+ * Validates that the topology was built correctly. Must be called only
+ * after the complete topology is built and no other changes are being made.
+ */
+ x86_pkg_t *pkg;
+ x86_die_t *die;
+ x86_core_t *core;
+ x86_lcpu_t *lcpu;
+ uint32_t nDies;
+ uint32_t nCores;
+ uint32_t nCPUs;
+ if (topo_dbg)
+ debug_topology_print();
+ /*
+ * XXX
+ *
+ * Right now this only works if the number of CPUs started is the total
+ * number of CPUs. However, when specifying cpus=n the topology is only
+ * partially constructed and the checks below will fail.
+ *
+ * We should *always* build the complete topology and only start the CPUs
+ * indicated by cpus=n. Until that happens, this code will not check the
+ * topology if the number of cpus defined is < that described the the
+ * topology parameters.
+ */
+ nCPUs = topoParms.nPackages * topoParms.nLThreadsPerPackage;
+ if (nCPUs > real_ncpus)
+ return;
+ pkg = x86_pkgs;
+ while (pkg != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the package has the correct number of dies.
+ */
+ nDies = 0;
+ die = pkg->dies;
+ while (die != NULL) {
+ if (die->package == NULL)
+ panic("Die(%d)->package is NULL",
+ die->pdie_num);
+ if (die->package != pkg)
+ panic("Die %d points to package %d, should be %d",
+ die->pdie_num, die->package->lpkg_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ TOPO_DBG("Die(%d)->package %d\n",
+ die->pdie_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the die has the correct number of cores.
+ */
+ TOPO_DBG("Die(%d)->cores: ", die->pdie_num);
+ nCores = 0;
+ core = die->cores;
+ while (core != NULL) {
+ if (core->die == NULL)
+ panic("Core(%d)->die is NULL",
+ core->pcore_num);
+ if (core->die != die)
+ panic("Core %d points to die %d, should be %d",
+ core->pcore_num, core->die->pdie_num, die->pdie_num);
+ nCores += 1;
+ TOPO_DBG("%d ", core->pcore_num);
+ core = core->next_in_die;
+ }
+ TOPO_DBG("\n");
+ if (nCores != topoParms.nLCoresPerDie)
+ panic("Should have %d Cores, but only found %d for Die %d",
+ topoParms.nLCoresPerDie, nCores, die->pdie_num);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the die has the correct number of CPUs.
+ */
+ TOPO_DBG("Die(%d)->lcpus: ", die->pdie_num);
+ nCPUs = 0;
+ lcpu = die->lcpus;
+ while (lcpu != NULL) {
+ if (lcpu->die == NULL)
+ panic("CPU(%d)->die is NULL",
+ lcpu->cpu_num);
+ if (lcpu->die != die)
+ panic("CPU %d points to die %d, should be %d",
+ lcpu->cpu_num, lcpu->die->pdie_num, die->pdie_num);
+ nCPUs += 1;
+ TOPO_DBG("%d ", lcpu->cpu_num);
+ lcpu = lcpu->next_in_die;
+ }
+ TOPO_DBG("\n");
+ if (nCPUs != topoParms.nLThreadsPerDie)
+ panic("Should have %d Threads, but only found %d for Die %d",
+ topoParms.nLThreadsPerDie, nCPUs, die->pdie_num);
+ nDies += 1;
+ die = die->next_in_pkg;
+ }
+ if (nDies != topoParms.nLDiesPerPackage)
+ panic("Should have %d Dies, but only found %d for package %d",
+ topoParms.nLDiesPerPackage, nDies, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the package has the correct number of cores.
+ */
+ nCores = 0;
+ core = pkg->cores;
+ while (core != NULL) {
+ if (core->package == NULL)
+ panic("Core(%d)->package is NULL",
+ core->pcore_num);
+ if (core->package != pkg)
+ panic("Core %d points to package %d, should be %d",
+ core->pcore_num, core->package->lpkg_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ TOPO_DBG("Core(%d)->package %d\n",
+ core->pcore_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the core has the correct number of CPUs.
+ */
+ nCPUs = 0;
+ lcpu = core->lcpus;
+ TOPO_DBG("Core(%d)->lcpus: ", core->pcore_num);
+ while (lcpu != NULL) {
+ if (lcpu->core == NULL)
+ panic("CPU(%d)->core is NULL",
+ lcpu->cpu_num);
+ if (lcpu->core != core)
+ panic("CPU %d points to core %d, should be %d",
+ lcpu->cpu_num, lcpu->core->pcore_num, core->pcore_num);
+ TOPO_DBG("%d ", lcpu->cpu_num);
+ nCPUs += 1;
+ lcpu = lcpu->next_in_core;
+ }
+ TOPO_DBG("\n");
+ if (nCPUs != topoParms.nLThreadsPerCore)
+ panic("Should have %d Threads, but only found %d for Core %d",
+ topoParms.nLThreadsPerCore, nCPUs, core->pcore_num);
+ nCores += 1;
+ core = core->next_in_pkg;
+ }
+ if (nCores != topoParms.nLCoresPerPackage)
+ panic("Should have %d Cores, but only found %d for package %d",
+ topoParms.nLCoresPerPackage, nCores, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that the package has the correct number of CPUs.
+ */
+ nCPUs = 0;
+ lcpu = pkg->lcpus;
+ while (lcpu != NULL) {
+ if (lcpu->package == NULL)
+ panic("CPU(%d)->package is NULL",
+ lcpu->cpu_num);
+ if (lcpu->package != pkg)
+ panic("CPU %d points to package %d, should be %d",
+ lcpu->cpu_num, lcpu->package->lpkg_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ TOPO_DBG("CPU(%d)->package %d\n",
+ lcpu->cpu_num, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ nCPUs += 1;
+ lcpu = lcpu->next_in_pkg;
+ }
+ if (nCPUs != topoParms.nLThreadsPerPackage)
+ panic("Should have %d Threads, but only found %d for package %d",
+ topoParms.nLThreadsPerPackage, nCPUs, pkg->lpkg_num);
+ pkg = pkg->next;
+ }
+ * Prints out the topology
+ */
+static void
+ x86_pkg_t *pkg;
+ x86_die_t *die;
+ x86_core_t *core;
+ x86_lcpu_t *cpu;
+ pkg = x86_pkgs;
+ while (pkg != NULL) {
+ kprintf("Package:\n");
+ kprintf(" Physical: %d\n", pkg->ppkg_num);
+ kprintf(" Logical: %d\n", pkg->lpkg_num);
+ die = pkg->dies;
+ while (die != NULL) {
+ kprintf(" Die:\n");
+ kprintf(" Physical: %d\n", die->pdie_num);
+ kprintf(" Logical: %d\n", die->ldie_num);
+ core = die->cores;
+ while (core != NULL) {
+ kprintf(" Core:\n");
+ kprintf(" Physical: %d\n", core->pcore_num);
+ kprintf(" Logical: %d\n", core->lcore_num);
+ cpu = core->lcpus;
+ while (cpu != NULL) {
+ kprintf(" LCPU:\n");
+ kprintf(" CPU #: %d\n", cpu->cpu_num);
+ kprintf(" Physical: %d\n", cpu->pnum);
+ kprintf(" Logical: %d\n", cpu->lnum);
+ kprintf(" Flags: ");
+ if (cpu->master)
+ kprintf("MASTER ");
+ if (cpu->primary)
+ kprintf("PRIMARY");
+ if (!cpu->master && !cpu->primary)
+ kprintf("(NONE)");
+ kprintf("\n");
+ cpu = cpu->next_in_core;
+ }
+ core = core->next_in_die;
+ }
+ die = die->next_in_pkg;
+ }
+ pkg = pkg->next;
+ }