- * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <kern/kalloc.h>
#include <i386/cpu_affinity.h>
#include <i386/cpu_topology.h>
-#include <i386/cpu_data.h>
#include <i386/cpu_threads.h>
#include <i386/machine_cpu.h>
-#include <i386/machine_routines.h>
-#include <i386/lock.h>
+#include <i386/bit_routines.h>
+#include <i386/cpu_data.h>
#include <i386/lapic.h>
-//#define TOPO_DEBUG 1
-#define DBG(x...) kprintf("DBG: " x)
-#define DBG(x...)
-void debug_topology_print(void);
-void validate_topology(void);
+#include <i386/machine_routines.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
__private_extern__ void qsort(
- void * array,
- size_t nmembers,
- size_t member_size,
- int (*)(const void *, const void *));
+ void * array,
+ size_t nmembers,
+ size_t member_size,
+ int (*)(const void *, const void *));
static int lapicid_cmp(const void *x, const void *y);
static x86_affinity_set_t *find_cache_affinity(x86_cpu_cache_t *L2_cachep);
-x86_affinity_set_t *x86_affinities = NULL;
-static int x86_affinity_count = 0;
+x86_affinity_set_t *x86_affinities = NULL;
+static int x86_affinity_count = 0;
+extern cpu_data_t cpshadows[];
+void iotrace_init(int ncpus);
+void traptrace_init(int ncpus);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+/* Re-sort double-mapped CPU data shadows after topology discovery sorts the
+ * primary CPU data structures by physical/APIC CPU ID.
+ */
+static void
+cpu_shadow_sort(int ncpus)
+ for (int i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+ cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
+ ptrdiff_t coff = cpup - cpu_datap(0);
+ cpup->cd_shadow = &cpshadows[coff];
+ }
- * cpu_topology_start() is called after all processors have been registered
- * but before any non-boot processor id started.
- * We establish canonical logical processor numbering - logical cpus must be
- * contiguous, zero-based and assigned in physical (local apic id) order.
- * This step is required because the discovery/registration order is
- * non-deterministic - cores are registered in differing orders over boots.
- * Enforcing canonical numbering simplifies identification
- * of processors - in particular, for stopping/starting from CHUD.
- */
+ * cpu_topology_sort() is called after all processors have been registered but
+ * before any non-boot processor is started. We establish canonical logical
+ * processor numbering - logical cpus must be contiguous, zero-based and
+ * assigned in physical (local apic id) order. This step is required because
+ * the discovery/registration order is non-deterministic - cores are registered
+ * in differing orders over boots. Enforcing canonical numbering simplifies
+ * identification of processors.
+ */
+cpu_topology_sort(int ncpus)
- int ncpus = machine_info.max_cpus;
- int i;
- boolean_t istate;
+ int i;
+ boolean_t istate;
+ processor_t lprim = NULL;
assert(machine_info.physical_cpu == 1);
assert(machine_info.logical_cpu == 1);
assert(master_cpu == 0);
assert(cpu_number() == 0);
assert(cpu_datap(0)->cpu_number == 0);
+ uint32_t cpus_per_pset = 0;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("cpus_per_pset", &cpus_per_pset, sizeof(cpus_per_pset));
/* Lights out for this */
istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
-#ifdef TOPO_DEBUG
- DBG("cpu_topology_start() %d cpu%s registered\n",
- ncpus, (ncpus > 1) ? "s" : "");
- for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
- cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
- DBG("\tcpu_data[%d]:0x%08x local apic 0x%x\n",
- i, (unsigned) cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number);
+ if (topo_dbg) {
+ TOPO_DBG("cpu_topology_start() %d cpu%s registered\n",
+ ncpus, (ncpus > 1) ? "s" : "");
+ for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+ cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
+ TOPO_DBG("\tcpu_data[%d]:%p local apic 0x%x\n",
+ i, (void *) cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number);
+ }
* Re-order the cpu_data_ptr vector sorting by physical id.
* Skip the boot processor, it's required to be correct.
if (ncpus > 1) {
qsort((void *) &cpu_data_ptr[1],
- ncpus - 1,
- sizeof(cpu_data_t *),
- lapicid_cmp);
+ ncpus - 1,
+ sizeof(cpu_data_t *),
+ lapicid_cmp);
-#ifdef TOPO_DEBUG
- DBG("cpu_topology_start() after sorting:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
- cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
- DBG("\tcpu_data[%d]:0x%08x local apic 0x%x\n",
- i, (unsigned) cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number);
+ if (topo_dbg) {
+ TOPO_DBG("cpu_topology_start() after sorting:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+ cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
+ TOPO_DBG("\tcpu_data[%d]:%p local apic 0x%x\n",
+ i, (void *) cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number);
+ }
- * Fix up logical numbers and reset the map kept by the lapic code.
+ * Finalize logical numbers and map kept by the lapic code.
- for (i = 1; i < ncpus; i++) {
- cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
- x86_core_t *core = cpup->lcpu.core;
- x86_die_t *die = cpup->lcpu.die;
- x86_pkg_t *pkg = cpup->lcpu.package;
- assert(core != NULL);
- assert(die != NULL);
- assert(pkg != NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
+ cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
if (cpup->cpu_number != i) {
- kprintf("cpu_datap(%d):0x%08x local apic id 0x%x "
- "remapped from %d\n",
- i, (unsigned) cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number,
- cpup->cpu_number);
+ kprintf("cpu_datap(%d):%p local apic id 0x%x "
+ "remapped from %d\n",
+ i, cpup, cpup->cpu_phys_number,
+ cpup->cpu_number);
cpup->cpu_number = i;
- cpup->lcpu.cpu_num = i;
- cpup->lcpu.pnum = cpup->cpu_phys_number;
lapic_cpu_map(cpup->cpu_phys_number, i);
- x86_set_lcpu_numbers(&cpup->lcpu);
- x86_set_core_numbers(core, &cpup->lcpu);
- x86_set_die_numbers(die, &cpup->lcpu);
- x86_set_pkg_numbers(pkg, &cpup->lcpu);
+ x86_set_logical_topology(&cpup->lcpu, cpup->cpu_phys_number, i);
- debug_topology_print();
-#endif /* TOPO_DEBUG */
- validate_topology();
+ cpu_shadow_sort(ncpus);
+ x86_validate_topology();
- DBG("cpu_topology_start() LLC is L%d\n", topoParms.LLCDepth + 1);
+ TOPO_DBG("cpu_topology_start() LLC is L%d\n", topoParms.LLCDepth + 1);
+ iotrace_init(ncpus);
+ traptrace_init(ncpus);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ /*
+ * Let the CPU Power Management know that the topology is stable.
+ */
+ topoParms.stable = TRUE;
+ pmCPUStateInit();
* Iterate over all logical cpus finding or creating the affinity set
* for their LLC cache. Each affinity set possesses a processor set
* into which each logical processor is added.
- DBG("cpu_topology_start() creating affinity sets:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
- cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
- x86_lcpu_t *lcpup = cpu_to_lcpu(i);
- x86_cpu_cache_t *LLC_cachep;
- x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
+ TOPO_DBG("cpu_topology_start() creating affinity sets:ncpus=%d max_cpus=%d\n", ncpus, machine_info.max_cpus);
+ for (i = 0; i < machine_info.max_cpus; i++) {
+ cpu_data_t *cpup = cpu_datap(i);
+ x86_lcpu_t *lcpup = cpu_to_lcpu(i);
+ x86_cpu_cache_t *LLC_cachep;
+ x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
LLC_cachep = lcpup->caches[topoParms.LLCDepth];
assert(LLC_cachep->type == CPU_CACHE_TYPE_UNIF);
- aset = find_cache_affinity(LLC_cachep);
- if (aset == NULL) {
+ aset = find_cache_affinity(LLC_cachep);
+ if ((aset == NULL) || ((cpus_per_pset != 0) && (i % cpus_per_pset) == 0)) {
aset = (x86_affinity_set_t *) kalloc(sizeof(*aset));
- if (aset == NULL)
+ if (aset == NULL) {
panic("cpu_topology_start() failed aset alloc");
+ }
aset->next = x86_affinities;
x86_affinities = aset;
aset->num = x86_affinity_count++;
aset->cache = LLC_cachep;
aset->pset = (i == master_cpu) ?
- processor_pset(master_processor) :
- pset_create(pset_node_root());
- if (aset->pset == PROCESSOR_SET_NULL)
+ processor_pset(master_processor) :
+ pset_create(pset_node_root());
+ if (aset->pset == PROCESSOR_SET_NULL) {
panic("cpu_topology_start: pset_create");
- DBG("\tnew set %p(%d) pset %p for cache %p\n",
- aset, aset->num, aset->pset, aset->cache);
+ }
+ TOPO_DBG("\tnew set %p(%d) pset %p for cache %p\n",
+ aset, aset->num, aset->pset, aset->cache);
- DBG("\tprocessor_init set %p(%d) lcpup %p(%d) cpu %p processor %p\n",
- aset, aset->num, lcpup, lcpup->cpu_num, cpup, cpup->cpu_processor);
+ TOPO_DBG("\tprocessor_init set %p(%d) lcpup %p(%d) cpu %p processor %p\n",
+ aset, aset->num, lcpup, lcpup->cpu_num, cpup, cpup->cpu_processor);
- if (i != master_cpu)
+ if (i != master_cpu) {
processor_init(cpup->cpu_processor, i, aset->pset);
+ }
+ if (lcpup->core->num_lcpus > 1) {
+ if (lcpup->lnum == 0) {
+ lprim = cpup->cpu_processor;
+ }
+ processor_set_primary(cpup->cpu_processor, lprim);
+ }
- /*
- * Finally we start all processors (including the boot cpu we're
- * running on).
- */
- DBG("cpu_topology_start() processor_start():\n");
- for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++) {
- DBG("\tlcpu %d\n", cpu_datap(i)->cpu_number);
- processor_start(cpu_datap(i)->cpu_processor);
+ if (machine_info.max_cpus < machine_info.logical_cpu_max) {
+ /* boot-args cpus=n is set, so adjust max numbers to match */
+ int logical_max = machine_info.max_cpus;
+ int physical_max = logical_max;
+ if (machine_info.logical_cpu_max != machine_info.physical_cpu_max) {
+ physical_max = (logical_max + 1) / 2;
+ }
+ machine_info.logical_cpu_max = logical_max;
+ machine_info.physical_cpu_max = physical_max;
+ }
+/* We got a request to start a CPU. Check that this CPU is within the
+ * max cpu limit set before we do.
+ */
+cpu_topology_start_cpu( int cpunum )
+ int ncpus = machine_info.max_cpus;
+ int i = cpunum;
+ /* Decide whether to start a CPU, and actually start it */
+ TOPO_DBG("cpu_topology_start() processor_start():\n");
+ if (i < ncpus) {
+ TOPO_DBG("\tlcpu %d\n", cpu_datap(i)->cpu_number);
+ processor_start(cpu_datap(i)->cpu_processor);
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
static int
lapicid_cmp(const void *x, const void *y)
- cpu_data_t *cpu_x = *((cpu_data_t **)(uintptr_t)x);
- cpu_data_t *cpu_y = *((cpu_data_t **)(uintptr_t)y);
+ cpu_data_t *cpu_x = *((cpu_data_t **)(uintptr_t)x);
+ cpu_data_t *cpu_y = *((cpu_data_t **)(uintptr_t)y);
- DBG("lapicid_cmp(%p,%p) (%d,%d)\n",
- x, y, cpu_x->cpu_phys_number, cpu_y->cpu_phys_number);
- if (cpu_x->cpu_phys_number < cpu_y->cpu_phys_number)
+ TOPO_DBG("lapicid_cmp(%p,%p) (%d,%d)\n",
+ x, y, cpu_x->cpu_phys_number, cpu_y->cpu_phys_number);
+ if (cpu_x->cpu_phys_number < cpu_y->cpu_phys_number) {
return -1;
- if (cpu_x->cpu_phys_number == cpu_y->cpu_phys_number)
+ }
+ if (cpu_x->cpu_phys_number == cpu_y->cpu_phys_number) {
return 0;
+ }
return 1;
static x86_affinity_set_t *
find_cache_affinity(x86_cpu_cache_t *l2_cachep)
- x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
+ x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
for (aset = x86_affinities; aset != NULL; aset = aset->next) {
- if (l2_cachep == aset->cache)
+ if (l2_cachep == aset->cache) {
+ }
- return aset;
+ return aset;
-ml_affinity_to_pset(uint32_t affinity_num)
+ml_affinity_to_pset(uint32_t affinity_num)
- x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
+ x86_affinity_set_t *aset;
for (aset = x86_affinities; aset != NULL; aset = aset->next) {
- if (affinity_num == aset->num)
+ if (affinity_num == aset->num) {
+ }
return (aset == NULL) ? PROCESSOR_SET_NULL : aset->pset;
ml_cpu_cache_size(unsigned int level)
- x86_cpu_cache_t *cachep;
+ x86_cpu_cache_t *cachep;
if (level == 0) {
return machine_info.max_mem;
- } else if ( 1 <= level && level <= MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) {
- cachep = current_cpu_datap()->lcpu.caches[level-1];
+ } else if (1 <= level && level <= MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) {
+ cachep = current_cpu_datap()->lcpu.caches[level - 1];
return cachep ? cachep->cache_size : 0;
} else {
return 0;
ml_cpu_cache_sharing(unsigned int level)
- x86_cpu_cache_t *cachep;
+ x86_cpu_cache_t *cachep;
if (level == 0) {
return machine_info.max_cpus;
- } else if ( 1 <= level && level <= MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) {
- cachep = current_cpu_datap()->lcpu.caches[level-1];
+ } else if (1 <= level && level <= MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) {
+ cachep = current_cpu_datap()->lcpu.caches[level - 1];
return cachep ? cachep->nlcpus : 0;
} else {
return 0;
+volatile int mmiotrace_enabled = 1;
+int iotrace_generators = 0;
+int iotrace_entries_per_cpu = 0;
+int *iotrace_next;
+iotrace_entry_t **iotrace_ring;
+volatile int traptrace_enabled = 1;
+int traptrace_generators = 0;
+int traptrace_entries_per_cpu = 0;
+int *traptrace_next;
+traptrace_entry_t **traptrace_ring;
+static void
+init_trace_bufs(int cpucnt, int entries_per_cpu, void ***ring, int entry_size,
+ int **next_array, int *allocated_entries_per_cpu, int *allocated_generator_count)
+ int i;
+ *next_array = kalloc_tag(cpucnt * sizeof(int), VM_KERN_MEMORY_DIAG);
+ if (__improbable(*next_array == NULL)) {
+ *allocated_generator_count = 0;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ bzero(*next_array, cpucnt * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ *ring = kalloc_tag(cpucnt * sizeof(void *), VM_KERN_MEMORY_DIAG);
+ if (__improbable(*ring == NULL)) {
+ kfree(*next_array, cpucnt * sizeof(int));
+ *next_array = NULL;
+ *allocated_generator_count = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cpucnt; i++) {
+ (*ring)[i] = kalloc_tag(entries_per_cpu * entry_size, VM_KERN_MEMORY_DIAG);
+ if (__improbable((*ring)[i] == NULL)) {
+ kfree(*next_array, cpucnt * sizeof(int));
+ *next_array = NULL;
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ kfree((*ring)[j], entries_per_cpu * entry_size);
+ }
+ kfree(*ring, cpucnt * sizeof(void *));
+ *ring = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ bzero((*ring)[i], entries_per_cpu * entry_size);
+ }
+ *allocated_entries_per_cpu = entries_per_cpu;
+ *allocated_generator_count = cpucnt;
+static void
+init_iotrace_bufs(int cpucnt, int entries_per_cpu)
+ init_trace_bufs(cpucnt, entries_per_cpu, (void ***)&iotrace_ring, sizeof(iotrace_entry_t),
+ &iotrace_next, &iotrace_entries_per_cpu, &iotrace_generators);
+static void
+init_traptrace_bufs(int cpucnt, int entries_per_cpu)
+ init_trace_bufs(cpucnt, entries_per_cpu, (void ***)&traptrace_ring, sizeof(traptrace_entry_t),
+ &traptrace_next, &traptrace_entries_per_cpu, &traptrace_generators);
+static void
+gentrace_configure_from_bootargs(const char *ena_prop, int *ena_valp, const char *epc_prop,
+ int *epcp, int max_epc, int def_epc, int override)
+ if (kern_feature_override(override)) {
+ *ena_valp = 0;
+ }
+ (void) PE_parse_boot_argn(ena_prop, ena_valp, sizeof(*ena_valp));
+ if (*ena_valp == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn(epc_prop, epcp, sizeof(*epcp)) &&
+ (*epcp < 1 || *epcp > max_epc)) {
+ *epcp = def_epc;
+ }
+iotrace_init(int ncpus)
+ int entries_per_cpu = DEFAULT_IOTRACE_ENTRIES_PER_CPU;
+ int enable = mmiotrace_enabled;
+ gentrace_configure_from_bootargs("iotrace", &enable, "iotrace_epc", &entries_per_cpu,
+ mmiotrace_enabled = enable;
+ if (mmiotrace_enabled) {
+ init_iotrace_bufs(ncpus, entries_per_cpu);
+ }
+traptrace_init(int ncpus)
+ int entries_per_cpu = DEFAULT_TRAPTRACE_ENTRIES_PER_CPU;
+ int enable = traptrace_enabled;
+ gentrace_configure_from_bootargs("traptrace", &enable, "traptrace_epc", &entries_per_cpu,
+ traptrace_enabled = enable;
+ if (traptrace_enabled) {
+ init_traptrace_bufs(ncpus, entries_per_cpu);
+ }
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */