+ cpu_data_t *my_cpu = current_cpu_datap();
+ __unused uint32_t cnum = my_cpu->cpu_number;
+ uint64_t ctime, rtime, itime;
+ processor_t cproc = my_cpu->cpu_processor;
+ uint64_t cwakeups = PROCESSOR_DATA(cproc, wakeups_issued_total);
+#endif /* CST_DEMOTION_DEBUG */
+ uint64_t esdeadline, ehdeadline;
+ boolean_t do_process_pending_timers = FALSE;
+ ctime = mach_absolute_time();
+ esdeadline = my_cpu->rtclock_timer.queue.earliest_soft_deadline;
+ ehdeadline = my_cpu->rtclock_timer.deadline;
+/* Determine if pending timers exist */
+ if ((ctime >= esdeadline) && (ctime < ehdeadline) &&
+ ((ehdeadline - ctime) < idle_entry_timer_processing_hdeadline_threshold)) {
+ idle_pending_timers_processed++;
+ do_process_pending_timers = TRUE;
+ goto machine_idle_exit;
+ } else {
+ TCOAL_DEBUG(0xCCCC0000, ctime, my_cpu->rtclock_timer.queue.earliest_soft_deadline, my_cpu->rtclock_timer.deadline, idle_pending_timers_processed, 0);
+ }
+ my_cpu->lcpu.state = LCPU_IDLE;
+ DBGLOG(cpu_handle, cpu_number(), MP_IDLE);
+ MARK_CPU_IDLE(cnum);
+ rtime = ctime - my_cpu->cpu_ixtime;
+ my_cpu->cpu_rtime_total += rtime;
+ machine_classify_interval(rtime, &my_cpu->cpu_rtimes[0], &cpu_rtime_bins[0], CPU_RTIME_BINS);
+ uint32_t cl = 0, ch = 0;
+ uint64_t c3res, c6res, c7res;
+ rdmsr_carefully(MSR_IA32_CORE_C3_RESIDENCY, &cl, &ch);
+ c3res = ((uint64_t)ch << 32) | cl;
+ rdmsr_carefully(MSR_IA32_CORE_C6_RESIDENCY, &cl, &ch);
+ c6res = ((uint64_t)ch << 32) | cl;
+ rdmsr_carefully(MSR_IA32_CORE_C7_RESIDENCY, &cl, &ch);
+ c7res = ((uint64_t)ch << 32) | cl;
+ if (pmInitDone) {
+ /*
+ * Handle case where ml_set_maxbusdelay() or ml_set_maxintdelay()
+ * were called prior to the CPU PM kext being registered. We do
+ * this here since we know at this point the values will be first
+ * used since idle is where the decisions using these values is made.
+ */
+ if (earlyMaxBusDelay != DELAY_UNSET)
+ ml_set_maxbusdelay((uint32_t)(earlyMaxBusDelay & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ if (earlyMaxIntDelay != DELAY_UNSET)
+ ml_set_maxintdelay(earlyMaxIntDelay);
+ }