
+ os_ref_retain(&ifb->ifb_retain_count);
static __inline__ void
ifbond_release(ifbond_ref ifb)
- UInt32 old_retain_count;
+ if (os_ref_release(&ifb->ifb_retain_count) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
- old_retain_count = OSDecrementAtomic(&ifb->ifb_retain_count);
- switch (old_retain_count) {
- case 0:
- panic("ifbond_release: retain count is 0\n");
- break;
- case 1:
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- printf("ifbond_release(%s)\n", ifb->ifb_name);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ printf("ifbond_release(%s)\n", ifb->ifb_name);
if (ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto != NULL) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- printf("ifbond_release(%s) removing multicast\n",
- ifb->ifb_name);
- }
- (void)if_delmultiaddr(ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto, 0);
- ifma_release(ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ printf("ifbond_release(%s) removing multicast\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name);
+ }
+ (void) if_delmulti_anon(ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto->ifma_ifp,
+ ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto->ifma_addr);
+ IFMA_REMREF(ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto);
if (ifb->ifb_distributing_array != NULL) {
- FREE(ifb->ifb_distributing_array, M_BOND);
+ FREE(ifb->ifb_distributing_array, M_BOND);
- FREE(ifb, M_BOND);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ if_clone_softc_deallocate(&bond_cloner, ifb);
* Function: ifbond_wait
* Purpose:
* Allows a single thread to gain exclusive access to the ifbond
- * data structure. Some operations take a long time to complete,
+ * data structure. Some operations take a long time to complete,
* and some have side-effects that we can't predict. Holding the
* bond_lock() across such operations is not possible.
* For example:
- * 1) The SIOCSIFLLADDR ioctl takes a long time (several seconds) to
+ * 1) The SIOCSIFLLADDR ioctl takes a long time (several seconds) to
* complete. Simply holding the bond_lock() would freeze all other
* data structure accesses during that time.
* 2) When we attach our protocol to the interface, a dlil event is
static void
ifbond_wait(ifbond_ref ifb, const char * msg)
- int waited = 0;
+ int waited = 0;
- /* other add/remove in progress */
- while (ifbond_flags_change_in_progress(ifb)) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- printf("%s: %s msleep\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
+ /* other add/remove in progress */
+ while (ifbond_flags_change_in_progress(ifb)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ printf("%s: %s msleep\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
+ }
+ waited = 1;
+ (void)msleep(ifb, bond_lck_mtx, PZERO, msg, 0);
- waited = 1;
- (void)msleep(ifb, bond_lck_mtx, PZERO, msg, 0);
- }
- /* prevent other bond list remove/add from taking place */
- ifbond_flags_set_change_in_progress(ifb);
- if (g_bond->verbose && waited) {
- printf("%s: %s woke up\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
- }
- return;
+ /* prevent other bond list remove/add from taking place */
+ ifbond_flags_set_change_in_progress(ifb);
+ if (if_bond_debug && waited) {
+ printf("%s: %s woke up\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
+ }
+ return;
* Function: ifbond_signal
* Purpose:
- * Allows the thread that previously invoked ifbond_wait() to
+ * Allows the thread that previously invoked ifbond_wait() to
* give up exclusive access to the ifbond data structure, and wake up
* any other threads waiting to access
* Notes:
static void
ifbond_signal(ifbond_ref ifb, const char * msg)
- ifbond_flags_clear_change_in_progress(ifb);
- wakeup((caddr_t)ifb);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- printf("%s: %s wakeup\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
- }
- return;
+ ifbond_flags_clear_change_in_progress(ifb);
+ wakeup((caddr_t)ifb);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ printf("%s: %s wakeup\n", ifb->ifb_name, msg);
+ }
+ return;
- ** Media information
- **/
+** Media information
static int
link_speed(int active)
- switch (IFM_SUBTYPE(active)) {
- case IFM_10_T:
- case IFM_10_2:
- case IFM_10_5:
- case IFM_10_STP:
- case IFM_10_FL:
- return (10);
- case IFM_100_TX:
- case IFM_100_FX:
- case IFM_100_T4:
- case IFM_100_VG:
- case IFM_100_T2:
- return (100);
- case IFM_1000_SX:
- case IFM_1000_LX:
- case IFM_1000_CX:
- case IFM_1000_TX:
- return (1000);
- case IFM_HPNA_1:
- return (0);
- default:
+ switch (IFM_SUBTYPE(active)) {
+ case IFM_AUTO:
+ case IFM_MANUAL:
+ case IFM_NONE:
+ return 0;
+ case IFM_10_T:
+ case IFM_10_2:
+ case IFM_10_5:
+ case IFM_10_STP:
+ case IFM_10_FL:
+ return 10;
+ case IFM_100_TX:
+ case IFM_100_FX:
+ case IFM_100_T4:
+ case IFM_100_VG:
+ case IFM_100_T2:
+ return 100;
+ case IFM_1000_SX:
+ case IFM_1000_LX:
+ case IFM_1000_CX:
+ case IFM_1000_TX:
+ case IFM_1000_CX_SGMII:
+ case IFM_1000_KX:
+ return 1000;
+ case IFM_HPNA_1:
+ return 1;
+ default:
/* assume that new defined types are going to be at least 10GigE */
- case IFM_10G_SR:
- case IFM_10G_LR:
- return (10000);
- }
+ case IFM_10G_SR:
+ case IFM_10G_LR:
+ case IFM_10G_KX4:
+ case IFM_10G_KR:
+ case IFM_10G_CR1:
+ case IFM_10G_ER:
+ return 10000;
+ case IFM_2500_T:
+ return 2500;
+ case IFM_5000_T:
+ return 5000;
+ case IFM_20G_KR2:
+ return 20000;
+ case IFM_25G_CR:
+ case IFM_25G_KR:
+ case IFM_25G_SR:
+ case IFM_25G_LR:
+ return 25000;
+ case IFM_40G_CR4:
+ case IFM_40G_SR4:
+ case IFM_40G_LR4:
+ case IFM_40G_KR4:
+ return 40000;
+ case IFM_50G_CR2:
+ case IFM_50G_KR2:
+ case IFM_50G_SR2:
+ case IFM_50G_LR2:
+ return 50000;
+ case IFM_56G_R4:
+ return 56000;
+ case IFM_100G_CR4:
+ case IFM_100G_SR4:
+ case IFM_100G_KR4:
+ case IFM_100G_LR4:
+ return 100000;
+ }
static __inline__ int
media_active(const struct media_info * mi)
- if ((mi->mi_status & IFM_AVALID) == 0) {
- return (1);
- }
- return ((mi->mi_status & IFM_ACTIVE) != 0);
+ if ((mi->mi_status & IFM_AVALID) == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return (mi->mi_status & IFM_ACTIVE) != 0;
static __inline__ int
media_full_duplex(const struct media_info * mi)
- return ((mi->mi_active & IFM_FDX) != 0);
+ return (mi->mi_active & IFM_FDX) != 0;
+static __inline__ int
+media_type_unknown(const struct media_info * mi)
+ int unknown;
+ switch (IFM_SUBTYPE(mi->mi_active)) {
+ case IFM_AUTO:
+ case IFM_MANUAL:
+ case IFM_NONE:
+ unknown = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ unknown = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return unknown;
+static __inline__ int
+media_ok(const struct media_info * mi)
+ return media_full_duplex(mi) || media_type_unknown(mi);
static __inline__ int
media_speed(const struct media_info * mi)
- return (link_speed(mi->mi_active));
+ return link_speed(mi->mi_active);
static struct media_info
interface_media_info(struct ifnet * ifp)
- struct ifmediareq ifmr;
- struct media_info mi;
+ struct ifmediareq ifmr;
+ struct media_info mi;
- bzero(&mi, sizeof(mi));
- bzero(&ifmr, sizeof(ifmr));
- if (ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCGIFMEDIA, &ifmr) == 0) {
- if (ifmr.ifm_count != 0) {
- mi.mi_status = ifmr.ifm_status;
- mi.mi_active = ifmr.ifm_active;
+ bzero(&mi, sizeof(mi));
+ bzero(&ifmr, sizeof(ifmr));
+ if (ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCGIFMEDIA, &ifmr) == 0) {
+ if (ifmr.ifm_count != 0) {
+ mi.mi_status = ifmr.ifm_status;
+ mi.mi_active = ifmr.ifm_active;
+ }
- }
- return (mi);
+ return mi;
static int
if_siflladdr(struct ifnet * ifp, const struct ether_addr * ea_p)
- struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
- /*
- * XXX setting the sa_len to ETHER_ADDR_LEN is wrong, but the driver
- * currently expects it that way
- */
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
- ether_addr_copy(ifr.ifr_addr.sa_data, ea_p);
-#if 0
- snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s%d", ifnet_name(ifp),
- ifnet_unit(ifp));
- return (ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCSIFLLADDR, &ifr));
+ /*
+ * XXX setting the sa_len to ETHER_ADDR_LEN is wrong, but the driver
+ * currently expects it that way
+ */
+ ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ ether_addr_copy(ifr.ifr_addr.sa_data, ea_p);
+ return ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCSIFLLADDR, &ifr);
- ** bond_globals
- **/
+** bond_globals
static bond_globals_ref
bond_globals_create(lacp_system_priority sys_pri,
- lacp_system_ref sys)
- bond_globals_ref b;
- b = _MALLOC(sizeof(*b), M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
- if (b == NULL) {
- return (NULL);
- }
- bzero(b, sizeof(*b));
- TAILQ_INIT(&b->ifbond_list);
- b->system = *sys;
- b->system_priority = sys_pri;
-#if 0
- b->verbose = 1;
- return (b);
+ lacp_system_ref sys)
+ bond_globals_ref b;
+ b = _MALLOC(sizeof(*b), M_BOND, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+ if (b == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TAILQ_INIT(&b->ifbond_list);
+ b->system = *sys;
+ b->system_priority = sys_pri;
+ return b;
static int
- bond_globals_ref b;
- int i;
- struct ifnet * ifp;
- bond_assert_lock_not_held();
- if (g_bond != NULL) {
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * use en0's ethernet address as the system identifier, and if it's not
- * there, use en1 .. en3
- */
- ifp = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- char ifname[IFNAMSIZ+1];
- snprintf(ifname, sizeof(ifname), "en%d", i);
- /* XXX ifunit() needs to return a reference on the ifp */
- ifp = ifunit(ifname);
+ bond_globals_ref b;
+ int i;
+ struct ifnet * ifp;
+ bond_assert_lock_not_held();
+ if (g_bond != NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * use en0's ethernet address as the system identifier, and if it's not
+ * there, use en1 .. en3
+ */
+ ifp = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ char ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];
+ snprintf(ifname, sizeof(ifname), "en%d", i);
+ ifp = ifunit(ifname);
+ if (ifp != NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ b = NULL;
if (ifp != NULL) {
- break;
- }
- }
- b = NULL;
- if (ifp != NULL) {
- b = bond_globals_create(0x8000, (lacp_system_ref)ifnet_lladdr(ifp));
- }
- bond_lock();
- if (g_bond != NULL) {
+ b = bond_globals_create(0x8000, (lacp_system_ref)IF_LLADDR(ifp));
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ if (g_bond != NULL) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ _FREE(b, M_BOND);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ g_bond = b;
- _FREE(b, M_BOND);
- return (0);
- }
- g_bond = b;
- bond_unlock();
- if (ifp == NULL) {
- return (ENXIO);
- }
- if (b == NULL) {
- return (ENOMEM);
- }
- return (0);
+ if (ifp == NULL) {
+ return ENXIO;
+ }
+ if (b == NULL) {
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ return 0;
static void
bond_bpf_vlan(struct ifnet * ifp, struct mbuf * m,
- const struct ether_header * eh_p,
- u_int16_t vlan_tag, bpf_packet_func func)
- struct ether_vlan_header * vlh_p;
- struct mbuf * vl_m;
- vl_m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA);
- if (vl_m == NULL) {
+ const struct ether_header * eh_p,
+ u_int16_t vlan_tag, bpf_packet_func func)
+ struct ether_vlan_header * vlh_p;
+ struct mbuf * vl_m;
+ vl_m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA);
+ if (vl_m == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* populate a new mbuf containing the vlan ethernet header */
+ vlh_p = mtod(vl_m, struct ether_vlan_header *);
+ bcopy(eh_p, vlh_p, offsetof(struct ether_header, ether_type));
+ vlh_p->evl_encap_proto = htons(ETHERTYPE_VLAN);
+ vlh_p->evl_tag = htons(vlan_tag);
+ vlh_p->evl_proto = eh_p->ether_type;
+ vl_m->m_next = m;
+ (*func)(ifp, vl_m);
+ vl_m->m_next = NULL;
+ m_free(vl_m);
- }
- /* populate a new mbuf containing the vlan ethernet header */
- vlh_p = mtod(vl_m, struct ether_vlan_header *);
- bcopy(eh_p, vlh_p, offsetof(struct ether_header, ether_type));
- vlh_p->evl_encap_proto = htons(ETHERTYPE_VLAN);
- vlh_p->evl_tag = htons(vlan_tag);
- vlh_p->evl_proto = eh_p->ether_type;
- vl_m->m_next = m;
- (*func)(ifp, vl_m);
- vl_m->m_next = NULL;
- m_free(vl_m);
- return;
-static __inline__ void
-bond_bpf_output(struct ifnet * ifp, struct mbuf * m,
- bpf_packet_func func)
- if (func != NULL) {
- if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
- const struct ether_header * eh_p;
- eh_p = mtod(m, const struct ether_header *);
- m->m_data += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- bond_bpf_vlan(ifp, m, eh_p, m->m_pkthdr.vlan_tag, func);
- m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- } else {
- (*func)(ifp, m);
+static __inline__ void
+bond_bpf_output(struct ifnet * ifp, struct mbuf * m,
+ bpf_packet_func func)
+ if (func != NULL) {
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
+ const struct ether_header * eh_p;
+ eh_p = mtod(m, const struct ether_header *);
+ m->m_data += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_len -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ bond_bpf_vlan(ifp, m, eh_p, m->m_pkthdr.vlan_tag, func);
+ m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ } else {
+ (*func)(ifp, m);
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
-static __inline__ void
+static __inline__ void
bond_bpf_input(ifnet_t ifp, mbuf_t m, const struct ether_header * eh_p,
- bpf_packet_func func)
- if (func != NULL) {
- if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
- bond_bpf_vlan(ifp, m, eh_p, m->m_pkthdr.vlan_tag, func);
- } else {
- /* restore the header */
- m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- (*func)(ifp, m);
- m->m_data += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ bpf_packet_func func)
+ if (func != NULL) {
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
+ bond_bpf_vlan(ifp, m, eh_p, m->m_pkthdr.vlan_tag, func);
+ } else {
+ /* restore the header */
+ m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ (*func)(ifp, m);
+ m->m_data += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_len -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static int
bond_setmulti(struct ifnet * ifp)
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- int error;
- int result = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ int error;
+ int result = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)
+ || TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_setmulti");
- bond_lock();
- ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)
- || TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
+ if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ /* someone destroyed the bond while we were waiting */
+ result = EBUSY;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
- return (0);
- }
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
- ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_setmulti");
- if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- /* someone destroyed the bond while we were waiting */
- result = EBUSY;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- bond_unlock();
- /* ifbond_wait() let's us safely walk the list without holding the lock */
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- struct ifnet * port_ifp = p->po_ifp;
- error = multicast_list_program(&p->po_multicast,
- ifp, port_ifp);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_setmulti(%s): "
- "multicast_list_program(%s%d) failed, %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, ifnet_name(port_ifp),
- ifnet_unit(port_ifp), error);
- result = error;
+ /* ifbond_wait() let's us safely walk the list without holding the lock */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ struct ifnet * port_ifp = p->po_ifp;
+ error = multicast_list_program(&p->po_multicast,
+ ifp, port_ifp);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("bond_setmulti(%s): "
+ "multicast_list_program(%s%d) failed, %d\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name, ifnet_name(port_ifp),
+ ifnet_unit(port_ifp), error);
+ result = error;
+ }
- }
- bond_lock();
- signal_done:
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_setmulti");
- bond_unlock();
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- return (result);
+ bond_lock();
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
+ bond_unlock();
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ return result;
static int
- int error;
+ int error;
- if ((error = if_clone_attach(&bond_cloner)) != 0)
- return error;
- bond_lock_init();
- return 0;
+ if ((error = if_clone_attach(&bond_cloner)) != 0) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ bond_lock_init();
+ return 0;
static int
ifbond_add_slow_proto_multicast(ifbond_ref ifb)
- int error;
- struct ifmultiaddr * ifma = NULL;
- struct sockaddr_dl sdl;
+ int error;
+ struct ifmultiaddr * ifma = NULL;
+ struct sockaddr_dl sdl;
- bond_assert_lock_not_held();
+ bond_assert_lock_not_held();
- bzero(&sdl, sizeof(sdl));
- sdl.sdl_len = sizeof(sdl);
- sdl.sdl_family = AF_LINK;
- sdl.sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
- sdl.sdl_nlen = 0;
- sdl.sdl_alen = sizeof(slow_proto_multicast);
- bcopy(&slow_proto_multicast, sdl.sdl_data, sizeof(slow_proto_multicast));
- error = if_addmulti(ifb->ifb_ifp, (struct sockaddr *)&sdl,
- &ifma);
- if (error == 0) {
- ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto = ifma;
- }
- return (error);
+ bzero(&sdl, sizeof(sdl));
+ sdl.sdl_len = sizeof(sdl);
+ sdl.sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+ sdl.sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
+ sdl.sdl_nlen = 0;
+ sdl.sdl_alen = sizeof(slow_proto_multicast);
+ bcopy(&slow_proto_multicast, sdl.sdl_data, sizeof(slow_proto_multicast));
+ error = if_addmulti_anon(ifb->ifb_ifp, (struct sockaddr *)&sdl, &ifma);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ ifb->ifb_ifma_slow_proto = ifma;
+ }
+ return error;
static int
bond_clone_create(struct if_clone * ifc, u_int32_t unit, __unused void *params)
- int error;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- ifnet_t ifp;
- struct ifnet_init_params bond_init;
+ int error;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ ifnet_t ifp;
+ struct ifnet_init_eparams bond_init;
error = bond_globals_init();
if (error != 0) {
- return (error);
+ return error;
- ifb = _MALLOC(sizeof(ifbond), M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
+ ifb = if_clone_softc_allocate(&bond_cloner);
if (ifb == NULL) {
- return (ENOMEM);
+ return ENOMEM;
- bzero(ifb, sizeof(*ifb));
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ os_ref_init(&ifb->ifb_retain_count, NULL);
ifb->ifb_key = unit + 1;
/* use the interface name as the unique id for ifp recycle */
if ((u_int32_t)snprintf(ifb->ifb_name, sizeof(ifb->ifb_name), "%s%d",
- ifc->ifc_name, unit) >= sizeof(ifb->ifb_name)) {
+ ifc->ifc_name, unit) >= sizeof(ifb->ifb_name)) {
- return (EINVAL);
+ return EINVAL;
bzero(&bond_init, sizeof(bond_init));
+ bond_init.len = sizeof(bond_init);
+ bond_init.flags = IFNET_INIT_LEGACY;
bond_init.uniqueid = ifb->ifb_name;
bond_init.uniqueid_len = strlen(ifb->ifb_name);
bond_init.name = ifc->ifc_name;
bond_init.add_proto = ether_add_proto;
bond_init.del_proto = ether_del_proto;
bond_init.check_multi = ether_check_multi;
- bond_init.framer = ether_frameout;
+ bond_init.framer_extended = ether_frameout_extended;
bond_init.ioctl = bond_ioctl;
bond_init.set_bpf_tap = bond_set_bpf_tap;
bond_init.detach = bond_if_free;
bond_init.broadcast_addr = etherbroadcastaddr;
bond_init.broadcast_len = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
bond_init.softc = ifb;
- error = ifnet_allocate(&bond_init, &ifp);
+ error = ifnet_allocate_extended(&bond_init, &ifp);
if (error) {
- return (error);
+ return error;
ifb->ifb_ifp = ifp;
ifnet_set_offload(ifp, 0);
ifnet_set_addrlen(ifp, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); /* XXX ethernet specific */
ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_MULTICAST | IFF_SIMPLEX, 0xffff);
- ifnet_set_baudrate(ifp, 0);
- ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, 0);
+ ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, ETHERMTU);
error = ifnet_attach(ifp, NULL);
if (error != 0) {
- return (error);
+ return error;
error = ifbond_add_slow_proto_multicast(ifb);
if (error != 0) {
printf("bond_clone_create(%s): "
- "failed to add slow_proto multicast, %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, error);
+ "failed to add slow_proto multicast, %d\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name, error);
/* attach as ethernet */
bpfattach(ifp, DLT_EN10MB, sizeof(struct ether_header));
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb, ifb_bond_list);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
static void
bond_remove_all_interfaces(ifbond_ref ifb)
- bondport_ref p;
+ bondport_ref p;
- bond_assert_lock_held();
+ bond_assert_lock_held();
- /*
- * do this in reverse order to avoid re-programming the mac address
- * as each head interface is removed
- */
- while ((p = TAILQ_LAST(&ifb->ifb_port_list, port_list)) != NULL) {
- bond_remove_interface(ifb, p->po_ifp);
- }
- return;
+ /*
+ * do this in reverse order to avoid re-programming the mac address
+ * as each head interface is removed
+ */
+ while ((p = TAILQ_LAST(&ifb->ifb_port_list, port_list)) != NULL) {
+ bond_remove_interface(ifb, p->po_ifp);
+ }
+ return;
static void
bond_remove(ifbond_ref ifb)
- bond_assert_lock_held();
- ifbond_flags_set_if_detaching(ifb);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb, ifb_bond_list);
- bond_remove_all_interfaces(ifb);
- return;
+ bond_assert_lock_held();
+ ifbond_flags_set_if_detaching(ifb);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb, ifb_bond_list);
+ bond_remove_all_interfaces(ifb);
+ return;
static void
bond_if_detach(struct ifnet * ifp)
- int error;
+ int error;
- error = ifnet_detach(ifp);
+ error = ifnet_detach(ifp);
if (error) {
- printf("bond_if_detach %s%d: ifnet_detach failed, %d\n",
- ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
+ printf("bond_if_detach %s%d: ifnet_detach failed, %d\n",
+ ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
- return;
+ return;
static int
bond_clone_destroy(struct ifnet * ifp)
- ifbond_ref ifb;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifnet_type(ifp) != IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG) {
- bond_unlock();
- return 0;
- }
- if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifnet_type(ifp) != IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bond_remove(ifb);
+ bond_if_detach(ifp);
return 0;
- }
- bond_remove(ifb);
- bond_unlock();
- bond_if_detach(ifp);
- return 0;
-static int
+static int
bond_set_bpf_tap(struct ifnet * ifp, bpf_tap_mode mode, bpf_packet_func func)
- ifbond_ref ifb;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return ENODEV;
+ }
+ switch (mode) {
+ ifb->ifb_bpf_input = ifb->ifb_bpf_output = NULL;
+ break;
+ ifb->ifb_bpf_input = func;
+ break;
+ ifb->ifb_bpf_output = func;
+ break;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ ifb->ifb_bpf_input = ifb->ifb_bpf_output = func;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
- return (ENODEV);
- }
- switch (mode) {
- ifb->ifb_bpf_input = ifb->ifb_bpf_output = NULL;
- break;
- ifb->ifb_bpf_input = func;
- break;
- ifb->ifb_bpf_output = func;
- break;
- ifb->ifb_bpf_input = ifb->ifb_bpf_output = func;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- bond_unlock();
- return 0;
+ return 0;
static uint32_t
ether_header_hash(struct ether_header * eh_p)
- uint32_t h;
+ uint32_t h;
- /* get 32-bits from destination ether and ether type */
- h = (*((uint16_t *)&eh_p->ether_dhost[4]) << 16)
- | eh_p->ether_type;
- h ^= *((uint32_t *)&eh_p->ether_dhost[0]);
- return (h);
+ /* get 32-bits from destination ether and ether type */
+ h = (*((uint16_t *)&eh_p->ether_dhost[4]) << 16)
+ | eh_p->ether_type;
+ h ^= *((uint32_t *)&eh_p->ether_dhost[0]);
+ return h;
static struct mbuf *
S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(struct mbuf * m, int32_t * offset)
- int len;
+ int len;
- len = m->m_len;
- while (*offset >= len) {
- *offset -= len;
- m = m->m_next;
- if (m == NULL) {
- break;
- }
len = m->m_len;
- }
- return (m);
+ while (*offset >= len) {
+ *offset -= len;
+ m = m->m_next;
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ len = m->m_len;
+ }
+ return m;
static __inline__ uint32_t
make_uint32(u_char c0, u_char c1, u_char c2, u_char c3)
- return (((uint32_t)c0 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c1 << 16)
- | ((uint32_t)c2 << 8) | (uint32_t)c3);
+ return ((uint32_t)c0 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c1 << 16)
+ | ((uint32_t)c2 << 8) | (uint32_t)c3;
static __inline__ uint32_t
make_uint32(u_char c0, u_char c1, u_char c2, u_char c3)
- return (((uint32_t)c3 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c2 << 16)
- | ((uint32_t)c1 << 8) | (uint32_t)c0);
+ return ((uint32_t)c3 << 24) | ((uint32_t)c2 << 16)
+ | ((uint32_t)c1 << 8) | (uint32_t)c0;
static int
S_mbuf_copy_uint32(struct mbuf * m, int32_t offset, uint32_t * val)
- struct mbuf * current;
- u_char * current_data;
- struct mbuf * next;
- u_char * next_data;
- int space_current;
- current = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
- if (current == NULL) {
- return (1);
- }
- current_data = mtod(current, u_char *) + offset;
- space_current = current->m_len - offset;
- if (space_current >= (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
- *val = *((uint32_t *)current_data);
- return (0);
- }
- next = current->m_next;
- if (next == NULL || (next->m_len + space_current) < (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
- return (1);
- }
- next_data = mtod(next, u_char *);
- switch (space_current) {
- case 1:
- *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], next_data[0],
- next_data[1], next_data[2]);
- break;
- case 2:
- *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], current_data[1],
- next_data[0], next_data[1]);
- break;
- default:
- *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], current_data[1],
- current_data[2], next_data[0]);
- break;
- }
- return (0);
+ struct mbuf * current;
+ u_char * current_data;
+ struct mbuf * next;
+ u_char * next_data;
+ int space_current;
+ current = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
+ if (current == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ current_data = mtod(current, u_char *) + offset;
+ space_current = current->m_len - offset;
+ if (space_current >= (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ *val = *((uint32_t *)current_data);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ next = current->m_next;
+ if (next == NULL || (next->m_len + space_current) < (int)sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ next_data = mtod(next, u_char *);
+ switch (space_current) {
+ case 1:
+ *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], next_data[0],
+ next_data[1], next_data[2]);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], current_data[1],
+ next_data[0], next_data[1]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ *val = make_uint32(current_data[0], current_data[1],
+ current_data[2], next_data[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
#define IP_SRC_OFFSET (offsetof(struct ip, ip_src) - offsetof(struct ip, ip_p))
static uint32_t
ip_header_hash(struct mbuf * m)
- u_char * data;
- struct in_addr ip_dst;
- struct in_addr ip_src;
- u_char ip_p;
- int32_t offset;
- struct mbuf * orig_m = m;
- /* find the IP protocol field relative to the start of the packet */
- offset = offsetof(struct ip, ip_p) + sizeof(struct ether_header);
- m = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
- if (m == NULL || m->m_len < 1) {
- goto bad_ip_packet;
- }
- data = mtod(m, u_char *) + offset;
- ip_p = *data;
- /* find the IP src relative to the IP protocol */
- if ((m->m_len - offset)
- >= (int)(IP_SRC_OFFSET + sizeof(struct in_addr) * 2)) {
- /* this should be the normal case */
- ip_src = *(struct in_addr *)(data + IP_SRC_OFFSET);
- ip_dst = *(struct in_addr *)(data + IP_DST_OFFSET);
- }
- else {
- if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + IP_SRC_OFFSET,
- (uint32_t *)&ip_src.s_addr)) {
- goto bad_ip_packet;
- }
- if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + IP_DST_OFFSET,
- (uint32_t *)&ip_dst.s_addr)) {
- goto bad_ip_packet;
- }
- }
- return (ntohl(ip_dst.s_addr) ^ ntohl(ip_src.s_addr) ^ ((uint32_t)ip_p));
- bad_ip_packet:
- return (ether_header_hash(mtod(orig_m, struct ether_header *)));
-#define IP6_ADDRS_LEN (sizeof(struct in6_addr) * 2)
+ u_char * data;
+ struct in_addr ip_dst;
+ struct in_addr ip_src;
+ u_char ip_p;
+ int32_t offset;
+ struct mbuf * orig_m = m;
+ /* find the IP protocol field relative to the start of the packet */
+ offset = offsetof(struct ip, ip_p) + sizeof(struct ether_header);
+ m = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
+ if (m == NULL || m->m_len < 1) {
+ goto bad_ip_packet;
+ }
+ data = mtod(m, u_char *) + offset;
+ ip_p = *data;
+ /* find the IP src relative to the IP protocol */
+ if ((m->m_len - offset)
+ >= (int)(IP_SRC_OFFSET + sizeof(struct in_addr) * 2)) {
+ /* this should be the normal case */
+ ip_src = *(struct in_addr *)(data + IP_SRC_OFFSET);
+ ip_dst = *(struct in_addr *)(data + IP_DST_OFFSET);
+ } else {
+ if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + IP_SRC_OFFSET,
+ (uint32_t *)&ip_src.s_addr)) {
+ goto bad_ip_packet;
+ }
+ if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + IP_DST_OFFSET,
+ (uint32_t *)&ip_dst.s_addr)) {
+ goto bad_ip_packet;
+ }
+ }
+ return ntohl(ip_dst.s_addr) ^ ntohl(ip_src.s_addr) ^ ((uint32_t)ip_p);
+ return ether_header_hash(mtod(orig_m, struct ether_header *));
+#define IP6_ADDRS_LEN (sizeof(struct in6_addr) * 2)
static uint32_t
ipv6_header_hash(struct mbuf * m)
- u_char * data;
- int i;
- int32_t offset;
- struct mbuf * orig_m = m;
- uint32_t * scan;
- uint32_t val;
- /* find the IP protocol field relative to the start of the packet */
- offset = offsetof(struct ip6_hdr, ip6_src) + sizeof(struct ether_header);
- m = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
- if (m == NULL) {
- goto bad_ipv6_packet;
- }
- data = mtod(m, u_char *) + offset;
- val = 0;
- if ((m->m_len - offset) >= (int)IP6_ADDRS_LEN) {
- /* this should be the normal case */
- for (i = 0, scan = (uint32_t *)data;
- i < (int)(IP6_ADDRS_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t));
- i++, scan++) {
- val ^= *scan;
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < (int)(IP6_ADDRS_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
- uint32_t tmp;
- if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + i * sizeof(uint32_t),
- (uint32_t *)&tmp)) {
+ u_char * data;
+ int i;
+ int32_t offset;
+ struct mbuf * orig_m = m;
+ uint32_t * scan;
+ uint32_t val;
+ /* find the IP protocol field relative to the start of the packet */
+ offset = offsetof(struct ip6_hdr, ip6_src) + sizeof(struct ether_header);
+ m = S_mbuf_skip_to_offset(m, &offset);
+ if (m == NULL) {
goto bad_ipv6_packet;
- }
- val ^= tmp;
- }
- return (ntohl(val));
+ data = mtod(m, u_char *) + offset;
+ val = 0;
+ if ((m->m_len - offset) >= (int)IP6_ADDRS_LEN) {
+ /* this should be the normal case */
+ for (i = 0, scan = (uint32_t *)data;
+ i < (int)(IP6_ADDRS_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t));
+ i++, scan++) {
+ val ^= *scan;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)(IP6_ADDRS_LEN / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
+ uint32_t tmp;
+ if (S_mbuf_copy_uint32(m, offset + i * sizeof(uint32_t),
+ (uint32_t *)&tmp)) {
+ goto bad_ipv6_packet;
+ }
+ val ^= tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return ntohl(val);
- bad_ipv6_packet:
- return (ether_header_hash(mtod(orig_m, struct ether_header *)));
+ return ether_header_hash(mtod(orig_m, struct ether_header *));
static int
bond_output(struct ifnet * ifp, struct mbuf * m)
- bpf_packet_func bpf_func;
- uint32_t h;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- struct ifnet * port_ifp = NULL;
- if (m == 0) {
- return (0);
- }
- if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0) {
+ bpf_packet_func bpf_func;
+ uint32_t h;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ struct ifnet * port_ifp = NULL;
+ int err;
+ struct flowadv adv = { .code = FADV_SUCCESS };
+ if (m == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flowid != 0) {
+ h = m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flowid;
+ } else {
+ struct ether_header * eh_p;
+ eh_p = mtod(m, struct ether_header *);
+ switch (ntohs(eh_p->ether_type)) {
+ h = ip_header_hash(m);
+ break;
+ h = ipv6_header_hash(m);
+ break;
+ default:
+ h = ether_header_hash(eh_p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)
+ || ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ h %= ifb->ifb_distributing_count;
+ port_ifp = ifb->ifb_distributing_array[h]->po_ifp;
+ bpf_func = ifb->ifb_bpf_output;
+ bond_unlock();
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
+ (void)ifnet_stat_increment_out(ifp, 1,
+ m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_VLAN_ENCAP_LEN,
+ 0);
+ } else {
+ (void)ifnet_stat_increment_out(ifp, 1, m->m_pkthdr.len, 0);
+ }
+ bond_bpf_output(ifp, m, bpf_func);
+ err = dlil_output(port_ifp, PF_BOND, m, NULL, NULL, 1, &adv);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ if (adv.code == FADV_FLOW_CONTROLLED) {
+ err = EQFULL;
+ } else if (adv.code == FADV_SUSPENDED) {
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+ bond_unlock();
- return (0);
- }
- if (m->m_pkthdr.socket_id != 0) {
- h = m->m_pkthdr.socket_id;
- }
- else {
- struct ether_header * eh_p;
- eh_p = mtod(m, struct ether_header *);
- switch (ntohs(eh_p->ether_type)) {
- h = ip_header_hash(m);
- break;
- h = ipv6_header_hash(m);
- break;
- default:
- h = ether_header_hash(eh_p);
- break;
- }
- }
- bond_lock();
- ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)
- || ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- h %= ifb->ifb_distributing_count;
- port_ifp = ifb->ifb_distributing_array[h]->po_ifp;
- bpf_func = ifb->ifb_bpf_output;
- bond_unlock();
- if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
- (void)ifnet_stat_increment_out(ifp, 1,
- m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_VLAN_ENCAP_LEN,
- 0);
- } else {
- (void)ifnet_stat_increment_out(ifp, 1, m->m_pkthdr.len, 0);
- }
- bond_bpf_output(ifp, m, bpf_func);
- return (ifnet_output_raw(port_ifp, PF_BOND, m));
- done:
- bond_unlock();
- m_freem(m);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
static bondport_ref
ifbond_lookup_port(ifbond_ref ifb, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- bondport_ref p;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- if (p->po_ifp == port_ifp) {
- return (p);
+ bondport_ref p;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ if (p->po_ifp == port_ifp) {
+ return p;
+ }
- }
- return (NULL);
+ return NULL;
static bondport_ref
bond_lookup_port(struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- bondport_ref port;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ bondport_ref port;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ifb, &g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb_bond_list) {
- port = ifbond_lookup_port(ifb, port_ifp);
- if (port != NULL) {
- return (port);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifb, &g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb_bond_list) {
+ port = ifbond_lookup_port(ifb, port_ifp);
+ if (port != NULL) {
+ return port;
+ }
- }
- return (NULL);
+ return NULL;
static void
bond_receive_lacpdu(struct mbuf * m, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- int event_code = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
- bond_lock();
- if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
- if (p == NULL) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (p->po_enabled == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- ifb = p->po_bond;
- if (ifb->ifb_mode != IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- goto done;
- }
- bondport_receive_lacpdu(p, (lacpdu_ref)m->m_data);
- if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
- bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- else {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- if (event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("%s: (receive) generating LINK event\n",
- ifb->ifb_name);
- }
- bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- }
- done:
- bond_unlock();
- if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
- interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
- }
- m_freem(m);
- return;
-static void
-bond_receive_la_marker_pdu(struct mbuf * m, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- la_marker_pdu_ref marker_p;
- bondport_ref p;
+ struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ int event_code = 0;
+ bool need_link_update = false;
+ bondport_ref p;
- marker_p = (la_marker_pdu_ref)(m->m_data + ETHER_HDR_LEN);
- if (marker_p->lm_marker_tlv_type != LA_MARKER_TLV_TYPE_MARKER) {
- goto failed;
- }
- bond_lock();
- if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
- bond_unlock();
- goto failed;
- }
- p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
- if (p == NULL || p->po_enabled == 0
- || p->po_bond->ifb_mode != IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- bond_unlock();
- goto failed;
- }
- /* echo back the same packet as a marker response */
- marker_p->lm_marker_tlv_type = LA_MARKER_TLV_TYPE_MARKER_RESPONSE;
- bondport_slow_proto_transmit(p, (packet_buffer_ref)m);
- bond_unlock();
- return;
- failed:
- m_freem(m);
- return;
-static int
-bond_input(ifnet_t port_ifp, __unused protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t m,
- char * frame_header)
- bpf_packet_func bpf_func;
- const struct ether_header * eh_p;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- struct ifnet * ifp;
- bondport_ref p;
- eh_p = (const struct ether_header *)frame_header;
- if ((m->m_flags & M_MCAST) != 0
- && bcmp(eh_p->ether_dhost, &slow_proto_multicast,
- sizeof(eh_p->ether_dhost)) == 0
- && ntohs(eh_p->ether_type) == IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_ETHERTYPE) {
- u_char subtype = *mtod(m, u_char *);
- if (subtype == IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_SUBTYPE_LACP) {
- if (m->m_pkthdr.len < (int)offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved)) {
- m_freem(m);
- return (0);
- }
- /* send to lacp */
- if (m->m_len < (int)offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved)) {
- m = m_pullup(m, offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved));
- if (m == NULL) {
- return (0);
+ bond_lock();
+ if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (p->po_enabled == 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ifb = p->po_bond;
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode != IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Work-around for rdar://problem/51372042
+ * Sometimes, the link comes up but the driver doesn't report the
+ * negotiated medium at that time. When we receive an LACPDU packet,
+ * and the medium is unknown, force a link status check. Don't force
+ * the link status check more often than _FORCE_LINK_EVENT_INTERVAL
+ * seconds.
+ */
+ if (media_type_unknown(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ uint64_t now = net_uptime();
+ if ((now - p->po_force_link_event_time) >=
+ need_link_update = true;
+ p->po_force_link_event_time = now;
- }
- bond_receive_lacpdu(m, port_ifp);
- return (0);
- int min_size;
- /* restore the ethernet header pointer in the mbuf */
- m->m_pkthdr.len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
- min_size = ETHER_HDR_LEN + offsetof(la_marker_pdu, lm_reserved);
- if (m->m_pkthdr.len < min_size) {
- m_freem(m);
- return (0);
- }
- /* send to lacp */
- if (m->m_len < min_size) {
- m = m_pullup(m, min_size);
- if (m == NULL) {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* send to marker responder */
- bond_receive_la_marker_pdu(m, port_ifp);
- return (0);
- }
- else if (subtype == 0
- /* invalid subtype, discard the frame */
- m_freem(m);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- bond_lock();
- if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
- if (p == NULL || bondport_collecting(p) == 0) {
- goto done;
- }
- /* make the packet appear as if it arrived on the bonded interface */
- ifb = p->po_bond;
- ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- bpf_func = ifb->ifb_bpf_input;
- bond_unlock();
- if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
- (void)ifnet_stat_increment_in(ifp, 1,
- (m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_HDR_LEN
- }
- else {
- (void)ifnet_stat_increment_in(ifp, 1,
- (m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_HDR_LEN), 0);
- }
- m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
- bond_bpf_input(ifp, m, eh_p, bpf_func);
- m->m_pkthdr.header = frame_header;
- dlil_input_packet_list(ifp, m);
- return 0;
- done:
- bond_unlock();
- m_freem(m);
- return (0);
+ bondport_receive_lacpdu(p, (lacpdu_ref)m->m_data);
+ if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
+ bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ } else {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ if (event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("%s: (receive) generating LINK event\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name);
+ }
+ bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
+ }
+ bond_unlock();
+ if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
+ interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
+ }
+ m_freem(m);
+ if (need_link_update) {
+ if (if_bond_debug != 0) {
+ printf("bond: simulating link status changed event");
+ }
+ bond_handle_event(port_ifp, KEV_DL_LINK_ON);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+bond_receive_la_marker_pdu(struct mbuf * m, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
+ la_marker_pdu_ref marker_p;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ marker_p = (la_marker_pdu_ref)(m->m_data + ETHER_HDR_LEN);
+ if (marker_p->lm_marker_tlv_type != LA_MARKER_TLV_TYPE_MARKER) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
+ if (p == NULL || p->po_enabled == 0
+ || p->po_bond->ifb_mode != IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* echo back the same packet as a marker response */
+ marker_p->lm_marker_tlv_type = LA_MARKER_TLV_TYPE_MARKER_RESPONSE;
+ bondport_slow_proto_transmit(p, (packet_buffer_ref)m);
+ bond_unlock();
+ return;
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+static void
+bond_input(ifnet_t port_ifp, mbuf_t m, char *frame_header)
+ bpf_packet_func bpf_func;
+ const struct ether_header * eh_p;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ struct ifnet * ifp;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ eh_p = (const struct ether_header *)frame_header;
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_MCAST) != 0
+ && bcmp(eh_p->ether_dhost, &slow_proto_multicast,
+ sizeof(eh_p->ether_dhost)) == 0
+ && ntohs(eh_p->ether_type) == IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_ETHERTYPE) {
+ u_char subtype = *mtod(m, u_char *);
+ if (subtype == IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_SUBTYPE_LACP) {
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.len < (int)offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved)) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* send to lacp */
+ if (m->m_len < (int)offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved)) {
+ m = m_pullup(m, offsetof(lacpdu, la_reserved));
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ bond_receive_lacpdu(m, port_ifp);
+ return;
+ int min_size;
+ /* restore the ethernet header pointer in the mbuf */
+ m->m_pkthdr.len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_data -= ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ m->m_len += ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ min_size = ETHER_HDR_LEN + offsetof(la_marker_pdu, lm_reserved);
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.len < min_size) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* send to lacp */
+ if (m->m_len < min_size) {
+ m = m_pullup(m, min_size);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* send to marker responder */
+ bond_receive_la_marker_pdu(m, port_ifp);
+ return;
+ } else if (subtype == 0
+ /* invalid subtype, discard the frame */
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & IFEF_BOND) == 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
+ if (p == NULL || bondport_collecting(p) == 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ifb = p->po_bond;
+ ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ bpf_func = ifb->ifb_bpf_input;
+ bond_unlock();
+ /*
+ * Need to clear the promiscous flags otherwise it will be
+ * dropped by DLIL after processing filters
+ */
+ if ((mbuf_flags(m) & MBUF_PROMISC)) {
+ mbuf_setflags_mask(m, 0, MBUF_PROMISC);
+ }
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_VLAN_TAG_VALID) {
+ (void)ifnet_stat_increment_in(ifp, 1,
+ (m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_HDR_LEN
+ } else {
+ (void)ifnet_stat_increment_in(ifp, 1,
+ (m->m_pkthdr.len + ETHER_HDR_LEN), 0);
+ }
+ /* make the packet appear as if it arrived on the bonded interface */
+ m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
+ bond_bpf_input(ifp, m, eh_p, bpf_func);
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_hdr = frame_header;
+ dlil_input_packet_list(ifp, m);
+ return;
+ bond_unlock();
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+static errno_t
+bond_iff_input(void *cookie, ifnet_t port_ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
+ mbuf_t *data, char **frame_header_ptr)
+#pragma unused(cookie)
+#pragma unused(protocol)
+ mbuf_t m = *data;
+ char * frame_header = *frame_header_ptr;
+ bond_input(port_ifp, m, frame_header);
static __inline__ const char *
bondport_get_name(bondport_ref p)
- return (p->po_name);
+ return p->po_name;
static __inline__ int
bondport_get_index(bondport_ref p)
- return (ifnet_index(p->po_ifp));
+ return ifnet_index(p->po_ifp);
static void
bondport_slow_proto_transmit(bondport_ref p, packet_buffer_ref buf)
- struct ether_header * eh_p;
- int error;
+ struct ether_header * eh_p;
+ int error;
- /* packet_buffer_allocate leaves room for ethernet header */
- eh_p = mtod(buf, struct ether_header *);
- bcopy(&slow_proto_multicast, &eh_p->ether_dhost, sizeof(eh_p->ether_dhost));
- bcopy(&p->po_saved_addr, eh_p->ether_shost, sizeof(eh_p->ether_shost));
- eh_p->ether_type = htons(IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_ETHERTYPE);
- error = ifnet_output_raw(p->po_ifp, PF_BOND, buf);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bondport_slow_proto_transmit(%s) failed %d\n",
- bondport_get_name(p), error);
- }
- return;
+ /* packet_buffer_allocate leaves room for ethernet header */
+ eh_p = mtod(buf, struct ether_header *);
+ bcopy(&slow_proto_multicast, &eh_p->ether_dhost, sizeof(eh_p->ether_dhost));
+ bcopy(&p->po_saved_addr, eh_p->ether_shost, sizeof(eh_p->ether_shost));
+ eh_p->ether_type = htons(IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_ETHERTYPE);
+ error = ifnet_output_raw(p->po_ifp, PF_BOND, buf);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("bondport_slow_proto_transmit(%s) failed %d\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ }
+ return;
static void
-bondport_timer_process_func(devtimer_ref timer,
- devtimer_process_func_event event)
+bondport_timer_process_func(devtimer_ref timer,
+ devtimer_process_func_event event)
- bondport_ref p;
+ bondport_ref p;
- switch (event) {
- case devtimer_process_func_event_lock:
- bond_lock();
- devtimer_retain(timer);
- break;
- case devtimer_process_func_event_unlock:
- if (devtimer_valid(timer)) {
- /* as long as the devtimer is valid, we can look at arg0 */
- int event_code = 0;
- struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
- p = (bondport_ref)devtimer_arg0(timer);
- if (ifbond_selection(p->po_bond)) {
- event_code = (p->po_bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
- bond_ifp = p->po_bond->ifb_ifp;
- p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- else {
- event_code = (p->po_bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- if (event_code != p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("%s: (timer) generating LINK event\n",
- p->po_bond->ifb_name);
- }
- bond_ifp = p->po_bond->ifb_ifp;
- p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- }
- devtimer_release(timer);
- bond_unlock();
- if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
- interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* timer is going away */
- devtimer_release(timer);
- bond_unlock();
+ switch (event) {
+ case devtimer_process_func_event_lock:
+ bond_lock();
+ devtimer_retain(timer);
+ break;
+ case devtimer_process_func_event_unlock:
+ if (devtimer_valid(timer)) {
+ /* as long as the devtimer is valid, we can look at arg0 */
+ int event_code = 0;
+ struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
+ p = (bondport_ref)devtimer_arg0(timer);
+ if (ifbond_selection(p->po_bond)) {
+ event_code = (p->po_bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
+ bond_ifp = p->po_bond->ifb_ifp;
+ p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ } else {
+ event_code = (p->po_bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ if (event_code != p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("%s: (timer) generating LINK event\n",
+ p->po_bond->ifb_name);
+ }
+ bond_ifp = p->po_bond->ifb_ifp;
+ p->po_bond->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
+ }
+ devtimer_release(timer);
+ bond_unlock();
+ if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
+ interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* timer is going away */
+ devtimer_release(timer);
+ bond_unlock();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
static bondport_ref
bondport_create(struct ifnet * port_ifp, lacp_port_priority priority,
- int active, int short_timeout, int * ret_error)
- int error = 0;
- bondport_ref p = NULL;
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- *ret_error = 0;
- p = _MALLOC(sizeof(*p), M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
- if (p == NULL) {
- *ret_error = ENOMEM;
- return (NULL);
- }
- bzero(p, sizeof(*p));
- multicast_list_init(&p->po_multicast);
- if ((u_int32_t)snprintf(p->po_name, sizeof(p->po_name), "%s%d",
- ifnet_name(port_ifp), ifnet_unit(port_ifp))
- >= sizeof(p->po_name)) {
- printf("if_bond: name too large\n");
- *ret_error = EINVAL;
- goto failed;
- }
- error = siocgifdevmtu(port_ifp, &p->po_devmtu);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("if_bond: SIOCGIFDEVMTU %s failed, %d\n",
- bondport_get_name(p), error);
- goto failed;
- }
- /* remember the current interface MTU so it can be restored */
- p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current = ifnet_mtu(port_ifp);
- p->po_ifp = port_ifp;
- p->po_media_info = interface_media_info(port_ifp);
- p->po_current_while_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
- if (p->po_current_while_timer == NULL) {
- *ret_error = ENOMEM;
- goto failed;
- }
- p->po_periodic_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
- if (p->po_periodic_timer == NULL) {
- *ret_error = ENOMEM;
- goto failed;
- }
- p->po_wait_while_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
- if (p->po_wait_while_timer == NULL) {
- *ret_error = ENOMEM;
- goto failed;
- }
- p->po_transmit_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
- if (p->po_transmit_timer == NULL) {
- *ret_error = ENOMEM;
- goto failed;
- }
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_none;
- p->po_mux_state = MuxState_none;
- p->po_priority = priority;
- s = 0;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_aggregatable(s);
- if (short_timeout) {
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_short_timeout(s);
- }
- if (active) {
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_active_lacp(s);
- }
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- return (p);
- failed:
- bondport_free(p);
- return (NULL);
+ int active, int short_timeout, int * ret_error)
+ int error = 0;
+ bondport_ref p = NULL;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ *ret_error = 0;
+ p = _MALLOC(sizeof(*p), M_BOND, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ *ret_error = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ multicast_list_init(&p->po_multicast);
+ if ((u_int32_t)snprintf(p->po_name, sizeof(p->po_name), "%s%d",
+ ifnet_name(port_ifp), ifnet_unit(port_ifp))
+ >= sizeof(p->po_name)) {
+ printf("if_bond: name too large\n");
+ *ret_error = EINVAL;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ error = siocgifdevmtu(port_ifp, &p->po_devmtu);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("if_bond: SIOCGIFDEVMTU %s failed, %d\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* remember the current interface MTU so it can be restored */
+ p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current = ifnet_mtu(port_ifp);
+ p->po_ifp = port_ifp;
+ p->po_media_info = interface_media_info(port_ifp);
+ p->po_current_while_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
+ if (p->po_current_while_timer == NULL) {
+ *ret_error = ENOMEM;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ p->po_periodic_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
+ if (p->po_periodic_timer == NULL) {
+ *ret_error = ENOMEM;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ p->po_wait_while_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
+ if (p->po_wait_while_timer == NULL) {
+ *ret_error = ENOMEM;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ p->po_transmit_timer = devtimer_create(bondport_timer_process_func, p);
+ if (p->po_transmit_timer == NULL) {
+ *ret_error = ENOMEM;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_none;
+ p->po_mux_state = MuxState_none;
+ p->po_priority = priority;
+ s = 0;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_aggregatable(s);
+ if (short_timeout) {
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_short_timeout(s);
+ }
+ if (active) {
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_active_lacp(s);
+ }
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ return p;
+ bondport_free(p);
+ return NULL;
static void
bondport_start(bondport_ref p)
- bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- return;
+ bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ return;
static void
bondport_invalidate_timers(bondport_ref p)
- devtimer_invalidate(p->po_current_while_timer);
- devtimer_invalidate(p->po_periodic_timer);
- devtimer_invalidate(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- devtimer_invalidate(p->po_transmit_timer);
+ devtimer_invalidate(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ devtimer_invalidate(p->po_periodic_timer);
+ devtimer_invalidate(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ devtimer_invalidate(p->po_transmit_timer);
static void
bondport_cancel_timers(bondport_ref p)
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_transmit_timer);
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_transmit_timer);
static void
bondport_free(bondport_ref p)
- multicast_list_remove(&p->po_multicast);
- devtimer_release(p->po_current_while_timer);
- devtimer_release(p->po_periodic_timer);
- devtimer_release(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- devtimer_release(p->po_transmit_timer);
- FREE(p, M_BOND);
- return;
+ multicast_list_remove(&p->po_multicast);
+ devtimer_release(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ devtimer_release(p->po_periodic_timer);
+ devtimer_release(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ devtimer_release(p->po_transmit_timer);
+ FREE(p, M_BOND);
+ return;
static __inline__ int
bond_device_mtu(struct ifnet * ifp, ifbond_ref ifb)
- return (((int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) > ifb->ifb_altmtu)
- ? (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) : ifb->ifb_altmtu);
+ return ((int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) > ifb->ifb_altmtu)
+ ? (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) : ifb->ifb_altmtu;
static int
bond_add_interface(struct ifnet * ifp, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- int devmtu;
- int error = 0;
- int event_code = 0;
- int first = FALSE;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- bondport_ref * new_array = NULL;
- bondport_ref * old_array = NULL;
- bondport_ref p;
- int progress = 0;
- /* pre-allocate space for new port */
- p = bondport_create(port_ifp, 0x8000, 1, 0, &error);
- if (p == NULL) {
- return (error);
- }
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ uint32_t control_flags = 0;
+ int devmtu;
+ int error = 0;
+ int event_code = 0;
+ interface_filter_t filter = NULL;
+ int first = FALSE;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ bondport_ref * new_array = NULL;
+ bondport_ref * old_array = NULL;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ if (IFNET_IS_INTCOPROC(port_ifp)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* pre-allocate space for new port */
+ p = bondport_create(port_ifp, 0x8000, 1, 0, &error);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ bondport_free(p);
+ return ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ }
+ /* make sure this interface can handle our current MTU */
+ devmtu = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
+ if (devmtu != 0
+ && (devmtu > p->po_devmtu.ifdm_max || devmtu < p->po_devmtu.ifdm_min)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ printf("if_bond: interface %s doesn't support mtu %d",
+ bondport_get_name(p), devmtu);
+ bondport_free(p);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* make sure ifb doesn't get de-allocated while we wait */
+ ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ /* wait for other add or remove to complete */
+ ifbond_wait(ifb, __func__);
+ if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ /* someone destroyed the bond while we were waiting */
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ if (bond_lookup_port(port_ifp) != NULL) {
+ /* port is already part of a bond */
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_exclusive(port_ifp);
+ if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & (IFEF_VLAN | IFEF_BOND)) != 0) {
+ /* interface already has VLAN's, or is part of bond */
+ ifnet_lock_done(port_ifp);
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ /* mark the interface busy */
+ /* can't use ifnet_set_eflags because that takes the lock */
+ port_ifp->if_eflags |= IFEF_BOND;
+ ifnet_lock_done(port_ifp);
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
+ ifnet_set_offload(ifp, ifnet_offload(port_ifp));
+ ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_RUNNING, IFF_RUNNING);
+ if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE) {
+ first = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ifnet_offload_t ifp_offload;
+ ifnet_offload_t port_ifp_offload;
+ ifp_offload = ifnet_offload(ifp);
+ port_ifp_offload = ifnet_offload(port_ifp);
+ if (ifp_offload != port_ifp_offload) {
+ ifnet_offload_t offload;
+ offload = ifp_offload & port_ifp_offload;
+ printf("%s(%s, %s) "
+ "hwassist values don't match 0x%x != 0x%x, using 0x%x instead\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
+ ifp_offload, port_ifp_offload, offload);
+ /*
+ * XXX
+ * if the bond has VLAN's, we can't simply change the hwassist
+ * field behind its back: this needs work
+ */
+ ifnet_set_offload(ifp, offload);
+ }
+ }
+ p->po_bond = ifb;
+ /* remember the port's ethernet address so it can be restored */
+ ether_addr_copy(&p->po_saved_addr, IF_LLADDR(port_ifp));
+ /* add it to the list of ports */
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
+ ifb->ifb_port_count++;
- bondport_free(p);
- return ((ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY));
- }
- /* make sure this interface can handle our current MTU */
- devmtu = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
- if (devmtu != 0
- && (devmtu > p->po_devmtu.ifdm_max || devmtu < p->po_devmtu.ifdm_min)) {
+ /* first port added to bond determines bond's ethernet address */
+ if (first) {
+ ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, IF_LLADDR(port_ifp), ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
+ }
+ control_flags |= PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_IN_LIST;
+ /* allocate a larger distributing array */
+ new_array = (bondport_ref *)
+ _MALLOC(sizeof(*new_array) * ifb->ifb_port_count, M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
+ if (new_array == NULL) {
+ error = ENOMEM;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* attach our BOND "protocol" to the interface */
+ error = bond_attach_protocol(port_ifp);
+ if (error) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* attach our BOND interface filter */
+ error = bond_attach_filter(port_ifp, &filter);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* set the interface MTU */
+ devmtu = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
+ error = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, devmtu);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s):"
+ " SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), devmtu, error);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ control_flags |= PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_MTU_SET;
+ /* program the port with our multicast addresses */
+ error = multicast_list_program(&p->po_multicast, ifp, port_ifp);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): multicast_list_program failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* mark the interface up */
+ ifnet_set_flags(port_ifp, IFF_UP, IFF_UP);
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(port_ifp, 0, SIOCSIFFLAGS, NULL);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): SIOCSIFFLAGS failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* re-program the port's ethernet address */
+ error = if_siflladdr(port_ifp,
+ (const struct ether_addr *)IF_LLADDR(ifp));
+ if (error == 0) {
+ if (memcmp(IF_LLADDR(ifp), IF_LLADDR(port_ifp), ETHER_ADDR_LEN)
+ != 0) {
+ /* it lied, it really doesn't support setting lladdr */
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /* port doesn't support setting the link address */
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): if_siflladdr failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(port_ifp, 1);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /* port doesn't support setting promiscuous mode */
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): set promiscuous failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ /* no failures past this point */
+ p->po_enabled = 1;
+ p->po_control_flags = control_flags;
+ /* copy the contents of the existing distributing array */
+ if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count) {
+ bcopy(ifb->ifb_distributing_array, new_array,
+ sizeof(*new_array) * ifb->ifb_distributing_count);
+ }
+ old_array = ifb->ifb_distributing_array;
+ ifb->ifb_distributing_array = new_array;
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ bondport_start(p);
+ /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
+ if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* are we adding the first distributing interface? */
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_ON;
+ }
+ bondport_enable_distributing(p);
+ } else {
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ }
+ }
+ p->po_filter = filter;
+ /* clear the busy state, and wakeup anyone waiting */
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
- printf("if_bond: interface %s doesn't support mtu %d",
- bondport_get_name(p), devmtu);
- bondport_free(p);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- /* make sure ifb doesn't get de-allocated while we wait */
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
- /* wait for other add or remove to complete */
- ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_add_interface");
- if (ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- /* someone destroyed the bond while we were waiting */
- error = EBUSY;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- if (bond_lookup_port(port_ifp) != NULL) {
- /* port is already part of a bond */
- error = EBUSY;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- ifnet_lock_exclusive(port_ifp);
- if ((ifnet_eflags(port_ifp) & (IFEF_VLAN | IFEF_BOND)) != 0) {
- /* interface already has VLAN's, or is part of bond */
- ifnet_lock_done(port_ifp);
- error = EBUSY;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- /* mark the interface busy */
- /* can't use ifnet_set_eflags because that takes the lock */
- port_ifp->if_eflags |= IFEF_BOND;
- ifnet_lock_done(port_ifp);
- if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
- ifnet_set_offload(ifp, ifnet_offload(port_ifp));
- ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_RUNNING, IFF_RUNNING);
- if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE) {
- first = TRUE;
- }
- } else {
- ifnet_offload_t ifp_offload;
- ifnet_offload_t port_ifp_offload;
- ifp_offload = ifnet_offload(ifp);
- port_ifp_offload = ifnet_offload(port_ifp);
- if (ifp_offload != port_ifp_offload) {
- ifnet_offload_t offload;
- offload = ifp_offload & port_ifp_offload;
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s) "
- "hwassist values don't match 0x%x != 0x%x, using 0x%x instead\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
- ifp_offload, port_ifp_offload, offload);
- /*
- * XXX
- * if the bond has VLAN's, we can't simply change the hwassist
- * field behind its back: this needs work
- */
- ifnet_set_offload(ifp, offload);
- }
- }
- p->po_bond = ifb;
- /* remember the port's ethernet address so it can be restored */
- ether_addr_copy(&p->po_saved_addr, ifnet_lladdr(port_ifp));
- /* add it to the list of ports */
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
- ifb->ifb_port_count++;
- /* set the default MTU */
- if (ifnet_mtu(ifp) == 0) {
- ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, ETHERMTU);
- }
- bond_unlock();
- /* first port added to bond determines bond's ethernet address */
- if (first) {
- ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, ifnet_lladdr(port_ifp), ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
- }
- /* allocate a larger distributing array */
- new_array = (bondport_ref *)
- _MALLOC(sizeof(*new_array) * ifb->ifb_port_count, M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
- if (new_array == NULL) {
- error = ENOMEM;
- goto failed;
- }
- /* attach our BOND "protocol" to the interface */
- error = bond_attach_protocol(port_ifp);
- if (error) {
- goto failed;
- }
- /* set the interface MTU */
- devmtu = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
- error = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, devmtu);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s):"
- " SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), devmtu, error);
- goto failed;
- }
- /* program the port with our multicast addresses */
- error = multicast_list_program(&p->po_multicast, ifp, port_ifp);
- if (error) {
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s):"
- " multicast_list_program failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
- goto failed;
- }
- /* mark the interface up */
- ifnet_set_flags(port_ifp, IFF_UP, IFF_UP);
- error = ifnet_ioctl(port_ifp, 0, SIOCSIFFLAGS, NULL);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s): SIOCSIFFLAGS failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
- goto failed;
- }
- /* re-program the port's ethernet address */
- error = if_siflladdr(port_ifp,
- (const struct ether_addr *)ifnet_lladdr(ifp));
- if (error != 0) {
- /* port doesn't support setting the link address */
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s): if_siflladdr failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
- goto failed;
- }
- bond_lock();
- /* no failures past this point */
- p->po_enabled = 1;
- /* copy the contents of the existing distributing array */
- if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count) {
- bcopy(ifb->ifb_distributing_array, new_array,
- sizeof(*new_array) * ifb->ifb_distributing_count);
- }
- old_array = ifb->ifb_distributing_array;
- ifb->ifb_distributing_array = new_array;
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- bondport_start(p);
+ if (event_code != 0) {
+ interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
+ }
+ if (old_array != NULL) {
+ FREE(old_array, M_BOND);
+ }
+ return 0;
- /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
- if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* are we adding the first distributing interface? */
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_ON;
- }
- bondport_enable_distributing(p);
- }
- else {
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- }
- }
- /* clear the busy state, and wakeup anyone waiting */
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_add_interface");
- bond_unlock();
- if (event_code != 0) {
- interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
- }
- if (old_array != NULL) {
- FREE(old_array, M_BOND);
- }
- return 0;
- failed:
- bond_assert_lock_not_held();
- /* if this was the first port to be added, clear our address */
- if (first) {
- ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, NULL, 0, IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG);
- }
- if (new_array != NULL) {
- FREE(new_array, M_BOND);
- }
- if ((progress & BOND_ADD_PROGRESS_LLADDR_SET) != 0) {
- int error1;
- error1 = if_siflladdr(port_ifp, &p->po_saved_addr);
- if (error1 != 0) {
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s): if_siflladdr failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error1);
- }
- }
- if ((progress & BOND_ADD_PROGRESS_PROTO_ATTACHED) != 0) {
- (void)bond_detach_protocol(port_ifp);
- }
- if ((progress & BOND_ADD_PROGRESS_MTU_SET) != 0) {
- int error1;
- error1 = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current);
- if (error1 != 0) {
- printf("bond_add_interface(%s, %s): SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
- p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current, error1);
- }
- }
- bond_lock();
- if ((progress & BOND_ADD_PROGRESS_IN_LIST) != 0) {
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
- ifb->ifb_port_count--;
- }
- ifnet_set_eflags(ifp, 0, IFEF_BOND);
- if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
- ifb->ifb_altmtu = 0;
- ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, 0);
- ifnet_set_offload(ifp, 0);
- }
+ bond_assert_lock_not_held();
- signal_done:
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_add_interface");
- bond_unlock();
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- bondport_free(p);
- return (error);
+ /* if this was the first port to be added, clear our address */
+ if (first) {
+ ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, NULL, 0, IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG);
+ }
+ if (new_array != NULL) {
+ FREE(new_array, M_BOND);
+ }
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_LLADDR_SET) != 0) {
+ int error1;
+ error1 = if_siflladdr(port_ifp, &p->po_saved_addr);
+ if (error1 != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): if_siflladdr restore failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_PROMISCUOUS_SET) != 0) {
+ int error1;
+ error1 = ifnet_set_promiscuous(port_ifp, 0);
+ if (error1 != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): promiscous mode disable failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_PROTO_ATTACHED) != 0) {
+ (void)bond_detach_protocol(port_ifp);
+ }
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_FILTER_ATTACHED) != 0) {
+ iflt_detach(filter);
+ }
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_MTU_SET) != 0) {
+ int error1;
+ error1 = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current);
+ if (error1 != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
+ p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current, error1);
+ }
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ if ((control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_IN_LIST) != 0) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
+ ifb->ifb_port_count--;
+ }
+ ifnet_set_eflags(ifp, 0, IFEF_BOND);
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&ifb->ifb_port_list)) {
+ ifb->ifb_altmtu = 0;
+ ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, ETHERMTU);
+ ifnet_set_offload(ifp, 0);
+ }
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
+ bond_unlock();
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ bondport_free(p);
+ return error;
static int
bond_remove_interface(ifbond_ref ifb, struct ifnet * port_ifp)
- int active_lag = 0;
- int error = 0;
- int event_code = 0;
- bondport_ref head_port;
- struct ifnet * ifp;
- int last = FALSE;
- int new_link_address = FALSE;
- bondport_ref p;
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- int was_distributing;
- bond_assert_lock_held();
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
- ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_remove_interface");
- p = ifbond_lookup_port(ifb, port_ifp);
- if (p == NULL) {
- error = ENXIO;
- /* it got removed by another thread */
- goto signal_done;
- }
- /* de-select it and remove it from the lists */
- was_distributing = bondport_flags_distributing(p);
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- active_lag = bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
- /* invalidate timers here while holding the bond_lock */
- bondport_invalidate_timers(p);
- /* announce that we're Individual now */
- s = p->po_actor_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- }
+ int active_lag = 0;
+ int error = 0;
+ int event_code = 0;
+ bondport_ref head_port;
+ struct ifnet * ifp;
+ interface_filter_t filter;
+ int last = FALSE;
+ int new_link_address = FALSE;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ int was_distributing;
+ bond_assert_lock_held();
+ ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_remove_interface");
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
- ifb->ifb_port_count--;
+ p = ifbond_lookup_port(ifb, port_ifp);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ /* it got removed by another thread */
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
- ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- head_port = TAILQ_FIRST(&ifb->ifb_port_list);
- if (head_port == NULL) {
- ifnet_set_flags(ifp, 0, IFF_RUNNING);
- if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE) {
- last = TRUE;
+ /* de-select it and remove it from the lists */
+ was_distributing = bondport_flags_distributing(p);
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ active_lag = bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
+ /* invalidate timers here while holding the bond_lock */
+ bondport_invalidate_timers(p);
+ /* announce that we're Individual now */
+ s = p->po_actor_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- ifnet_set_offload(ifp, 0);
- ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, 0);
- ifb->ifb_altmtu = 0;
- } else if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE
- && bcmp(&p->po_saved_addr, ifnet_lladdr(ifp),
- ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {
- new_link_address = TRUE;
- }
- /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP ) {
- if (ifbond_selection(ifb) || active_lag) {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart,
- }
- else {
- /* are we removing the last distributing interface? */
- if (was_distributing && ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_OFF;
- }
- }
- bond_unlock();
- if (last) {
- ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, NULL, 0, IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG);
- }
- else if (new_link_address) {
- struct ifnet * scan_ifp;
- bondport_ref scan_port;
- /* ifbond_wait() allows port list traversal without holding the lock */
- /* this port gave the bond its ethernet address, switch to new one */
- ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp,
- &head_port->po_saved_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
- /* re-program each port with the new link address */
- TAILQ_FOREACH(scan_port, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- scan_ifp = scan_port->po_ifp;
- error = if_siflladdr(scan_ifp,
- (const struct ether_addr *) ifnet_lladdr(ifp));
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_remove_interface(%s, %s): "
- "if_siflladdr (%s) failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
- bondport_get_name(scan_port), error);
- }
- }
- }
- /* restore the port's ethernet address */
- error = if_siflladdr(port_ifp, &p->po_saved_addr);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_remove_interface(%s, %s): if_siflladdr failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
- }
- /* restore the port's MTU */
- error = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond_remove_interface(%s, %s): SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
- p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current, error);
- }
- /* remove the bond "protocol" */
- bond_detach_protocol(port_ifp);
- /* generate link event */
- if (event_code != 0) {
- interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
- }
- bond_lock();
- bondport_free(p);
- ifnet_set_eflags(port_ifp, 0, IFEF_BOND);
- /* release this bondport's reference to the ifbond */
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- signal_done:
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_remove_interface");
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- return (error);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifb->ifb_port_list, p, po_port_list);
+ ifb->ifb_port_count--;
+ ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ head_port = TAILQ_FIRST(&ifb->ifb_port_list);
+ if (head_port == NULL) {
+ ifnet_set_flags(ifp, 0, IFF_RUNNING);
+ if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE) {
+ last = TRUE;
+ }
+ ifnet_set_offload(ifp, 0);
+ ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, ETHERMTU);
+ ifb->ifb_altmtu = 0;
+ } else if (ifbond_flags_lladdr(ifb) == FALSE
+ && bcmp(&p->po_saved_addr, IF_LLADDR(ifp),
+ ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {
+ new_link_address = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ if (ifbond_selection(ifb) || active_lag) {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
+ bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart,
+ } else {
+ /* are we removing the last distributing interface? */
+ if (was_distributing && ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_OFF;
+ }
+ }
+ filter = p->po_filter;
+ bond_unlock();
+ if (last) {
+ ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp, NULL, 0, IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG);
+ } else if (new_link_address) {
+ struct ifnet * scan_ifp;
+ bondport_ref scan_port;
+ /* ifbond_wait() allows port list traversal without holding the lock */
+ /* this port gave the bond its ethernet address, switch to new one */
+ ifnet_set_lladdr_and_type(ifp,
+ &head_port->po_saved_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN,
+ /* re-program each port with the new link address */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(scan_port, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ scan_ifp = scan_port->po_ifp;
+ if ((scan_port->po_control_flags &
+ /* port doesn't support setting lladdr */
+ continue;
+ }
+ error = if_siflladdr(scan_ifp,
+ (const struct ether_addr *) IF_LLADDR(ifp));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): "
+ "if_siflladdr (%s) failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
+ bondport_get_name(scan_port), error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore the port's ethernet address */
+ if ((p->po_control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_LLADDR_SET) != 0) {
+ error = if_siflladdr(port_ifp, &p->po_saved_addr);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): if_siflladdr failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ }
+ }
+ /* disable promiscous mode (if we enabled it) */
+ if ((p->po_control_flags & PORT_CONTROL_FLAGS_PROMISCUOUS_SET) != 0) {
+ error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(port_ifp, 0);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): disable promiscuous failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ }
+ }
+ /* restore the port's MTU */
+ error = siocsifmtu(port_ifp, p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s(%s, %s): SIOCSIFMTU %d failed %d\n",
+ __func__,
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p),
+ p->po_devmtu.ifdm_current, error);
+ }
+ /* remove the bond "protocol" */
+ bond_detach_protocol(port_ifp);
+ /* detach the filter */
+ if (filter != NULL) {
+ iflt_detach(filter);
+ }
+ /* generate link event */
+ if (event_code != 0) {
+ interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ bondport_free(p);
+ ifnet_set_eflags(port_ifp, 0, IFEF_BOND);
+ /* release this bondport's reference to the ifbond */
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ return error;
static void
bond_set_lacp_mode(ifbond_ref ifb)
- bondport_ref p;
+ bondport_ref p;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- bondport_start(p);
- }
- return;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ bondport_start(p);
+ }
+ return;
static void
bond_set_static_mode(ifbond_ref ifb)
- bondport_ref p;
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- (void)bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
- bondport_cancel_timers(p);
- /* announce that we're Individual now */
- s = p->po_actor_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart,
- /* clear state */
- p->po_actor_state = 0;
- bzero(&p->po_partner_state, sizeof(p->po_partner_state));
+ bondport_ref p;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- bondport_enable_distributing(p);
- }
- else {
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ (void)bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
+ bondport_cancel_timers(p);
+ /* announce that we're Individual now */
+ s = p->po_actor_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+ bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart,
+ /* clear state */
+ p->po_actor_state = 0;
+ bzero(&p->po_partner_state, sizeof(p->po_partner_state));
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ bondport_enable_distributing(p);
+ } else {
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static int
bond_set_mode(struct ifnet * ifp, int mode)
- int error = 0;
- int event_code = 0;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
+ int error = 0;
+ int event_code = 0;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- return ((ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY);
- }
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == mode) {
- bond_unlock();
- return (0);
- }
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
- ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_set_mode");
- /* verify (again) that the mode is actually different */
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == mode) {
- /* nothing to do */
- goto signal_done;
- }
- ifb->ifb_mode = mode;
- if (mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- bond_set_lacp_mode(ifb);
- /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
- if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ }
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == mode) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_set_mode");
+ /* verify (again) that the mode is actually different */
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == mode) {
+ /* nothing to do */
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ ifb->ifb_mode = mode;
+ if (mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ bond_set_lacp_mode(ifb);
+ /* check if we need to generate a link status event */
+ if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ }
+ } else {
+ bond_set_static_mode(ifb);
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0)
- } else {
- bond_set_static_mode(ifb);
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0)
- }
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- signal_done:
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_set_mode");
- bond_unlock();
- ifbond_release(ifb);
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
+ bond_unlock();
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
- if (event_code != 0) {
- interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
- }
- return (error);
+ if (event_code != 0) {
+ interface_link_event(ifp, event_code);
+ }
+ return error;
static int
bond_get_status(ifbond_ref ifb, struct if_bond_req * ibr_p, user_addr_t datap)
- int count;
- user_addr_t dst;
- int error = 0;
- struct if_bond_status_req * ibsr;
- struct if_bond_status ibs;
- bondport_ref port;
- ibsr = &(ibr_p->ibr_ibru.ibru_status);
- if (ibsr->ibsr_version != IF_BOND_STATUS_REQ_VERSION) {
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- ibsr->ibsr_key = ifb->ifb_key;
- ibsr->ibsr_mode = ifb->ifb_mode;
- ibsr->ibsr_total = ifb->ifb_port_count;
- dst = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
- ? ibsr->ibsr_ibsru.ibsru_buffer64
- : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ibsr->ibsr_ibsru.ibsru_buffer);
- if (dst == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
- /* just want to know how many there are */
- goto done;
- }
- if (ibsr->ibsr_count < 0) {
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- count = (ifb->ifb_port_count < ibsr->ibsr_count)
- ? ifb->ifb_port_count : ibsr->ibsr_count;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(port, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- struct if_bond_partner_state * ibps_p;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- if (count == 0) {
- break;
- }
- bzero(&ibs, sizeof(ibs));
- strncpy(ibs.ibs_if_name, port->po_name, sizeof(ibs.ibs_if_name));
- ibs.ibs_port_priority = port->po_priority;
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- ibs.ibs_state = port->po_actor_state;
- ibs.ibs_selected_state = port->po_selected;
- ps = &port->po_partner_state;
- ibps_p = &ibs.ibs_partner_state;
- ibps_p->ibps_system = ps->ps_lag_info.li_system;
- ibps_p->ibps_system_priority = ps->ps_lag_info.li_system_priority;
- ibps_p->ibps_key = ps->ps_lag_info.li_key;
- ibps_p->ibps_port = ps->ps_port;
- ibps_p->ibps_port_priority = ps->ps_port_priority;
- ibps_p->ibps_state = ps->ps_state;
- }
- else {
- /* fake the selected information */
- ibs.ibs_selected_state = bondport_flags_distributing(port)
- ? SelectedState_SELECTED : SelectedState_UNSELECTED;
- }
- error = copyout(&ibs, dst, sizeof(ibs));
- if (error != 0) {
- break;
+ int count;
+ user_addr_t dst;
+ int error = 0;
+ struct if_bond_status_req * ibsr;
+ struct if_bond_status ibs;
+ bondport_ref port;
+ ibsr = &(ibr_p->ibr_ibru.ibru_status);
+ if (ibsr->ibsr_version != IF_BOND_STATUS_REQ_VERSION) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ ibsr->ibsr_key = ifb->ifb_key;
+ ibsr->ibsr_mode = ifb->ifb_mode;
+ ibsr->ibsr_total = ifb->ifb_port_count;
+ dst = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
+ ? ibsr->ibsr_ibsru.ibsru_buffer64
+ : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ibsr->ibsr_ibsru.ibsru_buffer);
+ if (dst == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ /* just want to know how many there are */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (ibsr->ibsr_count < 0) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ count = (ifb->ifb_port_count < ibsr->ibsr_count)
+ ? ifb->ifb_port_count : ibsr->ibsr_count;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(port, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ struct if_bond_partner_state * ibps_p;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ if (count == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bzero(&ibs, sizeof(ibs));
+ strlcpy(ibs.ibs_if_name, port->po_name, sizeof(ibs.ibs_if_name));
+ ibs.ibs_port_priority = port->po_priority;
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ ibs.ibs_state = port->po_actor_state;
+ ibs.ibs_selected_state = port->po_selected;
+ ps = &port->po_partner_state;
+ ibps_p = &ibs.ibs_partner_state;
+ ibps_p->ibps_system = ps->ps_lag_info.li_system;
+ ibps_p->ibps_system_priority = ps->ps_lag_info.li_system_priority;
+ ibps_p->ibps_key = ps->ps_lag_info.li_key;
+ ibps_p->ibps_port = ps->ps_port;
+ ibps_p->ibps_port_priority = ps->ps_port_priority;
+ ibps_p->ibps_state = ps->ps_state;
+ } else {
+ /* fake the selected information */
+ ibs.ibs_selected_state = bondport_flags_distributing(port)
+ ? SelectedState_SELECTED : SelectedState_UNSELECTED;
+ }
+ error = copyout(&ibs, dst, sizeof(ibs));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ dst += sizeof(ibs);
+ count--;
- dst += sizeof(ibs);
- count--;
- }
- done:
- if (error == 0) {
- error = copyout(ibr_p, datap, sizeof(*ibr_p));
- }
- else {
- (void)copyout(ibr_p, datap, sizeof(*ibr_p));
- }
- return (error);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = copyout(ibr_p, datap, sizeof(*ibr_p));
+ } else {
+ (void)copyout(ibr_p, datap, sizeof(*ibr_p));
+ }
+ return error;
static int
bond_set_promisc(__unused struct ifnet *ifp)
- int error = 0;
-#if 0
- ifbond_ref ifb = ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if ((ifnet_flags(ifp) & IFF_PROMISC) != 0) {
- if ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_PROMISC) == 0) {
- error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(ifb->ifb_p, 1);
- if (error == 0)
- ifb->ifb_flags |= IFBF_PROMISC;
- }
- } else {
- if ((ifb->ifb_flags & IFBF_PROMISC) != 0) {
- error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(ifb->ifb_p, 0);
- if (error == 0)
- ifb->ifb_flags &= ~IFBF_PROMISC;
- }
- }
- return (error);
+ int error = 0;
+ return error;
static void
bond_get_mtu_values(ifbond_ref ifb, int * ret_min, int * ret_max)
- int mtu_min = 0;
- int mtu_max = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
+ int mtu_min = 0;
+ int mtu_max = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
- if (TAILQ_FIRST(&ifb->ifb_port_list) != NULL) {
- mtu_min = IF_MINMTU;
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- struct ifdevmtu * devmtu_p = &p->po_devmtu;
- if (devmtu_p->ifdm_min > mtu_min) {
- mtu_min = devmtu_p->ifdm_min;
+ if (TAILQ_FIRST(&ifb->ifb_port_list) != NULL) {
+ mtu_min = IF_MINMTU;
- if (mtu_max == 0 || devmtu_p->ifdm_max < mtu_max) {
- mtu_max = devmtu_p->ifdm_max;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ struct ifdevmtu * devmtu_p = &p->po_devmtu;
+ if (devmtu_p->ifdm_min > mtu_min) {
+ mtu_min = devmtu_p->ifdm_min;
+ }
+ if (mtu_max == 0 || devmtu_p->ifdm_max < mtu_max) {
+ mtu_max = devmtu_p->ifdm_max;
+ }
- }
- *ret_min = mtu_min;
- *ret_max = mtu_max;
- return;
+ *ret_min = mtu_min;
+ *ret_max = mtu_max;
+ return;
static int
bond_set_mtu_on_ports(ifbond_ref ifb, int mtu)
- int error = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
+ int error = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- error = siocsifmtu(p->po_ifp, mtu);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("if_bond(%s): SIOCSIFMTU %s failed, %d\n",
- ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
- break;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &ifb->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ error = siocsifmtu(p->po_ifp, mtu);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("if_bond(%s): SIOCSIFMTU %s failed, %d\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name, bondport_get_name(p), error);
+ break;
+ }
- }
- return (error);
+ return error;
static int
bond_set_mtu(struct ifnet * ifp, int mtu, int isdevmtu)
- int error = 0;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- int mtu_min;
- int mtu_max;
- int new_max;
- int old_max;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
- goto done;
- }
- ifbond_retain(ifb);
- ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_set_mtu");
- /* check again */
- if (ifnet_softc(ifp) == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- error = EBUSY;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- bond_get_mtu_values(ifb, &mtu_min, &mtu_max);
- if (mtu > mtu_max) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- if (mtu < mtu_min && (isdevmtu == 0 || mtu != 0)) {
- /* allow SIOCSIFALTMTU to set the mtu to 0 */
- error = EINVAL;
- goto signal_done;
- }
- if (isdevmtu) {
- new_max = (mtu > (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp)) ? mtu : (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp);
- }
- else {
- new_max = (mtu > ifb->ifb_altmtu) ? mtu : ifb->ifb_altmtu;
- }
- old_max = ((int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) > ifb->ifb_altmtu)
- ? (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) : ifb->ifb_altmtu;
- if (new_max != old_max) {
- /* we can safely walk the list of port without the lock held */
- bond_unlock();
- error = bond_set_mtu_on_ports(ifb, new_max);
- if (error != 0) {
- /* try our best to back out of it */
- (void)bond_set_mtu_on_ports(ifb, old_max);
- }
+ int error = 0;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ int mtu_min;
+ int mtu_max;
+ int new_max;
+ int old_max;
- }
- if (error == 0) {
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ifbond_retain(ifb);
+ ifbond_wait(ifb, "bond_set_mtu");
+ /* check again */
+ if (ifnet_softc(ifp) == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ bond_get_mtu_values(ifb, &mtu_min, &mtu_max);
+ if (mtu > mtu_max) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
+ if (mtu < mtu_min && (isdevmtu == 0 || mtu != 0)) {
+ /* allow SIOCSIFALTMTU to set the mtu to 0 */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto signal_done;
+ }
if (isdevmtu) {
- ifb->ifb_altmtu = mtu;
+ new_max = (mtu > (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp)) ? mtu : (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp);
+ } else {
+ new_max = (mtu > ifb->ifb_altmtu) ? mtu : ifb->ifb_altmtu;
+ }
+ old_max = ((int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) > ifb->ifb_altmtu)
+ ? (int)ifnet_mtu(ifp) : ifb->ifb_altmtu;
+ if (new_max != old_max) {
+ /* we can safely walk the list of port without the lock held */
+ bond_unlock();
+ error = bond_set_mtu_on_ports(ifb, new_max);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /* try our best to back out of it */
+ (void)bond_set_mtu_on_ports(ifb, old_max);
+ }
+ bond_lock();
- else {
- ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, mtu);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ if (isdevmtu) {
+ ifb->ifb_altmtu = mtu;
+ } else {
+ ifnet_set_mtu(ifp, mtu);
+ }
- }
- signal_done:
- ifbond_signal(ifb, "bond_set_mtu");
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- done:
- bond_unlock();
- return (error);
+ ifbond_signal(ifb, __func__);
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ bond_unlock();
+ return error;
static int
bond_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long cmd, void * data)
- int error = 0;
- struct if_bond_req ibr;
- struct ifaddr * ifa;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- struct ifreq * ifr;
- struct ifmediareq *ifmr;
- struct ifnet * port_ifp = NULL;
- user_addr_t user_addr;
- if (ifnet_type(ifp) != IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG) {
- return (EOPNOTSUPP);
- }
- ifr = (struct ifreq *)data;
- ifa = (struct ifaddr *)data;
- switch (cmd) {
- ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_UP, IFF_UP);
- break;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- return (ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY);
- }
- ifmr = (struct ifmediareq *)data;
- ifmr->ifm_current = IFM_ETHER;
- ifmr->ifm_mask = 0;
- ifmr->ifm_status = IFM_AVALID;
- ifmr->ifm_active = IFM_ETHER;
- ifmr->ifm_count = 1;
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- if (ifb->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
- ifmr->ifm_active = ifb->ifb_active_lag->lag_active_media;
- ifmr->ifm_status |= IFM_ACTIVE;
- }
- }
- else if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count > 0) {
- ifmr->ifm_active
- = ifb->ifb_distributing_array[0]->po_media_info.mi_active;
- ifmr->ifm_status |= IFM_ACTIVE;
- }
- bond_unlock();
- user_addr = (cmd == SIOCGIFMEDIA64) ?
- ((struct ifmediareq64 *)ifmr)->ifmu_ulist :
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(((struct ifmediareq32 *)ifmr)->ifmu_ulist);
- if (user_addr != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
- error = copyout(&ifmr->ifm_current,
- user_addr,
- sizeof(int));
+ int error = 0;
+ struct if_bond_req ibr;
+ struct ifaddr * ifa;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ struct ifreq * ifr;
+ struct ifmediareq *ifmr;
+ struct ifnet * port_ifp = NULL;
+ user_addr_t user_addr;
+ if (ifnet_type(ifp) != IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG) {
+ return EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
+ ifr = (struct ifreq *)data;
+ ifa = (struct ifaddr *)data;
- /* XXX send the SIFMEDIA to all children? Or force autoselect? */
- error = EINVAL;
- break;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_UP, IFF_UP);
+ break;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
- break;
- }
- ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_current = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
- bond_get_mtu_values(ifb, &ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_min,
- &ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_max);
- bond_unlock();
- break;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ }
+ ifmr = (struct ifmediareq *)data;
+ ifmr->ifm_current = IFM_ETHER;
+ ifmr->ifm_mask = 0;
+ ifmr->ifm_status = IFM_AVALID;
+ ifmr->ifm_active = IFM_ETHER;
+ ifmr->ifm_count = 1;
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ if (ifb->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
+ ifmr->ifm_active = ifb->ifb_active_lag->lag_active_media;
+ ifmr->ifm_status |= IFM_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ } else if (ifb->ifb_distributing_count > 0) {
+ ifmr->ifm_active
+ = ifb->ifb_distributing_array[0]->po_media_info.mi_active;
+ ifmr->ifm_status |= IFM_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ bond_unlock();
+ user_addr = (cmd == SIOCGIFMEDIA64) ?
+ ((struct ifmediareq64 *)ifmr)->ifmu_ulist :
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(((struct ifmediareq32 *)ifmr)->ifmu_ulist);
+ if (user_addr != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ error = copyout(&ifmr->ifm_current,
+ user_addr,
+ sizeof(int));
+ }
+ break;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
- break;
- }
- ifr->ifr_mtu = ifb->ifb_altmtu;
- bond_unlock();
- break;
+ /* XXX send the SIFMEDIA to all children? Or force autoselect? */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
- error = bond_set_mtu(ifp, ifr->ifr_mtu, 1);
- break;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ break;
+ }
+ ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_current = bond_device_mtu(ifp, ifb);
+ bond_get_mtu_values(ifb, &ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_min,
+ &ifr->ifr_devmtu.ifdm_max);
+ bond_unlock();
+ break;
- error = bond_set_mtu(ifp, ifr->ifr_mtu, 0);
- break;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ error = (ifb == NULL) ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ break;
+ }
+ ifr->ifr_mtu = ifb->ifb_altmtu;
+ bond_unlock();
+ break;
- user_addr = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
- ? ifr->ifr_data64 : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ifr->ifr_data);
- error = copyin(user_addr, &ibr, sizeof(ibr));
- if (error) {
- break;
- }
- switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
- /* XXX ifunit() needs to return a reference on the ifp */
- port_ifp = ifunit(ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_if_name);
- if (port_ifp == NULL) {
- error = ENXIO;
+ error = bond_set_mtu(ifp, ifr->ifr_mtu, 1);
- }
- if (ifnet_type(port_ifp) != IFT_ETHER) {
+ error = bond_set_mtu(ifp, ifr->ifr_mtu, 0);
- }
- break;
- break;
- default:
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
- }
- if (error != 0) {
- break;
- }
- switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
- error = bond_add_interface(ifp, port_ifp);
- break;
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- return (ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY);
- }
- error = bond_remove_interface(ifb, port_ifp);
- bond_unlock();
- break;
- bond_lock();
- if (g_bond == NULL) {
+ user_addr = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
+ ? ifr->ifr_data64 : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ifr->ifr_data);
+ error = copyin(user_addr, &ibr, sizeof(ibr));
+ if (error) {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
+ port_ifp = ifunit(ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_if_name);
+ if (port_ifp == NULL) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ifnet_type(port_ifp) != IFT_ETHER) {
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
+ error = bond_add_interface(ifp, port_ifp);
+ break;
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ }
+ error = bond_remove_interface(ifb, port_ifp);
+ bond_unlock();
+ break;
+ bond_lock();
+ if_bond_debug = ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val;
+ bond_unlock();
+ break;
+ switch (ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ error = bond_set_mode(ifp, ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val);
+ break;
+ }
+ break; /* SIOCSIFBOND */
+ user_addr = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
+ ? ifr->ifr_data64 : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ifr->ifr_data);
+ error = copyin(user_addr, &ibr, sizeof(ibr));
+ if (error) {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY;
+ }
+ switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
+ error = bond_get_status(ifb, &ibr, user_addr);
+ break;
+ }
- error = ENXIO;
- break;
- }
- g_bond->verbose = ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val;
- bond_unlock();
- break;
- switch (ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val) {
+ break; /* SIOCGIFBOND */
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- default:
- error = EINVAL;
+ /* enable/disable promiscuous mode */
+ bond_lock();
+ error = bond_set_promisc(ifp);
+ bond_unlock();
- }
- if (error != 0) {
+ error = bond_setmulti(ifp);
- }
- error = bond_set_mode(ifp, ibr.ibr_ibru.ibru_int_val);
- break;
- }
- break; /* SIOCSIFBOND */
- user_addr = proc_is64bit(current_proc())
- ? ifr->ifr_data64 : CAST_USER_ADDR_T(ifr->ifr_data);
- error = copyin(user_addr, &ibr, sizeof(ibr));
- if (error) {
- break;
- }
- switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
- break;
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- if (error != 0) {
- break;
- }
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL || ifbond_flags_if_detaching(ifb)) {
- bond_unlock();
- return (ifb == NULL ? EOPNOTSUPP : EBUSY);
- }
- switch (ibr.ibr_op) {
- error = bond_get_status(ifb, &ibr, user_addr);
- break;
- }
- bond_unlock();
- break; /* SIOCGIFBOND */
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
- /* enable/disable promiscuous mode */
- bond_lock();
- error = bond_set_promisc(ifp);
- bond_unlock();
- break;
- error = bond_setmulti(ifp);
- break;
- default:
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- return error;
+ return error;
-static void
+static void
bond_if_free(struct ifnet * ifp)
- ifbond_ref ifb;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
- if (ifp == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- bond_lock();
- ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
- if (ifb == NULL) {
+ if (ifp == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ ifb = (ifbond_ref)ifnet_softc(ifp);
+ if (ifb == NULL) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ ifbond_release(ifb);
+ ifnet_release(ifp);
- }
- ifbond_release(ifb);
- bond_unlock();
- ifnet_release(ifp);
- return;
static void
-bond_event(struct ifnet * port_ifp, __unused protocol_family_t protocol,
- const struct kev_msg * event)
- struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
- int event_code = 0;
- ifbond_ref ifb;
- int old_distributing_count;
- bondport_ref p;
- struct media_info media_info = { 0, 0};
- if (event->vendor_code != KEV_VENDOR_APPLE
- || event->kev_class != KEV_NETWORK_CLASS
- || event->kev_subclass != KEV_DL_SUBCLASS) {
- return;
- }
- switch (event->event_code) {
- break;
- case KEV_DL_LINK_ON:
- media_info = interface_media_info(port_ifp);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- bond_lock();
- p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
- if (p == NULL) {
- bond_unlock();
- return;
- }
- ifb = p->po_bond;
- old_distributing_count = ifb->ifb_distributing_count;
- switch (event->event_code) {
- bond_remove_interface(ifb, p->po_ifp);
- break;
- case KEV_DL_LINK_ON:
- p->po_media_info = media_info;
- if (p->po_enabled) {
- bondport_link_status_changed(p);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* generate a link-event */
- if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
- bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
- else {
- event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
- if (event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("%s: (event) generating LINK event\n",
- ifb->ifb_name);
+bond_handle_event(struct ifnet * port_ifp, int event_code)
+ struct ifnet * bond_ifp = NULL;
+ ifbond_ref ifb;
+ int old_distributing_count;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ struct media_info media_info = { .mi_active = 0, .mi_status = 0 };
+ switch (event_code) {
+ break;
+ case KEV_DL_LINK_ON:
+ media_info = interface_media_info(port_ifp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ bond_lock();
+ p = bond_lookup_port(port_ifp);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ bond_unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ ifb = p->po_bond;
+ old_distributing_count = ifb->ifb_distributing_count;
+ switch (event_code) {
+ bond_remove_interface(ifb, p->po_ifp);
+ break;
+ case KEV_DL_LINK_ON:
+ p->po_media_info = media_info;
+ if (p->po_enabled) {
+ bondport_link_status_changed(p);
- bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
- }
+ break;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * if the distributing array membership changed from 0 <-> !0
- * generate a link event
- */
- if (old_distributing_count == 0
- && ifb->ifb_distributing_count != 0) {
- event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_ON;
+ /* generate a link-event */
+ if (ifb->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ if (ifbond_selection(ifb)) {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ /* XXX need to take a reference on bond_ifp */
+ bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ } else {
+ event_code = (ifb->ifb_active_lag == NULL)
+ if (event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("%s: (event) generating LINK event\n",
+ ifb->ifb_name);
+ }
+ bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * if the distributing array membership changed from 0 <-> !0
+ * generate a link event
+ */
+ if (old_distributing_count == 0
+ && ifb->ifb_distributing_count != 0) {
+ event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_ON;
+ } else if (old_distributing_count != 0
+ && ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
+ event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_OFF;
+ }
+ if (event_code != 0 && event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
+ bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
+ ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ }
- else if (old_distributing_count != 0
- && ifb->ifb_distributing_count == 0) {
- event_code = KEV_DL_LINK_OFF;
+ bond_unlock();
+ if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
+ interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
- if (event_code != 0 && event_code != ifb->ifb_last_link_event) {
- bond_ifp = ifb->ifb_ifp;
- ifb->ifb_last_link_event = event_code;
+ return;
+static void
+bond_iff_event(__unused void *cookie, ifnet_t port_ifp,
+ __unused protocol_family_t protocol,
+ const struct kev_msg *event)
+ int event_code;
+ if (event->vendor_code != KEV_VENDOR_APPLE
+ || event->kev_class != KEV_NETWORK_CLASS
+ || event->kev_subclass != KEV_DL_SUBCLASS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event_code = event->event_code;
+ switch (event_code) {
+ case KEV_DL_LINK_ON:
+ bond_handle_event(port_ifp, event_code);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- }
+ return;
- bond_unlock();
- if (bond_ifp != NULL) {
- interface_link_event(bond_ifp, event_code);
- }
- return;
+static void
+bond_iff_detached(__unused void *cookie, ifnet_t port_ifp)
+ bond_handle_event(port_ifp, KEV_DL_IF_DETACHED);
+ return;
static void
interface_link_event(struct ifnet * ifp, u_int32_t event_code)
- struct {
- struct kern_event_msg header;
- u_int32_t unit;
- char if_name[IFNAMSIZ];
- } event;
+ struct {
+ struct kern_event_msg header;
+ u_int32_t unit;
+ char if_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ } event;
+ bzero(&event, sizeof(event));
+ event.header.total_size = sizeof(event);
+ event.header.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ event.header.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ event.header.kev_subclass = KEV_DL_SUBCLASS;
+ event.header.event_code = event_code;
+ event.header.event_data[0] = ifnet_family(ifp);
+ event.unit = (u_int32_t) ifnet_unit(ifp);
+ strlcpy(event.if_name, ifnet_name(ifp), IFNAMSIZ);
+ ifnet_event(ifp, &event.header);
+ return;
- event.header.total_size = sizeof(event);
- event.header.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- event.header.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- event.header.kev_subclass = KEV_DL_SUBCLASS;
- event.header.event_code = event_code;
- event.header.event_data[0] = ifnet_family(ifp);
- event.unit = (u_int32_t) ifnet_unit(ifp);
- strncpy(event.if_name, ifnet_name(ifp), IFNAMSIZ);
- ifnet_event(ifp, &event.header);
- return;
+static errno_t
+bond_proto_input(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t packet,
+ char *header)
+#pragma unused(protocol, packet, header)
+ if (if_bond_debug != 0) {
+ printf("%s: unexpected packet from %s\n", __func__,
+ ifp->if_xname);
+ }
+ return 0;
* Function: bond_attach_protocol
* Purpose:
* Attach a DLIL protocol to the interface.
- * The ethernet demux special cases to always return PF_BOND if the
+ * The ethernet demux special cases to always return PF_BOND if the
* interface is bonded. That means we receive all traffic from that
* interface without passing any of the traffic to any other attached
* protocol.
static int
bond_attach_protocol(struct ifnet *ifp)
- int error;
- struct ifnet_attach_proto_param reg;
- bzero(®, sizeof(reg));
- reg.input = bond_input;
- reg.event = bond_event;
- error = ifnet_attach_protocol(ifp, PF_BOND, ®);
- if (error) {
- printf("bond over %s%d: ifnet_attach_protocol failed, %d\n",
- ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
- }
- return (error);
+ int error;
+ struct ifnet_attach_proto_param reg;
+ bzero(®, sizeof(reg));
+ reg.input = bond_proto_input;
+ error = ifnet_attach_protocol(ifp, PF_BOND, ®);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("bond over %s%d: ifnet_attach_protocol failed, %d\n",
+ ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
+ }
+ return error;
static int
bond_detach_protocol(struct ifnet *ifp)
- int error;
+ int error;
+ error = ifnet_detach_protocol(ifp, PF_BOND);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("bond over %s%d: ifnet_detach_protocol failed, %d\n",
+ ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Function: bond_attach_filter
+ * Purpose:
+ * Attach our DLIL interface filter.
+ */
+static int
+bond_attach_filter(struct ifnet *ifp, interface_filter_t * filter_p)
+ int error;
+ struct iff_filter iff;
- error = ifnet_detach_protocol(ifp, PF_BOND);
- if (error) {
- printf("bond over %s%d: ifnet_detach_protocol failed, %d\n",
- ifnet_name(ifp), ifnet_unit(ifp), error);
- }
- return (error);
+ /*
+ * install an interface filter
+ */
+ memset(&iff, 0, sizeof(struct iff_filter));
+ iff.iff_name = "com.apple.kernel.bsd.net.if_bond";
+ iff.iff_input = bond_iff_input;
+ iff.iff_event = bond_iff_event;
+ iff.iff_detached = bond_iff_detached;
+ error = iflt_attach_internal(ifp, &iff, filter_p);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("%s: iflt_attach_internal failed %d\n", __func__, error);
+ }
+ return error;
* DLIL interface family functions
__private_extern__ int
- int error=0;
+ int error = 0;
- error = proto_register_plumber(PF_INET, APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND,
- ether_attach_inet,
- ether_detach_inet);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed for AF_INET error=%d\n",
- error);
- goto done;
- }
+ error = proto_register_plumber(PF_INET, APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND,
+ ether_attach_inet,
+ ether_detach_inet);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed for AF_INET error=%d\n",
+ error);
+ goto done;
+ }
#if INET6
- error = proto_register_plumber(PF_INET6, APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND,
- ether_attach_inet6,
- ether_detach_inet6);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed for AF_INET6 error=%d\n",
- error);
- goto done;
- }
-#if NETAT
- error = proto_register_plumber(PF_APPLETALK, APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND,
- ether_attach_at,
- ether_detach_at);
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed for AppleTalk error=%d\n",
- error);
- goto done;
- }
+ error = proto_register_plumber(PF_INET6, APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND,
+ ether_attach_inet6,
+ ether_detach_inet6);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed for AF_INET6 error=%d\n",
+ error);
+ goto done;
+ }
- error = bond_clone_attach();
- if (error != 0) {
- printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed bond_clone_attach error=%d\n",
- error);
- goto done;
- }
+ error = bond_clone_attach();
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("bond: proto_register_plumber failed bond_clone_attach error=%d\n",
+ error);
+ goto done;
+ }
- done:
- return (error);
+ return error;
- **
- ** LACP routines:
- **
- **/
+** LACP routines:
- ** LACP ifbond_list routines
- **/
+** LACP ifbond_list routines
static bondport_ref
-ifbond_list_find_moved_port(bondport_ref rx_port,
- const lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref atlv)
- ifbond_ref bond;
- bondport_ref p;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- LAG_info_ref ps_li;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(bond, &g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb_bond_list) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- if (rx_port == p) {
- /* no point in comparing against ourselves */
- continue;
- }
- if (p->po_receive_state != ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED) {
- /* it's not clear that we should be checking this */
- continue;
- }
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_defaulted(ps->ps_state)) {
- continue;
- }
- ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
- if (ps->ps_port == lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(atlv)
- && bcmp(&ps_li->li_system, atlv->lap_system,
- sizeof(ps_li->li_system)) == 0) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("System " EA_FORMAT
- " Port 0x%x moved from %s to %s\n",
- EA_LIST(&ps_li->li_system), ps->ps_port,
- bondport_get_name(p),
- bondport_get_name(rx_port));
- }
- return (p);
- }
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
+ifbond_list_find_moved_port(bondport_ref rx_port,
+ const lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref atlv)
+ ifbond_ref bond;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ LAG_info_ref ps_li;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(bond, &g_bond->ifbond_list, ifb_bond_list) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ if (rx_port == p) {
+ /* no point in comparing against ourselves */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p->po_receive_state != ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED) {
+ /* it's not clear that we should be checking this */
+ continue;
+ }
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_defaulted(ps->ps_state)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
+ if (ps->ps_port == lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(atlv)
+ && bcmp(&ps_li->li_system, atlv->lap_system,
+ sizeof(ps_li->li_system)) == 0) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("System " EA_FORMAT
+ " Port 0x%x moved from %s to %s\n",
+ EA_LIST(&ps_li->li_system), ps->ps_port,
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ bondport_get_name(rx_port));
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
- ** LACP ifbond, LAG routines
- **/
+** LACP ifbond, LAG routines
static int
ifbond_selection(ifbond_ref bond)
- int all_ports_ready = 0;
- int active_media = 0;
- LAG_ref lag = NULL;
- int lag_changed = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
- int port_speed = 0;
- lag = ifbond_find_best_LAG(bond, &active_media);
- if (lag != bond->ifb_active_lag) {
- if (bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
- ifbond_deactivate_LAG(bond, bond->ifb_active_lag);
- bond->ifb_active_lag = NULL;
+ int all_ports_ready = 0;
+ int active_media = 0;
+ LAG_ref lag = NULL;
+ int lag_changed = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ int port_speed = 0;
+ lag = ifbond_find_best_LAG(bond, &active_media);
+ if (lag != bond->ifb_active_lag) {
+ if (bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
+ ifbond_deactivate_LAG(bond, bond->ifb_active_lag);
+ bond->ifb_active_lag = NULL;
+ }
+ bond->ifb_active_lag = lag;
+ if (lag != NULL) {
+ ifbond_activate_LAG(bond, lag, active_media);
+ }
+ lag_changed = 1;
+ } else if (lag != NULL) {
+ if (lag->lag_active_media != active_media) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("LAG PORT SPEED CHANGED from %d to %d\n",
+ link_speed(lag->lag_active_media),
+ link_speed(active_media));
+ }
+ ifbond_deactivate_LAG(bond, lag);
+ ifbond_activate_LAG(bond, lag, active_media);
+ lag_changed = 1;
+ }
- bond->ifb_active_lag = lag;
if (lag != NULL) {
- ifbond_activate_LAG(bond, lag, active_media);
- }
- lag_changed = 1;
- }
- else if (lag != NULL) {
- if (lag->lag_active_media != active_media) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("LAG PORT SPEED CHANGED from %d to %d\n",
- link_speed(lag->lag_active_media),
- link_speed(active_media));
- }
- ifbond_deactivate_LAG(bond, lag);
- ifbond_activate_LAG(bond, lag, active_media);
- lag_changed = 1;
- }
- }
- if (lag != NULL) {
- port_speed = link_speed(active_media);
- all_ports_ready = ifbond_all_ports_ready(bond);
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- if (lag != NULL && p->po_lag == lag
- && media_speed(&p->po_media_info) == port_speed
- && (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_DETACHED
- || p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED
- || p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY)
- && bondport_aggregatable(p)) {
- if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
- if (lag->lag_selected_port_count < bond->ifb_max_active) {
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY
- || p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
- }
- }
- else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_STANDBY);
- }
- }
- else {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
- }
- }
- if (bondport_flags_selected_changed(p)) {
- bondport_flags_clear_selected_changed(p);
- bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventSelectedChange, NULL);
- }
- if (all_ports_ready
- && bondport_flags_ready(p)
- && p->po_mux_state == MuxState_WAITING) {
- bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventReady, NULL);
+ port_speed = link_speed(active_media);
+ all_ports_ready = ifbond_all_ports_ready(bond);
- bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- }
- return (lag_changed);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ if (lag != NULL && p->po_lag == lag
+ && media_speed(&p->po_media_info) == port_speed
+ && (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_DETACHED
+ || p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED
+ || p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY)
+ && bondport_aggregatable(p)) {
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
+ if (lag->lag_selected_port_count < bond->ifb_max_active) {
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY
+ || p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
+ }
+ } else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_STANDBY);
+ }
+ } else {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bondport_flags_selected_changed(p)) {
+ bondport_flags_clear_selected_changed(p);
+ bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventSelectedChange, NULL);
+ }
+ if (all_ports_ready
+ && bondport_flags_ready(p)
+ && p->po_mux_state == MuxState_WAITING) {
+ bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventReady, NULL);
+ }
+ bondport_transmit_machine(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ }
+ return lag_changed;
static LAG_ref
ifbond_find_best_LAG(ifbond_ref bond, int * active_media)
- int best_active = 0;
- LAG_ref best_lag = NULL;
- int best_count = 0;
- int best_speed = 0;
- LAG_ref lag;
- if (bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
- best_lag = bond->ifb_active_lag;
- best_count = LAG_get_aggregatable_port_count(best_lag, &best_active);
- if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0
- && best_count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
- best_count = bond->ifb_max_active;
- }
- best_speed = link_speed(best_active);
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(lag, &bond->ifb_lag_list, lag_list) {
- int active;
- int count;
- int speed;
- if (lag == bond->ifb_active_lag) {
- /* we've already computed it */
- continue;
- }
- count = LAG_get_aggregatable_port_count(lag, &active);
- if (count == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0
- && count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
- /* if there's a limit, don't count extra links */
- count = bond->ifb_max_active;
- }
- speed = link_speed(active);
- if ((count * speed) > (best_count * best_speed)) {
- best_count = count;
- best_speed = speed;
- best_active = active;
- best_lag = lag;
- }
- }
- if (best_count == 0) {
- return (NULL);
- }
- *active_media = best_active;
- return (best_lag);
+ int best_active = 0;
+ LAG_ref best_lag = NULL;
+ int best_count = 0;
+ int best_speed = 0;
+ LAG_ref lag;
+ if (bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL) {
+ best_lag = bond->ifb_active_lag;
+ best_count = LAG_get_aggregatable_port_count(best_lag, &best_active);
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0
+ && best_count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
+ best_count = bond->ifb_max_active;
+ }
+ best_speed = link_speed(best_active);
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(lag, &bond->ifb_lag_list, lag_list) {
+ int active;
+ int count;
+ int speed;
+ if (lag == bond->ifb_active_lag) {
+ /* we've already computed it */
+ continue;
+ }
+ count = LAG_get_aggregatable_port_count(lag, &active);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0
+ && count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
+ /* if there's a limit, don't count extra links */
+ count = bond->ifb_max_active;
+ }
+ speed = link_speed(active);
+ if ((count * speed) > (best_count * best_speed)) {
+ best_count = count;
+ best_speed = speed;
+ best_active = active;
+ best_lag = lag;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_count == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *active_media = best_active;
+ return best_lag;
static void
ifbond_deactivate_LAG(__unused ifbond_ref bond, LAG_ref lag)
- bondport_ref p;
+ bondport_ref p;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- return;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ }
+ return;
static void
ifbond_activate_LAG(ifbond_ref bond, LAG_ref lag, int active_media)
- int need = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
+ int need = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
- if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
- need = bond->ifb_max_active;
- }
- lag->lag_active_media = active_media;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
- if (bondport_aggregatable(p) == 0) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- else if (media_speed(&p->po_media_info) != link_speed(active_media)) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
+ need = bond->ifb_max_active;
- else if (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_DETACHED) {
- if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
- if (need > 0) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
- need--;
- }
- else {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_STANDBY);
+ lag->lag_active_media = active_media;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
+ if (bondport_aggregatable(p) == 0) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ } else if (media_speed(&p->po_media_info) != link_speed(active_media)) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ } else if (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_DETACHED) {
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active > 0) {
+ if (need > 0) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
+ need--;
+ } else {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_STANDBY);
+ }
+ } else {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
+ }
+ } else {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- else {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_SELECTED);
- }
- else {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- }
- return;
+ return;
#if 0
static void
ifbond_set_max_active(ifbond_ref bond, int max_active)
- LAG_ref lag = bond->ifb_active_lag;
- bond->ifb_max_active = max_active;
- if (bond->ifb_max_active <= 0 || lag == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (lag->lag_selected_port_count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
- bondport_ref p;
- int remove_count;
- remove_count = lag->lag_selected_port_count - bond->ifb_max_active;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- remove_count--;
- if (remove_count == 0) {
- break;
+ LAG_ref lag = bond->ifb_active_lag;
+ bond->ifb_max_active = max_active;
+ if (bond->ifb_max_active <= 0 || lag == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lag->lag_selected_port_count > bond->ifb_max_active) {
+ bondport_ref p;
+ int remove_count;
+ remove_count = lag->lag_selected_port_count - bond->ifb_max_active;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ remove_count--;
+ if (remove_count == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static int
ifbond_all_ports_ready(ifbond_ref bond)
- int ready = 0;
- bondport_ref p;
+ int ready = 0;
+ bondport_ref p;
- if (bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL) {
- return (0);
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_active_lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
- if (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_WAITING
- && p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- if (bondport_flags_ready(p) == 0) {
- return (0);
- }
+ if (bond->ifb_active_lag == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_active_lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
+ if (p->po_mux_state == MuxState_WAITING
+ && p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ if (bondport_flags_ready(p) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* note that there was at least one ready port */
+ ready = 1;
- /* note that there was at least one ready port */
- ready = 1;
- }
- return (ready);
+ return ready;
static int
ifbond_all_ports_attached(ifbond_ref bond, bondport_ref this_port)
- bondport_ref p;
+ bondport_ref p;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
- if (this_port == p) {
- continue;
- }
- if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p) == 0) {
- return (0);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &bond->ifb_port_list, po_port_list) {
+ if (this_port == p) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- }
- return (1);
+ return 1;
static LAG_ref
ifbond_get_LAG_matching_port(ifbond_ref bond, bondport_ref p)
- LAG_ref lag;
+ LAG_ref lag;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(lag, &bond->ifb_lag_list, lag_list) {
- if (bcmp(&lag->lag_info, &p->po_partner_state.ps_lag_info,
- sizeof(lag->lag_info)) == 0) {
- return (lag);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(lag, &bond->ifb_lag_list, lag_list) {
+ if (bcmp(&lag->lag_info, &p->po_partner_state.ps_lag_info,
+ sizeof(lag->lag_info)) == 0) {
+ return lag;
+ }
- }
- return (NULL);
+ return NULL;
static int
LAG_get_aggregatable_port_count(LAG_ref lag, int * active_media)
- int active;
- int count;
- bondport_ref p;
- int speed;
- active = 0;
- count = 0;
- speed = 0;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
- if (bondport_aggregatable(p)) {
- int this_speed;
- this_speed = media_speed(&p->po_media_info);
- if (this_speed == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (this_speed > speed) {
- active = p->po_media_info.mi_active;
- speed = this_speed;
- count = 1;
- }
- else if (this_speed == speed) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- *active_media = active;
- return (count);
+ int active;
+ int count;
+ bondport_ref p;
+ int speed;
+ active = 0;
+ count = 0;
+ speed = 0;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &lag->lag_port_list, po_lag_port_list) {
+ if (bondport_aggregatable(p)) {
+ int this_speed;
+ this_speed = media_speed(&p->po_media_info);
+ if (this_speed == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (this_speed > speed) {
+ active = p->po_media_info.mi_active;
+ speed = this_speed;
+ count = 1;
+ } else if (this_speed == speed) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *active_media = active;
+ return count;
- ** LACP bondport routines
- **/
+** LACP bondport routines
static void
bondport_link_status_changed(bondport_ref p)
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Link UP %d Mbit/s %s duplex\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- media_speed(&p->po_media_info),
- media_full_duplex(&p->po_media_info)
- ? "full" : "half");
- }
- else {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Link DOWN\n", bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- }
- if (bond->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)
- && bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL
- && p->po_lag == bond->ifb_active_lag
- && p->po_selected != SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
- if (media_speed(&p->po_media_info) != p->po_lag->lag_active_media) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Port speed %d differs from LAG %d\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- media_speed(&p->po_media_info),
- link_speed(p->po_lag->lag_active_media));
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ const char * duplex_string;
+ if (media_full_duplex(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ duplex_string = "full";
+ } else if (media_type_unknown(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ duplex_string = "unknown";
+ } else {
+ duplex_string = "half";
+ }
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Link UP %d Mbit/s %s duplex\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ media_speed(&p->po_media_info),
+ duplex_string);
+ } else {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Link DOWN\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- }
- bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
- bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
- bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
- }
- else {
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- bondport_enable_distributing(p);
- else {
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ if (bond->ifb_mode == IF_BOND_MODE_LACP) {
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)
+ && bond->ifb_active_lag != NULL
+ && p->po_lag == bond->ifb_active_lag
+ && p->po_selected != SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
+ if (media_speed(&p->po_media_info) != p->po_lag->lag_active_media) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Port speed %d differs from LAG %d\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ media_speed(&p->po_media_info),
+ link_speed(p->po_lag->lag_active_media));
+ }
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ }
+ }
+ bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
+ bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
+ bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ bondport_enable_distributing(p);
+ } else {
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static int
bondport_aggregatable(bondport_ref p)
- partner_state_ref ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(p->po_actor_state) == 0
- || lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(ps->ps_state) == 0) {
- /* we and/or our partner are individual */
- return (0);
- }
- if (p->po_lag == NULL) {
- return (0);
- }
- switch (p->po_receive_state) {
- default:
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Port is not selectable\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- return (0);
- case ReceiveState_CURRENT:
- case ReceiveState_EXPIRED:
- break;
- }
- return (1);
+ partner_state_ref ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(p->po_actor_state) == 0
+ || lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(ps->ps_state) == 0) {
+ /* we and/or our partner are individual */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (p->po_lag == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (p->po_receive_state) {
+ default:
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Port is not selectable\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case ReceiveState_CURRENT:
+ case ReceiveState_EXPIRED:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 1;
static int
bondport_matches_LAG(bondport_ref p, LAG_ref lag)
- LAG_info_ref lag_li;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- LAG_info_ref ps_li;
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
- lag_li = &lag->lag_info;
- if (ps_li->li_system_priority == lag_li->li_system_priority
- && ps_li->li_key == lag_li->li_key
- && (bcmp(&ps_li->li_system, &lag_li->li_system,
- sizeof(lag_li->li_system))
+ LAG_info_ref lag_li;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ LAG_info_ref ps_li;
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
+ lag_li = &lag->lag_info;
+ if (ps_li->li_system_priority == lag_li->li_system_priority
+ && ps_li->li_key == lag_li->li_key
+ && (bcmp(&ps_li->li_system, &lag_li->li_system,
+ sizeof(lag_li->li_system))
== 0)) {
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
static int
bondport_remove_from_LAG(bondport_ref p)
- int active_lag = 0;
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- LAG_ref lag = p->po_lag;
- if (lag == NULL) {
- return (0);
- }
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&lag->lag_port_list, p, po_lag_port_list);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Removed from LAG (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT
- ",0x%04x)\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
- EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
- lag->lag_info.li_key);
- }
- p->po_lag = NULL;
- lag->lag_port_count--;
- if (lag->lag_port_count > 0) {
- return (bond->ifb_active_lag == lag);
- }
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("Key 0x%04x: LAG Released (%04x," EA_FORMAT
- ",0x%04x)\n",
- bond->ifb_key,
- lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
- EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
- lag->lag_info.li_key);
- }
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&bond->ifb_lag_list, lag, lag_list);
- if (bond->ifb_active_lag == lag) {
- bond->ifb_active_lag = NULL;
- active_lag = 1;
- }
- FREE(lag, M_BOND);
- return (active_lag);
+ int active_lag = 0;
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ LAG_ref lag = p->po_lag;
+ if (lag == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&lag->lag_port_list, p, po_lag_port_list);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Removed from LAG (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT
+ ",0x%04x)\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
+ EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
+ lag->lag_info.li_key);
+ }
+ p->po_lag = NULL;
+ lag->lag_port_count--;
+ if (lag->lag_port_count > 0) {
+ return bond->ifb_active_lag == lag;
+ }
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("Key 0x%04x: LAG Released (%04x," EA_FORMAT
+ ",0x%04x)\n",
+ bond->ifb_key,
+ lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
+ EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
+ lag->lag_info.li_key);
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&bond->ifb_lag_list, lag, lag_list);
+ if (bond->ifb_active_lag == lag) {
+ bond->ifb_active_lag = NULL;
+ active_lag = 1;
+ }
+ FREE(lag, M_BOND);
+ return active_lag;
static void
bondport_add_to_LAG(bondport_ref p, LAG_ref lag)
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&lag->lag_port_list, p, po_lag_port_list);
- p->po_lag = lag;
- lag->lag_port_count++;
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Added to LAG (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT "0x%04x)\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
- EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
- lag->lag_info.li_key);
- }
- return;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&lag->lag_port_list, p, po_lag_port_list);
+ p->po_lag = lag;
+ lag->lag_port_count++;
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Added to LAG (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT "0x%04x)\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
+ EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
+ lag->lag_info.li_key);
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_assign_to_LAG(bondport_ref p)
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- LAG_ref lag;
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ LAG_ref lag;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_defaulted(p->po_actor_state)) {
- bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
- return;
- }
- lag = p->po_lag;
- if (lag != NULL) {
- if (bondport_matches_LAG(p, lag)) {
- /* still OK */
- return;
- }
- bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
- }
- lag = ifbond_get_LAG_matching_port(bond, p);
- if (lag != NULL) {
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_defaulted(p->po_actor_state)) {
+ bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ lag = p->po_lag;
+ if (lag != NULL) {
+ if (bondport_matches_LAG(p, lag)) {
+ /* still OK */
+ return;
+ }
+ bondport_remove_from_LAG(p);
+ }
+ lag = ifbond_get_LAG_matching_port(bond, p);
+ if (lag != NULL) {
+ bondport_add_to_LAG(p, lag);
+ return;
+ }
+ lag = (LAG_ref)_MALLOC(sizeof(*lag), M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&lag->lag_port_list);
+ lag->lag_port_count = 0;
+ lag->lag_selected_port_count = 0;
+ lag->lag_info = p->po_partner_state.ps_lag_info;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&bond->ifb_lag_list, lag, lag_list);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("Key 0x%04x: LAG Created (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT
+ ",0x%04x)\n",
+ bond->ifb_key,
+ lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
+ EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
+ lag->lag_info.li_key);
+ }
bondport_add_to_LAG(p, lag);
- }
- lag = (LAG_ref)_MALLOC(sizeof(*lag), M_BOND, M_WAITOK);
- TAILQ_INIT(&lag->lag_port_list);
- lag->lag_port_count = 0;
- lag->lag_selected_port_count = 0;
- lag->lag_info = p->po_partner_state.ps_lag_info;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&bond->ifb_lag_list, lag, lag_list);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("Key 0x%04x: LAG Created (0x%04x," EA_FORMAT
- ",0x%04x)\n",
- bond->ifb_key,
- lag->lag_info.li_system_priority,
- EA_LIST(&lag->lag_info.li_system),
- lag->lag_info.li_key);
- }
- bondport_add_to_LAG(p, lag);
- return;
static void
bondport_receive_lacpdu(bondport_ref p, lacpdu_ref in_lacpdu_p)
- bondport_ref moved_port;
+ bondport_ref moved_port;
- moved_port
- = ifbond_list_find_moved_port(p, (const lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)
- &in_lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv);
- if (moved_port != NULL) {
- bondport_receive_machine(moved_port, LAEventPortMoved, NULL);
- }
- bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
- bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
- bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
- return;
+ moved_port
+ = ifbond_list_find_moved_port(p, (const lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)
+ &in_lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv);
+ if (moved_port != NULL) {
+ bondport_receive_machine(moved_port, LAEventPortMoved, NULL);
+ }
+ bondport_receive_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
+ bondport_mux_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
+ bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(p, LAEventPacket, in_lacpdu_p);
+ return;
-static void
+static void
bondport_set_selected(bondport_ref p, SelectedState s)
- if (s != p->po_selected) {
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- LAG_ref lag = p->po_lag;
- bondport_flags_set_selected_changed(p);
- if (lag != NULL && bond->ifb_active_lag == lag) {
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- lag->lag_selected_port_count--;
- }
- else if (s == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- lag->lag_selected_port_count++;
- }
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] SetSelected: %s (was %s)\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- SelectedStateString(s),
- SelectedStateString(p->po_selected));
- }
- }
- }
- p->po_selected = s;
- return;
+ if (s != p->po_selected) {
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ LAG_ref lag = p->po_lag;
+ bondport_flags_set_selected_changed(p);
+ if (lag != NULL && bond->ifb_active_lag == lag) {
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ lag->lag_selected_port_count--;
+ } else if (s == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ lag->lag_selected_port_count++;
+ }
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] SetSelected: %s (was %s)\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ SelectedStateString(s),
+ SelectedStateString(p->po_selected));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p->po_selected = s;
+ return;
- ** Receive machine
- **/
+** Receive machine
static void
bondport_UpdateDefaultSelected(bondport_ref p)
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- return;
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ return;
static void
bondport_RecordDefault(bondport_ref p)
- bzero(&p->po_partner_state, sizeof(p->po_partner_state));
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_defaulted(p->po_actor_state);
- bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
- return;
+ bzero(&p->po_partner_state, sizeof(p->po_partner_state));
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_defaulted(p->po_actor_state);
+ bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
+ return;
static void
bondport_UpdateSelected(bondport_ref p, lacpdu_ref lacpdu_p)
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref actor;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- LAG_info_ref ps_li;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref actor;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ LAG_info_ref ps_li;
- /* compare the PDU's Actor information to our Partner state */
- actor = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(actor) != ps->ps_port
- || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(actor)
+ /* compare the PDU's Actor information to our Partner state */
+ actor = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(actor) != ps->ps_port
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(actor)
!= ps->ps_port_priority)
- || bcmp(actor->lap_system, &ps_li->li_system, sizeof(ps_li->li_system))
- || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(actor)
+ || bcmp(actor->lap_system, &ps_li->li_system, sizeof(ps_li->li_system))
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(actor)
!= ps_li->li_system_priority)
- || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(actor) != ps_li->li_key)
- || (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(actor->lap_state)
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(actor) != ps_li->li_key)
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(actor->lap_state)
!= lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(ps->ps_state))) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] updateSelected UNSELECTED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] updateSelected UNSELECTED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_RecordPDU(bondport_ref p, lacpdu_ref lacpdu_p)
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref actor;
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- int lacp_maintain = 0;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref partner;
- LAG_info_ref ps_li;
- /* copy the PDU's Actor information into our Partner state */
- actor = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
- ps->ps_port = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(actor);
- ps->ps_port_priority = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(actor);
- ps_li->li_system = *((lacp_system_ref)actor->lap_system);
- ps_li->li_system_priority
- = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(actor);
- ps_li->li_key = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(actor);
- ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(actor->lap_state);
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_defaulted(p->po_actor_state);
- /* compare the PDU's Partner information to our own information */
- partner = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(ps->ps_state)
- || (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(p->po_actor_state)
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref actor;
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ int lacp_maintain = 0;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref partner;
+ LAG_info_ref ps_li;
+ /* copy the PDU's Actor information into our Partner state */
+ actor = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
+ ps->ps_port = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(actor);
+ ps->ps_port_priority = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(actor);
+ ps_li->li_system = *((lacp_system_ref)actor->lap_system);
+ ps_li->li_system_priority
+ = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(actor);
+ ps_li->li_key = lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(actor);
+ ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(actor->lap_state);
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_defaulted(p->po_actor_state);
+ /* compare the PDU's Partner information to our own information */
+ partner = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(ps->ps_state)
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(p->po_actor_state)
&& lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(partner->lap_state))) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP will maintain\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- lacp_maintain = 1;
- }
- if ((lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(partner)
- == bondport_get_index(p))
- && lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(partner) == p->po_priority
- && bcmp(partner->lap_system, &g_bond->system,
- sizeof(g_bond->system)) == 0
- && (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(partner)
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP will maintain\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ lacp_maintain = 1;
+ }
+ if ((lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(partner)
+ == bondport_get_index(p))
+ && lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(partner) == p->po_priority
+ && bcmp(partner->lap_system, &g_bond->system,
+ sizeof(g_bond->system)) == 0
+ && (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(partner)
== g_bond->system_priority)
- && lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(partner) == bond->ifb_key
- && (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(partner->lap_state)
+ && lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(partner) == bond->ifb_key
+ && (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(partner->lap_state)
== lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(p->po_actor_state))
- && lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(actor->lap_state)
- && lacp_maintain) {
- ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(ps->ps_state);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP partner in sync\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- }
- else if (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(actor->lap_state) == 0
- && lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(actor->lap_state)
- && lacp_maintain) {
- ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(ps->ps_state);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP partner in sync (ind)\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- }
- bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
- return;
+ && lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(actor->lap_state)
+ && lacp_maintain) {
+ ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(ps->ps_state);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP partner in sync\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ } else if (lacp_actor_partner_state_aggregatable(actor->lap_state) == 0
+ && lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(actor->lap_state)
+ && lacp_maintain) {
+ ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(ps->ps_state);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] recordPDU: LACP partner in sync (ind)\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ }
+ bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
+ return;
static __inline__ lacp_actor_partner_state
updateNTTBits(lacp_actor_partner_state s)
static void
bondport_UpdateNTT(bondport_ref p, lacpdu_ref lacpdu_p)
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref partner;
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref partner;
- /* compare the PDU's Actor information to our Partner state */
- partner = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
- if ((lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(partner) != bondport_get_index(p))
- || lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(partner) != p->po_priority
- || bcmp(partner->lap_system, &g_bond->system, sizeof(g_bond->system))
- || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(partner)
+ /* compare the PDU's Actor information to our Partner state */
+ partner = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
+ if ((lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port(partner) != bondport_get_index(p))
+ || lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_port_priority(partner) != p->po_priority
+ || bcmp(partner->lap_system, &g_bond->system, sizeof(g_bond->system))
+ || (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_system_priority(partner)
!= g_bond->system_priority)
- || lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(partner) != bond->ifb_key
- || (updateNTTBits(partner->lap_state)
+ || lacp_actor_partner_tlv_get_key(partner) != bond->ifb_key
+ || (updateNTTBits(partner->lap_state)
!= updateNTTBits(p->po_actor_state))) {
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] updateNTT: Need To Transmit\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] updateNTT: Need To Transmit\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_AttachMuxToAggregator(bondport_ref p)
- if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p) == 0) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Attached Mux To Aggregator\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p) == 0) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Attached Mux To Aggregator\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_set_mux_attached(p);
- bondport_flags_set_mux_attached(p);
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_DetachMuxFromAggregator(bondport_ref p)
- if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p)) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Detached Mux From Aggregator\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ if (bondport_flags_mux_attached(p)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Detached Mux From Aggregator\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_clear_mux_attached(p);
- bondport_flags_clear_mux_attached(p);
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_enable_distributing(bondport_ref p)
- if (bondport_flags_distributing(p) == 0) {
- ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
+ if (bondport_flags_distributing(p) == 0) {
+ ifbond_ref bond = p->po_bond;
- bond->ifb_distributing_array[bond->ifb_distributing_count++] = p;
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Distribution Enabled\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ bond->ifb_distributing_array[bond->ifb_distributing_count++] = p;
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Distribution Enabled\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_set_distributing(p);
- bondport_flags_set_distributing(p);
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_disable_distributing(bondport_ref p)
- if (bondport_flags_distributing(p)) {
- bondport_ref * array;
- ifbond_ref bond;
- int count;
- int i;
- bond = p->po_bond;
- array = bond->ifb_distributing_array;
- count = bond->ifb_distributing_count;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- if (array[i] == p) {
- int j;
- for (j = i; j < (count - 1); j++) {
- array[j] = array[j + 1];
+ if (bondport_flags_distributing(p)) {
+ bondport_ref * array;
+ ifbond_ref bond;
+ int count;
+ int i;
+ bond = p->po_bond;
+ array = bond->ifb_distributing_array;
+ count = bond->ifb_distributing_count;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (array[i] == p) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = i; j < (count - 1); j++) {
+ array[j] = array[j + 1];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- break;
- }
- }
- bond->ifb_distributing_count--;
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Distribution Disabled\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ bond->ifb_distributing_count--;
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Distribution Disabled\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_clear_distributing(p);
- bondport_flags_clear_distributing(p);
- }
- return;
+ return;
- ** Receive machine functions
- **/
+** Receive machine functions
static void
bondport_receive_machine_initialize(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_receive_machine_expired(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_receive_machine_current(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
-bondport_receive_machine_event(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data)
- switch (p->po_receive_state) {
- case ReceiveState_none:
- bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_INITIALIZE:
- bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED:
- bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_EXPIRED:
- bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED:
- bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_DEFAULTED:
- bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case ReceiveState_CURRENT:
- bondport_receive_machine_current(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+bondport_receive_machine_event(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
+ void * event_data)
+ switch (p->po_receive_state) {
+ case ReceiveState_none:
+ bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_INITIALIZE:
+ bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED:
+ bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_EXPIRED:
+ bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED:
+ bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_DEFAULTED:
+ bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case ReceiveState_CURRENT:
+ bondport_receive_machine_current(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data)
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventPacket:
- if (p->po_receive_state != ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED) {
- bondport_receive_machine_current(p, event, event_data);
- }
- break;
- case LAEventMediaChange:
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- switch (p->po_receive_state) {
- case ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED:
- case ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED:
- bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
+ void * event_data)
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventPacket:
+ if (p->po_receive_state != ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED) {
+ bondport_receive_machine_current(p, event, event_data);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LAEventMediaChange:
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ switch (p->po_receive_state) {
+ case ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED:
+ case ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED:
+ bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventMediaChange, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ }
- default:
+ default:
+ bondport_receive_machine_event(p, event, event_data);
- }
- else {
- bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- bondport_receive_machine_event(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_initialize(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive INITIALIZE\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ __unused void * event_data)
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive INITIALIZE\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_INITIALIZE;
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ bondport_RecordDefault(p);
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
+ bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_INITIALIZE;
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- bondport_RecordDefault(p);
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
- bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- partner_state_ref ps;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED;
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(ps->ps_state);
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_PORT_DISABLED;
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(ps->ps_state);
- case LAEventMediaChange:
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
- if (media_full_duplex(&p->po_media_info)) {
- bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- }
- else {
- bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- }
- }
- else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- struct timeval tv;
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED: "
- "link timer started\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- tv.tv_sec = 1;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- }
- else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- break;
- case LAEventTimeout:
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED: "
- "link timer completed, marking UNSELECTED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- }
- break;
- case LAEventPortMoved:
- bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ case LAEventMediaChange:
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ if (media_ok(&p->po_media_info)) {
+ bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ } else {
+ bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ }
+ } else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED: "
+ "link timer started\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ tv.tv_sec = 1;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_receive_machine_port_disabled,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ } else if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LAEventTimeout:
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive PORT_DISABLED: "
+ "link timer completed, marking UNSELECTED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LAEventPortMoved:
+ bondport_receive_machine_initialize(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_expired(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- struct timeval tv;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ struct timeval tv;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive EXPIRED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_EXPIRED;
- s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_short_timeout(s);
- p->po_partner_state.ps_state = s;
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_expired(p->po_actor_state);
- /* start current_while timer */
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_receive_machine_expired,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- break;
- case LAEventTimeout:
- bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive EXPIRED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_EXPIRED;
+ s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_short_timeout(s);
+ p->po_partner_state.ps_state = s;
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_expired(p->po_actor_state);
+ /* start current_while timer */
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_receive_machine_expired,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ break;
+ case LAEventTimeout:
+ bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_lacp_disabled(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
- partner_state_ref ps;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive LACP_DISABLED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ __unused void * event_data)
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive LACP_DISABLED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED;
+ bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
+ bondport_RecordDefault(p);
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(ps->ps_state);
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_LACP_DISABLED;
- bondport_set_selected(p, SelectedState_UNSELECTED);
- bondport_RecordDefault(p);
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps->ps_state = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_individual(ps->ps_state);
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_defaulted(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive DEFAULTED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ __unused void * event_data)
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive DEFAULTED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_DEFAULTED;
+ bondport_UpdateDefaultSelected(p);
+ bondport_RecordDefault(p);
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_DEFAULTED;
- bondport_UpdateDefaultSelected(p);
- bondport_RecordDefault(p);
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_receive_machine_current(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data)
+ void * event_data)
- partner_state_ref ps;
- struct timeval tv;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ struct timeval tv;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventPacket:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive CURRENT\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_CURRENT;
- bondport_UpdateSelected(p, event_data);
- bondport_UpdateNTT(p, event_data);
- bondport_RecordPDU(p, event_data);
- p->po_actor_state
- = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
- bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
- /* start current_while timer */
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_short_timeout(ps->ps_state)) {
- }
- else {
- }
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_receive_machine_current,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- break;
- case LAEventTimeout:
- bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventPacket:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_current_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Receive CURRENT\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_receive_state = ReceiveState_CURRENT;
+ bondport_UpdateSelected(p, event_data);
+ bondport_UpdateNTT(p, event_data);
+ bondport_RecordPDU(p, event_data);
+ p->po_actor_state
+ = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_expired(p->po_actor_state);
+ bondport_assign_to_LAG(p);
+ /* start current_while timer */
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_short_timeout(ps->ps_state)) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_current_while_timer, tv,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_receive_machine_current,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ break;
+ case LAEventTimeout:
+ bondport_receive_machine_expired(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
- ** Periodic Transmission machine
- **/
+** Periodic Transmission machine
static void
bondport_periodic_transmit_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- int interval;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- struct timeval tv;
+ int interval;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ struct timeval tv;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] periodic_transmit Start\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] periodic_transmit Start\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
- case LAEventMediaChange:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
- p->po_periodic_interval = 0;
- if (media_active(&p->po_media_info) == 0
- || media_full_duplex(&p->po_media_info) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- case LAEventPacket:
- /* Neither Partner nor Actor are LACP Active, no periodic tx */
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(p->po_actor_state) == 0
- && (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(ps->ps_state)
- == 0)) {
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
- p->po_periodic_interval = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_short_timeout(ps->ps_state)) {
- }
- else {
- }
- if (p->po_periodic_interval != interval) {
- if (interval == LACP_FAST_PERIODIC_TIME
- && p->po_periodic_interval == LACP_SLOW_PERIODIC_TIME) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] periodic_transmit:"
- " Need To Transmit\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ case LAEventMediaChange:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
+ p->po_periodic_interval = 0;
+ if (media_active(&p->po_media_info) == 0
+ || media_ok(&p->po_media_info) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ case LAEventPacket:
+ /* Neither Partner nor Actor are LACP Active, no periodic tx */
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(p->po_actor_state) == 0
+ && (lacp_actor_partner_state_active_lacp(ps->ps_state)
+ == 0)) {
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_periodic_timer);
+ p->po_periodic_interval = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_short_timeout(ps->ps_state)) {
+ } else {
+ if (p->po_periodic_interval != interval) {
+ if (interval == LACP_FAST_PERIODIC_TIME
+ && p->po_periodic_interval == LACP_SLOW_PERIODIC_TIME) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] periodic_transmit:"
+ " Need To Transmit\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+ }
+ p->po_periodic_interval = interval;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ tv.tv_sec = interval;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_periodic_timer, tv,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_periodic_transmit_machine,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Periodic Transmission Timer: %d secs\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ p->po_periodic_interval);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case LAEventTimeout:
- }
- p->po_periodic_interval = interval;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- tv.tv_sec = interval;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_periodic_timer, tv,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_periodic_transmit_machine,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Periodic Transmission Timer: %d secs\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- p->po_periodic_interval);
- }
- }
- break;
- case LAEventTimeout:
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- tv.tv_sec = p->po_periodic_interval;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_periodic_timer, tv, (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_periodic_transmit_machine,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- if (g_bond->verbose > 1) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Periodic Transmission Timer: %d secs\n",
- bondport_get_name(p), p->po_periodic_interval);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ tv.tv_sec = p->po_periodic_interval;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_periodic_timer, tv, (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_periodic_transmit_machine,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ if (if_bond_debug > 1) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Periodic Transmission Timer: %d secs\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p), p->po_periodic_interval);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
- ** Transmit machine
- **/
+** Transmit machine
static int
bondport_can_transmit(bondport_ref p, int32_t current_secs,
- __darwin_time_t * next_secs)
- if (p->po_last_transmit_secs != current_secs) {
- p->po_last_transmit_secs = current_secs;
- p->po_n_transmit = 0;
- }
- if (p->po_n_transmit < LACP_PACKET_RATE) {
- p->po_n_transmit++;
- return (1);
- }
- if (next_secs != NULL) {
- *next_secs = current_secs + 1;
- }
- return (0);
+ __darwin_time_t * next_secs)
+ if (p->po_last_transmit_secs != current_secs) {
+ p->po_last_transmit_secs = current_secs;
+ p->po_n_transmit = 0;
+ }
+ if (p->po_n_transmit < LACP_PACKET_RATE) {
+ p->po_n_transmit++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (next_secs != NULL) {
+ *next_secs = current_secs + 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
static void
bondport_transmit_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data)
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref aptlv;
- lacp_collector_tlv_ref ctlv;
- struct timeval next_tick_time = {0, 0};
- lacpdu_ref out_lacpdu_p;
- packet_buffer_ref pkt;
- partner_state_ref ps;
- LAG_info_ref ps_li;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventTimeout:
- case LAEventStart:
- if (p->po_periodic_interval == 0 || bondport_flags_ntt(p) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (event_data == TRANSMIT_MACHINE_TX_IMMEDIATE) {
- /* we're going away, transmit the packet no matter what */
- }
- else if (bondport_can_transmit(p, devtimer_current_secs(),
- &next_tick_time.tv_sec) == 0) {
- if (devtimer_enabled(p->po_transmit_timer)) {
- if (g_bond->verbose > 0) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Already Set\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- }
- else {
- devtimer_set_absolute(p->po_transmit_timer, next_tick_time,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_transmit_machine,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- if (g_bond->verbose > 0) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Deadline %d secs\n",
- bondport_get_name(p),
- (int)next_tick_time.tv_sec);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (g_bond->verbose > 0) {
- if (event == LAEventTimeout) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Complete\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- }
- pkt = packet_buffer_allocate(sizeof(*out_lacpdu_p));
- if (pkt == NULL) {
- printf("[%s] Transmit: failed to allocate packet buffer\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- break;
- }
- out_lacpdu_p = (lacpdu_ref)packet_buffer_byteptr(pkt);
- bzero(out_lacpdu_p, sizeof(*out_lacpdu_p));
- out_lacpdu_p->la_subtype = IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_SUBTYPE_LACP;
- out_lacpdu_p->la_version = LACPDU_VERSION_1;
- /* Actor */
- aptlv = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
- aptlv->lap_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_ACTOR;
- aptlv->lap_length = LACPDU_ACTOR_TLV_LENGTH;
- *((lacp_system_ref)aptlv->lap_system) = g_bond->system;
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_system_priority(aptlv,
- g_bond->system_priority);
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port_priority(aptlv, p->po_priority);
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port(aptlv, bondport_get_index(p));
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_key(aptlv, p->po_bond->ifb_key);
- aptlv->lap_state = p->po_actor_state;
- /* Partner */
- aptlv = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
- aptlv->lap_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_PARTNER;
- aptlv->lap_length = LACPDU_PARTNER_TLV_LENGTH;
- ps = &p->po_partner_state;
- ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port(aptlv, ps->ps_port);
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port_priority(aptlv, ps->ps_port_priority);
- *((lacp_system_ref)aptlv->lap_system) = ps_li->li_system;
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_system_priority(aptlv,
- ps_li->li_system_priority);
- lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_key(aptlv, ps_li->li_key);
- aptlv->lap_state = ps->ps_state;
- /* Collector */
- ctlv = (lacp_collector_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_collector_tlv;
- ctlv->lac_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_COLLECTOR;
- ctlv->lac_length = LACPDU_COLLECTOR_TLV_LENGTH;
- bondport_slow_proto_transmit(p, pkt);
- bondport_flags_clear_ntt(p);
- if (g_bond->verbose > 0) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Packet %d\n",
- bondport_get_name(p), p->po_n_transmit);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ void * event_data)
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref aptlv;
+ lacp_collector_tlv_ref ctlv;
+ struct timeval next_tick_time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0};
+ lacpdu_ref out_lacpdu_p;
+ packet_buffer_ref pkt;
+ partner_state_ref ps;
+ LAG_info_ref ps_li;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventTimeout:
+ case LAEventStart:
+ if (p->po_periodic_interval == 0 || bondport_flags_ntt(p) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (event_data == TRANSMIT_MACHINE_TX_IMMEDIATE) {
+ /* we're going away, transmit the packet no matter what */
+ } else if (bondport_can_transmit(p, devtimer_current_secs(),
+ &next_tick_time.tv_sec) == 0) {
+ if (devtimer_enabled(p->po_transmit_timer)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug > 0) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Already Set\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ } else {
+ devtimer_set_absolute(p->po_transmit_timer, next_tick_time,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_transmit_machine,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ if (if_bond_debug > 0) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Deadline %d secs\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p),
+ (int)next_tick_time.tv_sec);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (if_bond_debug > 0) {
+ if (event == LAEventTimeout) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Timer Complete\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ }
+ pkt = packet_buffer_allocate(sizeof(*out_lacpdu_p));
+ if (pkt == NULL) {
+ printf("[%s] Transmit: failed to allocate packet buffer\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ break;
+ }
+ out_lacpdu_p = (lacpdu_ref)packet_buffer_byteptr(pkt);
+ bzero(out_lacpdu_p, sizeof(*out_lacpdu_p));
+ out_lacpdu_p->la_subtype = IEEE8023AD_SLOW_PROTO_SUBTYPE_LACP;
+ out_lacpdu_p->la_version = LACPDU_VERSION_1;
+ /* Actor */
+ aptlv = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_actor_tlv;
+ aptlv->lap_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_ACTOR;
+ aptlv->lap_length = LACPDU_ACTOR_TLV_LENGTH;
+ *((lacp_system_ref)aptlv->lap_system) = g_bond->system;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_system_priority(aptlv,
+ g_bond->system_priority);
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port_priority(aptlv, p->po_priority);
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port(aptlv, bondport_get_index(p));
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_key(aptlv, p->po_bond->ifb_key);
+ aptlv->lap_state = p->po_actor_state;
+ /* Partner */
+ aptlv = (lacp_actor_partner_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_partner_tlv;
+ aptlv->lap_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_PARTNER;
+ aptlv->lap_length = LACPDU_PARTNER_TLV_LENGTH;
+ ps = &p->po_partner_state;
+ ps_li = &ps->ps_lag_info;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port(aptlv, ps->ps_port);
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_port_priority(aptlv, ps->ps_port_priority);
+ *((lacp_system_ref)aptlv->lap_system) = ps_li->li_system;
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_system_priority(aptlv,
+ ps_li->li_system_priority);
+ lacp_actor_partner_tlv_set_key(aptlv, ps_li->li_key);
+ aptlv->lap_state = ps->ps_state;
+ /* Collector */
+ ctlv = (lacp_collector_tlv_ref)out_lacpdu_p->la_collector_tlv;
+ ctlv->lac_tlv_type = LACPDU_TLV_TYPE_COLLECTOR;
+ ctlv->lac_length = LACPDU_COLLECTOR_TLV_LENGTH;
+ bondport_slow_proto_transmit(p, pkt);
+ bondport_flags_clear_ntt(p);
+ if (if_bond_debug > 0) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Transmit Packet %d\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p), p->po_n_transmit);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
- ** Mux machine functions
- **/
+** Mux machine functions
static void
bondport_mux_machine_detached(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_mux_machine_waiting(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_mux_machine_attached(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- void * event_data);
+ void * event_data);
static void
bondport_mux_machine(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event, void * event_data)
- switch (p->po_mux_state) {
- case MuxState_none:
- bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- case MuxState_DETACHED:
- bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case MuxState_WAITING:
- bondport_mux_machine_waiting(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- case MuxState_ATTACHED:
- bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(p, event, event_data);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ switch (p->po_mux_state) {
+ case MuxState_none:
+ bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ case MuxState_DETACHED:
+ bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case MuxState_WAITING:
+ bondport_mux_machine_waiting(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ case MuxState_ATTACHED:
+ bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(p, event, event_data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_mux_machine_detached(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux DETACHED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux DETACHED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_mux_state = MuxState_DETACHED;
+ bondport_flags_clear_ready(p);
+ bondport_DetachMuxFromAggregator(p);
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ s = p->po_actor_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+ break;
+ case LAEventSelectedChange:
+ case LAEventPacket:
+ case LAEventMediaChange:
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED
+ || p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
+ bondport_mux_machine_waiting(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- p->po_mux_state = MuxState_DETACHED;
- bondport_flags_clear_ready(p);
- bondport_DetachMuxFromAggregator(p);
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- s = p->po_actor_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_out_of_sync(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- break;
- case LAEventSelectedChange:
- case LAEventPacket:
- case LAEventMediaChange:
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_SELECTED
- || p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
- bondport_mux_machine_waiting(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
bondport_mux_machine_waiting(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- struct timeval tv;
+ struct timeval tv;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_mux_state = MuxState_WAITING;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_mux_state = MuxState_WAITING;
- default:
- case LAEventSelectedChange:
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
- bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- }
- if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- /* wait until state changes to SELECTED */
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Standby\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (bondport_flags_ready(p)) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Port is already ready\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (devtimer_enabled(p->po_wait_while_timer)) {
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Timer already set\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (ifbond_all_ports_attached(p->po_bond, p)) {
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: No waiting\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- bondport_flags_set_ready(p);
- goto no_waiting;
- }
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: 2 seconds\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- devtimer_set_relative(p->po_wait_while_timer, tv,
- (devtimer_timeout_func)
- bondport_mux_machine_waiting,
- (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
- break;
- case LAEventTimeout:
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Ready\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- bondport_flags_set_ready(p);
- break;
- case LAEventReady:
- no_waiting:
- if (bondport_flags_ready(p)){
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: All Ports Ready\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return;
+ default:
+ case LAEventSelectedChange:
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_UNSELECTED) {
+ bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p->po_selected == SelectedState_STANDBY) {
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ /* wait until state changes to SELECTED */
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Standby\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bondport_flags_ready(p)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Port is already ready\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (devtimer_enabled(p->po_wait_while_timer)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Timer already set\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ifbond_all_ports_attached(p->po_bond, p)) {
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: No waiting\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_set_ready(p);
+ goto no_waiting;
+ }
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: 2 seconds\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ devtimer_set_relative(p->po_wait_while_timer, tv,
+ (devtimer_timeout_func)
+ bondport_mux_machine_waiting,
+ (void *)LAEventTimeout, NULL);
+ break;
+ case LAEventTimeout:
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: Ready\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_flags_set_ready(p);
+ break;
+ case LAEventReady:
+ if (bondport_flags_ready(p)) {
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux WAITING: All Ports Ready\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
static void
bondport_mux_machine_attached(bondport_ref p, LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
+ __unused void * event_data)
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux ATTACHED\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_mux_state = MuxState_ATTACHED;
- bondport_AttachMuxToAggregator(p);
- s = p->po_actor_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
- bondport_disable_distributing(p);
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux ATTACHED\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_mux_state = MuxState_ATTACHED;
+ bondport_AttachMuxToAggregator(p);
+ s = p->po_actor_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_in_sync(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_collecting(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_not_distributing(s);
+ bondport_disable_distributing(p);
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- default:
- switch (p->po_selected) {
- case SelectedState_SELECTED:
- s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(s)) {
- bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(p, LAEventStart,
- NULL);
- }
- break;
- bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
+ switch (p->po_selected) {
+ case SelectedState_SELECTED:
+ s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(s)) {
+ bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(p, LAEventStart,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ bondport_mux_machine_detached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;
static void
-bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(bondport_ref p,
- LAEvent event,
- __unused void * event_data)
- lacp_actor_partner_state s;
- switch (event) {
- case LAEventStart:
- devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
- if (g_bond->verbose) {
- timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux COLLECTING_DISTRIBUTING\n",
- bondport_get_name(p));
- }
- p->po_mux_state = MuxState_COLLECTING_DISTRIBUTING;
- bondport_enable_distributing(p);
- s = p->po_actor_state;
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_collecting(s);
- s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_distributing(s);
- p->po_actor_state = s;
- bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
+bondport_mux_machine_collecting_distributing(bondport_ref p,
+ LAEvent event,
+ __unused void * event_data)
+ lacp_actor_partner_state s;
+ switch (event) {
+ case LAEventStart:
+ devtimer_cancel(p->po_wait_while_timer);
+ if (if_bond_debug) {
+ timestamp_printf("[%s] Mux COLLECTING_DISTRIBUTING\n",
+ bondport_get_name(p));
+ }
+ p->po_mux_state = MuxState_COLLECTING_DISTRIBUTING;
+ bondport_enable_distributing(p);
+ s = p->po_actor_state;
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_collecting(s);
+ s = lacp_actor_partner_state_set_distributing(s);
+ p->po_actor_state = s;
+ bondport_flags_set_ntt(p);
- default:
- s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
- if (lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(s) == 0) {
- bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- }
- switch (p->po_selected) {
- case SelectedState_UNSELECTED:
- case SelectedState_STANDBY:
- bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
- break;
- break;
+ s = p->po_partner_state.ps_state;
+ if (lacp_actor_partner_state_in_sync(s) == 0) {
+ bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (p->po_selected) {
+ case SelectedState_UNSELECTED:
+ case SelectedState_STANDBY:
+ bondport_mux_machine_attached(p, LAEventStart, NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
- break;
- }
- return;
+ return;