+ lock_vnode_and_post(fdvp, events);
+ if (fdvp != tdvp) {
+ lock_vnode_and_post(tdvp, events);
+ }
+ /* If you're replacing the target, post a deletion for it */
+ if (tvp) {
+ lock_vnode_and_post(tvp, NOTE_DELETE);
+ }
+ lock_vnode_and_post(fvp, NOTE_RENAME);
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+*#% renamex fdvp U U U
+*#% renamex fvp U U U
+*#% renamex tdvp L U U
+*#% renamex tvp X U U
+struct vnop_renamex_args {
+ struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
+ vnode_t a_fdvp;
+ vnode_t a_fvp;
+ struct componentname *a_fcnp;
+ vnode_t a_tdvp;
+ vnode_t a_tvp;
+ struct componentname *a_tcnp;
+ vfs_rename_flags_t a_flags;
+ vfs_context_t a_context;
+#endif /* 0*/
+VNOP_RENAMEX(struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode *fvp, struct componentname *fcnp,
+ struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode *tvp, struct componentname *tcnp,
+ vfs_rename_flags_t flags, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ int _err = 0;
+ struct vnop_renamex_args a;
+ a.a_desc = &vnop_renamex_desc;
+ a.a_fdvp = fdvp;
+ a.a_fvp = fvp;
+ a.a_fcnp = fcnp;
+ a.a_tdvp = tdvp;
+ a.a_tvp = tvp;
+ a.a_tcnp = tcnp;
+ a.a_flags = flags;
+ a.a_context = ctx;
+ /* do the rename of the main file. */
+ _err = (*fdvp->v_op[vnop_renamex_desc.vdesc_offset])(&a);
+ DTRACE_FSINFO(renamex, vnode_t, fdvp);
+ if (_err) {
+ return _err;
+ }
+ return post_rename(fdvp, fvp, tdvp, tvp);
+ struct vnode *fdvp, struct vnode **fvpp, struct componentname *fcnp, struct vnode_attr *fvap,
+ struct vnode *tdvp, struct vnode **tvpp, struct componentname *tcnp, struct vnode_attr *tvap,
+ uint32_t flags, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ int _err = 0;
+ int events;
+ struct vnop_compound_rename_args a;
+ int no_fvp, no_tvp;
+ no_fvp = (*fvpp) == NULLVP;
+ no_tvp = (*tvpp) == NULLVP;
+ a.a_desc = &vnop_compound_rename_desc;
+ a.a_fdvp = fdvp;
+ a.a_fvpp = fvpp;
+ a.a_fcnp = fcnp;
+ a.a_fvap = fvap;
+ a.a_tdvp = tdvp;
+ a.a_tvpp = tvpp;
+ a.a_tcnp = tcnp;
+ a.a_tvap = tvap;
+ a.a_flags = flags;
+ a.a_context = ctx;
+ a.a_rename_authorizer = vn_authorize_rename;
+ a.a_reserved = NULL;
+ /* do the rename of the main file. */
+ _err = (*fdvp->v_op[vnop_compound_rename_desc.vdesc_offset])(&a);
+ DTRACE_FSINFO(compound_rename, vnode_t, fdvp);
+ if (_err == 0) {
+ if (*tvpp && *tvpp != *fvpp) {
+ vnode_setneedinactive(*tvpp);