* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
extern SInt32 gIOMemoryReferenceCount;
-static int IOMultMemoryDescriptorTest(int newValue)
+static int
+IOMultMemoryDescriptorTest(int newValue)
- IOMemoryDescriptor * mds[3];
- IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * mmd;
- IOMemoryMap * map;
- void * addr;
- uint8_t * data;
- uint32_t i;
- IOAddressRange ranges[2];
- data = (typeof(data)) IOMallocAligned(ptoa(8), page_size);
- for (i = 0; i < ptoa(8); i++) data[i] = atop(i) | 0xD0;
- ranges[0].address = (IOVirtualAddress)(data + ptoa(4));
- ranges[0].length = ptoa(4);
- ranges[1].address = (IOVirtualAddress)(data + ptoa(0));
- ranges[1].length = ptoa(4);
- mds[0] = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges(&ranges[0], 2, kIODirectionOutIn, kernel_task);
- mds[1] = IOSubMemoryDescriptor::withSubRange(mds[0], ptoa(3), ptoa(2), kIODirectionOutIn);
- mds[2] = IOSubMemoryDescriptor::withSubRange(mds[0], ptoa(7), ptoa(1), kIODirectionOutIn);
- mmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&mds[0], sizeof(mds)/sizeof(mds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
- mds[2]->release();
- mds[1]->release();
- mds[0]->release();
- map = mmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere, ptoa(7), mmd->getLength() - ptoa(7));
- mmd->release();
- assert(map);
- addr = (void *) map->getVirtualAddress();
- assert(ptoa(4) == map->getLength());
- assert(0xd3d3d3d3 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(0) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
- assert(0xd7d7d7d7 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(1) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
- assert(0xd0d0d0d0 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(2) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
- assert(0xd3d3d3d3 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(3) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
- map->release();
- IOFreeAligned(data, ptoa(8));
- return (0);
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * mds[3];
+ IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * mmd;
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
+ void * addr;
+ uint8_t * data;
+ uint32_t i;
+ IOAddressRange ranges[2];
+ data = (typeof(data))IOMallocAligned(ptoa(8), page_size);
+ for (i = 0; i < ptoa(8); i++) {
+ data[i] = atop(i) | 0xD0;
+ }
+ ranges[0].address = (IOVirtualAddress)(data + ptoa(4));
+ ranges[0].length = ptoa(4);
+ ranges[1].address = (IOVirtualAddress)(data + ptoa(0));
+ ranges[1].length = ptoa(4);
+ mds[0] = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges(&ranges[0], 2, kIODirectionOutIn, kernel_task);
+ mds[1] = IOSubMemoryDescriptor::withSubRange(mds[0], ptoa(3), ptoa(2), kIODirectionOutIn);
+ mds[2] = IOSubMemoryDescriptor::withSubRange(mds[0], ptoa(7), ptoa(1), kIODirectionOutIn);
+ mmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&mds[0], sizeof(mds) / sizeof(mds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
+ mds[2]->release();
+ mds[1]->release();
+ mds[0]->release();
+ map = mmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere, ptoa(7), mmd->getLength() - ptoa(7));
+ mmd->release();
+ assert(map);
+ addr = (void *) map->getVirtualAddress();
+ assert(ptoa(4) == map->getLength());
+ assert(0xd3d3d3d3 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(0) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
+ assert(0xd7d7d7d7 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(1) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
+ assert(0xd0d0d0d0 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(2) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
+ assert(0xd3d3d3d3 == ((uint32_t *)addr)[ptoa(3) / sizeof(uint32_t)]);
+ map->release();
+ IOFreeAligned(data, ptoa(8));
+ return 0;
+// <rdar://problem/30102458>
+static int
+IODMACommandForceDoubleBufferTest(int newValue)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ IODMACommand * dma;
+ uint32_t dir, data;
+ IODMACommand::SegmentOptions segOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = 64,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = 0x2000,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = 128 * 1024,
+ .fAlignment = 1,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = 1
+ };
+ IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments;
+ UInt64 dmaOffset;
+ for (dir = kIODirectionIn;; dir++) {
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task,
+ dir | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(8));
+ assert(bmd);
+ ((uint32_t*) bmd->getBytesNoCopy())[0] = 0x53535300 | dir;
+ ret = bmd->prepare((IODirection) dir);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost64, &segOptions,
+ kIODMAMapOptionMapped,
+ assert(dma);
+ ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(bmd, true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ ret = dma->synchronize(IODMACommand::kForceDoubleBuffer | kIODirectionOut);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dmaOffset = 0;
+ numSegments = 1;
+ ret = dma->gen64IOVMSegments(&dmaOffset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ assert(1 == numSegments);
+ if (kIODirectionOut & dir) {
+ data = ((uint32_t*) bmd->getBytesNoCopy())[0];
+ assertf((0x53535300 | dir) == data, "mismatch 0x%x", data);
+ }
+ if (kIODirectionIn & dir) {
+ IOMappedWrite32(segments[0].fIOVMAddr, 0x11223300 | dir);
+ }
+ ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dma->release();
+ bmd->complete((IODirection) dir);
+ if (kIODirectionIn & dir) {
+ data = ((uint32_t*) bmd->getBytesNoCopy())[0];
+ assertf((0x11223300 | dir) == data, "mismatch 0x%x", data);
+ }
+ bmd->release();
+ if (dir == kIODirectionInOut) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// <rdar://problem/34322778>
+static int __unused
+IODMACommandLocalMappedNonContig(int newValue)
+ IOReturn kr;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ IODMACommand * dma;
+ OSDictionary * matching;
+ IOService * device;
+ IOMapper * mapper;
+ IODMACommand::SegmentOptions segOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = 64,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = 128 * 1024,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = 128 * 1024,
+ .fAlignment = 1,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = 1
+ };
+ IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments;
+ UInt64 dmaOffset;
+ UInt64 segPhys;
+ vm_address_t buffer;
+ vm_size_t bufSize = ptoa(4);
+ if (!IOMapper::gSystem) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ buffer = 0;
+ kr = vm_allocate_kernel(kernel_map, &buffer, bufSize, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_IOKIT);
+ assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ // fragment the vmentries
+ kr = vm_inherit(kernel_map, buffer + ptoa(1), ptoa(1), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
+ assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(
+ buffer + 0xa00, 0x2000, kIODirectionOutIn, kernel_task);
+ assert(md);
+ kr = md->prepare(kIODirectionOutIn);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == kr);
+ segPhys = md->getPhysicalSegment(0, NULL, 0);
+ matching = IOService::nameMatching("XHC1");
+ assert(matching);
+ device = IOService::copyMatchingService(matching);
+ matching->release();
+ mapper = device ? IOMapper::copyMapperForDeviceWithIndex(device, 0) : NULL;
+ dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost64, &segOptions,
+ kIODMAMapOptionMapped,
+ mapper, NULL);
+ assert(dma);
+ kr = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md, true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == kr);
+ dmaOffset = 0;
+ numSegments = 1;
+ kr = dma->gen64IOVMSegments(&dmaOffset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == kr);
+ assert(1 == numSegments);
+ if (mapper) {
+ assertf(segments[0].fIOVMAddr != segPhys, "phys !local 0x%qx, 0x%qx, %p", segments[0].fIOVMAddr, segPhys, dma);
+ }
+ kr = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == kr);
+ dma->release();
+ kr = md->complete(kIODirectionOutIn);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == kr);
+ md->release();
+ kr = vm_deallocate(kernel_map, buffer, bufSize);
+ assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(mapper);
+ return 0;
+// <rdar://problem/30102458>
+static int
+IOMemoryRemoteTest(int newValue)
+ IOReturn ret;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ IOByteCount offset, length;
+ addr64_t addr;
+ uint32_t idx;
+ IODMACommand * dma;
+ IODMACommand::SegmentOptions segOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = 64,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = 0x2000,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = 128 * 1024,
+ .fAlignment = 1,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 1,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = 1
+ };
+ IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments;
+ UInt64 dmaOffset;
+ IOAddressRange ranges[2] = {
+ { 0x1234567890123456ULL, 0x1000 }, { 0x5432109876543210, 0x2000 },
+ };
+ md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges(&ranges[0], 2, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryRemote, TASK_NULL);
+ assert(md);
+// md->map();
+// md->readBytes(0, &idx, sizeof(idx));
+ ret = md->prepare(kIODirectionOutIn);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ printf("remote md flags 0x%qx, r %d\n",
+ md->getFlags(), (0 != (kIOMemoryRemote & md->getFlags())));
+ for (offset = 0, idx = 0; true; offset += length, idx++) {
+ addr = md->getPhysicalSegment(offset, &length, 0);
+ if (!length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(idx < 2);
+ assert(addr == ranges[idx].address);
+ assert(length == ranges[idx].length);
+ }
+ assert(offset == md->getLength());
+ dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost64, &segOptions,
+ kIODMAMapOptionUnmapped | kIODMAMapOptionIterateOnly,
+ assert(dma);
+ ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md, true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ for (dmaOffset = 0, idx = 0; dmaOffset < md->getLength(); idx++) {
+ numSegments = 1;
+ ret = dma->gen64IOVMSegments(&dmaOffset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ assert(1 == numSegments);
+ assert(idx < 2);
+ assert(segments[0].fIOVMAddr == ranges[idx].address);
+ assert(segments[0].fLength == ranges[idx].length);
+ }
+ assert(dmaOffset == md->getLength());
+ ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dma->release();
+ md->complete(kIODirectionOutIn);
+ md->release();
+ return 0;
+static IOReturn
+IOMemoryPrefaultTest(uint32_t options)
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
+ IOReturn kr;
+ uint32_t data;
+ uint32_t * p;
+ IOSimpleLock * lock;
+ lock = IOSimpleLockAlloc();
+ assert(lock);
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(current_task(),
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(8));
+ assert(bmd);
+ kr = bmd->prepare();
+ assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ map = bmd->map(kIOMapPrefault);
+ assert(map);
+ p = (typeof(p))map->getVirtualAddress();
+ IOSimpleLockLock(lock);
+ data = p[0];
+ IOSimpleLockUnlock(lock);
+ IOLog("IOMemoryPrefaultTest %d\n", data);
+ map->release();
+ bmd->release();
+ IOSimpleLockFree(lock);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
// <rdar://problem/26375234>
static IOReturn
ZeroLengthTest(int newValue)
- IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
- md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(
- 0, 0, kIODirectionNone, current_task());
- assert(md);
- md->prepare();
- md->complete();
- md->release();
- return (0);
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(
+ 0, 0, kIODirectionNone, current_task());
+ assert(md);
+ md->prepare();
+ md->complete();
+ md->release();
+ return 0;
// <rdar://problem/27002624>
static IOReturn
BadFixedAllocTest(int newValue)
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
- IOMemoryMap * map;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
- bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(NULL,
- kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(1));
- assert(bmd);
- map = bmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0x2000, 0);
- assert(!map);
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(NULL,
+ kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(1));
+ assert(bmd);
+ map = bmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0x2000, 0);
+ assert(!map);
- bmd->release();
- return (0);
+ bmd->release();
+ return 0;
// <rdar://problem/26466423>
static IOReturn
IODirectionPrepareNoZeroFillTest(int newValue)
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
- bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(NULL,
- kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(24));
- assert(bmd);
- bmd->prepare((IODirection)(kIODirectionIn | kIODirectionPrepareNoZeroFill));
- bmd->prepare(kIODirectionIn);
- bmd->complete((IODirection)(kIODirectionIn | kIODirectionCompleteWithDataValid));
- bmd->complete(kIODirectionIn);
- bmd->release();
- return (0);
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(NULL,
+ kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryPageable, ptoa(24));
+ assert(bmd);
+ bmd->prepare((IODirection)(kIODirectionIn | kIODirectionPrepareNoZeroFill));
+ bmd->prepare(kIODirectionIn);
+ bmd->complete((IODirection)(kIODirectionIn | kIODirectionCompleteWithDataValid));
+ bmd->complete(kIODirectionIn);
+ bmd->release();
+ return 0;
// <rdar://problem/28190483>
static IOReturn
IOMemoryMapTest(uint32_t options)
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
- IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
- IOMemoryMap * map;
- uint32_t data;
- user_addr_t p;
- uint8_t * p2;
- int r;
- uint64_t time, nano;
- bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(current_task(),
- kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPageable, 0x4018+0x800);
- assert(bmd);
- p = (typeof(p)) bmd->getBytesNoCopy();
- p += 0x800;
- data = 0x11111111;
- r = copyout(&data, p, sizeof(data));
- assert(r == 0);
- data = 0x22222222;
- r = copyout(&data, p + 0x1000, sizeof(data));
- assert(r == 0);
- data = 0x33333333;
- r = copyout(&data, p + 0x2000, sizeof(data));
- assert(r == 0);
- data = 0x44444444;
- r = copyout(&data, p + 0x3000, sizeof(data));
- assert(r == 0);
- md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(p, 0x4018,
- kIODirectionOut | options,
- current_task());
- assert(md);
- time = mach_absolute_time();
- map = md->map(kIOMapReadOnly);
- time = mach_absolute_time() - time;
- assert(map);
- absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
- p2 = (typeof(p2)) map->getVirtualAddress();
- assert(0x11 == p2[0]);
- assert(0x22 == p2[0x1000]);
- assert(0x33 == p2[0x2000]);
- assert(0x44 == p2[0x3000]);
- data = 0x99999999;
- r = copyout(&data, p + 0x2000, sizeof(data));
- assert(r == 0);
- assert(0x11 == p2[0]);
- assert(0x22 == p2[0x1000]);
- assert(0x44 == p2[0x3000]);
- if (kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite & options) assert(0x33 == p2[0x2000]);
- else assert(0x99 == p2[0x2000]);
- IOLog("IOMemoryMapCopyOnWriteTest map(%s) %lld ns\n",
- kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite & options ? "kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite" : "",
- nano);
- map->release();
- md->release();
- bmd->release();
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
+ uint32_t data;
+ user_addr_t p;
+ uint8_t * p2;
+ int r;
+ uint64_t time, nano;
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(current_task(),
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPageable, 0x4018 + 0x800);
+ assert(bmd);
+ p = (typeof(p))bmd->getBytesNoCopy();
+ p += 0x800;
+ data = 0x11111111;
+ r = copyout(&data, p, sizeof(data));
+ assert(r == 0);
+ data = 0x22222222;
+ r = copyout(&data, p + 0x1000, sizeof(data));
+ assert(r == 0);
+ data = 0x33333333;
+ r = copyout(&data, p + 0x2000, sizeof(data));
+ assert(r == 0);
+ data = 0x44444444;
+ r = copyout(&data, p + 0x3000, sizeof(data));
+ assert(r == 0);
+ md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(p, 0x4018,
+ kIODirectionOut | options,
+ current_task());
+ assert(md);
+ time = mach_absolute_time();
+ map = md->map(kIOMapReadOnly);
+ time = mach_absolute_time() - time;
+ assert(map);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
+ p2 = (typeof(p2))map->getVirtualAddress();
+ assert(0x11 == p2[0]);
+ assert(0x22 == p2[0x1000]);
+ assert(0x33 == p2[0x2000]);
+ assert(0x44 == p2[0x3000]);
+ data = 0x99999999;
+ r = copyout(&data, p + 0x2000, sizeof(data));
+ assert(r == 0);
+ assert(0x11 == p2[0]);
+ assert(0x22 == p2[0x1000]);
+ assert(0x44 == p2[0x3000]);
+ if (kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite & options) {
+ assert(0x33 == p2[0x2000]);
+ } else {
+ assert(0x99 == p2[0x2000]);
+ }
+ IOLog("IOMemoryMapCopyOnWriteTest map(%s) %lld ns\n",
+ kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite & options ? "kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite" : "",
+ nano);
+ map->release();
+ md->release();
+ bmd->release();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
static int
IOMemoryMapCopyOnWriteTest(int newValue)
- IOMemoryMapTest(0);
- IOMemoryMapTest(kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite);
- return (0);
+ IOMemoryMapTest(0);
+ IOMemoryMapTest(kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite);
+ return 0;
-int IOMemoryDescriptorTest(int newValue)
+static int
+AllocationNameTest(int newValue)
- int result;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * bmd;
+ kern_allocation_name_t name, prior;
- IOLog("/IOMemoryDescriptorTest %d\n", (int) gIOMemoryReferenceCount);
+ name = kern_allocation_name_allocate("com.apple.iokit.test", 0);
+ assert(name);
-#if 0
- if (6 == newValue)
- {
- IOMemoryDescriptor * sbmds[3];
- IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * smmd;
- IOMemoryDescriptor * mds[2];
- IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * mmd;
- IOMemoryMap * map;
+ prior = thread_set_allocation_name(name);
- sbmds[0] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(1));
- sbmds[1] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(2));
- sbmds[2] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(3));
- smmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&sbmds[0], sizeof(sbmds)/sizeof(sbmds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
+ bmd = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPageable | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared,
+ ptoa(13));
+ assert(bmd);
+ bmd->prepare();
- mds[0] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(1));
- mds[1] = smmd;
- mmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&mds[0], sizeof(mds)/sizeof(mds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
- map = mmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere);
- assert(map);
- map->release();
- mmd->release();
- mds[0]->release();
- mds[1]->release();
- sbmds[0]->release();
- sbmds[1]->release();
- sbmds[2]->release();
- return (0);
- }
- else if (5 == newValue)
- {
- IOReturn ret;
- IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
- IODMACommand * dma;
- IODMACommand::SegmentOptions segOptions =
- {
- .fStructSize = sizeof(segOptions),
- .fNumAddressBits = 64,
- .fMaxSegmentSize = 4096,
- .fMaxTransferSize = 128*1024,
- .fAlignment = 4,
- .fAlignmentLength = 4,
- .fAlignmentInternalSegments = 0x1000
- };
+ thread_set_allocation_name(prior);
+ kern_allocation_name_release(name);
- IOAddressRange ranges[3][2] =
- {
- {
- { (uintptr_t) &IOMemoryDescriptorTest, 0x2ffc },
- { 0, 0 },
- },
- {
- { ranges[0][0].address, 0x10 },
- { 0x3000 + ranges[0][0].address, 0xff0 },
- },
- {
- { ranges[0][0].address, 0x2ffc },
- { trunc_page(ranges[0][0].address), 0x800 },
- },
- };
- static const uint32_t rangesCount[3] = { 1, 2, 2 };
- uint32_t test;
+ if (newValue != 7) {
+ bmd->release();
+ }
- for (test = 0; test < 3; test++)
- {
- kprintf("---[%d] address 0x%qx-0x%qx, 0x%qx-0x%qx\n", test,
- ranges[test][0].address, ranges[test][0].length,
- ranges[test][1].address, ranges[test][1].length);
- md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges((IOAddressRange*)&ranges[test][0], rangesCount[test], kIODirectionOut, kernel_task);
- assert(md);
- ret = md->prepare();
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost64, &segOptions,
- IODMACommand::kMapped, NULL, NULL);
- assert(dma);
- ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md, true);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret)
- {
- IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[1];
- UInt32 numSegments;
- UInt64 offset;
+ return 0;
- offset = 0;
- do
+IOMemoryDescriptorTest(int newValue)
+ int result;
+ IOLog("/IOMemoryDescriptorTest %d\n", (int) gIOMemoryReferenceCount);
+#if 0
+ if (6 == newValue) {
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * sbmds[3];
+ IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * smmd;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * mds[2];
+ IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * mmd;
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
+ sbmds[0] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(1));
+ sbmds[1] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(2));
+ sbmds[2] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(3));
+ smmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&sbmds[0], sizeof(sbmds) / sizeof(sbmds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
+ mds[0] = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, ptoa(1));
+ mds[1] = smmd;
+ mmd = IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(&mds[0], sizeof(mds) / sizeof(mds[0]), kIODirectionOutIn, false);
+ map = mmd->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere);
+ assert(map);
+ map->release();
+ mmd->release();
+ mds[0]->release();
+ mds[1]->release();
+ sbmds[0]->release();
+ sbmds[1]->release();
+ sbmds[2]->release();
+ return 0;
+ } else if (5 == newValue) {
+ IOReturn ret;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ IODMACommand * dma;
+ IODMACommand::SegmentOptions segOptions =
+ {
+ .fStructSize = sizeof(segOptions),
+ .fNumAddressBits = 64,
+ .fMaxSegmentSize = 4096,
+ .fMaxTransferSize = 128 * 1024,
+ .fAlignment = 4,
+ .fAlignmentLength = 4,
+ .fAlignmentInternalSegments = 0x1000
+ };
+ IOAddressRange ranges[3][2] =
- numSegments = 1;
- ret = dma->gen64IOVMSegments(&offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- assert(1 == numSegments);
- kprintf("seg 0x%qx, 0x%qx\n", segments[0].fIOVMAddr, segments[0].fLength);
+ {
+ { (uintptr_t) &IOMemoryDescriptorTest, 0x2ffc },
+ { 0, 0 },
+ },
+ {
+ { ranges[0][0].address, 0x10 },
+ { 0x3000 + ranges[0][0].address, 0xff0 },
+ },
+ {
+ { ranges[0][0].address, 0x2ffc },
+ { trunc_page(ranges[0][0].address), 0x800 },
+ },
+ };
+ static const uint32_t rangesCount[3] = { 1, 2, 2 };
+ uint32_t test;
+ for (test = 0; test < 3; test++) {
+ kprintf("---[%d] address 0x%qx-0x%qx, 0x%qx-0x%qx\n", test,
+ ranges[test][0].address, ranges[test][0].length,
+ ranges[test][1].address, ranges[test][1].length);
+ md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges((IOAddressRange*)&ranges[test][0], rangesCount[test], kIODirectionOut, kernel_task);
+ assert(md);
+ ret = md->prepare();
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost64, &segOptions,
+ IODMACommand::kMapped, NULL, NULL);
+ assert(dma);
+ ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md, true);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
+ IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments;
+ UInt64 offset;
+ offset = 0;
+ do{
+ numSegments = 1;
+ ret = dma->gen64IOVMSegments(&offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ assert(1 == numSegments);
+ kprintf("seg 0x%qx, 0x%qx\n", segments[0].fIOVMAddr, segments[0].fLength);
+ }while (offset < md->getLength());
+ ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ dma->release();
+ }
+ md->release();
- while (offset < md->getLength());
- ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ } else if (4 == newValue) {
+ IOService * isp;
+ IOMapper * mapper;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md1;
+ IODMACommand * dma;
+ IOReturn ret;
+ size_t bufSize = 8192 * 8192 * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ uint64_t start, time, nano;
+ isp = IOService::copyMatchingService(IOService::nameMatching("isp"));
+ assert(isp);
+ mapper = IOMapper::copyMapperForDeviceWithIndex(isp, 0);
+ assert(mapper);
+ md1 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
+ bufSize, page_size);
+ ret = md1->prepare();
assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- dma->release();
- }
- md->release();
- }
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
- }
- else if (4 == newValue)
- {
- IOService * isp;
- IOMapper * mapper;
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md1;
- IODMACommand * dma;
- IOReturn ret;
- size_t bufSize = 8192 * 8192 * sizeof(uint32_t);
- uint64_t start, time, nano;
- isp = IOService::copyMatchingService(IOService::nameMatching("isp"));
- assert(isp);
- mapper = IOMapper::copyMapperForDeviceWithIndex(isp, 0);
- assert(mapper);
- md1 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
- kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
- bufSize, page_size);
- ret = md1->prepare();
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- IODMAMapSpecification mapSpec;
- bzero(&mapSpec, sizeof(mapSpec));
- uint64_t mapped;
- uint64_t mappedLength;
+ IODMAMapSpecification mapSpec;
+ bzero(&mapSpec, sizeof(mapSpec));
+ uint64_t mapped;
+ uint64_t mappedLength;
- start = mach_absolute_time();
+ start = mach_absolute_time();
- ret = md1->dmaMap(mapper, NULL, &mapSpec, 0, bufSize, &mapped, &mappedLength);
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ ret = md1->dmaMap(mapper, NULL, &mapSpec, 0, bufSize, &mapped, &mappedLength);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- time = mach_absolute_time() - start;
+ time = mach_absolute_time() - start;
- absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
- kprintf("time %lld us\n", nano / 1000ULL);
- kprintf("seg0 0x%qx, 0x%qx\n", mapped, mappedLength);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
+ kprintf("time %lld us\n", nano / 1000ULL);
+ kprintf("seg0 0x%qx, 0x%qx\n", mapped, mappedLength);
- assert(md1);
+ assert(md1);
- dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost32,
- 32, 0, IODMACommand::kMapped, 0, 1, mapper, NULL);
+ dma = IODMACommand::withSpecification(kIODMACommandOutputHost32,
+ 32, 0, IODMACommand::kMapped, 0, 1, mapper, NULL);
- assert(dma);
+ assert(dma);
- start = mach_absolute_time();
- ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md1, true);
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- time = mach_absolute_time() - start;
+ start = mach_absolute_time();
+ ret = dma->setMemoryDescriptor(md1, true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ time = mach_absolute_time() - start;
- absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
- kprintf("time %lld us\n", nano / 1000ULL);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
+ kprintf("time %lld us\n", nano / 1000ULL);
- IODMACommand::Segment32 segments[1];
- UInt32 numSegments = 1;
- UInt64 offset;
- offset = 0;
- ret = dma->gen32IOVMSegments(&offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
- assert(1 == numSegments);
- kprintf("seg0 0x%x, 0x%x\n", (int)segments[0].fIOVMAddr, (int)segments[0].fLength);
+ IODMACommand::Segment32 segments[1];
+ UInt32 numSegments = 1;
+ UInt64 offset;
- ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
- assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ offset = 0;
+ ret = dma->gen32IOVMSegments(&offset, &segments[0], &numSegments);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ assert(1 == numSegments);
+ kprintf("seg0 0x%x, 0x%x\n", (int)segments[0].fIOVMAddr, (int)segments[0].fLength);
+ ret = dma->clearMemoryDescriptor(true);
+ assert(kIOReturnSuccess == ret);
+ md1->release();
- md1->release();
- return (kIOReturnSuccess);
- }
- if (3 == newValue)
- {
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md1;
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md2;
- IOMemoryMap * map1;
- IOMemoryMap * map2;
- uint32_t * buf1;
- uint32_t * buf2;
- IOReturn err;
- md1 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
- kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
- 64*1024, page_size);
- assert(md1);
- map1 = md1->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere | kIOMapUnique);
- assert(map1);
- buf1 = (uint32_t *) map1->getVirtualAddress();
- md2 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
- kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
- 64*1024, page_size);
- assert(md2);
- map2 = md2->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere | kIOMapUnique);
- assert(map2);
- buf2 = (uint32_t *) map2->getVirtualAddress();
- memset(buf1, 0x11, 64*1024L);
- memset(buf2, 0x22, 64*1024L);
- kprintf("md1 %p, map1 %p, buf2 %p; md2 %p, map2 %p, buf2 %p\n", md1, map1, buf1, md2, map2, buf2);
- kprintf("no redir 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", buf1[0], buf2[0]);
- assert(0x11111111 == buf1[0]);
- assert(0x22222222 == buf2[0]);
- err = map1->redirect(md2, 0, 0ULL);
- kprintf("redir md2(0x%x) 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", err, buf1[0], buf2[0]);
- assert(0x11111111 == buf2[0]);
- assert(0x22222222 == buf1[0]);
- err = map1->redirect(md1, 0, 0ULL);
- kprintf("redir md1(0x%x) 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", err, buf1[0], buf2[0]);
- assert(0x11111111 == buf1[0]);
- assert(0x22222222 == buf2[0]);
- map1->release();
- map2->release();
- md1->release();
- md2->release();
- }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ if (3 == newValue) {
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md1;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * md2;
+ IOMemoryMap * map1;
+ IOMemoryMap * map2;
+ uint32_t * buf1;
+ uint32_t * buf2;
+ IOReturn err;
+ md1 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
+ 64 * 1024, page_size);
+ assert(md1);
+ map1 = md1->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere | kIOMapUnique);
+ assert(map1);
+ buf1 = (uint32_t *) map1->getVirtualAddress();
+ md2 = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(TASK_NULL,
+ kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryPersistent | kIOMemoryPageable,
+ 64 * 1024, page_size);
+ assert(md2);
+ map2 = md2->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere | kIOMapUnique);
+ assert(map2);
+ buf2 = (uint32_t *) map2->getVirtualAddress();
+ memset(buf1, 0x11, 64 * 1024L);
+ memset(buf2, 0x22, 64 * 1024L);
+ kprintf("md1 %p, map1 %p, buf2 %p; md2 %p, map2 %p, buf2 %p\n", md1, map1, buf1, md2, map2, buf2);
+ kprintf("no redir 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", buf1[0], buf2[0]);
+ assert(0x11111111 == buf1[0]);
+ assert(0x22222222 == buf2[0]);
+ err = map1->redirect(md2, 0, 0ULL);
+ kprintf("redir md2(0x%x) 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", err, buf1[0], buf2[0]);
+ assert(0x11111111 == buf2[0]);
+ assert(0x22222222 == buf1[0]);
+ err = map1->redirect(md1, 0, 0ULL);
+ kprintf("redir md1(0x%x) 0x%08x, 0x%08x\n", err, buf1[0], buf2[0]);
+ assert(0x11111111 == buf1[0]);
+ assert(0x22222222 == buf2[0]);
+ map1->release();
+ map2->release();
+ md1->release();
+ md2->release();
+ }
- result = IOMemoryMapCopyOnWriteTest(newValue);
- if (result) return (result);
+// result = IODMACommandLocalMappedNonContig(newValue);
+// if (result) return (result);
- result = IOMultMemoryDescriptorTest(newValue);
- if (result) return (result);
+ result = IODMACommandForceDoubleBufferTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- result = ZeroLengthTest(newValue);
- if (result) return (result);
+ result = AllocationNameTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- result = IODirectionPrepareNoZeroFillTest(newValue);
- if (result) return (result);
+ result = IOMemoryMapCopyOnWriteTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- result = BadFixedAllocTest(newValue);
- if (result) return (result);
+ result = IOMultMemoryDescriptorTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * md;
- vm_offset_t data[2];
- vm_size_t bsize = 16*1024*1024;
- vm_size_t srcsize, srcoffset, mapoffset, size;
- kern_return_t kr;
+ result = ZeroLengthTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- data[0] = data[1] = 0;
- kr = vm_allocate(kernel_map, &data[0], bsize, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE);
- assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ result = IODirectionPrepareNoZeroFillTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- vm_inherit(kernel_map, data[0] + ptoa(1), ptoa(1), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
- vm_inherit(kernel_map, data[0] + ptoa(16), ptoa(4), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
+ result = BadFixedAllocTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- IOLog("data 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", (long)data[0], (long)data[1]);
+ result = IOMemoryRemoteTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- uint32_t idx, offidx;
- for (idx = 0; idx < (bsize / sizeof(uint32_t)); idx++)
- {
- ((uint32_t*)data[0])[idx] = idx;
- }
+ result = IOMemoryPrefaultTest(newValue);
+ if (result) {
+ return result;
+ }
- for (srcoffset = 0; srcoffset < bsize; srcoffset = ((srcoffset << 2) + 0x40c))
- {
- for (srcsize = 4; srcsize < (bsize - srcoffset - 1); srcsize = ((srcsize << 2) + 0x3fc))
- {
- IOAddressRange ranges[3];
- uint32_t rangeCount = 1;
- bzero(&ranges[0], sizeof(ranges));
- ranges[0].address = data[0] + srcoffset;
- ranges[0].length = srcsize;
- ranges[1].address = ranges[2].address = data[0];
- if (srcsize > ptoa(5))
- {
- ranges[0].length = 7634;
- ranges[1].length = 9870;
- ranges[2].length = srcsize - ranges[0].length - ranges[1].length;
- ranges[1].address = ranges[0].address + ranges[0].length;
- ranges[2].address = ranges[1].address + ranges[1].length;
- rangeCount = 3;
- }
- else if ((srcsize > ptoa(2)) && !(page_mask & srcoffset))
- {
- ranges[0].length = ptoa(1);
- ranges[1].length = ptoa(1);
- ranges[2].length = srcsize - ranges[0].length - ranges[1].length;
- ranges[0].address = data[0] + srcoffset + ptoa(1);
- ranges[1].address = data[0] + srcoffset;
- ranges[2].address = ranges[0].address + ranges[0].length;
- rangeCount = 3;
- }
- md = OSDynamicCast(IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor,
- IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges(&ranges[0], rangeCount, kIODirectionInOut, kernel_task));
- assert(md);
- IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges [0x%lx @ 0x%lx]\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx],\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx],\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx]\n",
- (long) srcsize, (long) srcoffset,
- (long long) ranges[0].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[0].length,
- (long long) ranges[1].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[1].length,
- (long long) ranges[2].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[2].length);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess == kr)
- {
- for (mapoffset = 0; mapoffset < srcsize; mapoffset = ((mapoffset << 1) + 0xf00))
- {
- for (size = 4; size < (srcsize - mapoffset - 1); size = ((size << 2) + 0x200))
- {
- IOMemoryMap * map;
- mach_vm_address_t addr = 0;
- uint32_t data;
+ IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * md;
+ vm_offset_t data[2];
+ vm_size_t bsize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
+ vm_size_t srcsize, srcoffset, mapoffset, size;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ data[0] = data[1] = 0;
+ kr = vm_allocate_kernel(kernel_map, &data[0], bsize, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, VM_KERN_MEMORY_IOKIT);
+ assert(KERN_SUCCESS == kr);
+ vm_inherit(kernel_map, data[0] + ptoa(1), ptoa(1), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
+ vm_inherit(kernel_map, data[0] + ptoa(16), ptoa(4), VM_INHERIT_NONE);
+ IOLog("data 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n", (long)data[0], (long)data[1]);
+ uint32_t idx, offidx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < (bsize / sizeof(uint32_t)); idx++) {
+ ((uint32_t*)data[0])[idx] = idx;
+ }
+ for (srcoffset = 0; srcoffset < bsize; srcoffset = ((srcoffset << 2) + 0x40c)) {
+ for (srcsize = 4; srcsize < (bsize - srcoffset - 1); srcsize = ((srcsize << 2) + 0x3fc)) {
+ IOAddressRange ranges[3];
+ uint32_t rangeCount = 1;
+ bzero(&ranges[0], sizeof(ranges));
+ ranges[0].address = data[0] + srcoffset;
+ ranges[0].length = srcsize;
+ ranges[1].address = ranges[2].address = data[0];
+ if (srcsize > ptoa(5)) {
+ ranges[0].length = 7634;
+ ranges[1].length = 9870;
+ ranges[2].length = srcsize - ranges[0].length - ranges[1].length;
+ ranges[1].address = ranges[0].address + ranges[0].length;
+ ranges[2].address = ranges[1].address + ranges[1].length;
+ rangeCount = 3;
+ } else if ((srcsize > ptoa(2)) && !(page_mask & srcoffset)) {
+ ranges[0].length = ptoa(1);
+ ranges[1].length = ptoa(1);
+ ranges[2].length = srcsize - ranges[0].length - ranges[1].length;
+ ranges[0].address = data[0] + srcoffset + ptoa(1);
+ ranges[1].address = data[0] + srcoffset;
+ ranges[2].address = ranges[0].address + ranges[0].length;
+ rangeCount = 3;
+ }
+ md = OSDynamicCast(IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor,
+ IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges(&ranges[0], rangeCount, kIODirectionInOut, kernel_task));
+ assert(md);
+ IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRanges [0x%lx @ 0x%lx]\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx],\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx],\n[0x%llx, 0x%llx]\n",
+ (long) srcsize, (long) srcoffset,
+ (long long) ranges[0].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[0].length,
+ (long long) ranges[1].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[1].length,
+ (long long) ranges[2].address - data[0], (long long) ranges[2].length);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == kr) {
+ for (mapoffset = 0; mapoffset < srcsize; mapoffset = ((mapoffset << 1) + 0xf00)) {
+ for (size = 4; size < (srcsize - mapoffset - 1); size = ((size << 2) + 0x200)) {
+ IOMemoryMap * map;
+ mach_vm_address_t addr = 0;
+ uint32_t data;
// IOLog("<mapRef [0x%lx @ 0x%lx]\n", (long) size, (long) mapoffset);
- map = md->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere, mapoffset, size);
- if (map) addr = map->getAddress();
- else kr = kIOReturnError;
+ map = md->createMappingInTask(kernel_task, 0, kIOMapAnywhere, mapoffset, size);
+ if (map) {
+ addr = map->getAddress();
+ } else {
+ kr = kIOReturnError;
+ }
// IOLog(">mapRef 0x%x %llx\n", kr, addr);
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) break;
- kr = md->prepare();
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr)
- {
- panic("prepare() fail 0x%x\n", kr);
- break;
- }
- for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx += sizeof(uint32_t))
- {
- offidx = (idx + mapoffset + srcoffset);
- if ((srcsize <= ptoa(5)) && (srcsize > ptoa(2)) && !(page_mask & srcoffset))
- {
- if (offidx < ptoa(2)) offidx ^= ptoa(1);
- }
- offidx /= sizeof(uint32_t);
- if (offidx != ((uint32_t*)addr)[idx/sizeof(uint32_t)])
- {
- panic("vm mismatch md %p map %p, @ 0x%x, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, \n", md, map, idx, (long) srcoffset, (long) mapoffset);
- kr = kIOReturnBadMedia;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sizeof(data) != md->readBytes(mapoffset + idx, &data, sizeof(data))) data = 0;
- if (offidx != data)
- {
- panic("phys mismatch md %p map %p, @ 0x%x, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, \n", md, map, idx, (long) srcoffset, (long) mapoffset);
- kr = kIOReturnBadMedia;
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ kr = md->prepare();
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ panic("prepare() fail 0x%x\n", kr);
+ break;
+ }
+ for (idx = 0; idx < size; idx += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ offidx = (idx + mapoffset + srcoffset);
+ if ((srcsize <= ptoa(5)) && (srcsize > ptoa(2)) && !(page_mask & srcoffset)) {
+ if (offidx < ptoa(2)) {
+ offidx ^= ptoa(1);
+ }
+ }
+ offidx /= sizeof(uint32_t);
+ if (offidx != ((uint32_t*)addr)[idx / sizeof(uint32_t)]) {
+ panic("vm mismatch md %p map %p, @ 0x%x, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, \n", md, map, idx, (long) srcoffset, (long) mapoffset);
+ kr = kIOReturnBadMedia;
+ } else {
+ if (sizeof(data) != md->readBytes(mapoffset + idx, &data, sizeof(data))) {
+ data = 0;
+ }
+ if (offidx != data) {
+ panic("phys mismatch md %p map %p, @ 0x%x, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, \n", md, map, idx, (long) srcoffset, (long) mapoffset);
+ kr = kIOReturnBadMedia;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ md->complete();
+ map->release();
+// IOLog("unmapRef %llx\n", addr);
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ break;
+ }
- }
- md->complete();
- map->release();
-// IOLog("unmapRef %llx\n", addr);
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) break;
+ md->release();
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ break;
- }
- md->release();
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) break;
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) break;
- }
- if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) IOLog("FAIL: src 0x%lx @ 0x%lx, map 0x%lx @ 0x%lx\n",
- (long) srcsize, (long) srcoffset, (long) size, (long) mapoffset);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != kr) {
+ IOLog("FAIL: src 0x%lx @ 0x%lx, map 0x%lx @ 0x%lx\n",
+ (long) srcsize, (long) srcoffset, (long) size, (long) mapoffset);
+ }
- assert(kr == kIOReturnSuccess);
+ assert(kr == kIOReturnSuccess);
- vm_deallocate(kernel_map, data[0], bsize);
+ vm_deallocate(kernel_map, data[0], bsize);
// vm_deallocate(kernel_map, data[1], size);
- IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptorTest/ %d\n", (int) gIOMemoryReferenceCount);
+ IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptorTest/ %d\n", (int) gIOMemoryReferenceCount);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */