+ csb = ubc_cs_blob_get(p->p_textvp, -1, p->p_textoff);
+ if (csb != NULL) {
+ /* As the enforcement we can do here is very limited, we only allow things that
+ * are the only reason why this code path still exists:
+ * Adhoc signed non-platform binaries without special cs_flags and without any
+ * entitlements (unrestricted ones still pass AMFI). */
+ if (
+ /* Revalidate the blob if necessary through bumped generation count. */
+ (ubc_cs_generation_check(p->p_textvp) == 0 ||
+ ubc_cs_blob_revalidate(p->p_textvp, csb, imgp, 0) == 0) &&
+ /* Only CS_ADHOC, no CS_KILL, CS_HARD etc. */
+ (csb->csb_flags & CS_ALLOWED_MACHO) == CS_ADHOC &&
+ /* If it has a CMS blob, it's not adhoc. The CS_ADHOC flag can lie. */
+ csblob_find_blob_bytes((const uint8_t *)csb->csb_mem_kaddr, csb->csb_mem_size,
+ /* It could still be in a trust cache (unlikely with CS_ADHOC), or a magic path. */
+ csb->csb_platform_binary == 0 &&
+ /* No entitlements, not even unrestricted ones. */
+ csb->csb_entitlements_blob == NULL) {
+ proc_lock(p);
+ p->p_csflags |= CS_SIGNED | CS_VALID;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ } else {
+ uint8_t cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN];
+ char cdhash_string[CS_CDHASH_STRING_SIZE];
+ proc_getcdhash(p, cdhash);
+ cdhash_to_string(cdhash_string, cdhash);
+ printf("ignoring detached code signature on '%s' with cdhash '%s' "
+ "because it is invalid, or not a simple adhoc signature.\n",
+ p->p_name, cdhash_string);
+ }