- @abstract Single-threaded work-loop client request mechanism.
- @discussion An IOCommandGate instance is an extremely light way mechanism
-that executes an action on the driver's work-loop. 'On the work-loop' is
-actually a lie but the work-loop single threaded semantic is maintained for this
-event source. Using the work-loop gate rather than execution by the workloop.
-The command gate tests for a potential self dead lock by checking if the
-runCommand request is made from the work-loop's thread, it doesn't check for a
-mutual dead lock though where a pair of work loop's dead lock each other.
+ @abstract Single-threaded work loop client request mechanism.
+ @discussion An IOCommandGate instance is an extremely lightweight mechanism
+that executes an action on the driver's work loop. Although the code does not
+technically execute on the work loop itself, a single-threaded work loop semantic
+is maintained for this event source using the work loop gate. The command gate
+tests for a potential self dead lock by checking if the runCommand request is
+made from the work loop's thread, it doesn't check for a mutual dead lock though
+where a pair of work loop's dead lock each other.