- * Copyright (c) 1993-1995, 1999-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1995, 1999-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/thread_act.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
-#include <kern/wait_queue.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
+#include <kern/ledger.h>
+#include <kern/policy_internal.h>
#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
#include <kern/thread_call.h>
-#include <kern/call_entry.h>
#include <kern/timer_call.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <kern/timer_queue.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#include <mach/sdt.h>
+#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
+static ZONE_DECLARE(thread_call_zone, "thread_call",
+ sizeof(thread_call_data_t), ZC_NOENCRYPT);
+typedef enum {
+ TCF_COUNT = 2,
+} thread_call_flavor_t;
+__options_decl(thread_call_group_flags_t, uint32_t, {
+ TCG_NONE = 0x0,
+static struct thread_call_group {
+ __attribute__((aligned(128))) lck_ticket_t tcg_lock;
+ const char * tcg_name;
+ queue_head_t pending_queue;
+ uint32_t pending_count;
+ queue_head_t delayed_queues[TCF_COUNT];
+ struct priority_queue_deadline_min delayed_pqueues[TCF_COUNT];
+ timer_call_data_t delayed_timers[TCF_COUNT];
+ timer_call_data_t dealloc_timer;
+ struct waitq idle_waitq;
+ uint64_t idle_timestamp;
+ uint32_t idle_count, active_count, blocked_count;
+ uint32_t tcg_thread_pri;
+ uint32_t target_thread_count;
+ thread_call_group_flags_t tcg_flags;
+ struct waitq waiters_waitq;
+} thread_call_groups[THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX] = {
+ .tcg_name = "high",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_PREEMPT_HIGH,
+ .target_thread_count = 4,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_NONE,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "kernel",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_KERNEL,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_PARALLEL,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "user",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_DEFAULT,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_PARALLEL,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "low",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = MAXPRI_THROTTLE,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_PARALLEL,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "kernel-high",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_PREEMPT,
+ .target_thread_count = 2,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_NONE,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "qos-ui",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_FOREGROUND,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_NONE,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "qos-in",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_USER_INITIATED,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_NONE,
+ },
+ .tcg_name = "qos-ut",
+ .tcg_thread_pri = BASEPRI_UTILITY,
+ .target_thread_count = 1,
+ .tcg_flags = TCG_NONE,
+ },
+typedef struct thread_call_group *thread_call_group_t;
+struct thread_call_thread_state {
+ struct thread_call_group * thc_group;
+ struct thread_call * thc_call; /* debug only, may be deallocated */
+ uint64_t thc_call_start;
+ uint64_t thc_call_soft_deadline;
+ uint64_t thc_call_hard_deadline;
+ uint64_t thc_call_pending_timestamp;
+ uint64_t thc_IOTES_invocation_timestamp;
+ thread_call_func_t thc_func;
+ thread_call_param_t thc_param0;
+ thread_call_param_t thc_param1;
+static bool thread_call_daemon_awake = true;
+ * This special waitq exists because the daemon thread
+ * might need to be woken while already holding a global waitq locked.
+ */
+static struct waitq daemon_waitq;
+static thread_call_data_t internal_call_storage[INTERNAL_CALL_COUNT];
+static queue_head_t thread_call_internal_queue;
+int thread_call_internal_queue_count = 0;
+static uint64_t thread_call_dealloc_interval_abs;
+static void _internal_call_init(void);
+static thread_call_t _internal_call_allocate(thread_call_func_t func, thread_call_param_t param0);
+static bool _is_internal_call(thread_call_t call);
+static void _internal_call_release(thread_call_t call);
+static bool _pending_call_enqueue(thread_call_t call, thread_call_group_t group, uint64_t now);
+static bool _delayed_call_enqueue(thread_call_t call, thread_call_group_t group,
+ uint64_t deadline, thread_call_flavor_t flavor);
+static bool _call_dequeue(thread_call_t call, thread_call_group_t group);
+static void thread_call_wake(thread_call_group_t group);
+static void thread_call_daemon(void *arg);
+static void thread_call_thread(thread_call_group_t group, wait_result_t wres);
+static void thread_call_dealloc_timer(timer_call_param_t p0, timer_call_param_t p1);
+static void thread_call_group_setup(thread_call_group_t group);
+static void sched_call_thread(int type, thread_t thread);
+static void thread_call_start_deallocate_timer(thread_call_group_t group);
+static void thread_call_wait_locked(thread_call_t call, spl_t s);
+static bool thread_call_wait_once_locked(thread_call_t call, spl_t s);
+static boolean_t thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_func_t alt_func, thread_call_param_t alt_param0,
+ thread_call_param_t param1, uint64_t deadline,
+ uint64_t leeway, unsigned int flags);
+/* non-static so dtrace can find it rdar://problem/31156135&31379348 */
+extern void thread_call_delayed_timer(timer_call_param_t p0, timer_call_param_t p1);
+LCK_GRP_DECLARE(thread_call_lck_grp, "thread_call");
+static void
+thread_call_lock_spin(thread_call_group_t group)
+ lck_ticket_lock(&group->tcg_lock, &thread_call_lck_grp);
+static void
+thread_call_unlock(thread_call_group_t group)
+ lck_ticket_unlock(&group->tcg_lock);
+static void __assert_only
+thread_call_assert_locked(thread_call_group_t group)
+ lck_ticket_assert_owned(&group->tcg_lock);
-static zone_t thread_call_zone;
-struct thread_call_group {
- queue_head_t pending_queue;
- uint32_t pending_count;
+static spl_t
+disable_ints_and_lock(thread_call_group_t group)
+ spl_t s = splsched();
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
- queue_head_t delayed_queue;
+ return s;
- timer_call_data_t delayed_timer;
+static void
+enable_ints_and_unlock(thread_call_group_t group, spl_t s)
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ splx(s);
- struct wait_queue idle_wqueue;
- uint32_t idle_count, active_count;
+/* Lock held */
+static thread_call_group_t
+thread_call_get_group(thread_call_t call)
+ thread_call_index_t index = call->tc_index;
+ assert(index >= 0 && index < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX);
+ return &thread_call_groups[index];
+/* Lock held */
+static thread_call_flavor_t
+thread_call_get_flavor(thread_call_t call)
+/* Lock held */
+static thread_call_flavor_t
+thread_call_set_flavor(thread_call_t call, thread_call_flavor_t flavor)
+ assert(flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS || flavor == TCF_ABSOLUTE);
+ thread_call_flavor_t old_flavor = thread_call_get_flavor(call);
+ if (old_flavor != flavor) {
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_FLAG_CONTINUOUS;
+ } else {
+ call->tc_flags &= ~THREAD_CALL_FLAG_CONTINUOUS;
+ }
+ }
+ return old_flavor;
+/* returns true if it was on a queue */
+static bool
+ thread_call_t call,
+ queue_t new_queue)
+ queue_t old_queue = call->tc_queue;
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = thread_call_get_flavor(call);
+ if (old_queue != NULL &&
+ old_queue != &group->delayed_queues[flavor]) {
+ panic("thread call (%p) on bad queue (old_queue: %p)", call, old_queue);
+ }
+ if (old_queue == &group->delayed_queues[flavor]) {
+ priority_queue_remove(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor], &call->tc_pqlink);
+ }
+ if (old_queue == NULL) {
+ enqueue_tail(new_queue, &call->tc_qlink);
+ } else {
+ re_queue_tail(new_queue, &call->tc_qlink);
+ }
+ call->tc_queue = new_queue;
+ return old_queue != NULL;
+static queue_head_t *
+ thread_call_t call)
+ queue_t old_queue = call->tc_queue;
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = thread_call_get_flavor(call);
+ if (old_queue != NULL &&
+ old_queue != &group->pending_queue &&
+ old_queue != &group->delayed_queues[flavor]) {
+ panic("thread call (%p) on bad queue (old_queue: %p)", call, old_queue);
+ }
+ if (old_queue == &group->delayed_queues[flavor]) {
+ priority_queue_remove(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor], &call->tc_pqlink);
+ }
+ if (old_queue != NULL) {
+ remqueue(&call->tc_qlink);
-typedef struct thread_call_group *thread_call_group_t;
+ call->tc_queue = NULL;
+ }
+ return old_queue;
+static queue_head_t *
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor,
+ uint64_t deadline)
+ queue_t old_queue = call->tc_queue;
+ queue_t new_queue = &group->delayed_queues[flavor];
+ thread_call_flavor_t old_flavor = thread_call_set_flavor(call, flavor);
+ if (old_queue != NULL &&
+ old_queue != &group->pending_queue &&
+ old_queue != &group->delayed_queues[old_flavor]) {
+ panic("thread call (%p) on bad queue (old_queue: %p)", call, old_queue);
+ }
+ if (old_queue == new_queue) {
+ /* optimize the same-queue case to avoid a full re-insert */
+ uint64_t old_deadline = call->tc_pqlink.deadline;
+ call->tc_pqlink.deadline = deadline;
+ if (old_deadline < deadline) {
+ priority_queue_entry_increased(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor],
+ &call->tc_pqlink);
+ } else {
+ priority_queue_entry_decreased(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor],
+ &call->tc_pqlink);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (old_queue == &group->delayed_queues[old_flavor]) {
+ priority_queue_remove(&group->delayed_pqueues[old_flavor],
+ &call->tc_pqlink);
+ }
+ call->tc_pqlink.deadline = deadline;
+ priority_queue_insert(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor], &call->tc_pqlink);
+ }
+ if (old_queue == NULL) {
+ enqueue_tail(new_queue, &call->tc_qlink);
+ } else if (old_queue != new_queue) {
+ re_queue_tail(new_queue, &call->tc_qlink);
+ }
+ call->tc_queue = new_queue;
+ return old_queue;
+thread_call_get_armed_deadline(thread_call_t call)
+ return call->tc_pqlink.deadline;
+static bool
+group_isparallel(thread_call_group_t group)
+ return (group->tcg_flags & TCG_PARALLEL) != 0;
+static bool
+thread_call_group_should_add_thread(thread_call_group_t group)
+ if ((group->active_count + group->blocked_count + group->idle_count) >= THREAD_CALL_GROUP_MAX_THREADS) {
+ panic("thread_call group '%s' reached max thread cap (%d): active: %d, blocked: %d, idle: %d",
+ group->active_count, group->blocked_count, group->idle_count);
+ }
+ if (group_isparallel(group) == false) {
+ if (group->pending_count > 0 && group->active_count == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
-static struct thread_call_group thread_call_group0;
+ if (group->pending_count > 0) {
+ if (group->idle_count > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t thread_count = group->active_count;
+ /*
+ * Add a thread if either there are no threads,
+ * the group has fewer than its target number of
+ * threads, or the amount of work is large relative
+ * to the number of threads. In the last case, pay attention
+ * to the total load on the system, and back off if
+ * it's high.
+ */
+ if ((thread_count == 0) ||
+ (thread_count < group->target_thread_count) ||
+ ((group->pending_count > THREAD_CALL_ADD_RATIO * thread_count) &&
+ (sched_mach_factor < THREAD_CALL_MACH_FACTOR_CAP))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static void
+thread_call_group_setup(thread_call_group_t group)
+ lck_ticket_init(&group->tcg_lock, &thread_call_lck_grp);
+ queue_init(&group->pending_queue);
-static boolean_t thread_call_daemon_awake;
+ for (thread_call_flavor_t flavor = 0; flavor < TCF_COUNT; flavor++) {
+ queue_init(&group->delayed_queues[flavor]);
+ priority_queue_init(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor]);
+ timer_call_setup(&group->delayed_timers[flavor], thread_call_delayed_timer, group);
+ }
-#define thread_call_thread_min 4
+ timer_call_setup(&group->dealloc_timer, thread_call_dealloc_timer, group);
-#define internal_call_count 768
+ waitq_init(&group->waiters_waitq, SYNC_POLICY_DISABLE_IRQ);
-static thread_call_data_t internal_call_storage[internal_call_count];
-static queue_head_t thread_call_internal_queue;
+ /* Reverse the wait order so we re-use the most recently parked thread from the pool */
+ waitq_init(&group->idle_waitq, SYNC_POLICY_REVERSED | SYNC_POLICY_DISABLE_IRQ);
-static __inline__ thread_call_t _internal_call_allocate(void);
+ * Simple wrapper for creating threads bound to
+ * thread call groups.
+ */
+static void
+ thread_call_group_t group)
+ thread_t thread;
+ kern_return_t result;
-static __inline__ void _internal_call_release(
- thread_call_t call);
+ int thread_pri = group->tcg_thread_pri;
-static __inline__ boolean_t _pending_call_enqueue(
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group),
- _delayed_call_enqueue(
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group,
- uint64_t deadline),
- _call_dequeue(
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group);
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)thread_call_thread,
+ group, thread_pri, &thread);
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("cannot create new thread call thread %d", result);
+ }
-static __inline__ void thread_call_wake(
- thread_call_group_t group);
+ if (thread_pri <= BASEPRI_KERNEL) {
+ /*
+ * THREAD_CALL_PRIORITY_KERNEL and lower don't get to run to completion
+ * in kernel if there are higher priority threads available.
+ */
+ thread_set_eager_preempt(thread);
+ }
-static __inline__ void _set_delayed_call_timer(
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group);
-static boolean_t _remove_from_pending_queue(
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0,
- boolean_t remove_all),
- _remove_from_delayed_queue(
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0,
- boolean_t remove_all);
+ char name[MAXTHREADNAMESIZE] = "";
-static void thread_call_daemon(
- thread_call_group_t group),
- thread_call_thread(
- thread_call_group_t group);
+ int group_thread_count = group->idle_count + group->active_count + group->blocked_count;
-static void thread_call_delayed_timer(
- timer_call_param_t p0,
- timer_call_param_t p1);
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "thread call %s #%d", group->tcg_name, group_thread_count);
+ thread_set_thread_name(thread, name);
-#define qe(x) ((queue_entry_t)(x))
-#define TC(x) ((thread_call_t)(x))
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
* thread_call_initialize:
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- kern_return_t result;
- thread_t thread;
- int i;
- spl_t s;
+ nanotime_to_absolutetime(0, THREAD_CALL_DEALLOC_INTERVAL_NS, &thread_call_dealloc_interval_abs);
+ waitq_init(&daemon_waitq, SYNC_POLICY_DISABLE_IRQ | SYNC_POLICY_FIFO);
- i = sizeof (thread_call_data_t);
- thread_call_zone = zinit(i, 4096 * i, 16 * i, "thread_call");
- simple_lock_init(&thread_call_lock, 0);
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- queue_init(&group->pending_queue);
- queue_init(&group->delayed_queue);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX; i++) {
+ thread_call_group_setup(&thread_call_groups[i]);
+ }
- timer_call_setup(&group->delayed_timer, thread_call_delayed_timer, group);
+ _internal_call_init();
- wait_queue_init(&group->idle_wqueue, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO);
+ thread_t thread;
+ kern_return_t result;
- queue_init(&thread_call_internal_queue);
- for (
- call = internal_call_storage;
- call < &internal_call_storage[internal_call_count];
- call++) {
+ result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)thread_call_daemon,
+ if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("thread_call_initialize");
+ }
- enqueue_tail(&thread_call_internal_queue, qe(call));
- }
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
- thread_call_daemon_awake = TRUE;
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ thread_call_priority_t pri,
+ thread_call_options_t options)
+ bzero(call, sizeof(*call));
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ *call = (struct thread_call) {
+ .tc_func = func,
+ .tc_param0 = param0,
+ };
- result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)thread_call_daemon, group, BASEPRI_PREEMPT + 1, &thread);
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("thread_call_initialize");
+ switch (pri) {
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_KERNEL;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_USER;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_LOW;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid thread call pri value: %d", pri);
+ break;
+ }
- thread_deallocate(thread);
+ if (options & THREAD_CALL_OPTIONS_ONCE) {
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_ONCE;
+ }
+ }
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0)
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0)
+ thread_call_setup_with_options(call, func, param0,
+static void
- call_entry_setup(call, func, param0);
+ /* Function-only thread calls are only kept in the default HIGH group */
+ thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_groups[THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH];
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ queue_init(&thread_call_internal_queue);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < INTERNAL_CALL_COUNT; i++) {
+ enqueue_tail(&thread_call_internal_queue, &internal_call_storage[i].tc_qlink);
+ thread_call_internal_queue_count++;
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ thread_call_t
+static thread_call_t
+_internal_call_allocate(thread_call_func_t func, thread_call_param_t param0)
+ /* Function-only thread calls are only kept in the default HIGH group */
+ thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_groups[THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH];
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ thread_call_t call = qe_dequeue_head(&thread_call_internal_queue,
+ struct thread_call, tc_qlink);
+ if (call == NULL) {
+ panic("_internal_call_allocate: thread_call_internal_queue empty");
+ }
+ thread_call_internal_queue_count--;
+ thread_call_setup(call, func, param0);
+ /* THREAD_CALL_ALLOC not set, do not free back to zone */
+ assert((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC) == 0);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return call;
+/* Check if a call is internal and needs to be returned to the internal pool. */
+static bool
+_is_internal_call(thread_call_t call)
- thread_call_t call;
- if (queue_empty(&thread_call_internal_queue))
- panic("_internal_call_allocate");
- call = TC(dequeue_head(&thread_call_internal_queue));
- return (call);
+ if (call >= internal_call_storage &&
+ call < &internal_call_storage[INTERNAL_CALL_COUNT]) {
+ assert((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC) == 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
* Release an internal callout entry which
* is no longer pending (or delayed).
- * Called with thread_call_lock held.
+ * Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ void
- thread_call_t call)
+static void
+_internal_call_release(thread_call_t call)
- if ( call >= internal_call_storage &&
- call < &internal_call_storage[internal_call_count] )
- enqueue_head(&thread_call_internal_queue, qe(call));
+ assert(_is_internal_call(call));
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ assert(group == &thread_call_groups[THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH]);
+ thread_call_assert_locked(group);
+ enqueue_head(&thread_call_internal_queue, &call->tc_qlink);
+ thread_call_internal_queue_count++;
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ boolean_t
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group)
+static bool
+_pending_call_enqueue(thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ uint64_t now)
- queue_t old_queue;
+ == (call->tc_flags & (THREAD_CALL_ONCE | THREAD_CALL_RUNNING))) {
+ call->tc_pqlink.deadline = 0;
+ thread_call_flags_t flags = call->tc_flags;
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE;
+ assert(call->tc_queue == NULL);
+ return flags & THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE;
+ }
+ call->tc_pending_timestamp = now;
+ bool was_on_queue = thread_call_enqueue_tail(call, &group->pending_queue);
- old_queue = call_entry_enqueue_tail(call, &group->pending_queue);
+ if (!was_on_queue) {
+ call->tc_submit_count++;
+ }
- return (old_queue != NULL);
+ thread_call_wake(group);
+ return was_on_queue;
* Place an entry on the delayed queue,
* after existing entries with an earlier
- * (or identical) deadline.
+ * (or identical) deadline.
* Returns TRUE if the entry was already
* on a queue.
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ boolean_t
+static bool
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group,
- uint64_t deadline)
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ uint64_t deadline,
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor)
- queue_t old_queue;
+ == (call->tc_flags & (THREAD_CALL_ONCE | THREAD_CALL_RUNNING))) {
+ call->tc_pqlink.deadline = deadline;
+ thread_call_flags_t flags = call->tc_flags;
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE;
+ assert(call->tc_queue == NULL);
+ thread_call_set_flavor(call, flavor);
- old_queue = call_entry_enqueue_deadline(call, &group->delayed_queue, deadline);
+ return flags & THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE;
+ }
+ queue_head_t *old_queue = thread_call_enqueue_deadline(call, group, flavor, deadline);
- if (old_queue == &group->pending_queue)
+ if (old_queue == &group->pending_queue) {
+ } else if (old_queue == NULL) {
+ call->tc_submit_count++;
+ }
- return (old_queue != NULL);
+ return old_queue != NULL;
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ boolean_t
+static bool
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group)
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_group_t group)
- queue_t old_queue;
+ queue_head_t *old_queue = thread_call_dequeue(call);
+ if (old_queue == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
- old_queue = call_entry_dequeue(call);
+ call->tc_finish_count++;
- if (old_queue == &group->pending_queue)
+ if (old_queue == &group->pending_queue) {
+ }
- return (old_queue != NULL);
+ return true;
- * _set_delayed_call_timer:
+ * _arm_delayed_call_timer:
- * Reset the timer so that it
- * next expires when the entry is due.
+ * Check if the timer needs to be armed for this flavor,
+ * and if so, arm it.
- * Called with thread_call_lock held.
+ * If call is non-NULL, only re-arm the timer if the specified call
+ * is the first in the queue.
+ *
+ * Returns true if the timer was armed/re-armed, false if it was left unset
+ * Caller should cancel the timer if need be.
+ *
+ * Called with thread_call_lock held.
-static __inline__ void
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_group_t group)
+static bool
+_arm_delayed_call_timer(thread_call_t new_call,
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor)
- timer_call_enter(&group->delayed_timer, call->deadline);
+ /* No calls implies no timer needed */
+ if (queue_empty(&group->delayed_queues[flavor])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ thread_call_t call = priority_queue_min(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor], struct thread_call, tc_pqlink);
+ /* We only need to change the hard timer if this new call is the first in the list */
+ if (new_call != NULL && new_call != call) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert((call->tc_soft_deadline != 0) && ((call->tc_soft_deadline <= call->tc_pqlink.deadline)));
+ uint64_t fire_at = call->tc_soft_deadline;
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ assert(call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_FLAG_CONTINUOUS);
+ fire_at = continuoustime_to_absolutetime(fire_at);
+ } else {
+ assert((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_FLAG_CONTINUOUS) == 0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Note: This picks the soonest-deadline call's leeway as the hard timer's leeway,
+ * which does not take into account later-deadline timers with a larger leeway.
+ * This is a valid coalescing behavior, but masks a possible window to
+ * fire a timer instead of going idle.
+ */
+ uint64_t leeway = call->tc_pqlink.deadline - call->tc_soft_deadline;
+ timer_call_enter_with_leeway(&group->delayed_timers[flavor], (timer_call_param_t)flavor,
+ fire_at, leeway,
+ return true;
- * _remove_from_pending_queue:
+ * _cancel_func_from_queue:
* Remove the first (or all) matching
- * entries from the pending queue.
+ * entries from the specified queue.
- * Returns TRUE if any matching entries
+ * Returns TRUE if any matching entries
* were found.
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
static boolean_t
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0,
- boolean_t remove_all)
- boolean_t call_removed = FALSE;
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- call = TC(queue_first(&group->pending_queue));
- while (!queue_end(&group->pending_queue, qe(call))) {
- if ( call->func == func &&
- call->param0 == param0 ) {
- thread_call_t next = TC(queue_next(qe(call)));
- _call_dequeue(call, group);
+_cancel_func_from_queue(thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ boolean_t remove_all,
+ queue_head_t *queue)
+ boolean_t call_removed = FALSE;
+ thread_call_t call;
- _internal_call_release(call);
- call_removed = TRUE;
- if (!remove_all)
- break;
- call = next;
+ qe_foreach_element_safe(call, queue, tc_qlink) {
+ if (call->tc_func != func ||
+ call->tc_param0 != param0) {
+ continue;
- else
- call = TC(queue_next(qe(call)));
- }
- return (call_removed);
- * _remove_from_delayed_queue:
- *
- * Remove the first (or all) matching
- * entries from the delayed queue.
- *
- * Returns TRUE if any matching entries
- * were found.
- *
- * Called with thread_call_lock held.
- */
-static boolean_t
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0,
- boolean_t remove_all)
- boolean_t call_removed = FALSE;
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- call = TC(queue_first(&group->delayed_queue));
- while (!queue_end(&group->delayed_queue, qe(call))) {
- if ( call->func == func &&
- call->param0 == param0 ) {
- thread_call_t next = TC(queue_next(qe(call)));
- _call_dequeue(call, group);
+ _call_dequeue(call, group);
+ if (_is_internal_call(call)) {
- call_removed = TRUE;
- if (!remove_all)
- break;
- call = next;
- else
- call = TC(queue_next(qe(call)));
- }
- return (call_removed);
- * thread_call_func:
- *
- * Enqueue a function callout.
- *
- * Guarantees { function, argument }
- * uniqueness if unique_call is TRUE.
- */
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param,
- boolean_t unique_call)
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- call = TC(queue_first(&group->pending_queue));
- while (unique_call && !queue_end(&group->pending_queue, qe(call))) {
- if ( call->func == func &&
- call->param0 == param ) {
+ call_removed = TRUE;
+ if (!remove_all) {
- call = TC(queue_next(qe(call)));
- }
- if (!unique_call || queue_end(&group->pending_queue, qe(call))) {
- call = _internal_call_allocate();
- call->func = func;
- call->param0 = param;
- call->param1 = NULL;
- _pending_call_enqueue(call, group);
- if (group->active_count == 0)
- thread_call_wake(group);
- }
+ }
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ return call_removed;
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param,
- uint64_t deadline)
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- call = _internal_call_allocate();
- call->func = func;
- call->param0 = param;
- call->param1 = 0;
- _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, deadline);
- if (queue_first(&group->delayed_queue) == qe(call))
- _set_delayed_call_timer(call, group);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param,
+ uint64_t deadline)
+ (void)thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(NULL, func, param, 0, deadline, 0, 0);
+ * thread_call_func_delayed_with_leeway:
+ *
+ * Same as thread_call_func_delayed(), but with
+ * leeway/flags threaded through.
+ */
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param,
+ uint64_t deadline,
+ uint64_t leeway,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ (void)thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(NULL, func, param, 0, deadline, leeway, flags);
* in that order.
* Returns TRUE if any calls were cancelled.
+ *
+ * This iterates all of the pending or delayed thread calls in the group,
+ * which is really inefficient. Switch to an allocated thread call instead.
+ *
+ * TODO: Give 'func' thread calls their own group, so this silliness doesn't
+ * affect the main 'high' group.
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param,
- boolean_t cancel_all)
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param,
+ boolean_t cancel_all)
- boolean_t result;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ boolean_t result;
- if (cancel_all)
- result = _remove_from_pending_queue(func, param, cancel_all) |
- _remove_from_delayed_queue(func, param, cancel_all);
- else
- result = _remove_from_pending_queue(func, param, cancel_all) ||
- _remove_from_delayed_queue(func, param, cancel_all);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ assert(func != NULL);
- return (result);
+ /* Function-only thread calls are only kept in the default HIGH group */
+ thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_groups[THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH];
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ if (cancel_all) {
+ /* exhaustively search every queue, and return true if any search found something */
+ result = _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->pending_queue) |
+ _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->delayed_queues[TCF_ABSOLUTE]) |
+ _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->delayed_queues[TCF_CONTINUOUS]);
+ } else {
+ /* early-exit as soon as we find something, don't search other queues */
+ result = _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->pending_queue) ||
+ _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->delayed_queues[TCF_ABSOLUTE]) ||
+ _cancel_func_from_queue(func, param, group, cancel_all, &group->delayed_queues[TCF_CONTINUOUS]);
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return result;
- * thread_call_allocate:
- *
- * Allocate a callout entry.
+ * Allocate a thread call with a given priority. Importances other than
+ * with eager preemption enabled (i.e. may be aggressively preempted by higher-priority
+ * threads which are not in the normal "urgent" bands).
- thread_call_func_t func,
- thread_call_param_t param0)
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ thread_call_priority_t pri)
+ return thread_call_allocate_with_options(func, param0, pri, 0);
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ thread_call_priority_t pri,
+ thread_call_options_t options)
- thread_call_t call = zalloc(thread_call_zone);
+ thread_call_t call = zalloc(thread_call_zone);
- call_entry_setup(call, func, param0);
+ thread_call_setup_with_options(call, func, param0, pri, options);
+ call->tc_refs = 1;
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_ALLOC;
- return (call);
+ return call;
- * thread_call_free:
- *
- * Free a callout entry.
- */
- thread_call_t call)
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- if (call->queue != NULL) {
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+thread_call_allocate_with_qos(thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ int qos_tier,
+ thread_call_options_t options)
+ thread_call_t call = thread_call_allocate(func, param0);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
- zfree(thread_call_zone, call);
+ switch (qos_tier) {
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_HIGH;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_USER;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_LOW;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_QOS_UT;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_QOS_IN;
+ break;
+ call->tc_index = THREAD_CALL_INDEX_QOS_UI;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("Invalid thread call qos value: %d", qos_tier);
+ break;
+ }
- return (TRUE);
+ if (options & THREAD_CALL_OPTIONS_ONCE) {
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_ONCE;
+ }
+ /* does not support THREAD_CALL_OPTIONS_SIGNAL */
+ return call;
+ * thread_call_allocate:
+ *
+ * Allocate a callout entry.
+ */
+ thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0)
+ return thread_call_allocate_with_options(func, param0,
+ * thread_call_free:
+ *
+ * Release a callout. If the callout is currently
+ * executing, it will be freed when all invocations
+ * finish.
+ *
+ * If the callout is currently armed to fire again, then
+ * freeing is not allowed and returns FALSE. The
+ * client must have canceled the pending invocation before freeing.
+ */
+ thread_call_t call)
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ if (call->tc_queue != NULL ||
+ ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE) != 0)) {
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ splx(s);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int32_t refs = --call->tc_refs;
+ if (refs < 0) {
+ panic("Refcount negative: %d\n", refs);
+ }
+ == ((THREAD_CALL_SIGNAL | THREAD_CALL_RUNNING) & call->tc_flags)) {
+ thread_call_wait_once_locked(call, s);
+ /* thread call lock has been unlocked */
+ } else {
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ }
+ if (refs == 0) {
+ assert(call->tc_finish_count == call->tc_submit_count);
+ zfree(thread_call_zone, call);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
* thread_call_enter:
- thread_call_t call)
- boolean_t result = TRUE;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- if (call->queue != &group->pending_queue) {
- result = _pending_call_enqueue(call, group);
- if (group->active_count == 0)
- thread_call_wake(group);
- }
- call->param1 = 0;
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
- return (result);
+ thread_call_t call)
+ return thread_call_enter1(call, 0);
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_param_t param1)
- boolean_t result = TRUE;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- if (call->queue != &group->pending_queue) {
- result = _pending_call_enqueue(call, group);
- if (group->active_count == 0)
- thread_call_wake(group);
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_param_t param1)
+ assert(call->tc_func != NULL);
+ assert((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_SIGNAL) == 0);
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ bool result = true;
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ if (call->tc_queue != &group->pending_queue) {
+ result = _pending_call_enqueue(call, group, mach_absolute_time());
- call->param1 = param1;
+ call->tc_param1 = param1;
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
- return (result);
+ return result;
- thread_call_t call,
- uint64_t deadline)
+ thread_call_t call,
+ uint64_t deadline)
+ assert(call != NULL);
+ return thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(call, NULL, 0, 0, deadline, 0, 0);
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ uint64_t deadline)
+ assert(call != NULL);
+ return thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(call, NULL, 0, param1, deadline, 0, 0);
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ uint64_t deadline,
+ uint64_t leeway,
+ unsigned int flags)
+ assert(call != NULL);
+ return thread_call_enter_delayed_internal(call, NULL, 0, param1, deadline, leeway, flags);
+ * thread_call_enter_delayed_internal:
+ * enqueue a callout entry to occur at the stated time
+ *
+ * Returns True if the call was already on a queue
+ * params:
+ * call - structure encapsulating state of the callout
+ * alt_func/alt_param0 - if call is NULL, allocate temporary storage using these parameters
+ * deadline - time deadline in nanoseconds
+ * leeway - timer slack represented as delta of deadline.
+ * flags - THREAD_CALL_DELAY_XXX : classification of caller's desires wrt timer coalescing.
+ * THREAD_CALL_DELAY_LEEWAY : value in leeway is used for timer coalescing.
+ * THREAD_CALL_CONTINUOUS: thread call will be called according to mach_continuous_time rather
+ * than mach_absolute_time
+ */
+ thread_call_t call,
+ thread_call_func_t alt_func,
+ thread_call_param_t alt_param0,
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ uint64_t deadline,
+ uint64_t leeway,
+ unsigned int flags)
- boolean_t result = TRUE;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
+ uint64_t now, sdeadline;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = (flags & THREAD_CALL_CONTINUOUS) ? TCF_CONTINUOUS : TCF_ABSOLUTE;
- result = _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, deadline);
+ /* direct mapping between thread_call, timer_call, and timeout_urgency values */
+ uint32_t urgency = (flags & TIMEOUT_URGENCY_MASK);
- if (queue_first(&group->delayed_queue) == qe(call))
- _set_delayed_call_timer(call, group);
+ if (call == NULL) {
+ /* allocate a structure out of internal storage, as a convenience for BSD callers */
+ call = _internal_call_allocate(alt_func, alt_param0);
+ }
+ assert(call->tc_func != NULL);
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ /*
+ * kevent and IOTES let you change flavor for an existing timer, so we have to
+ * support flipping flavors for enqueued thread calls.
+ */
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ now = mach_continuous_time();
+ } else {
+ now = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_DELAYED;
- call->param1 = 0;
+ call->tc_soft_deadline = sdeadline = deadline;
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ boolean_t ratelimited = FALSE;
+ uint64_t slop = timer_call_slop(deadline, now, urgency, current_thread(), &ratelimited);
- return (result);
+ if ((flags & THREAD_CALL_DELAY_LEEWAY) != 0 && leeway > slop) {
+ slop = leeway;
+ }
+ if (UINT64_MAX - deadline <= slop) {
+ deadline = UINT64_MAX;
+ } else {
+ deadline += slop;
+ }
+ if (ratelimited) {
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_RATELIMITED;
+ } else {
+ call->tc_flags &= ~THREAD_CALL_RATELIMITED;
+ }
+ call->tc_param1 = param1;
+ call->tc_ttd = (sdeadline > now) ? (sdeadline - now) : 0;
+ bool result = _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, deadline, flavor);
+ _arm_delayed_call_timer(call, group, flavor);
+ DTRACE_TMR5(thread_callout__create, thread_call_func_t, call->tc_func,
+ uint64_t, (deadline - sdeadline), uint64_t, (call->tc_ttd >> 32),
+ (unsigned) (call->tc_ttd & 0xFFFFFFFF), call);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return result;
- thread_call_t call,
- thread_call_param_t param1,
- uint64_t deadline)
+ * Remove a callout entry from the queue
+ * Called with thread_call_lock held
+ */
+static bool
+thread_call_cancel_locked(thread_call_t call)
- boolean_t result = TRUE;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
+ bool canceled;
+ if (call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE) {
+ call->tc_flags &= ~THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE;
+ canceled = true;
+ /* if reschedule was set, it must not have been queued */
+ assert(call->tc_queue == NULL);
+ } else {
+ bool queue_head_changed = false;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = thread_call_get_flavor(call);
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
- result = _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, deadline);
+ if (call->tc_pqlink.deadline != 0 &&
+ call == priority_queue_min(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor], struct thread_call, tc_pqlink)) {
+ assert(call->tc_queue == &group->delayed_queues[flavor]);
+ queue_head_changed = true;
+ }
- if (queue_first(&group->delayed_queue) == qe(call))
- _set_delayed_call_timer(call, group);
+ canceled = _call_dequeue(call, group);
- call->param1 = param1;
+ if (queue_head_changed) {
+ if (_arm_delayed_call_timer(NULL, group, flavor) == false) {
+ timer_call_cancel(&group->delayed_timers[flavor]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ DTRACE_TMR4(thread_callout__cancel, thread_call_func_t, call->tc_func,
+ 0, (call->tc_ttd >> 32), (unsigned) (call->tc_ttd & 0xFFFFFFFF));
- return (result);
+ return canceled;
* on a queue.
- thread_call_t call)
+thread_call_cancel(thread_call_t call)
- boolean_t result;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
- result = _call_dequeue(call, group);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
- return (result);
+ boolean_t result = thread_call_cancel_locked(call);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return result;
- * thread_call_is_delayed:
- *
- * Returns TRUE if the call is
- * currently on a delayed queue.
- *
- * Optionally returns the expiration time.
+ * Cancel a thread call. If it cannot be cancelled (i.e.
+ * is already in flight), waits for the most recent invocation
+ * to finish. Note that if clients re-submit this thread call,
+ * it may still be pending or in flight when thread_call_cancel_wait
+ * returns, but all requests to execute this work item prior
+ * to the call to thread_call_cancel_wait will have finished.
- thread_call_t call,
- uint64_t *deadline)
+thread_call_cancel_wait(thread_call_t call)
- boolean_t result = FALSE;
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
- spl_t s;
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC) == 0) {
+ panic("thread_call_cancel_wait: can't wait on thread call whose storage I don't own");
+ }
+ if (!ml_get_interrupts_enabled()) {
+ panic("unsafe thread_call_cancel_wait");
+ }
- s = splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
- if (call->queue == &group->delayed_queue) {
- if (deadline != NULL)
- *deadline = call->deadline;
- result = TRUE;
+ if ((thread_get_tag_internal(self) & THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT) &&
+ self->thc_state && self->thc_state->thc_call == call) {
+ panic("thread_call_cancel_wait: deadlock waiting on self from inside call: %p to function %p",
+ call, call->tc_func);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- splx(s);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ boolean_t canceled = thread_call_cancel_locked(call);
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ONCE) == THREAD_CALL_ONCE) {
+ /*
+ * A cancel-wait on a 'once' call will both cancel
+ * the pending call and wait for the in-flight call
+ */
+ thread_call_wait_once_locked(call, s);
+ /* thread call lock unlocked */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * A cancel-wait on a normal call will only wait for the in-flight calls
+ * if it did not cancel the pending call.
+ *
+ * TODO: This seems less than useful - shouldn't it do the wait as well?
+ */
+ if (canceled == FALSE) {
+ thread_call_wait_locked(call, s);
+ /* thread call lock unlocked */
+ } else {
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ }
+ }
- return (result);
+ return canceled;
* thread_call_wake:
* create additional call threads.
* Called with thread_call_lock held.
+ *
+ * For high-priority group, only does wakeup/creation if there are no threads
+ * running.
-static __inline__ void
+static void
- thread_call_group_t group)
+ thread_call_group_t group)
- if (group->idle_count > 0 && wait_queue_wakeup_one(&group->idle_wqueue, NULL, THREAD_AWAKENED) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
- group->idle_count--; group->active_count++;
- }
- else
- if (!thread_call_daemon_awake) {
- thread_call_daemon_awake = TRUE;
- thread_wakeup_one(&thread_call_daemon_awake);
+ /*
+ * New behavior: use threads if you've got 'em.
+ * Traditional behavior: wake only if no threads running.
+ */
+ if (group_isparallel(group) || group->active_count == 0) {
+ if (group->idle_count) {
+ __assert_only kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = waitq_wakeup64_one(&group->idle_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(group),
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ group->idle_count--;
+ group->active_count++;
+ if (group->idle_count == 0 && (group->tcg_flags & TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE) == TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE) {
+ if (timer_call_cancel(&group->dealloc_timer) == TRUE) {
+ group->tcg_flags &= ~TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (thread_call_group_should_add_thread(group) &&
+ os_atomic_cmpxchg(&thread_call_daemon_awake,
+ false, true, relaxed)) {
+ waitq_wakeup64_all(&daemon_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(&thread_call_daemon_awake),
+ }
+ }
static void
- int type,
-__unused thread_t thread)
+ int type,
+ thread_t thread)
- thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_group0;
+ thread_call_group_t group;
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ assert(thread_get_tag_internal(thread) & THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT);
+ assert(thread->thc_state != NULL);
- switch (type) {
+ group = thread->thc_state->thc_group;
+ assert((group - &thread_call_groups[0]) < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX);
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
+ switch (type) {
- if (--group->active_count == 0 && group->pending_count > 0)
+ assert(group->active_count);
+ --group->active_count;
+ group->blocked_count++;
+ if (group->pending_count > 0) {
+ }
+ assert(group->blocked_count);
+ --group->blocked_count;
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ * Interrupts disabled, lock held; returns the same way.
+ * Only called on thread calls whose storage we own. Wakes up
+ * anyone who might be waiting on this work item and frees it
+ * if the client has so requested.
+ */
+static bool
+thread_call_finish(thread_call_t call, thread_call_group_t group, spl_t *s)
+ assert(thread_call_get_group(call) == group);
+ bool repend = false;
+ bool signal = call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_SIGNAL;
+ bool alloc = call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC;
+ call->tc_finish_count++;
+ if (!signal && alloc) {
+ /* The thread call thread owns a ref until the call is finished */
+ if (call->tc_refs <= 0) {
+ panic("thread_call_finish: detected over-released thread call: %p", call);
+ }
+ call->tc_refs--;
+ }
+ thread_call_flags_t old_flags = call->tc_flags;
+ if ((!alloc || call->tc_refs != 0) &&
+ (old_flags & THREAD_CALL_RESCHEDULE) != 0) {
+ assert(old_flags & THREAD_CALL_ONCE);
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = thread_call_get_flavor(call);
+ if (old_flags & THREAD_CALL_DELAYED) {
+ uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ now = absolutetime_to_continuoustime(now);
+ }
+ if (call->tc_soft_deadline <= now) {
+ /* The deadline has already expired, go straight to pending */
+ call->tc_pqlink.deadline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (call->tc_pqlink.deadline) {
+ _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, call->tc_pqlink.deadline, flavor);
+ if (!signal) {
+ _arm_delayed_call_timer(call, group, flavor);
+ }
+ } else if (signal) {
+ call->tc_submit_count++;
+ repend = true;
+ } else {
+ _pending_call_enqueue(call, group, mach_absolute_time());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!signal && alloc && call->tc_refs == 0) {
+ if ((old_flags & THREAD_CALL_WAIT) != 0) {
+ panic("Someone waiting on a thread call that is scheduled for free: %p\n", call->tc_func);
+ }
+ assert(call->tc_finish_count == call->tc_submit_count);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, *s);
+ zfree(thread_call_zone, call);
+ *s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ }
+ if ((old_flags & THREAD_CALL_WAIT) != 0) {
+ /*
+ * This may wake up a thread with a registered sched_call.
+ * That call might need the group lock, so we drop the lock
+ * to avoid deadlocking.
+ *
+ * We also must use a separate waitq from the idle waitq, as
+ * this path goes waitq lock->thread lock->group lock, but
+ * the idle wait goes group lock->waitq_lock->thread_lock.
+ */
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ waitq_wakeup64_all(&group->waiters_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(call),
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
+ /* THREAD_CALL_SIGNAL call may have been freed */
+ }
+ return repend;
+ * thread_call_invoke
+ *
+ * Invoke the function provided for this thread call
+ *
+ * Note that the thread call object can be deallocated by the function if we do not control its storage.
+ */
+static void __attribute__((noinline))
+thread_call_invoke(thread_call_func_t func,
+ thread_call_param_t param0,
+ thread_call_param_t param1,
+ __unused thread_call_t call)
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ uint64_t tc_ttd = call->tc_ttd;
+ boolean_t is_delayed = call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_DELAYED;
+ DTRACE_TMR6(thread_callout__start, thread_call_func_t, func, int, 0, int, (tc_ttd >> 32),
+ (unsigned) (tc_ttd & 0xFFFFFFFF), is_delayed, call);
+ (*func)(param0, param1);
+ DTRACE_TMR6(thread_callout__end, thread_call_func_t, func, int, 0, int, (tc_ttd >> 32),
+ (unsigned) (tc_ttd & 0xFFFFFFFF), is_delayed, call);
+ VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(func), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
static void
- thread_call_group_t group)
+ thread_call_group_t group,
+ wait_result_t wres)
- thread_t self = current_thread();
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ if ((thread_get_tag_internal(self) & THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT) == 0) {
+ (void)thread_set_tag_internal(self, THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT);
+ }
+ /*
+ * A wakeup with THREAD_INTERRUPTED indicates that
+ * we should terminate.
+ */
+ if (wres == THREAD_INTERRUPTED) {
+ thread_terminate(self);
+ panic("thread_terminate() returned?");
+ }
- (void) splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ struct thread_call_thread_state thc_state = { .thc_group = group };
+ self->thc_state = &thc_state;
thread_sched_call(self, sched_call_thread);
- while (group->pending_count > 0) {
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_func_t func;
- thread_call_param_t param0, param1;
+ while (group->pending_count > 0) {
+ thread_call_t call = qe_dequeue_head(&group->pending_queue,
+ struct thread_call, tc_qlink);
+ assert(call != NULL);
- call = TC(dequeue_head(&group->pending_queue));
+ if (group->pending_count == 0) {
+ assert(queue_empty(&group->pending_queue));
+ }
- func = call->func;
- param0 = call->param0;
- param1 = call->param1;
- call->queue = NULL;
+ thread_call_func_t func = call->tc_func;
+ thread_call_param_t param0 = call->tc_param0;
+ thread_call_param_t param1 = call->tc_param1;
- _internal_call_release(call);
+ call->tc_queue = NULL;
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- (void) spllo();
+ if (_is_internal_call(call)) {
+ _internal_call_release(call);
+ }
- (int)func, (int)param0, (int)param1, 0, 0);
+ /*
+ * Can only do wakeups for thread calls whose storage
+ * we control.
+ */
+ bool needs_finish = false;
+ if (call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC) {
+ call->tc_refs++; /* Delay free until we're done */
+ }
+ if (call->tc_flags & (THREAD_CALL_ALLOC | THREAD_CALL_ONCE)) {
+ /*
+ * If THREAD_CALL_ONCE is used, and the timer wasn't
+ * THREAD_CALL_ALLOC, then clients swear they will use
+ * thread_call_cancel_wait() before destroying
+ * the thread call.
+ *
+ * Else, the storage for the thread call might have
+ * disappeared when thread_call_invoke() ran.
+ */
+ needs_finish = true;
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_RUNNING;
+ }
- (*func)(param0, param1);
+ thc_state.thc_call = call;
+ thc_state.thc_call_pending_timestamp = call->tc_pending_timestamp;
+ thc_state.thc_call_soft_deadline = call->tc_soft_deadline;
+ thc_state.thc_call_hard_deadline = call->tc_pqlink.deadline;
+ thc_state.thc_func = func;
+ thc_state.thc_param0 = param0;
+ thc_state.thc_param1 = param1;
+ thc_state.thc_IOTES_invocation_timestamp = 0;
- (void)thread_funnel_set(self->funnel_lock, FALSE); /* XXX */
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ thc_state.thc_call_start = mach_absolute_time();
+ thread_call_invoke(func, param0, param1, call);
+ thc_state.thc_call = NULL;
+ if (get_preemption_level() != 0) {
+ int pl = get_preemption_level();
+ panic("thread_call_thread: preemption_level %d, last callout %p(%p, %p)",
+ pl, (void *)VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(func), param0, param1);
+ }
- (void) splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- }
+ s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ if (needs_finish) {
+ /* Release refcount, may free, may temporarily drop lock */
+ thread_call_finish(call, group, &s);
+ }
+ }
thread_sched_call(self, NULL);
- if (group->idle_count < thread_call_thread_min) {
+ if (self->callout_woken_from_icontext && !self->callout_woke_thread) {
+ ledger_credit(self->t_ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, 1);
+ if (self->callout_woken_from_platform_idle) {
+ ledger_credit(self->t_ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ self->callout_woken_from_icontext = FALSE;
+ self->callout_woken_from_platform_idle = FALSE;
+ self->callout_woke_thread = FALSE;
+ self->thc_state = NULL;
+ if (group_isparallel(group)) {
+ /*
+ * For new style of thread group, thread always blocks.
+ * If we have more than the target number of threads,
+ * and this is the first to block, and it isn't active
+ * already, set a timer for deallocating a thread if we
+ * continue to have a surplus.
+ */
- wait_queue_assert_wait(&group->idle_wqueue, NULL, THREAD_UNINT, 0);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- (void) spllo();
+ if (group->idle_count == 1) {
+ group->idle_timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
+ if (((group->tcg_flags & TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE) == 0) &&
+ ((group->active_count + group->idle_count) > group->target_thread_count)) {
+ thread_call_start_deallocate_timer(group);
+ }
+ /* Wait for more work (or termination) */
+ wres = waitq_assert_wait64(&group->idle_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(group), THREAD_INTERRUPTIBLE, 0);
+ if (wres != THREAD_WAITING) {
+ panic("kcall worker unable to assert wait?");
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)thread_call_thread, group);
- }
+ } else {
+ if (group->idle_count < group->target_thread_count) {
+ group->idle_count++;
+ waitq_assert_wait64(&group->idle_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(group), THREAD_UNINT, 0); /* Interrupted means to exit */
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)thread_call_thread, group);
+ }
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- (void) spllo();
- thread_terminate(self);
+ thread_terminate(self);
+thread_call_start_iotes_invocation(__assert_only thread_call_t call)
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ if ((thread_get_tag_internal(self) & THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT) == 0) {
+ /* not a thread call thread, might be a workloop IOTES */
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(self->thc_state);
+ assert(self->thc_state->thc_call == call);
+ self->thc_state->thc_IOTES_invocation_timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
- * thread_call_daemon:
+ * thread_call_daemon: walk list of groups, allocating
+ * threads if appropriate (as determined by
+ * thread_call_group_should_add_thread()).
static void
- thread_call_group_t group)
+thread_call_daemon_continue(__unused void *arg)
- kern_return_t result;
- thread_t thread;
+ do {
+ os_atomic_store(&thread_call_daemon_awake, false, relaxed);
- (void) splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- while (group->active_count == 0 && group->pending_count > 0) {
- group->active_count++;
+ /* Starting at zero happens to be high-priority first. */
+ for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX; i++) {
+ thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_groups[i];
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- (void) spllo();
- result = kernel_thread_start_priority((thread_continue_t)thread_call_thread, group, BASEPRI_PREEMPT, &thread);
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("thread_call_daemon");
- thread_deallocate(thread);
- (void) splsched();
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- }
- thread_call_daemon_awake = FALSE;
- assert_wait(&thread_call_daemon_awake, THREAD_UNINT);
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
- (void) spllo();
- thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)thread_call_daemon_continue, group);
+ while (thread_call_group_should_add_thread(group)) {
+ group->active_count++;
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ thread_call_thread_create(group);
+ s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ }
+ } while (os_atomic_load(&thread_call_daemon_awake, relaxed));
+ waitq_assert_wait64(&daemon_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(&thread_call_daemon_awake), THREAD_UNINT, 0);
+ if (os_atomic_load(&thread_call_daemon_awake, relaxed)) {
+ clear_wait(current_thread(), THREAD_AWAKENED);
+ }
+ thread_block_parameter((thread_continue_t)thread_call_daemon_continue, NULL);
static void
- thread_call_group_t group)
+ __unused void *arg)
- thread_t self = current_thread();
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
self->options |= TH_OPT_VMPRIV;
- vm_page_free_reserve(2); /* XXX */
- thread_call_daemon_continue(group);
+ vm_page_free_reserve(2); /* XXX */
+ thread_set_thread_name(self, "thread_call_daemon");
+ thread_call_daemon_continue(NULL);
+ * Schedule timer to deallocate a worker thread if we have a surplus
+ * of threads (in excess of the group's target) and at least one thread
+ * is idle the whole time.
+ */
static void
- timer_call_param_t p0,
- __unused timer_call_param_t p1
- thread_call_t call;
- thread_call_group_t group = p0;
- boolean_t new_pending = FALSE;
- uint64_t timestamp;
- simple_lock(&thread_call_lock);
- timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
- call = TC(queue_first(&group->delayed_queue));
- while (!queue_end(&group->delayed_queue, qe(call))) {
- if (call->deadline <= timestamp) {
- _pending_call_enqueue(call, group);
- new_pending = TRUE;
- }
- else
+thread_call_start_deallocate_timer(thread_call_group_t group)
+ __assert_only bool already_enqueued;
+ assert(group->idle_count > 0);
+ assert((group->tcg_flags & TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE) == 0);
+ group->tcg_flags |= TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE;
+ uint64_t deadline = group->idle_timestamp + thread_call_dealloc_interval_abs;
+ already_enqueued = timer_call_enter(&group->dealloc_timer, deadline, 0);
+ assert(already_enqueued == false);
+/* non-static so dtrace can find it rdar://problem/31156135&31379348 */
+thread_call_delayed_timer(timer_call_param_t p0, timer_call_param_t p1)
+ thread_call_group_t group = (thread_call_group_t) p0;
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor = (thread_call_flavor_t) p1;
+ thread_call_t call;
+ uint64_t now;
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ now = mach_continuous_time();
+ } else if (flavor == TCF_ABSOLUTE) {
+ now = mach_absolute_time();
+ } else {
+ panic("invalid timer flavor: %d", flavor);
+ }
+ while ((call = priority_queue_min(&group->delayed_pqueues[flavor],
+ struct thread_call, tc_pqlink)) != NULL) {
+ assert(thread_call_get_group(call) == group);
+ assert(thread_call_get_flavor(call) == flavor);
+ /*
+ * if we hit a call that isn't yet ready to expire,
+ * then we're done for now
+ * TODO: The next timer in the list could have a larger leeway
+ * and therefore be ready to expire.
+ */
+ if (call->tc_soft_deadline > now) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we hit a rate-limited timer, don't eagerly wake it up.
+ * Wait until it reaches the end of the leeway window.
+ *
+ * TODO: What if the next timer is not rate-limited?
+ * Have a separate rate-limited queue to avoid this
+ */
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_RATELIMITED) &&
+ (call->tc_pqlink.deadline > now) &&
+ (ml_timer_forced_evaluation() == FALSE)) {
- call = TC(queue_first(&group->delayed_queue));
- }
+ }
+ if (THREAD_CALL_SIGNAL & call->tc_flags) {
+ __assert_only queue_head_t *old_queue;
+ old_queue = thread_call_dequeue(call);
+ assert(old_queue == &group->delayed_queues[flavor]);
+ do {
+ thread_call_func_t func = call->tc_func;
+ thread_call_param_t param0 = call->tc_param0;
+ thread_call_param_t param1 = call->tc_param1;
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_RUNNING;
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ thread_call_invoke(func, param0, param1, call);
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
+ /* finish may detect that the call has been re-pended */
+ } while (thread_call_finish(call, group, NULL));
+ /* call may have been freed by the finish */
+ } else {
+ _pending_call_enqueue(call, group, now);
+ }
+ }
+ _arm_delayed_call_timer(call, group, flavor);
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+static void
+thread_call_delayed_timer_rescan(thread_call_group_t group,
+ thread_call_flavor_t flavor)
+ thread_call_t call;
+ uint64_t now;
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
- if (!queue_end(&group->delayed_queue, qe(call)))
- _set_delayed_call_timer(call, group);
+ assert(ml_timer_forced_evaluation() == TRUE);
- if (new_pending && group->active_count == 0)
- thread_call_wake(group);
+ if (flavor == TCF_CONTINUOUS) {
+ now = mach_continuous_time();
+ } else {
+ now = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
- simple_unlock(&thread_call_lock);
+ qe_foreach_element_safe(call, &group->delayed_queues[flavor], tc_qlink) {
+ if (call->tc_soft_deadline <= now) {
+ _pending_call_enqueue(call, group, now);
+ } else {
+ uint64_t skew = call->tc_pqlink.deadline - call->tc_soft_deadline;
+ assert(call->tc_pqlink.deadline >= call->tc_soft_deadline);
+ /*
+ * On a latency quality-of-service level change,
+ * re-sort potentially rate-limited callout. The platform
+ * layer determines which timers require this.
+ *
+ * This trick works by updating the deadline value to
+ * equal soft-deadline, effectively crushing away
+ * timer coalescing slop values for any armed
+ * timer in the queue.
+ *
+ * TODO: keep a hint on the timer to tell whether its inputs changed, so we
+ * only have to crush coalescing for timers that need it.
+ *
+ * TODO: Keep a separate queue of timers above the re-sort
+ * threshold, so we only have to look at those.
+ */
+ if (timer_resort_threshold(skew)) {
+ _call_dequeue(call, group);
+ _delayed_call_enqueue(call, group, call->tc_soft_deadline, flavor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _arm_delayed_call_timer(NULL, group, flavor);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX; i++) {
+ for (thread_call_flavor_t flavor = 0; flavor < TCF_COUNT; flavor++) {
+ thread_call_delayed_timer_rescan(&thread_call_groups[i], flavor);
+ }
+ }
+ * Timer callback to tell a thread to terminate if
+ * we have an excess of threads and at least one has been
+ * idle for a long time.
+ */
+static void
+ timer_call_param_t p0,
+ __unused timer_call_param_t p1)
+ thread_call_group_t group = (thread_call_group_t)p0;
+ uint64_t now;
+ kern_return_t res;
+ bool terminated = false;
+ thread_call_lock_spin(group);
+ assert(group->tcg_flags & TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE);
+ now = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (group->idle_count > 0) {
+ if (now > group->idle_timestamp + thread_call_dealloc_interval_abs) {
+ terminated = true;
+ group->idle_count--;
+ res = waitq_wakeup64_one(&group->idle_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(group),
+ if (res != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ panic("Unable to wake up idle thread for termination?");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ group->tcg_flags &= ~TCG_DEALLOC_ACTIVE;
+ /*
+ * If we still have an excess of threads, schedule another
+ * invocation of this function.
+ */
+ if (group->idle_count > 0 && (group->idle_count + group->active_count > group->target_thread_count)) {
+ /*
+ * If we killed someone just now, push out the
+ * next deadline.
+ */
+ if (terminated) {
+ group->idle_timestamp = now;
+ }
+ thread_call_start_deallocate_timer(group);
+ }
+ thread_call_unlock(group);
+ * Wait for the invocation of the thread call to complete
+ * We know there's only one in flight because of the 'once' flag.
+ *
+ * If a subsequent invocation comes in before we wake up, that's OK
+ *
+ * TODO: Here is where we will add priority inheritance to the thread executing
+ * the thread call in case it's lower priority than the current thread
+ * <rdar://problem/30321792> Priority inheritance for thread_call_wait_once
+ *
+ * Takes the thread call lock locked, returns unlocked
+ * This lets us avoid a spurious take/drop after waking up from thread_block
+ *
+ * This thread could be a thread call thread itself, blocking and therefore making a
+ * sched_call upcall into the thread call subsystem, needing the group lock.
+ * However, we're saved from deadlock because the 'block' upcall is made in
+ * thread_block, not in assert_wait.
+ */
+static bool
+thread_call_wait_once_locked(thread_call_t call, spl_t s)
+ assert(call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC);
+ assert(call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ONCE);
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_RUNNING) == 0) {
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* call is running, so we have to wait for it */
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_WAIT;
+ wait_result_t res = waitq_assert_wait64(&group->waiters_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(call), THREAD_UNINT, 0);
+ if (res != THREAD_WAITING) {
+ panic("Unable to assert wait: %d", res);
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ res = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ if (res != THREAD_AWAKENED) {
+ panic("Awoken with %d?", res);
+ }
+ /* returns unlocked */
+ return true;
+ * Wait for an in-flight invocation to complete
+ * Does NOT try to cancel, so the client doesn't need to hold their
+ * lock while calling this function.
+ *
+ * Returns whether or not it had to wait.
+ *
+ * Only works for THREAD_CALL_ONCE calls.
+ */
+thread_call_wait_once(thread_call_t call)
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC) == 0) {
+ panic("thread_call_wait_once: can't wait on thread call whose storage I don't own");
+ }
+ if ((call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ONCE) == 0) {
+ panic("thread_call_wait_once: can't wait_once on a non-once call");
+ }
+ if (!ml_get_interrupts_enabled()) {
+ panic("unsafe thread_call_wait_once");
+ }
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ if ((thread_get_tag_internal(self) & THREAD_TAG_CALLOUT) &&
+ self->thc_state && self->thc_state->thc_call == call) {
+ panic("thread_call_wait_once: deadlock waiting on self from inside call: %p to function %p",
+ call, call->tc_func);
+ }
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ bool waited = thread_call_wait_once_locked(call, s);
+ /* thread call lock unlocked */
+ return waited;
+ * Wait for all requested invocations of a thread call prior to now
+ * to finish. Can only be invoked on thread calls whose storage we manage.
+ * Just waits for the finish count to catch up to the submit count we find
+ * at the beginning of our wait.
+ *
+ * Called with thread_call_lock held. Returns with lock released.
+ */
+static void
+thread_call_wait_locked(thread_call_t call, spl_t s)
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ assert(call->tc_flags & THREAD_CALL_ALLOC);
+ uint64_t submit_count = call->tc_submit_count;
+ while (call->tc_finish_count < submit_count) {
+ call->tc_flags |= THREAD_CALL_WAIT;
+ wait_result_t res = waitq_assert_wait64(&group->waiters_waitq,
+ if (res != THREAD_WAITING) {
+ panic("Unable to assert wait: %d", res);
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ res = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ if (res != THREAD_AWAKENED) {
+ panic("Awoken with %d?", res);
+ }
+ s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ }
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ * Determine whether a thread call is either on a queue or
+ * currently being executed.
+ */
+thread_call_isactive(thread_call_t call)
+ thread_call_group_t group = thread_call_get_group(call);
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ boolean_t active = (call->tc_submit_count > call->tc_finish_count);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ return active;
+ * adjust_cont_time_thread_calls
+ * on wake, reenqueue delayed call timer for continuous time thread call groups
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_CALL_INDEX_MAX; i++) {
+ thread_call_group_t group = &thread_call_groups[i];
+ spl_t s = disable_ints_and_lock(group);
+ /* only the continuous timers need to be re-armed */
+ _arm_delayed_call_timer(NULL, group, TCF_CONTINUOUS);
+ enable_ints_and_unlock(group, s);
+ }