- * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
struct bwmeas {
- tcp_seq bw_start; /* start of bw measurement */
+ tcp_seq bw_start; /* start of bw measurement */
uint32_t bw_ts; /* timestamp when bw measurement started */
- uint32_t bw_size; /* burst size in bytes for this bw measurement */
- uint32_t bw_minsizepkts; /* Min burst size as segments */
- uint32_t bw_maxsizepkts; /* Max burst size as segments */
+ uint32_t bw_size; /* burst size in bytes for this bw measurement */
+ uint32_t bw_minsizepkts; /* Min burst size as segments */
+ uint32_t bw_maxsizepkts; /* Max burst size as segments */
uint32_t bw_minsize; /* Min size in bytes */
uint32_t bw_maxsize; /* Max size in bytes */
- uint32_t bw_sndbw; /* Measured send bw */
+ uint32_t bw_sndbw; /* Measured send bandwidth */
+ uint32_t bw_sndbw_max; /* Max measured bandwidth */
+ uint32_t bw_rcvbw_max; /* Max receive bandwidth measured */
/* MPTCP Data sequence map entry */
uint32_t mpt_sseq; /* relative subflow # */
uint16_t mpt_len; /* length of mapping */
uint16_t mpt_csum; /* checksum value if on */
+ uint8_t mpt_dfin; /* It's a DATA_FIN */
#define tcp6cb tcpcb /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */
u_int32_t t_maxopd; /* mss plus options */
u_int32_t t_rcvtime; /* time at which a packet was received */
+ u_int32_t t_sndtime; /* time at which we last sent new data */
u_int32_t t_starttime; /* time connection was established */
int t_rtttime; /* tcp clock when rtt calculation was started */
tcp_seq t_rtseq; /* sequence number being timed */
#define TE_ECN_ON (TE_SETUPSENT | TE_SETUPRECEIVED) /* Indicate ECN was successfully negotiated on a connection) */
#define TE_CEHEURI_SET 0x2000 /* We did our CE-probing at the beginning */
#define TE_CLIENT_SETUP 0x4000 /* setup from client side */
+#define TE_RCVD_SYN_RST 0x8000 /* Received RST to the first ECN enabled SYN */
u_int32_t t_ecn_recv_ce; /* Received CE from the network */
u_int32_t t_ecn_recv_cwr; /* Packets received with CWR */
#define TF_PROBING 0x200000 /* Trigger probe timeout */
#define TF_FASTOPEN 0x400000 /* TCP Fastopen is enabled */
#define TF_REASS_INPROG 0x800000 /* Reassembly is in progress */
+#define TF_FASTOPEN_HEUR 0x1000000 /* Make sure that heuristics get never skipped */
/* Inter-arrival jitter related state */
- uint32_t iaj_rcv_ts; /* tcp clock when the first packet was received */
+ uint32_t iaj_rcv_ts; /* tcp clock when the first packet was received */
uint16_t iaj_size; /* Size of packet for iaj measurement */
uint8_t iaj_small_pkt; /* Count of packets smaller than iaj_size */
uint8_t t_pipeack_ind; /* index for next pipeack sample */
uint16_t iaj_pktcnt; /* packet count, to avoid throttling initially */
uint16_t acc_iaj; /* Accumulated iaj */
- tcp_seq iaj_rwintop; /* recent max advertised window */
uint32_t avg_iaj; /* Mean */
uint32_t std_dev_iaj; /* Standard deviation */
#endif /* TRAFFIC_MGT */
u_int32_t t_mpflags; /* flags for multipath TCP */
-#define TMPF_PREESTABLISHED 0x00000001 /* conn in pre-established state */
-#define TMPF_SENT_KEYS 0x00000002 /* indicates that keys were sent */
+#define TMPF_PREESTABLISHED 0x00000001 /* conn in pre-established state */
+#define TMPF_SND_KEYS 0x00000002 /* indicates that keys should be send */
#define TMPF_MPTCP_TRUE 0x00000004 /* negotiated MPTCP successfully */
#define TMPF_MPTCP_RCVD_KEY 0x00000008 /* state for 3-way handshake */
#define TMPF_SND_MPPRIO 0x00000010 /* send priority of subflow */
#define TMPF_MPTCP_READY 0x00080000 /* Can send DSS options on data */
#define TMPF_INFIN_SENT 0x00100000 /* Sent infinite mapping */
#define TMPF_SND_MPFAIL 0x00200000 /* Received mapping csum failure */
-#define TMPF_FASTJOIN_SEND 0x00400000 /* Fast join early data send */
-#define TMPF_FASTJOINBY2_SEND 0x00800000 /* Fast join send after 3 WHS */
-#define TMPF_TFO_REQUEST 0x02000000 /* TFO Requested */
+#define TMPF_SND_JACK 0x00400000 /* Send a Join-ACK */
+#define TMPF_TFO_REQUEST 0x00800000 /* TFO Requested */
tcp_seq t_mpuna; /* unacknowledged sequence */
- void *t_mptcb; /* pointer to MPTCP TCB */
+ struct mptcb *t_mptcb; /* pointer to MPTCP TCB */
+ struct mptsub *t_mpsub; /* pointer to the MPTCP subflow */
struct mpt_dsn_map t_rcv_map; /* Receive mapping list */
u_int8_t t_local_aid; /* Addr Id for authentication */
u_int8_t t_rem_aid; /* Addr ID of another subflow */
#define TFO_F_COOKIE_REQ 0x04 /* Client requested a new cookie */
#define TFO_F_COOKIE_SENT 0x08 /* Client did send a cookie in the SYN */
#define TFO_F_SYN_LOSS 0x10 /* A SYN-loss triggered a fallback to regular TCP on the client-side */
-#define TFO_F_NO_RCVPROBING 0x20 /* This network is guaranteed to support TFO in the downstream direction */
-#define TFO_F_NO_SNDPROBING 0x40 /* This network is guaranteed to support TFO in the upstream direction */
+#define TFO_F_NO_SNDPROBING 0x20 /* This network is guaranteed to support TFO in the upstream direction */
+#define TFO_F_HEURISTIC_DONE 0x40 /* We have already marked this network as bad */
u_int8_t t_tfo_flags;
#define TFO_S_SYNDATA_RCV 0x01 /* SYN+data has been received */
#define TFO_S_COOKIEREQ_RECV 0x02 /* TFO-cookie request received */
#define TFO_S_HEURISTICS_DISABLE 0x0800 /* TFO-heuristics disabled it for this connection */
#define TFO_S_SEND_BLACKHOLE 0x1000 /* TFO got blackholed in the send direction */
#define TFO_S_RECV_BLACKHOLE 0x2000 /* TFO got blackholed in the recv direction */
+#define TFO_S_ONE_BYTE_PROXY 0x4000 /* TFO failed because of a proxy acknowledging just one byte */
u_int16_t t_tfo_stats;
u_int8_t t_tfo_probes; /* TFO-probes we did send */
u_int32_t t_dsack_recvd; /* Received a valid DSACK option */
SLIST_HEAD(,tcp_notify_ack_marker) t_notify_ack; /* state for notifying data acknowledgements */
u_int32_t t_recv_throttle_ts; /* TS for start of recv throttle */
+ u_int32_t t_rxt_minimum_timeout; /* minimum retransmit timeout in ms */
+ uint32_t t_challengeack_last; /* last time challenge ACK was sent per sec */
+ uint32_t t_challengeack_count; /* # of challenge ACKs already sent per sec */
#define IN_FASTRECOVERY(tp) (tp->t_flags & TF_FASTRECOVERY)
#define TCP_RESET_REXMT_STATE(_tp_) do { \
(_tp_)->t_rxtshift = 0; \
(_tp_)->t_rxtstart = 0; \
+ mptcp_reset_rexmit_state((_tp_)); \
} while(0);
-#define TCP_AUTORCVBUF_MAX(_ifp_) (((_ifp_) != NULL && \
- ((_ifp_)->if_eflags & IFEF_3CA)) ? tcp_autorcvbuf_max_ca : \
- tcp_autorcvbuf_max)
+#define TCP_AUTORCVBUF_MAX(_ifp_) (((_ifp_) != NULL && (IFNET_IS_CELLULAR((_ifp_))) && ((_ifp_)->if_eflags & IFEF_3CA)) ? \
+ (tcp_autorcvbuf_max << 1) : tcp_autorcvbuf_max)
enum tcp_cc_event {
#define intotcpcb(ip) ((struct tcpcb *)(ip)->inp_ppcb)
#define sototcpcb(so) (intotcpcb(sotoinpcb(so)))
- * The rtt measured is in milliseconds as the timestamp granularity is
- * a millisecond. The smoothed round-trip time and estimated variance
- * are stored as fixed point numbers scaled by the values below.
- * For convenience, these scales are also used in smoothing the average
- * (smoothed = (1/scale)sample + ((scale-1)/scale)smoothed).
- * With these scales, srtt has 5 bits to the right of the binary point,
- * and thus an "ALPHA" of 0.875. rttvar has 4 bits to the right of the
- * binary point, and is smoothed with an ALPHA of 0.75.
- */
-#define TCP_RTT_SCALE 32 /* multiplier for srtt; 3 bits frac. */
-#define TCP_RTT_SHIFT 5 /* shift for srtt; 5 bits frac. */
-#define TCP_RTTVAR_SCALE 16 /* multiplier for rttvar; 4 bits */
-#define TCP_RTTVAR_SHIFT 4 /* shift for rttvar; 4 bits */
-#define TCP_DELTA_SHIFT 2 /* see tcp_input.c */
/* TFO-specific defines */
u_int32_t tcps_badsyn; /* bogus SYN, e.g. premature ACK */
u_int32_t tcps_mturesent; /* resends due to MTU discovery */
u_int32_t tcps_listendrop; /* listen queue overflows */
+ u_int32_t tcps_synchallenge; /* challenge ACK due to bad SYN */
+ u_int32_t tcps_rstchallenge; /* challenge ACK due to bad RST */
/* new stats from FreeBSD 5.4 sync up */
u_int32_t tcps_minmssdrops; /* average minmss too low drops */
u_int32_t tcps_sndrexmitbad; /* unnecessary packet retransmissions */
u_int32_t tcps_badrst; /* ignored RSTs in the window */
u_int32_t tcps_mss_to_low; /* Change MSS to low using link status report */
u_int32_t tcps_ecn_fallback_droprst; /* ECN fallback caused by connection drop due to RST */
u_int32_t tcps_ecn_fallback_droprxmt; /* ECN fallback due to drop after multiple retransmits */
+ u_int32_t tcps_ecn_fallback_synrst; /* ECN fallback due to rst after syn */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_rcvmemdrop; /* MPTCP packets dropped for lack of memory */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_rcvduppack; /* MPTCP duplicate-only packets received */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_rcvpackafterwin; /* MPTCP packets with data after window */
+ /* TCP timer statistics */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_1_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 1 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_10_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 10 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_20_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 20 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_50_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 50 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_100_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 100 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_200_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 200 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_500_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 500 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_le_1000_ms; /* Timer drift less or equal to 1000 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_timer_drift_gt_1000_ms; /* Timer drift greater than 1000 ms */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_handover_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using handover mode */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_interactive_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using interactive mode */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_aggregate_attempt; /* Total number of MPTCP-attempts using aggregate mode */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_handover_attempt; /* Same as previous three but only for first-party apps */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_interactive_attempt;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_aggregate_attempt;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_heuristic_fallback; /* Total number of MPTCP-connections that fell back due to heuristics */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_heuristic_fallback; /* Same as previous but for first-party apps */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_handover_success_wifi; /* Total number of successfull handover-mode connections that *started* on WiFi */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_handover_success_cell; /* Total number of successfull handover-mode connections that *started* on Cell */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_interactive_success; /* Total number of interactive-mode connections that negotiated MPTCP */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_aggregate_success; /* Same as previous but for aggregate */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_handover_success_wifi; /* Same as previous four, but for first-party apps */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_handover_success_cell;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_interactive_success;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_fp_aggregate_success;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_handover_cell_from_wifi; /* Total number of connections that use cell in handover-mode (coming from WiFi) */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_handover_wifi_from_cell; /* Total number of connections that use WiFi in handover-mode (coming from cell) */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_interactive_cell_from_wifi; /* Total number of connections that use cell in interactive mode (coming from WiFi) */
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_handover_cell_bytes; /* Total number of bytes sent on cell in handover-mode (on new subflows, ignoring initial one) */
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_interactive_cell_bytes; /* Same as previous but for interactive */
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_aggregate_cell_bytes;
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_handover_all_bytes; /* Total number of bytes sent in handover */
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_interactive_all_bytes;
+ u_int64_t tcps_mptcp_aggregate_all_bytes;
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_back_to_wifi; /* Total number of connections that succeed to move traffic away from cell (when starting on cell) */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_wifi_proxy; /* Total number of new subflows that fell back to regular TCP on cell */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_cell_proxy; /* Total number of new subflows that fell back to regular TCP on WiFi */
+ u_int32_t tcps_mptcp_triggered_cell; /* Total number of times an MPTCP-connection triggered cell bringup */
u_quad_t xt_alignment_hack;
struct xtcpcb64 {
u_int32_t xt_len;
u_quad_t xt_alignment_hack;
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
#ifdef PRIVATE
u_int32_t snd_ssthresh_prev; /* ssthresh prior to retransmit */
+ /*
+ * The rtt measured is in milliseconds as the timestamp granularity is
+ * a millisecond. The smoothed round-trip time and estimated variance
+ * are stored as fixed point numbers scaled by the values below.
+ * For convenience, these scales are also used in smoothing the average
+ * (smoothed = (1/scale)sample + ((scale-1)/scale)smoothed).
+ * With these scales, srtt has 5 bits to the right of the binary point,
+ * and thus an "ALPHA" of 0.875. rttvar has 4 bits to the right of the
+ * binary point, and is smoothed with an ALPHA of 0.75.
+ */
+#define TCP_RTT_SCALE 32 /* multiplier for srtt; 3 bits frac. */
+#define TCP_RTT_SHIFT 5 /* shift for srtt; 5 bits frac. */
+#define TCP_RTTVAR_SCALE 16 /* multiplier for rttvar; 4 bits */
+#define TCP_RTTVAR_SHIFT 4 /* shift for rttvar; 4 bits */
+#define TCP_DELTA_SHIFT 2 /* see tcp_input.c */
+ * TCP structure with information that gives insight into forward progress on an interface,
+ * exported to user-land via sysctl(3).
+ */
+struct xtcpprogress_indicators {
+ u_int32_t xp_numflows; /* Total number of flows */
+ u_int32_t xp_conn_probe_fails; /* Count of connection failures */
+ u_int32_t xp_read_probe_fails; /* Count of read probe failures */
+ u_int32_t xp_write_probe_fails; /* Count of write failures */
+ u_int32_t xp_recentflows; /* Total of "recent" flows */
+ u_int32_t xp_recentflows_unacked; /* Total of "recent" flows with unacknowledged data */
+ u_int64_t xp_recentflows_rxbytes; /* Total of "recent" flows received bytes */
+ u_int64_t xp_recentflows_txbytes; /* Total of "recent" flows transmitted bytes */
+ u_int64_t xp_recentflows_rxooo; /* Total of "recent" flows received out of order bytes */
+ u_int64_t xp_recentflows_rxdup; /* Total of "recent" flows received duplicate bytes */
+ u_int64_t xp_recentflows_retx; /* Total of "recent" flows retransmitted bytes */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved1; /* Expansion */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved2; /* Expansion */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved3; /* Expansion */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved4; /* Expansion */
+struct tcpprogressreq {
+ u_int64_t ifindex; /* Interface index for progress indicators */
+ u_int64_t recentflow_maxduration; /* In mach_absolute_time, max duration for flow to be counted as "recent" */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved1; /* Expansion */
+ u_int64_t xp_reserved2; /* Expansion */
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#pragma pack()
-extern int tcp_tfo_halfcnt;
-extern int tcp_tfo_backlog;
-extern int tcp_fastopen;
-extern int tcp_tfo_fallback_min;
-extern int ss_fltsz;
-extern int ss_fltsz_local;
-extern int tcp_do_rfc3390; /* Calculate ss_fltsz according to RFC 3390 */
+extern int tcp_tfo_halfcnt;
+extern int tcp_tfo_backlog;
+extern int tcp_fastopen;
+extern int ss_fltsz;
+extern int ss_fltsz_local;
+extern int tcp_do_rfc3390; /* Calculate ss_fltsz according to RFC 3390 */
extern int tcp_do_rfc1323;
extern int target_qdelay;
-extern u_int32_t tcp_now; /* for RFC 1323 timestamps */
+extern u_int32_t tcp_now; /* for RFC 1323 timestamps */
extern struct timeval tcp_uptime;
extern lck_spin_t *tcp_uptime_lock;
-extern int tcp_delack_enabled;
-extern int tcp_do_sack; /* SACK enabled/disabled */
+extern int tcp_delack_enabled;
+extern int tcp_do_sack; /* SACK enabled/disabled */
extern int tcp_do_rfc3465;
extern int tcp_do_rfc3465_lim2;
extern int maxseg_unacked;
extern struct zone *tcp_rxt_seg_zone;
extern int tcp_ecn_outbound;
extern int tcp_ecn_inbound;
+extern u_int32_t tcp_do_autorcvbuf;
extern u_int32_t tcp_autorcvbuf_max;
-extern u_int32_t tcp_autorcvbuf_max_ca;
extern u_int32_t tcp_autorcvbuf_inc_shift;
+extern int tcp_recv_bg;
struct protosw;
struct domain;
void tcp_canceltimers(struct tcpcb *);
struct tcpcb *
tcp_close(struct tcpcb *);
-void tcp_ctlinput(int, struct sockaddr *, void *);
+void tcp_ctlinput(int, struct sockaddr *, void *, struct ifnet *);
int tcp_ctloutput(struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
struct tcpcb *
tcp_drop(struct tcpcb *, int);
struct tcpcb *tcp_timers(struct tcpcb *, int);
void tcp_trace(int, int, struct tcpcb *, void *, struct tcphdr *, int);
+void tcp_fill_info(struct tcpcb *, struct tcp_info *);
void tcp_sack_doack(struct tcpcb *, struct tcpopt *, struct tcphdr *,
u_int32_t *);
extern boolean_t tcp_sack_process_dsack(struct tcpcb *, struct tcpopt *,
extern void tcp_get_ports_used(u_int32_t, int, u_int32_t, bitstr_t *);
uint32_t tcp_count_opportunistic(unsigned int ifindex, u_int32_t flags);
uint32_t tcp_find_anypcb_byaddr(struct ifaddr *ifa);
-void tcp_set_max_rwinscale(struct tcpcb *tp, struct socket *so,
- u_int32_t maxrcvbuf);
+void tcp_set_max_rwinscale(struct tcpcb *tp, struct socket *so, struct ifnet *ifp);
struct bwmeas* tcp_bwmeas_alloc(struct tcpcb *tp);
void tcp_bwmeas_free(struct tcpcb *tp);
extern int32_t timer_diff(uint32_t t1, uint32_t toff1, uint32_t t2, uint32_t toff2);
extern void tcp_disable_tfo(struct tcpcb *tp);
extern void tcp_tfo_gen_cookie(struct inpcb *inp, u_char *out, size_t blk_size);
+extern int tcp_freeq(struct tcpcb *tp);
extern errno_t tcp_notify_ack_id_valid(struct tcpcb *, struct socket *, u_int32_t);
extern errno_t tcp_add_notify_ack_marker(struct tcpcb *, u_int32_t);
extern void tcp_notify_ack_free(struct tcpcb *);
extern bool tcp_notify_ack_active(struct socket *so);
-extern int mptcp_input_preproc(struct tcpcb *, struct mbuf *, int);
-extern void mptcp_output_csum(struct tcpcb *, struct mbuf *, int32_t, unsigned,
- u_int64_t, u_int32_t *);
+extern int mptcp_input_preproc(struct tcpcb *tp, struct mbuf *m,
+ struct tcphdr *th, int drop_hdrlen);
+extern uint32_t mptcp_output_csum(struct mbuf *m, uint64_t dss_val,
+ uint32_t sseq, uint16_t dlen);
extern int mptcp_adj_mss(struct tcpcb *, boolean_t);
-extern void mptcp_insert_rmap(struct tcpcb *, struct mbuf *);
+extern void mptcp_insert_rmap(struct tcpcb *tp, struct mbuf *m, struct tcphdr *th);
+__private_extern__ void tcp_update_stats_per_flow(
+ struct ifnet_stats_per_flow *, struct ifnet *);
#endif /* _NETINET_TCP_VAR_H_ */